The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 31, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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CMunrr Mexico
RD AotiB. Dean Curtis,Eu
n nl Ernest Ilornbeck, were
;.inert on the steamship Mex
t that left Poland Saturday
f'jlazatlan. Mexico. They are In
ifc.rra of the farming machinery
.hlDoed to the island of
etto del Verde.
, . - I I .
r. Address Kotarlans
Dr. VJ J Johnson of the board
of teirPrnce and moral welfare,
-in addrteas the Rotary club at its
Wednesday noon Luncheon at . the
Commercial oau.
f " '
tttmtlon GAJl-
BeaKwk post will attend the
fnntral of Comrade Rasmnssen at
tb home of Terwilleger, Wednes
day at a p. 1
r P. F. LAKE, Commander,
Adf. i : .' V
v . -
Ha New Law Office
- Brarier C. Small, whose law ot
ilea has been in the Oregon build
f nr. has moved to the Salem Bank
of Commerce building and will
hare hi office jin the suite of
i occupied by Smith &
Shields.: He waa" formerly Post
master at Turner and was given
leave of absence to go Into the
var aa naval aviator. Ha was in
charge jot the 'recent Red Cross
campaign for funds in the city ot
Salem anad Is now adjutant ot
Capital post No. 9, American le
gion. I . ;
Father 'and Son Banquet
At tbe Monday Inncneon of the
Commercial club, TV; E. McCros
key, manager, said that next Mon
day, February 6, the luncheon
would be a father and son affair.
Every father was invited to bring
his son, to the ' luncheon. Those
who didn't have any' sons handy.
were advised to go out and get
some other person's son, and
bring him to the banquet.
tion, glasses all clean. Candy De&t
Confectionery case and con
tents in fine condition. Dining
room Dining room is in fine con
dition. Kitchen Kitchen la neat:
range, utensils and meat cooler
kept clean. The Spa is -indeed
proud of the above report. It is
in absolute accord with our nolicy
to give our patrons only the best
rooa3, kept and served in the most
sanitary environments. Adv
Come 1q Handy
borne person who appreciates
practical things, sent the Associat
ed Charltteg a box of soap. Dr. If.
E. Morris said yesterday. Another
person who believes in good things
to eat, sent to the Associated
Charities headquarters, 500
pounds ot beans.
or place where such a crowd may run at large anywhere in Oregon,
ho accommodated at once, ar-lThe onlr legal way a dog can wan-
rangement will be held lor five
different banquets that evening
Saturday February 18. They will
be held at the First Methodist,
P r e s b yterian. Congregational,
Christian and Baptist churches.
Patient Kara pew
Andrew Thorsrud. 20 years old,
an inmate of the state hospital lor
the Insane, escaped last night by
breaking from the line white in
mates were being taken from a
motion picture show in the audi
torium. Thorsrud was committed
from Multnomah county. His
home is in South Dakota.
der about, unlesa wearing a muz
lie. is to be incompany or under
the control of iu owner. And
then, even if a dogwner does
comply with the sta?V law. tn
dog U not entitled to ramble
about the city of Salem, muzile
or no muzzle. Any dog in tne
country found off its owner s
premises, and not wearing a muz
zle, may be legally shot by the
sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable
or officer.
Will be Held in Stadium
Howard Zinser, scout executive,
Salem Boy Scouts, announced that
the big event of scout week will
be on.thv evening of February 10,
when various atheltic activities
will be held at the stadium at
the state fair grounds. All Bov
Scouts of the Salem council will
participate In the events of the
evening, which will include races,
scout signalling and scout drilling.
Every scout troop in the city will
participate in the events of the
Terminal Barber Khop
Joe Maddison and Larry Blais-
aeu announce the opening. Wed
nesaay, February l. cf their
newly equipped barber shop in the
Stage Terminal building at High
near court streets. Adv.
Patrol Mt
The first meeting of the Salem
Shrine patrol was held last night
wun an attendance of every mem
ber, 26 in all. According to M.
L. Meyers, captain, every member
of the patrol is greatly Interested
and working hard in anticipation
aiienuing me annual session
of the Imperial Shrine council to
b held in San Francisco next
Father and Son Day
Father and Son day will be ob-
Bervted by all churches in the city
on the evening of February 14
Already committees in the differ.
ent churches are arranging special
programs for the evening.
Attention O.A.R.
Sedgwick post No. 10 will at
tend the funeral of Comrade O. C
Carter at Terwilliger Ho;i:e Wed
nesday morning at 10:30.
D. W. LANE, Commander.
Spa Rated Ilitfi . .
Thai Spa receives: high score
from state sanitary inspector. Ex
tracts from report below: Foun
tainFountain In good ' condi-
HartmanY Glasses
Easier and Better
Wear them and see
Phone 1235 . ! Salem, Oregom
SAVE $ $ $ ,
hr bavinir your hardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard
rare & Furniture Co., 285 N.
torSmercial street. Phone 947
JpaUlrs at 16J H. Cammreial Street
Chm Boy. Noodle aa4 Aariea
Sltkaa, if Cream won
Bpxiii Sunday
i : chic&xji maun
We pay hlgheat price.
We buy and sell ererytUng
w tell for lest."
SIS Ceate 8t, Phone 80S
Certification Asked
Wallowa Valley improvement dis
trict No. 1 has applied to the state
irrigation securities commission
for the certification of $20,000 ad
ditional in bonds. The sum of
$125,000 already has been certi
E. Bosworth. J. M. BrSihn. Will
Moore, W. H. Jenkins. R. D. Sul
livan, C. J. Johnson. C. J. Halwav.
O. H. Bean. R. W. Lenen. P. M.
Collier, W. W. Rucker, G. A. Ho53
all of Portland; Roy V Shelton,
i Washougal. Wash.; John L Foote.
St. Helens; .Mrs. A. S. Wheeler,
Grand Rapids, Mich; II. W. New
man. Manila. P. I.; D. Jean Day,
Twin Falls; R. B. Hawkins,
Weed. Cal.; Mrs. M. G. Irwin.
Ch'casoj h. n. Suters. Holly-
jwood; George W. Book. Detroit;
J H. F. Depner, Los Angeles.
uLiHiti t'ortiana arrivals in
cluded Sara V. Osbourne. D. Mc
Neil. H. A. Thomas. W. Iavis, F.
W. Milne. 11. Campbell. J. Chris
tian. W. S. Mallory. W. H. Wood
worth. A. Gale, Mrs. E. Durant.
G. T. Grettwer, Mr. and Mrs. Van
Dotte. E. C. Borry- Others were
G. L. McCollan. F. W.Saither. As- I
Iugrey Buys, Lots
Homer t. ingrey yesieraay pur-
chased lots 3 and 4 in block 8 fc..
A. Rhoten's subdivision on
Church street, just south of Ru
ral avenue. It is vtery probable
that he will build a residence dur
ing the coming season.
T. Sullivan. 228 North Capitol
H. J. Eberly. assistant state for
ester, was in Portland yesterday.
A. C. Barber, state insurance
commissioner ?.nd state fire mar-
hal, was in Portland yesterday.
BiHrJiett Succeeds Kl I ii
Clyde Ellis, day desk seergeant
at the police station, will be teni
porarily succeeded : by Patrolman
W. W. Birtchett. Sergeant Ellis
has served in his present capacity
for over a year. He recently re
signed In order to accept a po
sition with tbe soldier's bonus
commission. Chief Moffitt an
nounced yesterday that Birtchett's
appointment will be temporary.
taflar Has Operation
G. W. Laflar returned home
yest3rday from St. incent's hospi
tal where he recently underwent
a serioifs operation. lie is now on
the road to recovery and expects
to be up and around in about two
toria; Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard,
Rosebnrg; Helmer Broppe, Silver
ton; G. W. Wolfe, Los Angeles;
N. P. Jernsen. Lake View; J. L.
Straivny,N Newport L. Sing. In
dependence; Frank Chila, Silver
ton; Carl Braun, Lebanon, G. H.
Byreea, Joliet.
There are various symptoms of
kidney trouble rheumatic pains,
backache, fore muscles. : stiff
Joints, and "always tired feel
ing Mrs. Georpe Morgan. K.
Fairfield, VL, writes: "My head
ached and whole body ached so
I could not sleep. Koler Kidney
Pills gave me relief." They heat
and strengthen weak, disordered
kidneys and bladder and help
them in their work of filtering
the blood and casting out of the
system the impurities that cause
pain and disease. Prompt- in ac
tion. Sold everywbere.-Adv.
long time. ; was able to get oat
yesterday for the first time since
the banning of December.
Miss Mimn Holman has been
sick during the past week.
A party of hunters went up to
ward ths Abiqua forks yesterday
on a coyote hunting expedition.
President Carl Gregg Doney ot
Willamette, university, will ad
dress the Marion County Realtors'
association Thursday noon in the
Y.W.C.A. jduring the luncheon
hour. Many matters of Impor
tance are scheduled to be discus
sed, among them the jitney and
thw street "ar situation.
sleep rooms. $2.50 per week
ISO Court street.
Bis Star
00 25c
Read the Classified Ads,"
Ilionograph Kecords
Exchanged for 15c, at Moore
Dunn Music store, basement Ma
sonic bldg., State and High Sts.
Five RI3 Banquet
During the state Christian En
deavor convention to be held in
Salem, February 16-19, a banquet
Consultation and examination.
Drs. Bradford ft Bradford, D. C,
state licensed physicians. Ten
years In practice. Phone 526.
Suite S19 Oregon Bldg. Adv.
Fleming Home SoM
The Fleming home at Cottage
and Center streets has been sold
for $6,500. The deed of transfer
was filed for record yesterday in
which R. B. Fleming and wife
transfer title to the property to
Laura E. Lashwaj.
Youth Is Sentenced
Ben Johnson, who gave his
will be given the 1000 attending nf, Een. Caahman when ar-
delegates, as well as 200 or more rf8td b DO,ice officers Saturday
locally interested in the sessions. ",K"l'wu"" rraigneooeiore vuy
As there is no community building
jmmm mmm mmmmmmmnm nam m iijjm mum
- - - : --
Recorder Race yesterday pleaded
guilty to a charge of being in
toxicated and of having had in
toxicating liquor in his posses
sion. Johnson was given a five-
day jail sentence. He told the
police that ha bad secured the
liquor from a stranger who was
passing through town."
Last Times
"Mr FREE" .
"The Little Minister
Evans Facet Trial-
Cody Evans, who was arrested
Saturday night on a charge of
having liquor in his possession.
was yesterday 'arraigned before
City Recorder Earl Race on a
possession of liquor charge. He
, entered a plea of not guilty and
will be tried in the city court at
I o'clock this morning.
: .
The plot thickens.
Mayor Baker is out of the gub
ernatorial race.
Three cold snaps are too many
for we Webfeet ; we hope It is
three times and out.
Salem's business houses ; are
going out after business from far
places, and making offers to
bring it.
S m "m
Nothing succeeds like success.
Since Willamette valley hens have
for a second time copped off the
world's layine record. California
poultrymen are. pulling up stakes
and coming to this valley. We
cannot get too many of them,
from any or all the states and
A Denver girl walked 11 miles
in her sleep, and then awoke
whn F,h heard the sound of a
motorcar engine. When a nicely
tnrned-up motorcar engine will
not make them sit up and take
notice there is no hope.
V " s
Boxing bouts in Cleveland, O.,
hereafter will be for men only or
for women only, Mayor Kohler has
decreed. The announcement is
tantalizingly incomplete. Are the
principals at the bouts for women
to be women also?
Many people who Tiad over
looked the interesting fast that
the French cabinet has a m nister
ot sports will have it recalled by
the announcement that the reap
pointment of Gaston Vidal to the
Phonograph Record I office assures the successful stag-
kxenanged for l&c, at Moore-fjne Df the next Olympic games in
Whitney Boys to Meet
Dr. H. C. Epley is jbf the opin
ion that if the boys in the city
who can sing only know of the ad
vantages of the training he is giv
ing them in the Whitney boys'
chorus, there would be more than
100 on hand this evening when
the singing begins at 4:30 o'clock
at the high school.
Mother and Baby Well
Mrs. Harrison Mowery and her
week-old son, who are being tak
en care of by the county on North
Twentieth street, are both doing
well, according to reports from
the county court. The Mowery
family for which the county is
caring at present, includes the
mother, the wek-old baby, twins
about 2 y years old and a boy
5 years old. The father was re
cently sentenced to the peniten
Hans Hansen was called to Mc
K?e the latter part of the week
due to the severe illness' of his
sister, Mrs. A. Johnson. '
Carl Harvy is visitipc V
mother, Mrs. Mommerack.i at .i
verton. Mr. Harvey was a forme:
resident of Silverton.
MrSi F. W. Pettyjohn H spend
ing a few days at Portland.
Mrs. Husby, tti? mother of Mrs.
Pettyjohn, is preparing to leave
for California.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mejei 1
children motorej to Seotts .V .1 ;
Sunday afternoon to visit a Filter!
of Mrs. Meyers, who is quite ill.
Rev. J. A. Bennett, who is hold
ing meetings at Stayton,; expects
to complete them by next Sunday.
The new parsonage for tho Con
gregational church isfnearing
complet'on. The house, although
small, is built on very: artistic
lines. It is being buiiV on tna
Congregational church property at
Second and Park streets. The
church building will be started In
the near future. ;
Mrs. J. P. Hansen and her son,
Hans, motored to Vancouver,
Wash , Friday to visit at the
Richard Hansen home. They al
so stopped at Portland: to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Axel ' Anderson.
Both the Anderson and Richard
Hansen families are former Sil
verton residents. Mr. and Mrs.
Hansen returned to Silverton on
Mrs. Corhouse is ill at her home
on the East hill.
Mrs. Anna K. Jensen, who has
been confined to her home for a
EsUblisaed 1863
General Banking Bosineaa
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to I p. m.
Dunn Music store, basement Ma'
sonic bldg., State and High Sts.
Are Your. Electric Fixtures
.We can refinish them for you
379 State Street
American Beauty Irons Hot Point Irons
Salesman In Arrested
Ralph Charles Morrison, sales
man whose name was at first put
on the police station blotter as
Ralph Charles, was yesterday
fined $20 In Judge Race's court
after pleading guilty to a charge
of speeding his car.
We want j them and want
them badJ Because we do
we will pay you the high
eat price obtainable any
where,: Bring us all you
have, .-;
Also old clothing, furniture
and junk of all kinds. -
The House of Half a Million
I and One Bargains
402 N. Coml. Phone 623
Tomorrow. Nerty.
U nitre ty the y
terday f today,
and ywtrdy it
put. Th only
day yoa ha ia
One min
ute essay
on health
by O. L.
Scott. D.
I A Classified Ad-
Will bring you a buyer. Adv.
Medford Store Robbed
City and county officers have
I received information concerning
the robbery of an auto supply
store at Medford Saturday, when
car accessories., a cash register
and typewriter ; were taken by
four men who are traveling In a
small Overland, car. The car is
reported to have been traveling
north from Medford when last
$7000 Real Estate Sale
A deed for 307 acres, the north
half of sactlon 18. township 9
south of range 4 east, has been
riled for record. The land was
purchased by David Wilson of
Spokane from John Leuthold of
Minnesota. The consideration in I
tho deed was named as $1 and
other valuable consideration.
There was attached to the deed
$7000 In revenue stamps.
Paris, including the largest and
best eaulDDed stadium in the
world. Incidentally it suggests
confidence that tlv? big show will ' .r-it the moment you apply
be a naying venture, if rot that Mentho-Sulphur to an itching.
the people will soon be able to af
ford the luxury of attending it.
Xow Living in Kalem
Miss Ruby Purdy and family, of
Portland, have moved to Salem
and are making their home at 175
South Fourtasntth street. Mrs.
Purdy is with the bonus commis
sion office in the United States
National bank building.
: i IM
That your eyesight is Just
what it should be and there
will be a marked difference
in the ease with which you
work. The only way to
KNOW is to have an expert
examination of your eyes.
Let us make that exam
ination. Phone for appoint
ment. ;
204-211 Salem Bank of
' Commerce Building
Oregon's Largest Optical
: institution
Phone 229 for appointment
Give You Body
Its Due
Bring out the physical
side of - your nature. Give
your body its due reverence.
The body is controlled by
- mental Impulses that
travel the nerve lines of the
body from the brain down
the spinal cord and out into
the body through the spinal
nerve openings in the spine.
To take ordinary precau
tions toward keeping each
Joint of the spine in align
ment with its neighbor is
ttin first law of health. Fre-
q.uent analysis of the spineI
and adjustment ot misalign
ed vertebrae is a common
sense measure of prevention.
In event of sudden illness,
going to the" chiropractor
first, is taking the Bhort cut
to health.
v Chiropractic spinal ad
justments remove the cause
of disease in the eyes, ears,
nose, throat, lungs, stomach,
liver, kidneys and lower or
nmuu on sniui
arms mdisuso or
Soma New Reading
The Salem public library has a
number of n3W books now ready
for distribution varyinK.all the
ay from poetry to .current history.
One of tbe now historical books is
entitled "Veniaetos", giving : a
history of this Greek statesman
during the war. Two new books
in noetrv are entitled "Reynard.
the Fox", and Right Royal."
Thesa stories in poetry are for
adults and not children, notwith
standing their titles.
Dos License Business Rushing
rso license to marry were issued
yesterday at the county clerk's
office. But the counter where dog
licenses are issued did a rushing
buisness with applicants lined up
at the counter all day.
A. P. Lafky left yesterday over
the Oregon Electric for Yakima
on a business trip.
James J. Stewart of the state
house went to CorvalUs yesterday.
Mrs. II. E. Shaw left Sunday
for Seaside.
R. E. West left yesterday over
the Oregon Electric for Washoug
al. Miss Ruth Jones is visiting in
Chehalis. leaving Sunday evening.
J. C. McMeehan is visiting at
Grandview, Wash.
Miss Irene Sullivan of Portland
was in the city over Sunday visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J-
Paid Inheritance Tax
The estate of J. P. Warnock.
through the administratrix. Mary
O. Warnock. has paid the state an
inheritance tax of $62.56, accord
ing to records filed with the coun
ty court yesterday.
Files Assumed Name
b. Levy has filed with the
county clerk, the nama "Mideet
Market." under which be is doing
Business at 351 State street.
f )
VBEl j
a wka
ST tot a
paost. OoBaattsttoS
la vtttoet
gNaLA0VU .
Dr. 6. L. Scott
! '." V;. Chiropractor
414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. t
Phone 87
faa YSrUUI
Everybody Want Swift's
Fertilizers. For prices ana easy
terms see Clarence S. Bowne or
phone 353. Adv.
"Y" Junior Plans
At a banquet held last night oi
the Y. M. C. A.' Juniors, it was de
cided to play" two basketball
games this week with the Port
land Jun'or Y". Both games
will be played in Salem, Friday
and Saturday evenings of this
week. Among those present at
the banquet were C. P. Bishop
R. R. Boardman and Paul wai- same as the Salem lodge.
Bousht Law ractice
Cltv Changins I virgii H. Massey, recently of
Percy Collier of Portland was stayton. has purchased the law
1 in the city yesterday attending to office of E. P. Morcom of Wood-
RASMUSSEN At the residence
2180 North Fifth street, Salem.
January 2i, Jens Rasmussenv at
the age of 81 years. He is sur
vived by his wife, Mary, and
one daughter, Mrs. Clara Nel
son of Salem. He as a member
of Sedgwick post No. 10, tx. A.
R.. and funeral will be held
from Terwliliger Home Wed
nesday at 2 p. m.. Rev. I. G.
Lee officiating and burial will
be in the G. A. R. Circle, City
View, cemetery.
burning or broken out ekin, he
itching sltops and healing begins,
says a noted skin specialist. This
sulphur preparation, made into a
pleasant cold cream, gives such a
quick relief, even to fiery eczema,
that nothing has ever been found
to take its place. ;
Because of its germ destroying
properties, it quickly subdues the
itching, cools the irritation and
hauls the eczema right up, leaving
a clear, smooth skin in place o'
ugly eruptions, rash, pimples or
You do not have to wait for Im
provement. It quickly shows
You can get a little jar of Mentho
Sulphur at any drug store. Adv.
Here From La Grande
Ernest Ringo. district attorney
from 1913 to 1917. was In the
city yesterday, appearing before
tha supreme court. He is now
practicing law at La Grand and
says that section of the state is
doing well. Mr. Ringo says that
the La Grand lodge of Elks has
12C0 active members, about th
CARTER At his late home 2650
Lee street, January 29. Obediah
Calvin Carter, aged 84 years.
He wa a member of Sedgwick
Post No 10. G. A. R. and Is
survived by his wife Adeline
C. and the following children:
Mrs Addic Whaley. Tenn.; Mrs
Marie Clane, Oswego, N. Y.:
George H. and Bruner Carter of
Tennessee; Mrs George McCall
and John Carter of Salem Or.
Funeral will be held from Ter
williger home. Wednesday at
10:30 a. m.. Rev. Mr. Glascoe
officiating, with burial In G. A.
R. cemetery.
"V . VNv .-4 bit
JTew show
all matiness
Bllgh Theatre
business matters. He was a for
mer resident of tbe city and told
a friend yesterday that the many
changes that ere taking place In
the city can scarcely be appreciat
ed. t
Coming regularly
Application! for the benefits of
the bonus lawoLre coming regular
ly at tbe commission's toffice m
the United States National bank
I building. Up to yesterday eve
ning, those preferring cash num
bered 10.313 end those preferring
a loan on Oregon land, 7.710. No
applications either for cash or the
loan will be received after May
Legal Blanks-
Get them it The Statesman ot-
i flee. Catalog on application.
i It U the Law
U. G. Bojter, county clerk, calls
attention to the fact that even aft
er a dog owner has complied with
the state law and paid the license
ourn. who died recontlv. Mr.
Massey has sold his Stavton law
practice to L,yie McCroskey.
Rowland Loses Store
J- A. Rowland, merchant t
Crabtree. lost hfs store and build
ing by fire Sunday morning. He
nas maun nn ..
ture plans relative to whether I Bal jn Odd Fellows cemetery
wui Dulid again.
The funeral services for the
late BJanch R. M. Wilson will be
from the Terwilliger home Tues
day at 2:30 p m.. Rev. J. J
Evans officiating. The bearers
will be veteran? of the Civil war.
Rowland Will Build
Edgar M. Rowland has let the
contract for a modern ridenc!
at south Church and Electric
avenue. Work of construction
will start at once.
MARION W. I. Briggs. J. D.
Altman, Pearl Powden, D. II. Dia
mond, D. Z. .Irwin. Mande M.
Clark, R." Dunbar. M. Rowe, B.
Wheeler, F. V. Bangs. R. W.
Sllngerland. F. R. Broadets, JC
Banks. Jay .Stalzman. A. C Rose.
J. F; Cameron, O. W. Harrington,
fm amit rctvwt lAnlhar eollar.
lLT:Ioes: not-entitle -the :dos ta-' E. Morton. O. R. Harper, E
Leading Morticians
? I jiy.oc J TL
r fit? :E hx.
"i" ft i H
m" m
ONE month of the New Vear gone.
What about the other eleven? How
have your plans for being in the thrift
class in 1922 worked out so far?
Saving is not a matter of theory, but
daily practice The United States Na
tional notes with pleasure that many
new depositors are making a fine start
and increasing their balances noticeably
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
; .: cLOireclbrs
'j Eiptrt Exsbafcicrs r 7
Gay MacLaren
at the
in the Broadway Saccess
' Prices $ll50f $1.00, 50c
' .... , : . . . - " '. - -
C!l CZ3 rr3
This winds up oar January
Clearance Sale
466 State St '
3S3 Alder St.
A ....
h ?
f 1