The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 11, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    CvA 1 U UU A X JklU UT LTn U. tLtiUU Al i 1 11, -t-j
pour county.- cownr hews
Probata Onurt
DALLAS. Or., Feb- 9. In the
estate of Wincey I). Itoe, deceas
ed, notice of publication of ad
ministrator's final ' account and
proof filed. Withdrawal of resig
nation of nurrus E. Rose as ad
ministrator of the estate January
4, J22. filed. Order entered by
the court allowing the adminis
trator to withdraw bis resigna
tion. .
In estate of William Ilartiess.
deceased. Final account filed by
Oscar Hayter, administrator of
the estate, showing that 4.32
In money remains in his posses
sion and praying that the court
allow bis final account, fix the
time and place for hearing final
account and exonerate him and
bis bondsmen from further duties
and responsibilities. Order en
tered by the court setting Monday,
March 6 at 10 o'clockjn tbs fore
noon, as the time for hearing of
objections to the glnal account
and further ordering the admin
istrator to give notice thereof.
In estate of Elizabeth Carlton
Flagr. deceased'. Proof of publi
cation of notice of final hearing
filed. Order ' entered by the
court approving the final report
of administrator.
Circuit Court
C. McBeth vs. Frank C. McLean
et al. Summons returned show
ing that one J. B. MacKenner
served summons on Frank C. Mc
Lean 'and wife in Pasadena. Cal.
Order entered by the "court for
publication of summons to reach
other defendants.
August Kroscbel vs. Louise M.
Abry. Answer filed by defendant
denying the complaint as to the
amount of money due; statins
that in order to avoid litigation
the defendant executed the note
mentioned in the complaint and
asks that the plaintiff's complaint
b? dismissed and that she have
costs of her appearance.
Walter Williams vs. Mary E.
Rogers. Suit for the foreclosure
of delinquent tax receipts where
in the sheriff of Marion county
certifies that he has served tha
summons upon the defendant' in
the cause personally and in person.
Clyde Daniels and Irma Dan
iels vs. Rachel Aikman Campbell
et al. Answer of Rachel Atkman
Campbell, ons of the defendants,
filed: and. in answer, she denfes
the possibility of a partition of the J terruptlon as unexpected as it
nations that bad attracted me
long aro to Katherine. I won
dered angrily bow Jack could
withstand its sweetness, and
eould have beaten him. ill as he
undeniably was. tor the. cold
wrath in his eyes as he looked at
"In That Case "
"if you h2ve quite finished,
your reminiscences." the word- j
came slowly, icily, and I knew that
he was repressing the desire to
blaze forth all manner of angry I
insulting words, -perhaos you;
will explain to our friends tsatj
we have only stopped over be-1
tween trains, and in order to get
the next one back we can only
stav a few minutes."
She started violently and I saw
swift little tremor of humilia
tion and dismay pass over her
face. I knew that they had plan
ned to stay for several days,
knew that this suddan decision of
Jack's, born of his temper and
jealousy, was as much a blow to
her as if be had actually struck
But she rallied her self-possession
gamely, opened her lips In
what I have no doubt was ac
quiescence cleverly worded to
shield Tier husband as much as
possible, when there came an in-
C. I -Who Should be the Father
of ray Sob. " -
Georg3 W. Hubbs of Silverton
presided a toaitmaster during
the evening and propose-! a toa.-it
I to Miss Marion Cbafct. inslrurtor
I of domestic science at Silverton
high school. Mr. Hubhs
S the accomplishments of this K--
Hi Y Club Arranges Program Uf
Participated m by Sev
eral Speakers
i responded to the retmi; with u
! few brief remarks.
j By unanimous vote, an expres
sion or appreciation was given thi
(Trinity Lutheran church for the
STi.VP.RTnv r, jnse of the chnrch auditorium by
. , ' " ' fthe Father and. Son assembly.
(Special to The Statesman. ) The j Laurence Larson r-sponded for
opening of the week-end program hhe church, assuring th? audience
arranged by the Hi-Y club started lot co-operation in the Father and
Drill. Teams Compete on
Neutral Ground at Co'r
vallis Thursday Night
Today MTJie
ft ID II
w mm
was welcome
With the stately grace that
makes her always the very picture
of the traditional grande dame,
Harriet Braithwaite came nn to
Jack, interposing herself so skill
fully between Katherine and him
self that he had no chance to do
anything save give her his undi
vided attention.
In that case." she said smooth
ly. "I must hasten to sav In vnn
sc'ously watching the oretty pic- something that cannot be delayed
tore siateiy narnet prnunoi uu you pi ease come with me"
D. M. Field and F. M. Housch
vs. W. C. Lee. Motion by plain
tiffs for an order to permit them
to inspect and make a copy of all
books, documents and copies in
the possession or under the con
trol of the defendant relating to
the matters in the case.
Adele GajTisoae New Phase of
Dr. Braithwaite, bluff, . genial.
unsuspecting, advanced toward
Jack as his wife took Katherine
Into her embrace, and held out
nil hand in cordial greeting.
. "Ifa mighty good to see you
again Bickett." he said heartily.
. "How are you? You're looking a
little more tit than when I saw
you last."
' It was not nntll he had finish
ed speaking that he looked fully
at Jack., His eyes were uncon-
Continuous Show Daily
madn with the slender, graceful
figure of Katherine enfolded "
her arms. I saw him start slight
ly as he at last .met .Jack's eyes.
smoldering with anger, ana m
own eyes narrowed as if he were
studying out th reason for the
vonnrer man's strange action.
Jack stood as motionless as if
he had been carven from stone
until the nbysician bad finished
speaking, and he ignored com
nletelv Dr. Braithwaitc's out
stretched band. The experienced
Drofessional man opposite him.
however, was so used to humor
ing invalids and adapting himseii
to thorn that he dropped wjm
such adroitness the hand he haa
held out that no one but a very
close oliserver would have noticed
Jack had refused the advance.
I understand you're going
West." Dr. BralthtTaite went on
with evident desire of tapering off
the conversation. "The change
ought to do you a great deal of
In Icy Anger.
He turned sway carelessly a
he spoke. I wondered If he saw
Jack's fingers blenched Into his
palms and realized as I did bow
my brother-cousin was battling
with the insane desire to drive
one of those clenched fists into
the elder man's face. In my child
hood and early girlhood I had two
or three- times witnessed an ex
plosion of the tempt r Jack usually
kept under Iron control. It was
an exhibition I had no desire to
witness again. As my thoughts
flashed back for an Instant to
those long ago years I remem
bered another thing, that these
infrequent rages of Jack's were
usually about imaginary gTiev
ances. such as obsessed him today
and that he would heroically re
press his temper many times
when there was real reason for
an explosion of it.
Jack's tone was so tow that 1
standing nearest him could scarce
ly hear it. It was almost a whis
per, yet so icily angry that I
shivered with apprehension. Hut
his wife beard the first Inflection,
disengaged herself from Harriet
Braitbwaite'g embrace, and came
toward him. to all outward ap
pearance as calm as if she were
just taking up her position by the
bedside of a patient. I wondered
whimsically if her marriage to
this moody cousin of mine, worn
with wounds and Illness, had not
developed into a nurse-and-patient
relation, only a thousand times
more difficult because of the
binding marriage tie.
"Yes. dear. What is it?"
Her voice held the same low,
rich, beautifully modulated nto-
She laid her fingers upon his
arm. took him down the steps and
into tne garden path,, before he
fairly knew what he was doing.
l ro te continued)
Classified Ads. In The
Statesman. Bring Results
: 1 AND
- IN
Passenger Train Schedules
Sunday, 'February 12
"The Shasta' schedules shortened one hour.
"San Francisco Express," No. 13 arrived San Fran
cisco 8: to a. m.
' - (Note: More convenient arrival time at San Fran
cisco). '" '
No. II from Portland It. Salem 7:00 a.m. ar. Portland 9:15 a.m.
No. 18 from Portland It. Salem 1:40 p.m. ar. Portland 4:15 p.m.
No. 14 from Portland It. Salem 6:00 p.m. ar. Portland 8:15 p,m.
No. 12 from Portland It. Salem C: 3 p.m. ar. Portland 8:30 p.m.
No. 24 from Portland It. Salem 7:22 p.m. ar. Portland 9:35 p.m
No. 17 for Roseburg leaves Salem '3:44 p.m.
No.' 13 for San Francisco leaves Salem 9:44 p.m.
Salem Geer .Branch
No. 74 leaves Salem 3:45 p.m. No. 75 arrives Salem 4:30 p.m.
Salem-Dallas-FaUs City branch:
No 15 It Salem 7:05 a.m; No. 1(7 1:45 p.m; No. 173 5:05 p.m
No 12 ar.Salem 8;30 a.m; No. 161 3:15 p.m; No. 172 7:45 p.m.
' No Important change in schedule of trains not mentioned.
For further particulars ask agents, or secure copy of time
tables Covering; all changes. .
General Passenger Agent
off well.
A program was given at the
high school. It began by a few
stunts staged by the Willamette
deputation team. Lloyd Walz gava
a reading, followed by a talk by
Dr. U. G. Duback. Dr. Duhack
took for his subject, "Get Some
Place to Go; Get Ready: Go."
This program was followed by
a program given by the Parent
Teacher association.
At 7 o'clock tonight the father
and son banquet began. Tb.3
rnsnu consisted of fruit cake, wa
fers, prime rb roast,
sauce, duchess potatoes, brown
gravy, creamed peas, Parkerhouse
rolls, butter-scotch pie whipped
cream, coffee.
The evening '8 program, was as
Songs by quartet of four Hi-Y
boys; address by S. V. Richard
son, "Looking Through Dad'?
Specs"; original reading by Ron
ald Hubbs, "Me and Dad"; songs
by audience, led by Edwin Soco
lofsky; discussion of general top
ics by D. T. Youell, Attorney Os
car Larson, Rev. George Henrik
sen and Capt. Albert Deyer; Clar
ence Harwood, "Big Brothers";
Rev. James Bennett, "What Sil
verton Owes to the Boys; Dr. J.
D.' McCormack, P'ulling Togeth
er": Prof. IT. G. Dubach of O. A.
Son program of the Y. M. C. A.
Independence to Nail
Traffickers in Booze
DALLAS. Or., Feb. 10 Spe
c'al to The Statesman.) The city
council of Independence has be
come tired of the black uanie be
ing given that community on ac
count of the arrests neariy every
week of moonshiners and boot
leggers within the city limits and
yesterday drafted an ordinance
which will be passad at the next
regular meeting of the council
making it a severe crime to deal
in or handle liquor.
Sheriff John W. Orr and Dis
trict Attorney J. X. Helgerson
were present at the meeting, they
having previously been asked to
help dTaft an ordinance that
would be a terror to prohibition
law violators in that community.
The law abid(ng citizens are
becoming tired of having the
city's name in the columns of the
newspapers throughout the state
f.o frequently in regard to arrest3
of moonshiners and bootleggers.
With the new ordinance which is
one of the most drastic of its kind
in the state, the city officials hope
to clean up the liquor traffic.
In the drill contest helu Thurs
day night at CorvalHs between the
drill teams t f the Sal.'tn Wood
men of the World and the Kugene
team, the Salem lodge iw out
second best. The ecore stood, Sa
lem 141. Eugene 14 5.
By winning from the Salem
lodge, Eugene realty becore; th-
thampion of, the northwest and
win soon be challenged by th
drill team ot Multnomah camp..
Woodmen of the NYorld.
It was on December 17, that the
Woodmen of the World of Eugene
came to Salem to contest with the
home team. At that tim- the con
test was- declared e r.nw. This
was not very satisfactory to either
team and it was arranged to de
cide the matter by hoM' iiauoui
er contest at Corvallis.
In addition to genir as hosts
for both, drill tjams and servirg
a banquet, the Corvallis Woodmen
of the World took occasion to in
itiate into their lodg? 4$ members.
wt a .i ; . ...v.- m
"ItV ':.W'
III .v,U,l;f.,
Read the Classified Ads.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with
5c and mail it to Foley & Co.,
2S35 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. HI.,
wrtiing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in re
turn a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for coughs, colds and croup; Fo
ley Kidney Pills for pains in sides
and back; rheumatism, backache,
kidney and bladder ailments; and
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic for constipation, bilious-
rness, headaches and sluggish
bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv
s .s
III - ,wss N
III ' Hs -.'5?v-'
1 t' .
"The Morals of Marcus
--- . i
'a : ss r
' mm WiiK
Ought 'a See theBunch of Bargains We Have
for You Saturday !
Ladies' medium weight
" Clean Sweep Price
12c 29c
Ladies' Summer Weight
Union Suits
. ,t" '-. Qc
Ibb B ik5 u act i m. m j
Vanity Purses
II I Clean Sweep Price
10c Bag of Marbles
For the Boys
15c Dust Pans
I Clean Sweep Price
II HI Heavy quality White
Pillow Covers Boys
II 'Clean Sweep Price
I Large Kitchen Scrubbing
I n u..
Clean Sweep Price $2.98
II Leather Pocket
Clean Sweep Price
" . .. 1 29c
II AusoiuieiT cuaranieea iiae i
j 29c 27c
With Renewed Vigor Comes These Greater Sweeping Reductions
The broom is going to sweep as clean tomorrow as it did on the first day of this sale. Therefore, you can,
confidently expect extraordinary values even greater than those previously offered Here are some of the;
new bargains
Chambray Shirts
$1 quality Men's Blue
Heavy Ohambray Work
Shirts. Clean sweep
Absolutely guaranteed fine
Granite Ware
Valne to 75c
Pots. pans, kettles, etc.. all
large sizes
Clean Sweep Price
Men's 75c Silk Ties
Beautiful in ' color and styles.
Clean Sweep Price
Men's 25c Dress Sox
In black and brown only, new
big shipment, on sale at
Clean Sweep Price
Men's and Boys'
Wool Caps
In the very colors you will ad
mire assorted sizes
Clean Sweep Price
Felt Dress Hats
Extra good quality Felt Hats,
'he assortment nearly includes
all sizes
Clean Sweep Price
' Wool Overcoats
and Mackinaw
Another big shipment of values
;o $10 in desirable belted style,
11 good dark patterns.
Sizes 6 to 16
Clean Sweep Price
Boys' Heavy Slipon
Medium heavy weight assort
ment of colon on sale at
Clean Sweep Price
Boys' Medium
Weight Union Suits
Derby ribbed garments, close
crotch, long sleeves and ankle
Clean Sweep Price
Outing Flannel
Extra Heavy grade Alas
ka Twill Outing Flannel.
Clean Sweep Price, yd.
Ladies' $1 Rubbers
Regular $1 quality La
dies' pure gum Storm
Rubbers. Only small sizes
left. Clean Sweep Sale,
Brown Calf Shoes
Extra well made wi h
Sturdy leather soles . . . . .
In black and brown leather pegged and
it itched oak : H QQ
soles QCfZJO
Silk Poplin
36-inch Silk Poplin, Reg
ular value $1.69 yard.
Extra large assortment'
of colors to select from.
Clean Sweep Price, yard
36x16 Heavy
Turkish Towels
72x84 Genuine Nashua
Woolnap Blankets
Double "LL" Sheeting.
Clean Sweep Price, yard
Pequot Sheeting
54-in. Pequot Unbleached
Sheeting. In, 2 yard
lengths only, yard
36 Inch Spring
Regular 35c yard. Our
entire stock of spring
patterns go on sale at
this Clean Sweep price,
New shipment of
Girls' and Boys' Heavy ,
Stockings, Black
brown and white. Clean Sweep Sale
Price, pair
Big lot of Ladies' and girls
Special at
All phone orders given prompt
attention by our special depart
ment that assures you th same
service as if you were personally
making the purchase over the
with purchase of $3 and over -(sugar
RGxHO Double Size
Near Wool Blankets
$1.39 per pair
A big line of
Serge and Tricotine
In their brilliancy of
color, novelty of idea
and effectiveness of line,
save the fact they are be
ing underpriced. they pre
sent an impressive ex
hibit of the -individual
ind exclusive features.
Values to $17.50. Clean
Sweep r nr
Price SDIO
In Our Basement
Store 20 OH
Saturday Only
Blue Ribbon Flour
Corn Meal, per sack
Dried Peaches, per ' pound
17 lbs. Pure Cane Sugar
1921 Special Coffee, 2 pounds
White Cap Hardwheat Flour
Fresh Eggs, , per dozen
Fels Naptha Soap, large bar
Mission brand Sliced Pineapple
i 1
- - ! . ' ' . -