The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    ! -
Fairs mf derate easterly wlnda.
price: five cmrrj
' l!l DOUBT AS 1
1 1
add fiBin cn nnni
f r
Vote on Question of Ousting
4 'Senator Newberry May
Be Reached Today, Lead
ers Believe. - 1 "
Jime Taken upfjWith Ad
dresses for and Against
Seating Member
. WASinNQTON, Jan, 10 Tie
Newberry election controversy In
j the senate revealed today under
i surface Indications of a seething
! tight with the. title to Truman H.
Newberry's seat as senator. from
j Michigan, which , has 'been chal
i lenged by Henry Ford, his Demo
! cratlc opponent in the 1918 elec
! Hon, hanging- in the balance. Both
tides claimed victory, Mr. New
i berry's i supporters : predicting . a.
I majority of four to seven votes,
j -while his opponents declared, be
i would be. unseated by from tbre
I to fly Totes. , , -, . : - . , 4
;;i .V Vote la Near..v"
Five 1 speeches voicing - oppoal-
tlcm to Mr. Newberry's being seat
j ed were delivered today. Lead
rs of both sides were examining
j the .situation In the expectation
that s vota may be reached tomor
Ovposltlon leaders were declar
ed today to have begun efforts to
semi the whole thing back to the
4 . i .AmtUfn tn nrlvllAffftt I
senate k committee on privilege!
and 'elections, which reported
resolution declaring Mr. Newberry
4nly elected, . They said Mr. New
berry should be called, to testify,
, i One Pair "Arranged r -
In- addition, ,s there were-" ener
't etie eort br Republican lead
era to hV absent senator paired
Only one irnch-lair. however was
arranged, senator crowy.ttepuui
catt. FennkylTanlaV whd U 111, be
ing paired to rote tor the resoln
Itlon with, 8enator,Kendrlek, Pem-
ocrat. Wyoming, against It. Sen
ator Weller of Maryland. Len
root of. Wisconsin, and jQbnaon
of .California. .Republicans, are
away unpaired, and the first two
: are counted oa a farorable to
Mr. Newberryi Mr. Jonnsonns al
titude has been classed as doubt
ful. :i "- - -
; 5 Some Exhaust Time
: The UmlUtlon of one honr for
ach senator began, to tave - its
ffect today, twe members, Sena
wih of Montana and Hef-
Ha, ot ; Alabama, exhausted, thetr
time. intdIUon,!8enatoreBo-
ofAriSnC alw'con.
trlhutei to the attack, acainst the
resoluUoa eiearing we
titu h kit uiL . - .,
B ' P 'U f EL ,
, r " t , ii. : !
Roger eckinpaugh W ill Be
f; Washington-Club1
NEW YORK. Janr l0.Harry
Fraxe. president of the . Boston
i.wiMii lAaniA naaeDail Ciuo. w"
night annonnced-completion J
inreewBei--.-r -
Roger Peckinpadjh,, former ran
kee shortstop, The interest in the meeting was
ftVfflUttn om the fact that almost
baseman, la transferred, to the
, , In additlott to Du tan., the Bos
ton club receive shortstop Frank
O'Rourke of the Washington club.
Philadelphia f eta Ed Miller and
Acosu of the Washington club fa
exchange lor Dugani i : 7
, I So far as the Boston club Is
concerned Frazee said, no money
consideration "was involved.
An official of the. Yankee club
stated tonight that the New-Tora
Americans tried, toobtaln Dusan
by nurchase - some time ago ana
offered., $60,000 which w re-
fused. Conai Mack, a . 7 !
manager, la said to hare lnslatcd
on UOO.00O. , f - . ,
Pecklnpangh. who was captain
Of the Yankee teani last season,
was traded to Boston last month
With Pitchers "Rip- Collins, Jack
oninn &nd Bill Ptercy in exchange
Jor Ererett Scott, Red Sox ahort-
stop, and pitchers Joe jiusn;ana
pam jones.
MADRID, Jan. 10. Occupation
of Dardriua with rery alight to-
eistance Is announced in
ciai report irom a
jnaterlal. including nine canno
-.- ::: : ; r -vYx
yS it ; - i fs
1 . " ! ' " ' f TTT ' - 'f-8 !
- I .?V -' '
iVl Chicago. Opera Company
jjmjj vir mc piamo v iuiAtvu auu vviviiiw. iu
discovered" by &fary Garden
. a
studv. Her success was instantaneous She is known as the
"Girl with the Golden Voice."
-ctTirfnTnw n. To in
11 OlUTiJUlllli vyx ., wait. xv.
-Silverton churches have observed j recently the rampant
withwhich intoxicating liquors apparently can be obtained
in and, around Silverton. I 1
- The Methodist church was the first to take any definite
aoflnn oWt(r,fMa Imp . A. it mpftinir Sundav nicht the Ed
--tu league adopted resolutions directed at the illicit liquor
Y i XI . ... .i!M .V. aIi hmh .HAnfaH tVlA X! nwfi roc.
Later the congregation of the
olution Other churches have
doinff something along this line
I " . 0
7 The resolution 'adopted at the
Methodist church . was signed by
Marietta Kemper, - president or
the league Clara Scott, secretary,
ana; isyaney- i
and Sydney- w. au. pasior o
The resolution 101-
members of the Ep-
nnnnr mriii
V, P ' k H I- UU
i ;ntnn. tr.n :inVi at - j
presldIng as King Ring, the Cher
rlans held an interesting oessioa
the Commerclal club.
i Jt own a dog an(i do not
u knied bJ ta9 consUtuted
authorities, yon might as wen
step up to the county clerk's office
.... s
and pay your dog license. ,
nt v ' ' .. ,
Concensus ot opinion at a con-
. : ,
rerence oj o-
- 1.7 nrriiw of the
"-"";or-fiTeY countries Is
lit" n MT-iirniii n
1EpSiKf f dog licenses
s .; .- : - - " . .. ' -- j. , , .;,f v.-
Who rias maae a nit With the
staler career "bulldog-
and put through a year's hard
x S nt . 1 xl
LfCrvoiiol TV a faACW,T1
wu w...v uw,wiih
church! adopted the same res;
expressed their intentions of
also. ;
nunu irauc ui iuv rusi "
ton deplore the seemingly m-
I cre-isniR ui i.."
amendment in our town and vi -
cinny. j
'We Swould draw attention -to
(Continued on page 5)
every member present, even those
who had never bean known to
speak 'in public, developed into
real orators.
i Continued on page 2)
' Thi4 Is due to the fact that the
Oregon supreme court has affirm
ed the! opinion' of Judge George G.
(Continued on page 2)
the most serious menace and that
government cooperation with the
states ils necessary, particularly to
watch; the porta., : - 1 ' . ?
(Continued on page 2)
Nearly Dozen Men Evenly
Divided in Opinion Wheth
er Major Shot Soldiers "of
His Command.
Chairman! Unable to Ascer
tain Exact Number Alleg-
To Have Been Shot
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. '
Nearly a dosea witnesses, ail from
Virginia, broke about .even today
in testifying for and against Ma.
Jor H. L. Opfe of Stauntou, Va.,
before a senate : committee iaves-
tfeatine chareea that Americar
soldiers had been hanged withonl
trial in France.; 1 1
Bat there was no evidence re
lating specifically to hangings. It
all swung around charges that
Major Opie, as commander of the
Third battalion. 116th infantry,
had shot some of his men.
Men of Command Heard
Men who had served with the
regiment, supplementing testi
mony submitted last week, de
clared they saw Major Opie shoot
runners In October 1918. while his
command was in the Argonne.
Others who: were with the officer
aasenea ne snoi none ana mai at
ffSrtS tt?.
iq nil uurt (u lurui His line.
Chairman Brandagee, seeking
to cut through the conflicting evi
dence, endeavored to ascertain the
exact number alleged to have been
snot, but m the end there was
some doubt: in the minds of mem,
bers as to whether the witnessed
had seen and were attempting td
describe tlyj same alleged slaugh-
tAV .
Watson Blocks Attempt II
Counsel for Major Opie. in a 1
brief statement, expressed the
hope that there might be a speedy
finding and asked that -further
evidence relating to him might be
presented.; Senator Watson, Dem
ocrat, 'Georgia, whose speech led
to the investigation, opposed any
attempt to single Out the Opie
case,; " ri '
As all the testimony for and
against Major Opie was cleared
, l j , , . ...
fixed for reopening the charges
further statements should be
"wtnessee Tangled
The most direct testimony
aeainst Malor bnie was iriven bv
Charles e.; Fox of Richmond, who
. - - . . . .
counsel for Major opie Quested
the witness to state whether, he
: p
into the records. Fox was not cer-
i -" o ow iuiiu iu.b iatt
mat nis mptner was living. It was
i y.cmcu "i w um was rcgarucu
1 an attempt to show that the com-
mlttee could not believe him.
Arduous Task is Undertaken
By Seriate; Finance Com-
mittee Members ;
Washington. Jan. io Hear.
n rlrtRf (.not rinanpa rVimmitbx
Republicans embarked today on
what Is conceded to be the very
difficult task of rewriting the
Fordney bill.
Several? methods of conlne with
the situation brought about by the
depreciation and fluctuation of
foreign exchange have been sug -
gested. The house decided on a
general plan of assessing duties
ation of the articles imported, but
some administration leaders be
lieve the plan would be very dif
ficult of handling.
Harding has suggested the fixing
of maximum and minimum rates
with the chief executive given au
thority to change the duties be
tween those limits. as conditions
may warrant Irom time to time.
' This proposal has- met with the
approval i ot :. some congressional
leaders and amendments to carry
this plan into effect - have been
prepared 5 by Senator Smoot of
Utah, ranking v Republican on the
coxnmittea. ' . ;
Another suggestion .has been
that the president be given an. net today considered the memo
thorlty to proclaim the value oflrandum from. Premier Lloyd
foreijtn currencT In terms ot Am
erican money as a basis for the
. ...
assessing oi import auuea.
. r I ; "-. - t
Score is 24 to 15 Sons of
Marcos Arrive Today far
Willamette Gaines :
EUGENE. Ore.. Jan. 10. Whit
man college took the second or a
two-game series with the Univer
Hy of Oregon ; quintet here to
night by a ,acore of. 24 to 15 in
play .which varied from the furi
ous to the listless. Ragged bas
ketball was the order during most
of the contest. Repeated substi
tutions by Coach Ceorge Rohlei
failed to stiffen his light quintet
against the smoother working
. Captain Sid Rich, shining light
of tlto visitors tn the first game
waa held to three field goals. His
teammate, Gurian. made four.
Andre, Zimmerman, and Coucl
did all' scoring for Oregon.
The Missionaries leave hera to
morrow afternoon to- meet Wi:
lamette university Thursday and
Friday and Multnomah club Sat
i- .Summary: j
rOREQAN (15)
Whitman (24)
.P. ..Rich (capt;
F. . Gurian
.C..... Knudson
O. . . . . Chandlei
O . . . I . . Penroi?
Oregon Rock-
Andre .......
Lathem ......
i-: Substitutions
hey for Veatch; Zimmerman for
Lathem: CoUch for Keller; Ed
lunds for Couch; Alstock for An
dre; Rice for Rock hey; Ooar for
Scoring: Fteld goal Oregon
Andre 3; Zimmerman 2; Couch 1.
Whitman Rich 3; Gurian 1;
Knudson 2; Chandler 2; Pen
rose '
Score' at1 half time:
Oregon ,..
CaDltal and United
National. Depositories
Call Meetings I
Na changes were made in thhe
election of officers and directors
of the two national banks of the
yesterday accordine
were held
fixed by law. This date is the
I a t-...j T ; .
a... Year
th r.mtaT K-ti.t h..v i
i reed John H Albert whn AA in
j December of 1920. Other offl-
cers re-elected are as follows:
Vice president, E. M. Croisah;
cashier, Josepr II. Albert; trust
officer. W. I. Needham. The di
rectors re-elected are E. M. Crol
san, B. J. Miles, Paul Wallace,
George F, Rodgers and Joseph ill
Albert. Officers and directors of tho
United States National bank, re
elected yesterday afternoon are
as follows: D. W. Eyre, president;
E. H. Hazard, cashier: O. W.
f".!ice pent; fs. Lam-
assistant cashier. The directors
elected are D. W. Eyre, E. W
I Hazard. G. W. Eyre, F. S. Lam
port and D. S. Page.
McArthur Ahnounces His
Candidacy for Congress
ortland. Jan. 10. Clifton
v McArthur, representative in
congress irom me Tftlrd Oregon
i 1 Portland ) district, who is con-
vaiescmg nere from an Illness, to.
I day announced his candidacy for
renomination on the Republican
l ticket at the May primaries.
Iniarenfo R Milfor n.oe
At Home in Dututh, Minn
ST tAITT. Ulitn Tn 1 d
Clarence B. Miller of Duluth, sec
retary of the Republican Nation
al committee and former congress
man, died late today. He was
onerated on for aDDendicitis on
January 2 and his condition be
came critical, due to. heart
LONDON, Jan. 10. The parlia
mentary correspondent of the
London Times says that the cabi
- l-iieorge on tne proposea pa win
(France. He. understands-It was
I , ,
iunanimouiy yyrucu. ,
! S
M'MINNVIIi-LE, Or., Jan.
10.Mrs. Frances Eleanor
Ros j Lin field; widow of the
late Rev. GeorggFisher Lin-
field,: of Srxk4iif?Wash., has
presented to MMinnville col
lege, located aid operated here
under Baptist 'auspices, prop
erty in SpokaJie Wash val
ued 'conservatively at $250,-
000, according to announce
ment made mi student assem
bly today by onard W. Ri
ley, president? ol the college
President Riley said that in
consideration !of the gift the
college board had voted ta;
change the name otthe school;
to Linf ield college, in memory;
of Reverend Mr. Linfield.
Mrs. Linfield has been deari
of -the womeii in the college;
since! last September. ThH
rrcnerty presented consists of;
real I estate jlocated in the
heart of the Spokane business
district. ! I
Walter Jenki and Rev. W.
Milliken, pastof of the Baptist
church, both members of the
board of trustees of McMlnnvillf
college, attended the meeting yes
terday at which the Linfield gift
was accepted and the vote taken
to change the name of the college,
"The value ?of the Spokane
property." said Mr. Jenks. "is
nearer $300.0Q0 than $250,000,
The owner valued It at $380,000,
but the assessed valuation Is
1250,000. ,
"Receipt of the gift Insures a
conditional gift; of 1200,000 addi
tional for Linfield college from
the Baptist Board of Education',
The college is growing and a welt
defined program has been made
to push the Institution to the
front! A new gymnasium has been
compietea recently.
Mrs. Linfield and her late hus
band Were : formerly connected
with Weyland Academy at Beaver
dam.: Wis., and have been affili
ated with Christian educational
work; all their iives. The change
the name pf the college. aC-
cording to Mr.; Jenks, was a con
dition of the gift. The trustees
havej for some time, however.
contemplated changing the name
bo that it might be, more signifi
cant.; ; : f
Henry Yeary of Canby Killed
by Patient Who Sudden-1
ly Becomes Mad
Henry Yeary,
55 .years old,
at Canby, was
whose home Was
slain at the state hospital for the
insane yesterday where he was an
auenaani, Dy ; . . ueroer, a pur
tffent, Gerber istruck Yeary on the
head' with a heavy Bhovei in an.
unprovoked attack while a proup
of trustees , ih charge of Yeary
was I at work On the grounds. .
Yeary had been employed at tec
hospital only since October 1. lie
died without regaining conscious
ness about halt an hour after the
attack, the bljws having fractured
his skull. The attack was from
Gerber had been considered
harmless for years and apparently
was: seized wjth a sudden mania.
He was commuted irom .uunuu
mah. April 6j 1910. and Is about
37 years old.f Ger&er nas no rel
atives according to the records, at
the hospital. , :.
Yearr is survived ty a daughter
who is employed at the hospltaL
Gasoline Tax Proposed
For Soldier Bonus Fund
t if:
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 A tax
of 3 cents a gallon on gasoline, ;to
be paid by tne prodncers, the pro
ceeds of whicja will be used for a
soldiers bonus, is proposed In a
bill introduced today by Represen
tative Bacharach, New Jersey, Re
publican. The tax. he estimated.
would yield from $24O.O0O,OOO?to
1250,000,000; annually suffic
ient revenue, lie said, to meet cah
payments to f former service men
provided for sin the bill.
ST. LOUI& ilo.. Jan. 10.- Ar
thur O. MeWlnger, fugitive caih-
ler .of the Night and Day bank.
ia' tndav wii Indicted on a
charge of making a false report qf
the affairs f . a; corporation. His
aUeged defalcations ' are saldt to
Engineer Faces Charge of
Manslaughter and Is Re
. leased Under $5000 Bond
WAN WERT. O.. Jan. 10.-With
four children dead, two mortt ex
pec ted to die and six other ser
iously Injured, the result of the
wreckage or a school bu by a
Pennsylvania freight train here
today, J. D. Trimble, Fort Wayne,
lnd.. the engineer, tonight faced
a charge of manslaughter.
An affidavit charging Trimble
with responsibility for the tragedy
was filed by Ray L. Imler, father
of two of the dead children. Trim
ble was released on $5,000 bona.
officers m
Vaa Winkle Summons Offic
ers in Response to Ad
. vices from Daugherty
I. It. Van Winkle,-attorney gen.
eral, will issue a call within the
next few days for a state-wldo
meeting to be held either in Sa
lem or Portland to discusa and
devise means for the more strict
enforcement ot the laws. Special
reference will be made to the pro,
hibitlon statutes . in the' call for
the- meeting.- .vi ' f. ;
Mr. Van WlnkU said yesterday
that all law enforcement agencies
tn Oregon will be urged to attend
the -meeting. The agencier wlff
mclbdethe aherifUchUts ot pc
lice and taayors together with the
federal law enforcement officer?
operating in Oregon-,,
.Call for the meeting was ord
' r K. M. Daugherty. Unite;
States attorney general. In a tei-,
egram received at the offices ot
Mr. Van Winkle. Other stater
wtir hold similar meetings, ac
cording to Mr. Daugherty's la
structions received here.
A heavy Pierce-Arrow roadster,
roaring along Pacific Highway at
a speed or over 60 miles an hour.
A light Ford, proceeding across
Pacific highway at from 12 to, 16
miles per hoar. A resulting crash
in which two persons lost their,
four others were injured and both
machines totally wrecked.
This is the picture drawn yes
terday by plaintiff's counsel in the
damage suit filed by Malcolm S.
Ramp, his wife, Nellie Ramp, and
their son, Robert Ramp against E.
0. Osborne, the Oregon Rubber
company and Kenneth Ross. The
Oregon Rubber company and
Kenneth Ross, co-defendants with
Osborne, driver of the Pierce-Ar
row car, must stands suit accord
Almost 300 acres of flax is signed for and tinder contract
in the Aumsville district, following the big flax meeting held
yesterday at Hirne's hall in Aumsville. - . - "
G. W. Eyre, president of the flax growers association, and
A. C. Bohrnstedt and Robert Crawford, drove out from Salem
to assist in the meeting. It was, a public affair, with men
and women enthusiasts attending, to the number of possibly
75. Eleven growers contracted for flax acreage, above what
they had had before. Ten of them were brand new, havins
had none whatsoever, but flax Jooks so good to them that
they're going to take it on for a year's round. ,
Aumsville had rather hoped to
put up a treating plant this year,
but this is not yet an assured
thing. The promoters ot the In
dustry do not wish to crowd It
beyond Its natural course. A big
district meeting1 Is to be held at
Rickreall today and It , quite
likely that the 600 to 700 acres
now or to be contracted, irill re
quire treating plant. If this Is
built, the association Is not likely
to wish to build the Aamsrlile
Griffith Elected I President,
Cabinet ' Chosen tmd Ad
journment is Taken Until
February R
00 Valeria Busy 1 Preparing
Course to Be Fotlowed:
I With Associates v
DUBLIN, Jan. 10. (B The
Associated Press) -When the
Dall Eireann adjourned : tonight
to February l the situation
which last night waa Oangerous
and obscure had been largely clar
ified. ' The new president. Arthur
Griffith, and a new cabinet had
been, elected and the way. had
been smoothed to patting the
treaty into effect. ! ' ,
Intense relief is felt here at the
turn pt events.
Griffith Objected So
Temporary withdrawal of JDa
monn De Valera and his support
ers from the Dall, which, rumor
had forecast, proved not to la-
volve a permanent split ".
Mr. DeValera confined his pro
test to the election j- of a new
president, declaring his unwilling
ness to recognise the suitability to
the post of a man who was chair
man of the London delegation was
bound to give effect to the trea
ty, which, according to De Valera,
subverts the republic., ,
, Valm .Calls Caacna . :
During the luncheon. Mr. De
Valera "and his associates, who
left the hall, held a private meet
ing. Some;etthe more ardent
spirits advocated refusal to re
turn but moderate counsel pre
vailed and the Dall reassembled,
as a united, body. ;, The DeValera
party met again" tonight to form
ulate plans,, but' it was made esi
deat by the numerous speeches
from Mf.' DeValera h what those
plans are likely to be, . -
Orlttrlsna lUghg Reserred '
He holds that the Datl's decis
ion for the treaty binds hlny and
his adherents not to obstruct the
new government la carrying out
the . treaty, but he revives the
(Continued on page C)
ing to Circuit Judge Percy R. Kel
ly, who last nlghgt overruled non
suit motions filed by; the. defend
ants.' , :: , '-. i r . V' ' '
Accident Lat Jsily, ; ,
The accident which is the bel
for the $9900 damage suit filed
against the defendants, occurred
on Pacific highway at the Brooks
crossroad, on the afternoon of Ju-
ly 2. Mrs. Beulah Maplethorpe
Westley, a passenger in the Ramp
car, and Rudolph 8amuelson, aid
ing with Osborne, both died as a
result of Injuries sustained In the
crash. - Those injured in the mis
hap were Malcolm Ramp. Mrs.
Nellie Ramp, E. O. Osborne and
(Continued oa page )
; plant this season, becanse it will
be expensive.; and the organiza
V - I
tion does not wish to overload.
There is a plant , at Turner, that
can be leased for the Anmsrille
district crop, and the longest '
haul will not be more than 8 to
10 miles, with only, a yery little
of it to-go that far. Most of the
crop 'will not hare to td much if
any more than Ove ... miles. t o
(Continued on 6)
was captured.