TITO OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 8. 1922 i 4 f. i 1 - CLjUSOTI AOySXTXSEXSVTS ' Bat r word: Pr iartwa - - ts Tare insertion - & . Oos week (sis insertions). 8e Om ssesth ort 6U Months' esmtraet. pr 15e It swooshs contract, pr sne.lSe Misbamai far any advert is.asent, 35 i NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY TbleUoB, Rolaat Bargbardt Iterident Agent 871 Suite St. - MONEY TO LOAN 1 ' On Real EiUti T. K. FORD (Oyer idd A Buah Bank) LIABILITY BONDS Property Damage Insnraace lfor Stages, Taxi Cabs, Tracks, and Print Aotomobiles ' ; ANDERSON & RUPERT 408-7 Oregon Bid;. NEW TODAY THREE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 1 4 ery close la. psoas 030. ENAMEL PAINT AND VARNISHES finest grades, Mas O. Barm 17a N i Commercial. 1XW COST PROMPT AND FAIR AD ' Juataent of all loaae. makes th Me- ' M Inn v ill Co.the leading fire insur - anre company. Oct their rataa lor your nest policy. Standi? 4 Foley, areata. a Bask Bank Bid. Phono 347. WANTED TO BORROW $2300 GILT edge security. Addreia VA-48." care rttsteiman. BLACKCAP RASPBERRY TIPS FOR aala. 1307 8. Commercial St. . CONOOLEL'M PRICES REDUCED nsutiiu aow pstterss Just received. Mia O. Bores. 179 X. Commercial. BARRED ROCK HATCHING EGOS FOR sate. $1 setting O. A. C. . 25 North Winter, city. Is SALESMAN OR SALESWOMAN WANT- ed to introduce a standard article dir ect to trade. Phone 1593-W. !Zl FOR SALE AT BARGAIN PRICE ixn raiaii'r, o snonins oia. fzuv worth of extras included. Phono 15S3W. CEDAR HX:i TRUNKS AND ARMY lokers. Max O. Unroa, 179 X. Coa'I. . 165 ACRE STOCK RANCH FENCED for goats, 3 room cabin, barn 40x44xl - Living , water, 3,000,000 feet timber, thonaanda of arrea of outrange. One mile from good school and 3 miles from town. $8000 cash. ' Address box 48, Brownsville, Oregon. L ENERGETIC BC8INE8S PARDNER AND assail capital wanted. Davenport, 311 N. Commercial. m NEW 1922 TAPESTRY RUGS 9x12. . wnol faced. $20 anr? up Mnx O. Buren, 179 K, Commercial. f llCnjHXQ' LOTS SEVERAL NEW heuaea ore under construction and a ; namber of lota have been aold during the past month in . my subdirision. . Why f Because the lots arc desirable and the price cheap. $300 secures a good- oae ; $400 takes the beat unsold mrner anyi reasonable terms. See them jost south, of Rural avenue, east of Church street. E. A. Rhotea, $49 Rural avenue, phone ll41J. FOR SALE 13 ACRE RANCH. SIX arrea . bearing prunes, balance mixed fruit, garden, ete. Six room house, barn, end other ba tiding, on graveled toad and mail route. Less than 24 miles from Bush's bank.. Price $6500. Terms. Before yon buy be snro and ': see this. Kreuger, 208-9 Oregon Bldg. CHILDREN'S CRIBS 2 Is 12. $5. MAX D. -Buren, 179 N. Commercials SEASONED WOOD FOR SALE FIR and oak. $5, '$6 and $7 delivered Phone 8F22. WHITE- LEGHORN CHIOK8 FOR SALE. ilnwood atrain. to hatch Fehruarv 21 - and later. $14 per hundred, rhone f 8FS2. . -- ' ENGLISH BREAKFAST TABLES 36x36, $3.73. Max O. Bares. 179 X. Com'l. FLOWER BHOP FOR SALE, DIRT 1 cheap. 'Well established and long ! lease. Complete with stock. $000. If , vou could conduct s big paying small " VnMneaa come in oa this now. Becke A Hendricks, 203 U. 8. Bank Bldg. ' W0TDER SIX ROOM HOME IX 8A em's -best residence district must be seld. Brand new and has everything von went. Prtce $7.3M over all. Soma terms. Becks A Hendricks, 203 U. 8. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE OXK PORTABLE BAKE . oven and some toola. Call 2033 Fair ground road. BREAKFAST ROOM CHAIRS $2.20. Max O. Buren 179 . Commercial. MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENTS for: rent. Phone 1324. 333 Marion street. " Bl'RHAXK POTATOES FOR SALE SI. 30 per hundred, rteiiverea. Anarew Msfl 116 Center street. SIX ROOM HOME ON STATE STREET, Fireplace; Dutch kitchen, other built la features, rood barn.' variety 01 hear lav: fruit, two. lots. ' 13250. Good 1 term. ' . WINNIE PKTTYJOHX 8314 Slat St. Phone 531 FOB RALE A 1 JKRSKY COW:. SIX years old. $00. - l'kone l'ilkeuton. in or 1814 R. - . . , - .-. lRnxiia BOARDS $.30. MAX 0. Buren, ' 179 N. Commercial. , , t 1 - i TO EXCHANGE 1OO0 ACRES OF FINE . land in B. C. Houses to rent. Money t dan on good security, ;tSquaro- Deal- Co. Phone 470 502 U. S. Bank Can frou Beat It? lot lots.' a whole addition, to Salem, alt Iilatted,' Hi, tract and good, title, only ',)HH. ' Terms all rasb. Horolofsky. 341 Stat street. ',' - Best Buys and.Exchanges V room modern bouts to rent: S rooms, modern, all i too com' it ion. $3300. Will take good bonds for all or part of it. terata oa.kalf. 7 room strictly modern house, close to . rspitol grounds, only $1200 cash, bal- sneo like rent. 413 acre ranch eery , highly improved. friMt and grain, beat of location. Will ''exchonge for California or Kana. rnW $120,000. Wsstrd $3-V0 loan' st '-percent. -il S0C0L0FSKY t ' ' 3 tl. State street - ilWOOD'S BARGAINS 'e' Vive room buneiilaw oa pared street Md .car line. $210. Terms, $300 : Xh. .balance monthly or take ear.. Tea; rre juat outside limits close to e Tme . rood house " with . lights and ter, orchard and wlMwrie. t Owner : anuit rnang riimaie. jw '-tins home with city conveniences com U km see Itw. Some pjod traces. F. ' 1.1 Wood. 3lt Btate -' EMPLOYMENT REFINED TOUNG WIDOW WITH GIRL five years, waste work, . preferably housekeeping. No trillers. Call lllijh ttt"l, room 33. EMPLOYMENT racAiai WANTED GOOD COO AND RELIA nonsekeeper Mast have referen cee. Apply insmediatety before Sam. r after :80 pj. 544 K. Commercial tree. POSITION WANTED COU.EOE TECH meal graduate. Whole or part tune. Davenport, 311 X. Commercial. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN who haa had experience selling life insurance, atoeka or advertising. Maat bo able to devote hta entire tune and 00 ambitious for advancement. Mut . hare the eonrafo to present business proposition to merchants and profes sions! men. Answer in your own hand writing, ttatiag ax a, educational qosii fieations, exparienco aa solicitor, etc. AdOeae "1-No Stateamaj office. MALE AJTD TEUXLZ WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO eko farm paper aahaeriptiona. A food proposition to the right people. Address the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Bide. SaUm. Ore ALESlfZX WANTED 57 MILES PER GALLON MADE WITH new patented gaaoline vaporiser. Write for particulars. Mtranaky Vaporiser Co, Pukwsna, 8. D. SALESMEN DEVELOPED A LARGE Paeifcl Coast institution haw numerous representatives who are earning more than 9100 per wejk. If this interests you and you hare a desire to become a real salesman and are willing to work and follow our system, we will be pleased to have you get in touch with ns. Previous experience not essential. We of far an opportunity for rapid advancement to men who show real ability and energy. Phone 1090 offire bonra. PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for stamp. Cor respondent, Toledo, Ohio. MASSAGE AND EXERCISES STEAM cabinet, ladies only. Mr. Roth Brown, Swdiah graduate. 802 Oregon Bl(g. Phone 558. FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE JEWELRY AND PHONO' graph business, established for 25 years, within 25 miles of Portland. 8. P. watch inspector, 3 railroads, good pay roll. Address "A-47," care Statesman. FARM PAPER IF .YOU WAXT TO GET THE BE3T farm psper, send 15c to the Pacific ltotnestsad, Salem, Oregon, for s three months' trisl subscription Mention this sd LIVE STOCK FOR SALE ONE GOOD JERSEY COW. due to freshen aoon. F. t. Evans, route 8, Salem. BIO TYPE POLAND CHINA DE8IRA hie individuala and f popular breed ing. A few choice young service boars and gilts for -sale. I will bre-d the gilts to our great herd boar if desired. Phone (Salem) 49F23. addrets A. W. Rlli. Jefferson. Oregon, route 1. CAN ART BIRDS rOR SALE CANARY BIRDS AND pedigreed whits . Scotch collie pups, lira. E. A. Bennett, phon 1280. 8T. ANDREASBERO ROLLERS THE canary with musical education. The World's sweetest singer; aew shipment. E. B. Flske, Birds snd Flowers, 273 State. POULTRY FOR SALE RHODE ISLAND RED setting er.es. Pure bred. $2.50; grade 60c. Phone 108F31. POULTRY MEN . SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp for apeeial three months' trial for th boat and oldest Journal in tho weat. The articlea and adver tisements srs of special intereat to the poultry breeders of the aortbwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 311 Com ternial St. Salem. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS HAY FOR 8ALE NICE GRAIN HAY. loose, $12. Clover and retch haled hay. John H. Scott, 228 Oregon Bldg. CARROTS $8 PER TON, ONIONS $1.50 Sack. 2 mile east of Brooks. Bring sacks. W. L. Gaaksll. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents bundle. Circulatioa department. Oregon Statesavn. FOR SALE 30 LIGHT FAIRBANKS Morse lighting plant. In good repair and priced to sell. F. E. Evans, route 8. Salem. CEDAR HOP POLES ONE CAR, 550 16 foot cedar posts ready to load et CO cent. W. J. Williams, U27 West 6 IB. Eugene. Oregon. THE HOUSE OF HALF A MILLION and one bargains. We boy, aall or exchange anything ul everything in th lino Of junk or second hand goods. See us before you buy or selL Steia bk Junk Co Remember the place. 403 N. Commercial St. Phone 533. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa especially good selection of the soars you have been wanting, with word sad matte eomplets. No matter how oust son (books you hsve, you should have - this one. eootsining the Oregon songs Prices: Single copies, 25c; 16 y, eenta each in lots of a doiea or mors: $12.50 tbs hundred, postpsid. Second edition airintad since Seotember. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. ' Commercial St. 8a1om. Oregon WOOD ALL KINDS WOOD SOLD ANDREW Mace, 14fr Center. FOR BIG FIR. 8ECOND GROWTH OAK o sab W006. Ihone 77F2. WOOD, WOOD-rBIO DRY FIR DEI.IV ered sbj where for $6.50. Phone 1013. OAK WOOD. $8: LARGE 8EOOND rrowth fir. $6.50; mill wood. $2.60. Phono 108FS. DRY.' OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, $8 4 - ft, seeOBff growtn, o.u. x-none 1467. r NICE DRY SECOND FIR WOOD DK livered. $6.50; oak. $7.50. John H. Scott. 228 Oregon Bldg. rOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD maple, second growth and' oii itr. i. or 1 l. - Fred E. Wells. Phone 1342. 805 8. Church. 16 INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD $3.50 per losd. ITT pianer weeo. $8.30 per load. Tracy Wood Co Phono 820. - FOB RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT 899 NORTH Commercial. FOR BENT SUITE - OF TWO LARGE rooms With 'private bath, will ho vac red soon. Also sepsrste room. The Alexandria,' 1030 Chemeketa St. Phone 1an BOOMS ARMNGTON HftTEL. Ape up. 46a State: CLEAN. COST; IDT RENT BEDROOM IS . MODERN hoeKM"5 S. 1 ltth, call aftes6 o'clock UOK;rOtt RENT FOR GENTLF.MA-N - desirable room in modem home with all roerVpi'$?e, Please giv$ Same and roferoace. Address ;.Vi.B,' V car SUtoa . msa.r'- 1 - . ..: , . i . CLEAN. NEAT SLEEPING ROOMS. $9 to $3.60 per week. - Ansrtmants, $5 Th Leosard Hotel, 154 N, Front. ' rhen 1802. FOR RENT BOOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD 228 X. CAPITOL, corner Court. Phone 1627-W. HOUSES FOR KENT MODERN PARTLY FCB aiahed house 1298 X. Church, call 11S2 Shipping. WANTED mi8cellaneods FLYSHITTLE CARPET LOOM WANT ed. Phone 84F21. WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, ETC. Phone 511. FOR FLOOR SURFACING AND REFIN ishing, old or new floors, a'l work guaranteed first class. Phon- 60 t'3. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furniture. Beat pricee paid THE CAPITAL. HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. MA chinery. stock, etc. Will buy for cash or sell oa commission. Phono ill. Woodry. the Auctioneer. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVEB Capital Cltv Bedding Co Phone 10. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER T. N. WOODRY. THE livestock, furniture, real eatata auc tioneer. Phone SI I for sale davee. Rea. 1610 N. Summer. Auto Directory STORAGE GARAGE TRACT'S STORAGE GARAGE 344 rerry street. PAINTING RUSH THE AUTO PAINTER. and. Mill street, 12TU AUTO TOPS AUTO TOP8 W C. WRIGHT. 171 South High. AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK guarantee. 353 South 12th. Phone 1126. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SMITH-W ATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH, Fisk, Silverton Cord, Hood extra ply tirese. Everything for auto. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROC ble shooting. 218 N. High. Phone 303. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE station. Export battery snd electrics) work. Fstria Bros. Phono 1803, 418 Court. OARAGE AND REPAIR HOFFMAN A ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR ing, vulcanising, retreading; 197 South Commereial atreet. Phone 471. FENDERS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED. Salem Ant Radiator Shop. 198 8. 12th street. AUTO REPAIR BHOP L. MILLER, 245 Center.. Phone 890. CAPITAL GAHAU BUICK, STUDE baker repairing, 173 South Liberty. Phone 88. BACIATOS IH0P3 J. C. BAIR, RADIATORS, FENDERS. Bodies repaired. 444 Ferrv. USED CARS TO TRADE FOR GOOD FORD L. C. Smith typewriter and astronomical tal escope. Box 93, Salem. TRUCKS FOR SALE TWO TON TRUCK IN fair condition. Three hundred dollars, at Falls City Salem Lumber Co. 349 S. 12th. FOR SALE OR TRADE REO TRUCK. 1921 model, perfect condition. Will trade for reel estate, produce or will aell oa easy terms. This is sn exeep tronally good buy.. It you wsnt n tesl good bargain apply immediately. Pboae or call. The People's Cash Store. MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLE AND SIDECAR FAST, powerful, very reasonable. Davenport. 311 N. Commercial. CARPENTER CARPENTERS' WAGE REDUCTION Now you can afford to do that contem plated building. Will furnish firs) class carpenters st $5.50 per dsy. N job too large or too amal!. R. W. Melntira, contractor, 810 S. Winter aire BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Sstreot. Phone 956. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L, M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 133 8: High St, phone 283 DRUO STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT Phone 14. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND L. A. Hayford, 305 Stats street. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM property. For quick service see Jos eph Bsrbsr A Son, 300 Grsy Bldg. I HAVE SOME GOOD APPLICATIONS for loans at a good rate of interest Come in and I will I' ll rou about them John II. Scott. 2J8 Oregon Bid;. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association haa mooy to loan at ai percent. W. D. Smith, tscretsry-troas urer. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN 1 CAN GET YOl s goversment farm loan or a loan on any good chattel or real estate aecuritv Or insure your buildings; or ran sell your real estate if priced right It you want to sell ace. ma, John H Scott, 228 Ore. Bklg. SECURE YOUR BUILDING LOAN NOW for the new house you expect to build tuis spring. A. C. BOHIINSTEDT 107 Masonie Bldg. Salem, Ore LOANS 20 yesr farm loans. Let us finsnre you for 20 years. If yen want to par your loan jou ran do so at any time Prepayment priviU-ses. Come in and talk it over, with us. We ran helo you. All kinds of fire and automobile insurance. MARSTERS BROS, 230 31 Oregon Bldg. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIOURE8 ON WRING tfv eosirar. o nour. At n-wsr prices. H. W Hstch. phon 1744 W rUTNITURB STORES , FRANK T. ntCHTEK NEW. SECOXD hand furw-.turo. 449 h . Coaamercia Phone 452. ri- FUBNITtTBE HOSPITAL FUR NTTUBE RF.PA1EI OR MADE TO nkr. RefiOlshing asd- phoNtrinr a apecialtv. .ptione 1T2. Bmwa and frrovea, 1201 Sooth- yowmereial. ; GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXF. - 'BEDDlXO PLANTS for sal. Hans s. tu Aorta Commer cial. , Read the Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURlxCE company. J C. Balrh. agent, room 5, UcCornack Bldg Phone 06. HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEL ROOMS AND board. Lunch counter. Opposite Q. E. Depot. State and High. Ladies' Wearing Appars CORSETS MRS. E8CH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets, Phone 1043-R, 891 8. 12th. FANCY WORK NEEDLEWORK AND EMBRODERY shop. Jessie MeCue. Tallman's Piano Store. 121 South CommorciaL DRESSMAKING WASTED PLAIN SEWING AND HAND work. Call 631 R. LA CLASIQUE GOWN SHOP EXCLUS- ive aiodela. Expert designing. 33 m citato. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer corsets to order. 2 McCornack Bldg. DRESSMAKING TAILORING. Goodwin. 445 N. Commercial. MRS. MRS. C. J EPSON MODISTE; 2567 Oak. Phone 929. THE ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinds of ladies' tailor ing, for ola and new customers. 852 N. 12th St. Phone 2085-R. MRS. VARTY. DESIGNER AND MAKER 1-adies' suit and fns. Over Mil ler's Store. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER LOOAT ed in Highland at 2446 Hazel. Phone 1851 J. : , MESDAMES SCOTT CHASE DRESS makers. 219 Stat St. Pbuno 937. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER 1710 Bellevue St. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. Phone 1824 M. MXLLINERY HATS FROM $1 UP MRS. Grimm. 519 Court St. C. A. PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAND PLEATING, 390 Sonth 24th. Phone 798 Ml. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE- HEMSTITCHING, ploeting, buttons, stamping and needle work. 329 Oregon Bldg. Phone 879. MRS.- BRECKENRIDGE HEMSTITCH mg, mail order solicited. 175 S. 19th Phone 174 M. MRS. F. E. MULL HEMSTITCHING, stamping, braiding, hand embroidery, buttons. Room 10, over Miller's store. Phone 117. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. 1515 X. Commercial. Phono 1352-W. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 136 8. Liberty street. Phone 2a. Oldest largest beat. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work, prompt service. 1284. Broadway. Phone 165. PERIODICALS M1S3 GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRIP- tions for sll msgaxines. 251 S. 17th. street. Phono 741-M. PAINTING CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for psrticulsr people. 1.. D Brssdon. contractor. 365 North High. Phone 645 J. sUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING. PAP arhancinx. kalsomming. Work guar anteed. Terms reasonable. Phone 2035-J. 1464 Ferry. PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. s Ex tracts. , toilet articles. Mrs Moyer, 170 South 23rd. Phone 1224. PRUNING AND SPRAYING PRUNING AND SPRAYING ORCH srds a peciltyJ Phone 16JK NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD bsck of office, large goosberry plants and a few more Italian prune tre's left. 540 State atreet. Phone 1140M. A FEW PRUNE TREES LEFT WIL- Ismette Valley nursery. Routs 7. Phone 105F5. COMPLETE LINE TREES dM ALL fruits, ornsmentala. Capital City nur sery Co., 426 Oregon Bldg. Phone 75 CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS. ANY qusntity. . Ettersburg No. 121. to. S3 Gold Dollar, New Oregon. Everbesr ing. Treble. Wilson. Wsrd K. Rich ardaon. 2395 Front. PLUMBING PLUMBING 75e PER HOUR. PHONfc 950-M. PLTJMBINO REPAIRING AND COM work. Phone 1S97-J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey? PRIVATE HOSPITALS PRIVATE MATERNITY HOSPITAL 1647 North Front St. Mrs. J. t Sline FRINTINO FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announrementa, aee Berteleon. printer "Y" Building. SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICK Showcards that talk. 424 N. Comroer elat. Phone 546, RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON able prices. Johnson Barry. 139 S High. SAVE MONEY BY EATING AT REP tsnrsnt upstair. 185 South Commer rtal. NOODLE ; PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. Ferry. 43 BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP suey, 40c; puffed rie. 20c: noodles. 2e ; fried noodles, 60e. IV) S. Lib ertr. SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH Ifich. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND s d riot nine and shoes. Also dn eleanins. pressing ssd repairing. Cl' and deliver Capita' Exrhanc. 342 Sort a Commercial. Phon 1368 W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HANI1 good of H kind, pipe fittings, bar ea. collar, collar pads, tool n chain. Fred Schindler. 5 Center e-tr-et. STUDIOS DELUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF fncoat T)hotorruhv. 17 K. Cow't rf- STOVES STOVE REPAIRING STAVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED Q rears expecieac. . Aei simwt reara. aire 26 i to .38 iacbea high toa mil -ssii ariahea. - el Ufa lerTT and Von ; Vtstl. ' Salem "Fenc ad Sunt Wnrk. 250 Comrt street Phone t24. - - - - Read the Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL FRANKLIN LAUNER P1AXO, 26$ S. 17th. Phone 1008-W. MRS. HEX BY LEE PIANO. 1321 X. Capitol, raoae 1017-W. LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL wdita given. 33 X. High. Phone MIu.jETTA MAGERS VOCAL. DERBY Bldg. Friday afterauoa. Salorday. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IN atrurtion. Phone 334. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. 267 Xorth Winter. Phone 345 J. NELLIE MULK2.Y STONE PIANO. 373 Leslie Phone 731-W. ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO. 251 North Cottage. Phone 829-W. BEATRICE SH ELTON PIANO STUDIO. & Marion. Phone 1299. T. S. ROBERTS PIANO, ORGAN. 270 South ltth. Phone "9. DAS . F. LANG EX BERG, VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2u79. lena waters piano. Phone 113 M. 1472 Mill MOLLIS STYLES VOICE, PIANO, $53 Center. Phone 8016 R. JULIA MILLS WEIGEL PIANO. 1560 South Church. Phone 1391 K. LUC1LE ROSS PIANO. ORGAN, 493 North Liberty. Phone 1187 W. MATTIE CILBERT STRING INSTRU ments. 1572 tlale. Phone 1156 K. RAG AND JAZZ PIANO PLATING 12 leaaens guaranteed. Waterman sys tem. F. B. Clark. Mgr. 444 State. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO player; dances sii occasions. 257 N. Liberty . BERTHA JUNK DARBY. AUTHORIZED teatviirr, Oodowsky Progressivs Series. Piano 679 North Cottage. Phone 1950-W. WESTERN CUKaa.nVA'l'ORY OF MLS ic of Chicago. Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Diplomas granted. Odi Fallows' Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diploms grsnled. John R. Sites, d 'rector. 1237 Court. Phone 628. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TCNINO. REPAIR ing. Phon 983. JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER; Moore Duo n C. Representativ of Sherman Clay A Co. Phone 506. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Lear orders Will's Music Stors. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning, refinisning, rebuilding; player piano expert. Phone 1059. 121 South Commercial. PIANOS SHERkVAN CLAY A CO PIANOS. STEIN ways, Duo-Art, and other. Moor Dunn Music Store. Masonic Temple. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO grsphs. sewing mschines, sheet music, snd pisno studies. Repsiring phono graphs snd tewing machines. 432 Stste. Salem. " DAN cm o PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE dances. Mrs. White. Phone 273 J. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS G Attn AGE. RE fuse of alt kinda removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phone 167 TRANSPORTATION SALEM SILVERTON STAGE Leaves Lesves Salem Silverton O. P.. Depot News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1 :00 p.m 5:00 p m 6:15 p.m. SALEM-INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem. O. E. Depot 7:00 am 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p m. I.esrs Monmouth Hotel 8:15. a.m., 1:09 p.m.. 6:13 p.m. Leave Independene e Hotel 8:30 a.m.. 1:15 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Special trips by appointment. Seven passenger car for hire. J. W. PARKER, Prop. Rea. Phone 615 J. Business phone 7 TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phone 933. ' Distributing, forwarding snd storage oar specialty Get onr ratea. TAILORS MERCHANT TA1LUK CLEANING AND pressing; suits made to order. Frank Palm. 211 S. High, corner Ferry. TAXI DIRECTORY LANHAM TAXI COMPANY 540. PHON I THE OREGON TAXI TRANSFER CO. Liberty A Ferry. Phone . 77. Dry alab 16-inch wood for sale. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING PHONE 1161 J. CITY AND couvrRY WOOD SAWING Phone 2046. Fisher Bros. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. Stores everything except ex plostvesT 'Apply Fry's Drug Store WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO Offi'-e. 301 South Com'l St. Ten pei cent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advauc. No deduction for absence or any cans unless wster is shnt off your premises. PROFFESIONAL CHIROPODISTS 1. J. FOSTER CORN IrOCTOR 322 State St. Pstton Bldg. Phon 957. CHIROPRACTORS OR. O. L. SCOTT. ?.SC. CHIROPRAC tor, 3S-12 1' s. Bank Bldg. Pbon . 87; res. 828 R. ;HlROrRACTORS DRS. BRADFORI and Bradford : graduate and post craduatea of the first chartered chno of Chiropractor ia th world. Tan year in practice. Consultation aad . eiaminstion free. Phono 526 Room 319 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATHICPHYSICIANS ?RS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 50fi U. S. Bank Bldg DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATH H Physician and urg-on. Kirksville graduate. 404 405 U. S National Bank Bldg. Phone, office, 919; res. 614 DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC u Physician snd surgeon. 403 404 Ore ma Bldg. Phon. office, 1394; res OPTICIANS POMEROY ft KEEN E JEWELERS AND OptometriaU. 838 Stata. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R- BUR ittH ai the Itaw Ootirsl Comi.anv :5 State street, opposite Laid snd Hush Bank. - LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS t'm(, it. ArvMory. rirt. Hn Classified Ads. in The Statesman Bring : Results REAL ESTATE UK. HOME BUT EX -IOC CAN BUT A 6 room bears lew lea then s year old for $5O0 Was than I was offered for it nine aaontha ago. Haa basement. Dutch kitrken, closets u a.eepiag poreh. $1000 will handle it. boa 11 todty. 125 Lcffell. Tilt!;. FIGHT ROOM HOUSE MI ST BE looked into if you seed a beautifal home and lots of fruit for rovt familr at oars At $5250. Gertrude J. M Pag, 492 X. Coitag St. CITY HOUSES C1TT LOTS. BUNGA Vows, small and large c-resg. cm i tad- far out; exchaae in city and country. Brown A Mage. vr But u-k'a sV. -e. State and Commercial. Phoae 559. 6 RWI.M HOUSE ON I-AVED STREET large lot. plenty fmit ; harn. rsx-: for quick sale. $190. 2j0 raak rel int rent. See aa for bargains . Joseph Barber & Son 2i0 Gray B'.dx CANADIAN FARM EXCHANGE I hava some excellent Canadiaa wheat farms aad ranches for exchange, some storked and equipped, fre ( incum brance; some with !! incumbrance. 640 acres asd no. 1 have had 15 years experience operating aad dealing j t. et u worth is. moalv" f Vm! i 1108 Alr- Selling; to realUe prof g.ve you particular. $17 LewU Bldg.' ,ts later took on huge proportions, Portland, w. o. Ida. j and for a time caused the market ; to lose more than the early ad- f,!id i0B.LTS.hT.HV 5 a? nOVf vance! A moderat3 rally which and lot. bath, to .let and sleeping porch. , . . ... . . fmit. berries, eie. House is 8 years j ensued dUrillg the late tradlnfi old. Dutch k'trhen. Pir payment ! w a.- Jue In the main to covering only $300. Balance like rent. $25 v, per month. S -e L. A. HAYFORD 305 State St. ' FOR RENT A SIX ROO.I TLASTERF.D house, walking distance." or will sell. 2O0 down and monthly payments Immediate possession. William Flem ing. 341 State street. ANDERSON t RUrF.TtT Successors to l.aflar k Laflar INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 40G 7 Oregon Bldg. FOR FAIR EQUITABLE TRADING CALL I hav nearly a 100 properties to ex change. Rate most reasonable and lib eral contrarta. Th Fleming Realty Co. 341 State street. 10 ACRE BARGAIN Half mile from Salem, all cultivate!1. b"st soil, aboiit 'J acres logsns. Some other fruit. room bouse, barn, garage. See this for a bargain. Price $3500; terms, half cash. S, R. PEARSON 210 211 1 . S. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Nice bungalow, all modern, close to car. 7 rooms, ;ood lot. Price 400o. Fine modern bungalow, larre lot. on car line close in. Price $6000; terms. Good 5 room bungalow, two lots. Price $2500. We have clients that want small gro ceries. If you wsnt to sell, buy or trade see. H. L, MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. Thone 907 Three Good Buys Six room house, large r,orner lot. snd fruit. 2 blocks to rar. Price $14"0 and $200 down, balance $1 per month. ) rooms. 1 ht lots, best of raron land : all kinds of fruit, 2 blocks to car. Only $1200, with $200 rash, balance like rent. 6 rooms modern, close in on north Cot tage. A bargain for $2j00, with $C00 rash. THOMASON 331 State street Good Buys and Exchanges Good HO acre fartu w-tth u"r buildings. 3t arn-s cultivated, located near paved road A 'miles east. Vri-e $15,000, will take good house as first payment. 320 acres. H. in fall wheat, balance pas tore and timber, old lmi!d:ngs. located 10 miles out. Prii-e 5 per acre. Will exchange for Salem income vrop-rtr. 3 acre all cultivated, one acre in straw berries. 3 room bungalow on good street close to car line. Price $4200. terms One hslf S'-re tracts close to car line am! paved road. $400, ea-y terms. $100 down. $10 per month buys 1 0 acres all cultivated, best orchari-- and bcrrv soil south of Salein. 12 acres. 9 ls acre of 9-ear old Italian prunes, one acre of bearing logans. buildings, located miles south on Pacific highway. $9.no. terms. If you are looking to buy, trade or sell, see W. H, Grabenhorst & Co. r.- State St. U. S. Biank Bldg SUBURBAN HOME 13 ACRES, SIX room bungalow, 2 miles to Salem, paved highway. Several cre cherries, pea ches, apples and strawberries. 3 seres timber, small creW Price T00 Terms. R. A Mohney, 2u9 Oregon Bldg. Phone 217. FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM STRICTLY modern bungalow and cars ire. 10 blocks north of State street Price t30i Terms. Krueger. Oregon Bids. LAND BARGAIN 1 ACRES FINK land on Howell prairie. All m eel tivation. $2250: SUOO cash, your time on balance. Will exchange for city propertq. John H. Scott,- -'-"J Orejon Building. FOR SALE 12 A'RE TRACT OF I. AMI near Turn-r. Oregon. fc. .M. toic. Co(uille, Oregon. WILL GIVE 15iMi TO Jim CASH and 10 seres of good land partly im proved, close lo Salem, for t nmin house within waikins I'.istame of bus iness district. I trood residential bui'dmi lots on pavement, close in. cheap acres on pavement, all in to fruit, bear ing: riinnini water, i '" 1 bsni and other improv. nir-nts. i '. i0. '""PUTNAM-MCLAREN doom 21 l"" N- Comin -rcialSt 10 acres well improved near Salem on paved road Will take isleiu residence property as part pay. I arevll m cultivation, good buildings, to, trad for s-nall 4-T-zr near Salem th- KaUan residence property. V fine -a-iill improved farm on g.,a roat ' near town. Onlv $n ,-r acre. MILLS & COPLEY SSI's State street TO TRADE SOUTHERN IDAHO IR rt-ate farm for land on the coast. y" ii. Davis, ion Elm St. Twin Falls, rdalio PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Notico is hereby tlven that .1 impounded the following 1r scrlied dog in compliance with Ordinance Xo. 1404. to-wit: One bis wh'te shepherd dog with rinp -tround his neck. Wicht about 50 pounds. The above described do win lo killed if not redeemed by owner, on or before February 11. 1D22. as provided in said Ordi nance. W. S. !)W. Strwt Commissioner. FRriT " f am "" i - NLTW YORK. Feb. 7. Erapor a ted applea steady; prunes quiet; apricots and peaches firm; raisins IS TO E Profit Taking Sales Made in Great Volume Dn Board of Trade CHICAGO, Feb. 7. Hushes to buy tsheat today met with profit tailing Mies ia pieat, rolamv A? a result new advances in pr res were only maintained to paft. The closing waa unsettled. 1-8 to 7-8 net higher, with May 128 1-2 to 1.28 5-8 and July 1.11 3-8 to 1.11 1-2. Conn, lost 1-1 to 1-2 i 5-8. oats finished unchanged to 1-4 lower, and provisions at a de cline of 12 to 'JO ents. At first wheat here scored an upturn of about 2 cents chiefly because of encouragement which Buyers had received from word of a fresh rise at Liverpool and Bu Corn and oats, after touching in some cases the highest prices ili:- season. Eavo wav under i profit-takliiR sales and an lu- ci as of country offerings. , Selling ascribed - to packers weakened the provision market after a small advance had bee ;! brought about through highe luoiauonr, op. hogs. DAY IS ACTIVE L STREET Expansion of Bullish Activi ties Main Feature in New York Trading NEW YORK. Feb. 6 Expan sion of buIiMh activities involving further enforced settlement of short contracts marked another active day on the stock exchange. Many issues rose above best price of 1921. But these were can celled in whole or part In the profit-taking of the final hour. Factors which stimulated the advance, aside from technical con siderations, included liberal of ferings of call money at five per cent on the open market and 4 4 per cent in private transactions! the easier trend of time money and more pronounced strength la the principal foreign exchanges. Trading comprehended a great er variety of issues than st any period of the current movement. The more substantial advances again were made, however, by closely held stocks and specialties apparently controlled, by pools. Among these were the low priced equipments, popular motors and related specialties, textiles and miscellaneous issues, which at their best were higher by two lo five points. On the additional rle of ster ling exchange demand bills on London sold at 4.34 . French, Italian and Belgian remittance rose four to ten 'points, and all other European quotations Ger man and Danish rates excepted, made similar advances. Liberty bonds reflected less un easiness in connection with pos sible new offerings and convert ible railway bonds moved forward in "sympathy with low priced shares of that description. Hritifh ami other foreign bonds kept pace with the higher quotations for foreign exchange. Total sales, par value, aggregated $14,875,000. I HA I It Y I "OTA TOES PORTLAND. Ore., eb. 7. Butter: Prime extras SSc; cubes extras 33c; prime rirKts 32c. Ilut tprTat. Portland delivery: o. J sour cream -14c. Potatoes: Buying price locals 1.30ft 1.50; selling price 1.65't I'.OO. I BRUSH COLLEGE I llarvey Smith, who has been working in Eugene, came home last Sunday. Miss Bertha Oliver of Portland spent last Sunday with her moth er, Mrs. J. L. Oliver. All the pupils are again In school after being detained at home a few at a time on account of severe colds and eye trouble. Mr. and Mrs. W. D Corsline had as their week-end guest their niece. Miss Elsie Beckner of Sa 1cm. Oliver Whitney and little son. Loyal, are ill with grip. Mrs, Wrtitnpy. who has been ill, is con valescing. Wilson Cook of Portland spent the week-end here with his broth er Kenneth Cook. Mrs.' Charles McCarter enter tained the Brush College helpers last Thursday afternoon. The next, club meeting will be at the home of Mrs. J. L. Oliver. Dwight A. Hoag went to Dallas last Sunday afternoon, to visit his mother. Preaching services will be held in the schoolhouse next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. J. J Evans of the First Christian church in Salein will preach. Miss Leone Boonsliter and Al bert Van ?an ten of Bridge Creek visited last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George V ansanten County School Superintendent CfflCHESTERSmK SSI .a i.ee piai i m -"- MtwasiM.bMUMle l Mf P "cCT r.TC"-reg MAD W WllEfiT ON 11 my Sa I I Joiah Wills was a visitor At ta school last Friday uiornlag. Mrs, J. Singer has been verj Ul. with a sever cold. Miles Mob sod has also been tick the past week. ' There are a few titles more In aptly applied than that ot Solon. It is tacked indiscriminately upon every member of a legislative body, and in ninety-nine cases but of a hundred it docs not lit. o Ms Monthly pains, neuralgic, sciatic l n rl srUasss ! v U4iima pains, headache, backache and all other aches are quickly re lieved by Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Contain no dangerous habit form in jj drugs. Why don't you try them? Ask your druggist :B0NDS: GOOD BARGAINS County sad Municipal Beads Crook County, Oregon f Yield 5.23 Due 1934 1939 Lincoln County, Oregon 6s Yield 5 23 Dv 1929 Morrew county, Oregon 5S 5.125 Doe 1929 Cite of Wallowa. Oregon 8s Yield 8 percent. General ob ligation dun 1924-81 City of Waaco, Oregon 6. Yield 8 percent. Due 1931 Warm Springs Irrig. dtst. ft Yieb 8 percent. Due 1917. Industrial Bnd Standard Oa A-r.loclrie 7 '.4. Yield 7H p-rcent. Due IWM. Kentucky Utilities . Yield 7', percent. Dw 1924. The Maytag Companv Oa Yield 7 percent. Du 1929 Public Servle. Cotp of New Jer sey 7a. Dn 191. Yield T I buy and sell sU kinds of bond'. ' Circulars sr say of us sdsvs . svailsbis npoa rsut. I- Wm. McGilchrist, Jr. Resident Representative Clark, Kendall & Co.. Room 209 United States National Bank Building Salem, Oregon BONDf: I SALEM MARKETS I : 4 Pricee quoted reeea naa prices received by farmers. No gain! jrico are given Oats, milling, net, sse. Wheat No. I, ckd, 93. f I Oats, feed, 40e. . Vetch, and oat bay, $13. Clover hay, $10 C 11. Mill run mill feed, $210 BOOS, BUTTER BUTTEavTAT Egga, 23c rt 25. Creamery butter, 40c. Uutterfat, 34e. POULTRY Hen, light. 15e 0 IT. Hen, heavy, 20 Q 22. Chhcaeaa, spring, to. Rooster, old, S t l. PORK, MUTTOM aVJlD Ilu Hogs, 9 and lOe. I.amb V ifti IOC. Top veal. U 0 Itlit. Pork, rressed. 12e. hteers. 5' (at 6c. Bolls. 4e. mMl. Banaaaa, S Vie Lemons, $7 50. Nsvel orang. 15 Q 18. riortd grapefruit. $ A $70. Csliforaia grape fruit. $4.00. VEOETABLCa Eastern rranborri, $? Sweet potatoes, 6 Q So, Potatneai $1.50. Cabbage. 8 Me. California tomatoes, lag. $. Cucumber. $2.00. Cauliflower. $3 Taraips. $2. Parsnip. $3. Oregon onions. 6e. Carrot. $2. Head lettuce, $4.25. Boeu, $2 & Celery. $1 25. DATES, riOB, HOaTBT Dstes, It. Pscksgs data, csss. $8.7$. Pigs. la. Cnmh honey, cas. $S 25. L'ocoanuta, doses, $1.50. i Portland Buying Trice 4 EOOB. POTJLTRT. MBATt BCTTERF AT STEADY No. I churning cream. aS 9 Mt l.b, Portland; undergrade.. S. . KOOrS--1 RREO CLA R Current receipt 25 rents: pullets, 23 cents; while henneries. 3$ tents; delivered. Theo suotatas. are baa ed on prices paid for tn fcnlk of day receipts bv local Jobber o4 creaaorras ) LIVE POULTRY B!XW (I remisinim) Heavy bee. te ( 24c lb.: do light. 15 ft 17 Ib.t old rnnter. 10. t I2e lb. ducks, eoww white Pekins, 25 fi 2e; d colored 23 t 25c: stars. 20 22e. Turkeys. I dressed. ;-" 87e. , - - . , DRE8MED MEATS HRM (T.es enmmission) Choie lir ". 13 6? ISlie: undrgrde. 10 ttr: veal, left grades, 15 4 16c; uaderzades Mt' HAT AMD ORAIW If Y RTE4DY. fHJOD DEM WD i Delivered PoTtlnd). Vslley Timothy. 1S ton: Eastern Oregon timwth. $11 $18 a toe: alfalfa. $14: elwver. $ltHt: re ad vetch. li: Slrw. $: cheat. 12.50 : nAf!f..rr!.sr : V (Traeh. Portland, in esr losWhsst. II s. i tc. - .,-... .,... v . ,, J 10 l S1.17. - Coarse grain Oat. $27. T $2-.50. Eastern yellow com $25.50 r $25.75 s ton: .arl-y. 25 if $J7.. - -- PROTl . - , ' PRUfT STEADY Asyles, este fancy, $2 $2.M es: fncy, $1.75 $2: eranhevTien, t a bos. 4WTaltr: YEOETABLE PIRM P"t.e. $1.50 $1.7$ -wi:' $ ft $3 ewt, Orege-n ewbbaff 2e lb.J eawliflww-er. $1.25 if $1.50 doen; fr- D88B8) mm