: Issued Dallr Except Monday by TOR STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 21S S- Commercial St.. Salem. Oregon (Portland Office, 627 Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic 627-59 MKMBKK OP THE ASNOCIATKI PKEHS The Associated Press Is ezcIaslTely entitled to the use for repub lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited la this paper and also the local news published herein. - . R. J. Hendricks Manager Stephen A. Eton. . .Managing Editor Ralph GIoTer Cashier Frank Jaskoskl Manager Job Dept. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department. 613. Job Department. 683. 8ociety Editor, 106. Entered At the Postoffice in Salem, SOUND AND SENSIBLE ADVICE Thomas B. McAdams, president of the American Bank ers Association, gave out to the bankers of the country one of the soundest and most hopeful pieces of advice a few days ago that the American public has read in many years. It is the advice which if followed will restore confidence to those engaged in agricultural pursuits and will stimulate them to the production that will mean prosperity not only to them selves but to all the people. Mr. McAdams says to his fellow bankers: "What is our first step? What is our most important task at this hour? What needs our most careful yes, pray erfulattention ? There is a real challenge in the answer . agriculture.4 "The fundamental wealth of America is the productivity of ' her ' soil. , Transportation- manufacturing jobbing banking merchandising -labor all take on new life when the farmer prospers all suffer when his purchasing power is materially curtailed. God in his bounty has given us the land and the water. We have the manpower wehave the machinery we have the gold shall we put them all actively to work that the world may be clothed and fed and America's new era of prosperity built upon the firm foundation of new wealth created? i "What shall bankers do? Help the farmers of his neigh borhood to approach this planting season with cheerfulness and a rugged determination to succeed. Put new hope in their hearts through continued sympathy and co-operation assist them over the rough places. Many of them are dis couraged and disconsolate as they review the losses of the last two years. They must be stimulated to look forward not backward and the banker must help bridge the gulf between the disheartening past and the promising future." jTben Mr. McAdams strikes another vital chord when he says: Y : Should the foreign situation not improve materially then financial America must provide the machinery for carrying the , surolus temnorarilv ' and nrevent demoralization in values."- ? v-: iThe necessity has been lone amjarent For some -system-that will take care of the surplus in years that are fat in croD production and lean in pvtwiH- de mand; also In carrying the surplus that is imperishable over jrcMs uwi, uuxy we icaii in piuuucuun. in connection wivn this there must be some economic regulation for two pur poses the prevention of monopolistic speculation in the ne cessities of life and the elimination of the waste (or excess cost) between the producer and the distant consumer. The producer is entitled to a better per centage of the retail price paid by'the consumer than he now receives, and this can be realized by a system of publicly directed distribution that will cut out the heav toll of middle-men, or at least reduce it to reasonable proportions. Certainty of market with as light a sales expense as pos sible is the great need of agriculture at present. ' Built before intelligent architectural thought was applied toward providing proper methods of ventilation, the Oregon Capitol office rooms are dangerous places for the health of the employes. The only way of getting fresh air is by the opening of windows and doors, the consequence being that the workers are constantly subjected to a chilling, influenza- pfwucuiK orait or eise a stilling, poisonous atmosphere. CHOOt, TTJDT POETS Copyright, 1922, Associated Editor REALWRESUNG By FRED TS pJ Heavyweight Champion While there is" no nositlon the "wrestlers must assume while on the mat trying to-throw each other, the one illustrated on the left side of the picture printed here Is the most usual. . Suppose you and the boy you are wrestling assume this posi tion. Suppose you are the one on top. Your problem is this? "How can I get this fellow off his hands and knees and on his back?" Here's a possible solution: With your right hand tike a firm hold on his right arm near tbu wrist. Jerk hard on this arm and pull It from under him. If -you succeed in doing so, all that remains is for you to take advan tage of his bad position and throw him over on his back. y, ' . 5 Keek Moving " the boy under neath, then what? keep moving, always watching for an opportunity to get out ol you! Yo rolsnt try a "side roll." ronr opponent over with ' " ' ' "1 rn top of THE OREGON STATESMAN. Oregon, as second class matter. The Biggest Little LESSON 2 MEYER Amateur Wrestler of United States your opponent's left upperarm, which is the arm that circles your waist. When you have a strong hold, suddenly turn your whole body over toward the open, or left side. Your opponent should roll with you. Work fast so that he does not realize what you are do ing. Pon't Roll Too Hard If you have been careful not to make the roll too forceful, you will land on top of your opponent. But the great danger is that you will roll so suddenly and be so anxious . that you will get too much force behind the movement and, instead of landing on top yourself you will continue to roll and your opponent will land on top of you. If any one ever tries a roll with you, bear in mind that you can avoid being the under man by addiag momentum to the roll so that you com out on top. The "half nelson". hold, one of the commonest in, wrestling, la Illustrated on the right side of our picture. You can get the half nel son on your man very easily from the position shown on the left side of the picture. , .. - , . " - v " - - . ; . .-, ITnni tn T, V ' SALEM. OREGON either of which is productive of disagreeable and sometimes serious consequences. The building is badly in need of a modern ventilating system. In fact, the building is badly crowded in almost every part, and a companion building to the one for the state library and supreme court library, supreme court rooms, etc., could right now be comfortably filled with state officials and activities. And the business ol the state government is growing and is bound to keep on growing. It's all over with the arms con ference, including the shouting excepting the ratifying. Edibles increase in the United States senate. The list now in cludes Pepper, Caraway and Crow. The Democrats back in Ohio are preparing to carry that state. They always do -carry it about th's time of the year. President Harding expects the senate to ratify he arms pact treaties. So does every one else. and without unnecessary delay and haggling. Hope you do not get at grips with the grip, or; the flu. Per haps the spring weather will help drive away this pesky germ. More than S32,j0O,0OO were contributed for the furtherance of education by John D. Rockefeller during 1921. How much did his detractors give? Reports from London are to the eifect that Great Britain is preparing to give India a form of government similar to that ac cepted by the Irish. John Bull is becoming more charitable in his old age. TROTZKY OS BOLSHEVISM During the last four years a great deal has been written about Bolshevism, both as a theory of government and concerning the actual results of its application to whe economic life of a people. Most of the articles written by those who had actully visited Rus sia and obtained , a personal view of the country under Bolshevist dominion emanated from brains FUTURE DATES February 8, Wednesdsr Salem Hiirh srhool wrestlers in matches with; Oregon City grappleri at Oregon City. Bay Scoot Week February 8 to 14. "Wear the iqsar knot and do a rood turn daily." February 9, Thnraday Flax and kemp trowera rooperatWe association t aaeet at Commercial chib. February 9, Thursday Content at Cor vallia between drill: teams of Salem and Eugene Woodmen of the World. February 10, Friday Boy Scout pro trim at ttate fair rronnds. Febrnarr 10, Frbtay Arbor Tav February 12, Sunday Lincoln's birth day. February 14, Tnesday Cherrians meet February 14, Tuesday St. Valentine's day. February 15. Wednesday Company P smoker at Armory. Febrnsry 18 to 19 inrlnalT State Christian Endeawr eanventtoa. February 21, Tuesday Convention cf Oregon Retail Clothiers' association in Halem. February 21, Tuesday John D. Mickle to address South Salem Parent-teacher asKoriation at Leslie Methodist church. Febroary 21 and 22 Tuesday and Wednesday Apollo - club in concert with Gideon Hicks and Gertrude Huuteley Green, pianist. February 22, Wednesday Washing ton's birthday. March 2, Thursday Annual Elks Elec tion, r "4 .March 17-19 Meeting of county Sun day school convention in Salem. April 16, Sunday Easter. July -3 and 4 Monday and Tuesday. male convention of Art it a in at Wood barn Paper In the World to force your opponent's head down and up under him so that he is forced to roll over. Slip your right arm (supposing that you are in the posltidn shown on the left side of the 'picture) under the right arm-pit of the boy. Then place your right hand on the base of his head as illustrated in the right-hand sketch. Bear down on hi.i head with your hand, and up with your arm. The leverage thus obtained is great, and unless your opponent's neck is very strong, it will be difficult for him to resist the pressure. His head will go down and he will roll over. Hut If any one should try the half nelson on you, remember that you can berak away very easilv by trying the sode roll I described in the first part of this article. (Xext week Mr. Meyer will tell about the "wrestler's bridge" with which you can increase the strength of your neck.) ONE REEL YARNS I TWO OP THEM Jennie tossed up her head and d hautf,y t the newcomer. ..E J,5randpa'" sn sneered. How did you get in?" William Goat. Esqaire. didn't lose his temper. He merely looked re2 - J'Ju8t because I've a ir0ik foLr i9 no sisn "Listen to grandpa talk!" laughed Jennie, as all the rest of the members of the barnyard fam iy gathered around to listen si lently to the conversation. coY?.,wtop ca,,lnS ma grandpa." said William; becoming a little ir- lied- ."You Just et me mad once, and you'll find ont how spry I am. soo enough. You can make Tun of my beard all right, but if you eren't a lady I'd tell Tyou u " ny you look ith those big ears of that, in the beginning, were known to be predisposed towarJ tbe new system Lenine and Trotzky were v?ry careful to ex clude from th ; country all those suspected of being under capital istic influence. Rad'cal writers alone were wel come, and the more ferocious th?ir radicalism the warmer thir reception. Despite thi3 condition, a majority of the articles written during the last two years have been condemnatory. Pronounced Reds returned from Russia advo cating a continuance of so-called capitalist'c goverhmsnt. Thos? who were mentally honest admit- jted that, as a policy for the gov ernment of men, the dictatorship of the proletariat was a failure. Advocates of violence accused the writers of tha condemnatory atticles of having sold out to r3 actionary interests, of rendering colored reports because they were secretly paid to do so. Many of them were expelled from radical organizations to wh'ch they be longed. The treatment Mittri Schwartz received from the ex tremist wing of the radicals in this country, after having left his wife dead on the frontiers of Russia, a victim of Bolshevist crualty, is well known to newspaper reader-?. He was ostracized as a traitor to his clas3. Those who are still in doubt 'about the real tenets of Bolshe vism can now secure enlighten ment from an authoritative source. Trotzky has written a book on Bolsheviem for publica tion in England and the United States. He gave personal super vision to the English translation and, as he speaks the language himself, there can be no excuse that his thought was warped and twisted in the transfer from Rus sian to English. Here is one cf the things that Trotzky himse'f says about Bolshevism: "It is necessary once for all to make clear to ourselves that the principle of com pulsory labor service has just as radically and permanent ly replaced the principle of free hiring as the socializa tion of the means of produc tion has replaced capitalist property." Trotzky writes that "wage slavery has besn forever abol ished;" but he makes clear that it has been replaced by human slav ery. Men and women are con scripted for industrial service in times of peace just as they are conscripted for military service in time of war. Xo man is a free moral agent under Bolshevism. He is born to a condition of per petual serfdom. The right to la bor or refrain from labor is de nisd. Under Bolshevism every com munity is a convict camp. Free HtTMOE FLAT WORK Edited by Jehu H. Miliar ted off and pretended to be busy doing other things. But the fight had begun. BqUi Jennie and Wil l;am were watching for a chance to get even. It came that evening when Jen nie was chewing hay and William happened to wander past her stall. "What are you doing around here?" said Jennie. "This is pri vato property." "I'll come in if I like." said William. "No one can order me around like that." He started into tho stall, head lowered, just as Jennie's hejls shot out. "I wonder what it is that makes Jennie limp that way." said Far mer Jenkins next day. "I wonder if she had trouble with William. He seems sort of sick. But it can't be that, for they se?m very friendly and respectful to each other now.' TODAY'S PUZZLE VVOLA. LEKE. LOEA. LEVA Rearrange each group of letters to form the proper word. Then arrange the words to form a square. Solution tomorrow. Teacher (explaining hankin? and investing): "Now. Janet, sup pose gave you mty dollars, what would be the first thing you would do?" Janet: "Count It." Q SHORT THAMP IN THE WOOOSl l t ... 1 men no longer exist. There are only masters and slaes. Bolshf- J vism. which Trotzky calls "prole tarianism." is unalterably opposed to - the Kantian-priestly and vegetarian-Quaker prattle about th sscrfdness cf human life." All nien belong to th government, uhich means to the (lom'nati.ii? political class. They are snt to Pick cotton in southern Russia under the supervision of over seers, just as the blacks were sent to the cotton fields of the south in this country before the war. It means, according to Trotzky s own definition', the re-establishment of the white slave system of the M'ddle Ages. Bolshevism is not democracy, avers Trotzky; it is not the gov ernment of majorities. It divides a people into castes like those es tablished by religion in Indai. and it provides for the domina tion by force of one proferred raste over all the rest. The only "democracy'' permitted is that, ex ercisad "in the name of the con centrated power of the prole tariat." Human beings are divided un der Bolshevism into two distinct classes, beasts of burden and beasts of prey. The miss'on of the Bolshevist press, and no other kind is permitted, is "to substi tute the proletarian point of view for the bourgeois." A free press and free speech are dogmatically suppressed. There can be no dis cussion of the respective merits of different systems except by writers who espouse the prol? tarian point of view. Those who are in the opposition are them selves suppressed by the Red Guard. The Bolshevist government is expected to exercise the right of putting to death those who per sist in opposing the Bolshevist system. They are slaughtered as ruthlessly as were the Christians by the Turks two centuries ago. This epitome of Bolshevism i3 taken direct from the writings of Trotzky. They appear in a vol ume published by the Labor Pu' lishing company of London. It is the hope of the publishers to distribute 2,000.000 copies in Great Britain and an equal num ber in the Unit?d States. This volume Is advertised as the "creed of proletrianism." One who reads its bold and brutal exposition of a system which aims at the return to hu man slavery is led to wonder whether its author, Trotsky, can be really in his right senses; for it would seem that he resided in this country long enough to know that such a creed will not find favor even among those who are radically inclined. Commenting on this latest and authoritat'.v exposition of Bolshevism, the Bal timore American rightly ob serves: "If this is a fair statement of what Bolshevism means (and who is more qualified than Trotzky to write about it?) then the overwhelming majorities which have every where outside Russia voted against Bolshevism have been more than justified. It is as . bad as its worst enemies have said. Is is more ruthlessly tyrannical than the Bour bons and the czars and, like the dethroned despots of 18th century France, it is unteach able" That Trotzky should persist in his attempted justification of murder and pillage in Russia is not surprising. But it is a bit mystifying to find such a defense com'ng from an authoritative source when Lenin has been putt ing into effect decrees that abol ish Bolshevism and re-establish i regime of capitalism in soviet Russia. Dtoes Trotzky imagine that other peoples will espouse Bolshevism whgn Russia itself is abandoning it? Such a process of reasoning i3 so stupid that it suggests dementia. ALCOHOL FOIt OIL Henry Ford says- that the gov ernment must turn its attention to the future great need of the nation, which will be for, a cheap commercial alcohol. Our oil sup ply is wasting and is uncerta:n. Cheap alcohol is the best bet, ac cording to Henry. Instead of us ing It for liquid refreshment, pour it Into the iron veins of a Lizzie. Our law makers made an am bitious attempt in the direction of securing a cheap supply of de natured alcohol, seven or eight years ago; but little has so far come of it. JAPAX AXI THE JINGOES The Japanese jingoes are threatening to welcome their del egates to the Washington con ference with bloody hands to a hospitable morgne. They thought the Washington meet was to be a duel of subtleties and not a frank communion. They think that their representatives got the worst of a diplomatic encounter n wish to punish them accordingly-.: in Japanese delegates behaved TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7. 1922 of the world knew and recognized 'the president mnst still await the them as such, but th? jingoes of !pleaur of the snat? in con Japan consider nothing that dofs pleting any plan. The impression not seem like an instant advan- tage to their own people. Th-y j put the Washington convention ' on the basis of a kleptomaniac's rally and if a member came home without his pockets full, h was , a dead ono. Japan doe3 not re- haps the big stick shoiud be su! alize it yet. but that nation has stituted for the big bloc in the frown a cubit in stature in the eyes of the world since the m?et- ing in Washington. In that re spect the conference did vastly more for Japan than did Japan's part in the war. Japan's great place in the world will be held by intelligence and Industry and not by arms or diplomatic trickery. Some of the jingoes, do not y-t realize this. IX THE NAME OF SPORT A correspondent wants to know what th league of Nat'ons has thus far done toward the abolishment of the cruel pastime of bullfighting. He furnisher statistics showing the killing of four men. 2S.00O horses and 4 S00 bulls in th? name of sport. We are not sure that the League has thus far been able to accomplish anything toward checking this di version of the Spanish peoples. We heard something to the ef fect that the pro-German wing of the League had passed resolutions calling for the substitution of pi nochle for btill fighting as a pastime, but whether it went any further we do not know. Am bassador Harvey, who Was our observer- at the meeting of the League, did not make any report. The correspondent intimates that we may yet have to send our armies into Spain and Mexico to force a relinquishment of this in human sport, but we hope not. It might prompt reprisals in the way of armed forces seeking to repress our football demons. Los Angales Times. DIET OF SCRAPS It might be a good idea for the Hungarian national assembly to install an 18-foot ring. Every ses sion of the assembly Is punctured with a series of fights. Some times it becomes a regular free-for-all. There have been dozens of duels as a result of quarre'.s on the floor. One party leader had his thumb cut off in a meet ing with swords Now he has to put the thumb of his other hand to his nose, when he wishes to ad dress the opposition. There were several duels with pistols and one statesman was shot through the leg. It was impossible for him to run away if he bad wanted to Some of the Hungarians want Em peror Charles back, but if he could return it would be Just one scrap after another. Before th's thing is over the Hungarians will be making goulash of one an other. TOO MUCH HAGGLING The diplomats of the world were disposed to accept the lead ership of President Harding and Secretary Hughes. They would join In any program and line up with any reasonable suggestion or agreement. But' they learn that 5CV. PONY CONTEST CANDIDATES 10,000 extra votes for each and every new subscription secured between 8 a. m. Wednesday, February 1st and 8 p.m. Saturday, February lltL Regular votes given in addition to above extras. This special offer gives every candidate an excellent opportunity to lay up a large number of votes for the winning of the ponies and cash prizes. Nobody has the ponies cinched yet The extra "Booster Days" votes you secure during this special offer may cmcn me famous pony prize that you want It will take votes to win all the prizes. Now is the time to has crystallized abroad that Uncle Sam means well, but it is help- l ss; that be promises to do som- thing, but the senate falls t. wrangling and n the cuii Uncle is hog-tied and impotent. Per- upper chamber of our natloual legislature. CHANGE OF ltUtT The Irish patriots are Insisting upon a return of the original j Gaelic name for their gr?at port jQf QueepstOwn. In the Gaelic it iwas Cobh. Xhe Irish want to get as far from king or queen as pos sible and will sail from Cobh if they can. GUESSING THE WEATHER Capt. RoaM Amundsc n says that experts will soon be predict ing the weather for a year In ad vance. That isn't much of a trick. Th1 almanac makers wer? doin. that thing a century ago. And a cynic at the writer's elbow says they got away with it about as well as the weather bureau is do ing today. EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE Ony a Dog Editor Statesman: Following cone se and correct statement ol County Cerk Boyer shows the people exactly where the recent supreme court decision upholding the state do;r tax eaves them, and should convince friends of dumb animals and owners of dogs that they are living under a cruel and inhuman system. The Statesman item reads: "U. G. Beyer, county clerk, calls attention to the fact that even after a dog owner has com plied with the state law and paid the license fee and received a lather collar, this does not entitle the dog to run at large anywhere 'n Oregon. The onlv legal wav a dog can wander about, unless wearing a muzzle,. Is to be In com pany or under control of Its own er. And then, even If a dog own er does complv w'th. the state law. the dor is not entitled to ramble about the city of Salem, muzzle'or no muxzle. Any dog in the coun try found.off its owner's orem'peq. ind not wearing a mnzzle. mav he legallv shot bv the sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable or officer. The idea that It is the du" ot sheriffs and constables to ro about shooting down dops In the city and all over tho county is ridicu fiH and all over the state iuch officers are refusing to become canine executioners. In Salem for a humane person to comnlv with the law he must erect high tight board s fener about his property, or chain his dog day and night or confine the animal In his barn or basement as a lifelong prisoner, wh'ch some an doing. Laws that city peonje enn not comply with. Laws that th far mer cannot obey. a stated by our worthy county clerk. Laws that not even the Justices of the su preme court could live up to'ir they, happened to own a dog are fool laws enacted by incompetent lawmakers who love their pet h - itssw secure the votes. PONYiCONTEST EDITOR dogs almost as one of their chlld rVTwho rather than commit cru elties on uch animals will 1 fie state or will not come to liM in the state. The nat'onal nu r"ane Jctetle, will advertise ui as a state having cruel and Inhu nf,n laws Attempt to entorce "en laws will lead to crime and more expense than the counties wSfret out of the taxes imposed. lLLg . F-hi editor of the Mr. wei"-ii - -Medford Record-Herald sends ma the following beautiful bit of sen V mental verse that ": thor on a par with Robert Burns in his eulogy of "The Twa Dogs. Only a IV Only a dog. without hon or friends. He wanders down the street: With his kouI in his eyes, he pass, es us by. With a 'wag of his tall: replete With the evidence of friend4h1p, tried and true. Yet he wanders on. alone: He's only a dog. a lonely cur, Without p'ace to call his home. He knows naught of money, with its curse and care. He just wants to be somebody's friend. He watches the faces, which at him stare. In the hope that his quest w-111 end: That he'll find a home, and a low ly bone. TIs not much to ask In return. For a friendship true, which he'd give to you TIs for friendship, his poor heart yearns. But he's only a dog and nobody cares. As he'wanders down the street. He must pay a tax, must a liceuse wear. Or the death penalty Le must meet: lie has no friends, he is tired and worn. He dies 'cause he cannot nar, 'TIs not his fault, yet he weathers the storm. That may be our lot some day. For taxes must come, nothing is free. And some day another law May be passed, end our lives may tbe forfeit be. If we pay not, no matter the cause: Or a child may be killed, or a iriend impaled. As a tribute to the grafter's treed. So friends, while life and a chance is lert. To the fate of the dog, let's give heed. Col. E. Hofer, President. Oregon State Humane Society. "Prosperity," says Brother WIN liams, "makes us all feel like dancln a Jig. an w'en we gits done dancln' and payln' de fiddler, we ain't got no prosperity!" At lanta Copatlttrtlon. 1 . RED PEPPED HEAT STOPS BACKACHE The heat of red peppers takes the "ouch" from a sore, lame ; back. It can not hurt you, and ii tcnainiy enas me torture at; once. When you are suffering so you! can hardly get around. Just try : Red Pepper Rub, and you will have the quickest relief known. . Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the ting ling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and soreness are gone. ' Ask any druggist for a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each package adr.