TilU 0I1LC0M STATnillAN, BALT1U, 0?XCO;l THURSDAY -Mnr.NIKdL -JANUARY 12. 152 ity MARGUERITE CLEESON ONORINO bis lister. Mrs. -age. Two were more thanSO and V V f I Emily Coryell, on the oc- caslon of ber nine-second birthday. y Albert i . Lougbrldge. with Mrs. Loughrldge,' entertain ed the Mlspah Bible class of the Figst " Baptist church Sunday school Monday afternoon. More than 20 were present and alt were more than 60 years ot M TOIUp EDDIE" LA T.IONTAGNE'S BIG FUN SHOW Tomorrow i Doris May and Bull Montana : In j- The Foolish Age" GRAND THEATRE : ova. mra mora thlB 'I WW the ren were between 60 and 70 yean ot age. Mrs,?; J- Skates, who is 4 yeara of age had been Invited to be ' present , but wla to Jllnesa.was unable to attenti. much to the regret of the mem- A large birthday eaae, orna mented with the datev moand 1921 and ten candles was a lent n nf th luncheon hoar. - Nino of the candles were lighted tot th decades she had Juat enterea. Included among the t? Rev. and Mrs. Wl Mill iken. Mr. Loughrldge is teacher of tn Mlepah liie class. 'v xtrm rUmi& West and dangh ter. Jean, of Portland, are t ih nn W. Olcott home. They wiir visit until the first of text ween. .- - - - Of interest to Salem club wo men is tne announcement ot m departnre Sunday from Portland Mm - John Keating of Califor nia. Mrs. Keating Is state regent of the D. A. R. Mrs. Keating was - accompanied ; to ner new home by her children Mies Hallie and Ralph. , -The ITowochee corps .of the Girl Reserves held an open meeting nt the Grant school Tnesday evening. The pantomime, "Wild Nell." was given by the members. Miss Jen nelleVandevort ia leader of the corps. ' ; ' . , , v v - " The Potlach -ciub Jwas. .enter tained last Friday evening at the home .of Mr. and Mm. O. R. Price with a wild" duck dinner;' A' tuia- iature lake centered the table with tiny ducks on The place cards carried out the idea wttn dock ponds decorating; each. The hostess was assustea - m serving by Mrs. H. II. Vandevort. The eenlng- was spent with mu sic and! visiting:. f . v " ; The Hollywood Social cfrele was entertained yesterday at the home of Mm, Walter Da via. The members spent the time p-tKing and carding wool.) Mrs. T. Oi&on ot Bremerton, Wash., was a guest Refreshments were served oy we hostess ! assisted by Mrs. W. W. Fisher nd Mrs. John Gunsley. tn f Arthur Moore is visiting In Portland. ,; f y-, : Mrs. Edward Tlllson 1 of San PranCirco. who has been visiting with Mrs. Richard Cartwrighi. and Mrs. Albert II. GUle, has gone ttt PortUnd. " Dr. and Mrs. William Mott have Just returned , from - Portland where they have been for the week-nd, :' ..'.":;:" t)r. and Mrs. John R. Sites have Just returned from Portland where they 1 were the guests of their son, Armin Sites. 1 - 1 ' .y " s CLldl CAU5NUAH . ; .- f S ; . V , ' . i ! Today Thnrsday club with Mrs. J. Alberts. 10 K Court street. Mrs. C A. Parr. Joint hostess, i .-v " O. JA. aklnb, with Ir. and Mrs. 'Albert T. Andersoa, 1400 North Summer street. Y. M. Cv A. Mothers club. 2:30 in' Y. M. building. W.'R. Ct in armory, all day meeting, quilting., , ,ry V' r Friday -- Missionary society of First ConKreratlonat J chhreb. tn v!t. church, parlors. ; ..j v Women's' Missionary soclc- J f y " t h 5 flrat Bantist chureb; " huarterly : meeting. ; 2:30: . f Ratnrday . Ralem Women's club. Com mercial club rooms. SEVERE BALE , Shipping In Harbor Hard Hit and.Liners Are Held at Quarantinti LEAKING SHIP IS SAFE One Man Blown Into Taxi cab Falling Tree Takes Life of Girt . NEW YORK. Jan. 11. (By the Associated Press. ) This sec tion was ; lashed today by the worst gale of the winter gale that at t p clock reached a veloc ity of so miles an hour oft Sandy Hook. ' 1 Ushered; is with snow that later turned to hail and rain, the storm buffeted New Yorkers without mercy, hurling many to the ground. Window glass fell tink ling Into the street, mail pack age1 boxes were blown over and traiflc generally nampered. Many pedestrians wer.e injured. ! Shipping Hard Hit Harnor traffic was hard hit. A number orsmall boats were blown from their, mooriags,. and incom ing liners Were held at quarantine by high! winds. Some concern was felt for the disabled army transport Cook with nearly 1000 passengers anoard, .despite wire less messages that the repairs had been made and all was well. is to vtsr nctioit Trill be , taken ; with reference vto the recoramea dations. : v The y Teeomtaeadationa follow: y--. : r I - "A. -i Y -"i' : -rhat the optrating officers ot this railway, through strict su pervision, ascertain that all rules are fully- and specifically; com plied with and that each execu tive and every employe should be held - responsible for non-compliance therewith to the degree ol the responsibility placed In them. 'That the mies relating to sin gle tracking ot double track' ter ritory be absolutely adhered to and that in eases of Emergency re quiring the detoaring ot trains, all orders should . be! transmitted by operators placed, at the points ol connection. : tr Tbat mere snouid be a cross over- estabusned at the point known as Oregon trunk junction to rtbe safe and convenient op eration ot trains." 1 In its conclusion the commis sion holds that train No. 17, pnr suant to orders issued, was a an. perior. train and had the right of way over train No. 12 on the east bound main line, also that train No. 12. being the inferior train, should not have occupied the east- Xund main line track. . Sullivan of Seattle Declares Mrs. Obenchain Loved Kennedy to Last "4 . . 1 v 1 t,flW A(L It? say ueion. wy ---She' was indeed his to the end. iir; Sullitan also: assailed tn testimony ot prosecution witness es who told of the movements of Bnrch from the traae nc ten t-van-ston on July 21 last to.the time ot his arrest, deciannr tney naa given contradictory testimony, and that some oi - mem bm proved "liars by the cl-" His argument had not been completed when court adjourned untu . w tomorrow morning. yt y TESTIMONY IS ASSAILED I SHERIDAN NOTISS j ; ; h- Argurrtent of Assistant Dis trict Attorney is Answer- f . ed by Counsel ' . I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FrWay--6atrday ;. ?r - Sunday r : --'Four- TJj AcM--"i VACDEVnXE " CJuarantce! tlo ' invest .and D&t , Show la Towa,. 85c, Why' Pay tor FOR SALE ON SOLDIER LOAN plan Good modern, seven-room bungalow. - Price $4000. So colotsky. Realtor, 541 State St Phone 70v - "; -Classified A'dlqThV j. Statesman' Bring Besui: j it I SHERIDAN, Jan.! 11 A large coyote was killed In the hills near Sheridan a day or i two aro. but not before the anlmaf had killed several sheep for jthe stockmen nearby.' -.r. i p;.-. f Mrs: F- M. Arnold, a former resident of Sheridan but now of Portland, was operated on; last week at St. Vincent hospital tor go'tre, and. at lastireport was In a very serious condition. . ' '.Miss Delia Browi of Sheridan, who has been in a Portland hos pital for some timehas returned s.nd ia being cared for at the home " for- . ' :., gamv.,:i 4 s-; LADIES' PURSES . In many shades of different leather, also Black Velvet bags, pne large lot of these specials for Thursday Selling at each , . : .;;;v:y$9;y-.:V;' BOYS' SWEATERS : . Coya Slip Over WooLSweaters in fancy stripes. Sizes 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34. Buy one for the boy at this ' "special price. Thursday at each 4 v ' " $3.45 BOYS' CAPS Boys Wool knitted caps in a large variety of fancy colors to choose from. Special for Thursday selling at each ' 1 y ' ' , ' 4 " ' C 48' W6m DEPARTMENT STORE Phoiie 132 ' ' ; . . ' 177 No. IJlwrty St of her sister In the country. ' Urn Mlltnn Pnltitr ta nulla ill Outside the city the full strength . irA wm hk of (be Moral WM f.lt. NewJeTvlhMDlt. . : . . T Committees Named by Y. W. for Year 1922 ,i i - The standing f committees of the Y. W. C A! for the year ot 1922 were named at the meeting of the hoard Tuesday. The chair men ot th other f committees form the- finance committee of which Mrs. A..N. Bush is chair man. Mrs. H. 8. Oile was chos en by the hoard to direct the camnalrn for fundi which win be put on In February. Not all members of the various committees, except -the finance committee, are members ot the board ot directors. The chair men in all cases are members of the board. (Tne members of tne committees are: Olrla work;. j. Mrs. H. S. Glle. chairman; Mrs. James Falrchlld, Miss Eva Scott and Miss Esther Natterlund. Physical: i Mrs. . David Wright, chairman; Mrs, " A..F. Marcus. Mrs. H. H. Tandervort and Miss Agnes Bayne. Social: Mrs. ' O. O. Brown, chilrmsn; Mrs. R. E. Lee Stetner, Mrs. A. J. Rahn. Mrs. W. C. Dyer and Mrs. Max Buren. House: Mrs. , J. H. Albert, chairman, and Mrs. L. H. Mc Mahon - 7 -.- ' f Religious: Mrs. F. A. Elliott, chairman and Mri. Alice Dodd.x 1 Reading and publicity: Miss Elizabeth Putnam, chairman, and airs, wiiiiam Fleming. Membership:: Mrs. U. O sey and uong Island especially along the coast, were hard swept and at several points a tangle of telephone and telegraph wires was reported...- Air If lot IIa Trouble At Garden CIt L. I... Pilot C. R. D. Culver, flying a mail plane from - Chicago.' reported he had been unable to land even tbough he gave his plane the gas and nosed her down almost perpen dicularly.! Encountering a freak wind that swtried ttpward.V the machine, hose' down, , seemed to hang 'for several moments in: the air; Then the pilot flew over Haselhurst field and anchored hi sleet-covered ship by lashing It to a motor truck. Tom Breen,' 28 years old. de spite his best ertorts, was blown Into a taiicab-that atood nearby with its door open. ' The oxacbine tools: him to a hospital, where he was treated for nsvere concus sions. A -.; i-; : r. - .-.- .- .Xs CIri : Killed - , '. - Wind blown missiles of various kinds koncked several pedestrians down. " One, Anna Lacart, 14,'Was killed by a blow from a limW of a tree. r ' , -r .-r'1 Seceral persons were hurt when portions of , roofs and building cornices were r blown into the street. ' v y Dr. and Mrs. R. iO. Pray spent Saturday and Sunday in Portland. Kenneth Banister has returned from a business. trip to Salem. The Civic Improvement jfclub will meet next Tnesday afternoon at the city hall at 2 1 30 o'clock. It'ts now claimed that there are many fine business opportunities in Africa. That would be a good place tor the Ku Klnx Klan to em igrate tO., :S , j ., ; . The war is over. I German fried potatoes are now placed on some of the Tfltfe menus: i ; - ; LOS ANGELES, CaL. Jan. 11. Letters which Mrs. Madalynne OV enchaia wrote to J.J Belton Ken nedy formed the basis for an at tack upon th foundation of the prosecution's Case in the argu ment today of John J. Sullivan, of Seattle, counsel for Arthur1 C Burch. on trial In the Los Ange les superior court, charged with the murder of Kennedy , f ' Affectionate Letter Read' Letters, most of which contain ed expressions of . extreme affec tion, bad been introduced in eri- many of them' were quoted by Asa Keyes; deputy district attorney, in the opening argument by the state. Mr. Keyes argued' they showed Mrs.; Obenchain 's love had turned tto hate; .. that other evi- denc1 . showed ' the Summoned Burch to Los Angeles from Efaa- ston. 111. and ahat Burch, at h-r instifration, shot Kennedy, to death ih Beverly Gln on the night ot August 5 lasfc:: : :,.. ' V,.,v.;,.,;:0 i- I Mry Sullivag told the Jury -lie Believed the Jetters indicated a flove which endured to the end' lie. declared h did not think any, reasonable : iterson . could - - rend them and come to the ' conrlusifti that their author ever dreamed of harming Kennedy. ' ' MiNtd rm Quoted .. ' ' f "She wrote to Kennedy: ' l would give my life for you, ' the attorney : declared, ,"Shefilgnjd one letter; ' 'Yours to the end.' and we have the testimony of witness who saw her in Beverly Glen when Kennedy was 'pro nounced dead,fanl who heard her i v To Out 6 ustomniGPS' We have juit finithed iaventcry and are cleaning house. ? . 4 Painten, carpenters and plasterers are busy getting things in thape We are trying hard to give cur usual per-v sonalserTice. o-i GALE &--Q0. - - - v ' . ' '.- Commercial and Court ' - ' '. Streets ' ,. '' n M i h i 1 . .- ley,' chairman; Mts. Frank My ers, Mrs. Ct B. Webb,, and Mrs. ranK epears. , . .;- . --r t Finance: iMra. A. 'H N. ! Bush, chairman; ' Mrs. H. S. Gile. Mr. David Wright, Mrs; John Albert. Mrs.' U. G. i Shipley, Mrs, P. A. Elliott,' Mrs. G.'G. Brown and Misa E. Putnam. r HKA1 ACHED AJTO BOBY " ACIIED i There are Tarlons symptoms ot kidney trouble- rheumatic palm, backache, sore muscle; stiff Joints,: and "always tired' feel ing. Mrs. George Morgan," E. Fairfield. IVt.. writes: "My . head ached and whole tody ached no I could not sleepy Foley Kidney Pills gave me relief.' They heal and strengthen weak, disordered kidneys and bladder and help Ship- them in their work of filtering the blood and casting out pf the system the Impurities that cause pain and disease. - Prompt In ac- a.a rvi.9. i a r nun. DOia TerTwiicnj. aqt. IVRECK FlIlllCS ! "So your, husband 'refused to I buy you an automobile? ' " i "Not exactly refused; he said II ought first to become familiar with machinery ; In general, so he bought toe a sewing machine." : Safe r ;': . Evei?y DAILY STORE HOURS 9;a.'BU to' 6 p. m. Store Redi3d? The very goods you want are here ' . . at big savings - HESIEJIBER Ve "guarantee faction with 1 8ati i every purchase made here., - 'j j. ' Salem Store, I J Forth&d Store 335 . ! Alder V, i Dl Public Service 'Commission Issues Report Relative to, Celilo Wreck 1 That trains Nos, 12 and 17 of the Oregpn.Washington Railroad & r Navigation company that col lided, headon at , CelUo in the morning otN December .1 last were improperly nanaiea is the con- Clsion oi the, Oregon public ser vice commission in a set of con clusions land recommendations mdo public yesterday lollowing investigation of the wreck which resulted In several deaths. . . Th a " railroad company Is re- quirea to tne with the tomm'it- Koa within o days a - statement i WW c-Dnn. u ru;uu m L Li IN OUR BARGAIN f BASEMENT 'STORE I Shop Where The Crowds " " ' Buy , FLEISCHER'S YARNS 4 o. Skeins' : 59c Bargain Basement ;VI ' ,: ' The Store That Can and Does Undersell Girls' Slip-Ovfer SWEATERS i v 09c bargain- Basement SPECIAL THURSDAY LUNCH MENU Vegetable : Soup . . .s . , . . . . . ." . .. . . . ; . .... lOe Lamb Curry1 with Rice 15c Other "pecial Dishes 10c and 15c All -kinds of sand wlehes 5c and lOe Come in and try a cup of DIAMOND "W" COFFEE SERVED FREE J In the basement Cafeteria Baby Shoes; Girls' and A - - Misses " SUPPERS : Ladies and Boys ' i RUDDERS ' Bargain Basenient Boys DRESS SHIRTS Without foliar January Clearance Sale flow On Reductions ; In Evidence In All Departments 25c sun SOOTHES UGIY1 ITCHiriB SKIN The, First Application Slakes Skin I . Cool and .Comfortable If yon are suffering from ecze ma or some other torturing." em barrassing skin trouble yon may quickly ' be : rid . of. it hy using Menlhe-Snlphur. declares a noted skin specialist : This sulphur preparation, be cause of its get-to destroying prop erties, seldom fails to Quickly sub due Itching, even of fiery eczema. The first application' makes the skin cool and comfortable; Rash and blotches ace healed right up. Meatfc6-Sutphur' la applied ' like any. pleasant cold, cream and is perfectly charmless. "Ton can ob tain a small Jar; from any good " Bargain Basement Boys' and Men's CAPS AND HATS 19c y . . Bargain Basement 2 oz. Ball Fkishers - TARN 29c , Bargain-Basement GRQQERIES thW are included in this, sale Blqe Ribbon Cf flour, hard wheat, . . vlaOD 40c Quakers Oats, ' i OA t large pkgs ....... 0 Vl Quaker Corn ia Flakes, pkg. elU Albers Flapjack wt flour, large pkg. .... I Packed ln syrup, ' Aoricou, Peaches, pears, - i p No. g 14 tins 1U Libby'a Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins... Sliced Pineapple, ' per can . . . , . . . . . Royal Club Ceylon Tea, per pkg 1 lb . . , Phes Blackberry Preserves, 5 or. Jars. 'I for ... Jiffy JeU. ' 1 per package ........ sDarimade, tall - milk, lw cans .. Del Monte Raisins, 97 ' per package . . . . . . . I : ? . Did Yoa Visit Our " ; GROCERY rBARGAIN CX)UNTER .10 .15 .40 .15 .08 1.00 -.f r v PREMIUM COUPONS Giren With Purchases Vatch Our VinMs Men's IM Japanese Ilotise : slipaers 1 .With leather sole" Bargain Basement 35c Quality . : mop sncics ' : Bargain Basement Mena Blue Chambray 1 WORK HURTS limited number A - :t .r .k:. . v; . ... -': 1 . . : Bargain Basement Men's Medium weight Blue Jtw - v .Denim t ' , OVERALLST '. -." -':GCs .'-i. " . Bargain' Basement : PREMIUM COUPONS y Given Y1th Purchases a r .a.. ,M-jBSbanM. 1 mi t a a mi mmim 11 MSiMiaa i nisssnMn iMiaiiiiiinii nan isnah i i imm w ! I t - .- X , I "'SB AO Ouir Vinter Stock Regardleis of their Wcrthi-How Pays tie Penalty for Re i - - i the trices lell lteitcry A ; . 3 1 ,3 -n j Here tco I-,t