The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 11, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Issued Dally Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon
(Portland Office, C27 Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic
This pact is more destructive to existing navies than was; do with the plfght of the people 'salaries haTe not been, raised In
'h?re they find themselves the
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the nse for repub
lication of all sews dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
la this paper and als o the local news publl shed herein.
a. J. Hendricks ....... Manager
Stephen A." Stone Managing Editor
Ralph OlOTer Cashier
Frank Jaskoskl... Manager Job Dept.
TELEPHONES: . Business Office. 23.
Circulation Department, 683.
Job Department, 583.
;'" . Society Editor, 106.
Entered at the Postotflce In Salem," Oregon, as second class matter.
highest taxed people in th west.
Of course, not a word dared be
"aid about any future candidate
for a state office or the legisla-
is th;
dire t
The Washington conference having adjourned sine die:
the period of deliberation having ended and the hour of ac
tion having arrived, it is fitting that a review be had of the
wonderful and far reaching accomplishments of what has
been termed the most important gathering in all the long
record of the world's history
The work of what has been called the arms conference,
but which will come to be more appropriately termed the
peace conference.
President Harding very truly said in his closing address
to the assembled commission that "It is hazardous sometimes
to speak in superlatibes and I will be restrained." The Pres
ident is well a, ware that it is not what the conference did,
but what the peoples the commissions represented will do
that will determine whether justice is to dominate force in
the future intercourse among governments and peoples.
- iV But the President also said, with equal clearness and
truth, "the fiith plighted here today, kept in national honor,
will mark the beginning of a new and better epoch in human
progress' A way has been provided for the fulfillment of
a great hope. , The conference blazed the trail. Treaties
have been negotiated limiting armaments, righting ancient
wrongs and removing potential causes of future wars. These
treaties must not only be ratified, but must be honorably
observed by all the signatories in order that the spirit which
animated the conference may go forth, like the beams ol
the sun. until it has encircled the world.
i Senator Lodge said that the conference had succeeded ir
doing "something real and practical because it had not at
tempted to accomplish the impossible, to do too much. Its
cope was limited to the Pacific area, including the Far East.
He explained that "the Far East meant China." As set forth
in the agenda, it was called for a triple purpose : the limita
tion of armaments, the termination of the Anglo-Japanese
alliance and extending aid to China to secure real independ
ence. -
.These three objectives were won, and other things were
accomplished which were not believed possible when the con
ference convened. There was nothing in the agenda con
cerning the return of Shantung -to China by Japan and the
surrender by Great Britain of Wei-Hai-Wei. In fact, China
is the only country that won any territorial advantage as the
result of the conference. - . ,
At its final session a supplemental agreement was writ
ten into the four-power treaty which excludes the main is
lands of Japan from the "insular possessions" of the signa
tories in the Far East. This was done to prevent an inter
pretation of the pact which made it appear that the othei
powers were pledged to assemble in conference if the Japa
nese islands proper should be attacked by another power.
This supplemental agreement disposes of the arguments used
by Senator. Johnson and a few others against the treaty.
' Five treaties were negotiated by the conference. They
may be summarized as follows :
' . (1.) Quadruple agreement between America, Great Brit
jain, France and Japan .to mutually respect each other's insu
i lar possessions in the Pacific and providing for a quadruple
J conference in case the peace of the Pacific should be men
aced. . . v
- (2.) Five-power pact between America, Great Britain,
Japan, France and Italy providing for a limitation of naval
, armaments and scrapping about 850,000 tons of battleships.
the World war.
(3.) Five-power treaty outlawing the use of poison gas
in warfare and making the undersea attack on a merchant
vessel an act of piracy.
(4.) Three-power agreement between America, Great
Britain and Japan to preserve the status quo on naval bases i itp. b-eau?e Oregon c ity
and fortifications in the Pacific area. No new fortifications hom? of th? immaculate
are to be erected on the islands of the Pacific and there is! primary and direct legislation sys
to be no extension of naval bases.
(5.) Nine-power agreement, establishing the policy of
the "open door" in China. This agreement is a genuine tri
umph for American diplomacy, for it is a policy first promul
gated by our government and which every Republican ad
ministration has supported since. It went into temporary se
clusion during the Wilson administration'; but it has now
been reaffirmed and accepted by nine governments.
Supplementary treaties were negotiated by Which Great
Britain and Japan return Wei-Hai-Wei and Shantung to
China. An agreement was also reached between our country
and Japan concerning Yap and Pacific cable stations. Japan
also agreed to withdraw from the northern portion of the
island of Sakhalin.
Equally important, perhaps, is the declaration of princi
ples embodied in the treaties and resolutions, for they place
international relations on a higher and nobler plane than they
occupied before the World war. Speaking for Great Britain,
Mr. Balfour said that "nations in the future cannot violate
the principles laid down here without sacrificing the confi
dence of the powers. Hereafter selfish aggression at the ex
pense of China cannot be excused on a plea of ignorance or
of private understanding with minor Chinese officials "
No other conference of nations was ever conducted with
so little friction. Threats of force were never uttered. There
was no rattling of the saber, and justice, not power, was the
dominating spirit. Right was placed before national inter
ests ; and the result is the greatest triumph for peaceful di
plomacy of which history contains a record. The nations
part with a better understanding than when the conference
assembled. Friendships have been cemented and not even a
vestigejof a war cloud darkens any part of the Pacific area.
Wc could not have reasonably hpoed for more. Few people
in any part of the world hoped for as much.
President -Harding yesterday
laid before the senate the treat
ies agreed to and signed by th
Washington peace conference, and
in person urged their prompt rat
ificat'.on. This should be done,
and the vo'i ought to be unanimous.
The community chesi campaign
in Portland is having hard sled
ding. That looks like the ideal
way to provide money for the sup
port of civic activities. But in
most cities It has not proved the
most successful way. Many peo
ple like to pick out for them
selves the organizations they
want to help.
answer to a thief's plea for pelf.
When there is no poverty, then
there can be made a beginning of
the complete abolition of the underworld.
Abraham Lincoln, George Wash
ington and other leaders of the
American people were considered
among the high priests of the
race, but neither one of them had
an offer to manage the moving
picture business at 3150,000 a
year. In fact, neither of them
ever dreamed of. much less saw,
a movie. Exchange.
Mayor Baker: of Portland has
ordered the poftce" force of that
city to wipe out the underworld.
A worthy commission, but a good
sized job, which it will take some
genereations to complete. The
police alone cannot finish it. Or
ganized society and all the moral
forces of the whole people will
have to help. But it can be done,
in a thousand years. "The poor
ye always have with you" was not
spoken as a general statement. It
was spoken to Judas Iscariot, in
A wireless message has been
sent from Carnarvon, Wales, to
the shores of Australia. But what
gets us is how the messag3 was
transmitted in Welch that sounds
too much like the wailing of an
ocean wind to be recognized at
the other end as a spoken lang
uage. Two Welchmeri In a heated
debate give fortlr a sound that is
not only unrecognizable, but
causes a mist thick enough to cut
with a knife. Exchange,'
Editor Statesman:
The writer attended a meeting
ot the Oregon City Live Wires,
at which the ladies gave a dinner
and heard from prominent per
sons on the subject of tax reduc
tion. Judge Grant Dimick showed
that there was about two mMlion
dollars of spread that could be cut
out. Chris Schubel, an almost
continuous member of the legis
lature, spread some verbal heifer
dust in the eyes of the business
men present, and promised some
more illuminating statistics in
future, about the time he will
seek a nomination. Another leg
islator spoke.wbut naither of the
gentlemen seemed to assume that
th? present nominating system,
that places a premium on the in
efficient self-seeker, or his own
valuable services, had anything to
( aCHOOt.
ICoprrlcht, 1023, Associated Editors
The Biggest Little Paper In the World
Edited by John H. Millar
A Valentine party I'm giving.
f X fancy dress-up party, too:
So come In a suitable costume
i It won't be complete without
1 1 -; you. . - -
If JThsfe." sa'd Beth. "I think
that makes a nice invitation." She
I and her brother Roger -were so
J .near of an age that they always
: gave their parties torejthsr. ror
L some time- they had been planning
a b'z Talentlne party. They were
i busilr writing the invitation Terse
: on red paer hearts, which they
put it white envelopes and seal-
I ed w'th red sealing wax.
' Tto ValnnUne Mall Box
II "VVhea all the invltat'.ons were
h' np on the nbm, i"ady to be
jrvU'ed. Roger tilted back in his
ihr and .ald "Now what are wa
go'nx to do with them after they
S : .
TvVell," eonsld'd Betn, rest
ing her ch!n on her hand, "one
' th'nc that's alwav fan Is to hare
soe red and wh' cren. paper,
; pome red cardboard, nalnts, pen-
' ctl and ac'ssors read, and
soon as th" com rt them start-
. ed tt rnakln valentines for then
ma'l box. W can Tote on the
-t one and glTe a ba of motto
- -rt for a nrlze. " Then .we n
the valentine in the box
,. rrf w he
board hearts, one for In front and
one for in back, with slits in them
to run a red sash through. Then
I'd fasten loops of ribbon to
s'des of the dress and put the
loops on mv wrists, just like a
frilly valentine."
"I guess I'll go as the Jack of
Hearts." Roger decided. "I'll
wear that old opera cape of mo
ther s on my shoulders, and a
crown ana everything, just I'Ke
the Jack in a deck of cards."
"It sounds like a regular party."
paid Beth as she ran to get her
wraps to go with Rogr to the
post office.
fore the party breaks up."
"That ought to start the party
off all right," agreed Roger.
"Then we can play some regular
Karnes like Going to Jerusalem,
until time to eat. I tell you what!
Let's serve cafeteria style end
have everybody march around the
Choosing Partners
"We can have a grand march
f!rst," suggested Beth. "We'll
make as many cardboard hearts
as there are couples and cut each
one in two. We'll have iie ba
ket of halves for the girls and
on tor the bovs. and thet- can
match for partners. Mother's
tending to ths eats. I euess she's
b"vlnr sandwiches cut heart-shap
ed, nd pink lemonade."
"I'm wondering whit we'll
wear." sa'd Roper "We'll have to
have something that's not much
trouble to fix up."
"Well." a!d TWh. "I don't
know exactly. Either I'll wear a
oueen of hearts costume, just
lain whitfv dress of talatan with
hearts 'pasted On It. and a 'red
crown. r I'll be fancy valen
tine. For the Talentine eostama solemn dot of watch! nr twtn
I'd wear a Tery fun white dress) lanterns. "Every Inor!ng. said
of some- soft 'stuff like cheesecloth J Fu Yen's father gravely, "you
end then I'd cut m two big card-1 must fill them with - the olU -. I
Fu Yen's father was a priest In
the great t?mp!e. Ever since he
could remember. Fu Yen had
played about the great building
filled with Its wonderful carved
Images. He had spent most of h's
t'me in Its wonderful gardens, for
there he was the hxnoiest..
Every flower nodded Its bright
head as Fu Yen came shutfllns
into the garden, his long queue
flving. h!s face beaming. Every
bird called a good morning, and
tbe tinv insects huzzd hano'l
f-r Fu Yen was the friend of ev
erv growing and living thing.
In front of the great temple,
near the entrance to the beautiful
rardens, wre the wonderful twin
lantern whom Hants never went
out. Fu Yen's father watched
them and kept them always filled
with the sacrd oil, so that tne
t'ny lights forever twinkled. Thev
tood on "lender columns, so high
thPt Fu Yen was qu'te a large boy
before he could rech th"m.
It was a great day in Fo Yen's
life when his father announced
that he was going on a journey of
several days, and tht h nn
could now be entrusted with the
should be thrown from the temple
if the sacred lights should to out.'
"Oh, most honorable father."
promised Fu Yen. "I will guard
them with my life, as the gTaves
of my honorable ancestors
Every morning Fu Yew polished
and filled the lanterns. Then one
lovely unshiny day he lingered in
the garden, playing with his tav
orite flowers. The sun shone
brightly and he grew sleepy. Nxt
thing he knew dusk was falling.
He ran to the lantern3. One of
them was cut.
"Oh!" tried Fu Yen. "What
s-'ia!". I do' I must light !t im
mediately. If my father ku .-. "
s he spulre, far down tin road
lie saw a little foot caravan com
ing. His father was returning.
Thea clo e to h's ears sounded
? fe miliar Mi7lng. Fn Yon look-i
tern under which we are paying
three dollars taxes where ten
years ago we paid one dollar. Ira
Idaho the people have restored
the state party convention sys
tem, and in Washington they hav
always kept it. and leadership and
party responsibility have not al
together been destroyed. Idaho
has adopted the cabinet system.
with seven heads Of departments
taking the place of boards and
comm'ssions, and Washington has
adopten ten department heads ap
pointed by the governor, Instead
of 72 boards and commissions.
Idaho has reduced her state
taxes and overhead cost of gov
ernment about 20 per cent, and
Washington has reduced about 2 5
per cent in total overhead, and
cut the state tax for state "expen
ses, outside of education, from
4 mills to 2 mills. A deficit
of $2,600,000 from 1920 has been
wiped out and about 20 per cent
of all appropriations made by the
last legislature are to be returned
to the state treasury. Yet Chris
Schubel has the nerve to say tax
es are just as high in Washington
and Idaho as in Oregon. The cold
fact is the farmers in Oreeon are
in open rebellion at the outrage
ous taxation bills that have been
forced upon them. The men who
have run the legislatures for the
past six or eight years have been
able totpass the buck and tell the
people that they themselves are
to blame for high taxes and ask
to be returned to the legislature.
What can the people do under
the present system which permits
no party conventions and absolves
all from party responsibility?
There is only one line and that is
to demand retrenchment and nom
inate business men who will
pledge themselves to initiate no
new taxes or appropriations, eith
er in the legislature or at special
ejections. The last session spent
$43,O0O merely for stenographers
and clerks, half of whom were not
competent legislative employes,
and the 400 new laws that were
enacted showed about half of
th?m more or less defective and
had to be Ironed out and fixed
up after they were passed. Most
of these laws raised salaries, cre
ated new jobs, added- fees, in
creased deputies, and as long as
they exist will operate to raise
We need higher standards of
Americansim, and I for one do
not care to support men for of
fice who go to the legislature to
trade, for jobs and make soft
places at $5 to $10 a day for
themselves and their families.
Men who will stain their hands
with such petty grafts are not.
good Americans. Men who will
stand for paying public employes
two salaries, or paying those in
public service twice what the
same service is worth, or twice
what the same individual is worth
in private life, are not good Am
ericans. Let us raise higher stan
dards in public service, where the
constitution and the legislature
and the judiciary are something
sacred and not a philandering
joke for fattening families at pub
lic expense. We may expect Non
partisan Leagues from North Da
kota and Ku Klux Klans from
Georgia to take charge of our pub
lic business if we as citizens do
not raise our standards and ideals
of public life above petty grabs
and nepotistic enterprises.
The only thing that can be done
is to aet in our primary capacity
as taxpayers and demand injection
of business into our public affairs.
We must get the facts of the en
ormous volume of increasing ex
pense before the voters, and we
must hold those who have brought
about this condition of affairs re
sponsible. The simple fact that
Marion county, and the current
exp?uss ot Marion county have
been held at about the same f p
ure for ten years past. pivej the
lie to the cry for constantly in
creasing salaries and constant
boosting of taxs. What Marion
county has done the whole state
can do. We must eradicate th ;
disease of tax-lifting or this state t
will not be in line far develop- :
ment or increased population
pledges for carefulness are made.
The bun wagon insists, like Cae
. i. . .i
in naviug w
(Continued from page S)
The Terminal has exclusive park
ing space frontage and will
nection with their own oui-
m con
lanre Chaser electric sign
Marion school district voted j dominate the front of the building
down the increased budget. Th
city has voted down clamor for
increased appropriations and will
do it again and Salem will be
prosperous In proportion as we re
fuse tax expansion.
It would hardly be suspected,
but the assertion is made that
Philadelphia uses more rouge,
powder and cosmetics than any
other city in the I'nion. Yon
never can tell about these Qua
ker C.ty g:rls. They wili doll up
and they use up a lot of paint
and powdar in th? doing. Phila
delphia's annual bill for cosmetics
is more than $6,000,000. Even
the navy department would feel
the touch of a $t.0"0.000 bill for
war paint. It is hoped that Phil
adelphia has something to show
for the money.
,1 1. . nmilil
as soon as aen-rj ran
Two W-estern Union clocks are
placed at each end of the termi
nal and will show the time of
those, leaving and wil race also
those coming. HuKe leather
chairs, large foot rails, njahogany
counters and a delightful system
of indirect electric lighting make
the entire space a place ot beauty
a3 wvll as comfort. The lighting
system is uniform all through the
building and the upstairs hotel.
The lighting system is the most
elaborate in the valley. A Terraza
lloor. impervious to wear, ideaiit-
ticallv arrange! tor ci-aimm-
and health is laid through all the
lower main floors. A general
color scheme of Ivory and mahog
any is followed throughout.
Has Other Terminals
This company nas Blso termi
nals at Eugene and Corvallis. The
Eugene urminal Is now In opera'
tion -and is proving a big success
This company has a long lease on
the Elks temple at Eugene and It
has been adapted to the Terminal
servico so as to make it a wonder
fully attractive place. It has al
most a whole city full of shops,
so that one can for almost ever
The daughter of ..he house of
Rockefeller has grown aweary of
staking grand opera. In the last
ten years she and her husband
put up more than $3,000,000 to
cover the deficits of the opera
season. Now that she has be?n
divorced she is going to take in
terest in less temperamental crea
tures than foreign singers. She
is to furnish Chicago with the
greatest zoo in thg world. She
has added 110 acres to the pres
ent "plant and has been made di
rector of the Chicago Zoological
society. There will be over 200
acres of birds and beasts and it is
hoped to gather living specimens
of every known animal.
live under the same roof
eral waiting room 30x50 feet, that r
will care tor 100 to 160 guests at ;
a time. There are six entrances
makinj! It stampede proof.
X. I- Hcyxr, Maaauer
There are approximately SS
schedules botweeu Eugene. Koe
burn, and Medford, including the
leader lines. The Corval.U Term!-,
nal is nearing completion and
there are a number ot business en";
terprtees on the maiu floor.
There a restaurent. shoe shop,
barbers, stationary, insurance,
real erta, shine parlor, and oth
er offices and apartments rapidly
filling up.
The Terminal idea has been de
veloped by Messrs. J. E. Lewis,
president and L. K. Applegate.
treasurer of the new Oregon cor
poration. They have brought it ia
part from Seattle, but have devel
oped it largely from the original
design. These gentlemen have
overcome many obstacle and de-'
serve considerable credit for the
good work accomplished in build
ing up the most modern up-to-date
stage terminal on tha Pacific
. J. H. Carson of Salem Is the
company secretary, and N. L.
Heyser of Salem the commercial
manager, with Earnest Summer
field, assistant. All the members
of this company will make their
homes at Salem. While Salem is
the home office of the company,
their activities will cover many (
are barbers, florists, drug stores.
gruevry. confectionery, cigar
stand, check stand, m eat market,
restaurant, tailor, shining parlor,
transfer office, taxi office.
There are separate men's and
women's waiting room, with a
smoking room for men. and a ften-
Xcver Wants Anything Else?
"I tried many different kinds
of cough medicine," writes Mrs.
E. K. Olson, 1917 Ohio Ave.. Su
perior. Wis., "but I never want
anyth'ng else than Foley's Honey
and Tar. I used It for all my
children and also for my grand- ,
child. It has always done tine
work." Foley's is a pure, whol
tome and absolutely safe remedy
fnr tha relief of colds, croun and '
whooping cough. Chlldreu like it
and It checks sneezing and snuN
f line. Sold everywhere. AdT. i.
Actuaries are able to fairly es
timate the annual death roll from
the automobile. Unless there is
some unusual or wholesale trag
edy the number of deaths to b3
expected each month from traffic
accidents can be predicted with
reasonable exactness. It is a'safe
bet that people are not going to
bs any more careful next- month
than last. The proportion of ac
cidents will Increase as the num
ber of autos grows, but where
there is not much variation in the
number of cars a ratio of acci
dents can be computed. In Mich
igan the automobile industry has
been fairly steady. The number
of persons driving cars last year
was not greatly dmorent from
the previous 12 months. In 1920
there were 39" deaths from motor
accidents. Last year the number
was exactly the same. This is
not a gloomy coincidence, but a
definite expectation. There will
probably be as many next year,
no matter what promises and
2 p. m.
25c 50c
79 ,
25c 75c
Superb Musicians and Vocalists
Pan Green And : Wyoming:
American Dunbar jq
Four Withoutv
Tropical Rhyme or Echoes From
Harmonists Reason The West
The Mysterious Greeks
Will Answer Any Question You May Ask
Bring The
Soi-ie of his friend?, th-
little light-oearing insects, flutter
ed about his head. Ht se?med to
him he heard a voice say, ' You
have bcn our friend W? shal!
now be yours." As the astonish
t 1 Httle Chinaman watched, they
flew r'ght into the dart lantern.
And wntn Fu Yen's fathe' re
turned, the lights in both the
tw.n lanterns twinkled.
Change the word ''lose
'find" in four moves.
Answer to resterday's: Quebec
(fcS) '
V RmrcTcwrv 1 623
v t -
fcjiTTirtvAN of HoseowDoestfr
Boy 8oot Wk Febmry 8 to 14
"Wear tha tqsar knot and do a good
tor" daily."
February 11, Saturday DiTan of Al
KdT temple to be entertained by Sa
lem Shrine patrol.
February 12, Sunday Lincoln's birth
day. February 13. Monday Professor M E
Peck lecture at Waller hall, Willamette
university, at 8 p.m.
February 14, Tuesday Cberrians meet
February 14, Tuesday St. Valentine "a
February 15. Wednesday Company T
smoker at Armory.
February IS to IS Inclusive State
Christian Endeavor eonyentioa
February 20. 21 and 22 Convention
of State Retail Dealers association at
February 21, Tuenday Convention of
Oreiron Retail Clothiers' association in
.February 21. Tuesday John D. Mickle
to address South Salem Parent-teacher
asciation at Leslie Methodist church.
February 21 and 22 Tuesday and
Wednesday. Apollo clnh in concert with
Gideon Hicks and Gertrsc' Huntcley
Green, pianist.
February 22. Wednesday Washing
ton's birthday.
' March 2, Thursday Annual Elks Elec
tion. March 1 7 19 Meetinf of county Sun
day school convention in Salem.
March 17. 18 and 19 Marion county
Sunday acnooi convention. Salem.
April 16, Sunday Easter.
May 19. Friday Primary election.
Jane 29-30, July 1 Convention of
Orecoat Fire Chiefs association at Marsh
field. July t and 4 Monday and Tuesday,
Stata convention of Artisans at Wood barn
Sentesnber 21, 22 and 23 Pendleton
4W rzt
.-if :
w 9 a " - - suna . snTss , J
4 -
f 1
hurry! CANDIDATES hurryi
Special offer of 10,000 free votes for every new subscriber se
cured ends Saturday night at 8 p. m. and will not be renewed.
Will you be announced as the winner of one of the grand
prizes? It is up to you. Keep busy! Keep your helpers busy! The
end of the bonus offer is almost here.
TO BE OR NOT TO BE is the question. The subscriptions yon
secure while the extra bonus offer is in vogue may be the very sub
scriptions that may eventually win the prize of your choice. These
additional votes you will secure for your subscriptions if turned
in this week may be the very votes by which you may win.
j ACTION is the slogan NOW and the prize of your choice at the