THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON She Issued Dally Except Monday by THK STATESMAN PUKL1SHIVG COMPANY 216 8. Commercial St.. Salem. Oregon (Portland Office. 627 Board of Trade Building. Phone Antomatlc 127-59 MEMBKU OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the ose for repub lication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In thin paper and als o the local news publl shed herein. A. J. Hendricks Manager Stephen A. 8tone Managing Editor Ralph OloTer Cashier Frank Jaskoski. . .... Manager Job Dept. TELEPHONES: Business Office. 23 , Circulation Department. 6SS. Job Department, 683. Society Editor, 106. Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. HENRY FORD AND MUSCLE SHOALS There are indications from Washington that understand ings are being reached in the matter of enacting the pro tective tariff bill. It is certainly high time. Yes, high time and carry nearly 365 days. What may be done in March or April or May, 1922, should have been done in March or May, 1921; for which the people at the polls in the previous No vember had given the mandate, which President Harding, in one of his very first messages, said required "instant ac tion." Procrastination, the arch breaker of the law given in the eigth commandment, the thief or time, is not without respect among the importers of foreign goods in this coun try; nor in the circle of the obstructionists in the federal halls of legislation. conditions that made its action conform to the mandate of the people. A writer in the Springfield Ke- few alleged statesmen to take the treaties all apart to see what makm them tick. Then there will be the job of putting thero publican finds a perfect prece- together again and making the dent for this treaty In the con vention between the I'n'ted States and Great Britain to limit the sire of their respective naval forces on the Great Lakes. has stood for over a century. At any time congress could have up et it by legislation; once or twice such legislation has been parts all fit. There will be much florid conversation before this thins is over. Los Tmies. The young lady across the way says she fairly dotes on "The Three Musketeers." that Shad rach, Meschak and Abednego had always appealed to her. Congress will continue in ses sion until June. A legislative program has been outlined that must be completed before the garel falls for the summer recess for the effective cure of cancer. i seriously proposed. But the pop-i ! And has been offered by Lord Atho;-j,:lar instinct has been to ma.n stan. owner of th Montreal Daily ta n the agreement in its original Star. The decision is to be left Integrity, and congr-ss has bowod to the Royal college of physicians and surgeons. London. England. Secretary of War Weeks has submitted to Congress the offer of Henry Ford to take over and operate the government property at Muscle Shoals, Alabama, and the committee on military affairs of the House is now considering the matter. In order that the ordinary reader may understand how im portant the transaction is, there is given herewith a brief statement of expenditures to date at Muscle Shoals,, the pro posed additional expenditures, and Mr. Ford's offer: Government has invested at Muscle Shoals in Nitrate plant No. 1 .-- $12,888,000 Nitrate plant No. 2 69,674,000 Warrler steam generating plant 3,721,000 Waco quarry 1,179,000 Railroad and transmission line 955,000 Uncompleted dam No. 2 Wilson dam) 17,160,000 Have you sent any copies of the Opportunity Edition of The Statesman to eastern friends to show them the epportunities of fered by Saiem and the Salm istrict? Many have. At least. mail your own copy. That will help to make a large distribution nd do a great deal of good in bringing desirah! new people here. The Democrats are preparin to boost Woodrow Wilson in the coming campaign, so at least the report runs, but we fear there H no such good luck in store for the Republicans. Exchange. , . WIFELY VIRTUES , " $105,577,000 - - - It is proposed to spend, in addition For lands and flowage rights $2,000,000 For completing dam No. 2 25,000.000 For constructing dam No. 3 25,000,000 y ' $52,000,000 Final total investment by Government $157,577,000 - Mr. Ford offers - To complete dam No. 2 and construct dam No. 3, to be reimbursed by government at cost. To furnish electricity for operating locks, v To maintain power nouses and equipment. To operate nitrate plant No. 2 at present capacity in pro duction of fertilizer and to sell product at not more than 8 oer cent Drofit. v To buy nitrate plants Nos. 1 and 2, Warrior steam plant, and Waco quarry for $5,000,000. . To lease for 100 years dams Nos. 2 and ,3 . and make an nual payments to the Government as follows : ; Rental,-4 per cent of completion cost.... $2,000,000 . For upkeep of . dam No. 2;..L.:....: 35,001 " For upkeep of dam No. 3.;...... 20,000 r Annual sinking fund 46,746 A prominent fruit grower sa'd yesterday that the fruit prospect at this season were never better. The fruit trees were never before so nearly dormant at this date. So the blossoms are likely to come on after danger of frost has passed. A bumper fruit crop all down the line will help this city and section wonderfully. Oh. yes; with the addition of good prices for the fruit. J : -i ! - V $2,101,746 ' Tho payments and interest on the sinking fund are ex pected tt reimburse the Government at the end of the lease period for the cost "of the' two dams. Other indirect benefits to the government are that Mr.. Ford agrees to keep nitrate plant No. 2 in condition for. manufacturing explosives, anc tne iacc mac navigation on me xennessee river win ue gi t-ai- .ly Improved by the completion of the two dams. I Other offers for the properties are pending in addition to: that of Mr. Ford, but his appears to be the most compre hensive and.responsible. The report of the Secretary of War shows the close scrutiny given to the proposition .by Mr, Weeks, and his careful conservation of every right of the United States in the property. He calls the attention of Con gress impartially to the benefits that would accrue to the government through the acceptance of the Ford offer, as well as the huge losses that the government must write of if the nitrate plants are sold at the Ford figure. Whatever may be the final disposition of the matter, the people may rest assured that their interests have been in competent . hands, v ? General Dawes, as the archi tect of the new national budget does not mince any words in de nouncing the federal bureau chiefs who have either failed to follow h's advice by chopping ex penses or did it with sucn poor grace as to arouse comment. The sympathies of the voters and tax payers of the country will be with Dawes in his effort to wipe out millions of dollars of unnecessary estimates. A French paper conducted a query as to what quality was most to be desired in a wife. Thousands of answers were re ceived and the largest number placed health as the first essen tial. Strange to say. courage re ceived the nest highest vote, al though it would be an inconse quential factor in, a qutz in this country. Fidelity, wit and clev erness came r.ext iu; order with French husbauds, Wealth and beauty were well down at the bottom of the list. Possibly the Frenchmen think that if a wife has good health she can be made into a good took andhousekeepar, and nothing else matters. It is certain that an American inquiry would make a different showiug. There would be more sticklers for wealth and beauty. to the popular will. WOKIK4 OF UNtVLX STIFFEN I JON IX THE PATH? The Canadians are proud of their constant increase of popu lation by "indirect immigration." The net natural increase in the population of Canada in the first six months of 1921 was 47.427. according to a statement iss'ued by the'r bureau of statistics. Births for this period numbered &2.134. while deaths totalled 34. 707. The greatest number of births were reported in March, and the smallest 'In, February. The heaviest mortality was re ported for March and the light est for June. Congressman Bourke Cockran finds a source of worry in the five-power naval treaty because it violates the constitution. Every one should have ben prepared for this. The Cockran resolution calls our attention to paragraph 13, section 8, article 1: "The congress shall have power ' to provide and maintain a navy." This tower is unqualified: it can neither be added to nor sub traded from. No treaty can de prive congress of us powers ranted by the constitution. It follows that after the five-power treaty were ratilied. congress could ignore it at any time and make the navy as big as it pleased. Such obviously is Mr. Cockran's argument. The argument is sound, const! tutionaliy speaking. The su preme court has decided that an act of congress subsequent to the ratification of a treaty overrides the treaty in case congress legis lates on a subject placed by the constitution within its jurisdic tion. But while congress would have the power to annul this na- The closing paragraphs of Lin coln's second inaugural address may easily serve as a text for the present times. The great pow ers of the world have just con cluded a conference that must have a lasting effect upon, the peace of civilization. Therefore let the words of the martyred president be recalled. Ha said: "With malice towards none, with charity for ail. with firm ness in the right, as God give? us to see the right, let us strive , on to finish the work we are ia; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall .have borne the battle and for his wid ow and orphans; to do all which may achieve and cherish a and (lasting ipace araon? our selves and with all nations." The American delegates to the Washington conference entered that parley in the frame of mini e3ired by Lincoln. They had malice toward none and charity for all. When diplomats get to gether to barter and heckle, it may be in the name of peaco. at it really spells war. When Christian gentlemen gather with no malice in tneir minds and only broad charity in their hearts there is no paring or chaf- ng. America is .willing to go more than half way in achieving the just and enduring peace which Lincoln so eagerly desired. Were Lincoln in the White House today he would have gone at least as far as did the present administration to ease the world of iti naval and military bur dens. Dicky waved his hand airily at me he had been carefully study ing the effect of a new cravat in the mirror as he talked and hiaw me a. kiss with th last AngeltJ word. "I say. old dear." he went on and i uw that he was in one i of his jocular teasing moods, when ! there is nothing for me to do but BITS FOR BREAKFAST ! inaturedly as 1 may "why don't i von pattern yourself after Kath- erine a little more? There s a pa tient Griselda for you. She almost weeps with delight when Jack gives her a smile, and trembles with fear at his frown.' Gee. 1 wish I had you trained that wen: Wouldn't I gd out and have one whale of a time." 'Katherine doesn't have that particular type of a husband." 1 put in slyly. "1 don't suppose he lias even looked at another wo man since he first began to care for her. And she Is not a door mat " I could not repress a lit tle indignation even though 1 knew that D cky was only fooling "but she has put down her own feelings because Jack was not well." "I, am not well, either." Dicky asserted. "I'm a sick man, nerves know then it rained. S S "The hooded clouds, like friars. Tell their beads in drops of rain." The way the extra copies of the Opportunity Edition went to the four corners of the earth yester day, they will not last long. S But that is what they are for as long as they last. Every copy should go to tell some one looking this way of the opportunities of Salem and the Salem district. S S Th thines we can do and the things we can grow exclusively or to better advantage and greater orofit than other sections that is the gosDel of progress for this jail shot to pieces, and I citv and district. The doing and that if I could just give you one growing of these things will make good walloping it would make a gram was given by different so ciety members. The opening number was "Life of Abraham Lincoln." by Charles Gilbert; recltaton. by Fred Fish er; p'ano solo, by Florence Fish er; "Origin of St. Valentine's Dav." by Ellxabeth Moarman. The program was cloeed by U singing. Had That Tired. Wom-Out Feel ing. Do you know that "awful tired feeling," languldness. lame or weak back, sore muscle. stiff or swoolen Joints, or rheumatic pains usually "Indicate kidney trouble? Foley Kidney Pills net promptly and effectively. Mrs. Roberta Lilly. 70$ Alton street. 4itnn in., writes: "For three years I had a tired, worn-out feel ing. Various treatments failed. I began to Improve on the second dose of Foley Kidney PHI, and today I feel like new." boiu everywhere. AdT. - X Phone Rate Increase is Denied Temporarily this a big city and a great solidly prosperous country. Oh wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?" The hunt for a cure for caucer goes on unabated, and will con tinue till successful. A prize of $100,000 to the graduate or stud ent of any recognized university who, within five years, is the first to discover a medicinal treatment would never do it except under i SCHOOL STUDY POET HT7MOS PLAT WORK Copyright, 1022, Associated Editors The Biggest Little Paper In the World Edited by John H. Mfflar HOW TO' PLAY THE AD -GAME ! frayed. It's a great business, be ing a blotter!" "Don't get sour on the world." said Bin 3 Blotter 'ying beside it. "You think a blotter can never do anything heroic. Well, listen. "Once there war a Green Blot ter that was lying on the mahog any desk of a certain business man. He was a very nioe old man, and the blotter didn't mind work ing for him at a?:, r - was alwav writing out lfttle checks for out-of-luck people and hard-up fami lies and bier checks for charitable societies. H was always writing nice, cherry little notes to d:s-our-"ed friends. I was surorisinc How well do you know adver tisements? Play the Ad-Game and find out. Tear out 20 or 30 good blzod advertisements, preferably .those with4 pictures in them, from the magazines. Choose only advertise ments of , those articles best known to the average boy or girl. Clip out of each advertisement the nante of the article represent ed.' But leave Ihe trade-mark and such descriptive mnttcr of the ar ticle that does not contain the name of It. Wherever the name doos occur, clip It out. Do not allow a .picture of the advertised article to remain. : In an advertisement .of a . certain kind of soap In which a jitHo grl Is ihe trademark, cut out the plc- ne ot tue;har of soap, and also tn. nn oMb twnn, but .leave the picture of the little gfrlr It U familiar that it sbouJd not tie nuiicait ior the. Ad-Game players tired It. . . Paste each 1 the advertisements on a piece ot cardboard, or , heavy japer. Number each one. Pin thera to thb window curtains It riother doesn't object, or, it you I ..9 Ad-Came ia school, the ui course mey didn't hear him But finally some one spItoh blotter, held it uo to tho and then Green Blotter told them wno nad knocked the old ma uuwn, ior xne oia man had used mo oiean Diott-er to blot the cneck. on. Dreather Pink Blotter "maybe I can do something great aim exciline like that Inn 1' stop being discontented." CUTTING THK KXOTS They are getting around to a simple system in soviet Russia. There if a man wants a divorce ne can just rue a notice or re lease or declaration of intention and by paying a fee of 10.000 rubles have it all over with. The fee sounds rather heavy, but 10. 000 rubles In Russia is hardly the price of a shave. A man can get divorce cheaper than he can a haircut in Russia. ayid I new man out of me. If you loed your husband properly you'd be willing to take a trouncing. No? Well. I call yiu downright stingy. But I'll tell you what will do Just as well. I'M beat the daylights out In spite of population losses if you in fennis if you'll come out through war and cession of terri tory, Germany is reported to have as manv inhabitants today as in July. 1914. This is due to the high birth rate. In 1921 births exceeded deaths by about 700.000. Thi is what most worries France, perhaps. German emigration. however, is increasing, having quadrupled between January and September of last year. Cat This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail It to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 111., wrtiing your name and address clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for couchs, colds and croup; Fo ley Kidney Pills for pains In sides and back; rheumatism, backache. kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and tnorougniy cieansm? cathartic for constipation, bilious ness, headaches and sluggisB bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. to the courts. We'll hava Just time for a couple of sets before dinner." What Dicky Brought. It was the last thing I felt in the mood for doing, but I fancied thre had been an undercurrent of truth runn'ng through Dicky's nonsense that he imagined 1 had been neglecting him a bit. There fore I smiled up at him brightly. "I'll be with you in five min utes." I said. "It will take me five to change, myself." he replied, and took, off his coat as he went toward his room. Halfway down the hafl he turned and came back to me. "Here is a letter that ought to interest you." he said. "But don't waste more than two minutes out of the game on it." He tossed a letter to me ad dressed in the unmistakable chir- ography of Robert Savarin! (To be continued) The public service commission yesterday issued an order denying temporarily, pending further in vestigation, an application of the Lakevlew-Pine Creek Electric company for authority to Increase Its rates. The company has Its principal offices at Lakoview and furnishes telephone service to Lakeview and Lake county. A paragraph of the order deal ing with revenues says: "The commission believes that this utility's revenue Is not suffi cient to produce such a return up on the investment as is generally considered adequate, but when authority for a rate adjustment ia requested, revenue and expense should not be the only elemtns considered. Due consideration must be accorded general service conditions and tin subscriber ability to pay. otherwise the rate might easily result in decreasing the operating revenue. It is a natural assumption that a Utility will endeavor to make such fi nancial showing as will Justify an Increase In rates, but w-e roust In fairness, and equity to the com pany's patrons. emphatically state that tho adequacy ot the service also bears a direct and important realtionshlp to the rea sonableness ot the rates." Mi Hem id m mm Adcle Garrison's New Phaee of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE DRV VIGILANTES Citizens of Duluth have formed a vigilance committee for the sup pression of booze. The enforce ment of prohibition ha3 not been satisfactory and those who be lieve in sustaining the law are volunteering for service in that direction. They are going to put the bootleggers" of business if they have to hunt them with bear traps and blunderbusses. THE TIME KILLERS The treaties resulting from the arms parley at Washington ar? before the United States senate for approval They have the ap probation of the whole American people and the civilized world, but the United States senate wiil be the last to hear or concede. It will be first necessary To- a CHAPTER 380 WHY DICKY FELT HIMSELF AGGRIEVED Washington Governor Will Attend Conference "Ever study a blotter! '. foolish." "It's very absorbing." TODAY'S PUZZLE L-....V. 1 . t .. . how many good things he could do j " ,c ,.L numbered. The letters have beern FUTURE DATES State carlsay be set on. the chalk lertre o( the blackboard. ftfake list of the correct arti cles and names advertised on the cards. Glvo each player a pencil and a pieco of paper. The players pass flora one card to another. guess Ire the articles'" represented as well as the trade names. They number each guess to cor respond with the number on the card to which the guess refers. V Give a . prize a box or crack ers, or a bar of soao. or some. other article referred to in the ad vertisements, makes a good one -to the boy or girl who has the greacst number of correct ans wers, , That's the Ad-Game. JUOlner Join the tun when yon play the Ad-Ganie. They'd en joy It, ;;, ., with his pen. "Gree Plotter watched and was glad. Green Blotter was just a new blotter some advertising company had -nt tho old man. and he war. still very fresh and clean, for his owner still stuck to a dingy old Yellow Blotter that he had had for a long time. "One day a big hurley fellow with very black evebrows came in fo the office and stayed h long time, arguing with the old busi ness man and pounding his fist on the table. Green Blotter didn't like his looks at all. He was triad I when he went away. One eveinng. a ? w dav later, when the rest of the office was gone and the old man was closing up his desk, the hie roan came aenin, and again they had a lone talk. The the business man took divided into words. Letters 9, 1, 1?. and 20 spell word meaning not short: 4. 6. 17 to unite with stitches; 5. 11. 2, 7. a part of a house: 15. 18. 14. 12. .. slight de pression; 16. 10, 13. 3. 8. some thing used in warfare: By guess ing the correct words and then ar ranging their letters in the proper ordier you will find the saying. Answer to yesterday's. Acre, race. "Do ydu know "So. do you?" "Oh. yes. Hook good f riends' Col. Hook " nd Eye are You. might let Dad andioWk which b han,i,t .t.. . - .- , iiiii is v j i a other man. anV h stood no to "hV hJnis. The vir-Uor looked at the check. Then he began to lk f'ereHy. Th -xt thin Green Blotter knew, the old mun lylnr unconscious on the floori and the big man wr nn-nn- out of the room with his check. """Lr thre came mnv peo ple. Tbjey took the old man away, and they looked all over the room. I can tell you! I can tell jtmv cried Green Blotter, but ONE REEL YARNS ; CSREEX'ltliOTTER TKLLS i "Fine chance I have to amount to anything." said Pink Blotter. "I Me around here and get cov ered with dust and ink and get all i Cff KKNCV EPCAS DUES STQ0M8ONU Una MwnF SHl THfc UDW T tj m sane Tine ..It r . sii a si Fhrnrr 15 to 10 InclatiTi Chrittitn EndraTor ronTentmn !frur.T 1. Saturday Salem nift at I.alior I nion hall. Kelirourr 1. Saturday Y.M.C.A. lrpjs to h- 1-anqnrt at noon at as sociation luil!tnz. KfbmarT 19 and 20, Simitar and Mon lm- Mwlln of K;sropal dKte at Si. Pai'l'a rhur'h K-hruary 21 m4 22Conrntion nf Stat Retail Uealcri association at Rnhurg. February 21, Tueday Conrenttea of Orson Retail Clothiers' aaoeiatkn in Salm. February 21. Tueaday John D. Mirk! to address South Salem Parent teaser aatoriation at I,ei!ie. Methodist church. February 21 and 22 Toeday and Wedneadav. Apollo club in ronrert with Gideon Hii-ss and Certrut' Hunteley Green, pianist. February 22. Wednesday Seraafenth anniversary progTam by Rotariana at Marion hotel. February 22. Wednesday Washing ton's birthday. I'ebrnary -2. Saturday Wretstlinc bout between r-ron t'itr hiah i'-hoo! and (hmuii Indian srhool grapplera, at Ch' .!. February li, Saturday Marion rin ty Hils.t-:n c.itt'e club meets at Com-riT'-fsl -li b. February J 7. Monday Professor Jame. Mutthew. W!lrr hal' lerture. "ljorp. Cm-Mnhip an! Marriage" March 2. Tbnrtda' Aaanal Elks Elec tion. Marli 1H, Friday Intrr-ol'ei'ate or alortral coot "it at 1'acific collrKC, .w bere. March 17 19 Meeting of county Ban day school coarentmn in Salem. Marrh 17, 19 and 19 Marios county Sunday school rnnrention, Salem. Mar-h 20 Monday Stale convention OresCMi Tax Rm-iion leac'ir in Portland april.16 to 21 "Better Music" week ia SaH-in. April 16. Sunday Raster. May 13.- Friday Primary elect ln. June 29-30. July 1 -t'onrentinn of Oreroa 1'ire Chiefs' assoriataoa at Marsh iU. Jalr 3 and 4 Monday and Tnesdav. Stat roBTention of Artisans at Wood bora. Sentawabor 21. 23 a ad S3 Psadleton ronad-ap. Koveniber T, Tse day General elec tion. ' Lillian's "two or three days' which Fhe had planned to stay in Ihe city in order to trace the ac llvities of tho man. .Take Wilsey who had called himself Hridge- ham to me. llambridge to Alice Holcombe lengthened themselves 'nto more than a week. Jack and Katherine had departed before there was anr sIeti of her coming back, although she had telephon ed to me each day in order to bo assured ot Marion's welfare, and talked for a minute or two with her small daughter. I had been so occupied during the visit of my brother-cousin and his wife, with the peculiar life problem involving them, that 1 had not worried over Lillian's ab sence as I otherwise would have done. But with the departure of Jack and Katherine, and my re lief at the outcome of my inter view with Jack 1 found my thoughts turning distractedly to ward Lillian, wonderin why it was that she. usually so swift in dispatching any errand, had been compelled to stay so long at this one. Was it possible that she had been unable to "scotch the snake". a she had so confidently assert ed, and that the venom of the man was still abroad, waiting to strike In some new way at Alice Holcombe and me? "What's rating you, old dear?" D'cky demanded one evening when npon comina; in from the train he had found me with my face in my hands, so dee; in thought that I had not heard him come into the room. "You're as abstracted as though you wtre on trial for your I'fe, and were tryln? to art as your own lawyer. Come out of it. and give me a k ss. You're neglecting me shamefully lately." I looked up. startled, as he stooped to kis'rae. took hold of the arms he put around me and pulled myself to my feot. "I'm I'm awfully sorry, dear est." I stammered. "! really haven't meant to. Dicky grinned at mo roguishly. "No. I absolve yon of th"t. but. of course, these petticoated gods of the mach'ne who go around straightening out marital tangles and sich can't be expected to pay attpnt'on to a mere commonplace husband." "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm no great df-tec-a-tut," nicky retorted, "but It doesn't take Sherloe'tian abilitUs to dure that somebodv must have laid old Jack out cold with a met aphorical slung bot. Katherine looked like one if t'i car.y' Mans about to be thrown to the lions when shs first landed lir and up to the last twenty-four hours. Then she blossomed out Into a regular girl again, looking and acting about firteen year-i younger. And I don't know of anybody else save your ladyship who would care to . tackle His Glooms therefore vmi vera th Warm Your flloori a poet nas said that "the. owl for all his feathers was a-cold." Some people for all their wraps are a-cold whenever they are out-of-doors even In normal winter weather. It is plain that they need the warmth there Is pure. rich, red blood, which reaches through ar tery and vein, from head 16 foot, all over the bod v. They could be told by many people, from experi ence, that to have this good blood they should take Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. The great medicine has really macVi it possible for many men and women, boys and girls to enjoy cold weather and sesist the attacks of disease. It gives the right kind of warmth, stimulate and strengthens at the same time and its benefits are as lasting as those of any tonic possibly can be If there is bllliousness or con stipation, which often occurs as a result of the torpifying effect of cold. Hood's Pills may be taken. They are perfectly compatible with Hood s Sarsapartlla. and are gentle and thorough. Adv. Oovcrnor Olcott yesterday re ceived e telegram from Governor Hart of Washington, announcing that the Washington executive will In person attend the confer ence ot western governors called by Governor Olcott to meet In ortland March 4 to study the nar cotic drug situation on the Pacific coast. No other governors to whom the Invitation was extended have yet replied to the telegraph ed Invitation. Successful Play Given By Epworth League Cast Live Literary Society In Operation at Shaw SHAW. .Or.; Feb. 17. The Lite rary societv which was organized at Shaw February 1 among the young men and women, had it3 second ,rt!gu'lar. meeting Febru ary 14. The roll was called and 10 new members were enrolled. Instructions by Father Schr bring followed the roll call. Af ter the instruction a short pro- SILVERTON. Ore.. Feb. JT. CSpeclal to The Statesman) The Epworth league of the Metho dist Episcopal church gave a suc cessful three-act plav, entitled. "Safety First" at the Palace thea ter Thursday evening. A good crowd turned out anl made the play a financial success. A num ber of high school students were among those taking part. The cast follows: Mrs. J. Montgomery. Vivian nankin; Virginia Rridger. Berly Smith: Mrs. Harrington Brldgef. Gladys Smith: Zuleika. the Tur kish maid. Mahema McKee; Mary Ann O'Flinnierv. Irish maid. Elea nor Adams; Mr. Jack Montgom ery. Russell McCullough; Jerry Arnold. Frank Alfred: Elmer Flannel. Uay TibbHs: Abou Ben. Mocka. father pf Zuleika. Leon ard Graham; McN'utt, a detective. Lee Alfred. Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results POLK COUNTY COURT NEWS t'Ircuit Court DALLAS. Or.. Feb. 17. Sam uel S. Houston vs. the city of Monmouth. The plaintiff satis fisd the judgment rendered there in against the city of Monmouth diirinx; the last term of -o-irt. Plaintiff sued the city of Mon mouth for $252.75 and co. ts and disbursements, alleging that tha amount due him on services per formed a.s civil nKineer for the city; but the court gave plaintiff judgment in the sum of $100 and costs, it having been ct'pulated b?tween the rallies tha.. they would not reiuire a jury. Theodore O. Loveland and J. L Records, doing business rnder the firm name of Hrenard Manufac turing company, vs. M ('. Peter son. After considering the de murrer, filed in th's cas wherein it is alleged that plaintiff have no legal capacTty to sue, and that the complaint fails to state fact" sufficient, the court enters! an order sustaiuing the dennrrr and giving the plaintiffs ;o days in which to answer or ota-jrw'se plead. the plaintiff later loaned money to the defendant wh'ch the de fendant has neglected to return to th-? plaintiff. After reciting other financial difficulties with the defendant, plaintiff pray the court for a udxment against tha defendant as follows: 1. For the sum or $91f.30f with Interest; 2. For the sum of $100. with in terest; 3. For the sum of $113.15 with interest; 1. For the sum of $232. w ith interest: 5. Fc the sum of $26. with interes' tnd costs and disbursement Incurred. T. 1. Call vs. J. L. Linn and S. K. 1 ever ill. Transcript of ndgntent from the circuit court of Yamhill coity was filed by the plaintiff and alnst the de fendants in the tim of $Jl''.S. face, and $53.50 costs. A. M. Lady-vs. James M. Hil Hard. The plaintiff filed his compla'nt that he has performed work for the defendant to the reasonable value of $1239.30. acd .fddess of the macliine, Q. e. D.that 1919.30 is jet due him; thai In Heisc. court Sims Anna The E. C. Probate Court the guardianship of an Insane person. having apiV'lnted guardian of the insane per son and directed that letters of guardianship issu to him upon h:s filing a bond In the" sum of $2400. ruch guardian riled with ihe court Ihe bond In that am ount with C. L. Crider and Con rad Strafrln as sureties. In tho gcard'anohip of Virgil Hurson. Floyd Burson and Rirby Hnrson, minors. The guardian of the above named minors. Mat tie Harvey, petitioned the court some time ago Tor an order of sale of real estate belonging to her wards.. The court ordered that ctlation Issue to the next of kin, which Was done, and furth er set February 11 as the time to hear objections to entering an order - for the sale of ths realty. The court entered an order di recting the guardian to sell th real property belonging tho her wards. '.0 5 : J. 5 1 it u : v ; f . J, I ' 5 i i It 4 4(1 t i V. - f 1