The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Wpnlv-MORKIKG. FEBRUARY 21. 1922
Highland Friends Edifice is
Opened Sunday and Moris'-
ey is Contributed
Building Considered Monu
ment to Industry of Mr.
' and Mrs. Lee
' The Highland Friends' ch".ch
was formally opened and dedicat
ed to public service Sunday after
tb congregation had been with
out its own place of worship for
a number of months.
The new church has cost about
$9, GOO, and the furnishings that
were brought over from Ovj older
church represent another $1100.
The building is not quite finished,
there being some concrete steps
and a few other utilities to add,
but the main building is practical
ity completed, and is easily usable.
About $1000 was raised in pledges
at the dedication service Sunday.
There is still a deficit of about
$1000 to be raised.
, ' " Hoover Is Member
Herbert Hoover, one of the big
men of the world; aa shown by
what he was able to do in the
World war, was a member of this
church congregation when a boy
here in Salem. He is still a mem
ber. Ills name is carried on the
church rolls, as though he were
there in the amen corner or pas
sing the plate for the Sunday col
lection. It is one of the honors of
this little Salem congregation,
that a man of such international
standing still holds his member
ship there.
For the dedicatory service ReV.
J. C. Hinshaw. missionary and
evangelical superintendent for the
Oregon church, preached a power
ful sermon. He used as his gen
sacred fire form on high at the
time of dedicating Solomon's tem
ple, with the development of the
theme along the lines that work
so wll begun would have the en
dorsement of thfe Master Himself.
Kevival Is Ik-gun
Rev. Mr. Hinshaw. whose home!
is at Newberg, is conducting a
series of tevangelical services at
the church, that are being well
attended and ar attracting espe
cial notice because of their spir
ituality. F. Marion George of Portland
contributed an interesting story
of the early divs of the Salem
congregation. ThM church is about
30 years old. and has had a steady
growth fro mthe first. About ."(00
Deople, the full capacity of the
building, attended the dedicatory
The pastors, Rev. I. 0. and TJev.
Ida .1., have mad,-! of their
work a conspicuous success, and
the fine new church, almost free
of debt and with so large a mem
bership roll. Is a community
monument to their Industry and
O. B. WfltUns C. i i
1V43 rirat At South, Scattla.
Largsst milt In tbs wast Mlliti- dlrM
to Iht utr. Saves you all middlemen ,
praf its.
Clicks XI ohm Sash
0" wlds by 85" kiin. Oe. A dotaa
41'farcat sit, la stock for prompt ship-
neat. i
Chick sn Boast kyllffcu
or 40". Fries gtd 2. TbU
la tha alia commcadad T Western
Waaainttoa Kiperim-at BUtioa. Urdart
fitted promptly. I
. Tix Doors
TIto crass paael daots. 1 fast 6 in. by
faat 0 ineass, at ae 2.9a
On panel doors, at each $3.fi7
Moaav cbaarfallv rtfondsd fl sot sal
isfiad. Writ for fraa iUustratsd ratalo
N'.. S. Caataiaa aelaful bioU for rs-
aaodalinf tka old boma or plaaainc tba
. VataUIsbad !
Only Condition Made By
Secretary is Lump Sum !
Ruthless Slashing and Spe
cified Purposes Discour
aged by Official
Portland Men Overload
Trucks; TwoAre Fined
PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 20.
C. E. Clinrhens. truck driver for
an oil company, and C. SpeelberK,
driver for a lumber company.
were fined $100 each by District
Judge Delch today after pleading
guilty o' piloting overloaded
trucks over the LInnton road. The
loads varied from half a ton to a
ton more than is permitted hy
it rMa la 14 Ian aa
wmm U fift a aajra.
At At DrmttwM-J0 Cnlt
w. mu. coxtaky. omoir
surance that th war department,
if granted lump sum appropria
tions, would make a record f.or
economy during the coming fiscal
year was piven tMlay by Secretary
Weeks to the hous.? sub-committee
that is framing the arm appropri
ation bill.
Discussing before the sub-committee
in executive session the fi
nancial needs of the army as rep
resented by the budget bureau es
timates submitted to congress, the
war secretary was understood to
have expressed the belief that the
expenditures of certain bnraus
could be decreased considerably.
Ruthless slashing by congrefR
for allowances for various activi-i
ties with stipulations that certain
sums should be used for specified
purposes, the secretary was said
to have told the committee, might
prove so restrictive as to hamper
economical administration of the
While Mr. Weeks was said to
have expressed the positive belief
that a formidable saving could he
made by his department, it was
declared that he refrained from
specifying any amount that could
be saved.
The secretary was said to have
reiterated his belief that provis
ion should be made for an enlisted
strength of 150,000 men and to
have expresseed vigorous opposi
tion to suggestions that the num
ber of men in the armv be scaled
down to 100.000 of 125.000.
He alsa was said to have con
tended that an officer strength of
14,000 was needed to be reached
during the coming fiscal year by
the discharge of inefficient offi
cers and the commissioning of a
number of officers in the lower
n .. ... . i
1 - . J !
i ' 1
:-x . I
J A: I
'! -I
Inline citc ic
Dalles-California Road
To Receive Federal Aid
j Officials of Flax Corpora
tion to Investigate Re
cent Generous Offer
Brunswick Records
Xrt ta oh faacclitovi (la It ThoaT) From "Tba Ifaskod Ball.
Act III. Scoao 1 (Vardl). Baritooo, la Itallaa.Otiisappo Dantso
Matodr ta r (Opus t. No. U (Rublaatala) Planoforta Solo
, - Laopold Oodowsky
J AJr for O ttrlBf (Bach) Violin Solo BroaUlaw Hubormaa
f Itraaalla Of Ottawa (flotow) Coacart Band
J a Waltar B. Rorara and Bla B&ad
MofTT Wives of WUdoor Ovortnro (NicobU) Ooaeort Band
, Waltar B. Rocera aad Hla Band
Itallasi Atro Kodlor CSoa Oalaaal Mamma Mia Marlnarlall
o sola mio campaaa, at Baa Uulate) Arr. by Parry. Ae
cordloa 0olo, , af arte Parry
ClarU Walts tFarry) Accordion Duat
: Marto Parry aad Jotapn Poppiao
... 'V-; CONCERT
IJttU Towai ta tho OaM iCwanty Dawat Pnoeoo-Car!o-8an-
dora Toaor.. Tbao.
loaoto O M1m (Bowtas-Walt) Tsaor Thco. Karlo
alaaa Oo (Farowoa to Thoo) (LlUuokalanl) Soprano
j lrana Wllllama mad If ato Trio
OotoadrtM (Th Swallow) (Sarradall) Soprano and Contralto
lrana Williams aad Sllsaaotk Loanox
Nr Old aoatalaskd (Craamar-lyton) Baritona. .Crnaat Raro
Mt BawaUaa Mctod (Rlnlo-Coota Soprano and Contralto
').;. i, " Irano Audroy and BinUy Barlo
Ka-l-A (Caldwall-Kam); Prom "C.ood Mornlnf. Daarla."
Tanor. ........... Wm. Raao aad Mala Trio
Uoule :l, Salem
Everett is the popular pony
candidate for the Salem Heights
district, lie is vry popular and
with the cooperation ot this
friends is making a wonderfully
strong race for pony honors.
Dallas is going to have a ilix
plant this year if it can bo se
cured. It has everything nKes
sary water power, warehouses,
trackaee. and eveiything hat tln
official sanction and the corpor
ate nara,e-
The flax corporation officer?,
including President G. W. Eyre,
secretary A. C. llohrnFtedt and
Field Manager Robert Crawford,
are to go over to Dallas Wednes
day afternoon to attend th meet
ing which will perhaps settle the
location for the first permanent
corporation plant for this year.
They will en ovor th- ground, and
consider the location from th
business efficiency point of view.
A cood acreage has he -n se
cured, abest fiOft acres already un
der contract on the corporation
terms of a five-year contract .mi1
S"0 an acre st'ck subscription for
he comoanv building and op-'rat-insr
fund. Moro land was contract
ed at Aumsville than anywhere
f-lse the flax business having been
! started there and demonstrated as
profit. The Rickreall section
PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 20.
That the section of the Dalles
caiifnrnia ! hiehwav fronk the
northern boundary of Klamath
county to Fort Klamath, and the
spur off the highway from Fort
Klamath to Crater lake, known as
art Anna Creek road, will receive
aid under the federal road appro
priation of $1 5.000. win was indi
cated today by E. A. Sherman, as
sociate forester of the United
States forest service. Washington.
J). C. in conference wit a federat
road officials and the state hign
wav commission.
The conference was to enable
Sherman and T. W. Morcrost,.
chief engineer of the forest ser
vice, to collect necessary data on
roads tfere for federal aid, pre
paratory to maklne a report to the
secretary of agriculture.
Xo definite decisions were made
other than indication from the
Washington officials that certain
projects wonld receive more sup
port than -oUters. -
It is all right to be up and. do
ins. but we should avoid doing
one another.
i .
Barbara Castleton, Macey Harlam, Montagu Love
and AH-Star Cast
"The Lone Trapper-rSceiiic
-Betty Strikes Out" Comedy
Todav, Tomorrow, Thursday
nrifll TUP ATDC Matinee OC C
DLlUll lULAlIUi Evening
- 1 5 1
i l
(boats i
It Went to the Spot
Lingering colds and coughs that
hang on and wear one out are
difficult to get rid of, but Henry
E. Campbell, R. F. D. No. 3, Ad
rian, Mich., writes: "I had a
bad cough for three years. Tried
several cough medicines. Got lit
tle relief. I tried Foley's Honey
and Tar. It went to the spot.
Tr-ere is no better remedy on the
market." uood for coughs, cold3,
croup and whooping cough
clears the passages; soothes irri
tated membranes; stops tickling
In the throat. Contains no opi
ates. Sold everywhere. Adv.
John B. Hughes Offers
Comment on State of Iowa
tule beds. It is in wnat !s known
33 thu " black-wax land" belt of
Iowa, one of the muddiest sec
tions in the history of the world.
The roads in winter and spring
used to be absolutely beyond pres
ent day lelief. Mut, where once
were narrow causeways that were
barely wide enough for one ve
hicle at a time, and raised so lit
tle above the swamp level that
the water come up through, are
now graveled ways where four
cars can pass abreast. The lands
have been drained very extensive
ly, so that there is no longer the
waste or the mud of the long ago.
Because of the soil productivity,
the highest priced iands in Amer
ica during the war time boom,
were claimed for that section.
Mr. Hughes says that farmers
who bought lands at the peak
prices during the war are gener
ally in trouble, as also are those
who sold off their stock during
the days of the 20-cent and 25-
cent hogs, and now have no stock
left to feed. But those who prud
ently kept their farms well
stocked, and are now able to buy
their corn at 25 cents a bushel or
rsss, lare fairly coininsr money.
They used to figure that by care
ful feeding they could make
money with corn at 50 cents a
bsuhel and hogs at 5 cents. Now
the corn is worth less than half
that price, and the hogs sell bet
ter than 6 cents.
: to
(Contracted for a good acreage.
though not nearly as much as had
! bevn expected. Some land was
contracted at Turcer. A private
Plant already xi.tts at Turner
that can possibly hand!e the crop
from that section. The Dallas
acreage Is not large up to date,
hut it is understood that the loca
tion of a plant there might Mer
mir a much larger planting.
The corporation, being a purely
cooperative concern, feeis that the
nlants must !- located solely on
business grounds of efficiency and
low cost. Ten plants in all are the
ultimate hone of the corporation
which would insure the building
of a great spinning mill in Salem,
that should cost from one to two
million dollars.
Sari tons.
....Elliott Stoaw and Mala Trio
U BlaaMr Load (WUliama-Short) Soprano and Tsnor.
Iran Audrsr and Charles Hart
TaatB Haw I BcUaro la Taa (Dubln-Cunntncaam-ftnU) Tsnar
Jams Cravsa and Mala Trio
Ty-Tssv-roz Trot (Bib).. ....Carl Faatoa'a Orchsstra
ataaUaff rox. Trot (Sullivan).: Carl Faatoa'a Orchsstra
" e IT Go Mr HaMto Oa Fox Trot (Darants)
gltl I Bsania Kraerra Orchsstra
lac SeBM Haaao Btaco Fox Trot (Irrlnr Berlin) From tho
- I . "Music Bos Rsyus".. Beaalo Krusgers Orchsstra
' gaallla -Fax Trot (Koso-Wolohan-KrausaTtli-Burtnatt-Coopor-m
I sHovonaoa) Introducta "Hots You ForfottsaT"
JJ Salvia's Orchsstra
I Oood-Bro, rrattr Battorfllea Fox Trot (Cooko-Olmaa)
eoiTiB a vreaasira
tltt I
uena Roasmica a orcnostra
r Br Us rrraamlds Fax Trot
tita I
1 BIsM ar Wra Fox Trot (Slsomoro-BiM)
- I Oao Rod arnica's Orchsstra
Check the Records you want
and mail this list to us.
John B. Hughes of Boone, la.,
is visiting with Ed Bassett at 33 5
Richmond avenue, this week. Mr.
Hughes was here last year, and
is making the Willamette visit
an annual event, lie is a bosom
pal of Dr. L. A. Bassett, (brother
of his host in Salem, one of the
leading surgeons of Iowa.
Mr. Hughes tells many Inter
esting things of the Hawkeye
state. He lives in what used to
be "the lake section" of Iowa,
where there were miles and miles
of swamps and musquash and
Round Trip
Oregon Electric
Eugene $3.85
Corvallis 2.05
Albany 1.50
Harrisburg 2.90
Junction City 3.15
Woodburn 95
Hillsboro 3.10
Forest Grove 3.10
To all other points on the
Oregon Electric Railway
at one and one-half fare,
made to end in 0 or 5;
minimum 50c. Tickets
on sale February 21 and
22. Return limit Febru
ary 23.
$2.78 Rd
Every Day
Return limit second day
after sale. Details fur
nished on request.
Oregon Electric
J. W. Ritchie, Agent,
Foreign Excanges at
Highest Point in Years
Red Pepper Rub. takes the
"ouch" from sore,5 stiff, aching
joints. It cannot hurt you, and
it certainly stops that old rheum
atism torture at once.
When you are suffering so you
can hardly get around, just try
Red Pepper Rub and wou will
have the quickets relief known.
Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating heat as red peppers.
Just as soon as you apply Red
Pepper Rub you will feel the tin
gling heat In three minutes it
warms the sore spot through and
inrougn. fain and soreness are
Ask any good druggist for a jar
of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be
sure to get the genuine, with the
name Rowles on each cackace.
NEW YORK, Feb. 2 0. Lead
ing European exchanges today
mounted to highest quotations in
years. Thtir advance accompan
ied rurther strength in the grain
and cotton markets, which was
ttribtited to foreign buying.
Demand sterling or British
bills, sold at $4.49. a gain of lc
over the week-end. The heavy
buying of this remittance sug
gested covering of an urgent char
acter. Demand bills on Paris. T.rus-
gfis and Italian centers were 10
to 17 points higher, but the Ger
man marks collapsed to the year's
low of 4 4-100. or 6 points un
der last week's best price.
Pimples Are Impurities Seeking
an Outlet Through Skin
Ladies' Dresses,
New Silks and Cotton Wash
Goods for Spring
Our display of frocks and dresses is truly a
review of Springtime fashions. Here, indeed,
you will find all the newest styles developed
in the American fashion centers. For grace
fulness of lines, charm of design and general
exquisitness in effect, they have no superiors.
The newest Spring fabrics are ready for you
to choose from.
And day by day our stocks are increased by
the never ending arrival of new crisp color
ful merchandise.
You will enjoy a visit to the store whether
yqu come to buy or not
Oar Prices Always The Lowest
Commercial and Court Streets
: .
Pimples, sores and boils usually
result from toxins, poisons and
impurities which are generated in
the i.jwels and then absorbed into
the i!ood through the very ducts
which fhould absorb only nourish
ment to sustain the body.
It is the function of the kid
neys to filtjer impurities from the
blood and cast them out in the
form of urine, but in many In
stances the bowels create more
toxins and impurities than the
kidneys can eliminate, then the
blood uses the skin pores as the
next best means of petting rid of
these impurities which often
b"vak out all aver the skin in the
form of pimples.
The surest way to clear the
skin of these eruptions says a not
ed authority, is to get from anv
pharmacy about four ounces of
Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful
in a glass of hot water each morn
ing before breakfast for one week
This will prevent the formation of
toxins in the bowels. It also stim
ulates the kidneys to normal ac
tivity, thus coaxing them to filter
the blood of impurities and clear
ing the skin of pimples.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harm
less and is made from the acid of
graphs and lemon jutce. combined
with lithia. Here you have a
pleasant, effervescent drink which
usually makes pimples disappear:
cleanses the blood and Is excellent
for the kidneys as well, Adr.
There Are Many Millinery Styles
From Which Milady Will Choose Her New Spring Bonnet
It may be an elabor
ately trimmed affair,
showing Sprays of Paradise.
It may be a beautiful
picture hat with droop
ing brim.
It may be only an un
trimmed shape and trim
mings for it.
It may be a little
sports hats for utility
These and Many More are the New Arrivals
We Are Now Showing
Priced below what you would really expect to pay for such beautiful portrayals of Spring fashion wear.
TAaf "Something" Difierent
In Our Blouses
make them all the more desirable, for it's their
little difference, such as handiwork and the clever
placing of decorative touches which lend smartness
and character to the woman vho elects to wear them.
Many V". Values
$1.98 and $2.98
www wm ,..... II ,,
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