The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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-----.. -. .
Hefmiston Pupil and Portland
: Teacher in in Contest Put on
: $y Rational Highway Committee
Anltr. M. Paulsen of Hetmiston,
Ore., Ik winner of. the first prize
for Oregon; among grammar
school pupils. In the essay content
conducted by the National High
way and Highway Transport Edu
cation committee..
' MIm Jessie M. McGregor of
Holliday school. Portland, Is win
ner ot first . place - among the
teachers of the state who partici
pated In a contest put on by the
same organization.
,: Winners of seccond. third and
fourth places among the pupils
were Hanrey . Tarnhof f. Failing
school, Portland; Jlmes Henry
Ttaley, Washington school, Pendle
ton, and Artie Appleton, Central
school, Astoria,
v Cash Prizes Given
The winners receive 115, $10
and $5 respectively, the fourth
price being the same as the third.
The winners - will now compete
? are
: (Montana Hardwrheat
We are still of fering this
high grade at the old
By the Sack
By the Barrel
, Hawaiian's Best
Golden Sliced
4 No. 2ft cans
2 -8z: packages
Burbank Iland Sorted
2 doz. Navel Oranges
. 48c
That Smooth Taste
lib......... 35c
3 lbs.........$l
with the winners from other
States, the grand national prize to
ha a old watch and a trip to
Washington. D. C. with all ex
nenu"i naid.
In the competition among the
iparhers second and third places
were won by Miss Harriet McLen
non. Richmond school. Portland,
and Lacy B. Copenhaven. also of
Richmond school, Portland. No
prizes were awarded the teachers
in the state contest. Their es
says, however, compete in the na
tional contest in which the win
ner of first place will receive $500
and a trip to Washington, the win.
ner of the second prize $300 and
the winner of third place, $200.
Salem Teacher Judges
The Judges appointed by Super
intendent J. A. Churchill for this
state were Miss Elizabeth Mc
Cleay. Miss Marie Churchill and
Miss Ada Ross, all teachers in the
galena high school.
Miss Paulsen's essay is illus
trated, which explains the occa
sional reference to pictures. The
essay, entitled "How to Make the
Highways Safe," follows:
"The importance of this subject
is brought very forcibly to our
minds every time we pick up a
newspaper. There we read of the
great many people both grown ups
and children, that have been kill
ed, maimed or injured on our
highways and the question arises,
What can I do to make the high
ways more safe?
"In our youth wo form all
habits which lead to success or
failure, happiness or sorrow. So
while we are at the age when we
are easily influenced let us form
one habit that will overcome
many causes of trouble and this
is The Habit ot Carefulness.
'Look before you leap' Is an
adage that means a great deal.
Beforo crossing a street, 'Stop.
look and listen,' and then cross
at the proper time and plaqe.
l. Jay walking.
" "The. road which U the long
est way around is often the saf
est' is a slogan which we should
Impress firmly upon our minds.
Often we cut short distances by
crossing railroad tracks and pub
lic highways which we should not
do as It is very dangerous. It is
not always the children who do
deaths caused by this way -of play
ing, and if we knew how danger
ous It Is we probably would not do
It. Three-fourth of all the acci
dents can be avoided.
"Ill Helping other children.
"Practice safety yourself and
others will follow. The reason
why there are so many accidents
with small children is that we Ol
der children are often careless an J
take chances and the small oaes
imitate us. We should always
caution other child ren about the
dangers and we mu. try to be
careful ourselves. Some danger
ous thing are: Crossing car
tracks of any kind, running oat j
fleet neas of limb, his power to
jump or to dodge or to wrestle
increased prodigiously during the
ages? Every boy of you know
that we still look back to Greece
tamed as provided for in said con
tract of May 27. 1921, and
Whereas, written" notice of the
re5sation of work under said con
tract of June 21. 191. and of the
as an example for our athletes to J failure tocesnme work and other,
emulate. XothiuK of physical ! wise carry oat the trrnis of said
speed or ttreuKth can save us contract of May 27. 1321. has :
from the peril of pur highways. been given as required by law
we must make our Drains save uV
"As modern man has invented
these machines, he must master
into the street after any object
that has gotten away from us or
any other cause that might take
ue on the highways.
"This, picture illustrates an ac
cident that happened in Hermis
ton two years ago which nearly
cost a life. Two boys were riding
in an automobile and were trying
to beat a train across the track.
The train struck the front of the
car and threw it about 50 feet.
One boy escaped with minor In
juries while the other one was se
verely injured and has not fully
recovered at the present time.
"IV. Safety First.
There are too many people
that do not heed this sign. These
signs are put up for our benefit,
and why do we not pay attention
to them? We as children do not
always realize the dangers sur
rounding us. If we would only re
member this, 'Forethought is
cheap. Afterthought is expensive.'
we probably would stop, look and
listen, before we cross tracks,
highways and other dangerous
"In conclusion let us remember
that it rests with us to a great ex
tent, whether we Ko to an un
timely grave or to go through life
maimed and helpless or whether
ne nappy and useful lives en
Joying the full strength of mn
bood or womanhood as the Crea
tor Intended us to do." y
Miss McGregor's winning essay
"Imagination, a stir of the
blood by the romantic appeal of
history, visualization; these are
the methods that appeal to youth.
Help him to see himself in the
march of progress, and he will re
alize that he must adjust himself
to the Complexities that surround
him,, and he will -respond, as he
never will to a succession of to
mm craven dont's
"The ideas in this arlirlo are
all that give It value; their adap
tation and amplification must be
accomplished by the Interested
and circumvent them by his wits .failed to proceed with the work
210(1 C&UtiOkl. t rwifr-m tr tH- nATifiatinn
We must train ourselres iu ' of its contracts with the State,
alertness learn presence of mind ind no extension of t:me has been
wan. xiuiwutrs, d ooser- s-ivon and
Whereas, this and other breach
es of the contracts subject the
or j ame to forefiture, and under the
aw it is the duty of the Board so
SHERIDAN. Or., reo. f.. The
lorcas society of Sheridan held
i Us regular uiet-ttnsi at the home
of Mr. Guy Hradley on Wednes
day afternoon Th county nurse
o nravonl ami it iotivsil nlsiTS
and more than sixty days has , for cotnnil,nitv chtst. an also
elapsed since the giving of sucft J askrd the mmbVrs to consider a
II 11 1 IT . LI 14 MiU V W . 1 1 tt J
. . .... 1
uui iniuujcii carelessness or stu
pidity win we secrifice life
"Old you ever think
of the
i baby clinc in the spring.
C. H. Knickerbocker, who has
been ijuite ill tor several days,
was able out' yesterday.
Mrs B. N. Ryan, who has been
on the sick Iin. is sixain able to
be around.
A silver tea was held Thurs
day afternoon at ;he home of Mrs.
Sackett for thr? benefit of the
scholarship loan fund under the
auspices of the Women's Study
Just a KMi- ana .May .. iv-i. ana an club. A fine program was ren-
soldier unlesB he is stronR well 1 works constructed for the reclam- ; tfered and a nice-amount realizad
and physically and mentally sound I ation of the Jordan Vai.ey Irriga-1 f0r the good work.
lion Project. logeiner uu Mrs John Rhodes. iivillg near
rights incident thereto, are here- Bne djed Xhur8d ,fternoop,
by declared forfeited to the btate j aftM a bdef maes& she leavM
of Oregon, as provided by law. . hl,&hsin, an(, rhndPn
The funeral was Sunday at 11 a.
Never WmI Aythit KlaO.
"I tried many different kinds
of cough medicine." writes Mrs.
F K Olson. .1917 Ohio Ave., bu
perior. Wis., "but I never want
anvth'ng else than Foley's Honey
and Tar. I used it for all my
children and also for my grand
child. It has always done fine
work. Foley's is a pure, whole
some and absolutely safe remedy
k -.Hif nf colds, croup and
whooping cough. Children like If
and it checks sneering and snul-
tling. Sold everywnere. aui.
preservation of your own life and
to declare;
. . v : a. jfv s
health as a public duty? as an Vs- 0 ' ,aeTT ,
sentil of ecu, .iti...i.i. ! That said contracts of June 21
..." . " v.uSU,p. .iU -- .. 10-1 or, ,11
so you are not a good citizen un
less you can serve your country
with inirid and body froee from
the crippling effects of an avoid
able accident.
"Remember, we can't outrun or
out-jump the automobile; we
must learn to out-wit and out
think it.
This sketch is a bare outline
scarcely touching the possibilities
of the subject, but capable of
many applications in the hands
of the average teacher.
And it is further ordered, that
not'.ce of this declaration be given
by publication once a week for a
period of four weeks in the Jor
dan Valley Express, a newspaper
of general circulation published
in the county of Malheur, State
of Oregon, the county in which
the work is situated, and in The
Statesman, a newspaper of gene
ral circulation, published in the
iCity of Salem. Marion County,
v a P3"1 From Long Ago! Oregon, the seat of the state capi
Lntil Now different types of tal
iraei eouia De portrayed rhii-
dren might be encouraged in i.
lect pictures portraying different!
moues ot travel and arrange them
in chronoligical order, or, if feas
sible. could themselves draw or
paint a series of such nidnre
the burden-beaver afoot, the se
dan, chair, a-horseback, the old
stage-coach, the prairie schooner.
me first steam. trains Mo h.-en
ar, and so on down to a tmff;
am in a big city.
rusioncai incidents, as the
coming of the Mayflower, travel
to me party presidential inaugu
rations, tne Lewis and Clark
Journey, the .trails of th 4'ers
and many others illustrate thf
contrast in conditions then and
this but many times grown-ups
U. Hitching on to vehicles
While COaStin? we ohmiKl tint I .Have yon ever thniiPht fir
hitch on to vehicles, becauso j Dack Jn history, of the way people
when we let so to Jto on the side- I used to live, and imagined von
walk, u car from either side were a'ive then? Of Englaud, our
might knock us down injuring 0rmother country, for instance, at
killing us . There are manv I the tlrae that Columbus discover-
cu America : how did people trav
el in those days?
well, to begin with, they trav-
eiea very little the roads were
poor, ana Deset with robbers:
wic.e were no trains or automo
biles, of Course, and nonnl. -
eled by horseback or stp,i,
or it tney could go by water, the
ciouieiv sailing vessel hnro thom
. . . , . v tUCUl
DruRKlst Says Ladies Are ralBgrnVa"IM"on- Wealthy peo
ii a nn j Pie used the feed an a Knrt nr ...
closed chair, borne on noie w
Kecipe of Kee Tea and
"Original research problems in
arithmetic what is the increase
in population in your city, state,
the nation since the invention of
the automobile? What is the In
crease in traffic accidents?
"In whatever application is
made of this, or similar material
the child must Bee and realize
that as great innovations some
about, man must adapt himself to
them; hi simagination must be
fired to look upon it as a game of
wits and intelelct pitched against
Insensate strength and speed, and
his pride aroused to make man the
"The call to citizenship, to pa
triotism, for sound and able bod
ies and minds, and for their pres
ervation through a strict and in
telligent obedience of traffic and
safety laws makes urgent appeal
to pupil and teacher alike.
And it is further ordered, that
upon the tenth day of May, 1922.
up to the hour of 10:00 o clock
in the forenoon of said day, pro
posals will be received at the of
fice of the Secretary of the Des
ert ' Land Board, in the Capitol
building, in the City of Salem,
Marioiv County. Oregon, for the
purchase of the incompleted
works and for the completion of
ho irrlirntinn wnrlts ill accord-
ance with the plans and specifi-is 5Ir!nfi"p,d t0 house
cations therefor, which plans and
specifications and th? conditions
therein contained are hereby by
reference made a part of this no
tice. The Board reserves thr?
right to reject any and all bids.
land the Secretary of the Hoard
's hereby instructed to secure the
publication of this declaration as
herein provided.
m.. burial in the Masonic ceme
tery' at Sheridan.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Chapman
are visiting in Sheridan, having
been called from California on
account of the death of Mr. Chap
man's father.
Frank Y. Brown, who is 1)1
with pneumonia, is much im
proved. Dr. Barr and family have mpved
from the Fanning building to the
Arnold house on East-Main street.
Fay Smith, who i attending
Pacific college at Newberg, spent
Sunday in Sheridan.
The Women's Foreign Miss'on-1
ary society will meet today at the
home of Mrs. George Payne.
J. J. Hagman is seriouriy ill at
his homo her.
Mis Esther Jacobson is siiffer
inc from a very severe cold and
Saves T ,
I94S Fir. At. WW. j
piflU. -tui. Run
B,"t taisa Bwe SkyMiau
as" bv 40". Prl" Tk '
tilW prBptlr
Tir TXMrt
riv rroi " '
e tet
v9a r - 1
Montgomery is 111
No further business appearing.
the meeting adjourned.
Governor, Chairman.
Secretary of State.
0. P. HOFF,
State Treasurer.
Attorney General.
State Engineer, Secretary.
J. L. McAllister,
Assistant Secretary.
Ladies9 Outing Gowns
Ladies' Outing Flannel
Gowns in white with fan
cy trimming, also Gowns
with assorted colored
stripes. Special for
Tuesday selling at, each
' $125
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
Ladies' pure white hem
stitched Handkerchiefs,
good size. Special for
Tuesday selling, at, each
4C :
Racine Feet
Splendid quality Racine
stocking feet in black
only. All size. Special
for Tuesday selling at,
per pair
men-servants, for imri iHn.
i . , . - "".
U.I. V.n, 1. i, J t. I KU1UK a DOll I own n
iiftll luai tUSCB AID IV1UI UU 1U9-I , w V
tre, or when it fades, turns gray,! f; 1 iot mucn danger of con
'l croc rfrx r-B m . ... .
dull and lifeless is caused by a r"v ' u Ul iai' collisions, wa
Inrlf nT -lilnhiir in tn nnlr llurl
grandmother made up a mixture "s"cn wer-the methods of trav
oi sage Tea ana sujpnur to Keepi m .-- -um peopie urst came
her locks dark and beautiful and! America, and for a long time
thousands of women and men who 1 no' mucn change. An
value that even color, that beauti- casional runaway horse was the
ful dark shade of hair which is 8,c"ie1!Sl iranic menace. Even aft
so attractive, nsa onlv thia old-ler Fulton invented th -.aan.h-ot
time recipe. I f uu rauroaas began to be built
Nowadays we get this famous y. . as 81111 leisurely, and or
uiiAiuic iuiijiuvcu uj mo -uuiuuu yj yim iruveieu Only on
of other ingredients by asking atl u"'"ess. j- or pleasure, peopl
any drug store tor a Dottie oriol" uiore anout in the family-
wyein s sage ana ouipnur win- ur went on summer Die
IfUUilUi n uivu ' Jkuc uan I ' - .. ua , I i: . wirn an aa.
bo naturally and evenly that no-jcasional sleighing party in winter
ooay can possiDiy tea n nas een ueisnooring town fifteen or
applied. You Just dampen a twenty miles away,
sponge or soft brush with it' and "Later came the horse-car and
draw this through your hair, tak- then the trolly-car, but you can
uog one -man sinum i mue. --jr e mat until the recent
morning, the gray hair disappears perfection of the automobile
But what delights the ladies with there as . little danger to nedes
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- trlans from rapidly movine vhi.
i. .v. ko ifniiv -i t . 'uoving veni-
jiu.uu in iuai, t;oiv3 -- iu our streets.
darkening the pair aiier a lew "Kirteen or 20 years ago even
applications, it also brings back the population of our cities was
the gloss and lustre and gives It much smaller, there was mfl
an appearance of abundance. room for evervon r.. .'',
5 Adv. owned pleasum vmiv 'rT. c
danger of Occidents from cones-
uor. was much les
With the popularlil
automobile, and the manufacture
uu or thousands. v m.i
linn. r tl . ' '
yt l lie in. iQp o ro-H tut
t, 8 now one to every eleven
.uuBuimnis jn ihn rnltfX aot-
the trafic problem has become
"With speed and Hrtnfii .
times -.that of the horse, these ma"
uumi auum me country and
.......s uur ciues. gliding on
u-.rc-.s ores, appearing in an
sorts oi unexpected
fremiti - . a,ul
.j UMuS augmeniea as
ua.arqs Dy the inexperience or
recklessness o their drivers.
And what about man during n
this time? Has this strength, his
Sealed bids will be received b7
the Board of Directors of School
District No. 11, Aumsville, Marion
County, Oregon, until 8 p. m.,
Saturday, February 11, 1922, for
the erection and completion of a
public school building according
to plans and specifications as pre
pared by Pugh & Hughes, of H
lem, Ortgon.
The successful bidder mtrnt
take, as part of the contract price
acres of land at 1 75 per acre,
which land is being donated to
ward the cost of the building.
Operations on the building must
begin by March 1, 1922, and must
be completed by August 15, 192
A certified check for 5 per cent
oi the amount must accompany
the bid. A $15 deposit with clerk
required for plans.
The School Board reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
By order of the School Board of
District No. 11, Aumsville, Marlon
County, Oregon.
W. K. WINSLOW, Chairman
E. T. PIERCE, Clerk.
County of Marion. ss.
I. Percy A. Cupper, State En
gineer and Secretary of the Des
ert Land Board of the State of
Oregon, and custodian of its rec
ords, do hereby certify that the
above and foregoing copy of an
order entered by the Desert Land
Board at a special meeting held
at 2 o clock p. m., Friday, Janu
ary 27th, 192:2. in the matter of
the forfeiture of certain contracts
between the Desert Land Board
and the Jordan Valley Land and
Water Company, dated June 21.
Miss Myra
with grip.
Mrs. Kenneth Banister and son.
Ke'th. are victims of the prevall
injr.colils. . !
L. It. Matiifich, who has been
ill for several we'ks, is somewhat
Mrs. R. O. Pray and daughter,
IWty. are both ill with grip In
Portland, where they are visit-
A marriage license has been
issed to Miss Hulah Frack of
Sheridan and Charles Jones of
Mc.M innville.
Mr. and Mrs. . R. Wirg of
Portland are visiting in Sheri
dan. Jesse Dranson has purchased
wood saw forni'ily owned by
('rover Wood, and will operate it
in She,ridan.
Mrs Roy Turner and ehfldrpn
of Portland spent Saturday and
Sunday in Sheridan.
Mrs. Ethel Huffman and little
son have b?en visiting here
- 1 ' i ' -a- - ""M"MJ"MM""M"!-----------Z---------Z------.
II- I IT I I ! I : I I V '1 1 1 Iff lil VJMfl I W
Tuesday Specials
Ladies' Parses
Ladies' envelope Purses
in black imitation leath
er ; many different
styles... Special for Tues
day selling, at, each
59 c
Ladies' Brassier
Ladies honey-comb
Brassieres in pink only,
all sizes. Special for
Tuesday selling, at, each
ladies' Neckwear
Big' assortment of La
dies' high grade Neck
wear in many pretty
styles. Your choice. Spe
cial for Tuesday selling
at, each
1918 and Mav 27. 1921. is a full.
true, and correct copy of $ie
original order as it appears fn
pages 244 and 245, of volume3
record of minutes of the Desfrt
Land Board, in my custpdy, aipd
of the whole thereof. f
In Witness Whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand this 27th
day of January, 1922. . ;
State Engineer. Secretary of the
Desert Land Board.
in Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Coats
The spirit of the new season fa reflected in these ad
vance arrivals in our suit section. Visit this depart
ment. You are just as welcome to look as to buy.,
v f
Ladies' Coats .$9.75 to $25X10
Ladies' Suits $19.75 to
Ladies' Dresses. . . .$925 to
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Commercial and Court Streets
i i v k ,
TRV sunn on
Costs Little and Overcomes Trou
ble Almost Overnight
Any breaking out of the skin,
even fiery, itching eczema, can be
quickly overcome by applying
Mentho-Sulphur, declares a noted
skin specialist. Because of Its
germ destroying properties, .this
sulphur preparation instantly
brings ease from skinr irritation,
soothes and heals, the eczema
right up and leaves the skin clear
and smooth.
It seldom tails to relieve ! the
torment without delay. Sufferers
from skin trouble should obtain
Salem, Oregon.
A special meeting of the Desert
Land Board was held in the Cap
itol building at 2 o'clock p. m..
Friday, January 27th, 1922.
Ben W. Olcott, Governor, chair
man, -
Sam A. Kozer, Secretary of
O. P. Hoff, State Treasurer.
I. II. Van Winkle, Attorney
Percy A. Cupper, Stale Engi
neer, secretary,
J. L McAllister, Assistant Sec
retary. 'i hereupon the following pro
ceedings were had, to-wlt: ,
Whereas, a certain contract
dated Jano 21st. 131 S, by and be
tween the Desert Land Board.
acting for and on behalf of the
State of Oregon, and the Jordan
Valley Land and Water Company.
provides lor the construction of
the irrigation system for the Jor-
don Valley Irrigation project in
accordance with certain plans and
specifications, and the state law
authorizing the same, and ,
Whereas, on or about June 1.
1920. all construction work ceased
and has not been resumed to date,
which cessation is In direct viola
tion of said contract of June 21st,
1918. and the state laws under
which it is written, and
Whereas, a -certain contract
dated May 27th. 1921. by and be
tween the Desert Land Board,
acting for and on behalf of the
State of Oregon and the Jordan
Valley Land and Water Company.
provided that certain funds should
be madb immediately available
for construction purposes, and
that construction work should be
resumed within sixty days from
the date thereof, and
Every Minute you delay might mean money lost to yop.
It's a safe bet that hundreds of these bargains will be
never realized again by the buying public.
1 1 ----- i ii l - i i i i II i m V - ii ai
l r --- v f r i i . l j i e
II PTi LT I Ir7 w.
wFi i wm l m u -anK wm ma lb
III -Tl t Il-Lfail I 1 1 iiiii II wm 9 I 41 - -....
-'True r I lln)QJJUU o!JUUjmMc i
Visit to
Tell Yoa
a Story
of True
- i
(Free Delivery)
ii Eituuuuiy u... B , t f LowiKSS
'' m..,. . . 4,-i.A t,'St l
small 'Jar of " Mentho-Sulphur
Whereas, no funds have been
Phone 132
177 N. Liberty St.
from any good druggist and , use
made available to date, and con
It like cold cream. Aar, i
traction work hat not been re-