4 THE OREGON STATESIIAI. CAUTI, OIlEGOn TUESDAY' MORNING.4 JANUARY 2V 1 SC? IjCTSkJTXZO ADVEBTIAEhtEBTS ..E"te per word: , Prr tssertksa . . . f . 8 . 8e en. Thy . insert ie ... "mtMlt U insertions). ua Mil - Hi miIM contract, per s..15e 1 sseeias' contract, per 13e Villoma for ny d vert ia erne t, 95 NORWICH UNION niB INSURANCE KOCIETT TUtlsog, Botaad eft Burghardt nUent Agent i 87 State St. jMONEY.TO.LOAN - On Real Estate f ? T. K, FORD 1 (Oyer Ladd 41 Bash Bank) ArDERSori & rupert - I IweitMn Latter 3 Lflr ,;rn INSURANCE - -r-iftett: ESTATE " co;;iJS;vj;r loans ; 408-7 -1 ' OWMi' Bids", f NEW TODAY XX)T 918 BETWEEN MASONIC boilitiar and Caettel lrat store. At .Ji Monday,, Beitabl ntwi. Re tar. 4 Hmmit, Phon 1370. loan 1 MO. UKE SEW. $323. HUFF s jnaa Meter Bales Ce State aad Front PO FAIR EQITJTABT.E TRADINO CALL -I kare aearty a 100 prepertie to ex- rtiaage. ) Kalxa ateal reaaoaable md lib ra. , featraM. Tbe Fleming Healty 341 State . atreet. RF. ill BARGAIN NEW EIGHT ROOM ; Kunitalew, nflo1hd. Fall bmnt. K im in ; ewarr arntt tell. , Bee aa at c i-r. Price f 2 100. Krnefer. Oregon JmitidiBf -it" ' PRCNINO AND 8PRATINO ORCU- ara . apecialnr. Pbeae. 160. - LOST AGATE LAVALLIER A"SD , rnia Eatary eveniac Leave at , fMntriiaae er paone 623 R. Re- -wardn ' i :.:" ,. ' .. , i ii i .n i ii i i i ' m .i.i FlfaXtPURE ADtTOClEnOLD GOODS ,lor tale eheasn jaclnaUnc diniaf room la baaaneat at StenelefCa Jfarket C. cJncider aad. Thartdar. "wiv. FO 1 RtNT A 8SX ROOM PLASTERED . louae, -lkinf diataaee. ar will aelL , I :oa - dee a and aaoathly payatenta. Immediate anaaeaaiea. WiHiam Flea . ii,y 341 State atreet. FC.5 ,,RT.KT -jt PITRN ISTTrTD" APXOTi j,atai Pheae 1684., 66S M ariea St. POT? RENT FURNISHED' ROOMS FOB . J.t,h bevMkeepiof. Inqaire 1780 StaU , auatta ;A n ' . WOOD ;A WING PHONE 1161-J. FO.t BAL1V CHEAP - MAN'S HEAVY eTciit Baeaaant ef Stetiibiff'a nw but, .Wadnetdar or Tbnndap. ' ' XWO-' MEN- WANT ROOM MOT OVER 4Moeka front State- an -Hhth. Ad .dreM."A4V eara Butatmaa. , -. WA TED SODA FOUNTAIN. '- . 1.44-W -. ! .u PHONE IQ T BUMPER OFT AUTOMOBILE. t road between Salem aad Portland. . i :ndrf kindly communicate with H. W. t room, Marie beteL Balem or 626 Bldg. r Portlan. , Phono main itu'ii. Reward. ' , ! - . F0 1' ALE THREE ACRES IN BEAR . ins fruit aad aata. aaederB fcouie, baie- nnK 'fireplaee, Dnteb kitchen, water avitem. -earaee. Located about two Bt..ra ma 8eJm. . Price f 6100, I TWO AND THREE ROOMS FURNISHED ..lot bonaekeeatag ; - bee V light,, water i free. Hare one at $19, one at $20. two- at $25. " Phone 143 for partion- ' We. 1 ".., I. -'' i- ' " OVES 60.000 OREGONIANS ARE EN-JfTic- the LOW COST proUcttoa of the ifeVinnTllle Co. . It ia- for you, tcxr. US 8 IT.Loaee promptly" paid. "ad LOW CORTv - Steadier Foley, aetata, Bnah Bldg. Pboae 347.- LO"T IN DOWNSTAIRS LOBBY-OF . C 1 J Felwwa ball, lady'a parse eentala : trg lome sUrer. Phone 1788W5. A FEW PRUNE TREES LEFT WIL l-xnetta "' Valley aaraery. Route T. Tinne 10SFS. 1 .-.. -. EMPLOYMENT PZMALB WA STEft GOOD COOK AND RELIA b e kouiekaeper. Mail bare referen ea. Apply itomadlateiy Wore" 9 a.at. mt after 6:30 pja. 644 N. Ceauaerelal iBTeet. ' KaXi, BOY 17 YEARS OLD WANTS PLACE to work for board aad roem- wkUa at - Unking achool. , Phone 49F23. WATTED ENERGETle TOUNO MAN who hae bad experience tell in life ln.iaraaea, tocka or adrtrtlaiag. Jloat . be able to deeota blw entire liar aad , be ambltkana for adraaeement. Meat , bare tbe eoaraga to- Preaeat baaineaa pnpittea to- mercaaata . and profea agonal meal Aaawer ia roar awa bead- writing; atatlng. ago. educational aualV ; fifatioaai experience a tollclter, ate. Arrets ' l-fto.ai." Ktatesmaa Office, SAT.r.MEM WANTED SALESMEN SIDELINE MENl TEN TO twenty dellare per day: vast pocket eamplee: jWenderfet tell er. Samptea f -ee, i 21 Crary Bid, Seattle. Waeh LMALB AMD XXICALB WATTKD MEN" ' AND WOMEN TO tan farm paper aabeeriptioaa. A good pwpoaitioa to the right people. Addreet Or. :5: ; PERSONAL GL I MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper pakllahed. Free for stamp. Oar- pawrawBi, aim -- FOR SALE PARX PAPER IP fOTTiWANT TO GET THE BEST f ri paper, aead 16e to the Paeifie i.omeatead. Salaam, Ore goo, for a three p-onthi' trial aabacriptioaa, - Meatloa CANARY RIRDS PCI SALE CANARY BIRDS AND Y ::,ired i.wblt Bootcb collie papa. i. . IS. A. Beaaett, pbene 180. ST. ANDREASBE&O ROLLERS" THE caoanr witih a mnslcal odaeatioa. Tbe world a sweetest singer? aew shipment F. B. Flake, Bird aad Flowers, 178 POULTRY BAr ".ZD ROCK COCKS TWO CHOICE onet; wilr trad for others at equal auai.iy Pboae 48T2S. POCLTSYMES SEND EIGHT TWO eer r stampa lor spocial three meatbs' trial for tbe j best , aad eldest - Jearaal la tit west. ' The artielee aad adrer- tlssmeau ard a special interest to the poultry breeders' of 'the northwest onhwesf Poultry Journal, 311 Com- e reial St- Balom. Oreroa, LIVE STOCK JTN3 JERSEY COW FOR FAMILY USE. a ; f AAA an MT1 L a a fOV, : iur 63. vam Birvaj. pOTt SALE TOUNO BLOCKY BUILT tone, weiant about isoo. Jt. Sdwardat r""'e 1. pox" 143. Patent, allSCET.TKXQ-Ca- AFTLE3 DELIVERED PHONE 4F2. r-HARLINED TRUNKS BEST KNOWN i-ikea. - Max 0, Bursa, J79 N. Cea'l. for; SALE Kzaczujursoua CONGOf.ECaf GOLD SEAL RUGS AND , Carpet.-- Max O. Bare. 17 V Cw'L BWF.ET CIDER 'AOAJS CUMlflXOS. Pho 94F13. HAT FOR SALE VARIOUS KINDS, loose sad baled John II. 8ctt. Pbae 234 r 622. FOB SALE ' CHOICE CT-OVER HAT. rite, ail kiads of " Liberty street. Fba 98. ri tfyX Sft PKK TON. ONIONS 91.50 Mrk. 9 Bailee east of Biwkf,. Briax aeks. W. L. Gasketl. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a bonaie. uireaian artaaat, Oraro SuutaM. . LEATHER HANDBAGS, LEATHER lined. 5 sad "P- Vu 0. Buren, -179H. Com'l GOAT MEAT GOOD AND YOUNG. : Prie reaeonsble, delivered. South Sales Market. Phoae 78. , 8ENATIONAL REDDCTIONB IN HAND tore re tranks. Man O. Buren, ,179 H. C'L - f THE I HOUSE OF HALF A MILLION sad en bargains, we ey, sail or exchange anything verythiag' la the liae f iank r second head ffoeda. 8ee ae Wore ya bay er aelL la berk JTnak Cr Remember r tha plaee, 402 N. Coaiaiereial St. Phone 623. THE. WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL- AND COMMUNITY SINGING A eaperiallr ge4 aeleetie of the eeaca yea bare beea wanting, with werda and nuiifl rem pie te. No matter bew maay oafbooki yoa hare, you ahould bare thia eae. roataiaing tbe Orecoa aonga. Prims-Single repiea. 25e; iaVa eeata earb ia lota of a ooiea er aiere; $12.SO tbe hundred, poatpaid. Srrend edition printed tine heptember. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLT 215 H. Commereiat Bt. Salem. Oregon WOOD FOR BIQ FIR, SECOND GROWTH OAK OAK ! WOOD, 8; LARGE SECOND rrewtb fir. fflJO; mill wood. 62.50. Phone 108F3. DRY, OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR 68 4 ft. aeeend growth, $6.50.. Phone ' 167. i 1 ' -.; FOR BALE BEST ORADE MILL WOOD maple, second growth - and Old fir,- 4 ft. or 16 ia. Fred E. Weill, Pbene 1342. 80S 8. Church. 16 INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD 93.SO per lead. Dry planer weed. $3.60 per load, Tracy- Wood Co. Pbene 620. FOR. RENT.. AFARTiatNTS ROUBEKEEPINO APARTMENTS FOR for rest. 447 Center atreet. FOR RENT ' NICELY FURNISHED apartmeat. 818 N. Commercial. . APARTMENT FOR - RENT 899 NORTH Commercial - - ROOM! AMD BOARD FOR l RENT ROOM WITH BOARD. Home pririleges. Call 624 N. Cap- r itol. ; j ' BOOMS CLEAN, NEAT SLEEPING ROOMS, $8 to pa.ao per week. Apartments, 93 The Leonard Hotel, S54 N. Front. Phone 102. FOR RENT BUTTE OF TWO LARGE room wita prirata bath, will be rac atad aooa. - Ala separata room. , The Alaxaadria, 1080 Cbemeket St. Pbene 1260. . . . - FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN ia modera borne aad centrally looated. , Please giro same aad address. S, . ear I ta teaman. - . I. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED PURNITURJaV TOOLS, ETC. 2-none : six. WANTED rONE , TYPEWRITER DESK and some transfer eases. Most be eheap. .Bos "A-44. , Statesman. PW ANTED EVEKTTHINO IN HARD- ware ana furniture. Beet prieea paid . ItUi Uaru'AL naSUWAJMi 285 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 WANTED -FURNITURR TOOLS, MA- cainery, avocx, ate. wui pay lor ess or sell oa oommisalon. , Phon 511. Woodry. the Aaetioaeer. OLD MATTRESSES .MADE OVER Capital Cite Bedding- Co-.- Phone 19 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY. , THE livestock, furniture, real estate auc tioneer. Phone 611 for sale dates. ites. 1810 N. Hummer. Auto Directory " -in STORAOB OABAQS JTRACY'S 43TORAGE GARAGE 544 rerry sxreet. AUTO T0P8 AUTO ,TOPS W C. WRIGHT. 171 ovum nia. AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK nawaee. 668 South 12th. pboae lllt. ' TTJtXB ASJ ACCEaSOBIES 8MvFHAT1Na'.,147 NORTH HIGH, Fisk. Silverton Annl . i tireee. Everything for an to ; BATTERY AND IXE(rrRICXAJf AUTO ELECTRICTAN ; EXPERT TROU shooting. 218 K. High. Pheae PRESTO-UTE v BATTERY - SERVICE 2!iH?'5wEiPb'tX eleeerieal ' JT??5 ' ?ba 1803, 418 PAorrnra GARAGE ARB REPAIR HOFFMAN A ZOSEIV TIRE REPAIR teg, valcanising. reeadiag; 197 South Commercial street. Pboae 471. FENDERS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED , Salem Auto Radiator Shop. 198 si asta street. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. HTT.t.KBl j45 venter. - rasas ssu. . CAPITAL OARAGE BUICK. 8TUDE- bax-er repairing. ,, n booth liberty, Phone 88. USED CARS FOR SALE 1917 5 PASSENGER light car, good oonditton. good tires, $150. Merobaata DoUvary, 654 Ferry street.'-..- - FOR SALE OR TRADE REO TRUCK. 1921 model, perfect conditio. . Will trade for real estate, produce or . will ell on aasy term. Thin la an exees- ' tonally good any. I It yon want a reel good bargain apply Immediately. Pboae or can, mo reopie e yean psore. RADIATOR SHOPS J. O. BAIR, RADIATORS. FENDERS. Boat repatre. - - see- rerry. CARPENTER CARPENTERS WAGE REDUCTION Now yont can afford to o that eoatem p)etdfea41diav - -Will- farnish- - first elasa earpentera at $5.50 per day. No iob too large er to email. K. W . Mclatirs, eoatractor, $10 8. WinUr 6trat, , . .. ... BUSINESS CARDS CLEAJmO PRESSTRO CLEANINOv PKK8HIXO DOXR TO TOUR eattsf action. Called fer aad delivered. Tbe Toggery, 1H75 State. Pboae 842. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATIXO MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, lltt North Commercial Satreet. Pbeaia 956. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUMf trRES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High fit, pboae- 283. DKUa STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT rneae jaa. - - rarAJrciAb MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND. u, a. uayiant,. ac state atreet. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM property; - Fer snick serrieo se Jos eph Barber Boa. 200 Gray Bldg. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN as societies) ha aaeoey to- loaa at aix percent. W, D. Smith, aocretary-treaa-arer. 803 Salem Bank of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN I CAN GET YOU a government (arm loaa or a oaa oa any good chattel or real estate security. Or insure your buildings; or can sell yoar real 'estate if priced right. If yon want W sell see me. Joha H. Beott, 229 Orev Btdg.' - ' ELECTRICIANS SECURE JsTY FIOCRES ON. WIRING. By contra- a hour. Af ore-war prices. II. W. Hatch, phoae 1744 W. FURNITURE STORES FRANK P; RICHTER NEW. SECOND hand furniture. 349 N. Commercial Phone 452. FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Kefintahing and apholstering a apeeialty. Phone 1742. Brown and Groves, 1201 Bouth Commercial. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for sale. Smith's, 30 X North Commer cial. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. Balrh, agent, room 5, MeCoraack Bldg. Phone 90. j HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEL ROOMS A K D Doaro. Laaea. counter. uppoatto V. E. Depot. State aad High. Ladles Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. EBCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets. Phone 1043-R, 891 B. 19th. FANCY WORK NEEDLEWORK AND EMBRODERY shop. Jessie '. MeCnae. Tallmaa a Piano Store, 121 South Commercial.' DRESSMAKING WANTED--PLAIN SEWING AND HAND work. Call 631-R. LA CLASIQUE GOWN SHOP EXCLU3 tve models. Expert designing. 831 Va State.. - CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING. aesigning. epeneer corsets to order. 2 McCornsck Bldg. DRESSMAKING TAILORING; MRS. uoodwta. 445 N. Commercial. MRS. C. JEP80N MODISTE; 2567 use. - mono vzs. THE ADSITTS ARE -PREPARED TO 6 aay and aB kinds of ladies' tailor ing, for old and new easterners. 852 N. 12th St. Phone 2085-R. MRS. VABTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER aiadiea' suits aad gowns. Over Mil ler'a Store. i MESDAMES. SCOTT CHA8E DRESS- makers. 219 State St. Phon 937. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER e 1710 oeuevno Bt.- RUTH Mc ADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 poutn tztn. moat 1824-M. MTI.T.TNEBY HATS FROM fin UP MRS. 0. A. wimm.- 6i ueurt 8t. HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. 1615 N. Commercial. Phon 1352-W. SALEM ELITE i HEMSTITCHING, pleating, buttons, itsnrping and needle work. 329 Oregon Bldg. Phone 879. MRS.- BRECKEN RIDGE HEMSTITCH ing, mail orders solicited. 175 8. 19tb. Phon 174 M. ? ' MRS. F. E. MUtL HEMSTITCHING. , stamping; braiding, bead embroidery. buttons. Room 10, over Miller a store. Pboae 117. PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAND PLEATING, 890 ooutn zotn. rnone 7VH-H1. MEDIC AZ. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY LAUNDRIES HOME LAUNDRY WORK DONE Phone 1750. . . SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 186 S Liioeny arrewi. . . rnone za. via largest best. , Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY . quality work, prompt 4 service. : 1964 Broadway. Phone 165. PAINTING CONTRACTORS "ENDURANCE,";; A PAINT YOU CAN rely on. Max O. Bnrea, 179 X. Com'l. PAINT1NO AND DECORATING HIGH elasa work for particular people; In D. Brandon, eoatractor. 865 North. High. paone r49-J. IVORY ENAMELS PAINTS AND HIGH grade varnishes. Max O. Bursa, 179 . - Com'tv'- t "1 AURRRY H f!I, aR.K PA rSTfXfl PIP ereangmg, keisomtniag. work smar- xerms reaaonaoiv. , rnone 2035-J. 1464 Perry. - PERIODIOALS MISS GOODHUE 1 TAKES SUB SCRIP sions tor an msraaiwe. 251 cl. 17th street. Phono 741-M. PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES C ALIFORNT A PTUrt'wr nn rv "aria, touet artielee. Mr. Moyer, "outn asrd. Phone 1334. NURSERY STOCK FRUTTLAND NURSERY SALES YARD tiafLiLf V street, x-nons COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL ."'WH capital City ar- -- ' vrvgo etiag. rnons 7 CHOICE srTS.AWTiarnw mva vv SL5tS5::?tt?0'a- No. 12 L No. 80, ing. Treble, ' WHson. uvia uaiisr, flaw Urea-cm. RvarKaar Ward K. Rich araeoa, sawa rront. PLUMBINO PLUMBING 950-M. 75a PER HOUR, PHONE PLUMBINO REPAIRING AND COTL work. Phone 1387-J. 8 hep, 127 Uaioa mtrm. - a. u. xrooirey. ; NORTHWESTERN? PIPE "CO. " WHOLE aaia ana man plumbing supplies. 219 .... vTraimririat. rww I IV, FRTVATE HOSPITALS PRIVATE MATERNITY . HOSPITAL at Aorta. . .mat . Bt. Mrs.- J. P. 1 sua. ... . BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL FRAN KLIN LAUSER PIANO. 17th. Phoae 1W W. iaa x. MRS. nEXRT LEE PIANO, 1321 N Capitol. Phone 1017 W. LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL credits given. 836 N. High. Phone 1)71 W. 1 MINN ETTA MAGERS VOCAL. DERBY Bidg. Friday afternoon. Saturday. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IN atraction. Phone 834. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. North Winter. Pboaa 345 J. 267 NELLIE MULKRT STONE PIANO 373 LeslM. Phoae 751-W. ALLIE CHANDLER PIASO. North Cottage. Phone 829-W. 251 BEATRICE SHELTON PIANO 8TUDIO 343 Marion. Pboae 1299. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO. 894 North Church. Phono 178. T. 8. ROBERTS PIANO, ORGAN, 270 South 14th. Phone 79. DAN . F. LANGENBERQ, , VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS -Phone 1134 M. PIANO. 1472 Mill MOLL1E STYLES VOICE, PIANO. 859 Center. l'hcee 2016 K. JULIA MILLS WEIGEL-LPIANO. 15C0 South Church. Phone 1391 R LL'CILE ROSS PIANO. ORGAN. 493 North Liberty. Phoni 1I87 W. . MATTIE GILBERT STRING 1NSTRU ments. 1572 State. Phono 1156-R. RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYISO 12 lessons guaranteed. Waterman sys tem. '. h. Clark, Mgr.. 444 State. MISS M ABLE SHEPHERD PIANO player; dances, all occasions. 257 N. Liberty. ) BERTH A JUNK DARBY. AUTHORIZED teachrr, Uodowsky Progressive Series. Piauo 679 North Cottage. Phone 1950-W. WESTERN CONSBBVATORY OP MUS ie of Chicago. Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Diplomaa granted. Odu Feliowa' Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC All branches taught diplomaa graatrd. . John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court. Phone 62. TUNERS WENDELL. HELM i TUNING, REPAIR- ing. Phone 983. JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER; Moore-Dunn C. Representative of 8bcrmsa Clsy ft Co. Phono 506. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Siano taaer. Leave orders Will's laaie Store. TALLMAN PTAXO REPAIR SHOP Tuning, refiniahing, rebuilding; player piano expert. Phone 1059. 121 South Commercial. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS. STEIN- ways. Duvo-Art, and others. Moore Dunn Music Store. Maaonie Templet PHONOGRAPHS STRADIVARI PHONOGAAPH KNOWN for tone. Retailing at factory price. Room 7, Patton Block. $250 PATHS PHONOGRAPH THAT IS slightly shop worn and gau worth oi records on sale for 9150. Small pay ment down, $10 per mofUb. places this instrument in your borne H. L Stiff Furniture Co. V1 MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONQ- grspbs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies.: Repairing phono graphs snd sewing machines. 482 State, Salem. s DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. R L White, principal Phone 27B-J. PRnrrxNG FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, see" Bertelsen, printer. "Y" Building. - SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICK Saowearda that talk. 424 H. Commer cial. Phon 546i ; - RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT M08T REASON- able prices. Johnson-Barry. 159 o. High. SAVE MONEY BY EATING- AT RES- tauTsnt upstairs. 185 South Commer cial. NOODLE PARLORS BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE. 189 S. Liberty. WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 439 SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High. SECOND HAND - GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call aad deliver Capital Exchange. 842 North Commercial, i Phone 1368 W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pips ratings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools and chains. Fred Schindler. 258 Center atreet. ' TAILORS FRANK PA LM MERCHANT TAILOR. 911 8. High snd Ferry. STOVES STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot national fence, sixes 26 to 28 inches high Paints, oil and varnishes, etc, logan berry and bow- bowk - Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street Phone 124. ... SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fase of all kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phone 167- STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF- ferent in photography. 147 w. com t. MASSAGE EXERCISES MASSAGE AND EXERCISES GET RID of dead tissues, anaecessary. iieao. Coaeaatioaav Inflammatio : helD Bow 1. KieVneva and Liver to junction ria-ht br taking treatments at the Swedish Institute, 802 Oregon Bldg Phone 659. TRANSPORTATION SALEM-SILVERTON STAGE Lesvea : Leaves Salem Bilverton O. E. Depot New stand t:oo a.m. ana a-m , , ,aa . M 1 -OO m m 6:00 p.m.. P-- unv-UATTTtt STini Leave Salem. O. E.i Depot 7:00 ia 11:00 a.m 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel B:i5 aJn, i TABODdeBo a Hot) 9:80 a.m l.-ia pj, o:aw p.. , special trips y appomimviia. Seven past eager car for hire. Re. Phone 615-J. i Bnaiaeae phone 7 TRANSTER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 26 , Stat , Btu Phon aa. . iiistrioauag. forwarding and atorag nr specialty Get r rates. 3 ' t . Read the Classified. - Ads. BUSINESS CARDS TAXI DIRECTORY LAXHAM TAXI COMPANY ! PHONE 540. . 1 THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO, Liberty Ferry. Pbene 77. Dry. slab 14-inch wood for aale. WOOD SAWS CITY AND CVUNTRT WOOD SAWING. . Phoae 2046. Fisher Bros. WALL PAPERS ROOMS PAPERED INCLUDING NITTY catotit border. $6.65. Pboae ltva-W The Dell. OUR WALLPAPERS ARK ; A SENSA- ties ia lew prices. Max t. 17 N. Com'l. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FR&NT AND Kerry; Stores everything except ex ptostves. Apply Fry's Dror Store. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office, 301 Boutb Com'l St. Tea per cent discount domestie flat -rates paid ia advance. No deductions for absence or aay eanse ualesa water is hat off your, premise. PROFFESIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 322 Stat St. Patton Bldg. Phone Jj7. CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Applianres from iodi vidual impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic Bli'g. Phone 442. - OPTICIANS POMEROY k KKKN E J KWELKRS ASH Optometrists. 3lt State. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR detle at the Bow Optn-al Company, 325 State atreet, opposite Ladd and Bush Bank. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, P.S.C CHIROPRAC tor, 309 13 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; res. 828-R. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. BRADFORD and Bradford: graduates and post graduate of the first chartered achnol of Chiropractors in the world. Ten years in practice. Consultation and examination free. Phon 526 Room 819 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATHICPHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 506 U. S. Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician snd surgeon. Kirksville graduate. 404 405 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone, office, 919; res. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeoa, 403-404 Ore gon .Bldg. Phones, office, 1394; res. 58F5. LODGE DIRECTORY- UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5. Armory. First, third Mondays REAL ESTATE $350 OR MORE DOWN WILL BUY good 5 room bungalow, .modern ex cept basement: 2 large lots, barn, abun dance of fruit, on good street north. Bsrgsin price $2100. S. R. PEARSON 210-211 U. S. Bank Bldg. CANADIAN FARM EXCHANGE I have some excellent Canadian wheat farms aad ranches for exchange, some siocsea ana equipped, free of incum brance ; some with small incumbrance 640 acres snd up. I have bad 15 year experience operating ; and dealing with Canadian landa. Now1 ia the time to get it worth tbe money. Let me give yon particulars. 817 Lewis Bldg. Portland. W. G. Ide. 9 35-100 ACRES LEVEL LAND. ALL IN cultivation ana fenced; watered by well and pump, no house; haa barn, 20x26 and garage; is only one mile to Salem and school, on good graveled road, and ia a good place for the price. $4500, cash to handle $2000. L A. HAYFORD 805 State St. FOR SALE Nice 23 acres tract with good banding on good road, telephone and H.t .u. All in cultivation, for quick -sals price B03UU. Nic improved 24 acre tract with set buildings, some fruit, all in cnltirstion Price $4000. Will take soldiers' loan We make a specialty of exchanges: If you want to sell bay or trade see . H, L MARSTERS 2121 Gray Bldg. Phone -907 FOE SALE 5 ROOM MODERN BUN gulow, furnace, garage, paved street. ;i600. 5 room bungalow, well built in, cement basement, 82000. 8 room new house, close in, all built in features, break- fast room., sleeping porch.- fireplace, cement basement, corner lot. $6300, WINNIE PETTYJOHN 331 4 State St. Phone 534 BARGAIN ONE -WHOLE BLOCK COM prising 13 lots, or nearly 2 acres. Not far from a. Commercial street. blocks from psve street. Price 91500 R. A, Mohney, 209 Oregon Bidg. FOR SOME REAL FARM BARGAINS SEE A. C, BohrnstQdt 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Or. Good Buys ancl Exchanges 10 acres at Falls City, bouse and barn. some fruit. Price 1800.- Trade for house in Salem. Wanted, a large stock and grain farm not. less thaa 800 acres. See as about exchanges. Ws bsve some good ones. THOMASON 8314 State straet Wood's Bargains Nifty new bungalow, with cement base ment and baiit-m 11 xt urea, close in. with furniture; immediate possession $3600. easy terms. Fine seven room bungalow, tw lot and garage, east Salem, 94000. 10 room good house. large lot eloae in $5500. 12 room house, corner lot, close in $6000. Rent ed $65 per month. lO acres fin land. all under plow, close in, a snap at $200 per acre. Good farm. $60 per acre... Basinesa property to trade -for farm. House to reat. close in, r. L. Wood. 841 State St. Best Buys and Exchanges 18 room apartment bouse, exchange for 5 room bungalow and cash. Price $7500; will give terms on difference. Lot in sooth Salem and 20 acres to trse far honae not over 82500. 320 acres in Minnesota to exchange for 10 to 20 acre tract in tne vauey, win assume tone. 308 acres well Improved dairy, exchange for smaller place in vicinity f Salem. Silverton. Woodbnrn. Jefferson. Marion. Shaw or Macleay; this ia a very fiae farm, photo and fall particulars are . at our oflico. Price eiza per acre, c-ive vour nriee ia inuuirr. 412 acres, absolutely one of the finest ranches in the valley. 350 acres cul tivated. 60 acre timber. 54 acre ? 1 year old prance, family orchard, 173 fall grain, very beet f moder im provements, electric lights, sewer eoa- ; section, on pavement at college town; Will exchange for California , ranch. " Price $300 per r. ' 8 room boose to rent. $95 per month. S0C0L0FSKY A. 41 8tate REAL ESTATE BARGAIN SIX ROOM BUNGALOW ON graveled atreet. wear school. Kxaeger. 2"9 Orerwa Bidg. FOB SALE 45 ROOM HOUSE. GOOD location, pave.' street. Reaaoaable by Owner. 497 N 18th FOR SALE GOOD CORNER LOT ON &atav Winter street. Less thaa three btoeke fram pot tef fire. Price $1000. Xroeger. 309 ejreeoa Bldg. URHOME BUYER "S OC CAN BUT A room bungalow lees tbta a year eld for SOO lews- thaa I was offered for it aiso asowthe ago. Has baaemeat. Dutch kiscaea, elosets aad aleepiag porch. $100 will handle it. See it today. 125 Leffelle. RANCH FOR CITY rROPERTT. OR what hava yow. .Bargain ia 6 roam house, easy terms. Good car wanted on good boms ia Sa l.m. ; Money to loaa. W writ fire insurance Joseph Barber & Son" 200 Gray Bldg. THIS EIGHT ROOM nOFSE MUST BE looked into if ye need a beautiful borne and lota of fruit for your family at once. At 95250. fiertrude J. M. Pag-v 492 N.' Cottage St. CITY HOUSES CITY LOTS. BUNGA lowa, small and Urge acreage, rlose ia aacV far out: exchanges ia city and country. Brown A M -, o'ti Hut iek'e store. State sad Comii.ercial, Phone 559. WORTH WHILE ' ! Two warehon&e sitf-s in goo.1 location. Trackage in. v-ry reaaaiaUle prie. 5 room luodorn hoiiae with ." lolt, well located. OuLr S.'iOO. 14. a- re farm eloae to town. . Cood soil. gooil buildinrs. OiiU US per acre. MILLS & COPLEY 33 IM State btreet GOOD BUYS 10 acres of orchard and berries. 4 room ceiled bonne, garage. rbicLra home. 8 acres prunes. 1 ' acre logans. some apples and gooseberries. Price $TjIHM. ICO acre farm, tt.r acres ef sniomerf allow wheat, buildings, spring water Price $80 per rr. 100 acres of good second growth fir timber. Price $63 per acre. Good fi room modern bungalow, located east Salem. Price 83750. Good 6 room modern home on State street. Price $5500. $ W. H, Grabenhorst & Co, 275 State street SPECIAL 101 acres part- in berries, 6 miles ent Price 820O0. Will up to $4O00 and pay on good- roaa. take good home eaah difference THOMASON 331V4 State street FINE POULTRY FARM OF 18 ACRES near city, with all equipment and ver 1000 choice birds: with modern home. At the right price and on rood terms. Square Deal Co. 202 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 470 PUBLIC NOTICES XOTICH TO .)XTItACTORS Sealed bids will lfe received by the Board of Directors of School District No. 11, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon, until 8 p. m., Saturday, February Jl, 1922, for the erection and completion of a public school building according to plans and specifications as pre pared by Pugh & Hughes, of Sa lem, Oregon. s The successful bidder must take as part of the contract price "X acres of land at $75 per acre, which land Is being 5 donated to ward tbe cost of the building. Operations on the building must begin by March 1, 1922, and muct be completed by August 15, 1922. A certified check for 5 per cent of- the amount must accompany the bid. A $15 deposit with clerk required for plans. - The School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids By order of the School Board of District No. 11, Aumsrille, Marlon County, Oregon. W. K. WINSLOW, Chairman E. T. PIERCE, Clerk. CAPITOL, Rl fLIHNG Salem. Oregon. A special, meeting of the Desert Land Board was held' in the Cap itol building at 2 o'clock p. m., Friday, January 27thf 1922. Present: Ben W. Olcott, Governor, chair man, ' Sam A. Kozer, Secretary or State, : O. P. TToff, State Treasurer, t. 17. Van WInkI0, Attorney General, Percy A. Cupper, State Engi neer, secretary, J. L. McAllister, Assistant Sec retary, Thereupon the following pro ceedings were had, to-wit: Whereas; a certain contract dated June 21st. 191. by and be tween the Desert Land Board, acting for and on behalf of the State of Oregon, and. the Jordan Valley Land and Water Company, provides lor the construction -, of the irrigation system for the Jor don Valley Irrigation project in accordance with certain plans and specifications, and the state law authorizing the same, and Whereas, on or about June.l, 1920. all construction work ceased and has not been resumed to date. which cessation is in direct viola tion of said contract of June 21st, 1918, and the state laws under which it is written, and , Whereas, a certain contract dated May 27th, 1921 by and be tween the Desert Land Board, acting for and on behalf of the State of Oregon and -the Jordan Valley Land and Water Company, provided that certain funds: should be ma-db immediately available for construction purposes, and that construction work should be resumed within sixty: days from the date thereof, and Whereas,; bo funds have been made available to date, and con straction work has not been re sumed as provided fori in said con tract of May 27, 1921. and Whereas, written notice of the cessation of work! under said con tract of June 21, 1918, and of the failure to resume work and other wise carry out the term of said eontrac of May 27,; 1921, has bceff gfven as required by law, more than sixty1 days ha evaosed since thai srivlnr of ancb -oice. and said company has ! fi'ed to proceed with the' work jr f conform to the specifications ui tt cuuiracis wua me eiaie. and AO oytensioB of tlm has been given, and tVTiere, this sad other brearh et o( tbe contracts subject tbe Mime to foreflture, snd un!er the Jaw 1IH4he duty of the Bard so to declare; . Now. Therefore, be ft Ordered, That said contracts of Jane 21. 1918. and May 27. 1921, and all works constructed for the reclam ation of the Jordan Valley Irriga tion project, together vita - all rifrhts Incident thereto, are here by declared forfeited to the State of Oregon, as provided by law. S And it Is further ordered, that notice of this declaration be riven by publication once week for period ot four weeks ia tbe Jor dan; Valley Express, s newspaper of general circulation published in the county of Malheur, Stats of Oregon, the eonnty in which the work is situated and in The Statesman,! a newspaper of gene ral circulation, published In tbe City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, tbe seat of the state capi tal.::. - ' . . And it is further ordered, that upon 4 he tenth day of May, 1922, up to the hour ef 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, pro posals will be received at the of fice of the Secretary of the Des ert Land Board, in the Capitol building, in the City of Salem. Marion County, Oregon, for the purchase of, the incompleted works, and for the completion of the j irrigation works in accord ance with the plans .And specifi cations therefor, which plana and specifications and. the conditians therein contained. are thereby, by reference jmaire a part of this no tice. The Hoard reserves tbe right to reject any and all bids, and; tbe Secretary of the Board is hereby instructed to secure the publication of this declaration as herein provided. No further business appearing. I he meeting adjourned. ? KEN W. OI.C0TT. Governor, Chairman. . SAM A. KOZER. Secretary of State. O. P. HOFF, State Treasurer. I. H. VAN WINKLE, Attorney General. PERCY A. CUPPER, StaLa Engineer, Secretary. Attest: J. L.. McAllister, ; Assistant Secretary. STATE OF OREGON. County ot Marion. ss. I. Percy A. Cupper, State En gineer and Secretary of the Des ert Land Board of the State of Oregon, and custodian of Its rec ords,- do hereby-certify that the above and foregoing copy of an order "entered by the Desert Land Board at a special meeting held at 2 o'clock-p. m., Friday, Janu ary 27th. 1922. in the matter .-of the forfeiture of certain contracts betweeh the Desert Land Board and the Jordan Valley Land and Water Company, dated Jane. 21, mis, ana aias zi, izi, is a iuu, true,, and correct copy of the original order as it appears on pages 244 and 245,. of volume s. record of" minutes of the Desert Land Board, in my custody, and of the whole thereof. 14 Witness Whereof, I hare hereunto set my hand this 27th day of January; 1922. r PERCY A CUPPER, State Engineer, Secretary of the '. Desert Lana uoara. m ACTIVE Eastern interests Are, Cred ited With Heavy Pur chases of Wheat CHICAGO. Jan. 30. -- Buying power in wheat today was the most active that It has been seen in several months. Estimates were current which emphasized smaljness of farm reserve sup plies of wheat and of milt and ele vator stocks. The close was firm, 1-2 to 11-8 net higher with May 1. ID 3-4 to 1.19 7-8 and July 1,05 1-8 to 1.05 1-4. Corn fin ished 1-8 to 1-4 down and oats ot? 1-8 Lto , 1-8 Cf 1-4. The provision outcome was five to thorty cents advance. -. Eastern interests In particular wer credited with heavy buying of wheat and a big elevator con oera;here was also said to have taken hold freely as a purchaser. Nevertheless, during the first part of the Bession the amount of sell ing to realize profits was -of suf ficient volume to make prices av erage lower, and it was approach ing mid day before upturns in price acquired much' impetus. Meanwhile estimates ot farm re serves were circulated, patting the total at 140,000,000 bushels as against 264,000,000 bushels a year ago. Hedging sales against , par- chases of corn to- arrive had a de pressing influence on the volume of corn and oats. Besides, the vis ible supply both of corn and oats showed a fair increase. . Higher Quotations on hogs, to gether with some expert business in lard did much to left the price of provisions. t ,' DAHIT POTATOES PORTLAND, Ore., Jan; 30. Batter: Prints extras 41c; cubes extras 33c; prime firsts, 32c Butterfat, Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream, 47c Potatoes: Bnying price, locals, 1.250 1.50; selling price $1.60 1.75, .. 1. .. . "- . . fruit . ..:;:H r NEW TORK, Jak. 30. Evapo rated apples firm y state 15 Q 17 cents; prunes Irregular; Califor nias 616; Oregon 6 3-4014; extra choice 14 3-4 Q 15 1-2; fancy 1720. BffliGPtu "REALTY EXCHANGES Reported by Union Abstract ;.; -jxaiaiAyv.;..; ' ti and Marr A. Stoddard to Caroline. WesU. part of block 47 North Sa4em, l5. -R, J, and Emma U llerschbacn to W.-E. and L. MANesgitt, part of block 28 Nob Hill anner to Sa le $690. h : - t --v -i ... Ma and Mra. A. findley to Una A Cotton, part ot lot 3, Smith Fruit Farms. H. ' t - J. C-Dawson t Etnmett Smith, land. la Silverton, $50. - Christian 5rabR to W. J. Un foot,, half acre in B. S. Bonne, DLC, 5-1-W, $10,m; . i - O. Jt and ' Aaha Anonby to , Hugh W. and Merle E. Malloa. lot y Whitney acres. .Hugh. W. and Merle E. Mallow to Oie and Anna Anonby, land la Lincoln county, Oregon, S10 and other eoncideratloa,. c'- Herman and Mary X WalU to Herman N. Walta, block, 41, St, Pauf, $1, love and- affection. Herman and Mary A. Waits to Herman N. Walts, lots 1 and C. block 3$. St. Paal,' $1, love and affection. . . . - T. D. Allen to . D. and Mary Chedster, lots 23, 24. 25. it and 27, Allen's second addition to Sil verton, $1200.- Jennie and E. R. Lawrence to W. A. iJiwrVnc, 10 acres jlst sec. 25,,6-1-E $1500. . v , , Pauline Hoffman et-4tlto M'ary SchalU. lot 3 block II, Hubbard, $12S. . t ' . A. O. and Ellen StonghtonyJV. acres in lot 10, block 6 Fargo Or chard tracts, $1. . ' , a s. and jKhly M Harometb, to T. C. and Juanitta u, wihb,. lot 3 and part ot lot 4 block 11. Parriah add "B" to Salem. $10. Charles A. Dodge "to WO. W. and Eva Li Powell, lot 5, block 11 Riverside add to Salem, $10.' 1 Jacob -and Ella Ebarly to Ed ward G. Unger. lot 7, .block 2, City Park add to Mt, Angel, $400. Thos and Helena Reillng to Joe E. Miehels and Albert Bourton naJs. part of Jots - aad 3, City PaTk add to MtAhgel and 6.48 acres sec 34-5-1-W, $6000. Herman and Mary A. Walts to Emma S. Gooding, - block 48, Bt. Paul 1 1 .Move an . daf f ectlon. .Erama R and S. H. Schalk to Emma. Clara and Esther M. Wer ner, lot 2, block 1, Church street add to Salem, $3 SO 0. Robert Hinz to Henry Grocbow, part of lots f and 7, block 3 Iteed's add to Salem. $10. A,. Lv and Rose Stoughton to Fargo Orchards company,, lot 3 block A Fargo and 2 1-2 .acres In. lot 10. block Fargo orchards, $1. Fargo Orchards compasy to A. O. Stoughton, part ot lot 8, block 3, Fargo Orchard tractor $10. Fargo Orchard company to A. L. stoughton. part of lot 8. block' 3, Fargo Orchards tracts, $10. Joseph S. and Katie PllnshI to W. W. Emmons, land ia North Salem, $10. ' . f . . H. B. and I. C. Dick to William L. and Anna Stnm, 14 acres ia James L, Kester die 4-1-W, $4300. , . , J. H. and Edythe M. WsgtJfi. blast to Erlo and Roberta Butler lots 9 and 10, block 1, Central add. to Salem, $10 and other. Alice and W. F. Stanton to Arabell Denton 145.85 acres Thomas L. Chase die 5-1-W, $1 and other.' Alice and W. F. Stanton to Ar abell Denton, nnd. halt int, in lot In Woodbnrn, $1. ' i "i I SALEM MARKETS Pries anotoo ar price received, by farm at. V r r fivsa; Wheat No. 1. sacked. 93e. .. Oata, feed. 40e. i . Vetch end oat hay. $19. Clover bay, 910 ii 11. Mill rpa mill fMa. 1189. EOOS, ROTTER 4 B0TTXAFAT Egga. 25a n. ., Creamery batter, dSe, Butterfat, 87e. - .. , . POULT kr . Hens, light. -ISe Q IT. liens, heavy, 20 0 93. CHekwaa- sprtec, i8a. BEXP Ilora. 9e. I v Imb, 9. ' Top eaL 15 0 lotfa. Steers, 6s 0 It, Bulls. 4. , , , Baaaaas, 9V4e. Lemons, 97 AO. Navel raages. $5-- Q 98. -Florida grapfrajL$ A 9TJ0. Catiforala grape fralt, 94.00. BO ET ARLBS Eaater craaberriee, 92s. Sweet petstoos, ( Q . Potstoea, 91.99. . Csbbsg,Jl4e , California tomato, lag, gg.' OBeambera.aa.0O. J CaaUflowsr. 9," Turnips, $3. .1 rr Parsaipa, 99. Orego on iona. 6. . Carrots. 93. . Head lettuce, $3.3 O $3.75. Beotai 93-ftO. Celery, 91-40. -v DATES, PTOi, R0VRT Date, 16. "t'J W.TS. isav- asav-'-r -,u Comb honey, easa. 98.15. Coeosaata. dsea, 31.80. Portland Baytog Prices" k. EOaS, POTJlTRT, XCEATI BUTTERPATTIRM ; No. 1 churning cream, 41H ah Part, land; nndergrades. tit W EGG JJ WEAK i LOWIB ' " Current recaipts, 25 Q 27; gHetts mixed colors. 28e: whit henneries soej delivered. (These onotatmne ar bal ed a prieea paid for to ulk f gara reeeipU by local Jobber, D6 ereamcries.) UVR POULTRY RLOW T ' iss emmisioa ) Heavy hens. 93a 0 24c IKr delirbt, 15 Q I7e lbV: Vl roosters, 10 & 13 lb. ; 4kV whit Pekiaa 35 0 98t d eoVorsA S3 O 35.: stag. 90 21 t "wrw, . .... ' DRESSED M EAT 8 FIRM 3Ar aTd cAiar HAY STEADY, GOOD DEMAND 1 Valley Timothyw 1 " im GRAIN FIRM . .,r,I.k,.Prtl,,nd' U lots) W est. H 0!?.1 C-'" rrara. Oat. 9?.SO t 937.S0; Eastern yelWw.fwn. J4 to;-barley 935' ft fit -,. . , . . .., .. TiVTr. - m YRriT STEADY -Appple 93 4 2.6O her:' fancy. 91 75 Q 93; eranberrW. 9-, .1'7. VXOET AXLES VEGETABLES FIRM' Potato, at sn o 11 11 t . eaulrflewer, $IM Q ljo dose : 7- lr I, i I' i f ; ? j