The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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... , M
laconic Tax Man Coming
The Income tax man, who Is at
Wood burn thl9 week, will arrive
In Salem Wednesday, February
15 and be ready to help folk make
out the amount they owe to the
government In the way of income
tax for the year 1921. The dep
nty internal revenue, -collectors
will be stationed at the postotrire
and will be there from February
15 to February 20 inclusive.
Pat he IfionottraphH ILtlf Price
II. L: Stiff Furn. Co. Adv.
To lie Buried in Madison, Win
The body of Reuben Nye was
forwarded yesterday to 'Madison,
Wis., for burial. It was accom
panied by Mrs. E. A. Scott, a
Good Reading-
For the benefit of those who
figure on doing some traveling
next summer, two books have
been received at the public library
or special interest. One is entitled
"Seeing the West" and the other
'The Hook of National Parks."
Tathe Phonograph Half Price
H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. Adv.
to the auditorium of the church
to hear an address by in. Arthur
S. Phelph, writer and lecturer,
who will speak on "The Light in
tho East."
Audit Under Way
The annual audit of the books
of the state highway department
was begun yesterday. The firm
of W. R. McKenzie & Son of
Portland, who did the work last
jear, are making the audit.
Stcreopdcon lecture
When? February 8, 1022
Where? S.D.A. church, N. 5th and
Gaines. What hour? 7:30 p m
By whom? W. R. White. South
Africa, 8 years a missionary; in
tensely interesting. All welcome,
admission free; silver offering
he may show the: natives arotind
Salem something really wonder
ful in the black art.
Business Name Assumed
W. E. Park and G. V. Pontious
have filed with the county clerk
the name "State ' Street Market"
under which they will conduct a
meat market at 1256 State street.
The new owners of the market
recently purchased it from Paul
Kohn. The record is filed to com
ply with the law that provides
that when a business is conducted
under a special name, the name
and also the name and addresses
of the owners must be placed on
record with the county clerk.
Legal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
action taken unles3 the wood Is
removed and curbints cleaned up.
Speeders Are ArteM- tl
City Traffic Officers Millet
Haydn k.t thu ij-k sergeant
busy booking traffic violators ys
trrcay afternoon Hay Boztrer.
Halem route .1. was picked up tor I mond
speed:n at .10 ntil-s an hour.
Keith Draper of 35 Liberty was
accused of making 2S miles an
hour on the fairgrounds road.
Joseph J. Sprode. motorcyclist, of
2590 Cherry avenue, was credited
with 2, miles. All put up $20
bail for their appearance in police
CTOAdng Needed
The Standard Box & Lumber
company of Schqfield. Washington
county, has filed with the public
service commission an application
for authority to construct a grade
crossing at the intersection of
tugging railway with a nnhiii.
highway. The proposed crossing is
near schofield.
Teachers to Meet
..wi.. r, .1- o utTCU wni OUl tO I Ihuin I." . .
, v- w - . .. 1 ujii nninruinv
icituers in iariun county, or tne tv, rr
frTZachayaTe X2Z i
rpc r a arirrz pVrg,am-
I itr t n-JI? .7 Un,Ver wlU be entertainment in the way
!. . rJ isjon the program of boxing and wrestling. P. M
uurcn. i lie can ior at-1 nmn -n . ..
icuumib la BCIll UUl UV Alary U ta nmont luirt f !...
juii nuu, tuuniy BUDerinten-
dent of schools and 11. T. Youel.
president of the Marlon county di
vision. Oregon State Teachers
Record i 48c Each .
Pathcs and Columbias.
Stiff Furn. Co. Adv.
II. L.
Cnrd of Thank
We take this wav?Jo tho. our
deepest gratitud-i :md to thank
our friends and re;t;!iror:5 of
Hollywood for their Kindness
during tho illnesi and dsah of our
husband and father. Vc also give
thanks for the beautiful flora!
offerings. Mrs. A. J. Everson and
children. Adv.
Judgment Rendered
H. E. Ohmstead has brought
suit against Ada M. Crawford, E.
J. Crawford, Katherin Cchleff
and Myrtle Graybill. Heasks lor
judgment against the Crawfords
and Katherin Chleff for $636 and
$65 attorney's fees, and the fore
closure of a mortgage on Jot 1,
block 2, Meyer's addition to Salem.
Administrator Appointed
The county clerk has appointed
Herman Persey as administrator
of the estate of Julia E. Persey,
who died January 2, 1922. The
estate has a value of about $1022.
Register for May Festival
Chorus, with Dr. John Sites.
Mrs. W. II. Rurghardt or Mrs. W.
Carlton Smith. Adv.
Bike Lost Found
Bernard Zobei'a bicycle strayed
from the Salem high schoof to
near the Bank of Commerce buil-1-ing
yesterday afternoon. At least
Zobel found the wheel near Stat;
and Liberty streets after he had
reported his loss to the police.
Income Tax Statements Prepared
G. Ed Ros3. public accountant
and auditor, phone 209SR. Adv.
Silvorton Man Fined
E. . Loe, who wa3 arrested
Saturday on a speeding charg
preferred by State Traffic In
spector Brown, yesterday, pleaded
guilty and was fiend $10 by City
Recorder Earl Race.
$IO for Spi
R. If. Edwards was yesterday
fined $40 by City Recorder Earl
Race after Edwards pleaded
guilty to a drunk and disorderly
charge. Edwards was arrested
Sunday by Patrolman V. W.
One Marriage Lieen
Only one marriage license was
issued yesterday and that was to Hilly Lose Wheel-
Aioert wiedernenr. or Jerterson. Hiiiv Vnriv of rnmmorplnl
rarmer, and uoida lodd, also near Owens strppt SnnrUv r
ot jeiiersou.
To Meet Tonight
The Brotherhood of tho VHmt
Baptist church will mt this eve-lHa a Nw Trick
ping and at 8 o'clock will adjourn '
Hartman's Glasses
Easier and Better
Wear them and tee
phone 1255 Salem, Oregoi
, by buying your hardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard.
Ware & Furniture Co., 285 N.I
Commercial street. Phone 947
E. Cook Patton is Just home
from Portland where, with about
20 other magicians, he attended
a session of the Oregon Society
of Magicians. He says that half a
dozen of the magicians demon
strated their new tricks, and that
he was so taken with one that he
ordered it at once. The new
trick is done with a cabinet, and
Mr Patton hopes in the near
future to have the cabinet and
all the fixings here, in order that
Ipatalra 163K V. Commercial Btraal
Oka Burr. Noodle aad AaMrieaa
ttakaa, tea Gratia ut Draks.
- , upaa ii a.m. j
; ' i ,- Spaeial Baadar '
We pay blgheat price. '
We buy and aell ererytbinf
We aell tor lea.
215 Center St. Phone 808
We want them and want
ithem bad, Because we do
we will Day you the high-
! est price obtainable any
where, Bring us ail you
Also old clothing, furniture
! and junk of all kinds.
The House of Half a Million
and One Bargains
402 N. ComX Phone 623
Prompt Replacement
of Broken Glasses
Is a service provided by
our mechanical depart
ment, which wearers of
glasses readily appreciate.
when this misfortune ov
ertakes you, as it may at
any time.
brinr the broken lenses
here at once and we will
reproduce them on short
204-211 Salem Bank ot
' Commerce Building
Oregon's Largest Optical
, Institution
Phone 239 tor appointment
Smila. NeTTy,
and Toid impu
dence; the only
order tome sales
men ever Kt is
an order to ftt
One min
ute essay
on health
by O. L.
Scott. D.
The Railroad
Leaning out the cab win
dow puts a twist in the spine
that make's Bright's disease
a common ailment amOifg
engineers. Before chiro
practic became known the
appearance of this disease
was the end of the engin
eer's efficiency.
But since the advent of
chiropractic spinal adjust
ments as a means of correct
ing spinal malformation.
which is the primary cause
of this disease, many engin
eers have found this new
health science a form ot ef
ficiency Insurance.
Act for your health today
by telephoning 87 for an ap
ported to the police that his bi-
fvrlf hari hppn Ktnlon
M-iauit ifecree iniereo
In the suit of Ellen Harris ag- ni t r-..
! . , T 1 j 1 .. 1 " J
default was entered yesterday b,rthday falIs on Su;dayt tne ob.
'"u" luo ucicuuaui. oervanon nf tho Hnv 11 ho nn tho
frfw?ntr VnnHav . Vrtv ti(a ioa.
Estate $0,036.8.V-- I cnn xinnH Voh i --m Ka
The estate of Martin P. Larsen .,"7.7 """1
has been appraised at 19.936 85 bu8mS8 transacted at the state
Black. F. D. Rang3. R. Budlong.
W. W. Rucker. F. E. Pitts. L.
Leach. H. L. Hall. C. H. Dyer. R.
R Crookham E. M. Pngh. p. A.
OHmore, W. C. Page. W F. Al
ln. V p. Miliar. B. O. Mann. X.
It. Ionlan. J. p.- Newell. Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Malthouse. IX H. Iia-
J. D. Altman H. Kilion.
Pearl Rowden, E. E. Bosworth.
J H. Lyons. J. R. Dunbar. V li.
NVhitcomb. C P. Ross. R. V. Fos
ter, all of Portland; A. R. Bruce.
Chico Cal : E. E. Beharril. Los
Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. R. Swan.
New York; O. W. Surger, Glad
stone; V. S. Hodge. Al Wynion.
Eugene; R. Fair. Modesto. Cal.:
Agnes M. Critchfield. Roseburg;
Mrs. fW. F. Jewett. Mr. and M".
Carl I G. Washburn. Eueen
BLIGH B. B. Ireland. Taco
ma; Sc. E. Smith. Wallace: J W.
Collijns. J. J. Hawley. T. H. Mor
rison. E. C. Barry. E. W. Ross,
G. Mayhew, V. L. Chessman. A.
M. Baker H. A. Potter. E. B.
Standon. L. O. Baker. L. Dreyger.
A Gayle. F. C. McClan. H. E.
Chamberlain. George retsch. ai!
of Rortland: A. Hartley, Harry
Sorefnan, Albany; C. E. Fuile.-.
Donild: J. C. Forreck, Chemawa;
J. P. Steiver, Jefferson; Mr ?.nd
Mrs. Georg Forrest, McMinnville.
; It Went to the Siot
Lingering colds and coughs that.
hang on and wear one out are
difficult to get rid of, but Henry
E. Campbell, R. F. D. No. 3. Ad
rian, Mich., writes; ''l had a
bad t-ough for three years. Trisd
several cough medicines. Got lit
tle relief. I tried Foley's Honey
and ; Tar. It went to the spot.
There is no better remedy on the
market." uood for coughs, colds,
croap and whooping cough
clears the passages; soothes irri
tated membranes; stops tickling
in ths throat. Contains no opi
ates. Sold everywhere Adv.
1 . A
w- warn.
r -v
irt - 'atfi '
I iO'o t'jr I'lidcra-HKt I t'n 'i : n .".!.
Carl Akeley and his motion picture machine, which takes, at great
distances. He is now in the Belgian i:xo on an expedition, lie has
Sent word that five live gorillas are nn eir way to the American Mu
seum of Natural History. Only ne ;.i;nlla h:is ever been taken alirs
and that died when in oajitiit only h lew raonths.
The estate is mostly in liberty
bonds and war savings stamps.
An 80-acre farm in Clackamas
county was appraised at $2000
and a 3 4 -acre farm in Marion
county, in section 35 T 6 S R 1
W was appraised at 13,500,000.
house or the court house. Feb
ruary 22 is also a non-Judicial day
when no business will be transact
ed by the courts or county, and
state institutions.
A Classified
Will bring you
a buysr. Adv.
Wail raperlng
Leave orders for wall papering
at Hamilton's furniture store.
Referees Appointed
In the friendly suit between
Lute Savage and other Savage
heirs, for a division of about 100
Father and Son Luncheon
Xext Monday noon at the Com
mercial club the luncheon will
acres in township 7, south of ior iatners ana sons. Mem
range 3 west, the circuit court bers of the club who have sons
has appointed B. B. Herrick, W. are expectea to Dring tnem. ana
J. Culver and H. A. Swart as re- those who haven t any son are
ferees to make an equitable div- asked to borrow one for the oc-
ision of the land. The suit is thatlcasion
of Robert Savage and wife, R. R.
McAdam and wife, Corrine Barker Had Stormy Voy
Henley and husband, Amelia Ri- Russell M. Brooks, who recently
ley and Gertrude Savage against returned to England after visiting
Lute Savage, in tne original Washington, writes his mother,
complaint it was stated that re- Mrs Mildred Brooks, that upon
ferees were wanted in oraer idsi hi return to T?nron ia exneri.
the property might be divided to enced one of the worst gtorms
the satisfaction or an neirs. pvpr known on th. Atlantic. And
then offor lenvinv Rotterdam for
AAnyvn , . ... rr . . m I '
oww now r.Mir inu.slll I'vemool he went throueh an
A warranty ueea was ineu iui th Kt.rm tht hrnVo he record
recora yesteraay in for bad Weather even in the Eng
lO a lot on BOUtn miumercwi, liah .hnnnel He 1 now located
between Bush and Owens streets,
on the west side of Commercial,
was transferred from B. T. Maves
and wife to A. M. Porter. The
consideration was 16000.
at Newcastle-on-the-Tyne, but he
hopes within a short time to be
transferred to a country with a
more favorable climate.
Peoole Use Swift's Fertilizer
Because It mak'es them money.
See C. S. Bowne or phone 353.-Adv.
Legion Meeting
Regular mon'iilv meetlns of
American Legion at aimory Tuss.
Feb. 7, at 8 o'clock. Adv.
Fry, Sr., to Fry, Jr.
A warranty deed has been filed
for transfer in which Dan J. Fry,
Sr., slls to Dan J. Fry, Jr., a lot
at South High street and Leslie.
SILVERTON. Or.. Feb. 6.
(Special to The Statesman!
Bishop Shepard, who was sched
uled to come to the Methodist
Episcopal church in February, is
unable to come because of illness.
Bishop Shepard has not given up
coming but has merely postponed
the date.
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Arnam
entertained the Abiqua Dramatic
soe'ety Saturday evening.
Knut Dignerness who is attend
ing the University of Oregon spent
the week-end at his Silverton
Miss Marion Chase returned
yesterday from a week-end visit
with relatives and friends at Cor
vallis. Word has been received that
Roy Miller who was at one t'me
a resident of Silverton is now rn
the Magdalena river 1n Soutli
America. He is employed by the
Tropical Oil company.
P. L. Brown recently attended
a reunion of his college class
mates at Portland. There were
but four present. This wag the
first time during a period ol
years that they had been together.
The Silver Grill which wa3 re
cently purchased by Ghilstrom &
Larson formerly of the Silverton
hotel, is being redecorated and a
few other changes are being made
n it before the new owners open
as a restaurant.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Madsen
were business callers at baiem
Paul Jacquet and Theodore
Fisher recently killed a wild cat
on a hunting trip a short distance
rom Silverton. These two boys
have killed several cats and one
lynx during the winter months.
Miss Mary Hoff of the Specialty
shop was on a buying trip to
Portland during the latter part of
the week.
Attendance is Large at
Funeral of Mrs. Hamre
Town Clock Acting Frisky
For the benefit of many who
have been wondering why the
town clock in the court house was
navlrtni, tin nnrl QtrlWInv hrlalrlvl .. ..
i The consideration was
as in tne years oi nan a century
ago, Cal Morgan, Janitor, says
that a week or so ago he climbed
up into the fixings of the clock
and gave them a good oiling
Hence, when striking the hour.
the clock travels at a faster gait
than It did before the oiling pro
n leave their woodpile out lnt Qf wnIamrt'te university for
t to season a little longer. m,mber of a is now locatei
Clean Your Curbs
Walt S. Low, street commission
er, says spring Is coming and that
means that people must not feel
they ca
n fron
There is a law about leaving a
woodpils on the curbing, and one
about cleaning up after the wood
la sawed and stowed away. He
says a number of people have
been negligent about this wood
pile business and that he will
soon besin to enforce the law
Tho limit for nsinR the curb for
a woodyard is 20 days. It is tinvc
to clean up curbin'gs, Mr. Low
says, and those who are violating
the law will be so Informed and
Valentine Day Court
In setting cases for trial dur
ing the February term ot. court
in Judge George G. Bingham's
department, it just happened that
the only divorce suits to be tried
during the term of court were
set for the morning of February
14, Valentine day.
Next, Boy Scout week.
It begins tomorrow and
through the 14th.
Presents "Mesciah"
Dr. Frank Wilbur Chac?. who
was bead or tne music depart-
at Boulder, Colo., and according
to a recent issue of a paper pub
lished in that city, scored a great
success in the presentation of
Handel's "Messiah." The ora
torio was presented with 250 sing
ers by the Bouldr Choral soci
ety, of which Professor Chace is
director. Editorially, the paper
h'fchly compliments Professor
Chace on his skill as a director.
He is director of the University
of Colorado college of music
a whaa
87 for as
Is vttaoti
Dr. O. L. Scott
- .Chiropractor
414-19 U. S. Bank BMff.
'r.' Phone '87'
Look around in your
attic or store room and
you will .find long-forgotten
articles, useless to
you, but very useful to
Turn these articles in
to cash or exchange them
for something useful.
A classified ad. in the
Statesman will tell hun
dreds about it.
You can telephone your
Riwanians and Rot aria n
Members of the Kiwanis club
will hear today noon, an address
by Captain II. C Brumbaugh, sec
retary of the World war veterans
state aid commission. Wednes
day noon, the Rotarians will oe
entertained by the domestic sci
ence class of the Washington Jun
ior high school.
E. L. Peterson left yesterday
for Faimount. N. D. He traveled
over the Oregon Electric and
Great Northern.
Mrs. Kate Washley left for
Chehalis yesterday, traveling ovo
the Oregon Electric.
Mrs. G. H. Croisan and Jaugh
ter Isabella., went to Portland yes-
MARION Charles R. Wsble
H. L. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. 1
W. Jones, George P. Dowary,
T. Olsen, W. H.u Jenkins. C. A-
Gore, E. E. Pollack. A. M.Crotn
(Special to The Statesman) One
of the largest attended funerals
which has been held at Silverton
for some time was that of Mr.
Gertrude Hamre held from Trin
ity church Sunday afternoon.
Trinity church, which has a seat
ing capacity of over 500, was al
most filled. Trinity choir sang
"Nearer Home" and Mr. M. Gil
bert Gunderson sang "Good
Night." Rev. George Heniikscfl
preached the funeral sermon. The
pallbearers were M. G. Gunderson,
N. Henjum, A. Grinde, J. F. Con
rad, E. Refsland and A. Sather.
Burial was In the Silverton cem
etery Mrs. Hamre died at her home
on North Water street Thursday
morning. She leaves four chil
dren, Mrs. H. Haaland, Miss El
vina Hamre, Gladwyn Hamre and
Edwin Hamre.
und'?r the influence of firewater.
The young follow was told to go
home, and after an argument he
decided to take the Officers' ad
vice. Several weeks ao a num
ber of arrests took place at a
dance in the same neighborhood
and a prominent bootlegger was
taken Into custody. Sheriff Orf
is determined to bring law viola
tors of this kind te-a halt.
Show for Automobile Mp
Given at Marion Hotel
Automobile dealers from a dot
en towns Dallas. Hubbard, Stay- :
ton, Woodburn, Silverton, Jeffer- ,
son. Independence. Turner and
others were in Salem last night,
Uv tttend the demonstration pnt
on by the Automotive Equipment
association. This is a national or- -sanitation,
working through the .
jobbers of Portland in this part.
i of the northwest.
The demonstrators are travel
ing with a movie outfit, illustrate
ing much fine new equipment and
sales incidents and methods. It
is calculated to make every one
with a plain car, fall on the neck
of the dealer and plead with htm
to sell him something new and
fine and the dealer Is shown
how to train himself to meet these .
impassioned requests. The show
was held in the new dining room
of the arion, and attracted close
to 250 guests.
nflrtd by Herbert "
--"- ia ataars v
NMoa'a Trrmoaxtaaa 1
Marth Waoda TkrUl.
'raaaafd by A
Trmm Uia f iaaa Utj V
Hook ttt by Clar. A
ea Badiattaa Eal.a
8 IK )
Tha Grma Nm n. l
ploaUa ihaa iuraa ik ,
caara al aa Oras4
river. m
Public Dances Watched
By Polk County Officers
DALLAS. Or., Keb. C. (Spe
cial to The Statesman. ) Depu
ties from the Polk county sher
iff's office have been watching
the public dances given in vari
ous parts of the County for the
pase several weeks and several
arrests have been made for viola
tors of the prohibition act.
Last Saturday night Deputler
Craven and Clements dropped in
on a dance in progress at the :i--town
of Bentley, in the nor:
western part of Polk county. . I
found an Ind'an boy considerably
Thos. Meighan
"A Prince There
Jack Holt
irs a
And Tomorrow ,
Continuous Sh6w Daily
'Better boys, a better city,
ter cities, a better nation.
There are over 500 boys in the
United States who have received
medals for saving life at the risk
f their own. Some one calls
them "heroes in their teens."
"a "a
The tenth birthday of the Boy
Scouts will be tomorrow, the 8th.
The movement has done great
things in that short ten years.
"a "a
The Salem city dads are hav
ing their troubles over the mat
ter of regulating motor vehicles
carry'ng passengers, and trucks
carrying freight for hire. There
are many new angles found as th?
matter proceeds. Th city dads.
by the way are all doing a lot of
work for the city, without any
recorapenss whatever, but with
dead loads of abuse.
Both Polk and Marion countie?
are making the lives or moon
shiners and bootlegger? anything
but smooth and easy going.
Salem Is justly proud of her
new stage terminal building, it
Is a thing of beauty, to say noth
ing of utility. It fills a real ne?d
ia thtfce modern and rushing
Elizabeth Churchman, aged six
months, passed away the
home of ' her parents, a' ?e
State Training School, Su.yi.iy
evening. Feb. 5, after a "very
brief illness. The little girl is
survived by her parents, Mr.
nd lra. T. B. Churchman and
' heavajster, Marfan, aged 2 years.
The funeral .held at the
Webb & Clough parlors Wed
nesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Interment will be in the City
View cemetery.
SCH 1 EM AN Lowayne Schie
man, three years old, daughter
of Otto and Mona Schieraan,
died at her home. ."74 North
Fifth street. Sundsy evening at
11:20. The funeral wiU be held
Wednesday at 2 p. m. from
Webb & Clough's chapel.
Established 1863 x
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m, to S p, to,
CHURCHMAN Phaye Elizabeth
Churchman, 6 months old.
daughter ot Phaye and Edna
Churchman, dinl at the boys'
training schoei lest evening.
One sister, Marion, ae three
years, also survives. Funeral
will b(j from Web!) k (Month's
chapel Wednesday at 10 a m.
Rev. J. J. Evans will officiate
and burial will be in City View
Mr. and Mrs. Orven Fryslie and
Lloyd Drorbaugh spent the week
end at Rockaway1 as guests of Mrs.
Drorbaugh who is teaching at that
Margaret Magei who is in
with pneumonia is improving.
Mrs. A. Parson was a Salem vis
itor Tuesday.
Frank Harris ot Mill City and
Louise Himes of Portland were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bln
egar. .
Bruce Wallace vvho has been
visiting relatives in Washington,
has returned home.
"Pattt-Diekman of Portland is
visiting his -parents Mr. and Mrs.
Li D. JpickmaYni . : .'
"Mr; ed ?r. TV A. Harris were
The funeral of the late W. H
Pruett w ill tak3. place Tuesday at
10 a. m. from Rigdon's chapet.
Burial will be in Iee Mission
cemetery. Rev, Bryan will offl
The funeral of Dan Furrer will
be held from Rigdon's cUapel at
2:30 Tuesday. Burial in City
View cemetery.. Rev. Koehler will
The Talkative Burglar in Person
A Thrilling Story of the Great West
Leading Morticians
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Ecbatssrs v
I it
xttILETHER you could open a Com-
mcrcial Account running into the
thousands, or just a small Savings Ac
count, we want you as a customer.
Small accounts, in the aggregate,
amount to a considerable sum, and put
that much more money into circulation
in the community. And eventually many
of the small accounts grow to a size that
makes them valuable.
ft, A!