A.r. iAnTivr -cc n n T . r V K 1 C-" THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON P SALEM AUTO RACERS -TUNING UP CARS TO ENTER THIS SEASON Salem may see a lot of genuine auto racing this summer, if there is such a thing as getting the fair grounds track for this use. ' Last fall, there was some pretty fast going for a flat dirt track.- Two of the most interesting entries, and the two that won most of the attention And the money, were locally built cars, which added greatly to their popularity. Number 18,-the long, black car built by Larry Hofer and Lee Eyerly, cleaned up a number of the northwestern dirt tracks, mak- j ing some wonderfully fast time; at Centralia, on a half-mile i dirt track, it made 10 miles in 11:32. That was much slow er than the time made here in Salem, but as it was on a half mite instead of a mile circuit, it was really phenomenal going. This tar-ia still in storage, and will bo raced thin year, practi cally without change. It was built by Lee Eye.Iy from a Ford chassis, but It wouldn't have been recognized by Henry himself in most of its Important features. It has balanced rectprocat'on and rotating parts. Wherever there Is a ram or moving part, it Is bal- anced to secure frlctionless mo tion.. Many of the moving parts were also lightened by boring or -by machining. The. engine was fitted with a 16-valve head that K'.vea free entrance and exit for , gases, a large carburetor was put on. and a high tension magneto. . with - special - oiling device ail through. It weighs about 1350 pounds. - . . . " Year Work Olven "It took more than a year's ex perimentation to make a car that we could count on doing a really good mile,'.' said Eyerly. speaking oClhe car. "We started to build It as stock ears are built; but tin der high - speed the parts . would fall off. or fail to operate, or 'something would Refuse to Btand "the pressure.1 lint In the end we got a car that, will run as fast on a dirt-track as any man dares to drlre li." . , The other car, , No. 19, the "Eyerly Midget," wilj also be ready for-the race track. It is a " real midget; : fe It Is shortened down to an 84-Inch wheel base the other car has 100 inches arid it fa brought down to a 48 Inch'head. It was cut and pared atfd, "filed : arid . ground' down ' to only about 900 poinds In Weight. If, iny one wondered why.lt looks eq sinall, he-' may be Interested to E Salem High and Indian School Athletes to Put on - Wrestling Bouts Baleni high and Chemawa are to stage a smoker at the Chema- , wa , armory Monday night that ; ought to ?et the high mark for the year in several athletics. JSersn wrestling contents and . one boxing bout are on the card. The big interest, perhaps, is the contest between Ellia White of Salem and Percy IToweattla of Chomawa. White is wrestling Instructor of the Salem high and a powerful, resourceful grappler. 114 will go on the mat kt about 1S5 pounds. If the Chemawa en try 'la aa good, it will be a good ' match. JUlph White and Alex Williams wUI- meet at about the same weights, 185 pounds. The two Whites are the star heavyweights of tho Sahm team. Howard Port of Salem and Ca leb, Smith of Chemawa will meet at about 1 50 pounds.. Post was oam of the Salem star football players of the past season, and Is ' rated a good man;. Arthur Blenklnship of, Salem, and Moses Jackson g ' on at .about 1 1 R pounds: Carl Nbske of Salem, and A1fx Kyle match up at 140 ponnds Bill Wright and Hrnrv Jackson t;13a. and Kenneth Purdy and 'Wilford Evans at 125 pounds. One boxing bout will be staged between Iorenzo Perry of Ralcra and Roger Alexander of Chema wa, at 11R and 120 pounds. Perry a colored boy, wai about the only aspirant from Salem who cared to take on the event, Not a gncot deal Is known In TED THYE BEATS mm mm SMOKER SEN : LAST NIGHT SILVERTON SILVERTON. Or.. Feb. 4. (Special , to T TJfe Stateaman). Ted Thye of Portland won" his match, wlt Richard Kanthe hetJ last nrguL takihaXtwn falls tro'ni the Salem wrestler The first fait wan .ib 23 tn'ntttet, by a;dQabl0 wrlat-lock. and th aecond waa ltj 1ft M'ttlllM n Jt t r . a ... f tangly reversed leg Jock, KantUe l5oth men weighed 1(0 ponndB.' Thia was the main event of a t moker given at the W. O W. Ja'i Larry. Hi pounda, of. Port, -1. put D, Wayne. 180. o 5U-r 0 1R know the principal dimensions It also had the 16-vaIre special head, and many special fittings. It wan built for dirt track. wtU especial thought of the sharp turns and the flat banks. About the only thing that it lacks is a periscope to see above the clouds of dust. The light cars that can run at almort full speed around the sharp turns where there is not enough bank to hold the big fellows when they Ftep on the gas have all the best of the coun try fair circuit. Other Can Promised Two other local cars are In prospect for this season. One of then? In to be bu'lt in the Ray Clark garage, on State street, by Bert Victor, who Is already at work on the machine. It will have an Olds Kigbt engine, and Is expected to weigh abo-it LISA pound. The engine is about 100 pounds heavier than the Kyerly Ilofer special. Th machine is only beginning to take shape, but it looks very promising. Major Andre, with the Spauld Ing Lumber company, who was an aviator In the World war and is an authority on pas oars, may possibly build an Essex special that ought to be a greyhound for speed. Tho Esssx engine is clo.se lo an ideHl for fast going, and an aviation oxper'cncc ought to give some wonderfully effective ideas of light, strong construction. If the Andre car is built, it will bsar watching. If the state fair track can be secured for racing. Salem is like ly to see some of the fa-test going in the west, outside the board speedways. Salem of the prowess of the In rtajn lad, but from what has bnen seen of them in track and other tithlctic events, they are likely to make a finished showing. One of their boys, Kream. who ap peared in a recent Salem smoker, made a classy showing as a box er at 13. pounds. He is not on this program, however, but he offers a fair basis for comparison. 1 they're all as fast as he is, the Salem team will need all its for ttinde and skill. Ralph Mason of Salem, recent matchmaker for the Company F smokers, will referee. A nominal admission fee will be charged. BEATS BEARCATS Score 28 to 27 in Fast Fin ish Willamette Leads to Last 5 Minutes ( WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Feb. 4. Whitman defeated Willam ette University in basketball to night 28 to 27 In a fast finish. Willamette led until the last five minutes, when Whitman went to the forn enly to lose It. Schrieder. Whitman's substitute guard, took the ball on a dead run. dribbled under the basket and shot the bnll through for the one point lead. Jcnne Assistant Coach . For Pullman Track Coach PULLMAN. Wash.. Feb 1. Appointment of Kldon Jenne. star pole vaultr and high point track man at Washington State colleg for the Isst two years as assist ant track coachman, was an nounced today. Tha track season WHITMAN AGAIN THE IN verton In four minutes of a 1" mlnute gt, .us'ng a .body scissors and hararaerlock. -The. curtatn raleef watr a tbree ruund boxing, match, between Son tit' Benson or. Silverton. 176 Petnds. and Bruc Wheeler of SUierton. lt5 pounds, which was declared a draw, John Mount or Sjljerton was" referee. Anderson of Salem refereed th' restllng matches. Larry of Port land challenged Anderson to meet him any time any any where, win. to take all. Kanthe announced that he will put on further match es in S.Werton Boon . i. -,"' 1 will open February 9. Jenne. with Capt. Frank Howies, will have charge of the track squad v. nil I Athietic Iire tor Bobler is relieved of coaching work with the basketball tsam Mrs. Molla Mallory is First in Tennis Finals NKW YORK. Feb. 4. Driving at her greatest pace. Mrs. Molh Bjurstedt Mallory of New York was victorious in the finals in the lawn tennissinKles and doubles of the Indoor tournament at thu Casino in Brooklyn today. In th singles she conquered Mks Leslie Bancroft of the Long wood Cricket club pf Boston. 6-4. 6-1. and paired with Edith Si gourey, Boston, won a 6-2. 10-8 v'ctory over Miss. Bancroft and Miss Martha Bayard of Short hills. N. J. leeiES AGAIN DEFEAT 0F!E Score is 35 to 18 at Eugene Corvallis Forced to Ex tend Efforts EUGENE. Ore., Feb. 4. Oreg on Agricultural college hoopers took a second game from the University of Oregon here tonight by a score of 35 to 18. The Ag gie quintet was forced to extend itself against the stubborn defense and dangerous offense put up by the lighter and greener Lemon yellow squad. Numerous substitutions were made by both coaches in the sec ond period, although featured by loose playing the game was stiff ly fought throughout. Rockhey, tiny Oregon forward and (Jill. Aggie forward with an unerring eye, were stars of the game. Stin- son, whirlwind O.AC. forward. was held to one field goal. Lineup and Summary: Oregon (18) ' O.A.C. (35) Edlunds F Stinsan Rtfckhey F Gill Latham C lljclte Couch Ross Goar G Richards Oregon substitutions: Burnett for Couch, Andre for Edlunds, Al tock for Rockhey, Zimmerman for Latham, Couch for Goar. O. A. C: Ryan for Richards, L. Gill for Ross. Farnley for Stin son, Eilerson for Gill, Sanders for Hjelte. Field goals Oregon: Rockhey 1. Latham 1. Goar 1. Burnett 1. Andrey 1, Altstock 1; O. A. C: Stinson 1. Gill 6, Hjelte 3, Ross 2, Richards. L. Gill 1. Free throws, Oregon: Rockhty 5 to 11. Andre 1 in 2. O. A. C. Stinson 7 in 11. . Score at half time: Oregon 9; O. A. C. 23. Referee, Coleman. O. A. C. Presbyterians, Methodists Win First League Games The Inter-Sunday School Bas ketball league of Salem opened its season with a bang, last night when the Methodists, Christians. Presbyterians and Baptists tang led for supremacy on the gymna Flum floor oi the Y.M.C.A. The first game was played early in the evening between the Pres byterians and the First Chris tian church teams. The score was 27 to 8, favoring the Prebyters. The Methodists and Baptist teams also vied for honors, the Baptists according a 24 to 12 vic tory to the' Wesleyans. Glenn Gregg officiated as referee. Salem Wrestlers and Boxers to Oregon City Members of the h'gh school ath letic team wil1 go to Oreeon City next Wednesday levening to en th re with mcmbe's of thi hi?h sch ool athletes of that city in box ing and wrestling. This will be the first time that the Salem high school team has entered in a con test with a school outside the city in uch an event. K:lis White is manager and Paul, Hindricks, trainer. Valuable Hunting Dogs Killed by Poison Ghoul YAKIMA. Wash, Feb, 1. '"thn of valu-vl hunting dos due to th work .of a no'sonor here, today reached 2.. The dogs ire estimated worth $I5(. Ad ditional deaths today, following 1 yesterday, were all In the same vicinity, along or near Pleasant avenue, in the southwestern part of the city. Father Carey Has Plan To Curb Professionalism SOITII BKNO. Ind.. Feb. 4 (By the Asstniated Press. I Fr. Will am Carey, chairman of the athletic board at Notre Dame university, which recently felt the rull -jrfect of the rootbali scan dal, in a statement tonight de clared that "the only salvation of colleges is to meet th threat of professional football fairly and squarely." and outlined drastic measures to combat the inroads he said profesidonalism was mak ing Into collegiate sports. Father Carey asserted that tho chief reason professionalism has gained a foothold is that high school and college lads realize It ia "easy to get away with." He urged that It be made so "hard to IK Here, There and Everywhere BRAVES FH PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Chemawa braves scalped tho Pac.T.c university baskctoaii team in a. hard, fast game at the Indian school gym Saturday utter noon They lifted every individ ual top knot, and carried it out to gloat over at the oounc l fire in honor of the victory. Some gam" Maybe the Pacific team had beaten them earlier in the season, and had recently wal loped the Willamette Bearcats to 20. It didn't stifle the war hoops a single bit. They girded up their loins, glued their own hair back out of their eyes so they d dn't have to f'ght from tp hlnd ambush and what they did to the invaders is what made Rome a chopping block for Alaric and his original Huns, and what put the Manhattan islanders off the map when they tried to tradp with the canny Hutch tralers. There wasn't a thing left of tho nvaders hut the'r history and not very much of that, when the ses sion ended. (tame Xon-Conference PacifJ which has been of th1 non-conference grade. has been nlaving a star game nevertheless. This panic. inded. is the first Pa cific ha? lost this year. First it pacii'ed the I'.earcats at football this season, after being beaten ev ery year since tlH'y began making calendars. Next the Pacirics wound up their hoop machine, and were running on h'gh and a foot on the eras, when they struck the Indian trail. get away with" that there would be virtually no infringements. ' Notre Dame's investisat on in to the football scandal, which disqualified fcit;ht of its players and nine rrom the rnivoisity" of !imois. proved that emissaries from professional promoters fre quent v.nivcrsit'es to tempt their athletic stars, even hockey play ers, are being offered induce ments to. violate college regula tions. Father Carey said. SALES TAX IS NOT FAVORED FOR BONUS (Continued from page 1) They believe this would meet with a great?r measure of public approval than would an agree ment for the-j-aising of the entire amount by special tax. : Representative Ramseyer. Re publican, Iowa, before th? com mittee, opposed the proposal, arguing that such use or the money would be a breach of con tract with the holders of liberty bonds who. lie sati. had b- cn told in the law adopted by congress that the proceeds from the for ?lgn debt would be used to retire the liberty bonds issued to raise the money advanced to the debt or nations.; Guarantees l"i-jt."-l Chairman McFadden of tho banking and currency committee favored the financing of the bon us through the sale in this coun try of the refunded Briti.sh bonds with the principal and interest guaranteed by the American gov ernment as well as the British government. He contended that with this doi'ble guarantee the bonds would bring a higher price than would American government secur'ties sol.l for the same pur pose. Increased inheritance taxes as THE CHAMPION PIPER OF Sb-:': . i' ' - . '"' . - - ' . ,'Sf ' i. a ii if-". " ' S . " i :'jl:'f SIM'.; iZj-H$:- r i i fli'''-'-'.'4 tsiri j;5it,Li' ik -iv m w-w4i . a- V'f V?..:V ?3 ?: -i v v- a. . - v x aw- . r ft ' " William MacDonald. formerly of the Scots Guard and now per sonal piper to Francis W. Grant, the Laird of Inverness, has arrived on the White Star line steamship Cedric. The average person, here abouts will not appreciate what it means to be the champion piper of the highlands of Scotland. Only a Scotchman knows, but if a person of an nationality heard MacDonald play "Over the Hills and Far AwayV -Scotland the Brave" or "Highland Laddie" he would realize there is genuine music in the bag. pipe, . . . -. E At tha. liow'cr. tiiey died trying. Two it th r mn made s x poin's o. ch. Hi d everv p'.aer rvcept ore ct their two rubs. Mad" some' r-ort of a s-ore. ' Thir rnnpry centr. Schneider, was one of the fanciest stars that has pay ed in nJ" aro-md Salem this year. Hut thov -o .Idn't euite touch th" elusive Ind'ans. who fa rly ran away and h dfrora them in the fner po'n's of the game. lVnl Kncour:ijrel One of the tickeld"st m?n in Oregon i Chief Coorg? Bent, who believes he has the makin's of a rtar team ;n his husky 1:ids Bit ties from Cordttva. Alaska: Down ey is a Pualup from Washington: Nix is a warlike T nket from Al aska, and Lupps whose real Rus sian nami is Tetratrovich. is also one of the shining products of the north. Jackson is from tho aris tocratic, thoroughbred Nez Perce tribe, and Colby is a Klamath tr ' -sman from California. They p aved like Ail-Americans! Reinhart of Oregon was the referee. Tho players-: and thoir positions follow: Chernawa Pacific Downey? S, . . . . rf ... .Fowler -1 Bittles (T If Adams 6 Colby 1 c ... .Schneider 6 Nix S rg ... .Auburn 2 Lupps . lg Hoar " Substitutions: Jackson. tor Lupps. 'J: Piiackbtirn for Fowler IP. 1'. 1; Kish, for Auburn. anoth'M moans of financing the bonus v-fi-o advocated by .Mr. Ramseyer. who said .sui h taxe I could not be passed on and would not bo a penalty on initiative and enterprise. He thought the pres ent return of $ I .' t.uuo.huo lior.i this source could b increased by $2iM).iMo.iifin a year without im posing any hardship. Chairman Kordney and some other members of tho committee apparently re ceived tlra suggestion without ap proval, but other members indi cated sympathy with it. rliinkcl iivy Source Now that the arms conference ha-; a pproveii the naval limital o:i 'reaty. koiiic committ 'enien are 'tudying the subject of naval and army reduction as ono means cf providing revomr? for the bonus. Because of the cost of scrapping ships on tiie ways, they are not certain that the building appro priat'on can be pratly reduced in the next fiscal year. but it is thought that with many ships now aTloat consigned to the scran heap thi personnel can be cit down sharply, affecting a consid erable savins. Checker Championship Games Are All Draws GLASGOW, Feb. .4. Four games were played today in the match for the world's checker championship between Robert Stewart. Glasgow expert and New ell W. Banks of Detroit, all re sulting in draws. The match has reached the half way mark with Stewart credited with two wins and Banks yet to win his first game, while 20 ames have been drawn. Classified Ads. in The Statesman Bring Results SCOTLAND ARRIVES. wtfiii ' il ir iAh ' Tf ''"m IN 1 i i i m-A i NONAGENARIAN 'ft' 'z'r - ! I it . ' " f ' JZSf't? .?' 'J r , tV i ..(.:'..., ;- ! ,I'hoio by Unrtcmiood t fnclerwood. !4r. and Mrs. James Kennedy of Dayton, newlyweds. He is 90 and an Inmate of the Soldiers Home there. His latest wife is 26. Mr. Ken nedy, it seems, has finally decided to settle down to a nice, quiet, long life of marital bliss. California University Beats Stanford Quint STAN FOR INIVHRSITY. C;il . Feb. 4. Til" 1'i.ivvrsity or' Cali fornia de'V-aled Sian'ord universi ty in basketball tonight. -4 to 14 Hot hteains play d gilt-edee ball during the first ha'f. the score at the c'.'.so cf the ti.s' porl-d stand ing Cal lornia K. Stanford Z, In tho second h;iif California took the Cards off their feet: Lineup: California ( 2 I Talt Hon hit Larkey Iehan Eggleston .... Substitutions. Stanford 1 i ! .!' lnvi -s V Ai( H.) - . (' Jannsen Li Bitis .(1 Degroot California Coop for l)ouhitt. Stanford Ilouers for McHose; Pigott for .Jannsen; CaniplK-ll for Pitts; .iai nsen for Pigott; McHose for Rogers. Goals from field - Lirkey 1; I.eHane 1. Kggleston Davie i 2, .McHjsc 2. Five throw s Talt . ; I).aies i. Best Service Promised By Terminal Restaurant Perfect service and tho best cup of coffee in Salem is what is promised by the managpment of the new Terminal restaurant which opened yesterday in the re cently comp'eted Central Stage terminal on High street ICdward Stanton, formerly associated with the Panama restaurant in Poit land. is the proprietor. Modernly -equipped throughout with every facility for strict san sents a pleasing app arance. The floor r pac is approximately F.8 by 1 feet with the I u n fi counter extending the full length of the PONY CONTEST CANDIDATES 10,000 extra votes for each and every new subscription secured between 8 a. m. Wednesday, February 1st and 8 p.m. Saturday, February 11th. Regular votes given in addition to above extras. This special offer gives every candidate an excellent opportunity to lay up a large number of votes for the winning of the ponies and cash prizes. Nobody has. the ponies cinched yet. The extra "Booster Days" votes you secure during this special offer may "cinch" the famous pony prize that you want. It will take votes to win all the prizes. '3Saca Now is the lime to secure the votes. "-tto PONY CONTEST EDITOR AND SIXTH T5RIDE. room tables and i hairs are also .- j . i (Tin men, Mr. Stanton wMl be assisted by a s'aff of seven per ons and he assure. tho public ' that - th y can xp"t courteous and efficient tervicG" at a'l times. Mile Feature Event is Won by Ray of Illinois BOSTON, Feb. 4. The Hunter nrle feature event of the utumal games cf the l!o:ton A. A. was won in iiew record time for the event tonight by Joio V. Ray of the Illinois A. C. The "flying parson." Hal C. Cutbill of the Boston A. A. was second and James J. Connolly, Georgetown, third. Ray finished strong in 4 min utes. 20 .2-3 seconds. Percy Collins Loses His Final Match to Appleby NKW YORK. Feb. 4. Percy N. Collins, -of Chicago. , former ama teur 1 8.2 Imlkline billiard cham pion, lost h!s final match of the national ' tournament tonight to Francis -S. Appleby, local player, T.OO to 265. The loss placed Col lins in fourth place, with Kmile Rentier of Youngstown, Ohio, as third. Francis Appleby will meet his brother. Kdgar. for the champion ship Monday night. . France thinks she ought to maintain a great navy. But then there are folks who cannot pay their hrnsa rent or the r grocery Wills who maintain cars. Kx--ha nge.. VETERANS PUN NEW CAMPAIGN Legion Members Appear Be fore Commerce Chambers, and Request Support BILL IS MISINTERPRETED National Commander As serts that Cash Clause is One of Five Items INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Feb. 1. With Legion men speaking be fore every chamber of commerce in the country. HanTord MacNider, national commander of the Amer ican Legion, will attempt to ob tain a decision favorable to ad justed compensation in the na tionwide referendum which hM been called for by the United States Chamber of Commerce at Washington. Chamber Fight lion us. This body went on record against compensation at its last annual meeting and has since waged a bitter fight on the Le gion's bill, i a fight, however. In whicih many constituent' chambers have rot joined. In such Impor tant cities as Cleveland. O., Se attle, Wash., Portland. Or., and which many constituent chambers f commerce have repudiated the position of the national organlxa--tion and have come out strongly for compensation. FrMtut-OM Outlined. That a mistaken idea of the bill has been spread broadcast by the persistent attack on the "cash bonus" clause is charged in a let ter from 5J,acNlder to the preslden of the Federal chamber. MacNi der points out that the cssh pay ment is only one of five form of adjustment that the bill provides, and the least valuable of all. Cash, vocational training, ald up 20-vear endowment Insurance, farm. Or home aid, and land set tlement are the five optional forms. MaeNider contends that the cash adjustment will not be seized UDUn by an unreasonable percentage of ex-service men, and that to assume so is to befog tlta issue Explanation of, and due emphasis upon, the remaining four means of adjustment is es sential, the commander aserts. in order to have a fair referen dum Kitty Gordon, she of the publi mated back, says she will marry an American just as soon as nh gets rid of her English husband. Stand back. men. 'get In Una. THERE'S A BIG SURPRISE FOR YOU "Just Around The Corner" H 3 nMmnuiiuiiimi!m-UMM.)imi) irt ttiti rtitmtw t tJaitiiititBi i II) - i ! i! i V ti 4 X1 i 1M 4 s! III 1 r 1 V - i