The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    01 TARGET
Publishers Among Those
Heard oa Proposed Anti-
lawny news qui.
Investigation Shows Few
; Journals ; Use Matter
L Found Objectionable
WASHINGTON,' -Jan.' 10. Op
position of . newspaper to enact
ment or proponed anti-gambling
.legislation: which would prohibit
TinhHcatloa of racing odds and
other data which conld be used
1tt betting, wu voiced today be-
' lore; a aenate Judiciary sttb-eom-m'tlee.
by S. E. Thomasson, gene
ral manager of the Chicago Trlb-
I .. ... . , I .
line ana a . reir-B-uitnij m
.legislative committee of the Am
crtean Newspaper' Publishers', -
soclatlon: Elbert H. Baker 'of ' the
I Cleveland Plain Dealer: W. F.
j Wiley of the Cincinnati Inqalrer
ana n. u.; aicuornuc, ui.wie vui
'. tagai Tribsne.. V,- t '
i 1 1, N. Prlngleor 4he faionai.
Tie form i.iirc.nw 'and Uev. Willianr
Chasa of J Brooklyn were among
those who spoke in support of the
bul.j. The legislation is proposed
J a rider to the postal-bill; which
Ms passed the senate and in a(
bi , Introduced by Senator Ster-j
fiairJ nennblican South Dakota.
The , commutes announced there
would be no farther hearing.!
r-V DiMcnntJnnjince voluntary
While not specially authorized
.by the 6S0 newspapers of his as
sociation to speak for. them, Mr.
nomtwim ;,biicu t-c . u v n Hu
mmed to practically all the larg
er newspapers a summarization
of Ms statement, and that all ex-
He declared that not more than
10 per cent of the members of
the association print racing' en-
tries , tuo ouus or racmj
suits with the odds. and that 90
rper eeni or me papers, : wnuom
any ! federal law to coerce thera,
f)d roluntarlly discontinued such
'. reports. i . , w.-g. .:-- -..-5
A declaration bjrJDV. Chase that
:V j MORE.. J'FAuTS" V
jw are sclow v -)MHrN. Rnx it
Vttlnlvd, thai h .?thllr IrUa forniihca
tiif ths Mlitikr la. the. AaivrMM Revols-
4iotiry ry. ' WW 'lis' :frtd h
k(ry, ho ini Ml fop t fniak that tx
kiblT'His nrlnthr irdrnkars In prona
- cd n4e tbs fictirr sbaardly.
Wkkadlr f aba. II ta aaina Mtrt ftf
tun for hm, that h aid. aat rlcinaU
that ' WntrB falehoo . We hav in
ir library a bnak pnhlmhi is 1900,
tsstl rives' $bf; RotattM jtsry-js hurt
girf g: It. ; . ' t .
,'Tw ether; atorW repoaUa br Mf. fiaaa
roina- nt th aau' Itkt. . 1I " aals :
Tit holla Ireland farnlabea a . doaen aen
erfla" to the RolBtWmary army and
"nine Cathnlira aisnrl- the Ieelurtion
' af ladepeadenre."' Tbeae. too, are ld
tfpiea that have been a dob led bv- no Ml
aniat eralora'tor many scan. ' Some ef
theai have aatH that thirteen of the aim
era of th i Dvlaratioa were Cktho1l-a:
. aat torn hare aaM that on hia deathbed,
UBral Wahiniton waa made a member
( the Komtfeh eommnaioii.
A to thw mea of the rcvolatlonary
:-, timet, Mr. Brrk oncht to remember thai
the ftertonal htetory ef tbeae men is
matter ef reenrai. 'There la before me a
liit ef the i aeo-rala wbe were store or
r prominent in tbe war, aai list
all tbe alsner ef the Merleratioa. tt
sire the Iwta ia fell. '
Tea of- rbe 'nerl were of'Racliah
dearcalt Waahinrton, Ureene, Petnain.
liatea, Keee. le. Liim-oln. bnmter, P.m-k
r. an Pkheoa. Keren were Bcetrh
. Merrer. Annntrona. lienltrW, UeDoeCall
Mrlntoah. Clair. aat lonl ritrrlinsr
Feer wet i popularly - known aa Neotrh
Iriab 4earwt: - Htillfran, - Monleomerr
ueerce Clinton, and Hojlan. Marioa waa
a Tnrwenoty Hrhayler waa Petrh,
wallader waj WrUh. W do nt know
- the nationality of the family of (n
ilifflin. -t
, Tbre of these named were a-randaoni
nf men 'who fonelit ia Kins Wllltara'a
army-in the'battla t the Borne; Wayn. j
. Mark, and Monteommry. aioyiait la tne
enW one generally thtmfht to hare brm
" a Cethelel. ! Aa Car-Mnat Oihhon'a pai
rr. ia hia let of At "Catbolli- ileroea and
- t-teteemen' anHi the name ef lie Iric
f'atbolic -fieneral'. Ceawtr traitor to
. Waihington and enemy l I.afayelt' w
too. 4mit- it,' and do not roAt him am
nf the Ameriea Rerolutieeary gnnerala.
Here ia tbe Mat of the aignera of lh
twtaralioa with the ehnreh relatiuna or
?referenrev;l Thirty-four were Kpixeopal
n: tierrf J' Meingaten, -lewia, Morris
-Robert Morria, llopklnaoa, Ronh, I-w'k,
f ranklin. Morion. I'Km-r. Tai lor, Wil
aK. Rvaa, -Rodn-y, Read, t'haae. Tara,
Hone. Wrtbe. R. H. Ie. f. H. 1.
Jef f mm, Htrrnn., . XImb, Bfaaton.
- Hooper, Hewea. Heaa. Rntledee, lleyward,
t.iaeb. Middleton, Gwinnett, and Wal
Inn. Thirt'een were Cencreratrnualiat!.:
Heiry. Tboraton. Whipple. Bertl-U, Han
rerfc. Kamnol Arfjwv John Adam, i'aine.
hherman,' Wli-ntt. Hnntinjrtwn. YTilliiuna
and Kllerr. fire were Presbyterian:
Witherapoon, ' Kwyd. riark. ilmiin and
MrKeanJ Two were Quaker: lionktai
and Ktorkten. One waa a Baptiat, Hart.
And one waa a KonaniKt. Carroll.
If Mr.. Bark tfcinke be knowa ol any
American reneral foot a I'ole, a Uerinan
, oris Frenehman) wbo wit "knows to
. be a Calhelir" whom we hare mbe
r I M be haowa of anr aisner of the
Ie-laration ther than OrrilL who waa
' knowa to bo a OatboUe" let kin name
him er them, VS e be aim to dovthii
in i the iatereat of truth
Mr Bnrk.! of eewrae, knowa the moral;
m ireal eiaamna; e ne witneaa who
' U i impeached aa to rharaeter and rerae
' itr. ef Ihe prisrljitl fonrleled of
. perjury, rerhapa. howerer. he wished to
-i eppae an eathority and litterateur
'n hia wwa right, and did not expect t
s be eaocht; juat aa did. rery footbth
flron reeetrtly. who. Jilj-Jted wondrrfol
; tletJnitioa ot "Sueeeae," wrillea br a
Kaaaaa woman, and iwith a littlo- boeua
fwma ehanins f few won'a. pla
Uritd it upon the Klwanla Club of Sa
' lem, . aa ; hia owa orisinaj definition of
that knlendii organltatioa. Kiwani. Mr
'k Imt. who thia watt The Club
baa pat H into print, where any one eould
" find it. whu the name of tbo 'author."
But what i, the real meaning- of Mr
Buek'a eampaicn of pul.lieity lor hhnaelf
; an4 hi rhnreh. W can only name It
- J.-rre: it -will .be diamaaed latT. Tb
- Knight ef Coluntltea 'ared'' eome mil
.liona of the money eolleeteit from the
F"' h. benefit of . the boy in
Kranee. . Kow- they bare
It , a a ret
fnmii ahd they bare formed
t rewrite the hi lory of our
rmmitiorw to rewrite the bintonr
loontrj m tbe internet- of lW ih. ,..
r:h r'w Published in
leaflet, tad to be iittriWi', viivw !-
en try they .can awt- it.- II. xl
I f'h-ait . f.Ilee . iten..Tlt j", 1 Z.
1 l aekbene of nafc tfcYl:ttW
i:. ' "m . " Ty u tbowa ht the
.niratwuui laiaeneoda Boek ba bean
r rculaant about th Catholic Iriah ta
'uiuiwuary wtr.
the danger to the newspapers lay
la being led into ths "iniquitous
business", which was seeking to
take away the liberties of the
people by placing them within j
the "complete eontrol of the gam
bllng ring" and that "the enemies
of the people ' are those powers
which control the press for self
ish purposes" brought, from Mr.
McCormick a retort that legisla
tion was the only control of ths
press he knew, although1 attempt?
bad been made to influence It
Nothing could, in his Judgment.
more affect the attitude of -the
press, he said, than such '"co
ercive" language as mat oi
There are more than 2000 dailj
newspapers in the country, ,Mr
I laker explained, and an over
whelming majority of them do not
carry racing news. He estimated
that 'B out f every 100 n3ws
papers did not consider the pro
posed legislation necessary, and
asserted all would fnd it a ma
terial increase in the ordinary
difficulties of getting out a news
paper. IlaeinK Man Hoard
The freedom of the press, Mr.
McCormick stated, was not a
priv'lege. while Senator Borah.
Republican. Idaho, a member oi
th3 committeo. declared that the
situation presented was that of
the growth of the bureaucracy of
the government, which he assert
ed, was rapidly placing the gov
ernment under the soviet form!
Henry D. Oxnard of this city,
representing a "million" who
Want horse racing news, stated he
was a horse owner; that he liked
to put a small bet whan he played
cards, and .appealed to the com
mittee not r to take an me joy
oat of life. . .,'
(Continued from page 1.)
Bins-ham In deciding that tbe dog
law passed hy the 1919 legislature
is constitutional.
However. U. tJ. Boyer, county
clerk.- is In no rush for' those
wanting eollars to appear sudden
ly at the clerk'e office, as his sup
ply of collars would hardly go
around. He figures that by Feb.
ruary 1, there will be a fine show
ing of dog collars in th,3 clerk's
office and those who have dogs
may legally possess them. The li
cense is $1 a year tor a male dog
and $2 for a female dog.
Few Pay licenses
Last year' 131 owners of dogs
voluntarily paid the dog license
and were issued the leather collar
with license number stamped
thereon. But it Is estimated that
in Marlon county there are 3000
docs. , h i
iowi although,,! the! dog law
vAfat UtbieXloet Itt 1920. no at
tempt will ne made by ttie county
clerk W collect back taxes on the
fJOgV-'AU tlaA;will be -asked of
dog owners or ' ' dog keepers, will
be to step up to the county clerk'
otnce.tcake;oni;a poB.itfense anj
at the same 'time take out a nice
heavy leather collar. The county
clerk throws the collar in when
the dog lice'nse money is paid.
Pmalty Alt-ax ImmI
Nowfor failure to .secure a do
license) there ie-atUched -a penalty
of f 10 and costs . and . civil suit
may be brought for -this, amount
It will be no excuse to Just say
dog is not wanted. Civil actiofe
may be brought to recover tho
$10 and costs, and then if not
paid, another civil action. The
county clerk sends out no appli
cations for licenses. Ono having
a dog must apply to the county
The dog law reads:
"Any dog not wearing a collar
shall be deemed an outlaw and
shall be killed by the sheriff,
chief of police or constable . of a
precinct In which tha dog is owned
or found running at large."
Thirty, Pays Allowed
The law reads that the license
must be paid during the month or
January each year, or within HO
days after anyone becomes owner
or keep of a dog. But with tin de
cision of the supreme court Just
handed down yesterday, the coun
ty authorities have decided to he
lenient and extend Ihe timi into
But the fact remains that any
dog found without a leather ol
lar with the license , number
stamped thereon, 3 an outlaw
and will be dealt with as such.
1 tt'on tinned from page 1.)
However. Frank S. Wtrd. sec
retary of the pUte hoard of pbnr
mac scored the phynicians an-l
druggists Tor violating the Harri
son narcotic act. and averred that
by a perusal of the records in Sa
lem yesterday he had discovered
that every druir store operator in
thfa city Is subject to arrest un
der that act Mainly he blamed
the doctors.
Bigger Meeting Today
The conference adjourned
shortly afternoon after Dr. It.
Morne of Salem, who was named
w chairman, had nnon motion of
Dr. Frederick S. Strieker, secre
ary of the board of health, ap
pointed a committee to prepare a
program for the general confer
ence at the Portland Chamber of
Commerce tomorrow. The mem
ber of the committee are ir.
Strieker, Frank S. Ward and Dr.
C. J. Smith, together with nuh
members of .the Portland organi
sation as may be named tomor
Governor Olcott. Warden
Homrtton tf tbe state penitentiary.
Dr. J. N. Smith of the feahio-
m'nded school, and some other
outside the two boards .attended
th conference. Governor Olcott
called the meeting to o-iir .-nd
read the report prepared bv Sec
retary Ward of the board ot
pharmacy. nd Seer "try Strieker
of the board of health.
. : Physician Disagree
Dr. f?orre E Houck of Rose-
burg obiected to the renort as
not.touchlna noon the main char
eterlstice.of drue. addicts, which
he said, was that most of them
are mentally deficient. He de
clared that any treatment that
does not take Into account men'
tflMM tlSLBrefltHentr-ts-- set - gtlnx-io-cur
Ceremonies marking the instal
lation of Archbishop-elect Mi
chael J. Curley. in Baltimore, t-t-tracteda
large assemblage qf dls- !
tlnguished visiting church dig
nitaries, clergymen and a host
of worshippers at! the Baltimore
Cathedral, where the Induction
drug cases, and that the place for
their treatment , is the especially
equipped hospital with ttarfrt ot
experts. In reply lo a. questwn
by Governor Olcojtt he aiil, thaV
in states where ihstitntiona were
provided especiallji- they usually
are neurological hospitals. After
several of . the members .had dis
agreed with Dr. Houck relative to
most addicts being mentally de
fective, he said he merely meant
to convey the idea that most ot
them are mentally untrjble.
Home Poets Iru Addivts
Dr. F. M. Brooks was the tirs-
to disagree with Dr. Hnuk, citin,-
the fact that some or tl;e tenan
try's greatest men, innjodint; a
number of poets; had been ad
Dr. Strieker majntained that
the addict usually Is nbovo the
average intelligence. Dr. C .i.
Smith declared Ktror.g corporation
with the , fr-:leral government is
necessary becarse of -.h? . smug
gling business frpm Chinej ports
He would not concede that most
addicts are insane.
"In fact," he said, ''our own
profession contains Bonio of the
wprst offenders."
t, he opposed special institutions
and advocated registration and
black list; of the addicts.
"Some of ifce worst ea.cts of
drug addict iii.' said Dr. Smith,
"are in on - i.or5es where persons
habitually .mi j.pirin." .j Some of
the drog.'i'.-s loci; issuo iwith him
on this p rut. j
Im . I . . l..l .ln. , , r-
thelnbelr reck'e?ii'.43 In writime pre-
scnpiians. it jvk. . ara cieciai -ed
that tbo 'dimeter ituits on
writing th i .treff riptiop.c: fpr'nnr
cotics. Half t'.e t'me they arc
not necess-try and nearly all art;
illegally wril Ho enti infl
ated tub - il ,si:i. cance-, aged
and infirm r t-.l wlu r
withdrawal nf lit? .ImiI: would
mean death rta vhtiiaHy lh tn-y
reasons ail s :. lr. th .v i'an'
act for pr -t i - Y-t
declared, b rnr; : fall i i:o
the habit if '.imIiu. t. state 'n
their pretvr',rf.-::ns wlirjt tic drug
is to be 'iH f r He cited one
Instance in ; er- i"1
phys'cian nrt:j-""i- I dviir- for
another wiv ,-n . a-idu-t.
SitiuRgleix Menace
Dr. W, 15. Morse admitted that
some doctors aire offenders, lmt
deelarei! the nvrdn sniirco ,s I he
underground c'iannels tib!:l by
smugglers. i
"If ponrr-es are .lii-civ-ered,'"
he said; "thp problem i;
larscly solved. "I
Warden CotriptoM siid he liad
FtudifKl the tin Htject for several
month's and found snviglhiir the
main source, lin tho slate prison,
he said, ilrug addicts nr the mo-t
intelligent of tne inmates In re
ply to aikiueftipn by Mr, Ward i e
said he Would favor a stat organ
ization for suppression of l!i'
traffic. f
Sfafrin for rni ion
Conrad Stafrin of fMHss. ex
pressed himself in f.r.rov e.f the
regictratiion plan. Ross A Farr
of Astoria, president t.-i tho state
drurgiwtS' association, blamed
Japanese ships jas the main sourc
es of spreading the evil in Ore
gon. H Hal j!cXa!r of Ashland
a ia :
"Ket'sj see tl'e government eet
after theso foreign ishirs rather
tnan after tbe ;druggists "
Dr. JJ X. Smith. sup.?!-iiitcinloMt
ot the tate pchool Tor feeble
minded,! opposed wast'h;; time in
tryine to handle the arje.l addicts,
"'.it nrRe'f attention nn th young
victims.; He said he did not thins
much harm wa8 beins done Iiy the
debtors .-it theidriigRis.
Sterilization; Law is
Temporarily Suspended
The state: 'eugenics hoard at a
meeting here yesterday decided to
appeal to the; supreme court the
case of Jacob feline, a prisoner at
the state penitentiary, against the
oueenlcjs board, in which Judpe
rercy !U. Ko3y and j Georg O.
Bingham or .the lower court"fo
Maribu:county;heId the state stori
lization; art 'unconstitutional. Tl:e
board decided to make no further
application of; the law on appli
cants of the ; state institutions
court: --
' . t 1 -
by the higher
Classified Ads. in The
statesman Bring Results
iJif-UjUUIMi ,J.-J.. ! i ' 1 1 t- 1 : i ., . f - 1- 1.1. . . .f
' ' . x-.Jt.V.- , 'X-IV,. y--.-
took place. The larg4 throng that
was unable to enter the edifice
crowded the streets In the hopes
of seeing tbe successor to the late
Cardinal Gibbons. Vhile tnany
notable events have taken 'place
within the walls ,of; the historic
cathedral, it has been nearly for-ty-flvii
years since such a celebra
tionoccurred. The insert shows
SILVERTON, Ore., Jan. 10.
(Special to The Statesman) Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Arthur, who have
been living in the Rosmer apart
ments hope to have their nw
home in Northside. addition suffi
ciently completed to move into it
the latter part of the month.
The Epworth league of the
Methodist church is planning on.
going to Marquam Thursday. The
local league will pit on a short
program after which, the remain
der of the evening: will be speut
in a social way. George Vande
vort, a member of the league, who
is an accomplished! violinist, will
give a few selections. Tha Ep
worth league has J recently been
gaining , rapidly in membership
until now it is about the strongest
group of young people in Silver
ton. Complaint is being made of the
conditions of the new 'grading on
the Salem-Silverton road on the
Salem side of the tittle Pudding.
The fill has washed together in
such a manner that it leaves a
"Jump-off" of several inches at
ino uuiveri. ; i
experienced car trouble between I
Brooks and i Chemawa Saturday
night. J. E. Hosmer-waB called to i
their assistance and brought the
wanderers home.
Lester Dooah-oysxy, who is
baker at ali Grants Pass bakery,
has been visiting his mother who
lives on Koon street. Mr. Dob-
rkovsky returned to his work on
Monday. j;
Bishop Vf. Q. Sliepard of Tort
land will be at Silyerton the first
Sunday In February at the Meth
odist Epi3copal ichurch. There
will also he several other visiting
clergymen who will take part in
th.? day's program.; A basket din
ner in the church! basement will
be a feature of the day.
The south ground floor of the
Hosnier bui'ding ljas been rented
to the n !w real iestate linn of
Larson & Kklurd.i
Mr. and Mrs. li H. Meyer and
children spent Sunday at Scotts
Mills. i
alter Larsen ii ill at his home
east of Silverton. ;
Mis. Roy Solum who has been
very ill is improving. x
Kev. J. A. Bennett was at -Scotts
Mi1 Is Sunday afternoon.
. Contractor Henj ickson and his
crew of nine carpenters motored
to Wheatland retry Monday morn
ing where they are working. They
lepisin there during week and re
turn to Silveiton;. for the week
ends, i
Mr. iin l Mrs. Moberg of
Scotts Mills, weiie at Silverton
Mark A. .I'auh-oiii who has been
spending some tiijie at the home
or his sister. Mini M. G. Gunder
son. left for Portland the first
of this week.
Mrs. Marie Svarvaii who has
spent ?cveral nioritlis visiting rel
atives and friends at Hubbard,
Silverton :n?l Portland will re
turn to her homefn South Dakota
in .the near future. Mfs. Svarvaii
is very iavorably '; impressed with
i-ne wreson c:imate. j
Mrs. Amos i.! on the (
sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. . A. Hail enter-i
tained at a dinner Sunday, at
their home at Brush Cr-k Those
present were Mr. 'ami Mrs. Arthur
Madsan. Mr. and Mr. Louis Hall
I Mr. and Mrs. Andrew II ill, Lu
cille Marie Hall ;Ln,-y Alft Hall,;
Mr. and Mrs. Da4 Dybsttter. Paul
Dybsetler. MlsS Uuise Ivbs?tter
and Mr. and MrsL N. A. Hall.
Mumps have become quit; an
en'demic in the! Central Howell
Mr. and Mr. jAlvin Williams.
Mrs. Mari? Svarvari. Miss Myrtle
Svarvari. Miss Frieda Svarvari of
Hubbard spent tjhe week-end at
Silverton. '
Miss Cora Satern who has been
suffering from a!seere attack, of
tonsllltls has redvered sufficient
ly to be out a little again.
.Mr. and Mrs. j Arthur Mdsen
bave received word front the fath
er of Mrs. Madsen. who recently
speiita few weeks at Silverton, to
the effo;t. that feHhongh he ar
rived safely at his home at Im-
lay, S. P., . he (wishes be wer
acain back la the pleasant state
x Archbishop Curley, with ; thf
deacons of mass Rev. P. C.
Gavan ' of Washington, formei ly
of the Baltimore Cathedral, on his
right, and the Rev. J. Dunn ot St
ilus's Church on the left. The
other photograph shows an ir
terior view of the Baltimore . Ca
thedral during the induction cere
of Oregon. Mr. Keester does, not
appreciate the priow and cold as
much now as he did before bis
western trip
Mrs. Anna Jensen is ill at her
home south of Silverton.
Mr. ana airs. i. j. Madson en
tertained a few friends . at their
home on Paradise road Sunday
evening. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Williams. .Mrs,
Marie Svarvari, Miss Ella Svar
vari, Miss Myrtle Svarvari, Mi3s
Frieda Svarvari, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Madsen, Miss Lillie Madsen,
Alvin Madsen, and Mr. and Mrs.
M. j. Madsen. The evening was
spent with music. At late hour
refreshments "were served.
Knut Diperness, who has been
m ior sometime has recov
ered sufficiently to return! to the
University of Oregon where he is
a student in art. Cartoons bv
Mr. Digerness have been appear
ing recently in the Portland pa
pers. It is said by critics that
the work of Mr. Digernes3 greatly
resembles, the work of the famous
cartoonist. Homer Davenport. Mr
Digerness is a member of the Phi
Delta Theta fraternity at the uni-
(Continued from page 1)
Inaugurating a new policy
rvms ijng ,icuiicnr:sc caueu on
each member individually, re
questincr cacn not only to state
his name, but what it's front
initials stood, for. what his bust
ness u-as. and whether he had an
original irieas to spare.
Having arrived on his feet and
found his voice, every Cheriiau
discovered that he had idea
worth while, and proceeded to ex
lr -ss them.
Taking the' ' or more expre
sions of ideas together, membe:
of the loost:ng organization thinr
about like this:
.Ha'cm should surely have a
automobile park, notwithstandiu
ing the fact tbe city council would
not pass an ordinance permuting
a vote as to whether the cit
should purchase the ground.
Cheriians should visit tow-'ns i
the district surrounding the c'ty
They should get acquainted wit
folks who live within 25 or 3
miles of the city.
The Cherrians should by all
means have a cherry fair.
The Cherrians tried a fair ouch
and therefore should not tiy it
Boost for Blossom day. Chcrri
ans should always sattend the
Rose fair in Portland, not especi
ally for Portland's benef't, buf
just to advertise Salem.
Ch-rrians should have a steam
boat excursion. They should go
to Spong's landing They shoulc"
celebrate the Fourth of July.
Cherrians -should talk more
about the scpnery whPir convers
ing with strangers. Talk of thf
mountains and such.
Cherrians should make it a
point to call upon strangers who
have recently located in the city
or vicinity. try to make them
feel at home.
In reading the annual report
of the Cherrians. it was shown,
that the lighting of the big Cher-
rinn tree in the court House
grounds cost $ 1 7. but ai the
Portland Railway. 1,1 ah t & Power
company donated to the CheTians-,
its bill for certain services,
amounting to $2S.P,7. the actus-'
cost to the Cherrians was $5S.
The Cherrians will continue to
at at the monthly meetings hell
at the Commercial club. In doubt
s to whether they wanted to
have a dinner with their monthly
business meetings the Chorrian?
voted unanimously that they did.
Hence, with their regular month
ly business Kcssions, .
will lie served.
Lucky Is jhe man who, wben an
accident happens to his atifVno-
bile, has his rlster aa the passen
ger, A lot of talk Is thus avotd-
ed.r-.. . '
-.11 '
' t .
Illinois Pedant Makes Survey
of Leaders of Butter
fat Producer?
Two Western Animals Win
Places on Lost, Better
Records Predicted
I'UBANA. 111.. Jan. 6; Fifteen
of the 16 greatest butterfat pro
ducing cows in the world every
one of them a super cow are to
be found in the United States, re
ports Prof. W. W. Yajip of the
I nlversity oi Illinois an an in
quiry he conducted for:-the Asso
ciated Press. The leader of the
1st. however, hails from Canada,
Great as these cows a-re, the fu
ture will produce evep greater.
Prof. Yapp predicts.
Prefacing his list, the Illinois
dairy husbandry expert, says:
Are Fat Producers.
"The only common ground
upon which it seems advisable to
attempt to compare dairy cows is
batter fat production. It is not
possible nor practicable to com
pare cows on the basis of milk
ield inasmuch as the breeds dif
fer so markedly in both quantity
and qualify of the milk which
they produce. They are very simi-
a a . I 1 1 a. a. 1 &V..4
iar, noweyer, in ineir; toiai uui
terfat production. ;
It is a long jump! from 100
pounds to 1250 pounds of butter-
fat. Yet this amount 'just about
represents the difference in pro
duction between the; primitive
cow and our present day marvels.
What would those original cows
think and more particularly, what
would their owners think if they
could see our newest super-cows
. Table Ik Sweeping'.
Tbe accompanying table gives
the sixteen cows regardless pf
breed, age, ownership )or location
which have the largest butterfat
productions for the yeirly period.
It is extremely interesting to ob
serve that Bella Pontiac, for in
stance, the highest butterfat pro
ducing cow in the world, would
supply butter sufficient to feed
twenty-four averages families of
fouru members each for the en
tire year, and that any one ot the
cows would feed twenty families
allowing 16 pounds butter per
person per year, which 13 the ap
proximate average "consumption
according to the United States
circular No. 65 for IMS."
The sixteen greatest butterfat
producing cows jn the world are
bus recorded by the Illinois pro
fessorj ? , , .
Kocortls For Year.
H Holstein. G Guernsey.
Cow, Bella Pontiaci No. 46321
C. H. B. ; breed, H.; -pounds of
milk, 27017.0; pounds of fat,
1259.00; last owner, Thos. A. Bar
ron, Branford, Ontario.
Cow, Duchess Skylark Ormsby,
No. 12414; breed H.j pounds of
milk 27761.7; pounds of fat,
,1205.09 last owner, J. B. Irwin,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Cow, Finderne Pride Johanna
Rue, No. 121083; 'breed, H.;
pounds of milk, 28403.7; pounds
of fat. 1176.47; last owner, Ber
nard Meyer, Finderne. N. J.
Cow. Segis Pictertje Prospect.
No. 221846; breed, Hi; pounds of
milk, 37381.4 ; . pounds of fat.
11. ".8. 35; last owner. Carnation
Stock farms, Seattle, -Wash.
Cow. Finderne Holigen .Fayne,
No. 144 551; breed, H;1, pounds ofl
milk. 24612.8; pounds of fat; 1.
1 16.05'; "lard owner. Bernard Mey
er, b inderne.. J. f
Cow, Queen IMebe Mercades.
No. 154610; breed, l pounds of
milk, 30830.2; pounds of fat,
1 1 1 1.56; last owner, E. C. Schroa
der, Moorchead. Minri
Cow, Countess Prtie, No. 43.
785; breed. G.; pounds of milk,
18626.9; pounds of fat. 1 103.28;
last owner, F. L. Howies, Graton,
Mass. .
Cow, Murne Cowan, No. 19597;
breed, G. ; pounds ojf mljk, 24,
008.0; pounds of rat. 1098.18;
last owner, O. C. Bulbar, Barber
ton. O. !
Cow. O. K. I. Pearl Iula. No.
265487; breed. II.; i pounds of
milk. 27389.2; pounds of fat.
1093.40; last ovfner, Julius
Schmidt. Montgomery. N. Y.
Emeretia Korndyke De Kol,
No. 189227: breed. H.; pound? of
milk, 2S035.7; poumls of fat.
1077.00; last owner, Winterthur
Farms. Winterthur. Del'.
Cow. Ona Button De Kol. No. i
1 15939; breed H.; pounds of milk.
26761.2; pounds or fat. 1076.44;
last owner, Peter Small. Chester
land. O.
Cow, Mape Crest Pontiac Appli
cation. No. 141158 breed, H.;
pounds of milk: 23421.2; pounds
of fat, 1075.44; last owner. Ralph
hing, Mentor, Ohio.
Cow. May Rilma, . No. 22761;'
breed. G. ; pounds of milk. 13,
673.0; pounds of- fat, 1073.41;
last owner, J. p. Crozier, Upland,
Cow. Anna Lenox j De Kol 2nd.
No. 153318; breed, H.; pounds of
milk. 29162.7; pounds of fat.
1073.3; last owner. Harry Yates,
Orchard Park. N. Y.
Cow. Aaggie Riverside 2nd. No.
164467; breed. H.; .pounds of
tailk. 24690.0; pounds of fat.
1065.42; last owner, A. W. Mor
tiss & Sons. Corp.. Woodfand. Cal.
Cow, Wisconsin I'ride. 2nd. No.
4 27126; breed, H. : pounds of
milk. 29502.9; pounds of fat.
1062.35; last owner; John Errtk
bon, Waupaca, WIsC
I'nwiirtion Made.
"One might rightfully ask. will
the world ever see greater pro
ducing cows than these?" Profes
ror Yapp adds: "Undoubtedly es.
We ; neeed only to gb back ten or
I la dozen, years to rfcall that, there
was not a single cow which had
produced as much as 100 pounds
of fat, :J2Tery cow In the above
table has produced in excess of
1060 pounds of butterfat. Surely
the future will bring forth even
greater-cows than these."
Clancey Sells Portion .
of Florist Business
C. B. Clancey has sold a half
interest in his greenhouses and
the wholesale department ot his
florist business to C. F. Breit-
haupt, j'a- .nurseryman., who is in
terested at present in the. florist
business at Sedro-Wooley, Wash.
Mr. :Breitnaupt will take per-i
sonal Charge of the greenhouses.
and within a time will be
gin t hie 'erection of additional
buildings, Increasing the' growing
capacity of the nursery affd green
houses? more than one-third. At
present there are 37,000 square
feet under, glass.
The i wholesale business will be
knownfi as the Salem Greenhouse.
The-transfea of an interest In
the wholesale end of the business
will roske no change ia the retail
.A N
" "
For Wednesday
light and dark fancy patterns specially, priced for -
Wednesday selling, rer yard
I1esh and rink, all sizes, back fasteners and clastic.
Specially priced for Wednesday selling, each
j". . 39'
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Elbow length In Grey, Buf f, Mode, White and Natural.
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