The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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1 ' I,8ued Daily Except Monday by
' v 216 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
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. To Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication it all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
tn this piper, and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks Manager
Stephen (A. Eton.. Managing Editor
Ralph GloYer. . . 4 Cashier
Frank Jaskoskl. .Manager Job Dept.
The Republicans said they
would cut down the cost of gov
ernment, and they are doing it.
The wedding of Princess Mary
has been'stt for February 28.
We'll try -and make it. Exchange.
Senator Willis says there is too
much talk tn the seaate. This is
a big concession for a man who
held all of the honors in the Ohio
debating societies, i
- Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, S83.
. Job Department. 5S3.
Society Editor, 106.
Entered at the Postoffice la Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
That the Republican party will make large gains in the
South in the next congressional campaign unless the Demo
crats abandon the doctrine of free raw material as applied in
the Underwood tariff act was the , startling statement by
John H. Kirby ."president of the Southern Tariff Association,
at the lose of a two-day-session of that association in Wash
ington a few days ago. : Continuing, Mr. Kirby said:
"Hiving been a Democrat all my life, having had a Con
federate father and having spent all my life in the South,
I think I understand the Southern people. As the head of
an organization that was formed as a protest against the
pernicious doctrine of free raw material, I feel commissioned
to warp .the Democratic leaders and members of the Senate
that - unless they repudiate the tariff policy announced by
Minority Leader Kitchin on the floor of the House April 14th,
1921, and accepted by a large majority of the Democratic
members of the House, then the solid South will be broken.
I quote from one of the offending paragraphs of Congressman
Kitchin's unfortunate pronouncement, as follows:
; 'If there is a Democrat in Congress or elsewhere
.' who is fooling himself into the belief that by our em
bracing the doctrine of protection, or his vote for
protection, though it be on his home industry, he is
, going to keep within the folds of .the Democratic par
ty, br bring into the ranks the men who favor such
: protection then he should at once undeceive himself.
A sensible protectionist will go to. the party that has
' taught and practiced protection for fifty years and
not to the party who has always opposed it.'
Portland. Of., and Philadelphia
are both preparing "to give fairs
in the near future. This is cer
tainly a double-barreled country.
President Harding may visit
this state next summer, on hU
way to Alaska for a vacation trip.
If comes, he will like Oregon.
The late Viscount Brycs had
an unusual reputation In this.,
that he wrote a better story of
the United States than has so far
come from the pen of an American.
John Bull's East Indian baby
is beginning to roll In Its sleep
and emit groans. Wants a dose o
home rule paregoric. Some with
his Egyptian infant. John has
his troubles.
The arms parley at Washington
is about through. It has been
more than a parley. It has done
more than. talk. It has put the
skids under old Mars. The hold
of the ancient skunk is slipping.
A fight is pending in Tokio
over the- bill to give all mala
Japanese the right ' of suffrage.
This is likely to keep the Elder
statesmen so busy that they will
have no time to .hide any cards
up their sleeves at the arms parley.
'This statement of course stands as orthodox Democrncv
until challenged by higher authority. But against this an-r1 g,v,Ing
nouncqment we place the demands of every productive indus
try in the South for a protective tariff on raw material and
the signature of eighty per cent of the bankers of our leading
Southern states! including North Carolina, demanding a duty
on ravf material. If Minority Leader Kitchin hasNcorrectly
defines Democracy then the producers? of the South are not
Democrats. All of us of course want to stay in' the Demo.
cratic (party, but there is no compromise on the issue of free
raw material. If the Democratic paiiy insists upon a tariff
to the
which impoverishes producer throughout the South
extent that the doctrine of free rsw material is now
then the South will go Republican just as sure as the
day follows night."
The imposition of the protective duties on eggs, asked for
by the Senate Finance Committee, as announced by our Sen
ator Chas. L. McNary in his dispatch of a few days ago to
a Salem man, will aidrohderfully in the still more rapid de
velopment of tlj3ultry industrfarlhe Willamette valley,
whichj$s.,beeirmaking a remarkable growth in the past four
earsvand "which is even now . going ahead with greater
strides than ever,, and on lines that make for permanence
and geometrical increases. Senator McNary, being a mem
ber of that committee, will without doubt see that the rates
askedVfor remain in the bill now being whipped into shape,
ifthey are not made still higher, as petitioned for by the
pomtrymen of the whole country.
The United States senate shies
a commission authority
to adjust and settle the foreign
debts. A little toujehy. Wilson
and McAdoo made the arrange
ments in the first place, with a
frea hand. The best way is to
appoint a commission of good
men and let them have a free
hand. Otherwise the settlements
may ride along forever, and make
all sorts of bitter feelings.
One of the great mail order
houses shows a loss of $16,000,
000 on last year's business ajs
against a profit of 112,000.000
for the year before., There was
also a slump of about 4 0,0 00 j
000 In the assets of the corpora
tion. Much of this decline was
because the company wlped ouk
all the inflation of the war period
and based Its Inventories on act
ual values and reduced costs.
Business Is readjusting itself to a
new scale and it is pretty hard on
the bookkeepers. They are run
ning out of red ink. A j
It Is occasionally useful for a
people to learn what other peo
ples are saying collectively about
them, to know how their activ
ities appear to an outsider looking
in. Since the disarmament con
ference has been in session the
eyes of all the free peoples of the
world, as well as those of others
who are still partly enslaved hare
been turned on the United States
and, while each nation views us
through glasses slightly warpei
by personal interest, the conclu
sions which they reach are hav
ing influence on both foreigi
trade and fore'gn relations.
Those among our late allies
who owe us money are inclined to
view the United States in the
light - of a hard creditor One
finds British. French and Italian
statesmen expressing regret that
this country should not be willing
to make further advances to a'd
in the economic rehabilitation or
Europe. They seem to think tha:
they ought to get back the gold
they sent us for the purchase of
supplies during the war, although
they have at the present time
nothing but promises to pay to
offer us in exchange.
Some of the leading French
newspapers go to the extent of
proposing that the United States
should lend to Germany sufficient
money to enable her government
to meet the reparation payments
stipulated in the Versailles treaty.
If private interests wilt not make
the requisite loans, it is urg?d
that our government should do
so, just as it furnished money to
the allies in 191? and 1918.
There is also a radical clamor
in both England and France that
a demand shall be made upon the
United States government to can
cel the $10,000,000,000 war in
debtedness Incurred by the allies.
Members of the French cabinet
have been quoted as laying that
the French government would not
participate in the Genoa economic
conference unless it was agreed
in the agenda that the American
representatives should consent
either to a cancellation of war
debts or to lending Germany the
money with which to make repar
atlon payments to France.
Thsre is the customary objec
tion to a protective tariff. TheJ
European peoples hold that onr
fr'endship for those who fought
with us in the World war should
deter us from erecting tariff bar
riers against English, French or
Italian products. They view the
tariff strictly from their individu
al point of view and do not seem
to have discovered that there are
as many idle men in the United
States at this time as in either
England, France or Italy, and
that we owe them at least as
much consideration as the unem
ployed of other nations.
So much for their plaints; now
for the things which they admire.
Cables containing a part of an ad
dress delivered recently by Con
gressman Fesa were given promi
nent places in the English, French
and Italian press, accompanied by
laudatory comments. The part
of the address that especnally im
pressed them ts as follows:
"As the Republican chair
man of the National Republi
can congressional" committee,
I wish here and now also to
give credit to President Wil
son for his part in molding
the sentiment of the people
of this country and the world
in favor of such a consum
mation." Congressman F?ss was refer
ring to the drafting of the quad
ruple agrment for promoting
and preserving peace in thePa
cific area and for the understand
ing in ' relation to the reduction
of naval armaments.
people too myopic to look forth jthen have te red hand of Ulster.
upon the world with his lofty
One might epitomise the situ
ation by saying that Uncle Sam
;s regarded as the man with limit
less means, who is a bit near and
is inclined to drive ruinous bar
gains with hard-pressed debtors.
The role of a creditor nation In
these times of world repression
is a difficult one to play, one that
is trying alike on our diplomats
and oar financiers.
He said that
the more - practical .minds of
President Harding and Secretary
Hughes were bringing about the
fruition of Woodrow Wilson's
dream of international concord
and unity.
The foreign press was deeply
impressd by the tribute paid by
a member of the party in power
to the opposition, something al
most unknown in European poli
tics. They take it to mean that
the treaties negotiated through
the medium of the disarmament
conference will not meet the bit
ter opposition the treaty of Ver
sailles encountered in the senate.
There is a division of opinion
'n the foreign press in relation to
our restrictive immigration laws.
A few regard the measures as
wise," both for the United Statas
and for the European stages, as
serting that it? is the duty of their
people to remain at home and aid
in the restoration of their native
land, in place of playing the part
of deserter in running away to
thp Untied States or to South
America. But a majority incline
to the view that a number of the
European countries are over
populated and that some must
emigrate to make places for the
others. 1hose hold this
opinion regard our immigration
laws -as codifying a purely selfish
Taking the foreign situation as
whole, a more friendly spirit
3 evldent-sTnce the disarmament
conference has been in session.
is taken to -indicate that the
people of tnjs country really de
sire to aid in the rehabilitation
of the countries that were so se-
erely damaged by the WorU
war. The bitter animosity felt
toward President Wilson for "mak
ing covenants which his own peo
ple would not ratify has disap
peared, and he is now regarded
as a "statesman who was a few
;in advance of his time.
Some wrters refer to him as a
great man who was crucified, by
Now the papers are telling us
that German chemists have found
a way of takingthe wood out of
wood alcohol. They can put na
ture. back Into denatured distilla
tions. In other words, the? can
make all alcohol harmless for
beverage purDOse. . They could
take the bootlegger's deadliest
creation and make it over ir.lo
pure grain alcohol. This might
make the world safe for the Dem
ocrats, but the German chemist
are too far away to be of any
service to the old-timers in th:t
famous bad g? of the Orangemen,
quartered with lie golden harp.
shield combining nistone senv-
ment with an artistic heraldic
Have you ever thought of how
the word prosperity is used?
Most minds look upon the word
as emblematic of plenty of cash,
pleasure and extravagance. The
way to look at it is in the relative
senss. The height of prosperity
to the owner of a little home is
the cancelling of the mortgage
that makes three-rooma-and-a-bath
his pride and possession,
henceforth. He Is wiping to work,
wait and save for suh prosper
ityArthur 0. Anderson in Boot
Now the airmen are arranging
a schedule whereby the trip
around the world can be made in
17 days. If floating service sta
tions can be placed on the ocean
they figure it will be easily pos
sible to clrcu't this good old globs
in 300 hours. Folks thought
Jules Verne was a dreamer when
h had Ms hero eirdle the earth
has not been announced ,n gQ da bU m faoy ,Q a Ford
Copyright, 1922, Associated Editors
The Biggest Little Paper in the World
Edited by John H. fHUr
A handful or clay and your fln
, gert are ail yon need to model In
clay. 'The first la easy to get. The
second .you have. Why not ba a
clay modeller? 4 :-:"f ; VA' 7 v' -'J
To -be- more definite, however,
as to materials needed for model
ling in clay, you should have this
outfit, which is not at all difficult
to obtain: : '., . ;
About five pounds of modelling
clay, which may be purchased for
a small sum at the art supply
store.- r i "--H-' '" ' 1
A small board about a foot
square, upon which to make the
' models.-', -ir .4 j . .
A set . ot ; tools made from
clbtlwBpins, meat skewers, match
sticks and toothpicks, shaped as
the tools shown in the illustra
tion. These are nsed for putting
in the details of a. model, such as
the ' eyes and mouthrand to
smooth the surface-of the clay,
. . A box of water colors. i ; t I
Two small bristle brushes, one
P"wln 0 water colors, and
the other for shellacing the mod-
els. . - i . v ; -
Some white shellac ' H
That's all. 1
Get Regvtar Modelling. Clay
Ask -for the regular modelling
,", sJch 'as hardens when ex
it with a thin coating of clay.
Stick it into the clay apple. The
apple is now finished. Set it aside
in a dry place, and it soon will
become hard.
Never attempt to carve an ob
ject out of clay. Build it np.
Start with a mass of clay which
bears some resemblance to the ob
ject you wish to make. Then
build on the features', one by one,
just as you did in the making of
tho apple. i
There are many! objects more
interesting than apples that you
may model. A shoe, for instance.
Or model some vegetable or nuts.
Next week the painting ot mod
els will be explained. Make up a
set beween now and next week
and have them all ready for paint
ing. .. f
posed to the air, nndampened,
when you go to the art store
Keep the clay in a piece of damp
cloth and in a Jar an earthen or
glass jar. It -'will then remain
moist. But should it get hard, it
may be softened up by kneading it
with a littl water.
.Should you find that you can
not finish, making a model and
must leave the piece stand for
several hours without attention,
throw a damp cloth over the
work, so that it does not dry
while yon are gone.
To begin modelling, first decide
definitely what you want to make.
Then place as much clay upon the
foot-square board as you think
you will need. '
. Suppose you decide to model ajj
apple. First make a round ball of
clay in your hands, as shown in
A. Then roll several small, long
pieces of clay between your hands.
These are the ridges of the apple.
Arrange them on the base of the
model, which is the round ball.1
Then, using ; your fingers the
fore-finger and the thumb and the
inside edge ot the palm are the
handiest 1 modelling- tools Nature
has provided. You roll these
ridges so that the clay finally does
resemble an apple, i
Tho Apple Stem v
- Obtain a real apple' stem. Cover
: r-
"Your third cousin. Spencer, Is
coming from Boston, announced
Mrs. Entwick tn Her two sons.
"You must be very careful how
yon behave.
"Oh. he's? Just a boy.. What's
the use of making all that fuss?"
8am Morton. -
. 'Bnt he's a vervtnnnanal hov.
Mrs. Entwick replied, frowning at
her son. "He collects rocks and,
as his father is a nrnlmsnr he has
even done some work for the uni-
ersiiy. tie is a very Drignt noy,
and quite serious-minded."
"He's a prig, then," mutterad
And their cousin proved to be
all they had exnected. He was a
shy, awkward boy who wore big
glasses, through which he peered
like a very solemn: owl. He was
polite nd very formal. Morton
and Wilfred groaned whenever
they had to "entertain" him.
They showed him books, took him
waiaing, ana listened to bis ef
forts to tell them about rocks they
passed. T?--"-'-'
One afternoon they were start
In? for a walk when Mrs. At well.
a friend of their mother's camel
over, bringing her daughter, Vir
glnia. a girl - of their own are
along. Virginia joined the boys in
meir wane.
This rock," began Spencer
belongs to the age "
"Pooh!" said Virginia. "Who
cares about old rocks! Come on
and race me to the turn of the
Morton and Wilfred gasped
Spencer looked stunned. Then he
said, flushing. "All all right
come on." Off thev went.
"Oh, boys." said Mrs. Entwick
pieasanuy, toe next day, "there
a concert this afternoon at "
"Aw," interrupted Morton.
bit rudely perhaps, "we're going
10 stop lor Virginia and we're all
taking Spencer to a wrest line
match. He's going to be a regular
The Initial letters of thA fnTinw
ing jumbled names of boys when
arranged correctly, will spell the
name 01 a tamous Indian chief:
Rogege, Widen, regor, velrio, nos-
ien.. niwir, ntltmo, virlo
Answer to yesterd
The Latin Lesitnn
Bright student (giving patts of
10 snate : swate, slipperi, fall!
Teacher: "Faio, failure, flunk!
suspendus for you."
whether the creation of the, Irish
Free State will involve the alter
ation of the British Union Jack
by taking out the cross ot St. Pat
rick. From an artistic standpoint
th'a would be a calamity. . The
chance combination of the crosses
of St. George of England, St.
Andrew of Scotland and St. Pat
rick of Ireland forms a design
which for blaze is almost perfect.
The substitution of the cross ot
St. David of Wales, who seems
to have been slighted, would be
an esthetic disaster, although it
might tickle the sensibilities of
the Welsh. The flag, as it exists,
may be retained on the ground
that the union it commemorates
is the union of crowns, which
will persist under the present ar
rangement. On the other hand, the flag of
the Irish Free State presents an
other problem. De Valera. has
announced that he will oppose
the use by the Free State of the
green, whUe and orange tri-color
of the republic. Contrary to pop
ular belief, the golden harp is
not properly the emblem of Ire
land, but of a single province
Lelnster. Following th preced
ent of Canada, tre new Irish flag
would consist of the Union Jack
with the combination of the arms
of Ulster. Lelnster, Mntstcr and
Connaught rn tne fly. Wcfwonld
could beat, that today.
Portugal refuses to pay the
cost of maintaining, the exiled
Emperor 1 Charles and his am
bitious Zita. Austria should foot
the bill, but Austria must also
decline. It looks as if a perfectly
good emperor might have to go
to work. -Some one suggests that
the royal pair might at least rHin
a delicatessen to good advantage.
Ataman Semenov, the Siberian
leader, is coming to America to
see and ,to be seen. Attaboy!
Ataman. ;
agreement who shall say that tha
League - of Nation nasen 1 a
... M ..t.
chance? If the nortn ana
of Ireland can put pen to tho
same bit of paper, the dove of
peace has a fighting chance, 10
raise a family Los. Angeles
Still that east wind.
And Oh for a gentle south wind!
v A
Seiiator McNary is not only a
member of the agricultural b.oc
in the upper Jqus. hut ha w
slated, for the head ot the bloc.
Showing that he is no blockhead.
,w '
Henry Clews. In his current th
nanclal letter from wall Street,
continues to rive cheerful newa
concerning the general business of
the country. Tho corner was turn
ed a while back, and la in the
continually receding distance.
. S
But we must accept the con
tinued cold spell in principle.
S S .
There is on thing to be said ot
the election of a Pope there are
never any contesting delegations.
s s w
Senator Francis Barlett Willis
of Ohio is quoted as the best
looking man in the senate. 'A fat
man with a punch, able to take
the beauty prise, ought to tell the
balance of us how he gets away
with it.
The sheeted dead are coming up
for air. Col. Bryan is tootting his
horn, and giving other Imitations
or a man about to be galvanised
into life. Exchange.
An authority says there is go
ing to be milk aough In the next
two months to drown all of us.
Don't know about that. We start
ed on milk and haven't been
drowned yet. Exchange.
Marie Jeritia, the new opera
queen, who has supplanted Geral
dine Farrar at the Metropolitan,
New York, has a faultless form.
That's about all a prima donna
needs these days.
Now that Sir James Craig and
Michael Collins have reached an
February 1. Wdaadar RotarUni t
bar dinner with matnbitra ( eooklag
elm at Waafcinctoa Janlor ate a aebool.
February 6, Monday Father and Son
luncheon at Commercial elnb.
Febraary 7, Thora4ay Naturalisation
cr ia ntcitt foort.
Jior Rrant VmIi Vrbrnarr I la I
"Wear the aqvara knot and do a gvod
turn WM7.-v . -
February 9. Thoraday Contett at Cor
ral Ha between drill teams of Salem and
Eocene Woodmen of tne world.
February 10, Friday Boy scout pro
gram at eav fair rrounda.
February! 10. Friday Arbor Day.
February 16 Ve 10 tnelnalre fitate
:nnttan Efi1arT lytnrentkm
-U 1 - V - sou
a substantial reduction
in the prices of their cars
effective January 1st, 1922
Corner Commercial and Ferry Streets
Phone 423
V It.
Xa tbe hnmaa body If yea vlll m
Trnak'a Preacristiea for Rheamattani aa
root. It la ridteolone, abaard and pro
poaterooa. Ia fact, it ia a. pity and . i
harne to talk a boot Shevmatiam ant.
Gout, mock leaa anffer with It, ithei s
inflammatory, mnaeolar, aelatio or aa; . t
otbrr form of,
Treak'a Preaeripttoa for Rhenmatlary
and Ooot aella for $1.75. This preeerlp
tlon DOES NOT rata tho atomaea. it
DOES NOT dapreaa tbe bean. Eat all
tbe meat and rood food yoa wlah while
Ukinr Trunk' Freaeriptioa. It DOES
NOT contain any bf erenry, Salicylate of
Soda, Oil of wlaterrreea, or aareatlea
f aay kind, bat it abaolatel and poai
tirely OTereomoa aay kind of Rhenmatieaa c :
or Goat on earth. WHAT MORI DO
rOU WANT! There 'orhlar ytiajt
rood, aad J , iaifKwsibto te - ret eome
thinf bettor. It ia aleo aar oseeUest lire
Bedtejno. Fop aalo at Perry 'a Prof Store.
t. .