2 --- - - - THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON ; TUESDAY MUKWlftU. i-i-HKUAiii -u. xv- Here, There and Everywhere SOCCER FOOTBALL IS INSTITUTED BY COACH ROY BOHLER SQUIRE EDGEGATE And Just Think of ft the Taxi Regtsfer Was Working All the Time! "BY LOUIS RICHARD SPORTS Stu I nrr W- S yC4J ?OvE. v - . OH y-Z 1 "?E"A7 J ,WA7Crt AWDPJRJ. 75 Pff(WCWfa -. TAX I 0 i iakwo wm -,Mi.s' x " fZy w .. All Willamette is playing, or may play, soccer ball, be rrihning with yesterday afternoon when l.he first Gaelic rame for the university was staged.. It's hard for a Rugby football player who aims to grab the ball and run with it, or the basketball sharp who uses his hands and doesn't even know that he has feet until some one steps on them, to get uied to the football game of soccer. Some of them won't ever do it; they'll be fou!in;r more than they play. But the game is believed by Coach Bohler to be an ideal training for track, for basketball and for Rugby football, in that it giv. a training in footwork that the others do not give. It is much faster, because of being con tinuous, than the Rugby game, and it give3 the training in fure tooting neces'ary lor basketball. Ths call is to go out within a day or two for general track ath letics. Coach Bohler expects to sign up (or the big invitation track meet (or Willamette, to be held in May. It would Include a number of the non-conferenco colleges, Hk 9 Linvllle, Pacific, Chemawa, and whatever others of the valley; might wish to take part; This Is not part of the con ference schedule,-of which Wil lamette; Is a 1 part,' ; though the latest and probably the smallest member. A But because o( Willam TO University Team Soon vto Appear Against Willam - ette Is Defeated KUGENB, Ore., Feb, 20. Alter a disastrous setfson or IK straight defeat the University of Oregon basketball sqnad found Its meat tonight in the University of Nevada. The -final score of the listless game., redeemed, however, by a nip and tuck contest in the last (ive minutes of play, was 32 to 2.- f - ... ' The Lemon-Yellow squad which returned here tonlg-ht-trom Cali f ornla managed to keep a lead throughout, almost the 1 entire game. , j v - ".Rabbit" Bradshaw. stocky guard i for the Sagebrush team, played a stellar game. "Andre and. Edlunda starred for Oregon. O'Hara and Bowden Are ; Tied for Golf Honors HOUSTON. Tex.. Feb. 20, Pete O'Hara of New York and George Bowden . of Cincinnati were, tied for first place today in the prbtesslonal tournament staged here as the opening event of the Houston club mid-winter golf tournament with scores of 147. for 18 holes. , p'Hara and Bowden - split first and second mosey . - Ieo. Dlegel - of New Or leans -was rn for third money with a score of 148 while John Brede raus and Long Jim Barnes were tied for fourth and fifth money with 149 y Jock .Hutchison, who was paired with D'egel, was sixth with 150. He tied with William Mei horn Shreveport, fdr this posi tion. Doc Tracy of Minneapolis was eighth while Gene Sarazen of Pittsburgh and' Tom Lalley. of Time to; get up if you want your break fast, and your train ! ' ... 1 .A lucky strike for you this morning. syrocig: When W8 discovered the toasting process six years ago, h was a Lucky Strika fortxa. J;; !':'' p - Why?. Because now millions of smokers prefer the special flavor of the' Lucky Strike Cigarette lt'o Toactod it-which Mate im th ' r .- dalfciOM Burkx Ctvor : And also because it'a ? 7 " ST LOSES IK va ette's bein? wjthout a gymnasium for adequate physical training work, the locals will have to mark time in a measure, hoping that the new year will bring them better facilities and put them back on the map for all things athletic. In the meantime it seems that track training may be about the best foundation for all future athletic specialization, and it is especially eat.y to look after, be cause it Is outdoor work almost altogether.' San Antonio were tied for ninth and tenth places. Willie Maguire of the Houston Country cjub who was paired with Barnes was 11th with 153. Anderson Beats Larry in Rough and Tumble Match SILVERTON. Ore., Feb. 20. (Special to The Statesman) In an announced rough and tum ble wrestling match, and which proved to be such, but with the strangle hold barred, Ed Ander son of Salem, defeated Jack Larry of Portland here tonight. The grapplers weighed 158 and 147 pounds respectively. Larry got the first fall in 15 minutes with an arm bar. Anderson got the sec ond in six minutes and the third In 11 minutes, each with an arm bar. Lambert of Salem offered to throw both men' in SO minutes, but the necessary purse couold not Us raised. : Red Nutting of Portland, 133- pounds, threw George Reck of Sa lem. 135 pounds, getting the first fall in 15 minutes and the second in 14 minutes, both with head lock and arm scissors. Jack Daly, 118 pounds of Salem end Velie. 155 pounds, also of Palern boxed, four rounds of two minutes each as an exhibition. Perrydale High School Beaten by Dallas Team DALLAS, Or., Feb. 20. (Spe cial to The Statesman.) The Dallas manual training team of the high school defeated the Per rydale high school team in a bas ketball game at ths Dallas orm- ory Saturday night by a score of 39 to 14. The game was inter esting from start to finish, the local boys displaying much abil ity in making their baskets from all parts of the floor. Perrydale has a strong team, but the prac tice of the Dallas boys has put them in far better shape to mdet teams of the Perrydale high class A good sized crowd witnessed tho fame. NEW MOVEMENT BEGUN (Continued from page 1) the Pennsylvania State Federation ot Labor. Maurcr Would Go Limit "I am willing to go the limit with you," aa'd Mf. Maurer. "to brin? the producing class togeth er for a common political act ion." Following th- election of Mr. Johnston as permanent chairman and Benjamin C. Marsh of the Farmers' National council as sec retary, the chairman' wers named as follows: rrogrami Basil JIanly. J. H. Franklin,, George F. Grirfith. K. J. Maion. Herbert S. rtiselow, II. P. PauKhertv. II. F. Samuels, J. O. Brown. James O'Neal. .Harry W. Fox and M'ss Alice Lorraine Daly. Organization: Fred C. Howe. John Fit-patrick. Timothy Healy. James Maurer. Martin F. Ryan. Morris HUlqult. E. C. Curtis. Ar thur E. Holder and Miss Agnes Nesblt. Appleby Defeated at Billiards by Roudil PHILADELPHIA, Pau. Feb. 20. Kdouard Roudil! of Prance to night aHminUtered the first de ft lo Kdcar T. Anoleby, New York, that the champion ha suf fered in thn international IS. 2 balkllne amateur -billiard ' tourna ment' in rrogrwss at the Manufacturers'- club the - Frenchman wln nlns the match 300 to 129 in 1 Innings;. ? : f :. r . Roudil. averagod 1 12-18 and wenf oat with an unfinished run of 69. His other high runs were SO and 47. Appleby's average was f 10-17, and bis high runs 48, 24 and It. UNIVERSITY Will STtHllI Eugene to Be Scene of Great! College Meet When Track is Dedicated It is announced from Eugene that the Univers ty of Oregon will be the host to a great Oregon .re lay carnival some time before the schools close their year's wor. All the( colleges and important schools of the valley are invited to take part. There will be a small army of colleges represented in this event practically every higher school in Oregon. These will include Ore gon O. A. C. Willamette. Al bany college. Whitman, Philo math college, Eugene Bible uni versity. Reed college. Mt. Angel college. Pacific university. North Pacific college. Monmouth State i Normal. Chemawa. Linfie!d col lege, and any other colleges that may be established between now and April 11 and 15, the dates proposed for the meet. Kveijy kind of relay running will be offered, from the shortest sprints that can be run in teams, up to the Marathon races. This is not a .regular conference meet, but it will be conducted strictly under A. A. A. rules, and any records would be eligible for national consideration. While there is no indication that world records will be broken at this time, they have been shattered by Oregon athletes In other time and places, and it might happen this time. The idea is to make it an an nual northwestern classic, that will show the running abilities ot Oregon at their very best. The particular occasion for the meet at th's time is the dedication of the new $10,000 cinder track at Eugene, perhaps the finest of its kind, in tho northwest. If any one in attendance could ever es tablish a star record, it ought to be on this lightning-fast new r!ng. A pentathlon will also probably be staged to show up the all round men and interest more in the general development game. S Money Rates Show Abrupt Hardening Call Loans open at 5; Close at 4 NEW YORK. Feb. 20. Abrupt hardening of money rates, strength of European exchanges and heavy loading in the grain an commodity markets at higher quotations were the conflicting elements which attended today's active and generally higher stock markist. Call loans opened and renewed at 4 per cent but made progressive advance to 5 per cent, thn latter rate prevailing in the final hour. As'de from profit taking in spe cial issues, the firmer money to day was without marked effect ol quoted values. Freight traffic at western and southwestern points expanded onlv moderately, but the demand for securities from those center- denoted increased ronfldenoj on the part of inves tors. Stock market prices were in fluenced partly by the agreement reached hit ween the Mexican gov ernmnt and American Oil inter est relatfne to export taxes. Bnv ln ot junior rails, which extend ed to bonds of the same class, again seemed to b- ba-d on bet ter cron nrosnect and hopes of restored dividends. Low or'ced rails of be craneer and cotton earryina dinlvlons fea tured the earlv bnvlne of trans portations, the movement later fjmbracin- div'dent trans-conti nentals and coalers. . Mexican petroleum end affiliat ed Issues were one to three points higher at : maximum quotations. Similar gains ,wre made by steels, equipments, motors and their accessories, tobaccos, chemi cals, rubbers and shipp'ntrs. Unit ed Fruit was the strongest feature at a. net gain of S 1-2 points. Acute weakness was shown by National Enamelling at a gross reacuoa- ot -eight points, only part of which was retrieved at the STOCK MARKET N close. Directors of the company meet tomorrow for divided action. Seneca Copper and Columbia gas wf3re among the other backward stocks. Sales amounted to 800,000 shares. Sterling demand bills were car ried uo to 4.H. the highest quota tion since 1919 and allied ex changes rose ten to 17 points. German marks weakened. Central European bills were moderately lower and Scandinavian rates tastd. Strength comes from well di gested and thoroughly assimilated food. Hood's Sarsaparitla tones the digestive organs, and thus builds up the strength. If you are getting "run down." begin taking Hood's at once. It Rives nerve, mental and digestive strength; Adv. ENACTMENT OF BONUS IS STOUTLY FOUGHT (Continued from page 1) letter, to swing votes to their side. Indefinite Bill 1Ilnte1 Should the committee fail to re port out a sales tax. it seemed to be a somewhat general opinion that the house would get a bill without any specific provision for financing the adjusted compensa tion. A b'll in this form is favored ty some leaders of the agricul tural bloc and also by some of the leaders of the minority party. In ars-ulns against this form of bill, advocates of the sales tax as sert that it would not be accept able to the president. Besides referring the question or finances to the sub-committee, the ways and means committee u.aiority discussed the bonu. bill itpslf as finally approved by a spe cial sub-committee. Draft If In loiibt ' There were conflicting reports as to whether tho draft had been formally approved by the entire majority, but it appeared that in any event no marked changes in any of the "five Way" plans were rcntomplated. One administrative changa agreed upon today is designed to protect former service men bor rowing money on the proposed in surance certificates. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. 111., wrtilng your name and address clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Fo ley Kidney Pills for pains in sides arid ,back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, bilious ness, headaches and slugKisb bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. Club Manual Issued by School Superintendent The annual manual describing and illustrating boys and girls' club work in Oregon is being dis tributed by the office of J. A. Churchill, state superintendent ot schools. The book was prepared by J. E . Calavan. field worker for the department. It is pro fusely illustrated w'th the pic tures of boys and girls of the Ore gon public schools who have won honors in club work and of the results of th-e'r handiwork and headwork in production of manv kinds. A foreword is signed by Mr. Churchill. Tax Reduction League Organizes at Silvcrton v Delegates, from the Salem Tax Reduction league organized a branch of th? group at Silverton last night. Other meetings are be ing planned for Mt., Angei. Wood burn, Turner and Jefferson. J. C. Cooper of McJIinnvllIe. president of the Oregon Tax Reduction league, with Senator Alex La Fol- fit rA Rovmnnr Jnnra. w Mit to Albany yesterday for the purpose of nrranizing a unit. Units have been organised in Hood River. Douglas. Raker. Washington. Yamhill and Marion counties. Mr. Cooper's party plans to organize a unit in Benton fouotv. Wednesday they plan to organize in Clackamas conontv. A North Howell unit was organized last Saturday night. Mr. Cooper is making a tour of tty state in the -interest of the Tux Reduction league and was in strumental in organizing a unit In Salem lat week.1 Read the Classified Ads. APOLLO CLUO TO POIH TON Gems of Music from All Lands to Be Presented At Grand Theater They've gathered gems from al most every land on earth for the Apollo concert at the Grand to night from Germany, from France, from Russia, from Eng land, from Sunny Italy, Trom-Alsace, from America, from the cot ton field3 where the slaves used to Work and sing. They hava one of the greatest singers from Can ada, and a star planiste from the land of the maple leaf to help present the numbers. The club -L - v.j DR. JOHN R. SITES Director of Salem Apollo Club members themselves ar? from every clime, from the Polar north to the tropics. Good m isi'c and good musicians, and a standing-room-only audience, are in pros pect for th's. their aacond con cert of the year. The first program was varied, but not up to this one for mani fold charms. There is the mag nificent ''Anvil Chorus," from Verdi's "11 Trovatore,'' Wagner's "The Flying Dutchman." is one of the heavyweights of the whole musical world; though both these grand choruses joggle-bow with the negro minstrel of "Croon, Croon, Underneath th' Moon," of Clutsam. who mightn't know a continental oratorio Trom a pre Raphael'stic pollywog but he sure knows the minstrel business from a to izzard. Dudley Buck, whose delight was to write ravishing chorus that tax the singing ability of the most skillful artists, contributes "Rob in Adair" to the program. This dear old favorite ought to gain new beauties from the Apollo clnb singing. Shakespeare andj Augustus isarrau couaooratea in "It Was a Lover and His Lass." a delightful little number, and Ludwig von tteethoven. th mys tical, deft Colossus of all music, will be shown in his solemn "Worship of God in Nature." Beethoven wrote for the ages, and not for the jacc artists of the minute. He would live among the 'mmortals for this one grat song, though he had done noth ing else in music. Gideon Hicks, the great basso from Vancouver. B. C. appears in a charmmcly varied program. The eria. "Hear Me. Tie Winds and Waves." ought to live for years in the memory of all who hear it. for Handel wrote It. Side by aide with this stormy appeal to strength, is the delicately beau tiful "Spring Night." by Schu--i-n. Ther- r thre other num bers, all of which promise well, tno.gh "The Victor," by lluo Kaun, ought to be th? star num ber. If one does not present a vivid picture of mail-clad warri ors, with the fire of deathless vjetorv in thr ir ev.es and th b'ood and the shine of victory on the'r unsheathed pwords. there's noth ing in signs. Mr. Hicks comes recommended as the greatest bas to of Canada. Mrs. Green, pianist, also of Vancouver, H. C. is: regarded as one pt the b?st performers on the "universal" instrument that the northland affords. Her touch is aid to be at once dainty and strong, with a masculine strength and a fem'nine accuracy marking the execution ot every passage -Prof. John R. Sites, leader of the w IS 'W-vj i a ' r Apollo club, has worked unceas ingly for the success of the or ganization. He draws no salary, giving his time and efforts solely Trom the unescapable urge of the true musician to take his art to the public. The club has pros pered amazingly under his direc tion, the number of singers has grown, and the programs show an increasing quality that marks both the leader and the mem bers as true devotees of music. A third concert is to be given lat9 in the season which promise to show the same range as the present offering. BITS FOR BREAKFAST ! - Weather like spring. S S But the spring will be a late one. S The bioccoli crop is not ex pected to be ready for extensive shipments till March 15 to 25. S Bryan expects to "come back" by way of Florida, which leads Eome one to compare this idea with that of Pones de Leon. S S The voters of Salem are to be given a chance to say how much they want, or rather whether they want now. complete fire fighting equipment. S . Uncle Joe Cannon did not have to quit. H3 was not fired. H3 has been one of the big guns of his party and of the country for a longer time than any man who ever served in congress. Jugoslavia's decision to reduce its army to 110,000 men is due to the influence of the budget com mittee. If the budget committees everywhere had their, way th? de militarization of the world might be considerably accelerated. S Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, ac cording to a New York man who recently visited him. Is to come lo the United States soon to lec ture on sp'rltuallsm. If he would promise to work in a little some thing about Sherlock Homes he would be sure to get good sized audiences. Black Book Camp to Oin The Black Rock camp of the Spaulding Logging company will rfin as soon as spring weather permits. There is about 1,000. 000 feet of timber left in the Black Rock holdings of the com pany and as soon as this is logged, workers will be given em ployment at the company's camp on the Luckiamute, on the Gal ley and Silets railway. Grey Eagfa Working The only steamboat on the up per Willamette really in service is the Grey Ragle of the Spaulding Logging company. During the past few days it has been in serv ice towing logs to the mill. Funeral Yesterday The funeral services of Corne lius T. Weller. who died Febru ary 18 in a local hospital, were held Monday afternoon at t o'clock from the chape! of WebD & Clough. The services were conducte- by the Rev. Ward Willis Long and burial was in the mausoleum . Stricken With Paralysis While in the Oregon Electric depot, Charles J. Koon was stricken with paralys's about 1:30 o'clock p. m. yesterday. He was at once takn to his home at 671 North Winter street, and late last night physicians in at tendance were of the opinion that he would recover. This is the second stroke ot paralysis exper ienced by Mr. Koon the past few months. Going South Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Griffith, will leave next Friday for an auto" trip into California, to be away about six week. They w'll be ac companied as far as Redding by Joseph H. Albert and Paul Wal are. Mr. Wallace and Mr. Al bert will return from Redding by Southern Pacific. Stopped at Palm ltearh Otto Hartman and sister. Miss Gertrude Hartman. who have been in the east for several weeks are now touring the south and on their way to Cuba. Friends who have received letters from the Hart mans have received news of their travels by auto from Jacksonville. Fla.. south through the wonderful Indian river coun try on to Miama. from which point hey will go by rail to Key West and then across to Cuba. They stopped two days at Palm Beach, the millionaire colony ,ot the" south. DEAF SCHOOL IM HIS 110 PUPILS Institution- Almost Crowded to Capacity, Superinten dent Reports There are now 110 pupils iu the Oregon school for the deaf. In North Salem, according to Su perintendent K. S. Tillinghast. This is so close to the utmost limit of accommodations that it is hoped no other applications will b made for the present. The school has been running smooth ly this winter, with the best of health among the pupils, though there is some illness among the teaching force at the present time. Following the suggestions of the state fire marshal, who in spected the bnild'ngs last sum mer, a number of doorways have been cut through the.dorminory quarters so as to afford free exit tn case of any fir? or stampede alarm. The new bnilding, pro vided for by the last legislature, is finished and being used to its full capacity. It houses the car penter shop, the gymnasium and the laundry that was moved from the main bnilding and reduces the fire risk on the big unit building. Th- gyra hoas a floor 43 by 75 feet, one of the best of Its kind in Satem, and thfe pupils have moade the most lavish use of its dollghts. A formidable bas ketball team, for this class, has been developed, that has cleaned up a number of high school and other like teams in this Fection. It has beaten the second team at Chemawa in two games, the Mon mouth high school, and on Fri day night the Baptist Sunday school team that is the leader of Us class in Salem. They are to go to - Vancouver, Wash , March .v lo ulav the deaf schoool team ot that place for the champion ship of their class of the north west. Salem Fine Hog- Market When it comes to selling hogs. Salem is a higher market than rhiraso. a veteran hoe buver said yesterday. In fact, the Salem mar ket which yesterday was si 0.60 a hundred, was just one cent mgn er than the Monday Chicago mar ket Recentlv the Valley Pack ing company, not being able to secure a sufficient supnlv of hogs from the WJllamette valley, was obliged to ship several cars of hogs, all double deckers, irom North Dakota . Hog Travel By Express The pedigreed hogs sold last week at the state fair grounds by Loe & Abies, were shipped to pur chasers by American Railway ex press. Shipments were made to buyers at Newberg, Clackamas, Eugene, Springfield, and other points. The hog that had the longest express journey was billed to Halfway, a stat'on near Baker, Ore. The express on the one hog was $11. In all. 30 of the hogs sold at auction. were shipped to purchasers by express. Home From Porthuid - Miss Ruth Babb. C. W. Thomp son, ,Iouise Healey and Virgil C. Stetson, all Portland visitors over Sunday, returned yesterday. Home Mission Worker is Speaker at Willamette Dr. Paul Vote, a representative ot the home mission board of the Methodist Kpiscopal church, ad dressed the student body of Wil lamette university during chapel period yesterday. He emphasized and presented to the listeners a message of "old time re:jgion" with a 20th century application with the opportunities of a rural pastor. He says. "The broad job that awaits the rural pastor Is one that commands the best there is in a man." Dr. Vote showed that if the rural pastor would get busy and organize a community, prepare better roads, demand better schools, create better living- con ditions, create better medical service there would not be that demand of the rural pastor for a charge In the city. If the rural pastor would realize that he Is a paid instrument of the co m m ti n -ity having the same positl? as the, school superintendent and other paid officials of the com munity he would demand and work for those changes that 1 " 1 would rdake for a better commun ity. 1 Dr. Vote closed Jils address with the statement that only by placing himself in a position ot leadership and working for the growth ot the community, the la creasing of his activities along so-' cial lines and visiting every home could the pastor fulfill his duty. Willamette Bearcats to Meet .Nevada Wednesday When the Bearcats meet the Nevada university team at the armory tomorrow night they will meet four ordinary men and a whirlwind. The Nevada ' team hasn't -been very successful against the' O. A. C. bunch that beat Willamette. It lost by about the same score in ths two games as that which overwhelmed the Bearcats. But ordinarily they rate this one Nevada whirlwind' and desert sandstorm as worth about two ordinary good men. His name Is Bradshaw, and he is an all-western football star.- He holds down the halfback Job on the Nevada team, and is rated as a cracker jack both on the foot ball and the besketball field. He is a fast, aggressive player. Dealer Automobile Taxes Are Involved in Suits The question of whether taxas can be collected on automobiles held in stock by dealers is invol ved in the cases ot A. C. Stevenes, appellant, vs T. M. Hurlburt, sher-. iff and tax collector for Mutno mah county, and the H. M. Covey Motor Car company against Hurl burt. transcripts of appeal for which were filed yesterday in th supreme court. These are com panion cases to Northwest Autt , company against Hurlburt la which the samia question Is invol ved. Nobody Can Tell When Yim 'Darken Gray, Faded HaJr With Sage Tea. HAVE OH HI ID LOOK II Grandmother - kept her hair beautifully darkened, glossy and. attractive with a brew of Saga, Tea and Sulphur. Whenever herj hair took on that dull, faded ot, streaked appearance, this simpls mixture was applied, with. won-; derful erfect. By asking, at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage anU Sulphur Compound." you will get. a large bottle of this old-time re cipe. Improved by the addition of othj9f ingreiiens, all ready to use, at very" little cost. This aim pie mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color anJ.. beauty to the hair - A well known downtown drug gst says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied It's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through the hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after an other application or two it Is re stored to Its natural color, and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. Adv. x Si 'fcsf ,?jll) TW GrcUt b S!f-A-jtiB. It aim. ptj 'alia tw tk bead, cUapa a -nust and saeoth nit gly tinea. your dealer can't get it send actuai bust measure, name, ad' dress Ct 41.50. We'll send tna Circlet prepaid. Sizes 34 to 4d, -Nw Hy-Mme-F-jo Inatitat 120 E. 1 St New Yorfc. Dap's M. j