THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING.' FEBRUARY 5, 1922 X;, I i 4 i i i A y i V 4 J 1 1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Sing at Boys School The girls glee club of Willam ette university gave IU first con cert of the year at the boys' train ing school last "night- They went out with tbe Hotary club's toys' work committee of which Dr. M. C. Findley Is chairman. Miss Lor lel Blatchford is manager of the club this year and Miss Gemvleve Findley played the accompani ments. Among the stunts put on by the glee club was that of "The Four Imps." Miss Blatchford and Marguerite Cook sang a number! of solos. Want a Job Next summer If s, you should be spending this time in getting ready. New classes In shorthand Monday, February 6. Adv. Capt. lirumbau&h to Talk Cantaln IT. C. nrnmhanrh . retary of the World war veterans state aid commission, will be the speaker of the day at the Tuesday noon meeting of the Kiwanis club, held at th Commercial clnh. Can- tain Brumbaugh will tell of what is going on in the bonus commis sion In regard to the aid law. Distance 1,000 Miles Since thf Palmltn Hal VarAa ia. land off the west coast of Mexico nas Decome a more or less famil iar eeoeranhical nnim tn man- a lem people, it has been figured om mat travel to that distant Isle Watkins Products A. A. Enf lbrt City EUUr Phone 1784-W 240 Lelelle St. Goods delivered at your door S. C. STONE, M. D. CURES CANCERS . nd does a general office practice umcfl Tyler's Drug Store 157 South Commercial Street Hartman's Glasses j Easier and Better Wear them and aee HARTMAN BROS. fhone 1235 Salem, Oregon kv buvintr vour hardware and furniture at The Capital Hard, ware & Furniture Co., 285 N. Commercial street. Fhone 947 IptUin at 163 H W. OommareUl StrMt Chop Buey, Noodle and morlcta PiakM iM Cma ui Drinks. . , Optn 11 .m, to 1 aja. SpoU1 Bom4y CHXCXES, DXmtEB CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE We pay highest-price. We bay and sell -everything We sell for less. 215 Center St. Phone SOS RAGS , -. - - - We want them and want them bad. Because we do "we will pay you the high est price obtamaoie any where. Bring us all ; you have, .a: Also old clothing, furniture and junk of all kinds. STEINBOCK JUNK CO. The House of Half a Million and One Bargains 402 N. ComT. Phone 523 TIRED EYES After a day's work must j you sit down and "rest your ! eyes?" Or is there open for you a full evening of delight-' full entertainment in read ing? Don't let your eyes get bo far gone they must be rested every little while. An expert optician can re tain their efficiency for you. MORRIS f OPTICAL CO. . v 204-211 Salem" Bank of Commerce Building Oregon's largest Optical . Institution - Phone 239 for appointment SALEM, OREGON SAVE$$$ Nomking ' II ' i is about as much as traveling to the Atlantic coast. It figures out like this: Salem to San Francisco by rail, 720 miles; San Francisco to Tuscon, Ariz., 983 miles. Tuc son to , Nogales on the Mexican border, 65 miles. Nogales on the Mexican side to Mazatlan, off the west coast of Mexico. 1181 xuUes. This makes a total of 2949 miles by rail from Salem to Mazatlan. The islaad is about 50 miles or more south of Mazatlan. The to tal mileage from Salem to Pal- mlto del Verde Is 3,000 miles. Yiavl Manager, Mrs. Fooi Will be in Albany next week.' Adv. Collars Handed Out At the county clerk's office yes terday, business was good at the dog license counter, as 112 were handed out and' with each a nice thick leather collar, with the li cense number stamped thereon. The totahnumber of dog licenses issuea during me past weeg . is 367. Chicken Dinner At the Grey Belle today, 11 per plate. Adv. Wants to Be Citizen Julius Kopp. born in Russia 35 years ago and who came to this country February 20, 1918. wants to be a real American. He has filed his declaration of becoming a citizen, and forswears allegiance to the government of Russia. He now lives at Shaw. He cannot make his final appearance fqr fin- al appearance for citizenship un til 1923, as the law requires a residence of five years before for eigners are admitted to citizen ship. Special French pastry. Birthday cakes made to order at the Grey Belle i Adv. Book Presented One volume, heavily bound In brown leather and of a very an tique appearance was presented to the library of Willamette univer sity. It is a copy of Dante's In ferno, printed in the Italian lan guage-and presented to Willam ette university by the Italians of United States of America in com memoration of the 600th anniver sary of the death of Dante. The book was dated September 14, 1921. Serve Gray Belle French pastry. Adr Dinner and Line Party- Prosperity having hit the man agement of The Clarion, the Sa lem high school official paper, Ar thur Montgomery, business man ager tendered a line party it a local theater and a dinner to Watkins Remedies C. L. Coulee, Distributor 331 N. Liberty Phone 4 02 J Salem. Oregon Dr. Stone will remedy that hacking cough in short order with a small bottle of his B-Q Cough Remedy For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, hoarse ness, bronchitis, sore throat and lungs. This remedy is even bet ter than Dr. Stone's usu al prescriptions. Price 75c Manufactured by Tyler's Drug Store 157 S. Com'l Phone 35 WHAT MADE THE UGHTSG00UT?. I SEND FORME fl Whatever causes the lights to go out we'll have them in working order again in a hurry. We will wire your house with skill or exe cute a repair job with dispatcn Our, electric goods are warranted to serve you well and our prices are margined closely for your ben efit. ELECTRIcFlXTfRE t'SUFTLY Co members of the Clarion staff. The event was celebrated last night. Income Tax Statements Prepared G. Ed Ross, public accountant and auditor, phone 209SR. Adv. livesley Musician Ambitious Young men who are musically inclined and who live near Lives ley are planning to organize a brass band of 25 pieces. William H. Matheson will be in charge as director and C. D. Query, merch ant of Livesley will serve as bus iness manager. It is understood the. Livesley, Turner and Liberty brass bands will arrange lor a band tournament in Salem next summer. Drs. White and Marshall Osteopathic physicians, U SBk. AdT. Music Contributed A number of musicians are re sponding to the call of the Salem public library for music. Miss Flora M. Case, librarian, said yes terday. The music department is one that has just recently been inaugurated and those interested hope that within a short time a large collection will be ready lor patrons of the library. Among those who have contrmutea music are Miss Elizabeth Putnam, Mrs. W. H. Burghardt, Jr., Miss Angel in McCullough. Dr. John R. Sites, Mrs. James Fairchild and Mrs. Charles Baker. Mrs. Baker has contributed one of her own com positions. A Box of Candy- One pound and three-quarters for one dollar and a quarter. Hass' Home Made Special. The Ace, 127 Nv High atreet.-AdT, ; - . i"i i ii .'j't ' , Son is Born A son was born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Butte or 1148 Norway street. He has been named William John. Mr. Butte is a plumber associated wttb r. M. Barr. Wall Papering Leave orders for wall papering at Hamilton a furniture store. Adv. Back from Montana R. J. Valiton returned yester day from a business trip of two weeks in Montana. He was there lust in time for the 20 below zero weather. Trusses- Fitted at Tyler's drag store by an expert in the business. Adv. Left for Gnadarrayara For the benefit of his mothers health C. K. Valiton left yester day with his mother for Guadal ayara, Mexico., a city well up in the mountains, west of Mexico city. They will travel from San Francisco by steamer to Monzam- lllo. about 100 miles south oi Mazatlan on the western coast of Mexico, and then by rail to Guad alayara. The city is known as a great health resort. Free Consultation and examination. Drs. Bradford & Bradford. D. C, state licensed physicians. Ten years In practice. Phone 626. Suite 319 Oregon Bldg. Adv, Tuesday, Feb. 14 Is Date The next meeting of the Cher rians will be held one week from next Tuesday, February 14. King Bine McGilchrist is preparing to announce the names of his com mitteemen for the coming year. Students Reeisterlne The registrar's office of Wil lamette university was crowded yesterday with students register ing for the second semester, ac cording to the number of lnquir ies it is estimated that the reg istratlon will exceed that of the first semester. LAFAYETTE MINERAL SPRINGS haw onin. minaral mna Dfttut. meav m! treatment! and raisngc. ia springs re located 20 milet from Mc Winnville on the S.P. line. Asle for prospectus. Chicken Dinner Served AH Day Today -i ' - ? m ; I 2 1 : m ' Normal Times Will Soon Be Here There is every indication that the Northwest is about to experience a revival of prosperous times. Thi3 means that there will be an increased demand for com petent office help. Will you be ready to take advantage of this new de mand? Begin now to train yourself- for this emer gency. -. New classes beginning Monday,; Feb. 6. Capital Business r College - - Salem, Oregon Contrfbatkm Received Dr. Henry E. Morris, treasurer of the Associated Charities,' yes terday reported that the Past Worthy Matron's club of the Eastern Star had paid in the club's Quota of 10 cents per mem ber. The money secured is trans ferred to a general fund for the relief of destitute families. MacDonald's Farmer Almanac At Tyler's Drug Store. Adv. Chickens Annoy Poultry said to have been per mitted to stray with impunity in the vicinity of 1790 Fairgrounds road, caused a complaint to be filed at the police station yester day. Officers will send post cards to the chickens or their owners. Republican Club Will Meet The Women's Republican Study club will meet Monday afternoon with Mrs. C. P. Bishop. People Cs Swift's Fertiliaer Because It makes them money. See C. S. Bowne or phone 353. Adv. Tom Kay Is at Home T. B. Kay Is now at home, and feeling fine. He is rapidly re covering from the effects of his operation last week for hernia at the Salem hospital. Will Hoar Lect The men of the Baptist church, after their 6 o'clock dinner next Tuesday evening, will adjourn to the church auditorium in order that there may be room for all men women and children who may care to hear Dr. A. S. Phelps, noted world traveler, deliver his address. "The Light of the East." All will be welcome. Standard Make New Piano 1298. Easy terms. Tallman Piano store, 121 South Com'l. Adv. Hickman to Return Rev. E. C. Hickman will return Monday morning in time for Mrs. E. E. Gilbert's funeral. Revj Dr. Hickman cancelled his Idaho ap pointments in order to be in Sa lem for the funeral. Dr. Kennedy Dies Dr. J. H. Kennedy died in San Francisco February 1, according to information received here yes terday. He is survived by two daughters. Faith Kennedy and Ruby H. .Kennedy, both teachers in the Salem schools, and a son. B. E. Kennedy. A Classified Ad Will bring you a buyer. Adv.J Medicine Case Lost Dr. J. Shelley Saurman yester day reported to the police that a small medicine case had been lost from his car. Spot. TJglit Stolen Officers reported yesterday that they had failed to find any trace of a spot light stolen Thursday from the car of H. N. Crain of the Capital Journal. ' Register for May Festival Chorus, with Dr. John Sites. Mrs. W. H. Burghardt or Mrs.. W. Carlton Smith. Adv. Silvertoti Man Arrested E. O. Loe of Silverton was ar rested yesterday by State Traffic Officer Bloom on a charge of driving 28 miles an hour on South Commercial street. Mr. Ltoe depostied $20 for his ap pearance in city police court at 10 a. m. tomorrow. Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. Adv. Move Back to Portland The proprietors or the North western Pipe company, 219 North Commercial street, plumbing and house supplies, have closed their store and moved the stock back to Portland. They have been in Salem but a tew months. Used Piano like New Very cheap for cash. Tallman Piano Store, 121 South Com'l. Adv. Contract Mixed In order that a contract between two parties, neither of which un derstood legal phraseology, might be corrected, Frances L. Estas has brought suit against O. WY Harv ey and L. A. Jones. The plain tiff alleges that the parties had entered into an agreement to buy 20 acres in section 14. T. 4, S. of FRANK F. 349 North Commercial St Complete House Furnisher Get our prices first The cheapest place in the city to do your trading. You'll get, a fair and square deal here ' R1CHTER of R. 2 W. for $4400, that a prominent citixen of Can by offer ed to draw up the contract, did so. but.forgotto mention anything about" JteJ estate, and then in making 'the contract, inserted the figures 3aQ0 instead of those agreed upon, $4400. The plain tiff ask that a judgment and de cree be entered reforming the agreement. Women's Home Companion Si. 50 a year. The Ace, 127 N. High. Adv. Jollj-lp Held The post-exam jubilee of Wil lamette university was held last night n the society rooms of Waller hall. About 200 guests were present and the entertain ment and proeram was of the kind that meant a real joliy-up. Games, songs and acts that pleasel all were presented by the com mittee in charge of entertainment. This is an annual affair of Wil lamette university and its purpose is to jolly-up the students aftei the examinations. Many out of town guests were present. Oj-htere, Cans" Trouble Oysters, said to contain from 35 to 50 per cent of water in a five-gallon can are the cause of a complaint made out yesterday by J. F. Jones, deputy sealer of wefghts and measures, acaLnst Loufs M. Tent. According to dealers of fish and oysters, this dilution of the shellfish is a very dangerous 'practice. ptomaine poisoning often being traced to shellfish that have been handled in this manner. Brother Causes Arrest Norton Vanderhoof of 1420 Bellevue street, was yesterday ar rested by Constable Walter De Long. Vanderhoof is faced with a charge of assault and battery preferred by his brother, Nelson, who bears certain substantiating proof of his brother's fistic prow ess, it is reported. Norton will be arraigned in justice court at 10 a. m. Monday. Booze Car Mislaid A car, reported to be carrying liquor from Portland to Eugene, failed to arrive in Salem early Saturday morning although Pa trolmen Elmer White, Marion Putnam and George D. White waited for several hours on the main highway north of Salem. The information concerning the car was received from a bureau of the Portland police depart ment. Accident Report C. W. Southworth of 1105 Mis sion street, yesterday reported to the police that while driving- west on D street ho had been Involved in a collision with a car driven by W. W. McReynolds of Morn ingside, who was proceeding south on Capitol street. Both cars were damaged. Wants Real Estate Commission Frank Readen has brought suit against WT. A. Rutherford for $190 commission in making a real j estate sale, according to a com plaint filed in the Marion county court yesterday. He alleges Mr. Rutherford secured his services to sell lots 4 and 11, in the Ruth erford fruit traets to W. T. Nep tune; that a commission of $10 was to be paid when the deal was made and $190 when the purch aser had paid a total of $1000 The plaintiff alleges he got the $10 but never received the $190 Final Hearings The date for the final hearing in tne estate or airs, r-nzaut-ui Haynes Burpee has been set for Monday. March 13. Henry Hur pee is executor. The date for the final hearing in the estate of. Is aac waggoner, nas Deen set ior Monday. March 20. The admin istrator is Alfred Bates. Estate Appraised The estate of William Ernes; Hoffman has been appraised , st $1675 as the value of a lot, tools and stock of the blacksmith shop at Hubbard, and a half Interest n two lots in Hubbard, a praised at $1200. Cupid Got Busy Yesterdav was a fairly active day at thai marriage licence coun ter of th? Marion connty clerk The first license was issued to Alex Robertson, 'of Condon, a grain buv?r. and Lillian Harts horn, a music teacher of Salem. The seeon 1 wa to FIcyd Eberly White, a s;tdent of Corvallis and Gladys Evelyn Page of 100i Court 3t?eet. a stenographer. The third wis Clarence Fellows of 64a Ferry street, an engineer and Alice Woi-'-enweda, oi 310 Leslie street. Salem Physicians Attend Kuykendall Funeral Today Dr. W. Carlton Smith and Dr. IX1 R. Ross will go to Eugene to day where they will attend the funeral of pr. J. E. Kuykendall, who died, while serving with the army In France. The two Salem physicians will serve as pall bearers. They also atendM the first funerat of Dr. Kuykendall when he was buried with full military honors at Le Mans. February 22, 1919, With an escort of French and American soldiers. PERSONALS J. O' MrCnrm'-k left vesterday for Hood Rirer for a short " isft Judge T. A. McHrido went to Portland4 yesterd.17 County Jud3 A. B. R'Mnson was hera veorday from Dallas. Pan! Ficgel, former president of the student body of Willameile nniversitv was a visit-jr in Salem yesterday. j Charles Ilartman cf the Silver toarSco!a Mills section. was a Sa lem Tisiw yesterday. William Anrsi. Mt Aael. was a caller at the office of C'nun- WOMAN MAGISTRATE OSS I " ... ' .... V 111 a i. :.i .: ..a. -v.-. vjt. V... :y. ... .' : : 7 . i u j, am, ii in' iim ii i ii i ii I i iii 'in ii ii ii i il mfitrim-lrt j Mrs. Mary Freed, mother of three children, has Just been elected magistrate of Atlantic City. N. J. Mrs. Freed is the only woman magis trate ever elected in New Jersey. She says thct sbs will tote a gun and use it it necessary. She was elected by a count ot 612 to 12 votes. Mrs. Freed Is in a unique position, being boss ot bor husband, who ia a con stable. He receives his work from her hands. In fact, with both in the' same office, it is a "closed corporation." transacted business in Salem Saturday afternoon. W. IT. Downing of Sublim'ty. was a vis:1. - at the Marion coun ty ccwr.'ijn Snrl-tv Mr. and Mrs NorrU Hunt, of Sublin traded with Salem mer chans yesk-tday H. C. upv? of Sunnyside. trans-.cted hufinen with Marion county effi-ials yesterday mora ing. DIED EVERSON In this city at a local hospital. February 3, Austin J. Everson, age 81 years, husband of Sarah E. Everson, father of Goodhue Everson of Eugene; Ford Everson of Kelelr, Minn.; Austin Everson Jr.. of North Yakima, Wash., Mrs. Hattie Prahl ov tJoodhue, r.tinn.; Miss Bessie and Chester Everson of Salem, brother of E. M- Ever son of Chicago. The funeral will be held today (Sunday., from Rigdon's chapel at 3:30. FURRER At a. local hospital, February 4, Dan Furrer, age 66 years .husband of Mrs. Dan Furrer, father of Mrs. A. A. Krueger and Victor Collins of Salem, Leland Harris of St. Lawrence, S. D., and Dan Fur rer or Sioux Falls, S. D. The body is at Rigdon's and the funeral will be held from the chapel at 2:30 Tuesday. RLT'HM At the Abst residence, 235 South Fourteenth street, February 3. Christian Bluhm, ace1 81 years, father of Mrs. Elizabeth Noble and Christian, Jr.. and George Bluhm of Port land, William Bluhm ot Oregon City. Charles Bluhm of Pendle ton and Mrs. Marie Abst of Sa lem, brother of Mrs. Charles Priebe anad Gottfried Bluhm of Oregon City. " Also survived. 07 10 grandchildren. The body is at the Kigdon mortuary from , where it will be forwarded to Oregon City-for funeral serv ices and interment. Funeral services Monday at Oregon City. FRANKLIN At Chemawa. Feb ruary 4, Tillie Franklin, age 15. years. Body at Rlgdon mortu ary. FUXERAL XOT1CES Funeral 'services foX the late Mrs. Irene Gilbert, wifeof Rev. ' E. E. Gilbert, will be h !'l Mon-! day. February 6. at 2 o'clock from ; the First Methodist churrh. Rev. j Avison and Rev. Kirkpatrick offi ciating. The body will lie in state from 11a. m. until the time of the service. Rlgdon & Son, directing. Funeral services for the late William E. Garner, ex-service man who died Fpbruary 3, at a local hospital, will take place Monday at 1 o'clock from Rigdon's. Funeral services for the late W. H. Pruett wiU. take place on Tuesday at 10 a. m. from Rig don's, Rev. Bryan officiating. Funeral of W. L. Garner, under direction f Amnfir;ii lesion. Monday, 1 p. m.. at Rigdon nn dertakinr parlors. , T:t -service men requested fo attopd Webb & Clough Leading Funeral Director Expert Embalmers RIGDON '& SON. OF HER OWN HOCBAND. .111 NEW CORPORATIONS The exas Paris Oil company, capitalized at $500,000. has filed articles of incorporation. The headquarters will be in Portland and the incorporators are W. W. Boscow, R. S. Hartramtf and J. R. Alcock. Other articles have been filed as follows: Guaranty Investment company, Portland; incorporators, Anthony Eckern, LeRoy D. Walker. S. J. Graham; capitalization, $25,000 Gus Luellwiti Lumber company. Portland; incorporators, Gus Lu- ellwltz, R. E. Williams. Frank H Hilton, capitalization, $25,000. Capital Ice & Cold Storage com pany, Salem; incorporators, Louis Lachmuna, II. A. Talbott, John It. McNary; capitalization, $75. 000. Resolutions showing an In crease In capitalization from $300,000 to $600,000 were filed by the Murphy Timber company of rprtiana. Medical Student is Held for First Degree Assaul SPOKANE, Wash.. Feb. 4. Maurice P. Codd. Northwestern university medical student and Barrett medal men at Oanzaga university of this city, where he was prominent in athletics, was released oh -$10,000 bonds today on a charge of first degree aa bault. 1 France P. Brinpn. an army prl- m THERE'S 1 A1 BIG SURPRISE FOR YOU tag "Just Around j The Comer" lffW7!'pl'''''"?T'?llwr''l'Tir!l'l'lllw'','lW!W1lM'l'IW' LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m, to f, m, it Goods packed, Fireproof Storage. Phone Laimei vate. stationed-, at t- 'Fort Qeorc Wright. nr here, whom Codi.ts accused or having thrown jovor a raiUag on the third floor of a lo cal business building, during, aal altorcatioa last weaaesuay, viw tid today to be hovering between i lire and death at the Tort hospi tal. 4I sustained t& , fractured skull, and little hope. h. via de clared, is held for his 'recovery. Have yon ever, thonght irhat a . little' we Enow about thinl think we know, all about? . Thomas Meighan In I A Prince There Was" Clyde Cook In - The Sailor Continuous Show - Special TODAY -.1- : Four Course Table de . Hote Chicken Dinner ; $1.00 Plate A la Carte Order. (Including Bread .andv Butter and Mashed Potatoes)' ; 65c Order Service, Noon to 8 p. m. THE SPA Restaurant and ' . Confectionery. '. 382 State St. ' ' can you: breathe; or is your head ;sp filled ' with that stuffy' cold that it" is a ' continual sniff, sniff, sniff? Schaefer's Cold Tablets will break up your cold in short order. Hundreds'' of Salem people are with Dut colds because of these' ' little winder workers. Get a package today 4 i:n- 25c Schaete fs - ? Tinier .Wir J ,Sole A?ent Garden Court Preparations ' ' 135 N. Coral. Phone4P7 !i EXTRA SPECIAL ' ! J , 4 Our Utah Coal is going at REDUCED PRICES These prices are cash: -Utah Lump CoaU.$17,00 S Utah Stove Coal 16.00 I We guarantee all our ; ; coals snipped or stored. Prices to Please Yon 930 ft ... ..- - . - ... . -. . h - Chicken n'mnpr -3 i 222 K.LIBZRTJT ST. FHONE 1934