The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Pussy willows and spring flow
ers in profusion formed a pretty
background for the marriage of
Miss Myrtle HIchcock and How
ard Robertson Sunday in . tbe
Christian church. Rev. J. J.
Evans officiated at the service
which was read at 3 o'clock.
The bride wore a pretty gown
of white crepe metedr trimmed
with pearls. She carried an arm
bouquet. iMIss Gladys Rafferty
was bridesmaid, wearing pink silk
satin. Little Evelyn Wilcox, dainty
in pink organdy, was flower girl.
Frank HItchock was best man.
"O Promise Me," was sung by
Mrs. Edward Robinson just be
fore the wedding service and Mrs.
Frank Zinn played the wedding
march from Lohengrin,. An .in
formal reception was given for
the young couple at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. B. HItchock, following the
The bride has lived with her
parents in Salem for more than
a year and has many frends here.
She came here from Kansas where
she "attended school. Mr. Robert
son is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Robertson and attended the
Salem schools. They will make
their home In Salem Heights
where they have a new home
ready to move into.
Guests at the reception lnclud
ded Mr. anfi Mrs. E. E. Robert
son, Miss Lucile Hoover, Miss
Lucretia Hoover. Miss Florita
literary society of which she is
a member. The decorations were
of red hearts and other motifs
suggestive of the season.
A delightful evening of games
was enjoyed by the guests. Pa
tronesses for the affair were Mrs.
W. E. Kirk and Miss Miriam An
derson. Refreshments were
served by the hostess assisted by
Miss Helen. Hardy.
The guests included Mrs. W.
E. Kirk, Miss Miriam E. Ander
son. Miss Myrtle Richardson, Miss
Cornelia WIdman, Miss Kutn
Roeder, Miss Grace Tyler, Miss
Ruth Schaefer. Miss Esther Roe
der, Miss Caroline Wilson. Miss
Gladys Wilson, Miss Alta Kersh
ner. Miss Mildred Marcy, Miss
Freda Rhoten, Miss Oma Fagg.
Miss Genevieve Phillips, Miss l u
cile White, Miss Helen Fry, LTTas
Helen Se.lig, Miss Helen Hardy.
The Civic Arts section of the
Arts league hag postponed the
regular Wednesday meeting this
week until Friday. Planting and
home g-rounds will be taken up
and a short talk will be given on
the theory of land scape garden
I. P.. Rowen, for 35 years edi
tor of tho Democrat at Baker,
came to Salem Sunday and visit
ed with his sister, Mrs. J. T. An
derson and her husband, with
Judge and Mrs. John L. Rand,
his home neighbor all these years.
Brunk, Miss Marie Brunk, Miss land with the Frank Davey fam-
uoroiny uyers. miss i rista vv eng-1 uy. Mr. uowen lived in saiem
er. Miss Helen Heidicke, Miss as a email boy, when his father
Frances, Pluv, Miss C. F. Andre-
sen, Miss Gladys.. Raffety, Mrs.
Merle Ivie, Miss Bertha Waldorf.
Miss Margaret Evans, Miss Nellie
was In the mercantile business
here In connection with the Brey
mans and lived on Cottage street
between Center and Marion. He
L Jefferson, Miss Edna Vogt, MIbs I was accompanied from Portland
Zola Birdwell.v Miss Thelma Bird-
well,, Miss Edith Welborn. Miss
Bertha Jackson, Miss Ruth Wel-
on this trin by Mr. and Mrs.
George R. Small andtheir son.
Mr. Small having been a Dartner
lace. Miss Helen McCumsey, Miss j of Mr. : Rowen in the publishing
Enna Mltiner, Miss Viola Ash, I business for 30 years, but Is now
Missi Reda Powers: Miss Ann I making his home in Portland. Mr.
Capps. Miss Mildred Case and I Bowen Is pleased with the beauty
Miss Melba Robertson. Iand wonderful growth of Salem
I He reports Baker prosperous and
Washington's birthday features Eastern Oregon coming out of the
were used at a charming party I stringency in good shape,
riven Saturday evening by Mrs. I
N. Drew and Mrs. W. D. Clarke Mrs. James Nicholson and llttie
at the Clarke home. Flags were son, Jimmle, returned late last
used freely In th decorations week from several weeks' visit in
about the rooms and the prizes I Minneapolis
and favors were suggestive of the I
aniversary as well. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clifford and
High score at "500" was c. E. Wilson spent Sunday in
awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Lee i uorvams
Gilbert and the low score fell to
Mrs. C. B. McCullough and L. C.
Grutt. Supper was served by the
hostess. .
The guests Included Mr. and
Mrs. Fred L. Klein. Mr. and Mrs.
C C. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Skelly. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Whltmore. Mr. and Mrs. J, C.
McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mc
Cullough, Mr. and Mrs. Phil A.
Franklin, . Mr. and Mrs. Lee--L.
Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maus
er, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burton, Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Grutz, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Nunn, Mr. and Mrs.
James; Nicholson, and Mr. and
Mrs. L. S. Sheldon.
;A post valentine party was
given Saturday evening in the liv
ing rooms Of the Y. W. C. A. by
Miss Irene Boje. The guests in-
eluded members of the Paliadlan
The Catholic Missionary society
will entertain with a card party
at the home of Mrs. Meiering on
inursday evening. It was prevt
ously announced for Friday eve
ning but the date has been
Apollo club concert.
W. C. T. U. meeting in hall
at 2:30.
Apollo club concert.
Modern Writers, Mrs.
Chas. Jones, 606 S. Church
Salem Woman's club bene
fit card party at Mrs. Charles
K. Spaulding's.
W. R. C. aid society.
Civic Arts section of Arts
league, library.
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
TFyou want every
JL'bake-day to be a
success if you want
positive results at an
economical cost use
and depend on
i . - -
Bakings are always
uniform in the millions
of homes where it is
used. Everything served
is just right tender,
thoroughly wholesome.
Failures areunknown.
Guard the purity of
youf bakings use Calu
met It's pure in the can
; pure in the baking.
Contains only such in
gredients as' have, been
officially approved by the
United States Pure Food
with you," I replied demurely add
went on sedately with my reading.
Not even at the risk of Dicky's
good humor could I break so in
grained a habit as that of re
reading anything I have written.
"Of all the hide-bound, custom
ridden, old maid fussy cats!"
Dicky exclaimed petulantly, but
I knew by his tone that he was
n6t really displeased, and having
finished my reading. I passed my
letter over to him with a smile.
holding out my hand expectantly
for his.
"I've a notion not to give it to
you," Dicky grumbled, but he grin
ned as he spoke, and I knew that
all danger of his being cross was
I liked Dicky's letter immensely.
Few men can be so gracious as
wel las hearty in extending an in
vitation as he. and in this letter
to the artist he so revered he had
sounded lust the right note.
"Mr. Savarin ought to be pleas
ed with' this, dear." I said, as I
finished. "It breathes hospitality.
reverence, sincere affection, all in
one." ,
"What's ttto Row?"
"I'm afraid the old boy will
think I've been drinking if it's so
strong a breath as all that, he
answered flippantly, but I knew
that the little tribute had pleased
him, 'nevertheless. "You haven't
done such a bad job yourself, old
top, if anybody should ask you,"
he went one. "Our respected
friend ought to begin to pack his
portmanteau pronto when he
reads this."
"I suppose we ought to have
some people in to meet him," I
said hesitatingly. "We might give
a little dinner, Inviting: the few
people he knows."
"Lil could help you out on
that,". Dicky said in careless ac-
qutscence; then at something he
saw in my face he whistled a low
note of astonishment.
"What's the row?" he quiried.
Something gone wrong in the
nice three-volmue romance" of
i i i i
The Well DresseJ Woman
Star hi PMiMMmrt-rWrnrn.
Highly ornate sleeves are still '
with us. The gantlet cuff fares forth j
in all its pride and will until spring ;
suns shall melt the last of ths winter j
How do I know? It is written so
that he who runs may read for the
gantlet cuff and the flare sleeve
serve not only as a decoration but
as a muff as well a muff that needs
no carrying, that cannot be laid
down and left on a shop counter a
muff that is omnipresent
In the sketch are some daring
French examples, the upper of cloth
to match the frock, fur edged and
lined. They are trick cuffs.
Worn down when out in the cold,
they form the best of snug harbors
for ten sensitive digets; worn back
in the house, a most picturesque and
decorative fur cuff.
Just below it is another gantlet
model of Fashion's darling ermine,
shaped snugly and fastened with a
band of black satin about the wrist
They are startlingly worn on the
ends of loose, black lace sleeves.
Our one example of a flaring sleeve
has a cuff of loops of colored wool,
an interesting Parisian substitute for
fur. Agnella is the most interesting
9f the wool substitutes for fur and
as been very deservedly popular.
Last is another gantlet, a frock
hose long waisted, straight blouse f
of Agnella ends in a black velvet j
skirt, has deep gantlets of the velvet j
attached with an embroidered band, l
v 1
that you're a pretty care-free1
lady I" Dicky retorted. Take it
from me. old dear, you won't have
to lash Lil kicking and screaming
to the gate post to keep her from
vamoosing when Bobby drops in."
Ke sauntered out of the library
as he spoke, leaving m glad in
deed that he had not pressed the
question further. But the doubt
or how Lillian would take it lin
gered with me until the hour
when Lillian nerseu came back
from the city, and overshadowed
even my interest tn the success or
failure of her errand.
(To be continued)
readings that were much enjoyed,
and proved, blm a-masted of this
art, w v-
A song composed by Mrs, N.
R Kunkle was sung In an able
way by Mrs. Arthur Utley. The
title of the song is "Dreaming in
the Twilight." Brush college i
proud to claim it as a local pro
duction. Mrs. Utley also sang another
selection that- was beautiful and
Margaret Stelner and t ranees
Mapes each played a beautiful pi
ano solo, and responded to an en
core. . . - " V r r .
The next meeUag will be held
March 1".
"What Wtoro those blood curd
ling yells I heard last night f
"That was Jamison tr In to
quiet his new. baby. Ton oe. h
cant sing a note, and o he gives
his college yells as a substitute."
Cleveland Plain Dealer. s
Had That Tired, Worn -Oat Feel
Do you know that "awful tired
feeling." languldness, lame or
weak back, sore muscles, stiff
or swoolen Joints, or rheumatic
pains usually indicate kidney
trouble? Foley Kidney puis act
promptly and effectively. Mrs.
Roberta Lilly. 709 Alton street.
Alton, III., writes: "For three
years.Iiad a tired, worn-out feel
ing. Various treatments failed.
I began to improve on the second
dose of Foley Kidney Pills, and
today I feel like new." Sold
everywhere. Adv.
r Best
fir Salads
Underwood-Savarin et al? I
thought they were simply biding
their time till old Harry sent
them some definite information
as to his death, divorce or disap
pearance." Underneath his flippant manner
I read an unmistakable concern. I
knew that he was genuinely inter
ested In anything that affected
Lillian's happiness, but I did not
feel Justified in discussing with
him the things sb2 had not seen
fit to tell me.
An Optimistic View.
A larse audience attended the
regular meeting of the Brush
collece Parent-Teacher meeting
last Friday night. After the bus
iness session- a meritorious pro
gram was greatly enjoyed.
Among the numbers was a
talk by Mrs. Karl Kugel, who has
recently returned from Italy. In
her pleasing, interesting way she
save an excellent discourse upon
A number of the older school
children paid a tribute to Abra-
Lincoln fhat was said by
. . -i ham
vonaennf, ' . k tha mnst nrir.
"I don't know that there's any
thing the matter," I said truthful
ly. "I was just
whether this visit would - pleasg . inal, unique, interesting and most
her or cause her distress." . - perfect tribute they ever beard to
' "Well, if you haven't anything! Lincoln.
more serious to worry about than
Once you try
Mazola tor salads.
you will prefer it to the
finest imported olive oiL
Matobr costs' much less
than olive oil no im
port duties no ocean
freight charges. Sold
by grocers everywhere.
, .... j 1. .
TjrjTJU Batifllv
rKCC UUttritd
Cm Frodvcta Cook Book
4 64 M- WriM Cora
lYoductt Refining Co.
Dcpartmat A Afto. VL
U-d and recommeaeJ by PuV&c Scfcobl Domestic Sblenca Teac1r
i I H" .
Order Calum today
It will pay.
rid can of Calumet contain fall
I Jon. imciuai piTwnni csu IB
lint fmlMttirt nMflnl rana Tim
Dicky insisted upon penning the
letters of invitation to Robert
Savarin immediately after dinner.
I would have been glad to delay
them a day or two, for following
fast upon the receipt of the ar
tist's letter had com)e speculation
as to how this visit would affect
That there had been a definite
break in their relations following
the artist's convalescence and re
turn to his home in the Catskills
I was sure, although Lillian had
kept her own counsel in the mat
ter, and I didn t know exactly
how matters stood between them.
I felt a strong reluctance at this
prospect of inviting him to our
home while she was domiciled next
door without giving her tbe op
portunity to express her wishes in
the matter.
However, there did not appear
to be any way out of the dilemma.
The artist had practically asked
us for an invitation. We could not
in courtesy withhold it, and Dicky
was especially eager to entertain
him. Therefore I settled down In
the library opposite- Dicky after
dinner, and wrote the most cor
dial letter I could fashion to the
lonely artist whose lift was so ro
mantically intertwined with thntl
. j . r f
"Finished?" Dicky, -'io had
laid down his pen sevrr-1 minutes
before me. utte:f-i 11' j query
crisply as hr saw inr t.alo up my
sheet of notepapcr and read it
over,, sir is always my custom aft
er writing ti letter, I kiw from
his tone, that, as usual, having
finished a task himself, he was ir
ritated at having to wait for any
one else. "Never mind mulling it
over. Toss it to a real critic I'll
rirrriin nrnma pr cave iwu - - ......
Come, See How Furniture Prices Have Gome Down; Low Rent Makes Bargains Possible
Here is an unusual ad-
We have pretty:patterned tap
estry overstuffed davenports
and chairs, leather davenports
and chairs, Duofold leather da
venports all at greatly reduced
W f 8
A large line of luggage
trunks in all styles, all-leather
traveling bags and suit
cases, durable fabric suit
cases and bags, etc. at great
ly reduced prices
To introduce our newly
enlarged store with our
doubled stock to tbe Sa
lem buying public we are
placing our entire stock
on sale at greatly re
duced prices. We cannot
here list each bargain;
enough to say that the
reductions range from
20 to 50 of the reg
ular prices in other
To every person who comes
into our store today we will
Give a Cup and Saucer
vantage to place some
good furniture in your
home at a great saving.
We invite you to visit us
in our new big store and
let us show you how low
rent, low overhead ex
pense, careful buying
and general revised mar
ket conditions can make
your furniture bill less.
Ivory Bedroom Suites
A dozen pretty ivory bedroom suites in x several
pretty designs the only ideal furniture for her
room. ,
Dining Tables
William and Mary and Queen Anne period style
dining tables and chairs the latest thing for mod
ern homes, serviceable, too. All at greatly reduced
n "
I; ' lmZ&V'.Lcl
I irW.V.2'ir. I
f si mmmmm
! nil I tjrv-3 p.- .-. . .-. 1
: SI
Wall Paper
This is another new line we have been enabled to
add to our stock by added space. Only the new
est patterns of attractive and serviceable wal
paper are included in this great snowing you
will surely do well to inspect the designs, and
remember everything at greatly reduced prices.
Guaranteed dishes, in several
dainty patterns as well a the'
pretty gold band and plain de
signs. We can supply you
with dishes either in seta or
special broken numbers hi'
greatly reduced prices.
i -p
All kinds of tables from the
small low priced stands to the
more elaborate solid oak li
brary tables ; also kitchen ta
ble8, dining tables, etc. U
at greatly reduced prices.
It Will Pay You To Buy Your Furniture During This Sale
Beds, Springs, Mattresses
Durable beds in pretty iron, and new
ivory patterns; several kinds &f bed
springs to suit any and every individual
need; mattresses silk floss and felt
that make the most comfy beds you
ever used. All at greatly reduced prices.
One-Piece Assortment
Then we have any number of one-piece fur
niture: bureaus, chiffoniers, rockers, chairs,
dressing tables, couches, kitchen cabinets,
mirrors, book cases, porch furniture, desks,
buffets, refrigerators, hall furniture, etc.
all at greatly reduced prices.
RUGS An elaborate showing of high grade floor coverings; the finest tapestried
rugs to the cheaper but serviceable ones ; linoleum, congoleum, etc., at greatly re
duced prices.
341-49 N. Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon
- """Iff'' .' V
A large showing of fine
stoves and ranges, all
makes. . One range has
been marked down lo $45
others at proporliorule
(greatly reduced prices. ,
pore joa get pound when jroa want it
read copy on It,
pin m'i
"In Just a minute III change ft
- -. - s - C -
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