The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 05, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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First Cnristiaa toln and Hifh
streets, J. J. Evans, minuter. Religious
education is an inipotrant item in the
lar of thia rhorch and tha Bibla aebool
at 8:45 is the. place where all agea of
folk mar receive iaatmctlon. The as
sembly program ia always interesting
t'ome. Tho pastor will preach both'
morning and even Inf. Our Divine Hel
per" and "Tha faith That Saves," arc
sermon topics for the day. Anthems,
"Like aa a Father,' and "Out of Great
Tribulation," will- be gWaa by a Urge
rhorsa tinder the direction of Mrs. Alice
Wanger. Misses Doria Pilar, Kaba Pow
era and Triata Wngr,will be heard
in a trio, "Twilight. " A violhr duet
by Viola Ash and Treval Powers will
be a prominent factor in the morning
worship. Al 0:80 o'clock the young peo
ple, Intermediate and senior, will gath
er for- apecial programa interesting to
young folk. They are making prepara
tion for the state C.E. convention. Welcome.
30 will al.n ;. h:. ti--
portunities to learn more of OoU's plan
for men. Good fellowshin ini n.r,.i
reaching at th m..iih.. .u i.
glad to see you.
Court Street Christian North Seven
teenth and Court streets. Say, folka, that
waa more like it last 1ord'a day. Good
for you, Just keep on coming . regular
every week. Now that onr Bible school
attendance ia over the 200 mark, let as
keen it there the whole tiif thmn.h
We Just got to in order to reach oar
aim in average attendance. Some bunch
of boya and girls. That'a fine. Kep it
up. If yea do not attend any other aebool
be sure and come. To be on time make
it by 9:45 am. Thia ia "Christie
Kodaavor Day." The Kndeavor societies
will - conduct special service tonight.
n perns i aaareaa 7:av p.m. "The hal
lenge of Christisa endeavor." Endear
orere will have charge of singing. On
account of thia apecial service the rg
ttlar Bible study on the "Second Com'
ing of Christ" will be given at 11 a m
olnteera will meet at church 2 p.m.
to form teama for visitation on sick.
Intermediate and senior meet 5:30 and
6:30, Monday 1x30 monthly board meet
Ing. Let all members be present. Wed'
neaday the loyal sunshine claas will give
a program and ahadow aoeial. : Thursday
7 9 -p.m. ' church school. Join the Bible
class end the personal workera class.
Fine attendance last time. Anyone liv
ing In thia eoiearaaiity ia invited to theae
eervlcee. uiad lor yon to) come. . K. ii.
l'ntaam, pastor.
Leslie Methodist F.piseopal South Com
martial and Myers streets. II. F. Pern
barton, pastor. Sunday aebool at 9:45
a.m., E.- A. Kooten, superintendent, etuay
the Book of God aa the a-uide of life.
It paya. Epworth league at 0:80. Fina
interest ia being manifested in the study
of latin Wesley. Jr. Young people will
enjoy , this meeting. Morning service at
It o'clock. Sermon subject, "Yon Were
Roncht and the Price Waa Paid." Even
ing aervice at 7:30, aubleet. "He Who
Levee Ilia Life Loses it. This is stew-
ardshio month ia the Methodist church
There are many aidea to the teaching,
Th sermons today are the first in
aeries af studies in thia Interesting Bib
lical teaching. The Bible study and
. prayer meeting on Thnradsy evening at
First Veth
. .-.. i-i" upai niiiQ ana
Chorea street!. RU.n v v;...,
ainUter. The flM meeting t :15 in
th HAM)lB..l ....
..... rorner room is led by Mr.
George Litchfield. The Huaday ul.oI
f"!1" . V5- J- B I'ittler .nper.n-
vorvaillS flld mora rnit tn fcn.
ay aebool last $i i j.j t.
n t IfllMI thm - . !
... .- wM, to UF V.OT-
vallw in a friendly contest, but what we
W.?0t. to et 0Dt to onr Sundav school
all the folks k ....-k. .- v. -i
inere a a place for everjW. At the
morning worship. 11 o'clock the
pastor will preach on the subject : "The
Wpint of Jesus." There will b sinsine
by th regular chorus choir under the
firT't" 2f Prof- E- W Hobson. with
Prof. T. S Rahr . .k.
Kpworth leagne meets at 6:30. Harry
Karey )ea the senior lesrue. At the
eveninsr servic 7-'tn .k
. - - 't paiur will
for his subject. "Gideon." This af-
!:'"" wi oe OMervea as I hrsitian
Neighborlineas day. Through the unit
organisation it ia planned that a friendly
aoeial viait may be made to each fam-
in hi- consmuiency oi tne church.
A airailar dy Inut yesr was very grest
ly enjoyed by all and proved of greaf
benefit If .hnnl.l i, ...n . i.
while this yesr. Those who sre not
vn inn I'lmi are invitetj to remain at
Homo to welcome tne visitors.
Jason Lee Memorial North Ceatev mil
Jefferson streets, Thomas Acheson. pas
tor, uiricey in rharg- of junior
church. Sunday school will meet at
9:45 am. Htrangera are greeted with
a personal welcome and made to feel
at home. Plan to be with us Sunday
morning. The Rev. K. 8. Mulligan will
preach to the adult congreration at 11
a.m. The pastor will conduct the junior
church service at the same hour. Ep
worih lesgue devotional meeting C:'J0.
Our young people's services are of a
high order. The right hand of fellow
ship is extended to all young people
who want to make good. A warm wel
come awaits all stranger. Kvening ser
vice 7:30 with sermon bv tin. pastor.
Subject: "Carrying Religion to an old
Environment." The thir: Mermen in a
series on Nasnsro the Syrian. The ev
ening service will be evangelibtic. Come
and bring a friend with you. The big
alteration program being conducted in
the church basement will be continued all
next week. Men wanted to help from
7 p.m. to 9 o'clock. Church night class
and fellowship meeting Wednesday 7:30
p.m. i Public invite. Junior church de
votional 4:15 p.m. Thursday.
Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal
Fifteenth and Mill streets. David C.
Hassel, pastor. 8nni!ay February 5th
service at 11 a.m., Himday school at 12,
Bible atudy and prayer meeting Wednes
day evening 8 o'clock. The monthly Sun
day school social and business meeting
church. Mrs. G. AsJrson will serre. We
invite you all to be with us.
St. Paul's "Thie Little Church on the
Corner ' ' t ' rw. ' I ...... k . n .1 ' V. i.
eta. Rev. H. It. Chambers, rector. Sr
ices as ioiiowi: tltoljr communion 7:30
a in. Second cli-braiion with sermon
II am, subject jof sermon. "Life."
Church school at: :t.5 s.m children
regular in attendance to get their second
cards. The young people's society will
meet at 5:30 p.m. when officers will
be elected and organization completed,
i.unch will be leryeii.' All young people
Central Congregational Corner Nine
teenth and Kerry. Clayton Judy, minister.
Sunday school and church combined ser
vice, Mrs. R. E. Edwards, superintendent,
at 10 o'clock. Special program in charge
of Mrs. Kdwsrds' class of hoys. The
pastor will speak; on "Our Neighbor's
Children." Senior -and interme-'iate Chris
tian endeavor at fl:30 p m. Kvening ser
vice of song and worship at 7:30. The
theme for the sermon, "A Wise Stew
ard." A cordial welcome extended to
church work to p!aa for onr part ia the
present advance movement. Visitors cor
dially welcomed to ail services.
Christ I.ntherin Fast State and Eigh
tenth streets. Sunday school at 9 "
a.m. Tiirine rvic- (Knrli.on) at !:':'
a.m. Young- peoples' meeting- at -:
p m. TT"c: - The Rite of Confirma
tion." The I.adie' aid meets on Wed
nesday at i p a Bible school etery
Saturday from to 12 am. Midweek
meeting on Thnrtday at ":') p m. Geo.
Koehler, pastor.
18j South Commercial street, upstairs.
Service, Sunday 2 and 7:30 p.m. Alo
Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Come
and hear the old time full gopl. Bring
the sick. No io.'iections.
Rev. J. R Back, pastor. V.isses at
7:30. 9 and hish mass at 1 : ho. The
pastor will speak at the lut mass n
the subject, "Cockle." B-nediction at
7:30 p m. Everyone welcome.
First Congregational Liberty and
Center streets. W C. Kantner, minister.
10 a m. Sunday school with classes for
all age under competent leadership
schrxil growing, invites you to join one
of its classes. W; I. Stsley. nupermterid
ent. 11 a.m., "Making Our Choices."
6:30 p m.. Christian endeavor. Interest
ing meeting. 7:30 p.m.. "An Impressive
Storv of a Waste Life." Yon will want
to hear it. A sereis of beautiful colored
pictures of the Cathedrals of Europe will
follow the evening address. Midweek
service Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m.
Subject, "Ixve."i A chorus choir under
the direction of William McGilchrist will
sing at the Sunday -services. Come and
enjoy the services.
I. B. S. A.
International Bible Students Associa
tion met-t every iSunday in Ierby Hall
corner Court and; High streets, upstairs,
for Bible study. Hours from 10 to 12
am. Public always welcome at these
services. Sunday; February Mh at 2:30
p.m. W. A. Baker, representing the 1.
B.H.A., will deliver a free public lecture
in this hall subject, "Disarmament or
Disaster." Mr. Raker is a very force
ful speaker and has lectured many times
in this city.. God's word will bring joy
and comfort to the people at this time
in regards to the subject. Hear and
prove for yourselves.
i x - - ... - W HAVE IT
t '-' ' '
Yes anything, everything that keeps a bicycle in good
running condition will be found there. And we make
it a plan to carry only the best.
Get Our Prices On Parts
Lloyd E. Ramsden
387 Court Street
First Church 440 Chemeketa street.
At 11 am. Bible lesson, aubject, "Spir
it." 9:45 a.m. Sunday srhnol; Evening
testimonial meeting at ft o'clock. Read
ing room, 209 Masonic Temple, open
every day except holidays and Sundays
from 11:45 to 5 p.m. All are cordially
invited to our services and to our reading
room. ,
First Cnite.'. Brethren Yew Park, on
Mission near 12th. C W. Corby, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a.m., W are pleas
ed that so many parents come with their
children, yet there is room for more.
If you are trusting in Christ for sal
vation why not prove it by coming to
the Sunday school, then your children
will believe in you. We are we!! sup
plied with good lesson helps snd compe
tent teachers, and you are welcome snd
we want yon. The pastor will review
the leson. Junior C. K. at 5 :.'!. senior
6:30 and preaching at 7:3i) p m There
will be special music at the evening ser
vices. Mid week praver meeting on Wed
nesday evening at 7:30.
1346 North Church stret J. J Gil
lespie, pastor. Sunday school 10 am
With good spiritual teachers for all
grades of scholars. I'resching service 11
a.m. Subject for the morning service
"The Bliss of Heaven and How to Ob
tain It." Young people's meeting 6:30
p m. an! preaching service at 7:30. The
revival services being over we have onr
regular prayer meeting Wednesday even
ing at 7:30. Come and bring your friends
and worship God in the bcaiity of holiness.
First Presbyterian On Church street
between Chemeltta and Center. Ward Wil
lis I-ong, minister. Sabbath school
meets at 9:4.1 am., C. A. Kells. super
intendent. At II a.m. the subject of the
sermon bv Mr. Iione will be "The Church
Folk of Tomorrow." Music for the mor
ning will be an anthem by the choir. "O
Come. Let us Worship." Himmel. .Solo
by Mr. Myers, "Our Prayer," I.ucile
Ross. Words by Mr. Myers Evening
musical program, 7:30 p.m. The junior.
Intermediate and senior C. E. societies
will meet at the usual hour. Prayer
meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
k mm M
ft; mm
Cars Are
Business is good. Oar customers are satisfied.
We are satisfied. Our customers are not knock
ing us. We are not knocking anyone else.
We have the cars here to sell if yon wish to pur
chase one call and let's talk business. If you have
a car to sell, call and we'll talk business too.
"The Home of the Used Car"
Oleson-Rookstool Auto
173 South Liberty Street- Phone 666
Christian and 1 Missionary Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Caswell, leaders,
t'sual Sunday afternoon services this
afternoon at 632 S Commercial street,
at 3 o'clock. On nest Thursday after
noon, February ;9, at the same place,
beginning at 2:30 o'clock. All are very
cordially welcome.
First Baptist William T. Milliken,
P.D., pastor. Bible achool at 9:45,
Edward Hchunke, superintendent. Morn
ing worship at 11. Theme of sermon,
"Stewards of the Mysteries of God."
Evening worshipat 7:30. Sermon, "Re
member. B. .r.u., an aivisions, si
8:30. Theme, i"Better Baptist Young
People'a Uniona;" Pastor's Bible class
for older people at 6:30. Theme, "Paul' a
Second Missionary Journey." On Tues
day evening brotherhood supper at 6:30.
At 8 1T. Arthur s. rneips. lecturer.
preacher, humorist and traveler, will lec
ture unaer tne -auspices oi tne Drotner
hood, but open to everybody. His theme
will be "The Liaht in the East." On
Monday evening the pastor wisnet to
meet the head of all departments of
Lowest prices
Prompt service
Best quality materials
Skilled Workmanship
We make your curtains open with the door on
all makes of cars, a convenience you cannot af
ford to be without.
We paint cars, a complete job which includes
dressing top and upholstering.
In our shop, the largest and best equipped in
the city, we are prepared to handle all kinds of
top, curtains and upholstering work.
Get our prices
. . .
T. C. WOOD, Manager
271 Chemeketa Street Next to Y. M. C. A.
Unity Church Cottaze and Chemeketa
streets. Rev. Martin Fereshetian, minis
ter. Church school at 11 a.m., graded
instruction. Class for adults conducted
by the minister. The lecture and dis
cussion will center about certain miracles
recorded in the New Testament. Devo
tional services at 11 a.m. Subject of
the sermon ' will ,be, "The Leadership of
Jesus." Mrs. Fer'shetian will sing
Hammond's "Behold the Master Fas-
seth by." Mrs. W. A. Denton at the
organ. The business meeting of the
church to consider the new constitution,
etc., will take place on Thursday evening
at 7:30 instead of on Tuesday, as before
announced. All members and friends
of the church are urged to he present.
Highland Friends North Church street
and Highland avenue. I. O. and It's J.
Lee, pastors. Bible school et 10 a.m.,
Clifton Ross, superintendent. Our school
is growing and is doing good work and
we have classes for all ages. Morning
worship at 11. Christian endeavor at
7:30 p.m. Owing to the cold weather
the factory was unable to get the seats
for our new church ready, so the dedi
cation service has been postponed- until
February 19. Although still worshipping
in the basement of the church, attend
ance and interest continue good. The
public is cordially invited.
South Salem Friends South Commerc
ial and Washington streets. Bible school
at :4.V Junior church at 10:40. C.E.
at 6:30. The hour will be spent in
prayer in behalf of the revival meet
ings now in progress. Evangelistic ser
vices at 11 and 7:30. Watch the papers
and the street car for further announce
ments. Nathan Swabb, pastor.
Winifred (loft) and Kathleen O'Malley, sisters. hut started ou i
hike to Florida from Atlantic City, N. J. They had been nursing i
brother; Charles J. O'Malley. who was gassed In France, and their lon
walk, which will last two months or more, is intended as a vacation
"Footpads and highwaymen have no terro.-s Tor us, says Miss Win!
fred. "We will be armed with smiles end stiilialahs."
petcnt instructors. Rev. R. G. Suromnrlin
of Portland, the representative of the
anti saloon league, will speak at 11 e m.
Young people's meeting at G : HO. Preach
ing at T:3o by the pastor. Prayer meet
ing Thursday evening at 7:30. The cias
in Bible study on Friday evening at 7:30
ia certainly full of interest and- h h-fulix-ss.
W. W. Rosebraugh, leader. A
most cordial invitation is extended to
you to all these services.
Capitol and Marion streets. Sunday
school 10 a.m. Preaching service (Ger
man) 11 a.m. No evening tervice. M,
Denny, pastor.
Benxiger Brothers Publishing com
sany, advertising as "Printers to
the holy apostolic see," publish a
work. "Elements of Ecclesiastical
Law." by Re.v. S. B. Smith, DD..
formerly professor of Canon law. We
quote i
"The thorch is not merely a cor
poration, or i part of eivil society.
The church is rightly named a sover
eign state." j (Vol. 1. p. 82.)
"Has the rhurch power to inflict
the penalty of death I Card. Tar
quini thua ianswers: 'It is certain
that the pope and the ecumenical
councils have this power." (Vol 1,
p. 90.) ;
"The ehurrh can inflict temporal
and physical as well as spiritual pun
ishments." i Vol. 3, p. 8.)
"The temporsl punishments of the
church are those which chiefly af
fect the temporal or worldly interests
of the delinquent. They may be such
aa more directly affect the soul
such as the ka of good name: or
the body, stich as whipping, exile,
detention in a monastery, or also the
property .or possessions of the of
fender." (Vol. 3, p. 23).
"No persqn can become liable to
the punikhments of the church, cor
rectional or ;punitive. unless he is a
member of the church by baptism. . .
For although they may have fallen
away from the church, they recrhe
less remain in a certain sense, mem
bers of her ipale, by reason of their
baptism, and are subject to ner lews
and authority. itence. per se- uirj
also fall under her punishments, cor
rectional or punitive." (Vol. 3. p.
1 8 1 ) i
Thua Rome claims authority over YOU,
evf ry .baptised Protestant, as over her
own acknowledged rommunctan'.s; to
correct, to ipunish, t rob yiu of
your good njame. to take your prop
ertv. to take your liberty, your life.
Pope Pius: X. denies the stute the
right to Hlcase anyone from her
monastic prisons.
We believ that many Romanist
members sincerely believe in religious
libertv. eves as we ourselves. But
how can one square the doctrine of
religious freedom with these official
claims, published here in America.
An "infallible'' pope claims these
rights and powers. Would YOU trust
the man who claims title to and ab
solute power over your home, your
i wife, your ihildren. jonr soul, your
nation even though he has no pres
ent opportunity to Impose this power
upon you. j
Rev. George Chapman, pastor. Seven
teenth and Nebraska neni. Bible
chool 10 a.m.. C. P. Wells. UDerin;
tendent. Classes for all ages with com-
And Plumbing Work
t ' j ' ' '
We Bell Plumbing Supplies, wholesale and retail; also do the' actual plumbing
work on' contract. Estimates cheerfully given.
219 - North Commercial Street
Salem, Oregon -
187. Front Street
Portland. Oregon
Facts About the
Amended Complaint is
Filed by Salem Chinese
An amended complaint has been
filed in the suit of W. L. Sun,
-administrator of the estate of
Gooey Sun, apainst the Southern
Pacific railway and Joa Vothe
len. The complaint recited that at
about 10 o'clock in the morning
of 'Sept. 5, 1920, Suie S'in placed
his 8-year-old son. Gooey Sun, in
an auto truck and drove up Front
street to Frry; that a3 he was
making the turn off Front street
tAe truck was run into by a
freight car and the boy knocked
from the truck, resulting in his
The complaint asks for ST.'oO
damages on the ground that the
engineer of the train did not take
th usual precautions by sound
ing t ehbell of the engine in the
way of a warning. As Joe Voth-
eler. "was engineer, he has been
included in the suit as defendant
Mrs. EdHh Rockefeller McCor-
mick says to be passive is wom
an's forte. We should like to see
a straw ballot on that question
among tne sex. xenange.
Bankers complain that the
"peace dollar" won't stack. We
never had any that would, no mat
ter what the mintage. Exchange.
jl , "Just Around
1 The Comer"
(Temporal Power, continued)
In 754. AstolDhns. Kine of thn Ijim- 1
bards, invaded Italy, raptured some Ital-
an -tities and threatened to advanr on
Rome. Pope Stephen III., who then ruled
the church, sent an argent appeal to the
Emperor Constantine CoDronvmus. suc
cessor of Leo the Isanrian, imploring- him
to come to the relief of Rome and his
Italian provinces. The emperor manifest
ed his usual apathy and indifference and
received the message in coldness and nen
lect. In his emerft-ency Stephen, who
sees that no time is to he lost, crosses
the Alps in person, approaches Pepin,
king of France, and begs that powerful
monarch to protect the Italian people
who.. were utterly abandoned by those
that onght to be their defenders. The
pions king, after, paring his hom.iee to
the pope, sets out for Itslv with his
army, defeats the inva'ine Iiombards
and places the pope at the head of the
conquered provinces. Charlemanite, the
successor of Pepin, not only confirms
the grant of his father, but increases the
temporal domain of the pope bv danoat
ing him additional provinces. This small
piece of territory the Roman Pontiffs
-ontinue to govern from that time till
1870, with the exception of brief inter
vals of foreign usurpation. And certainly
ever any prince merited the appela-
tion of legitimate sovereign, that title is
minently deserved by the Bishops of
There are three titles which render
the tenure of a prince honest and in
"ontestible: viz.,- long possssion, leritim-
ste possession and a iut use of the
original -rant confided to him. The tiish--o
of Rome possessed his temporal by all
these titles.
FIRST: the temporal r'ominion of the
ioper is most ancient in point of time
He commenced, as we have seen. 1o enjoy
full sovereignty abort the middle of the
lghth century. The pope was, conse-
Unentlv. a temporal ruler for upwards
f 1.100 years. The Papal dvnantr is.
therefore, the oldest in Europe- and proh
blv in the world. The pope was tem
poral ruler in Rome 700 rears before
he first European pressed his foot on
mrican soil. RF.COXD: his civil suth
rity wss established not bv the sword
if conquest, nor the violence of nsur
ation He did not mount the throne
loon the rvins of outraged liberties or
violated treaties: hut be was calle to
-ule by the nnanimotis voice of a grate
ful people Always the devoted spiritual
'ather of Rome, be providentially became
!ts civil defender: and the temporsl pow
T he had posssd already by ponulsr
;nffrage was ratified snd sanctioned by
he sovereign act of the Frank ish mon
rch In a word, the shin of state wss
:n danger of being eneulfed beneath the
'ierce waves of loreirn invasion. The
-aptain, meantime, folded his arms and
ibandoned the ship to her fste. The
Tope was called to the helm in the em
gency. and he saved the vessel f-om
shipwreck and the p"or.le from destr"c
'kn. Hence, even Gibbon, the Knclijh
tUtnrlan, who cannot be suspected f
isrtialitT. has the candor to use the fol
'owing ) .mm a go In discussing the sub
ect: "Their (the pope's) temporal do
ninion ia now confirmed by the rever
ence of a thoussnd years, and their
noblest title Is the free choice of a
-ieopl whom they had redeemed from
THIRD: what is the rse or advantage
it temporal power! This Is well worth
' -onsidering. as manv have erroneous
notions on the subject.
(Continued next Sunday)
VrtTF. Two -weeks irn we nnblished
( i offer af one thousand dollar foe 1
PROOF f bT 111 rlnt charges and
slander trnt the CatHoM rhurek. Vat
f sa wotv.beea) takeBvap.
.11 1a it ill AJ r ,. . , ;
Count? and Municipal Bonds
Crook County, Oregon 6s Vie'.d
5.23 Iue 1934 1039
Lincoln County, Oregon fs Yield
5.2 li:e 1929
Morrow county, Oregon "iis
5.12 Due
C'itv of Wallowa, Oregun "
Yield C percent tieneral ob
ligation du- 1921-31
City of Wasco, Oregon n. Yield
6 perrent. Iue
Warm Springs Irrig. dist r,s
Yielf GI4 percent. Due 19 17.
Industrial Bonds
Standard Gas & Electric
Yield 7 !-2 p-rcent. Ihie 1911.
Kentucky Utilities Ks. Yield "'a
percent. Due 1924
The Maytag Company 6s Yield
7 percent. Due 1929
Public Service Cotp of New Jer
sey 7. Due 1941. Yi Id 7
I bay and sell all kinds of bond'.
Circulars of any of the above
available upon request.
Wm. McGilchrist, Jr.
Resident Representative
Clark, Kendall & Co.,
Room 209 United States
National Bank Building
Salem, Oregon
bl 1
Double Cable Vase 'TTrcv
The tire that stands on its
reputation. You'll be
pleased with its worth. Let
us demonstrate.
Tire Service
Katty-Korner Marion Hotel
Ethical and
Urinr a continuation of my prtttJing smc.
"Why Do I cihrtisT. "Wkt I 4hrif '
"I, SMy Poluy ithtr. "Do Yon Know 7ki$
Fact?" and ''Should A 'Person B Peiudittd
For Rendering A Public Service?
They say I am "unethical." Let's .
see what the dictionary saya about
Ethics. The science or doctrine
of the sources, principles, sanc
tions and ideals of human con
duct and character; the science
of the morally right.
That's a mouthful all right But
note the words "ideals of human con
duct and character," and "the mor
ally right." Do you think my con
duct squares up with that definition
when, as a result of my efforts, thou
sands of people are made happier
and healthier people who would
not otherwise know the benefits and
blessings of good teeth?
Every dentist knows that 77 per cent of
the people have seldom or never sat in a
dentist's chair, either because they don't
know enough or are afraid.
If honest dental advertising backed up
by honest dentistry is helping to correct
this appalling state f affairs, isn't it
more nearly 'ethical" according to the
definition above than the silent "dignity"
and do-nothing attitude of the so-called
"ethical" dentists?
I leave it to you.
I don't claim to be a philanthropist. But -my
educational advertising is benefiting
thousands of people and so I am happy in
the thought that I am able to render a
public service while earning ray livelihood.
Yet, because I am trying to do single
handed what the profession as a whole
should be doing, I am the inspiration for
all sorts of obstructive laws and regula
tions fostered by dental associations and
What do you think about it?
Painless Parker Dentist
Thirty years ago I founded the
E. R. PARKER SYSTEM of Dentistry.
There are now 26 Pacific Coast cities
having Parker System offices.
State & Liberty Streets, Sales
Top Recovers
$8.50 to $60.00
Side Curtains
$7.50 to $45.00
Victoria Curtains
$15.00 to $40.00
256 State Street
1 W
will repair your old top, if it
is worth repairing, or will
build you a new one at a
price in keeping with the
California Tops
$250 to $450
Gillig Tops
$450 to $650
Gould Tops
$600 to $900
Phone 793