The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Special meeting- of Pacific, will present In an Interestins and
Lodgo No. DO A. F. ft A. M.i entertaining manner the problems
will be held in their of the Vnewly marjied couple.
, lodgo room February 21,1 These problems will be presented
1:30 P. M. lor tne i from an economic and social point
i i . ... ...
nurnose of codouchub of view, which will be or prom
the funeral services of Brother to tbe old tQ the new, and tQ tlie
Henry. Scboemaker. ah Ine u I intended-to-be married couples,
bers and visiting brethern are in" Admission to this lecture is free
K il
dist church the WashIngtonIan3
will hold their annual banquet.
This is an event of the year and
great doing? are to be carried
on. Dr. Doney pays one will miss
much of the vneg spirit if thia
banquet is not attended. There
will be toasts nl speeches that
will be worth while.
vited to attend.
Per order of the W. M.
Sec. Pacific No. 50, A. F. & A. M.
Sec. Multnomah Chapter No. 1.
R- A. M.
Sec. Hodson Council No. 1, R- Adv.
, s. m.
and every friend of Willamette
university Is invited.
Eieht Per Cent
Paid monthly. Invest at home
In safety. Elmo S. White, 402
Masonic Temple. Phone zo.
V-, Student to Marry
Recorder ueioiy wwn, A Wft, ranted yesterday
to Lee D. Marsh of Aurora, who
No. 5, K. T. Adv.
cave his occuDatlon as student
Meeting at Highland-- and lu1u m. Poole, clerk, of Sa-
Hiihland Parent-Teacher as-Mem.
soclationwill meet . tonight at the
L M tthland school, according to an-1 Estate Appraised
nouncement made yesterday. j The estate of August Kus?l has
been appraised at 11.3io.i3 oy
r t.w1, .i wiiiiam amun, w . c narisea aw
n-v- n.... t).tt rmihier.' . D- I- Green. Included in the ap
The Oregon Retail Clothiers as-1 . . t. trm nt 22 acres
.oclatlon will meet today in their Pem entis farmof acres
?n. . i i-fi- J..kl $8250. The farm is in township
Ehtatn CIom1
The estate of E. C. Cross w3
clo3ed yesterday and the execu
trix. Anna W. Cross was released
from further liability. The es
tate consisted entirely of personal
property and besides the widow
the heirs are Curtis B. Cross and
Veda May Byrd. both of Salem.
The state inheritance tax amount
ed to $1385.50 and the estate tax
paid to tha internal revenue col
lector amounted to $430.25.
Belfast from flax grown ia this j Clancey of Salem and he expects
part of the Willamette valley. i to have his up-staie Dusiness
nogea put Wlinm a snuri iiidp. -
that he can come to Salem and
take charge of the Clancey green
house north of town. They will
mak it a big wholesale center.
apart from the city store which
ir-till remains as Mr. Clancey s
Record Sale
Foil stock of 'Columbia and
Pathe records at 4 8 cents eacu.
II. L. Stiff Furnitur Co. Adv.
The next primary election will Personal property and enterprise
held at the Commercial club, with
a banquet in the evening at the
Marion. C. P. Bishop as president
of the association, wi preside.
7 south of range 2 west.
Cherry CTty Restaurant
Under new management. Home
style meals. Good service. State
and Hlirh. Opposite O. E. de-
Mrs. Ethel Davenport.
Administrator Appointed
Harry V. Doe. only heir of Har
rison V. Doe who died February
17, has been appointed adminis
trator of his father's estate which
consisted of the grocery siftre and
property on which It is located
near the fair grounds. It Isy esti
mated that the rrsonal property
is valued at $1300 and the real
estate at $3700.
be held May 19. To save trouble
of being sworn in, voters shouid
register at the county clerk's of
fice. If a person has not voted
for two yeara. or has moved since
the last election into another
voting precinct, it is necessary to
register. All he has to do is to
svear that he is over the age of
21 years and an American citizen.
No questions are asked regarding
age, except as to whether the per
son registering has passed the
21st birthday.
Star Returns Home
Willard Lawson, Willamette
glee club member, football star
of last season, is unable to finish
his studies of thrs semester and
will return to his home at Blan
chard. Wash.
Chloroform and Furnace Not
Sufficient to Kill Mr.
Myers Feline
in wood.; when out Jumped a
scared and singed cat. Th fire
man also Jumped at the cat which
was supposed to have teen cre
mated. After six days, upon returning
to hi home last evening, Mr.
Myers found th cat comfortably
snoozing near the front door.
Having passed through such a
fiery ordeal, a second courtmar
tial was held and the decision
was that the cat should live.
li II Jiff TUP "
MIL Jilb
Greatest character
fi drama of the i
Rehearsal Tonight
The Whitney boys chorus will
met at 4:30 o'clock this after
noon at the high school for Us
regular rehearsal.
Here From Jefferson
H. D. Mars, editor of the Jef
ferson Review, was la the city
yesterday and a guest at the Mon
day noon luncheon of the Com
mercial club. Mr. Mars says that
as yet his part of the county has
no candidate for Marion county
representative or senator. He
also said that it Is generally un
derstood that D. H. Looney will
not be a candidate again for rep
resentative. Mr. Looney has
served In several sessions.
Plans are being set and whipped
into shape for the coming fresh
man gle? at Willamette. An an
aouncement from the chapel ros
trum stated that all songs Tor the
glee must be submitted by the
end of this week. That means the
! classes will be practicing hard
and faithfully during the next few
weeks. Much Interest is shown
In this song-fest meet, an origin
al Willamette custom. From
these glees many new and strik
ing songs have been created and
each year finds new authors and
Lecture Next Monday
Owing to an-error, the date of D0
Prof. James T. Matthews' lecture Adr
was left out of Sunday's States-
man. his icciure, iahc, uu,k Reward tnieici
hip, and Marriage" will be de- laree reward has been of
In answer to the many enquiries
of the general public, the May
rvQ Festival committee takes this
1 . , .
means 01 announcing uiai
Bicycle Found-
Harvey McClaiifof 1133 Court
street yesterday cla'.med a bicyclo
which had been found and
brought into the police station by
Patrolman Walter Thompson.
FKtata 914.GOO.04t
The estateof Fred A
u 1 . : . it j enc A
111 uccu o.oiu ut ii.uvu.v. 1 ,.f Willamette
ho is also executrix 1 ' ""Ti
valley IS IO ue a iwu uaj uusv.
fete, given by musicians and mus
The widow w
of the last will and testament, re
ported to the court that she
turned over to the two sons deeds
which had been held In escrow
Kevvy, the feller
thai to looking
tor snap never
pat ,ny snap in
to his work,
ic lovers of Salem and the whole
Willamette valley, and that this
festival should not be confused
with the April 16 to 23 Music
Teachers' association week of mu
sic. The May Festival chorus
meets for practice in the Congre
gational church every Tuesday
evening at 7:30. Registration
will be received bv Mrs. W. t,ari
hension of the person or persons I Ancel has been transferred by Ari- I inn Smith. Siened. Mrs. A. N
responsible for the disappearanca to Rusher and wife to Joseph I Bush. May Festival chalrmao.
of the illustrated cara. weanes- Hassler, for a consideration 01 1 Adv
day at noon at the First Memo- J900O
livered next Monday evening Feb- trA hv thn committee in charge
ruary 27, in Waller hall chapel, of the pubUclty of the Washing- for J3000. These deeds were for
at 8 O'clock. Professor Mattnews tonian ciaD banquet for the re- property in Canada. The balance
turn of the roster that was UKen of the estate. J11.G0G.05 was
from the door of Waller hall, at I willed to the widow
Willamette university. Addition
al rewards will be given ior in- 49000 jai Estate Pea
formation leading to trie appre- A ten.acre tract adjoining Mt
On min
ute essay
on health
by O. It.
Scott. D.
" NOT?
Don't envy the man or
woman who has good
health Do the. things that
are necessary and create a
little health of your own.
Tou can.
There are many things
that you can do for your
self that will Improve your
physical and mental condi
tion, bat it yoa are suffer
ing from a chronic ailment
or weakness which handi
caps your efforts and keeps
you half-fit when you want
to be wholly fit, then call
for a chiropractic spinal
analysis. It locates the
cause of chronic weakness,
and chiropractic spinal ad
justments applied with skill
removes the cause.
-Act for your health today
by telephoning for an ap
nasuK oh snwu.
A Word to the Wise
Let me make up your income
tax report. I KNOW how.
A. M. Dalrvmple. 328 Oregon
jBldg. Telephone 100. Aqv
Ruts La Flenune Acres
Peter Borchers and wife have
sold to John Henry and wife tracts
2 and of the La Flemme acres,
near Laka Labish. The consider
ation was $4200.
Mostly Salem Workmen
Work at the court house is go
ing on in fine shape. Of the 14
workmen on the job, 12 are rrom
Salem, the other two being irom
Portland, representatives of me
Portland firm that was awarded
the contract. The work must be
completed in four weeks.
Here From Tacoma
L. T. Bishop of Tacoma was in
W. A. Reid. secretary of the
orvallis Commercial club, was
In the city yesterday.
E. Hayter, vice president of
the Dallas National bank, was in
the city yesterday.
Mrs. L. li. Brown of Dallas
was in the city Monday.
Richard Reiman and wife of
Dallas were Salem visitors yesterday.
August Risser, banker of Dallas
was in the city yesterday attena
ine to business matters.
F. A. Leege. architect, was In
Portland vesterdav attending to
business matters.
Napoleon Davis, clerk of the
Butteville school board, was at
tending to business affairs in Sa
lem Monday.
' Miss Margaret Legge. Willam
ette university student, is a Port
land visitor during the week-end.
Professor Gustav Ebson is still
on the sick list and unable to
meet his classes. He has been
suffering from an attack of in-
Oliver J. Myers, local manager
of the Spaulding Logging com
pany has a cat that went through j
the same experience of the three j
prophets mentioned in the Bible 1
who were cast into a fiery furn-!
ace and who passed through the
ordeal. j
The story as told by Mr. Myers
is as follows, and he vouches for ,
;he truth thereof:
Several weeks ago he had a cat
that spent most of the time in ;
fighting, and as a result, didn't
present a very nice household
appearance. Oliver held, a court
martial and the decision was that
the cat should die.
Ol'.ver went to a di au'
Krvncrht 9ft cpnts worth 01 (. ... I- '
form and, going home proceeded
to coax the cat into au air mm
box and then passed in the chlor
oform. 1
After allowing the cat time to ;
inhale enough to kill any respec- ;
table feline. Oliver decidea tnai 1
I he would just place the dead call
'I . I r . 1 . . I
in a sack ana lane 11 uou u
the Spaulding IxgRing company
mill for final disposal. !
Hp took h's burden to tne en
gine house of the mill and asked
the fireman to toss it into the
furnace. There is a way or tnro-
ing things into the furnace rrom
the top, and this was done with
the sack containing the cat.
fihortlv afterwards the fireman
opened the furnace door to throw
Gillet Arent your remarks
rather sham and pointed. old
old man?
onlv ret a word m edrwavs Use Statesman damed Ada
EiUbllaked 1868 .
General Banking Basinet
Office Hoars from IP ft. m, lo t p, xrL '
KUNCITER Seven miles east 01
Salem. Saturday, eD.
Frank Jos. Kunctter, age 72
husband of Elizabeth Kunct
ter. father of Frank and
William Kunciter and Mrs.
May Jak. The funeral will be
held at 3 p. m. Wednesday
from the Rigdon parlors, inter
ment being at I. O. O. r.
Wednesday, February 22, 1 p. m. sharp .
1350 North Cottage Street
A lot of high class furniture as good as new, used just
a short time. $700 piano in this lot. All cooking
We There! ,
Phone 1177.
See Satterlee if you want a real sale
Last Times
Coming Sunday
"Hail The Woman
the city yesterday attending to nuenza.
John P. Mickel to Speak some business matters. He is a Rev. A. S. Hisey, pastor of the
John D. Mickel, former state I representative or tne weyernoeu- Methodist Episcopal cnurcn at
dairy and food commissioner, will ser Timber company, with west- Gresham, Is visiting his son, Ora
deliver an address this evening at ern headquarters at Tacoma. Hisey, student at Willamette uni-
MAUER In this city. Saturday,
Feb. 1. Michael Mauer, broth
er of Ezra Mauer of Portland
Funeral services Wednesday at
1:30 o'clock from Rlpdon'3.
concluding service Lee Mission
cemetery .
7:30 o'clock at the Leslie Metho
dist Episcopal church, under the
auspices of thje South Salem Par
ent-Teachers' association. He will
speak on "Food Value of Dairy
Products." It is Mr. Mlckel's con
H H.
Fred Lookley Coming H H. Corey. meniDer 01 ie
Fred Lockley, the writer for turned after attending a confer-
the Oregon Journal, will be the turned after attending a cofner-
speaker today noon for the lunch- ence at Arturus, Cai.
Qn nf lha Kiwanis club. The '
U will be held in the new n tnnrttn t
uie mosi u.Ui.uiC iuwu tu v.. banquet room 0f the Marion no- ( tiUl uL AtiKl VALo
ici, x xv" i - -M . i i w
look into the matter of supporting 1TTrtX. T ,QV
lion cchnnl Willi JlAmu.' .
CHRISMAN In this city, Mon
day, Feb. 20, Mrs. Mary A.
Chrisman, age 75 years. Body
at the Rigdon mortuary.
Lecfll Rlank
Get them at The Statesman oi-
flea. Catalog on application.
tlii. Go Inm
mc . ' . .. n ti v i
udee In a written report tbat tne
Kiwanis club get behind the worn
now beine done at Chemawa ana
urge Oregon congressmen to help jj
m whS
foa .
17 lot aa
la wttkaat
1 M 'Wfw'
uvea v
Dr. 0. L. Scott
414-19 tf.S. Bank Bldg.
Phone 87
now to have an expert opti
cal examination may save
you years of misery in the
future,, Take our honest ad
vice and phone for appoint
ment today.
OPTICA! CO. . ' : i -204-211
Salem Bank of
Commerce Building
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone 239 for appointment
M . Patterson, f .
Shankland. G. A. Rodney. W.
Prentiss, Mrs. Gerloch, O. L.
Coulter. J. E. Colavan, C. Li
sa y, Lester Simmons. vm.
i .
Scott. G. D. Loder, G. R.) Har
per, J. D. Altman. C. K. Hsmp
ter. Portratirt: R. E. Benner. Ev
erett- Hnrrv Lewis. M. N Shaw,
rinvon ATaptlv the nme nrlc? See C. S. Bowne or phone 353. Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. R. J -
PLANTS At a local hospital,
February 19, Lucian B . Plants,
at the age of 79 years. The
funeral services will, be held
this afternoon at 2 o'coclt from
the chapel of Webb & Clough.
Burial will be in Odd Fellows
in securing an appropriation iu I Oarratt. A. D. Sansman. W
the erection or a ounu.uB m Summer. J. C. Black. J. M
enable the school to increase . , r)0wning G.
Kces May be liower
The man who generally guesses
rieht on the ece market, said
vesterdav that eires were to be I will
lower verv soon. The exnlana-1 its attendance 300
tnn woo thit tfia nrn1 wot inn is
Isnro nnrl snrinf is enmine. Eezs People Le CtWlIt S I l rviiiic
wholesale were ouoted at 23 cents Because it makes them money,
offered one year ago.
Adv. Marshall, Fall City; E . H van-
derbere. Tacoma: J. J. lght,
. . . I T Tl T 1 w- 1 n T .
w v cnic I Miller tiOim; Mnrng tuEene c. n. k'"". "i"
" m""' "1 . . ' . o miil (I.IJ. m- r,A fro ilanrv
a. w if,,i. nnnn hnininn i 'inpro are jusi as uiaui jiciu. jii . aim .a.
1 11153 ullUlluai U'JWU lUHLUtwu I . . . I . . T - r, I -
. ... . ' . - i.i i. r,QrT nnw n tnere. were Harsn. KoseDUrE . r. . o. iva-
.i, w t staiev aid that In three years ago, notwithstanding waguchi, Brooks
a . i i s topi Tiiui 111 h ii v iiriiuin -w v -v
taiKing over tne nax uisiory u' I 7 i ni lfiH-T W T.nndv F W.
TUTTLE At a local hospital.
February 20, Dr. Daniel B.
Tuttle at the age of 91 years.
)The services will be held this
morning at 10:30 o'clock from
the Webb & Clough chapel.
Services will be conducted By
the Rev. Thornton and burial
will be in the Odd Fellows cemetery.
Oregon with Mrs. W. P. Lord,
she stated that Oregon raised the
finest flax In the world. And to
prove it. there would be on dis
play In the windows of the Ka
foury dry goods store next Fri
day napkins manufactured In
Good BusinessGood Judgment
RECENTLY a prominent banker said
that good business in the immedi
ate future means good judgment now,
combined with individual initiative and
But often a person's judgment about
his own business is not good, and needs
to be supplemented ty the impartial
judgment of an intelligent outsider.
The United States National has proved
itself invaluable to many of its custom
ers in this direction, alay we supple
ment your intimate experience with our
wider knowledge?
Hartman's Glasses
Easier : and Better
Wear them and see
Phone 1255 Salem, Oregon
Kv hnvini? vour hardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard.
leare & Furniture u., vso n
Commercial street. Phone 941
We pa highest price.
We by and eeU everything
We sell for leas.
915 Center St. Phone t9S
hat tho unto is nuttine mules BLIGH J. w. Lunny,
and horses out of business. This Jones. W P. Wagoner. C).
o mrlth lh t cures uuie, j. l.. imuai ur-. ,i. ii.
a . . n f nn iirnrrN i IjU ic . u . ivii-uui .
" "'f.J.rre.;;" Aartmeat Teeters. F. W. Smith J. N
Thoro or 1 a HUM ! JC11J , . . '"!
mers. roruana; ut
Leading Morticians
of agriculture.
mules in Oregon and tnere was
th same number three years ago.
The total for the United States Is
II Southern California
On account of an attack or tne
flu. Cliffard Sarff, a student at
Willamette university is now at
tending the University of South
ern California. Mr. Sarff was a
memher of the Rlee club and
Klamath Falls: Goldie Corey;; Jef
ferson: Chas' Ryan, Falls City.iA,
J. Hilton, Yakima; H. I. Ran-
son. Shelba-n- Paul I,-. Port-
Never Wants .Anything EIso
"I tried many different kinds
of cough medicine," writes Mrs.
E. K. Olson. 1917 Ohio Ave.. Su-
I perior. Wis., "but I never want
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Emb aimers
Over stuffed etnd Cane
Beautiful 3-1'iece Tapwtry Suite. Heavy spring arm.
construction. Kgular 1 ft'l fld
price $240. Special vUeVir
3- piece Tapestry Suite, $185. $153 00
4- piece Cane Suite, velour cover. (11 TQ HA
Regn a r $2:12.50. Special ' ?f 1
3-piece two-tone Velour Suite, overstuffed. d OA Afk
Regular $240. Special vlOU.UU
Above pieces on sale a few days only, to make1 room tot
new pieces arriving
Notice the b( autiful quartered oak dining suite in mid
dle window with 5 chairs, 1 arm serving chair, with
leather seats. Only
n kin
made pari oi me iuui ucii o.ujvu'u& v-.c vuuU a
came ill. Hhe plans to return and Tar. I used it for all my
to Willamette next semester af- children and also for my grand
tor ternneratine his health in the child. It has always done fine
Southern clime.
We want them and want
them bad. Because we do
we will pay you the high
est price obtainable any
where Bring us all yoa
Also old clothing, furniture
and junk of all kinds.
i The House of Half a Million
and One, Bargains ,
402N. ComV Phone 623
A Classified Ad
Will bring yon a buyer. AOT.
O. A. C. Trn is Plan
Miss Mary E. Payne of Salem
is one of a committee at Oregon
Agricultural college to conduct a
contest for a design for an alum
ni recoimition pin. The contest
will be carried on through the
Barometer, the college semi
weekly paper and Is a result ot
plans worked out by the Alumni
association by the secretary. Ms
Zelta Feike. Others on the com
mittee are members of the Great
er O. A. C. committee and the
student body president and the
editor of the Barometer.
IMttork Cases Ftatshetl
The final mandate from the n- j
preme court in cases relating to
the Pittock estate in Portland was
sent down by the supreme court
yesterday, finally disposing ot the
Pittock cases.
Dow to Roseburjr
Several Salem Rotarians may
go down to Roseburg Saturday to
attend the opening of the Rose
burg Rotary club, when they re
ceive their charter ana
"one of them." One or two car
loads is already partly promised,
for the trip.
Rpoithannt. Here
B. F. Breithaupt. of Sedro
Woolley. Wash., is in Salem this
week, on business. Mr. Breith
aupt, who formerly conducted a
nursery at Kichland, Wash., later
went to Sedro- Wool ley. where he
v. vvnon' n tha wholesale green-
vn.o oitrf flnwpr business. Re-
work." Foley's Is a pure, whole
some and absolutely safe remedy
for the relief of colds, croup and
whooping cough. Children like it
and it checks sneezing and snuf
fling. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Jackie's latest and great
est 5 reels of smiles and
sometimes a sob.
A First National
Today Tomorrow
Continuous Show Daily
i, , '"-A t r
Pony Candidates! Cash Every Promised Subscription That Has
Been Made Yoa
Onlv five more davs remain before the Statesman's Great Pony Con-
j -
test will come to a close.
Make these last five davs of the competition your record breakers.
Hustle as you never hustled before for subscriptions It will oe 100 laic
to make up for lost time when the prize winners are announced.
NOW or
cently he bought in with C.;