TTKATIIKK Tb Statesman receives the leased, wire report ot the Associated Ptms. i the greatest and most r tiabU press association la ta world, fMA. a nrV"- . .Tuesday" 'rain West: fair east -frortidWf- moderate winds, raontly aoatnerly. ' . t . i price: five cmrrs LrU FARMERS OF POLK WILL HAVE MEET t H 1? o)TM1 WHITMAN WINS INITIAL GAME FROM OREGON University Quintet at No Time in Sight of Victory Another Game Tonight SWISS PRIMA DONNA PLANS , EARLY VISIT TO AMERICA FOR to IS Accused Senator from Mich igan. Tells Senate No II fggat Expenditures Were Made, in His Behalf. CAMPAIGN METHODS 1 RECALLED IN TALK Regardless of Outcome Peo- pie, of Michigan Are Thanked for Loyalty WASHINGTON, Jan. Stand ing at his lace is, the senate and "speaking publicly for the first i thne Mr his own defense; Senator Truman II. Newberry of Michigan declared today that with God as hla witness be was not In this honr conscious of a alngle act .unlawful dishonorable or corrupt . f-Mn hts eampaiga against Henry Jrotd la IMS. For a half lionr .Mr Newberry read a! prepared speech without Interruption, and for '30 minutes more he was subejeted to a cross- examination by Senator Walsh of , 1 ! Montana, a Democratic member V. ' M 1- - .ft. 1 l.ll I A M. norlty report, held he was hot en fitted to Ms seat ?' 'j Republicans Jubilant Jlovr Senator Newberry came through the trying ordeal was viewed for the most part through partisan yes; There . appeared to ho no doubt that hla Republl can friends were Jubilant They rushed toward him offering con gratulations. Many f Democrats liter asserted Benator- Williams of Mississippi 'had bot express ed their Tlew when he character- lied ta Mlchlra - senator's de fense- as "full of rrasioa.'t . Readr ' with gavet la hand to stofc any demonstration that might break wltlx tne ena oi we sena- U tofs hour: the vice president pui i( quietly la laca again, for there was no outward evidence oi now the members and the big crowd t in the galleries felt.' Two hands claftped once high ' over the heads of the- senators hat noaoay toos up the cudgel. h' ; ' ' Scene- Impreertve . . , Senator Newberry walked Into the senate five minutes before the opening prayer and then went to ta cloak rdomVnrt he remained until within flte minutes of the conclusion Of a Speech b Sena tor Trammel!, Democrat, Florida, who was proclaiming against bis right to be there. And as he went out, wtlh ''a : " rush' of lenators around him, he scarcely heard the opening sentences of another speech in his defease. -f. Unaccustomed to public speak r lag. he read clearly and distinctly first 1 announcing he could not longer remain-silent and that he would not suffer interruptions, but would gladly yield fdr Ques tions when be had finished j his 'statement. There had been Intimations that he would be the center of a hot fire of questions, but only ; Senator , Walsh Interrogated him afte he had rad Ms speech and the rnonlrr related strictly to cer- 'inn r.,tni nfth evidence he ; adduced at ' his trial, and before k a senate committed. - HrnAinr AhaWer Questions Almost at tne outset Senator j "Walsh; f wanted to know why a Statement like- that Just gltea to the senate had not been made be- f tore --r- . "I did not appear on the stand ' at the Grand Rapids trial, be cause I was . what the lawyers : might call i good client." said Newberry, The faces of his friends '.lighted up. "''.I ''.n, n followed the advice of the lawyers In charge of the ease, who saRI I had no information to glte he continued. "I did not Tolan teer before the senate committee for the reasons 1 bite stated.' Then, pressed aa to why be had not made similar statement rn ; response to a letter from hla state, Seaator Newberry shot back that he saw no reason why he should ncourage 1 his polltlcil critics In their efforts to defeat him, - Friends Anwote Speech '.'x.Th cross-examlnatloir ended abruptly within a minute of the hour allotted Senator Newborn under the rules." Once he asked ; the privilege of being permitted to ait, bat a moment , later was op l his feet agiln and answering Sen n ator Walsh, and told him to go i ahead and shoot. Friend ot the senator clilmed tonight that his speech had mid a "tin lmnresBton" and that two ' or ; three Republicans classed as 4 1 p y , A, U MIXE. BEATRICE; DART, famecjas a singer now ap : pcaring at the National Theater' of Zurich, Switzerland, ts expected soon to make her bow to American audiences. . FI James R. Linn , is . Chosen " President of Board at V Annual Meeting POlltLAND, Jan. 9. James It. Linn of Salem today was elected president of the state fair board. The board in addition elected. H. C. Brown of Portland vice presi- deht; A. H. Lea of Portland, sec retary,' and A. N. Busn oi saiera, treasurer. 3. E. Reynolds of La Grande Is the retiring president. Oft February 20 the board will go to Spokane to attend the meet ing of representatives ot all the fair associations oi me raciuc northwest, at which time rules covering fairs this year will be adopted. Film Comedian Pleads Not Guilty When Arraigned Second Time qim pn ANf!lsrro. Jan. 9. (rattv) Arbuckle .oAt.A nnt -niUv today to the rhurvA ftf manslaughter for which k. m mn to trial Wednesday a second time. He Is accused oi having caused the death of Miss Virginia Rappe through events at a party in his hotel apartments last September. Tifttfc nrosecntien r.nd defense agreed last weeK with Judge Har' old Loaderback to put over th trial until after the conclusion ot the Mrs. Minnie xseignoora in jury hearing, an outgrowth of the first Arbuckle trial. -.,.. When the case was. cauea ."- day tto district attorney nouncea mat ine "m vu -would be tried this time on a grand' Jury indictment, msieaa the police court complaint used .1m first trial. The formal or- der of continuance until Wednes day then was entered. ' NEGRO KILLS TWO uMtr.AtittLPHlA. Jan. 9. t. ,!. unddr. a negro capturea here today by a magistrate oi nis am rM. a oatrolman ' and a fntithle after he hid 'led the nnitM Af three states a chase from " - , New York across wew jeney nu into vonncrrWftntA. later slfcned a statement.4 local s authonues saia confessing he had fired the shots thar klned ' two New Tora aeieci Ites. Boddy was held for extra ARBUCKLE GOES ON TRIAL TOMORRqW dltloff to New York. 3 1F 4fl i ' ' . J4 rtev: : judge m IS T Ministers Laud Official for Stern Handling of Offend !! ersj Press Censured At the regular meeting of the Salem Ministerial association yes terday two resolutions were adop ted. One resolution lands City Recordejf Race for his stand on law enforcement, evdiently- with reference to city jail sentences recently imposed: The second resolution protests an alleged discrimination on the part of 1 the press, asserting that in a public discnssion between ProtestamU and Catholic writers, the latter had been given a more promihejit place 1n publication, i The ijesdlution follows: i "Resolved, That the Ministers' Conference of Salem, Oregon, ex tends 1th congratulations to Judge Race in! his determination to see that the "silk stocking" offender receive the same consideration lis the poor sinner who has ho friends.! We feel that Salem is to be congratulated upon having officials who place Justice above social pjositkm, of the dollar mark, ; and assure such Officials that they have our hearty co-operation and support." ; The second resolution follows: v "There is a splendid spirit of harmony, sympathy and cooper ation between the Protestant pastors ; and congregations ot the city of I Salem. ( We deplore re ligious i controversy and narrow sectarian bigotry. Accordingly, We have kept still for over a year while we and the things that we stand fjor have been directly and indirectly attacked by the Rev. J. R. Buck, in, a series of r articles bristling with inaccuracies and misrepresentations. We recog nize his right to publish anything that he desires j - But, be it re solved,? that we protest against MS matter receiving a prominent olace. usually on the church page of the! Sunday issae, while the irenliesi Penned ; by our beloved brother. Dr. Lisle, are relegated to an Unconspicuous column in snm mid-week issue. And We respectfully request that Dr Lisles: replies be extended . the same courtesy as are acecrded the misstatements that have called them forth." Mrsi Marv D.i Powers, vice president of the "Movement for Establishment of Protestant Or phan Homes' appeared before the association and presented an ar- mmcnt for the ! movement and asked if or the t cooperation and sunnort of the local ministerial The! assoclatloh emphatif ally endorsed the nlah and pledged its support in a contemplated effort n SUPPO (Continued on page 2) All Suggestions of Limitation On Air Activities Held Im practicable by Conference Members. ECONOMIC FEATURE IS HELD ESSENTIAL 4 Numerous ; Possible Rules jot Warfare Discussed by, . Conference Members f WASHINGTON'. Jan. 9. (By the Associated Press. All sug gestions for. limitation of military aircraft were thrust aside as im practicable 1 today by the naval committee of the arms conference, the following resolution being adopted: -I ' "The committee is of the opin ion that it Is not at present prac ticable to imiose any effective limitations upou the numbers or characteristics of aircraft, either commercial or military.", Fntare Action Likely Agreement was reached for the creation of i a mixed commission of experts and Jurists to take up at some tutuce time a study ,of the rules of warfare in their ap plication to aircraft. The exact wording of the resolution to this end, including the specific com mission and just how the body was to be i constituted, was left tothe draffng committee. The resolution, declaring air craft limitation impracticable at this time follows closely the lan guage of ' the report of the sub committee. It was changed, how ever, to eliminate an exception to lighter-than-air craft, noted by the sub-committee. The full com mittee discussion made It clear that the delegations were agreed that the general argument against restricting ; aircraft development, because of the wide possibilities the future may hold for commer cial aviation, applied both to air planes and dirigibles. t 4 Hchanzer .for Limitation Another5 change in the sub committee conclusion was the in sertion at the suggestion ot Ar thur J. Balfour of the British group of the Words "at present." Mr. Balfour said the time might come wheil arms limitation pro- jects could: be projected into the field of aviation, more definite knowledges then beng available as trt practical distinction be tween commercial and military flying machines. Senator Schanzer of Italy ex pressed regret that It was the opinion of the conference that nothing could now be undertaken in the way of limiting military aviation to avoid competition, as competitive building of capital ships was to be curbed. He sug gested a future conference on the subject. Senator t'nderwood replied that airplanes and dirigibles were used both for land and naval warfare and for commercial purposes. A pilot training for commercial work could fly a military machine he added, and for this reason and also becanse. the question of land armaments was not to be taken up by the: present conference, he agreed with the technical com mittee that aircraft limitation weTe impracticable. Economies Considered Mr. Balfour pointed out that many persons thought develop ment of aviation would "exert an immense influence upon economic development of mankind," add ing that restrictions on aircraft development, therefore, would re strict also the "peaceful purposes of international intercommunica- t'on." Whatever the future might make possible, he said, present knowledge would, not permit a dis tinction ; b(ween fighting and Commercial development in th air M. Sarraut for the French, he saia, would regard with apprehen Blon, "anything of a nature to paralyze ithe progress ot avia tlon." Baron Kato for Japan said that the time: would come when air craft limitations would be neces sary but agreed that it could not be done: now. and Mr. HUghes summed .up the committee opin ion as against any attempt to re strict airplane development Size May be Unified This left the question of dirig ibles to be considered, Mr. Hughes raid. He said the report of the sub-committee showed that limits of size of dirigibles was at least (Continued on page 2) Three Day Convention Called at Dallas Many Phases WUI be Studied DALLAS, Or . Jan. '. (Spe cial to The Statesman) Farmer? from all parts of Polk county ar -xp'tt.--d to be in DiJlas from Jan ii.iry 17 t -0 wii one of ll.e li:5Ht farmers we .'ting' wf' hold i uthis count will bo held The : ur daa se rous proiniy-- t. U- i.f exceptional henofit'to th farm is as many in- relat inn. farm work, i(-operatiou in sellip p the produce and organ iza tlon of Uii-ni bureaus aaj othei organizay-Jiis of benefit .to" farmers 'will be thoroughly dis cussed. On Tuesday. January 17, a program of interest to poultry raisers, will ho. held: Wednsday is dairy and live tock day; Thursday is Set aside ; for fruit growers and this expected to b the biggest day of the met! as nearly all farmers are Inter ested somewhat in fruit- culture and many of them have larg' pay ing' orchards. A big metnp of the -Vlk County Farmers union will also be held on thU day. Fri day will be vleioted to the 'discus sion of grains, grasses and other farm creps. These meet ngs ure beiij.: pro moted by th'! T'.:ik County Farm bureau with tho assistHnc or County Agricultural Agen' Pu Carpenter. OS Several Days Doubtless Ne cessary to Try Interest ing Damage Case The damage suit of M. S. Ramp, Nellie Ramp and Robert Malcolm (Ramp, ty his guardian. M. S. Ramp, against E. G. Osborne and the Oregon Rubber company, is attracting great interest in the Marion county circuit court. All day yesterday was given to the examination and selection of Jurors. ; One of 1 the principal questions asked was the experi ence of each in driving cars, and whether it was a Pierce-Arrow or one of the other kind. It is thought that the trial will continue several days, although the original docket allowed but one day for the trial. The total amount sued for is $9,900. M. S. IRamp sues for $3,900, Nellie Ramp for $3,000 and Robert Malcolm Ramp, by his guardian, for $3,000 Out Again, In Again, is Record of Andrew Mace Andrew Mace, alleged circulator of bad checks, was last night ar rested by police officers two hours after he had "been freed from a charge of assault upon a minor. Mace Is now pending investiga tion of reported irregularities in connection with his accounts in a local institution. Mace escaped yesterday with a very light sentence from City Re corder EarLRace, the local official imposing a $10 fine and tipulat- ng a five day jail sentence, the jail sentence being suspended at o'clock last night. By 9 o'clock Maee was returned to the city jail by Patrolman El mer White upon a complaint tiled by a local bank. TO F1CE RETRIfiL Washington Court Denies Writ of Review in Or-cutt-Moore Case OLYMPIA. Wash., Jan. 9 The state supreme court today denied a writ of review to Bert Orcutt and Roy Sloore, charged with rob bery of $35,000 from the Seils Floto circus in Vancouver, Wash., in September. The Clark county Jury disa- greed at the October trial and a date for a re-hearing was set for January 10. . A motion for continuance on the ground that counsel for the defendants could not then appear was denied.' whereupon a writ of review was asked, the defendants alleging that the judge had ar bitrarily set the trial date know ing "that their counsel could not appear i j H CHOSEN s IT EARLY DATE Only Details of Technical Phraseology Remain to Be Adjusted fay Conference Delegates.? I TENTATIVE DRAFT IS CAREFUULY OBSERVED Shantung Question Still in Deadlock, But Settlement J Hope: is Fresh .WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. (BV The Associated? Press) Only tails of technical phraseology re main to be worked out before tt treaty for limitation of armament is ready for signature by the plenipotentiaries of the five great powers." ? ' -,; Passing toda on its last ques tion of policy, (he aruiamefit com mittee of the Washington confef- tence decided against any present attempt to limit or regulate aerial warfare and Voted to refer tlic problem to a Continuing commit tee for further? study. p Then each hi the five delega tions, meeting; separately, begiin an examination of the tentative treaty dratt prepared by the sub-- committee of experts. The dele gation heads are t' come- togethf r late tomorrow to compare opin ions and it is expected that the complete text will be r eady for publication to the world at a plen ary conference session Thursday or Friday. Definitions Difficult I. Questions ot definition, partic ularly with reference to. the sta tus of merchant vessels in war time, ara understood to be chief concern of the delegates in their efforts to agree on a wording ac ceptable to everyone. The' Shantung question still Is in deadlock but fresh hope of? a settlement was- aroused tonight when it became apparent that the negotiations oh that subject were turning into new channels. ' sj Some delegates tooh bo optimis tic a view of the outlook that th?y were predicting a plenary session for Saturday ;or Monday to an nounce completion of the Far Eastern treatyL Arthur i. Balfour, nead of the British, made definite plars to sail for home Tuesday "of next Week and his colleagues de clared it was entirely likely that he would sign the Far Eastern agreement before his departuel More Time Xeeiied On the other hand it became ap parent tonight that the atudy iot the naval treaty text by individual delegations waa promising to con sume more time than originally had been allotted for it. Late to day it was decided to suspend plans .for tomorrow's committee meeting and to h'old the meeting of heads of delegations late to morrow. J p The merchant ship question ' as treated in the Hub-commitjiee draft of the treaty, would be set tled by limiting the armament' of merchantment to six-inch guns and by prohibiting the conversion of any commercial vessel of mre than 10,000 tons into a naval aux iliary. ThereTwas a general ex pectation that these proposal. would be finally accepted. y In American circles the rela tion of merchant shipping to ihe naval question was discussed from a new angle ias the result of a suggestion by? Homer L. Ferguson, head Of the Newport News Ship building & Drydock company that the arms conference agree on 'an allocation of shipping facilities and opportunities. The proposal was laid before President Harding at the White House conference at tended by Mr. Ferguson, Chair man Lasker bf the United States shipping board and Chairman Jones of the senate commerce committee, but there appeared" no Immediate prospect that it would receive administration approval. Ship Building Studied I Another Question said to re main unsettled In the tentative draft or the treaty related to the building of warships within the Jurisdiction pt the signatory pow ers dui ior yie use of outside na iions. several alternative word ings oi that; section aro under- siooa to nave been prepared. I Aside from Shantunz. the iFar Eastern questions " remaining In abeyance relate chiefly to the Chi nese railroads am, to element in volved In China's request forab t rogation or J the agreements re- suiting front the "21 demands" A declaration is to be made lso with respecfc to Siberia but no great difficulty is expected: In reaching anUgreement on jthat pome as an aavance suggestion (Continued on page 2) EUGENE.. Ore., Jan. 9. the University of Oregon lost its first Northwest conference game to Whitman "college here tonight hy a score of 31 to 22, coming at no time within striking distance of a victory. A slight lead was main tained for the first 10 minutes of play which was slow. , Rich was the shining light for the Missiouaries with 17 points to nis credit. Gujin. his team mate, played a flashy game annexing eight points. Andre and Zimmer man shared honors for Oregon. A second game win be played to morrow. Lineup and summary: OREGON (22) WHITMAN (31) Andre .V Rich Rock hey . . . . . ..F. . Zimmerman . ...C. flurneti ..... . .ti . . Sohns Knudsen t handler Heller ... . . . ..G Substitutions: v . Penrose Oregon Edlunds for Beller: Couch for Burnett; Lathera for Andre ;Alstock for Rockhey; Bel ler for Ediunds; Andre for Al stock. i Whitman Gurin for Sohns. Field goals: Oregon Andre 1, Zimmerman 3. Beller 2. Edtuirds 1. Lathera 1, AlstocK 1. Whitman Rich- 6; Sohns 1, Knudsen 1, Penrose 1, Gurin S. Free throws Andre 4 in six attempts; Rich, 5 in 9 attempts. Score at half time: Oregon, 11." Whitman, 13. ll Patronage Greatly Increased v But Budget no Larger Than Year Ago The Salem public library Is up against a rather serious condition, not for the lack of patronage, bat from the fact that the library is tpo prosperous. To relieve this unusual .condition, a meeting was held last night of the board but no definite action waa taken and there was an adjournment for The difficulties of the library comes from the fact that the busi ness ot the library has Increased more than 30 per cent the past year, although the budget for the library is just he same as oae year ago, when there was scarcely enough money to keep the neces sary help. With 30 per cent increase In circulation, and the necessary ex pense of handling the business, the library finds Itself without sufficient funds, as in the city's budget $7,500 was , allowed al though $$000 had been asked for. One of the plans suggested to the board by which ithe library could operate for 1922 on the funds provided, was that-of not opening the building until 12 o'clock each day. By this ar rangement there - might be some saving in the operating costs of the library. This however, was merely a suggestion. The following officers were elected; David W. Eyre, presi dent; Mrs. , J. W. Harbison, vice- president; w. H. Bnrghardt, sec retary. Also the following who will serve as directors with the officers of the board: Dr. H. II. Olinger, Henry W. Meyers, P. H. Spears, Frank Lovell, Dr. R. D, Byrd and A. A. Lee. Joseph Woerndie Must Fave Trial March 14 PORTLAND, Jan. 9. The trial of Joseph Woerndie, former Aus trian consul In Portland, by which the government hopes to cancel his naturalization certificate was set for March 14, today by .Fed eral Judge R. 8. Dean. The gov ernment asks the. cancellation on the grounds that Woerndie did not live up to his oath of alle giance during the early stages of the war in that he lent passports to Germany to Hans Boebra, Ger man spy. Nesmith Loses in Fight to Gain Land Interest SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. William G. Nesmith, son of the late James Nesmith, at one time United States senator from Ore gon, lost his fight In the United States circuit court of appeals to day to gain an Interest in the old Nesmith home property of 300 acres in Polk county, ! Oregon, from the estate of his slater Mrs. Jennie Nesmith Ankeny, who mar ried: the late Senator Levi Ankeny. r t nn a mr SHORT BUY WORK mm Ex-President Makes Clear jThat A Members of Min tstry Go Out and State Functions Cease.' INTERNAL STRIFE IS i1 f SCOUTED BY LEADERS Methods of Forming- ri:v uqyernment Again lo Be Taken up joday s !DUBLIN;Jan.9.(By.Th6 P .Associated s rress) ireiana tonight? is jvvithout a govern ment bf ita crwn. Eamonn De - Valera resigned from the presidency and the ' proposal , for his re-election to that of fice" which includes the of fice ot pnm!er'def e&tcd in the Dail Eiraenn by a vote oi m t6 58.. r?, :Sv.; 0' ' j Mr. De Valera made it clear that? all : the. members of th ministry, whether they voted for or against the treaty, .went out? of office .with hirrf.v; ' 1 Lest there should be : any doubt, William Cosgrave, min ister of local government wl.a daily, he said, was sending out letters from his department to Irish public bodies, asked if all that was to stop. De Va lera replied it must stop unty successors of the former xni Is ten were appointed. The vote on De Valera'a re election was doubtful Until thi figures were announced. Thi Ixmdon delegates who signed the treaty were divided; f out t voting against De Valera, and one, Robert C. Barton, .in hi3( favor. Mr;' De Valera-him self refrained; from -'Voting i while Ldam Koisite, memDcr . for Cork city, when his nam?? was caneu, saiu ne wuuia nuir take the ' responsibility for plunging Ireland into fratri culal strife. . I? 1 , Cheering r followed "r the an nouncement of the figures. Uota Griffin and Collins were quick to pay tribute of admiration to Mr. De Valera, while the- whole assem bly arose and applauded him. A noteworthy feature of Mr. d Valers's later statement was' that talk of fratricidal strife was all nonsense; the Irth people would know how to eonduct themselves. : The course to which the form er president, after hJ defeat, urged his opponents was, to ap point a president 1 his place and let the president appoint his own ministers. He accepted defeat ta good spirit and pledgvd hH sup port to the: new government so long as it was marching along the road to Irish Independence. He explained his reason ' for assent- Inr to a motion for his re-election wera the same as for declining to rn In Tton nil th delecAtktt. his Idea Deinr to Keep a reserva power, in the interests of the Ir ish Republic, behind tho men In contact with the British minis ters. ' ' Valer Often on Floor It soon became evident' that the tupportera of the treaty were not anxious to submit any name for the o residency. Richard Mul- cahy. chief of sUff, recalled .that me juau caa v iuub &ur without any president iicnae ' Collins submitted a , motion that the Dail should request Arthur Griffith to form- a provisional government. . - This did nothing to clear the situation and Mr. De Valera kept rising frequently, pressing his ar gument that they must-act Con stitutionally, keep the republic In being and give it a ministry. lie objected to the creation of any alternative government which would suppress the Dail. and de clared that If the republic plan were abandoned his : followers would walk out. : . - ! - ' His declaration bf willingness to stand behind the new govern ment, if such action entailed no sacrifice of principle and Ms far ther statement that he and his associates were ready to back the new government It It should re quire support against any outside enemy; were loudly cheered. Com mandant McKeown cried out that Dd Valera'g speech was the me t (Continued on page 2J E :r v i- T J .3 :a 13 :.3 12 .al w 4 re 2- i h ii 30- ca an- are i f ;nt r c t i ac :ct- Al or A ex an ar; ( 1. t; (Continued on page 3)