The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 18, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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?AVTC Jnry 1922
fiundar only -- J! S3 7
Pail? ud Honda? 5106
Averse for ft montha ending January
HI 192"
8a y only SS06
Dally and Sunday 5106
The Statesman receives tit leased
wire report ot the Associated ,
Press, the greatest and most re
liable press association la the
Innmir in miinr U
A Wl 01 UJ LS
Several Deaths, Explosion
and Numerous Cases of
Hardship Attributed to
New York Weather.
Coast Guard Cutters Dash
to Sea for Protection of
Big Ocean Liners
NEW YORK. Feb. 17.-The
coldest day of the winter In this
section tonight was held responsi
ble for several deaths and an ex-
. plosion besides a number of minor
Two of the deaths occurred in
Landing, N. J., when the dynamite
nacking house of the Atlas Pow
der works blew up. Plant prfi
clals expressed belief that the ex
treme cold had been held ac
Cold Spell Drawn Out
With the temperature two de
trees below cero In this city it
was cold consolation to know K
'was as much as 60 below in the
Adirondack. All : through the
nlaht and until noon, the - city
shivered and suffered.
... A by-product ot the cold was the
viler! mace to charitable organua
tlons ot homeless women and
children from other parts of the
. country, some 'of whom bad come
to New York in search ot missing
husbands or fathers and who
found themselves without shelter
from the Icy blasts., .
Spokane Woman Stranded
One young woman from 3po
kane. Waah.t who had coma here
In October to look for the husbarfd
who had deserted; her. wan sent
hack west: a mother and her two
children were shipped back to
'Washington. D. C: and two wo
men were sent overseas, one to-
Italy and one to Turkey.
Meanwhile shipping circles had
their worries and coast guard cut
ten dashed out from port to seek
vessels which It was feared might
have met with mishaps In the
fierce winds that swept the coast
last night
TACOflA, Wash., Feb. 17.
Mrs. Mar Frances Bean, 64, well
known northwest pioneer, died
herfe today. She had lived in this
county 62 years and was a daugh
ter of ten late John V. Meeker
and a niece of Ezera Meeker ot
Seattle, who came to this state
six year before her, .
THE HAGUE,- Feb. 17. The
first chamber , ot parliament re
turned by a vote of 18 to 17 a bill
Providing local option on the
Question ot regulation of the 11
o.uor traffic.
Frances Lectcher, 21, of Dayton, Or., lay near death at
Willamette sanitorium at 1:30 this" morning following an
attempt to take her own life while in Salem last night.
, "I want to die. I told Dave of my condition and he won't
marry me and I don't want to live any more," she said as
she lay in pain.
While at the women's lavatory of the Bligh hotel at mid
night, Miss Lectcher swallowed a quantity of arsenic and fell
groaning to the floor where she wag found by Clerk D. T.
Sears and a guest of the hotel.
"I want to die!" the young woman repeatedly moaned
while she was being rushed to the hospital where Dr. W. H.
Byrd attended her. -
"Dave so often rererred to by
Miss Lectcher, is David F. Robin
son, one-time lover who this morn
ing consented, it she lives, to mar
ry the little woman after an in
terview with Chief ot Police Ver
den Moftitt. Robinson, who is
21 years old, la also a resident of
Dayton. He at first denied the
girl's story , that he was respon
sible tor her delicate condition,
bat later , admitted that . he had
j knowledge ot it and had advised
f her to go to California
i toia uave several days ago
hat I was going to take poisonsonie doubt that she wil) emerge
Larger Proportion of Nation's
Income Tax is Assessed
Against Unmarried Folk
This is a sad story about bach
elors and maidens.
According to reports coming
from various offices where incoma
statements are made, it is the
bachelor and the bachelor maid
who are paying the greater part
of the income tax this year. For
such, folks .there is only on ex
emption of $1000 incom?. Kvery
dollar over that amount is taxed
4 cents.
The reason that the bachelors.
both male and female, are paying
almost all the income tax is as
Tha new law gives a married
mai exemption tip to $2500. Then (
In addition to this, there is an
exemption of $400 for each child
or dependent.
Thus, if a man has a wife and
one child he pays Income tax on
an excess of $2900. If he has
two children and a wife, the in
ternal revenue -collector doesn't
get him until the income last
year was in excess of $3300.
Now, it is no secret that from
a business point of view the year (
1921 was a pretty disastrous one.
and In fact few men in business
that is, average business men
made in excess of $3000. In many
Instances there was an actual
, .. But- taking., the business and
professional man on the average,
a very small per cent will be pay
ing income tax to the internal
revenue collector this spring. It
is mostly left to the bachelor
maid and the bachelor man who
is making more than $83.33 a
Militar Funeral Given
Young Silverton Logger
SILVERTON, Or.. Feb. 17.
(Special to The Statesman)
A military funeral was held by
Delbert Reeves post. American le
gion, at Silverton this arternoon
from the Jack & Eckman chapel
over he body of K. Becker, known
here as Dave Collins.
Becker was shot and kUled at
Camp 6 early Monday morning by
a bullet accidentally fired by a
logger named Ridovich. The on
ly mark of identification to he
found was the tattoo across tho
chest which read "K. Becker, Dec.
1887." An army discharge paper
bearing the same name giving his
age as 30 years and birthplace as
Stockholm, Sweden, was found
on the body. An effort is now be
ing made to find a trace of rela
tives in Sweden.
Becker was a private in Infan
try Company K, 362nd division,
lie was credited with having
fought In St. Mihiel, Meuse and
the Argonne.
but he only laughed x me, said
the girl. "I showed him the ar
senic in capsules and told him
that I was going to settle my
"headache" forever. He again
refused to marry me."
Whether the Dayton girl will
live is doubtful, acording to word
received from the hospital at an
early hour this morning. Al
though conscious and able to tell
her story to Chief Moftitt a shdrt
time after her arrival at the hos
pital she lapsed into a state of
semi-coma from which there is
Chairman Fortlney Says Measure Will be Ready to Sub
mit to Caucus of House Republicans Within Ten Days
Much Opposition Develops to Sales Tax Labor
and Grange Leaders Comment on Move
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. The outstanding development
today in the bonus legislation situation was unexpected an-'
nouncement in the house by Chairman Fordney, of the ways (
and means committee, that the bonus bill would be ready for
presentation to a caucus of house Republicans within 10
A moment after this statement was made, there was a
shout from the Republican side of the chamber when the
chairman, lifting his voice to its highest pitch, declared the
soldier measure would be passed by a Republican house.
Breaking into the thick of a row over charges by Repre
sentative Garner of Texas, ranking Democrat on the commit
tee, that the bill was being framed secretly with the aid of
representatives of the American Legion, Mr. Fordney shout
ed to the Democratic side that the Republicans did not deem
it proper to seek advice on the bonus from those unalterably
opposed to it.
While there was no other refer
ence to the bonus on the floor,
bonus talk swirlied through the
corridors and for the time being
discussion ot plans for cutting the
army and navy appropriation
bills was forgotten. Republican
members of the ways and means
committee, meeting morning and
afternoon, went over details of
the proposed bill, without giving
any Intimation as to the exact
form of the measure to be report
ed. The calling in of John T.
Taylor, vice chairman of the le
gion's executive
committee, and!
Richard Jones, representing the
Veterans of Foreign Wars, pro
voked the protest of Mr. Garner
and his appeal that the house step
in and prevent Republicans meet
ing in secret with witnesses favor
ing the measure, without admit
ting Democratic members to li3
ten, at least to the deliberations.
Bales Tax Discussed
- How far sentiment was swing
ing to the sales tax as a means
of raising revenue for the bonus
was advocated by President
Harding, was the subject of un
ending discussion among mem
The Gervais school district sent
to the county school superinten
dent's office yesterday for blanks
by which petitions may be circu
lated In the school districts of
Gervais, Waconda, Parkersville,
St. Louis and Manning for tho
first move in the way of establish
ing a union high school at Ger
vais. One-third of the legal voters in
these 'school districts must sign a
petition for a hearing before tha
The romance of Frances and
David began in Dayton about six
months ago about the same time
that David acquired a Scrtpps
Booth car. Both were happy.
"He told me that I was his
sweetheart and that we would get
married," moaned Frances last
According to the story of the
pair, David left Dayton about
three months ago and only re
turned Tuesday. Last night in
company with Mr. and Mrs. Les
lie Dey, they motored to Salem,
intending to return after a few
hours' visit with friends. During
the Journey, Frances was strange
ly, ill, but the Deys thought this to
be due to the motion of the car.
After arriving at Salem, Fran
ces complained of nausea and en
tered the women's lavatory at the
Bligh. It was only after her ar
rival at the hospital that it was
learned that she had taken sev
eral capsules of the poison before
leaving Dayton.
When it first became known
that the girl had attempted to
take her own life, Robinson was
indifferent to her condition and
(Continued on page 4)
bers. It was evident on all side3,
however, that the Republicans
were determined to put the bill
through th.3 house, regardless of
what might happen to it in the
senate. In the event the bill is in
shape for consideration by a Re
publican caucus within the time
set by Mr. Fordney, leaders said
it would be 'passed prior to
March 4.
"There is no power in the
house to head off the soldier bo
nus now," said a Republican lead
er, which :?emed to be the view
of most members insisting upon
its early passage.
Democrats opposing the meas
ure, insisted, on the other hand,
that objection to the sales tix was
so strong in some quarters, that
if the matter of payments was
presented squarely it might be de
feated. Production Tax Hinted
But if the sales tax method is
resorted to, it was said, President
Harding would view with favor a
tax on production rather than a
general retail sales tax. The ex-
Continued on page
school boundary board and if the
board approves the proposed un
ion high school, each district will
at a latter date vote as to whether
it wishes to be included in the
union high school at Gervais.
This in no way affects the primary
or Intermediate grades.
Another movement in tho way
of a union high school is under
headway in th)a Woodburn district.
The Woodburn district proposes
to donate fox a union high school
its high school property and build
ing, entirely free from indebted
ness, if the surrounding districts
will come in under a standard
high school. This will be voted
on March 4.
Already Woodburn is transport
ing to its high school pupils from
29 districts and the movement is
to secure the permanent support
of surrounding districts for high
school purposes.
If other districts vote to come
In under the high school law; it
will reduce high school taxes in
thosa districts. It will also enable
Woodburn to maintain one of the
best union high schools in the
Before this can be done. Wood
burn must first vote on, its offer
oT donating free of indebtedness
Its high school building and site,
and th)3n the various- adjoining
districts must vote as to whether
they will come in with Woodburn
in - establishing a union high
Portland Bank Robbers
Draw Long Sentences
PORTLAND, 'Or., Feb. 17.
Sentence of 25 years in the state
penitentiary was Imposed in clr
suit court this afternoon upon
Shelby Murdock, and James E.
Burgstedt drew a sentence of 18
years following the pleas ot guilty
entered yesterday by both to
charges of holding up the East
Side Bank here December 1.
Rain: fresh
west gales.
to strong south-
IViUVt lb MAUL !
Administration Attempts to
Hasten Ratification Of
Pacts Entered Into at
Arms Conference.
President's Reply to Request
for Full Information Is
Looked for Monday
administration moved to hasten
ratification o the arm:i confer
ence treaties today by bringing
quickly to the surface all th prin
cipal issues involved in thei4- con
sideration by the senate.
In the foreign relations com
mittee, Republican leaders com
pleted a preliminary survey ot
opinion on every one of the eight
conference agreements laid before
the senate with the result tha: u
became apparent what particular
points the opposition .was prepar
ing to direct its heaviest fir
At the same time President
Harding canvassed opinion in the
American delegation regarding
the senate's request for full infor
mation on the four-powfer treaty
negotiations and let it be. known
that his reply to the resolution ot
request would be sent to the capi
tol not later than Monday. He is
expected to tell the sanite in a
brief message that no stenographic
record of the negotiations was
kept or was practicable.
Few Surprises Develop
"The committee discussions
which began yesterday, developed
few surprises in their disclosure
of senate sentiment. In the view
of the Republican leaders, they
confirmed the expectation that tho
four-power, treaty would encoun
ter greatest opposition, that the
naval limitation treaty would be
questioned by some senators lo
calise of its provision against fur
ther fortification of Guam and the
Philippines and that the general
Far Eastern and Chinese taritt
treaties might have some oppon
ents among those who had hoped
to see the conference give China a
greater measure of independence
from foreign interference.
The treaties relating to the is
land of Yap and to submarines and
poison gas are expected by the
leaders to be the least opposed,
and some senators believe they
may go through without a dissent
ing vote.
No-Menace Seen
It is the belief of those who are
piloting the treaties through the
senate that none of them face op
position strong enough to menace
seriously ratification or even to
assure adoption of reservations.
On the other hand, a reservation
to prevent use of arnv?d forces un
der the four-power pact, without
express author. ration of congress
has gained so much support in
the committee that some Repub
lican members think it will be
adopted 'hers.
A second reservation talked ot
in discussions of the four-power
treaty, would provide for automa
tic termination of the agreement
should any signatory power vio
late it. Several drafts of each or
these proposals have been pre
pared by individual senators al
though neither has been Formally
presented in the committee, or
definitely endorsed by any organ
ized senate group.
To Itesunie Monday
With the-formal reading of the
general Far Eastern question and
Chinese tariff treaties today, the
committee completed its formal
preliminary examination of all the
arms conference pacts except that
relating to Yap. The Yap treaty
also has teen discussed in a gen
eral way without formal reading
and Is expected to come up again
when the committee meets Mon
day. At the same meeting the
president's reply on the four
power treaty is expected to make
it possible to resume considera
tion of that, instrument. .
Senator Johnson. Republican,
California, led, in the questioning
at today's meeting ln regard to
the fortifications of the naval lim
itation treaty. He' suggested that
the committee should have the
benefit of advice from American
naval officers before It acted on
the article and indicated he would
totmally ask later that naval ex
perts be called before the commit
tee. Senator Borah, Republican,
Idaho, indicated some doubts
about the protection of Chinese
sovereignity under the Far East
ern treaties.
Democrats May Line Up
So far as revealed by the com
mittee discussions, the sentiment
among Democratic mem ben does
not favor a general policy ot op-
(Continued on. page 4)
I j -. 1 - " " X I
v. I IN Jh -
ill Vqj :ir
I "" T Vti i 1
Mrs. Louise Cromwell Brooks,
bride to be -of Brig.-Gen. Douglas
MacArthur, Is the only daughter
cf Mrs. Stotesbnry of Philadel
phia. Her first husband was Wal
ter D. Brooks, Jr., the marriage
being dissolved in the French
courts in 1919. Gen. MacArthur U
42 years old, a West Point man
and holds a number of war
Complying with the law, there
has just been completed an audit
of every Marion county office at
the court house. The expert aud
itors were Frank. G. Wrightman
and A. L. Downing.
This audit was yesterday turn
ed over to the county court and
the county clerk. Among the
interesting statirtics in the re
port are the following:
During the year 1921 there was
received In fees at the county re
corder's office $7529.40. The
heaviest monthly business was
during April, with receipts of
$729.45. Th slowest month for
recording deeds and mortgages in
1921 was August with fes col
lected amounting to $494.20.
Many people just settle tem
porarily in Salem or the county
and from these the assessor col
lects a transient tax; that is, col
lects a letral tax before the tran
A well attended meet ins of Ma
rion county poultrjmen was held
in the Commercial club rooms in
Salem Friday arternoon and there
was organized a local or county
branch of the Pacific Cooperative
Poultry Producers' association of
Portland, through which the egg
product of a large proportion of
the commercial poultrymen of
Oregon. Southern Washington
and Idaho is marketed.
Under the present rules and
regulations it has been found im
practicable for any poultrymen
receiving less than one crate of
eggs a week to belong to this as
sociation and derive the benefits
of a more uniform and better
price for his eggs the year round.
The puropse of the local organi
zation Is that of closer coopera
tion between the management of
the central organization and the
membership. It is quite possible
that eventually a plan may be
evolved to take care of local
market condition. One of the
first o fthese coounty organiza
tions was effected here at the
yesterday afternoon meeting
which was called to order by C.
W. Hewitt, a prominent poultry
man of Turner, who introduced
R. E. Sheriff, an official of the Pa
cific Cooperative Poultry Produc
ers of Portland, who presided at
sients move away. Last year the
county assessor's office collected
$1564.95 from these transients.
The office of the county super
intendent of schools handles
large sums, of money. Last year
the total receips were $253,
772.05 from the county school
fund. On the basis of $10 for
each pupil in the county, the
county school fund received $139,
590. From the elementary school
fund of a 2 mill levy, there was
paid into the school superinten
dent's office $sr,,314.7o, and from
the library fund $1453.52.
The sheriff's office collets but
few fes, the total last year be
ing $276.
In the county clerk's office
there was collected last year from
fees the sum of $9161.48.
According to the law effective
(Continued on page 3)
the meeting and stated the object
of tho proposed : local or county
After much discussion and ans
wering of scjrea of questions by
Mr. Sheriff, A. L. Lindb-jck of Au
burn, cast of Salem, "moved thai
the poultrymen present proceeed
to crganize a lotil or county
branch association of the Pacific
Cooperative Poultry Producers of
Portland. The motion prevailed
and the Marion County -Branch
Poultry association was organized
and the following named officers
were chosen:
President, C. W. Hewitt of Tur
ner; vice president, A. L. Lind
beck. Auburn; secretary-treasurer,
G. P. Faulkner of Stajton. W.
T. Fleskes of Jefferson wsrs cho
sen as director for the south Ma
rion county district, and Mrs.
Ella Plank of Woodburn was
chosen as director for the north
Marlon county district.
A. D. Zinser of Salem served
as secretary of the meeting and
recorded tho proceedings.
At the conclusion of the organ
ization an animated discussion of
the rules and regulations of the
parent organization and some
propesed amendments, occupied
some little time and late in the
afternoon the meeting adjourned
(Continued on page 3)
District Prosecutor Offers to
Free Butler of Embezzle
ment Charge if He Points
Way to Slayer.
Woolwine Acts After Con
ference With Officials
and Police Heads
lraraunny ior ttawara t.
Sands from Drosecution an &
charsre of embezzlement pre-
i erred against him last Au
gust by William Desmond
Taylor, murdered film direct
or, was promised today by
Thomas Lee Woolwine. dis
trict attorney, provided Sands
can establish his innocence of
the slavirur of Tavlor and can
"untangle this murder mys-
Mr. Woolwine'a nrnmlw in
the missing former butler
secretary to Taylor, was made
in a letter he addressed "to
Edward F. Sands, through
tne public cress " In answer
to a letter purported to have
been written by Sands. 1
The. letter, - which waj ;
signed "E. F. Sands'! was dat.
ed February 14. The writer
declared he was living in Los
Angeles and inquired whether
if he surrendered himself an3
established his , innocence oi
the murder of Taylor, he
would be set free. -
Mr. Woolwine. stated tha
letter purporting to have come
from Sands was postmarked
February 15 but came to his
attention only today.
He said that when he re
alized its import in case it was
proved genuine, he called in
conference police detectives
and his own special investi
gators assigned to the case.
The unanimous conclusion,
he stated, was that it would
be best to answer the letter on '
the chance it was genuine and
might, therefore, result in the
solving of the mystery.
A copy of the letter purported
to have been written by Sands, In-"
eluding both spelling and punctu
ation, as made public by Mr.
Woolwine, follows:
-i-oa Angeles, Feb. 14. 1922.-
air. woolwine: - .
"Los Ahgeles, Cal.
"Dlr Sir: This letter will prob-
ablv siirnris von when-vnn m.a
it. I am takeln thf liUrtvn
write yon to make matters xnort
easy for you In the first place I
am Mr. Sands although a frind of
mine la wrltelng this letter under
my dictation Mr. Woolwine yod '
njed not look al orer the world'
iur mo ur i mui iiveing ngni nere
in Los Angeles and am reading
the papers every day Concerning,
IL L V a .
i ne injior muraer 1 will De rranK
witn you Mr. Woolwine, I haven't
had any pace of mine since the
murder and I have come to the
conclusion that the quicker this
ming is seuiea me Detter oil we
wut jiu ie now dir. wool wine m
the first place I did not murder
njiur uu. i mow wno aid it oni
what assurance have t from yon
to know that von will mv
story 'none. . f
"Therefore I want a guarantee
from yon that if I surrender my
self into your hands and if I es
tablish mr Innocence of th itIim
you will set me fnee.
Kf a . 111 A . a m a
it juu win ao mis r. woo I-
wine i can uoiangie mis muraer
mystery for you you may answer
me in any of the Los Angeles pa
pers. "Thank yon.
E. F. Sands." H
Mr. Wool wine's repl,v follows:
"To Edward F. Sands, through
the public press:
"I am In receipt of a lettsr
dated February 14, 1922, post-1
marked Los Angeles, which by its
language, purports to have, been
"I have no means of knowing
whether or not the letter is gen
nine as 1 receive a vast number
, iru&ua cuiuaianicationi, Oat 1
Intend to treat It as genuine, for
(Continued on page 4)