The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Family Almost Wiped Out
When Supposed Epsom
Sajts is Given
Medicine, Sold at General
Store, Said to Have Been
Put Up in Tacoma
.CENTRA LI A, Wash., Feb. 11
Almost an entire family was
wiped out today when five child
ren of Mr., and Mrs. Edward
Abodes, residing at 1 Klaber, in
southeastern Lewis county, died
an hour after taking what was
purported to be epsom salts, ad
ministered to them by their moth
er. The dead are Verda Louise, 10;
Edwaord Lee, 9; Arie Annebel,
8; James Oliver, 6, and Bernie
Rhodes, 3. .."-
The mother of the dead child
ren was preparing to take some
of the medicine when she discov
ered the effect it was having on
the children.
Autopsy to be Hold
Coroner David Livingstone re
turned tonight from Klaber whero
he went to investigate the trag
edy. Tire bodies of the victims
were removed to a Chehalis un
dertaking parlor where an autop
sy will be held.
The medicine, which will be
Bent to the state C hem tut for an
alysis, was, said to" Wave been pur
chased bjf Mrs. i Rhodes a at the
general" store -at Curtis, and was
said lo have been put op by a
wholesale grocery firm tin Taco-
I"'1 31otht Frootratrd
v The mother. of the children is
prostrated N with grief as a re
sult if the tragedy. She was alone
with the children, the father be
ing employed as a timber cruiser
hear Tokeland, .in Pacific county.
A physician was summoned from
Chehalis 14 miles away, but the
children were dead before he ar
rived at the Rhodes home. There
are no other children in the family.
'; tkiU
Reported by Union Abstract
. . Company
Mary Johnson to the public for
road? purposes, strip of land 40
feet wide in Wm. West DLC 4-2-W,
' Clyde and Mary K. Thomas to
Walter C and Eliza7 P. GIdley, 34
acres sec 36-6-1-E, J3100
: Alfred D. and Cora Wolfer to
Iiar"ey rracKwith of Portland,
who was potentate of Al Kader
temple in 1914. was in the city
yesterday and attended the dance
and reception given by the Salem
Shrine patrol at the Shrine
mosque last night. At present
Mr. Beckwith is recorder of Al
Kader temple. When a resident
of Salem he was a member of the
state accident commission.
Emma Evans, land in Hubbard.
Claude and Adelaide Cole to
C. W. Heckett, 24.Cfi acres, 11.
Davis DLC 9-2-W, 5500.
Mary J. Quiener to Edw' and
Flora Sestak, part of block 2
Thomas add to Stayton, $1.
Edward and Flora Sestak to
Joseph and Theresia Sestak, part
of block 2, Thomas a-dd to Stayton,
K. W. and Mabel I. Carver to
Oliver I. McLaughlin, northeast
1-2 of lot 23 south in Silverton,
CJra'-e P. Stevens to It. A. and
Let ha L. Harris, .90 acres in J. L.
I'arrish lLO 7-3-W, $10.
Emma liebe to Gertrude J. M.
Page, lot 8 Eastside add to Sa
lem, $10.
Mr?. O. G. Burnett to Charles
A. Germond, lot 9, block 2 Boise's
second add to Salem, $10.
John and Marie Cernik to V.
Brady, lots 1 and 2, block 7, Fair
moount park add to Salem, $10.
State District Sealers
Will Gather Here Monday
W. A. Dalziel, deputy state
sealer of weights and measures,
has called a meeting of the four
district sealers of the Btate, to be
held in Salem Monday and Tues
day of this week and Wednesday
in Portland.
The entire scope of the depart
ment's work will be reviewed, and
State Treasurer Hoff, who is ex
officlo stale sealer of weights and
measures, p?obably will attend a
portion of the Conference.
Probably Fifty Percent Yield
to Harvest Meeting
Next Saturday
C. C. Russell and J. W. Savage.
apart of the committee appoint
ed at the last r.ieetici; of the Sa
lem liroccoli association, have
finished a two days iiHpwtion trip
through the fields of tlu- mem
bers of thf association ar.d found
a greatly damaged condition gen
erally. Their report says: '"Our asso
ciation covers a big territory, and
conditions wre about the same,
except where the field was pro
tected from the north; also, we
found where the plants were set
curd had formed, and thli? caused
a greater loss. We a!s' found
that we have a very good strain
of ed ami with no firier dam
ape by freezing we will have a
bit; per c-ut of urd? that will
f-rad- No. 1 to fancy.
'The committee lias found a
broker who will estjblis-h a man
at Salem to suprvis-.1 tli" loading
and grading and make a payment
i;f 7-"c to $1 per crate on deliv
ery, balance 2.Z days, and can
handle up U 10" car loads.
"We found on ur two fields
that would test as low a 1.". or
20 per cent, while in th" fcame
neighborhood we would fin. a
7 5 p-r-tiit trop. but -jeiit tally the
crop vrill lv bslow .",( percent.
'At Mines Bros.. Orvals. route
1. are thr?t patches a!i quite clo.;e
toethr. all beautiful Stuff be
fore thf freezes. Patch No. i
v.-iil yield only 1". to :'0 per eent.
ami N. 2 and 2 patches about
4 to ."in per ceui, and of splendid
"We found all fields In a fine
state of cultivation; they had
b?en well careu for. and all Rfow-
for another year. .
"Our nest meeting will le Sat
urday, !-'ehriury is. at 2 p. m.,
at the Ja!-!!! Commercial dub
nxmis Tbfv buyer's representa
tive will be there to discuss mar
keting and the sales end of the
t'lisiness You should be at the
"n?1 Will b l-al
i Mr. Iiusseil said yesterday
that the main part of the crop
will likely be iate; lhat there will
not likely be ary lull cars of broc
coli loaded out of a!ei;i till well
into Marth-
wheat caea iuXluiSStugCkufT"-
along with all that, mash -and
milk, lamb chops, lifer aad
eon. fri-dpotatoes, osrmeal and
corned beef bash.
"All these things were brought
to him together and he dumped
them into a big soup dish and
proceeded to cut them up and mix
them round well.
--'Hanked if that ain't the ?
worst sight I've eTer seen.' I said t
to my friend. 1-11 bet yo-j three '
to one George, he eats it with his ;
knif v
No. no." says George. He's ;
Pree Prooi5 o Yea
itata tmi
V- (
Tex Ilickard patd to a group of
correspondents the other day: j
"It Isn't, only scrappers that ;
make bad mistakes in etiquette.
I was eating breakfast in one of
the swell Now York restaurant ,
one morning when a fat man camo
" 'Ha's one of 5 the biggest
swells in the town, saya my
friend. 'Watch him."
"The fat man he was dressed
like a prince ordered two por
tions of ham and etfgs. two of
big swell. 1 tell you. I bet he eats
it with his fork.' "
Mr. Hickard shook
We both lost," he said,
ate it with the ladle."
' All I la toot bum mad riJw I rut i
i trcatacat. I ut rm )art t try tM I
try H. Itukt's mr oa'.r rtumL
: Sum Board ol Pr n m4 bv riui m PtiidM f ik JUtafl DrWOw' Anrfri Nti
i oc .r With kMM sad rm hu ar McrsaaW moml Ovr tmtmtf taOTMa4 k
Wwm asd UiMm osm ol fort Ways, aar. ataadia fcaatr w atataaawav aaaacraa1 1
If rofea
attad?1 Salad
his bead
Csrrd tht wtwtt csMt I nrav(lN SM at
Srad me your baitw awt add ma eo th ewapna bttam mod frt t
end o t- ULK. Tl aticraaooMupamJ iayHaronrmcaam wiil ba
s tnaj naataatit I waat I
J. C. HUTZELL, DrasUt, No. 4200 VVtt tUIa St, tat tt&sa t;
rtemjc tend without cott or obllQtiaa to an ytw rr 1
Mile. Lenglen, the French ten
nis expert is coming to America
again. Sh? must haTe drunR
some of Tom Lipton's tea and
imbibed a bit of his sporting' spirit.
StrMtaad N.
Read the Classified Ads.
,Tk'- V
Only Nineteen Memberships Are Left in the Salem Co-operative
Piano Club. The least you can save on a new piano or
player piano is $80. The most is $200. Good used pianos are
priced accordingly.
The instrument you select is delivered to your home immedi
ately. Pay in little monthly payments if you wish. Better come
in tomorrow.
The Least
Too Can Save
Is $80
You Can Save
As Mach As
No Advance
In Price To
Time Bayers
111 'jwmm
mm m m a
25 Suits at $25 40 Slits at $30 35 Suits at $35 10 Overcoats at $25 10 Overcoats at $30 -10$5
See Them On Display All Day Sunday and Monday in
Take '
None will be sold before this hour. Each marked with size and origin
al price. Sale must be final, no alterations will be made at this price.
See our Windows.
'For Choice
go gnn
onnn o
136 North Commercial Street
Sale Starts
9 a. m.
. 1! : f