The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Collins Expects to Be in Pos
ition to Release Kidnap
ed Ulsterites
Mrs. Plain South wick of Rick
real!. Mrs. N. R. Kunkel, who has
been spending a week with her
sister at Silverton returned home
last Sunday.
Mrs. Karl Farrier and children
of Salem have returned home
after spending a week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fisher.
Another Examination to
Be Given Mrs. Wurtzbarger
LONDON. Feb. 14. (By the
Associated Press.) Shooting con
tinned throughout Tuesday in
Ilelfast. Four persons were killed
and many were wounded. The to
tal casualties since last Satur
day up to tonight were 22 per
sons killed and more than 00
wounded. The wounded list noes,
not embrace the case of many
persons suffering from minor in
juries. British troops were brought in
to Belfast today to restore order.
They hardly assumed duties tie
fore one of the soldiers was shot
and wounded.
In the political sphere the prin
cipal news of the day was an an
nouncement by Michael Collins,
head of the provisional govern
ment in Ireland, to Winston Spen
cer Churchill, the British secre
tary for the colonies, that Mr.
Collins would be in a position im
mediately to secure the releiase
of a number of kidnapped Ulster
ites. Mr. Collins started from
Dublin for London tonisht in or
der to consult with the British
government on the situation.
The general convention of the
Sinn Fein has been set for Feb
ruary 21, and it Is considered in
political circles lure that a ma
lor'ty vote in .favor of the treaty
between Ireland, and. .Great Hnt
ain will . result.
PORTLAND. Or., Feb. 14. At
torney General Daugherty in
structed I'nited States Attorney
Humphreys today by telegram to
have two "impartial physicians"
examine Mrs. Alma Louise Wurtz
barer and determine whether the
climate at Canyon City, Colo., will
impair her health.
.Mrs. Wurtzbarger has been sen
tenced to 10 years' imprisonment
at the Colorado state penitentiary
for murdering her husband last
September 4 on the Chemawa In
dian reservation. The prisoner is
suffering from asthma and claims
the high altitude in Colorado wilt
shorten her life.
As soon as the examination is
completed Humphreys has been
ordered to forward the report im
mediately to Washington. A 10
day stay of execution granted Mrs.
Wurtzbarger expires Wednesday.
The attorney general suggested
that the court be asked to extend
the stay until the department of
justice gives further advice as to
the place of confinement.
rrl ixito WirHvi. si i
'MAw fmSmM
Some Re?uhtions of Com-
mission Explained for
Ex-Service Men
Publishers of The Pacific Homestead, The Northwest Poultry Journal, The Dally Ore-
H .nj m.. CmnUVMlrlv fhwmn Statesman announces
Great Observation Puzzl
Coprrlght by TJodenrood A fndrwood.
Mrs. Edgar F. Lockenbach, wife of the well known steamship
m?nate, "takes herself for a walk" at the Florida resort where tn it
sojourning during the winter months.
Estate Increases in
Value in Ten Years
Several from here attended a
''hard time" soelal at Macleay
last Saturday night.
The Brush College helpers will
meet next Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Oliver.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton La Van
and Mrs. ' McGuire of Portland
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. LaVan recently.
James Imlah is recovering from
a recent illness.
The Bchool visitors this week
were Irene Kunkel, Nathan Buell,
and Clifford Smith.
The Junior Sunday school class
was entertained at the school
house Friday night by their teach
er, Mrs. K. W. Harrltt. There was
a full attendance.
Teresa and Elizabeth Himmel
of Salem were week-end visitors
at the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Himmel.
W. D. Gorsline attended a sale
near Independence Thursday.
' A new flag pole has recently
been raised at the schoolhouse.
and several large trees near the
building have been cut in order
to let' more light; into the school
' Mrs. F. M. Mapes and daugh
ters Frances and Verna, went to
"Portland last Friday evening and
returned Sunday.
Rev. LeRoy Walker of Rose-
burg, a nephew of Mrs. Frank
Munson, was a guest of his aunt
one evening last week.
The regular meeting of the
Parent-Teachers' association will
be held in the schoolhouse next
Friday night.
Scire Buell of Portland and
Arthur Buell of Corvallis spent
Sunday here with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Adams are
spending a few days with Mr. and
An increase in value of $14 -099.88
during the f years he
handled the W. D. Claggett es
tate, was reported to the county
court yesterday by-"". A. Welch,
executor, w' n he petitioned the
court to set a date for the final
hearing and closing of the estate.
When Mr. Welch took charge
of the estate about 10 years ago.
the appraisement was J65.321.84.
sterday In filing his final report
with the county court, the estate
value was $79,921.72.
During his later years, W. D.
Claggett sold many tracts of land
on contract, payable in install
ments, and hte executor in han
dling the estate found It necessary
to carry on the administration un
til all contracts were close ana
deeds given by the executor.
as the condensation of the steam
left the pipes full of water that
had no way to flow by gravity
back to the boilers because they
were hitrher instead of lower than
the source of the condensation.
The school had grown Tar beyond
the original installation, and the
congestion couldn't be helped.
The new central plant is built
on lower ground, that will give
ideal service for mich -a plant. The
work of trenching and installing
the pipes to serve all the build
ings is to be done as rapidly as
possible. Some of the buildings
that have had only stove heat, are
to have hot water and steam from
the new central plant.
Washington State May Have
Representation Based on
Death of Coiiins is
Held to Be Accidental
New Landmark at Chemawa
135 Feet High and Un
ique in This Section
One of the landmarks of this
section of the country is the big
new smokestack for the central
heating plant at the Chemawa In
dian school. It was finished a
few days ago, and is now ready
for the installation of the plant
to smoke it up.
The stack is 135 feet in height
with a six-foot opening at the top,
and is built of radial brick
throughout, making it one of the
most symmetrical structures of its
kind anywhere in the west.
The old heating plant, built on
the level with the rest of the
school buildings, never could quite
handle all the heating required
After" inquest proceedings at
Silverton. yesterday afternoon.
Coroner Kigdon signed a report in
the case of the fatal shooting of
David Collins who was accidental
ly killed in a lumber camp nar
Silverton Monday morning.
The coroner's report attributes
Collins' death to "a bullet wound
accidentally fired by one Nick
Ridovitch." According to evi
dence secured by th authorities.
Ridovitch was cleaning a gun
when the weapon was discharged,
the bullet striking a third logger.
J. F. Davis and glancing from Da
vis skull to lodgment in the breast
of Collins. No arreBts were made
in the case. The remains of Col
lins are at a Silverton mortuary.
funeral arrangements not having
been made.
Up to lat night ex-servio-e men
in Oregon wlio are qualified to
take advantage of the bonua law
had sent in to the office of the
bonus commission. 19.1VS appli
cations. Of th?se, 10.994 prefer
red cash and S.24 asked for the
loan feature.
i It is e.-timated that by May 25,
the last day when records of ser
vice bay be filed with the commis
sion, that 2j.00 or more ex-ser
vice men will have filed in Ore
gon. It U estimated that about
34.000 in the state are qualified
to apaply for the benefits of the
According to thj rules and reg
ulations governing the commis
sion, an ex-service man may ap
ply for the benefits of a loan on
land, although he may not have
title to any land at the time the
application is filed.
However, before the transaction
of a loan is completed, and first
payment made, title must pass to
the applicant. In such instances,
the entire transaction will be ban
died through a bank or a trust
company. The first mortgage of
course is to tha state.
Among those interested in the
welfare of soldiers who apply for
the benefits of the law in taking
oirt loans on real estate, there Is
the impression that land may be
purchased at a lower figure this
spring and summer than at any
future time. jThere has dring the
past six months been a general de
pression in real estate vaalues.
anad this condition, it Is thought
will benefit the ex-service man
who wants a home on the farm.
Three Sentenced on
Drunkeness Charges
OLYMIMA. Wash., Feb. 14.
An act to rodistrict the state of
Washington into 21 senatorial dis
tricts and 03 singlp representa
tive di.-'tricts was filed today as
an initiative measure with , the
secretary of state by A. E. Fuller,
acting for Senator K. H. Palmer
of Kins; county. There are now
42 members in the senate and 97
in the house.
The measure is designed to re
apportion representation more
nearly on the basis of population
under the 1920 census and would
be effective in the election , of
192 1. ft. however, provides for
a term of two years, instead of
four, for all
1922 and 1924 fn order to effect
reapportionment among senate
The 63 representative districts
would be divided as follows: Ad
ams. Grant and part or Douglas
counties. 1: Asotin, Garfield and
part of Whitman, 1; Benton.
Ki-cKitat and fcKamania, i; in- 7. (M. r -i,, DWa
Jefferson and Ma- tu)su tetany DCdia
Special Fare Granted for
Washington's Birthday
SILVERTON. Or.. Feb. 14.
(Special to The Statesman)
James E. Rober. a logger, was
brought into police court this
morning and charged wi'h being
drunk on the streets of Silverton
last night. Rober pleaded guilty
and was fined $15. Page was
also charged with resisting an r
senators eleotHl in ficer- For thtis he was fined $a.
iieorge anreias ui ainenu"
was brought into police court this
morning and charged with drunk
enness and disorderly conduct. He
was fined $10. Shields paid his
fine, but neither Rober nor Page
has paid. They are at present
lodged in the city jail.
PERSON'S who wish to travel by
rail on Washington's birthday,
February 22. will perhaps find
comfort in an announcement from
Southern Pacific offices in Port
land that a one and one-half fare
rate on round trips will be allow
ed where the single fare is $25 or
This special rate will be effect
ive February 21 to 23 inclusive,
expiring after the latter date. No
stop-over privileges will be grant
ed, according to the bulletin is
sued from the office of John M.
Scott, general passenger agent.
Let a Statesman "Want Ad"
" ' FiD Your Need
The Greatest Medium of "Want"
Advertising in Willamette Valley
' Wherever you are you can buy, sell or trade almost anything through
Do you need farm help, a clerk for your store, a stenographer, a
teacher for your school district? All these and many other wants can be
filled quickly and at small cost through STATESMAN WANT ADS.
For your convenience a blank order form is printed below. Write one
word in each space. The cost to you will be 2c a word for one inser
tion ; 5c a word for three insertions and 8c a word for one week.
r : r
To the Oregon Statesman
Classified Advertising Depirtment,
Salem, Oregon.
Please insert this advertisement. times .
(Writ one word In each Rpare)
1 '
J , il j
Enclosed please find
remittance of
lan. 1 : Callam,
son, 1; Clarke, 1; Columbia,
Franklin and part of Walla Wal
la. 1: Pacific. W okiklum ana a
part of Cowlitz. If part of Cow
litz and part of Clarke, 1; Grays
Harbor, 2; Island. San Juan, city
of Bremerton and Bainbridre Is
land, 1; King, 18; Kitsap. 1 ; Kit
titas and part of Dougals, 1;
part of Lewis. 1 ; part oC Lewis
and part of Pierce. 1; Lincoln and
Ferry, 1 ; Okanogan and part of
Douglas. 1; Pend O'Reille and
part of Spokane, 1; Pierce. 6;
part of Skagit. 1 ; part of Walla
Walla and part of Whitman. 1
Snohomish. 3: Spokana. 6: Stev
ens, 1: Thurston. 1; Walla Walla,
1; Whatcom, 2; Whitman, 1;
Yakima, 3.
Such of the senatorial districts
would includa three represcnta
tive districts.
Orlando, Swede Champ
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 14.
Stanislaus Zbyszko, heavyweight
wrestling champion, defended his
title successfully here tonight by
winning in straight falls over Max
Orlando, Swedish champion.
Zbyszko won the first fall in
22 minutes, J&1 seconds with a
half nelson and body scissors;
the second in 14 minutes, 41 sec
onds, with a head scissors and
arm lock.
Doctors Compelled to
Accept Industrial Cases
OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 14.
Major E. S. Gill, state supervisor
of industrial insurance, today held
in an opinion given to Dr. L. C.
Fiset of Seattle, that doctors are
obliged under the industrial act
to accept the cases of injured
workmen in the state and refusal
to do so subjects them to prosecu
"The state has full power to
requisition your service whenever
necessary." the letter reads, 'pro
viding, of course, that you are
rendered reasonable compensation
which is fixed in a fee bill pro
mulgated by this department."
Agencies Collecting
Funds Investigated
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. Fed
eral investigation of certain or
ganizations collecting funds os
tensibly for Russian famine re
lief will be completed within few
days, it was indicated tonight by
Attorney General Daugherty.
Secretary Hoover submitted to
President Harding last week J
survey of the Russian relief situ
ation in which he declared on the
basis of justice department re
ports, there were more than 200
of these relief committees in oper
ation which were frankly com
Lamy Takes Lead in
Great Skating Contes
SARANAC LAKE. N. Y., Feb. 14
Edmund Lamy of Saranac Lake
took the lead today In a grueinng
struggle for the American profes
sional skatine championship. He
won the half-mile race and finish
d third in the two-mile event.
Arthnr Staff of Chicago, who is
Mawa in DrAtort PI 3VPrS Mending the championship title
IU I '"J 1 unn thp nnr rflfP hnt fnilerl to
National League Owners
NEW YORK. Feb. 14. AH
clubs, their agents and managers
were enjoined, in a resolution
adnnted todav bv owners of the
National league, from tampering
or meddling with one another's
players. i
The resolution, drawn in the
form of a pledge, was adopted aft
er a iour-nour discussion oi tam
pering charges, preferred against
the Brooklyn and St. Louis clubs
by William. F. Baker of the Phil
adelphia team.
The owners adopted the 154
game schedule and approved
President Heydler's announce
ment of the 1922 umpiring staff.
place in the middle distance event
Points stood as follows at th
close of the dav.
Lamy, 40; Staff and McGowan
30 each; and McLean 20.
Youns and old may join in the fun all can participate, from the tiniest wato
grandfather and great-grandmother. No object is so sjrnaJl but that the poorccy
sight can see it. It is a test of skill. Your ability to find "RT words determine tke
nrizi vnii win. The most interesting DUizie ever aevisea. wwi
and a whole series of other cash priies. You do not hafe to be subscriber to win a
prize. This puzzle is open to every man, woman, boy or girlit costs nothing to:
Hanford MacNider Given
Signal French Honor
Yakima Indians Still
Wards of Government
YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. 14.
Under the order issued today by
President Harding, extending for
10 years the trust allotment per
iod on the Yakima Indian reser
vation, Indians will continue to
hold land as wards of the govern
ment. Allotments were made to
them 2 5 years ago and were to ex
pire this year. The Indians have
sought to have them continued.
Among others there has been a
considerable demand that the In
dians be given patents to their
lands in order that such lands
might bear, their shares of tax
burdens. Indian lands axe not
now taxable,
Hanford MacNider, national com
manader of the American legion.
has had the Cross of Commander
of the Legion of Honor conferred
upon him by the French govern
ment, he was informed today in a
cablegram from Marshal Foch.
The insignia will be awarded
through the French embassy.
Italian Bank Receivers
Try to Make Adjustment
ROME.. Feb. 14. The receivers
for the Banca Italiana di Sconti
met today with, a committee of the
bank's creditors to arrange part
payment for. its current accounts.
The creditors demanded 72 per
cent payment, 8 per cent in stock
and the rehnainder on account.
The receivers contended that 62
per cent was all the bank's assets
could stand, 7 per cent of which
should be in stock and the remain
der on account. A compromise
between the "receivers and the
committee was expected today.
How many visible objects in tnc aPove pictnre ftaee names which' begtrf with lt?
YOU CAN WIN $500.00
Here's How If your answer Is swarded
first prize by the Judges and yu have sent
in two subscriptions in class C jas described
you will receive 1200.00 as your prlre instead
of $20.00; second prize $100.00;' third prize
$60.00. etc. (see third column xn prize list)
or if your answer is awarded Urst: prise by
the judges and you havesent in three sub
scriptions as described In class D you will
receive $500.00 as your prize Instead of
$20.00; second prize $200.00; third prize
$100.00. etc. (see foutth column In prize list)
1. Any min, woman, boy or firl (xeept adult m
ployei of The 8ttemn rnblUhlng Co.) say ammit
an answer. It coita solhiag t try.
2. Aniwcrt ahonW do vrtttoa oa oao aido of tko papor
only and word nnmbored tontcnialy 1, S, 8, t.
Write yoor fall bum and addrma an eac paco ia the
upper right hand corner. It yon deatro to writo anything
else, use a separate sheet.
3. Only words fonnd in tho English, dictionary wfll oa
counted. Do not nee compound, hyphenated, or obsolete
words. Use either the singular or plural, but where tho
plural is used the singular cannot so counted, and Tice
4. Words of the same spelling can Ha naeA only one,
even though nsed to designate different object. Tho
same object can be eonnted only one; however, any
part of the object may aJec U named.
5. The answer having the largest and nearest correct
list of names of visible objects show ia the pie tore that
begin with the letter "B" will be awarded first prise,
etc. Keatnesa, style or handwriting have a bearing
npon deciding tho winners.
6. Candidates may co operate in answering tho puiila,
but only one prize will be awarded to amy oa house
hold; nor will prisea bo awarded, to more than ona of
any group outsida tho family where two or mora havo
been working together. 1 -
7. A commit tee of three weU known Oregon people
having no connection with The Statesman Pabliahing
Company wUl act aa jndgea. their names to bo announced
in a few days. Participants agree to accept all decision
of the judgea aa final and conclusive. '
8. All aaawer will receive Ue same eoaaideretioa, re
gardless of whether or not a subscription ia aent in.
The beat list received wlU bo rated at first and receive
the award in accordance with the class In which it
belongs (A, B, C. or D. The aecond boat list will
You wm be taklnr some paper paper er
magazine anyway. By bserlblf t' Ui !
way you will set full subscription value tor j
all the money paid and la addition UT ., .
opportunity to win $W0. 00. ' ' J t
it takes only one subscription to QQSlify ...
your answer for $10.00 prtse. two SUS- .
ncriptions to qualify for $200.00 prize or f
tbroe subscriptions to qtaUfy- for 9 $800.00
reward. Three subscriptions as described is
the maximum necessary to Qualify your an
swer for the bis; $.00.00 cask prtte. "
bo rated senoaA aad receive tho aware! la neeof liM
with tho clasa ia which it belong (A, B, O. o D) m4 M
on, till all the awards hav beoa distributed, .-r
0. All answers mast bo handed la or ftUeod U tk
maU not lata than May Slat, 1921.
10. Tho announcement of tho prise wlaaera aai tba
correct Hat of words will bo prist! a tho eleoo M
the contest aad a copy mailed to ooab am aeadtag
ia a picture panel eotetioa. '
11. AH question or aorrespoadoaeo I isjSf Uif be eV
servatton pasal akeaid b adlreeeed t TV VaSala
Editor. Stetoeasam Jublishtu Oo, Bale flu If.
13. AU aaawer must b handed la or 104 th SSI
not later the May Slat, 1923. ;,
19 Tl far iir reason whatever tho ratal
aidera any dieoaaltfied, ho reeenre tho right tl
such pereone from tho offer by refunding too
paid for subscription,
14 la eaa of u. tb pritos a efftrei vQ to peetot
ia a fair aad aoaiUhia
SO meal.!
from Baloa) t ovteida
By Ml
Daily Morning Statesman by earner,
3.00 for month, aad $4.00 s jw.
month: 91.25 for S moaths; fl.50
II M i rear in first aoa (SO mile
of first tone, SO cent month, 740 year.
trele. 65e a moat. . I.
The Pacifte HemesteeA the great weetera wk turn
magatlna. Oa year.fl: S rear. J. 1 Canada, I year,
1.50; S years. 8.50. itoolga, i year. Ml y .
Semi-Weekly Suteamaataanad ovary Tvetaay b4
Friday 11 per year ( a year ia eity f Bale a
eoant of extra pee tag ahargea). Canada, S a ran.
Foreign, Z yaar. . ,
Th Northwost Poultry JnraL t yssn.O (1ty
of Salem, Caaada, aad foreign, .IMS), for fivt mot.
2 (City of Balem, Caaac aad frlgs .U Ui tiv
years ) . V .f. ' .
netesiary .
1st. Prli S20 00
2nd. Pris 10 00
3rd. Pris 5 00
4th. Prire 0"
5th. Prise 5 OO
6th. Prii 5 00
7th. Prix 5 00
8th. Prii 2 00
9th. Prise S-00
10th. Prize 2.00
lltb. Prix 2 00
12th. Prise 1 00
13th. PrUa 100
14th. Prise 100
15th. PrUa 100
If on S-mOatb fubecrip
tion to The Daily Oregon
gteemaa ia sent or.
If one 12 month lubsertp
ion to The Pacific Homo
.toad ia sent or.
If one 24 month subscrip
tion to Tho Northwest
Poultry Journal ia sect or,
If oao lt-month suhrcrip
tioa to The Semi-Weekly
Statesman is sent.
New or Old
100 00
40 H
8 OO
If two t-saouth auboeilp
lion a Tho Daily Oregwa)
Btateamam are nt r, -
If two 12 month anbeerin
tioaa to The Pacific Home
stead ara aent ar.
If two 34-moatb aertB
tlons to The North weet
Poaltry Journal ar aent or.
If two 12 month abcrip
tKns to The Semi-Weekly
Statesman are aent or,
Aay combination of two)
f th above.
Vw er Old.
60 oo
7 50
7. SO
a .00
i OO
If tare - 9 month ' a!'
erlptioa to The Dally Oo
ogoa etatoamaa are eons
If two)' 19-moatb s-
crtpUona t Th ttdl-
Homostoad ar aent or.
II two 34-moatt nbacrls
tioa to tho Mortbweet
Poultry Journal sr al er.
If two 13-aoatb aabrla
tioa to Tho Semi-Weekly
BtatMssM ar aent r.
Aay eomblaatios ad twe ef
ta above.
Bow or Old.
JfOTX: $10.00 ld aay -1
n r a OBUtaataa at
rfular labaerfptio rat
f above Buboerlpttoa
win ouallfy la elae ii.
$600.60 ' "'.'
' . 900.00
95.00 .-
10 00 .
7 16
To be nsed by anyone entering In Classes MB." "C," and
list of names.
Puzzle Manager,
Statesman Publishing Co.,
Salem, Oregon.
U.- Enter It with roar
Enclosed find $.
for which please send tn
for a period of months to
Subscriber's Name
Address .
City . .StttB
Date to start subscription... .-....
Credit the shore suhscrtpUon to me and enter my list of names la Class ;.
Contestant's Name
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City. .
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Make hecks or money orders payable to The Statesman PnMUMng Company, Salem,
Oregon. -.fvt . :;
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MI . ......... ' " ' . rr.w ,-is .,,,.. - -Tis-, liS