i. TOE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON " i TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 14. 1922 I- 1 i i i i . ,1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Fallrnt Walk Away John a Whlppen, for more than three years a paroled inmate of the State Hospital, on Monday bought a ticket, over the Oregon Electric that would start him on his way to his old homeat Dufur He ws located, however, and re turned to the hospital as the saf est home for the present. He has been with the kitchen service at the hospital. Wanted to Buy A few cars good grain hay. Spaulding Logging Co. Adv. Banquet Li Planned There will be a Father's and Son s banquet in the Court street Christian church tonight at 6:30 J. A. Bennet, pastor of the Chris tian church of Silverton will be 4he chief speaker. Taper Is Enjoyed At the meeting of the Minis terial association Monday, the phief thing of interest was a paper by Prof. Hertzog of Kimbal school. His subject was "What Constitutes a Successfull Com munity Church?" He gave a very fine exposition of the reee dif ferent types of community chur ches now being established In various communities throughout the United States. Car Loganberry Wire . Special price out of car Tues day and Wednesday. H. Pohle & Son. Adv. Banks Remain One Had It not been for the obser vance of Lincoln's birthday by the state departments, Salem people would not have suffered any inconvenience as the result of Governor Olcott's proclamation declaring yesterday a legal holi day. The Salem banks were open as usual, as were the county and city offices. Special Lincoln Day programs were given In a number of the public schools. Trees in Fine Shnp ' Peach trees in Mission bottom are in fine shape, according to Alex La Follett, - who has fre quently .been called the peach king of the Willamette valley. Due to the continued cold weath ir, no sap is running yet, and this all looks good to the peach jrower. According to his estl- Hartman's Glasses Easier and Better Wear them and see HARTMAN BROS. Phone 1255 Balem, Oregon SAVE$$$ iy buying your hardware and furniture at The Capital Hard urare & Furniture Co., 285 N Commercial street. Phone 941 Nomking fMUln at lMtt V. OommareUl BtrMt Chop Boer. Noodles and Aawieaa )UkM, Im Crtm aid Drinks. Opa 11 to 1 .. SpoeUl 8tmdT " CHXOXEV SXHXEB CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE Wo pay highest price. Wo bay and sell everything Wo tell for lest. 215 Center St. Phono 898 RAGS We want them and want them bad. Because we do we will pay you the high est v price obtainable any where, Bring us all you have. Also old clothing, furniture and junk of all kinds. STEINBOCK JUNK CO. The House of Half a Million and One Bargains 402 N, ComT, Phone 523 MONEY FOR YOU Look' around in your attic or store room and you will find long-forgotten articles, useless to you, but very useful to others. Turn these articles In to cash or exchange them for something useful. A classified ad. in the Statesman will tell hun dreds about it. . You can telephone your .ad, PHONE 23 mates, the peach trees should not bloom until about the middle of March. There have been years, he said, when the trees were in full bloom in the middle of February. Kozer Visit Metlfonl Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state, passed yesterday at Med ford, where he attended the Lin coln day banquet given by prom inent republicans of Jackson county. Justice Lawrence Har ris of the supreme court passed the day at Seattle, while many other officials were absent from the capital city. First Rehearsal Tonight The May Festival chorus at First Congregational church, 7:30 o'clock. If interested in good mu sic please be there. Adv. Engineer Plans Trip Herbert Nunn. state highway engineer, wHt leave here Thurs day for a trip over the Columbia highway. He will inspect the progress that is being made in removing snow and ice from the highway at a number of points between Portland and Th Dalles. Oratorio Creation Rehearsal May Festival Chorus. Tonight at First Congregational church. 7:30 o'clock. Dr. John It. Sites, director. Leading New Itooks Among the new books just re ceived by the Salem public lib rary are the following: "Why Die So Young?" "How Animals Talk," and "China, Japan and Korea." Twins Horn There was born Fein n trv 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Arch!.-; Ft. Ewing. twins, both boys. :.ir. Ewing is foreman of the Wallace orchard. There are now four children in the Ewing family and 211 are boys. Speaks On Lincoln President Carl Gregg Doney was the chapel speaker at Wlllam- 1 FANNIE HURST'S "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" It's a Real Picture : UNCLE BE SATS: Nervy, if fel ler's s sve fish h'i willing to straggle upstream It'a the ci man that drifts to ward the rockt. One min ute essay on health by O. L. Scott, D. C. Five Words To The Wise Five words to the wise are "try chiropractic spinal ad justments first." When chir opractic first became known it was only tried after ev erything else had failed. In twenty-five years it has built up a marvelous record of results with cases pro nounced incurable. No health method ever had a tougher assignment, and that chiropractic suc ceeded is the finest tribute in the world to its sound scientific basis as a means of restoring the conditions of health. It is beyond the trial stage. It now becomes the science of health which should be tried first. To "try chiropractic spinal ad justments first" is to save time, money and health HEALTH COMES FIRST Act for your health, today by telephoning 87 for an appointment. HEALTH FOLLOWS OOWPSACTtCCWIKCrS PRESSURE ON SPiKAl SERVES IN DISEASES Of .THE FOLLOW! i OeCAKS-. HEALTH BEGINS Depends a wJiea ro telephone 7 for u ippetn. siettt. Oonaartatlea Is without eterge. .wo . tAHS TtMMT MfU I . miir itimtt lrnre v STOMACH VSU i WKIOMCYS Vaowui Dr. O. L. Scott Chiropractor 414-19 U. S. Bank BUg. Phone 87 ette university yesterday. His subject wa Abraham Lincoln. President Doney spoke of the many sided man as being the greatest of world heroes, that he was understood not only in Amer ica but in England and all parts of the civilized globe. cates that the Salem district and Marlon county is soon to develop a great poultry industry. -New Coarse Off-w! Dean Clark of Willamette uni versity Is offering a course in "campus management" according to an announcement on the bulle tin board in Eaton hall. It i3 fur ther stated that no less than one and no more than thrc-e students will be enrolled in this course. ounted to $205,000,000,000. Hy 1919 it had reached 2S,oo.- 000.000. and in 1921. the total amount of $3s.0oo.oio.00O. j Clorel Man Threatenel Slight CorreetHin "Nigger! Don"t forget who vou It requires two bushels of flix are an(j wnat you are where you reed to the arre ami not are and Beware!" A colored pounds as .stated one-? upon a tim. 'practitioner of the humble art of Th Willamette Valley Flax & chiropody, yesterday found this Hemp Growers association will card beneath the door of his ol have signed up within a short . fjce in the Patton building, ac- t:me i.ooo acres tor me cumins , cording to a report filed bv C. J season. Charles Cobine to Have Trial Under Booze Law Foster at the police station yes-J jterday. Foster, the chiropodist. Record Exchange for I.V- told the police that he had no At Moore-Dunn music store. knoledge of any reason why the Adv. card was attached to his office. i A Classified Ad Will bring you a buyer. Adv. Fourth Lecture GIvci The fourth of a series of lec tures given by the faculty of Will amette university was given last night at Waller hall chapel. Prof. Moulton E. Peck was the speaker, his subject "The Poetic Aspect of the Principles of Evolution" was well illustrated by readings and poems given by Miss Martha Fer guson. The next lecture will ho held February -27 at Waller hall. Professor James T. Matthews will deliver his address on "Love, Courtship and Marriage." Admis eion ia free to these lectures. Ituys Home Lals Leave Homes " A. W. Rookstool has purchased j Everett Vanderhoof from George R. Cernik. a home Bellevue street and Floyd Wood at 1040 North Twentreth street. of 305 South Sixteenth street are The consideration was $2100. ! two runaway lads who have de- serted their Salem homes for un- Is Rewverinz known destinations, according to vr,i w revived hv the Sa-! a report flied at the police sta- DALHS. Or , K-b. 13 Spe cial tf The Statesman, i Tbarlri Cobine. a resident of Bun?a Vita. was arrosad by ?her ff John W. Orr in Indpndencj iato Friday n"s.M c.n a charge of .-filing moon shine. Cobine is blitvc-d to be one of the pan's that has been operating abovt Independence for some tiw- ai..i both the Polk county authorities and city et'ir ials of Independence hat nt -n upca a campa.gn to brek up f ring, fobine wis given a h i 'tis before Justiof of th Pe.-e of 1420IJakr cf that city ar.d hi bail was tixed at jr.ou. lie v.ii! have a t:ial at Indepcndriicc toaior i ow. tion. No word lads have been concerning tne received from lem Elks lodge that C. Harvey oib- In Port. lanTis mS a satis7actory re. nearby cities where police offic- covery and that he Is now abl." uul"'cu' to be up and about. Preparing for More Iluiness W. Uotnicke, who has been Xever Wants Anything Ki-' "I tried many different k i, N of cough medicine." writes Mi.-.. E. K. Olson. 1917 Oh:o Ave.. Su perior, V.'is.. " but I never want anyth'ng else than Foley's Honey and Tar. I us-d it for all niy children and also for my grand child. It-haa always done fine work. holey? is a pure, whole Son Is Horn A son was born February 12 to Mr. and Mrs. William H. East or 11 GO South Commercial street. He has been named Robert Clark. Mr. East is in the postal service. tko pai- vn ppodI-g ! 'Janufacturinir candy at his home society will hold a Valentine party 1 " Eighteenth street, has taken iBome aml absolutely safe remedv tonight at the home of Mr. and i the building on South Com-, for the reiie(,of co!ds CTOup and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, 63 Norm in-,'-'udi sut-t-i r""- a jwhoopine cough. Children like it ter street. The party is for mew-j iture hospital, and is putting in . and u checks sn?ezing and snuf- hr and frionda nf the POCietv. i euuipmeni lor mar. Ul aciurui ' i candy on a larger scale. Income Tax Statements Prepared j G. Ed Ross, public accountant ;uejs t ItKhou Home fline;. Sold everywhere Adv. THE BEST TEST THE during test of love is provision for ne permanent comfort and hap piness ot those you care for, not in send ing valentines to them. The husband and father who exercises ard his family the protecting love makes him save and invest to pro them with an independent income case of his death, is showing the real, ngible affection. United States National offers you services in this connection. Urritef Sates moita!Ban l tou U that iK vide The 1 SALtM CRCLCON and auditor, phone 2098R. Adv. Vacation of I load Wuntetf Notice has been posted on the bulletin board of the Marion county court in regard to the mat ter of W. is. Brown and others, in which they petition for a va cation of a portion of the county road leading from the Parkar ville and Matheny Ferry road to the county road from the Pacific highway to Wade's lane. The hearing will be held at 10 o'clock in the morning of April 10 in the court hous3. Slay Festival Chorus First rehearsal at First Con gregational church. Liberty and Center streets, 7:30 tonight. All interested in good music urged to attend.- Adv. T. A. Formal At the Maripn hotel, on the evening of February 18, the T. A. girls' society of the Salem higb school will hold a formal party. The patrons and patronesses are Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. West. Weatlier a Year Ago For those who are not satisfied with February weather so far this month, it might be well to take notice of the fact that according to the government's report it rained every day in Salem during the first 15 days of February. 1921. And out of thf 2H days ot February. 1921. it rained 22 days, with a total of 6.90 inches of rain during the month. Cherrians Meet Tonight The Cherrians will meet tonignt at 6:15 o'clock at the Commercial club for the regular monthly din ner and business session. There will come up for difcussion plans for the coming season and oth3r interesting matters, including the collection of the first assessment of the year, 2. Vcw Pianos, $2f8 Easy terms, standard makes. Tallman Piano store, 121 S Cora'l. Adv. Christian Clmrch firowing The Court Street Christian church. Seventeenth and Court streets, now has a membership of 320. according to R. L. Putnam, pastor. During the year 1921, the increase in membership was f6. Within the past three years the church membership has grown from "5 to 320. The present building will hardly accommodate the regular Sunday attendance and the members hope in the near future to erect a building that will care for the rapidly increas ing membership. The church pro perty is entirely free fronji debt and all paving assessments are paid. The average Sunday school attendance is 190. For regular morning services, during the past year, the average attendance was 225. Mrs. I. W. Starr is visiting her : brother. C. P. Bishop for a few; idavs. Mrs. Stair's daughter, j Mrs. Dean Morris, is also a guet 1 at the Hishop home. j Highway Now Open j Thi California highway depart I meat yesterday advised official i of the Oregon public service com I mission that Shasta Summit, on the Pacific highway, is now open to motor vehicle traffic. T he highway at Shasta Summit was cloted to traffic last Friday as the restil of i snow storm in that section. HOTEL ARRIVALS People Use Swift's Fertilizer-. Because it makes them money. See C. S. Bowne or phone 353. Adv. Will Meet at 4:30 P. M. Members of the Whitney Boys chorus will meet this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the auditorium of the high school, for the usual drill under the direction ot Dr. H. C Epley. He has accepted the in vitation by which the boys will take part in "Music Week" in Sa lem. The boys will also take part In the big chorus singing of 2,000 to be held in Portland May 12-14. Those who expect to get in on these big events must enroll ot once, Dr. Epley says. Down 4n Cuba Land Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Lamport who have been visiting in New York for several weeks, are now taking in the summer climate of Cuba. Word has been received by friends of Mr. Lamport that Ha vana, for various reasons is quite different from anything In the United States. FSjiures Alarming R. H. Thomas, deputy scout commissioner of Portland, in ad dressing1 the Commercial club yes terday noon, gave these figures: Th national debt of all nations in the world in 1913 was 43.262. 000,000. Bj 1918, this figure am- A A FLOATER! Simply drifting along life's current because you're not man enough to con centrate! Is that you? And did you ever stop to think that it's simply impossible for a man to concentrate every effort on his work when those dull, monoto nous headaches persist? Perhaps that's your trouble. When analysed it is highly probable that a large per cent of our failures can be traced to defective eyes. Think It over. Let us talk it over with you. Phone for appointment. MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 204-211 Salem Bank o Commerce Building Oregon's Largest Optical Institution Phone 239 for appointment SALEM, OREGON Marion County Poultry Industry Yesterday was opening day for the 1922 season at C. "N. Need ham's baby chicks' brooder and sales rooms on State street op posite the court house and -the thousands ' of chicks leghorns. rocks, reds and other varieties presented a very animated scene. Among the larger sales made were 2500 white leghorn chicks to loel Sprunger, route 6, Salem, and 1200 barred rock chicks to A. H. Wright of Aurora. The first shipment by parcels post com prised -.100 chicks to a distant purchaser and although the pac kage-weighed 13 pounds and was shipped rn the 13th day of the month, Mr Neeuham is sat isfied wkh the opening day's bus iness and is looking forward to an unusually lively season in the baby chick business, which indi DIED BALLWEBER In this city. Ron aid Ballweber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ballweber. of Wood burn rout a 2, at the age of three years. The child died at a local hospital following an operation. The body will be taken this afternoon to the Ballweber home near Wood burn. Interment will be at the Woodburn cemetery tomorrow 4AHERNS In Potrland. suddenly February 10, Ernest H. Ahrens, age 63 years, brother of John Ahrens of Turner. Funeral ser vices will bo held Tuesday aft ernoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Rigdon mortuary. Rev. George Koehler officiating, concluding service City View cemetery. Talks on Athletics Dr. Carl Gregg Doney. president of Willamette university, in n semi-annual report to the board ot trustees recently, said: "The general criticism now current ot intercollegiate athletes, does not apply to Willamette. Our poverty may have been our protection, al though I think the university's sense of honor would have kept our athletics honest and clean; but we have been obliged to com pete with a condition which has not made it easy to secure athletes who normally would have corns to us. The whole disgraceful mat ter which has secretly existed for years, is another appeal for relig ion in our educational institutions." MARION Portland i iv:il were K. W. IMr.on. A. c'.. Ruben. H. M. Wilk Tson, . W. K. White tomb. Wm. Hall, t'has. V. W.-nto-worth. W. Jl. Norton. H Dwyer. V. V.i Pitts. C. .1. Holway. F. E. Ackerman. T. W. :;an.mnnd. J. F. Madden, D. K. Shoemaker. (). K. Ponsen. Mrs. S. G. Lubliner. J. W. Gates. W. IT. Kay, R. Hud long, J. P. Newell, 11. V. Harr, F. E. Jev.etts. Jack Altnian., Maurice Winter. C. 1). East, M. J.fferson, D. N. Heilman, II. O. Packard. F. N. Watt. Others registering were II . W. Spoors. Taeoma; Earl is. Houston, Bend; N. G. Corin, Med tord; S. M. Knudsen. Page Net; Mr. and Mr. I). S. Lynet. J. H Snarr, Seattle; W. E. Iniprey, nver; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heider, Sheridan; J. L. Porte, Spokane, and J. A. Betting, Portland. BLIGH Portland arrivals were H. M. Hand. W. Scott, W. L. Good. F. E. Long. A. Taylor. S. A. Carson, J. Cheistsen, Mrs. II. F. Wallace. W. R. Hunt, R. L. Avada, K. Benson, H. Hall. W. H. Wood ward, W. D. Hammond. H. M. Black. P. W. Black. R. C. Morri son. Pallas; R. W. Bowman, Fal!3 City; E. Gaddis, Roseburg; W. H. Elli-s. Bakdr; L. L. Liceallean. Heppner; H. H. Nuhard. Seattle. Will Speak to Kiwarjins James Palmer, assistant secre tary of the Portland Y. M. C. A., will be the speaker for the Klwan is luncheon to be held today at the Commerc'al club. Arthur M. Rahn will offer the attendance prize. Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. Adv. What's in a Xaine When the famous William Shakespeare propounded his fa mous query "What's in a Name?" he was not aware of the fact that several hundreds of years later there would be established in Salem a grocery store called "The Clean Cupboard" in this particular Instance there s a whole lot in a name, for the new- store at 125 North High street is all that the name implies. It's clean, W. R. Ellis; the proprietor, has so arranged his store with this idea uppermost in his mind and the result is a brand new- stock of high grade groceries, on shiny white shelves and In shiny white bins. No housewife s cup board is more tidy than this spick and span little store and Salem housewive's are going to find this an ideal place to do their morn ing shopping. Mr. tjllis has mov ed his family to Salem and ex pects to make this his permanent home. 1 mm GRANT In this city Saturday. February 11, Alex Grant, race horseman. Funeral services will be held at the Rigdon chap el at 3 p. m. today. Rev. W. T. Milliken officiating. Interment will be in City View cemetery. SAVAGE At the home on 12 5S North Fifth street, Marguerete Jane Savage at 'the age of 70 years, wife of James Franklin Savage, mother -of Mrs. B. S. Martin of Salem, Mrs. Guy H. Smith of Camas, Wash.; Mrs. Dr. B. F. ound of Salem. Ore., Miss Grace Savage of Sal?m, John I. Savage of Portland, Or., and W. E. Savage of Salem. The funeral services will he held on Tuesday morning, February 14, at 11 o'clock from the Rigdon chapel, concluding services at City View iemetery. RIGDON & SON Leading Morticians Among .the new students who have registered at Willamette university for the second semes ter are thV following: Adelia A. White of Portland, coming from the Lincoln high school of that city: Franklyn J. Somer of Port land, coming from the Jefferson high, and Kenneth M. Graham of Portland, who has attended the University of Oregon. Two In dians frcm Chemawa have also registered for th's semester Ir ving Shepard. who was born at Cordova. Alaska, and who at tended the Salem high school, and Frank Paul Corbett. who was born at Kimiah. Idaho, and who attended the Kimiah high school. William Knight registered from Boise, Idaho, having had his prep aration aNthe Coeur d Alene high school. Anna K. Holm, born in City high school. George F. Jr Guldager registered from Albany college. Salem Girls to Appear In Posing Act at Bligh In conjunction with the beau tiful posing act of the Garrison : . , . I. t l : i . i , ... I iriLi, nit- iiiku lutttifr is p re senting a novelty in the form ot a beauty contest, with local girls appearing in artistic poses. The fact that the entrants are Salem girls lends an unusual degree ol interest fo the affair. There will be six contestants in the race, each 'one representing one of Salem's leading business firms and wearing gowns an ' different apparel from steref they represent. Babe Ruth, the miracle bo oi the bat, will be seen in his big six part photodrama "Heading Home." The fair sex, too, will admire "Babe" Ruth as an actor for h" is realsitic and has the s-oi' of Douglas Fairbanks and is -v-ond Charley Ray in the subii trt of love-making. As a boy who forced to leave his mother, sister and sweetheart because of an in nocent accident, but returns later to win the respect of all who had sneered at him, he reaches out and seems to come to life. He is cap ably assisted by Miss Ruth Tay lor, a lovably and charmingly sweet star, who as "Babe's" sweethear captivated the audience. Juicy Fruit, Peppermint and Spearmint are certainly three delightful flavors to choose from. And VRIQLEY'S P-R the new sugar-coated pepper mint gum, is also a great treat for your sweet tooth; All are from the Wrigley factories where perfection is the rule. Save the wrappers Good for valuable premiums WRIGlEfSjJS. "niui t V C31 PERSONALS Webb & Clough Leading Funeral Directors l Expert Embalmers C. S. Hamilton was in Portland yesterday attending to business matters. G. W. De Jardin, cashier of the bank at Alsea, was a visitor in Salem Monday. . Miss Elaine Oberg was a Port land visitor during the week-end. Mfsa Margarette Legge was hos tess to Misa Josephine Baurrrgart rer at the Beta Chi sorority Satur day evening. Mrs E. B. Mason left yesterday for Gravbull. Wyo.. where she will make her home with her on. P. S. Scheelar and wife left yesterday for Spokane where they will vis't Mr. Scheelar's mother. . Mrs. Henry Roberts left yester day over the Oregon Electric for Zilla. Wn. - Mrs. A. E. Oibbard and daugh ter returned yesterday from a vis it of several weeks in Michigan. v TONIGHT ONLY ADDED ATTRACTION "The Afew York Beauty Show" Presented )jy Beautiful SALEM GIRLS Nifty Poses and Exquisite (iowns Furnished by Salem's Leading Merchants "MILLER'S" "GALE & CO." "J. C PENNEY CO." "WORTH & GRAY" "KAFOuiY BROS." Also "GARRISON SISTERS" in a posing act of exceptional beauty, featuring the most perfectly formed girl in the world A REAL HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT Also "Babe Ruth" in "Headm Home" . TONIGHT v 1 "mm,y fid M TONIGHT L ifc-