The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 11, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Moiv Homes Wanted
Although the annual convention
of the Oregon State Christian En
deavor association will meet in
Salem for four days beginning
next Thursday, homes for taking
' care of the visitors are needed,
according to Miss Lucile Ross,
chairman of the entertainment
commute-?. Several : hnndred
bpmes will be necessary to enter
tain the visitors. Those who are
In sympathy with the work of
the Christian Endeavor and wbo
can accommodate a visitor or two,
should telephone Miss Ross, 1187
W. The entertaining is to be on
the Harvard plan, breakfast and
lodging. '
Odd Fellows, Attention
- Jhe funeral services of Brother
D. C, Johnson will be held at
Webb & Clough's Saturday, Feb.
It, at 2 p. m. H.-E. Ingrey, N. G.
Ill 1st .. Portland
Ralph Sharf, formerly of the
Salem Auto compnay of Salem,
was reported yesterday as being
seriously 111 at bis homo in Port
land with pneumonia. He is a
member of the Salem lodge pf
prior to that year. The flfnrea
1414, he says, are plainly stamp
ed on the sword.
Wo Still Have
A very large stock of Pathe
and Columbia records at 48c. II.
L: Stiff Furniture Co. Adv.
Federation Next Work
, The Marlon County federation
will hold its monthly meeting,
and' also annual election next
Wednesday night in the auditori
um of the Commercial club. About
23 communities in the county will
be represented by their chosen
delegates. During the past year
George P. Griffith has served as
president. Pete Smith as v?ce
president, and Joseph J. Keber
of Mt. Angel secretary.
Will Speak at Seat tV
Judge Lawrence T. Harris ha3
accepted an invitation to deliver
a Lincoln day address before the
Youirg Men's Kepublhan club.
Sattl. February 1. The rlib
has more than 120 members and
is one of the largest organiza
tions of its kind in the west.
Wall PapWing
Leave orders for wall papering
tat Hamilton's furniture store.
Adv. t
Company F Smoker
Wednesday night, February 15,
8 o'clock sharp Reserved tickets
for sale at Smith's Cigar Store,
com'l and State. Adr.
Consultation and examination.
Drs. Bradford Jb Bradford, D. C,
state licensed physicians. Ten
years In practice. Phone 62.
Soite 119 Oregon Bldg. Adv,
Stn to Ilrturn
W. T. Rigdon writes The States
man from San Diego. Cal.. that
he and Mrs. Rigdon will return
to Salem in a few days. They
have spent all of the winter
months, so far, in the south.
Very ' Ancient ' .
'J. W. Harbert. who is associ
ated with the office of the P. R.
L, t P. company, claims to have
a sword that Is older than any
thing possessed In Salem. The
sword Is of French manufacture
afid has engraved on the blade
the -date of X414. " Many years
ago 1t was found by an uncle of
Mr. Harbert, while strolling along
the 'coast In the Plymouth region
of Massachusetts. He noticed the
handle of the sword lust above
the sand, and curiosity impelled
him to dig It np. Mr. Harbert
Is of the opinion that with the
date of 1414 the sword must have
reached the eastern coast by
traveling by way of Iceland to
the North American shore. Any
how, he challenges anyone to pro
duce anything that was made
Snow at Oakland
E. A. Kurtz has received a let
ter from a brother at Oakland,
Cal., to the effect that eight In
ches of snow fell there a week
ago Sunday.
To Regta Work .March 1
According to Louis Lachmund.
president, work will bgin on the
Capital Ic & Cold Storace com
pany building, to be located on
Trade and Church streets. w;th
in a few weeks. Efforts will be
made to rush completion of the
building in order that the plant
will be prepared to manufacture
ice before next summer. The
machinery has already been or
dered, Mr. Lachmund said.
lis is in the city visiting at the
home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs..
P. J. Kuutz. Mr. Schramm, who
is fn the banking business in Cor
vaills. will vi.-iii icr over Sun
day, lit- was form-ny with La3 I
l Bush.
Friend I I .orated
George Friend, 16, Portland
yovth who has been residing In
Salem for some time, yesterday
read a Statesman article which
carried news of hia mother's
search for him, and presented
himself at the police station where
be learned that his mother was
very ill . Friend left for his home
yesterday afternoon. He explain
Ycung Hoy Scout
Karl E. Hinges, assistant claim
agent of the industrial accident
commission and prominent Eli:,
was formally presented to mem
bers of the lodge at the Thurs
day evening meeting as the latest
father, a son having been born to
Mr. and Mrs. Hinges la?t Monday.
And properly to observe the event
members of the lodge presented
Mr. Hinges, for bis son, a fuil
sized Boy Scout hat. The pros
pective Eoy, Scout has been named
Norman Parrish Hinges.
- -
A little winter hang-over.
All kinds of weather; take your
The wonder is, how do the
moonshiners dispose of their out
put? Who buys the stuff?
It is understood that the broc-
Abont Federated Societies
Editor Statesman.
I have been amazed by finding
the following political statement
in tho Oregonian:
"Presumably, when the primary
election is held, the Federated So
cieties an amalgamation of
many organizations will have a
complete ticket in the field. Be
hind this ticket the federation will
b prepared to throw the voting
strength of its component parts.
What that strength is no one ap
pears to know, but it is probably
"The state end of the ticket
hasnot been selected. In. fact, ac
cording to report, no one has yet
received the indorsement of the
federation so that at this writing
federation is not bucking any
Seventeenth Anniversary to
Be Observed on Night
of February 22
immediate settlement of all just
claims of ex-sen loo men and wo
men, of giving more attention to
relieving tiring conditions of our
own people, of ,an clastic adjust
ment of the tariff, of stricter Im
migration laws, of a national bud-
lation advancing the public vrel ,
fare.-- - - 1 vai r
Ex-Premier Paderewakt denies
that he Is to go back to Poland
to ran for president. He evident
ly got enough of tho turbulent
g t and generally att other iegis-llife while he was premier.
Members of tne Salem Dotary
club are preparing for an espe
cially interesting progiam to be
put on at the Marion hotel on the
evening of Wednesday. Petri... rv
22. observing the 17th amur.
sary of Rotary.
While all plans have not as .:
leen definitely arranged, it has
been settled that the McMinnviUe
Rotary club shall be invited, and
given charge of the program for
the entire evening. 3
Guests will be invited from the
Portland club. from Ros-jburg
Pendleton, Astoria and trom the
Rotary club now being organized
ed that he had failed to inform I spells. In other words, there will
dorsements is drawing near, how-
ptpt onrl tho r'minlv tirkpt at
coli crop in the Independence dis- J least j, beHeved to be shaping
trict has been found to be about up
nan injured Dy the three ireezing
at Marshfield. Charles Hall ot
aspirant. The time for making in-! Marshfield who is assisting in or-
h:'s parents of It's whereabouts.
All Columbia
And Pathe records, values up
to $2.50, while they last, 48c each.
II. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Adv.
Rrport of Administratrix
E. E. Lewis, administratrix of
the estate of John Clemens Lewis,
who died July 3, 191, has filed
her report with the county court.
The -estate as received by the ad
ministratrix is valued at
092.71, from which thers has
been paid for funeral and other
necessary expenses, the sum of
$272.54. With the exception of
property In Jackson county valued
at $500. the estate is all in Mar
ion county.
Income Tax Statements Prepared
G. Ed Ross." public accountant
and auditor, phone 2098R. Adv.
Young People Meet
About 40 young people, mem
bers of the Epworth league of
Jason Lee church, assembled last
night at the homa of Miss Avis
Hicks. 1173 North Fourth street,
and spent an evening in games
and sports. Following the hour
of pleasure a business meeting
was held in which plans wera
made for pep raissrs and interest
Etimulators. The home was dec
orated in accordance with the
spirit of Valent'ne day. Light re
freshments were served.
People Use Swift's Fertilizer
Because it makes them money.
See C. S. Bowne or phone 353.
Hartman'i Glasses AdT
Legal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application. -
Easier and Better
Wear them and see
Phone 1255 Salem, Oregon
Will Attend Institute
Mary L. Fulkerson, county su
perintend of schools, will go to
Stayton today to attend the. local
county teachers' institute.
SAVE $ $ $
License No. 55
According to the dog license
book in the county clerk's office
there are 557 dogs in , Marlon
Pumps Over tlie BorCer
The Salem Iron works people
have recently had orders for si.
Mg centrifugal pumps for Vancou
ver. B. C , to be used over the
border in construction work. Five
of these pumps have already been
shipped and the sixth will bs
ready to go in a few days. There
are also many orders for these
pumps from this side of the in
ternational border, and business
is decidedly p'cklng up down at
the corner of State and I ront
be about half a crop to harvest.
It is thought that this will b9
about the rule throughout the
Salem district although it does
not run throughout thf patches.
Some show 1'ttle damage, while
others show nearly a total loss.
This is only a rough estirtiate. A
number of districts are to be
heard from yet. It is understood
that ttve Douglas county crop
fared about the same as the Wil
lamette valley crop.
Lincoln's birthday tomorrow.
The Salem Iron Works is' get
ting more strongly into the run
ning. Salem cannot have too
many wage rolls.
b S
It is not too late yet for an an
nual. Cut it is almost too late.
You will have to hurry. It will
be out one day next week.
m S
The officers are making life
hard for the moonshiners and
bootleggers. It cannot be made
too hard, to the limit of the pen
alties provided. The limit Is not
high enough in the flagrant cases.
by buying you hardware ftnd I county that are permitted to roam
fmmffrmi The ffenital Hard I around on their . owner's front
1 - -
trare & Furniture uo., z&o n.
Commercial street. Phone 947
fpttalM at 183 H. ComrUl Btrl
Ckan Burr. Noodloc and Ainrioa
toaaa, Ie Orim m4 Drteka.
i , SpMial Saa4ar
i ' cmcmr ddtjteb
yards or farms, or when in con
trol of the owner. All of the other
3000 dogs in the county may be
termed outlaws in the eyes of the
law, and following the instruc
tions of the law, the sheriff's
force or other officers of 'the law
are entitled legally to execute
A. Classified Ad-
Will bring you a buyer. Adv,
Former Residents Here-
Mrs. A. A. Schramm of Corval-
Record Exchange for 11
At Moore-Dunn music store.
W pay Wgheat price.
We tmy and sell everything
We sell lor leas..,.
215 Center St. Phone S98
We want them and want
them bad. Because we do
we will pay you the high
est price obtainable any
where. Bringus an you
Also old dothinsr, furniture
and junk of all kinds.
The House of Half a Million
and One Bargains
402 N. ComV Phone 623
May McAvoy
"The Morals of
f"jTj Two Acts " i
' Vaudeville
Gibson .t,
GOI sfj
' - I I , FREE' 1
, m
I if
Twenty years ago tha people of
Oregon scrapped the convention
system because of the power it
was supposed to fclve to special in
terests to manipulate it for their
own purposes, and a few years
later some excellent candidates
were defeated for high office for
the sole reason that they had been
endorsed by an "assembly." And
the conventions and assemblies
which were thus condemned were
open affairs in which every citizen
had an opportunity to participate.
Today, however, we ar.3 told 4n
all seriousness that a secret, un
known body, operating in the dark
and under oath-bound methods,
are to name a ticket for Oregon
for Oregon, tin state of the open
primary, of the initiative and ref
erendum and of universal suf
frage. '
Wonder if liberty-loving citizens
ent in The Statesman an-1 realize where this sort ot thing is
ganizing the Marshfie!d club,
will be one of the guests of thv
The dinner will be held at the
Marion hotel and plates will be
laid for 125.
It Went to the Spot
Lingering colds and coughs that
hang on and wear one out are
difficult to got rid of. but Henry
E. Campbell, R. F. D. No. 3, Ad
rian, Mich., writes: "I had a
bad cougb for three years. Tried
several cough medicines. Got lit
tle relief. I tried Foley's Honey
and Tar. It went to the spot.
Tr-ere is no better remedy on the
market." uood for coughs, cold3,
croup and whooping cough-
clears the passages; soothes irri
tated membranes; stops tickling
in the throat. Contains no opi
ates. Sold everywhere. Adv.
driving the ship of staL?? .When
the executive, judicial and admin
istrative officials of state, district
and county owe alligeance and re
sponsibility to a secret, night
prowling organization rather than
to the general public, what rights
will be left safe to the common
Starkey & Hubbs of Portland
have filed articles of incorpora
tion with the state corporation
department, showing a capitali
zation of J4j,000. The incorpor
ators are Warren L. Starkey, Har
old F. ' StttbbB and Edward 3.
Easthman. Other articles were
filed as follows:
C. C. Hofele & Co.. Portland;
Incorporators, Charles Bruce. C
C. Hofele, L. E. Simon; capitali
zation, $5000.
Portland Boiler Works. Inc..
Portland; incorporators, Thomas
N. Monks, Harry Monks, James
N. Xlany; capitalization. $23,
000. Resolutions of dissolution were
filed by the Oregon Myrtle Wood
Products company of Coquille.
Position of County Commis
sioner Attracts Fletcher
Candidate Again
Work of Red Cross Here
Devoted to Soldiers' In
terest During Month
Look around in your
attic or store room and
you will find long-forgotten
articles, useless to
you, but very useful to
Turn these articles In
to cash or exchange them
I of something useful.
A classified ad. in the
Statesman will tell hun
dreds about it.
You can telephone your '
ad. '
Simply drifting along
life's current because you're
not man enough to con
centrate! Is that you? And
did you ever stop to think
that it's simply impossible
for a man to concentrate
every effort on his work
when those dull, monoto
nous headaches persist?
Perhaps that's your trouble.
When analyzed it is highly
probable that a large per
cent of our failures can be
traced to defective eyes.
Think It over. Let us talk it
over with you. Phone for
204-211 Salem Bank of
Commerce Building,
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone 239 for appointment
A Package of
Candy to Every Child
Attending Saturday
Today and Tomorrow
William Christy
Grant Bros.
The Musical Fiends
The work of Willamette chap
ter of the Red Cross, with head
quarters just east of the First
Methodist church, has been de
voted during the month of Jan
uary entirely to giving relief to
ex-service men and their famil
ies. The record for the month is as
follows: Able bodied men or
families under care at th-? first
of the year, 43; new and re
opened cases during the month.
29; disabled ex-service fen" or
families at first of year. 28; new
and reopened cases during the
month, 19; number of cases in
volving compensation claims, 36;
vocational training cases. 4; other
fedf-ral cases handled, 42; finan
cial relief. 5.
During the month of January
the Red Cross made loans to ex
service men amounting to 129.46,
and total repayments amounting
to SG0.
Four new and reopened cases
were handled in January.
For men now in the service or
the!r families the Red Cross spent
$60 last month.
For civilian families there was
26 cases on hand at the first of
the year and 4 8 new or reopened
cases ror civman families were-
For families of ex-service men.
now civilians, there was expended
$3)8.75 last January. Repay
ments from civilian families am
ounted to $41. ?6.
At the Red Cross headquarters
during the month there was a
conference and instruction by
Miss Katherin Ewing of Seattle
with Red Cross secretaries from
Roseburg, Albany and Medford.
The work was in the way of fit
ting secretaries for Red Cross
DALLAS. Or.. Feb. 10. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) During
the past fe v day the pcli-.ical pot
in Polk couiiiy has beg;m to boil
anil caad:daies for tne v ulcus 9
f ees lli w'll be vac:ut tlis
ltfar iLf been declarijrr thou-
sMvcs ? candidates for re-election
and in others as first ;ermer3
for the offices
Probably one of the hottest
fie-hts in the election this year vUl
center around the candidates for
county commissioner. T. J-
Graves term will expire this year
and it is understood that a num
ber of men are seeking the office.
Mr. Graves is to be a candidate
for re-election. George CcCul
lough of Broadmead is said to Pe
another candidate who will short
ly cast his hat Into the ring and
C. J. Pugh of Falls City. George
Stewart of Buell and William Kid
dell of Monmouth, a forme com
missioner, are also mentioned fr
the job.
D. F. Fletcher, joint represen
tatives for Polk and Lincoln
counties in the last legislature
has decided to enter the race lor
reelection. Mr. Fletcher is an at
torney at Independence and was
sponsor for a number of bills
passed In the legislature both dur
ing the regular and special term
P. O. Powell, a prominent farmer
of the Monmouth neighborhood
who was representative for Polk
county has not yet decided whe
ther he will again seek office.
Acting upon the supposition
that Senator I. L Patterson of this
countv will announce himself a
a candidate for the republican
nomination for governor, C. K
Ingalls of Corvallis, editor of the
Gazette-Times is expected to mak
the announcement that he will be
a candidate for senator from I'olk
and Benton counties, the pTace
held formerly by Mr. Patterson.
No election will be held for ott
er countl officials otker than the
commissioner as by the law pass
ed since the last election their
trm of office is Increased from
two to four years.
Mrs. Hattie Sachtler is
Secretary for Polk Fair
DALLAS, Or., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial to The Statesman.) The
board, of directors of the Polk
County Fair association has elect
ed secretary of the association
Mrs. Hattie Scahtler, assistant
secretary ot the Dallas Commr-
ial club.
Mrs. Sachtler takes the place of
Josiah Wills, county superinten
dent of schools, who has held the
position for the past two years
but who finds that the work
among the schools takes up so
much of his" time that be has no
time for the fair duties. Plans
were made at the meeting for the
erection of a number of new
buildinps at the fair grounds to
house the livestock and also for
the enlarging of the present pa
vilion to take care of the incre-t.--
ng exhibits.
Pacific Highway Blocked
By Snow at Shasta Summi
The state highway commission
has been advised by the California
commission that the Pacific high
way at Shasta Summit is blocked
by a snow storm which Is stll
raging. -
The California commission
states that It will advise when the
road is open again for. travel., .
Platform and Slogan Made
Known by Man Who Wants
McArthur's Place
Franklin F. Korell of Portland,
who some time ago announced his
intention to' become a candidate
tor tb Republication nomination
for congre33 from the third dis
trict, late yesterday filed his for
mal declaration of candidacy at
the office of the secretary of state.
His platform follows:
"I will during my term of of
fice favor the following:
"Strict and liberal enforcement
of the laws of the land, of a large
merchant marine, of extending na
tional aid to projects of irriga
tion and water power develop
ment, ot developing our water
routes of Interstate transportation
land of a good roads program, also
BUSH At a local hospital, Wed
nesday, Feb. S. Mrs. Esther
Hu3h. aj;e ".0 years, a resident
of Hopewell. wife of H. L
Funeral services will be held
from the Rigdon mortuary at 10
o'clock this morning. Interment
will be at Hopewell cemetery.
Had That Tired, Worn-Out Feel
ing. Do you know that "awrul tired
feeling." languidness, lame or
weak back, sore muscles, stiff
or swooletT joints, or rheumatic
pains usually indicate kidney
trouble? Foley Kidney Pills act
promptly and effectively. Mrs.
Roberta Lilly, 709 Alton street.
Alton, 111., writes: "For three
years I had a tired, worn-out feel
ing. Various treatments failed.
I began to improve on tha second
dose of Foley Kidney Pills, and
today I feel like new." Sold
everywhere.- Adv.
of United Artisans will give a
masquerade ball February 14.
at -Woodbnrn armory. All
tJhlted" Artisans and friends
are cordially invited. Commit
The funeral of N. C. Johnson,
age 4 3 who died at Salem Heights
will be held this afternoon from
Webb & Clough'3 chapel at 2
o'clock. Mr. Johnson wa3 a mem
ber of Teko lodge No. 1. I. O.
O. F., and member of the local
lodpe will be in charge of the
funeral sarvices. Rev. W. T. Mil
liken will officiate. Burial in I.
O. O. F. cemetery.
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmers
' Leading IIorticuBi
IF you would like a connection with a
bank that is thoroughly up-to-date '
and modern, yet possesses rich exper
ience; one intimately acquainted with
business and manufacturing: conditions
in this section; one adequately depart
mentalized, drop into the United States
National. We will be grlad to talk to you
about the service we can render.
United States MflnalKanl ;
Mcdowell market
Where a Dollar Does Its Duty
173 S. Commercial Street
Phone 142
Choice Steer Beef at prices others charge for their old
tough dairy maids. ; v -
Choice Pork to Roast ... $c
Fresh Side Pork Z2Qct.
Our Own Sugar Cured Hams ..25c
Freshly Ground Hamburg -- -12VC-
Our own light weight Sugar Cured Bacon.. ..25r" '30c '
Our own Pure Lard in Bulk -15c
Hring Your Own Pail .
It costs vou lefiSitn irsrl nt .
"Groceries of Qnalify"
We are the Salem distributors for the John Morrell Co. of
Sioux Falls, S. D. Morrells Pride hams are recognised the
country over as the very best In corn fed meat as they oper ate
their packing plant in the heart of the corn belt of South
Dakota. This, with the many years In the meat eating bus-""
mess enables them to put out a care on hams not surpassed
by any packer 'In the country. Try one' of these hams and
you will agree that you never tasted a ham with a finer?
flavor, 3c per pound, 10 to 12 pounds each.
The flour market is strong, having taken three 20c advances
within the past three weeks. We have a limited sapply of
Kerr's Best Patent at S2.10 per sack S8.00 per barrel.
C. & II. Berry Sugar fl.20 per sack
I-arge s'ze cans good grade Sliced Pineapple 92.70 per dozen;
25c per can. ':
No. 2 can Broken Slices $2.10 per dozen. 20c per eanfl
Del Monte of Preferred Stock Tomatoes $2.10 per dozen; 20c
per can.
.Dei Monte Crosby Corn $2.10 per dozen; 20c per can.
As previously advertised our 10 discount deal on eannad
goods is still on. Select a dozen canned fruits, vegetable,
fish, etc , assorted 3 of a kind. Figure the items at regu-i
lar price and take off 10. .. ,
Extra faney Newton Apple,
box $:.2.-
Extra fancy Spitzenberg Ap
ples, box $3.25
Rome Beauty $l..Vt $1.75
Cano Apples $IJ0
Florida Grape Fruit, Ig. 15c
Florida Crape Fruit, medi
um, 2 for ..23c
Oranges, according to size.
per dozen.... 30c to 60c
Dananas, 2 pounds. .. ,25e
Cauliflower. Brussel Sprouts, Green Peppers. Celery Head.'
Lettuce, Spinach Greens, Turnips, Carrots, Parsnips; Ruta
bagas, Beets.
An assortment of all the best items In our cookie line, 38c lb.
Every Saturday we are supplying our trade with the first
dressed chickens obtainable. Hens and frys. - , "
Roth Grocery Co.
Phones 1995-67
Xo charge for delivery
Read the Classified Ads.
tee ..