The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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Automobiles, Society, Clubs, ll&iic &J 1
Gerard Hexvs
Si 1.
sjth$jmrc in n a! r tp r m '?
:U iiV O JL 1 X . -5 JL JTV O
. -.-
I - f , .
es Bicycles
. . m. ' . i ! -
I - I
i I'.: M . ,i . . ..'i
New Company Incorporated
) to Manufacture Light.
- Sixfn, Detroit
j With the incorporation of Jew
ett Motors, a new 'Michigan etor
tration, comes word that a new
Detroit-made atftomdblle will very
shortly be on the market. The
; new car will be named the Jewett,
bearing the -name of Harry M.
Jewett. president ,or the Paige
Detroit Motor Car company.
All or the stock of Jewett Mo
tors j owned sby the, Paige-Detroit
'Mo tor Car, company, so that
the new tonrpany la, -in -effect, '-"a
av beldlary -Tb -the new ear
rlll hare behind it the foil fin
ancial strength1 of -the Paige-Detroit
Motor Car company.' '
jl The new Jewett car waa desleni
M by "the engineering staff of LTblume business,
xne Jaige-Detrolt Motor Car com
lny. which , has been quietly,
rvrklng f or many nionths to per-
T mA Htm tavt
and Rim Parts for aU jCart
v Frea Expert AdTjca
ISO Sooth High Street
feet the type of light, low-priced
automobile which most exactly
aulta .present day needs. The
Jewett will be manufactured by
the Paige organization.
The existing Paige distributing
organization will form the nucl
eus of the sales organization
which will market the. new car.
Preliminary announcements re
cently made to the trade bare al
ready brought Inquiries and ex
pressions of Interest from up
wards of a thousand new dealers
so that the present Paige dealer
organization Is being rapidly ex
tended to insure maximum distri
bution and maximum volume for
this new-Detroit product.
' Paige dealers will handle the
Inasaad oqi 01 uonjppu uj ftaiaaf
Paige, line. The present Paige
models, both -66 and '6-4 4, which
'have proved so successful, will be
continued. The Jewett- a light
car at a low price 'instead of in
terfering with the Paige will
round out a really complete, line
that otters maximum sales possi
bilities "under present conditions.
" "With "known financial strength;
and an established manufacturing
and selling organization, the Jew
ett springs Into being fully gown
with immediate possibilities for
It is anticipated
that upwards of 20,000 Jewetts
can be produced and marketed
during 1922, so that the new en,
terprise promises to be a distinct
factor in the improvement of busi
ness conditions in Detroit.
The Jewett will be a six-cylin
der- automobile of light weight.
tWljlIe its price has not yet been
announced, it win place tho new
car in the popular priced field.
In designing the new car, we
had the experience of all the other
'" r f '
? :
; ,
I have been carefully selected, from the cars on the mar- -I
( ketJafc: ieiprnt ime;lJx,- men "who are experts in
judging used cars, this ir&ures4that if you purchase, a f
car from us you will get the best values that are on
the market.
There is a real pleasure in demonstrating our cars
because of the fact'thaj; they are in good mechanical
condition. We want you to help us share this pleasure,
and will welcome a visit from you at any time whether
you contemplate a purchase or not. r -
"The Home of the Uttd Car"
makers -in the popular-priced
field before us and were able to
profit thereby," said Air. H. il
Jewett, in commenting on the new
car. "Careful study and thorough
tests of existing sixes and fours in
the low priced field convinced us
that the Six was the most efficient
and satisfactory, and In the long
run the most economical automo
bile. We were also abia to design
a really modern car with many
marked improvements.
"Coming onto the market at
this time with no handicaDS. we
are able to secure our materials at
price to enable us to offer val
ues never before possible.
"The absence of vibrations in a
six means longer life and lower
upkeep costs for the entire car. It
also means greater driving com
fort. The great advantage of the
six under normal driving condi
tions la obvious. It runs smoother.
picks up faster and is in every
way mom desirable from the own
er's standpoint.
"The Jewett Six will be low in
first cost and in. operating cost.
With a vibrationleas six-cylinder
motor and sound construction, it
will show Yery .low costs of up
keep and long life. In beauty, in
comfort ! and in performance we
foM that the new car will also be
a real and pleasant surprise."
The Jewett will be unveiled to
Paige dealers, at the annual Paige
dealers dlnnar during the New
York automobile show. The car
will not be placed before the pub
lic until: production is well under
way, which will be early in 1922,
Subject of Discussion
Big Chicago. Meet
Next Week
"Mrs.jOaydog is seeking a di
vorce on: strictly modern lines."
; "Is that so?" What grounds?"
. "Incompatibility of political be
liefs." Kansas City Star.
1 UTT'Trv."TSri x?fc
341 N. Commercial St.
Phone 666
Vouble Cable Vase cTire5
1 neir many users - prove
their worth.
You never ? can lose if you
"Buy a FEDERAL We cany
Hi'; "
1 4
. i ...
Tire Service
! ' i
Katty-Korner Marion Hotel
1 . . r k y t - - r '.u; -- c ...... .
B U I i
; Effective January 1, 1922
'two Passenger Roadster...!
Fi?5 Passengerj Tpurinj.. r .1 r. $ 1095
Three Passenger Coupe.,..................- $1495
Fire - Passenger Sedan:j......-.-.ik..v..v?1595
Three Passenger Roadster $1590
five Passenger Touring............ $ 1620
Seven Passenger Touring.. 1820
Three "Passenger Coupe..:....... ..- 21 35
. $2415
The growing demand for wider
and safer roads and stronger
bridges has awakened the officers
and directors of the . American
Road Builders' association to the
need for act'on and the program
committee has provided for an
exhaustive discussion of the sub
ject at the Twelfth American Good
Roads congress and Thirteenth
National Good Roads show; to be
held In Chicago, January 1$ to 20
The elimination of grade cross
ings w;!l be one of the pffases con
sidered. (3ni of 12,000 persons
killed on the highways of the
country last year, 7000 were
struck down at prade crossings.
Investigation has shown also that
one motorist in every three is
careless at grade crossings, ap
proaching the railroad tracks at
reckless speed and without tak
ing due notice of approaching
4 pa Ino
The Pennsylvania and SoUthefa
Pacific railroads, especially, haVe
been heavy sufferers from: grade
crossing accidents. On the South
em "Pacific lines alone during the
past three years 1909 motor cars
ad trucks were wrecked n the
grade crossings. In 490 : cases
or more than 20 per cent, the mo
torists deliberately ran Into the
trains. In 122 instances; atttos
plunged through the crossing
gates. Nine crossing flagmen
struck down. ;
.In 970 eases in which motor
ists ran in front of the trains.
136 persons were killed and 40S
were Injured. In 490 cases motot
cars stalled on the crossings and
were demolished. Forty-three
cars actually collided with the
danger signals.
An investigation conducted re
cently hy the Maryland State
Roads commission demonstrated
that most highway accidents occui
on long stretches of road instead
of St the curves and are due to
speeding or reckless driving, rath
er than fiklddingjT .
A total of $4,500,000 was paid
out In death clamis by American
insurance companies for the 12,-
000 persons killed on the high
ways last year. In addition to
the fatalities there were 1,500,-
000 non-fatal Injuries. .
Automobile fatalities fn 191
were 9542. la 1919 the number
increased to 9826. Considering
the 12,000 accidents last year and
baBing their calculations on the
experiences of St. Louis. Cleve
land, New York, Chicago and
other cities for the first six months
of 1921, experts estimate that this
year's fatalities on the highways
will reach 15.000. A total of
690 person Were killed on New
York state roads and cUy Btreets
during the first 'six months this
past ?eaf. Of this number 403
met their death in New York city.
At a recent drawing of space for
the good roads show in Chicago
o per cent of the 40,000 square
feet of space was taken, breaking
all records and necessitating the
use of additional buildings to
house the exhibits. Approximate
ly $1,500,000 worth of labor sav
ing road machinery and applian
ces will be i cxhibtied.
At the good roads congress to
be held during the exposition.
many subjects of importance to
highway users will be discussed;
including the strengthening of
ibrldgeslto carry the ever increas
ing truck loads and a more equit
able distribution of taxation for
the construction and maintenance
of highways. Last year federal,
state and municipal taxes on mo
tor vehicles .reached the stagger
ing sum of $316,720,000 equlv.
alcnt to $34 per car. Governors
of states, county commissioners
and mayors of cities throughout
the country are being asked to
appoint delegates to the con-
eost of taaterials which have fol
lowed the return to normalcy.
Eegge" & Burrell., local represen
tative of the, Willard Storage
Battery ; company, say Jhis Mm
haj tecently announced their new
All-Rubber battery. This Is a
battery using the i Willard com
pany's patented threaded rubber
insulation, and their new Mono
blo (one-piece hard rubber ccn
tiner. The combination makes a
battery that is rubber inside and
rubber outside, and is practically
indestructible. .1
Degge & Burrell also ay that
this company has standardized on
the use of rubber gaskets lor
sealing the post and the coverot
the cells, so that the batteries
are now absolutely leak-proof at
this point. This type of, con
struction greatly simplifies man
ufacturing and affords a very sat'
isfactory method of making a
leak-proof Joint between post and
cover. At the same time it fa
cilitates dismantling and reassem
bling of the battery in the least
time and with the least difficul
ty. 'I
The third advance has been
made in the use of their bone-dry
batteries which are made and
shrpped without electrolyte and
preliminary charging. j There
has, been more than 100 per cent
increase in the use of these bat
teries ty service stations, and o
per cent Increase on the part of
car manufacturers. This again,
works to the benefit of the new
car .buyer as well as the purchas
er of a replacement battery who
now finds It possible to buy
brand new battery one . wntcn
has not been wearing itself out
before they came into possession
of it. I j
Automobile Business Good
Say Vick Bros.; 9 Sales
Contrary to the general belief
that the automobile business is on
the bum Vick Brothers report that
car ales are good. Enclosed can
are In more " demand than ever
since people are beginning to re
alize the comforts of the closed
car.; Better tba na car a day Is
being sold even during tha winter
Sales were made during the last
week to the following:
Dr. E. E. Fisher, Oakland
E. E. Roberts, Overland Tout
ing.1 . K
Z. J. Riggs', Overland Coup?. S;
George Martin. Oakland Sport".
Sam Schank, Oakland Touring,
Martin Jensen, Overland Tout
ing. ' i
Ralph R. Burroughs, Overland
Touring. '
H. P. Jensen. Overland Touring
, Frank Christensen, Sanisoi
Truck. ;
the ltst two months in Roceburg
for tbU Samson Tractor company
. - i j i i .
nas attain juineu ine .saiec turcv
of Viopc Brothers and wi,ll be en
paged: in selling Overlands, Omk
lands and Paige cars.
Hav you noticed , that the In
crease, In the value of Liberty
bonds .began last March 'when
President Harding and the Repub
lican administration took office?
The vast increment In value Is
shared by nearly 20.000.000 men
and women who responded to the
government's appeal Sot funds
with which to tarry tm tho War. It
was Plerpont -il orga the ilder.
who cai4 thai the -Maa who a
hear on the United States will to
broke. That's as trrie thts flay ma
it was a score of years aro. It will
be true torevw la thla coantry.
Exchange. -; - b . V- v . , " .
Stage Hand Did. yon iay;yoti
wanted a window or a widow?
Show tnaaager--I said window.
But , they're) both ; much alike.
When I ret near ttber of them
I always look out.r-Japaa ; Ad
vertiser..' . i" -"'
E. E. Roberts Returns
To Vick Sales Forrje
E. E.' Roberts who has spent
IV. v j- .. '
4 Let us put your wheel in A-l running condition and,
thus avoid future heavy expense. A dollar spent this
way now will often save. five dollars later. We are;
Salem's bicycle specialists and are equipped to most
efficiently handle your work. - 1 '
387 Court Street
Four Passenger Coupe.
Fire Passenger Sedan ...J
Seven Passenger Sedan.
v-- -.V t J
l : ? All Prices F. O. B. Salem
Above prices do not include war lax
t w -'.-' i i ...... ! . '
Phone 220-SaIem, Oregon t
f HfNiG 3'W '1
...... -'-!-. "?;
: v ,vr . ..- " ; - ,
- . " . . . '. - " .
' . . . .. ' '- ' ' t
,1 -
When you
Means of
Mohey Cannot Buy
an Automobile as a
Development Greater Than
in Any Previous Year,
Says Local Firm
The great jyear of progress tx
Etorage battery development!
lust closed, i MotorisU and ca
mcnafactrer8 now have batteries
available that' embody some Inn
damental Improvements . la con
Btrtiction and these changer wera-f
mafle T088!ble 'by the renewed ex
That thing Is
1 .J,
How long did it use to take to take to travel 10 .
miles, 10 years ago? Can you still ailord to take
the time you used to take? '
i. -
We offer to you the cheapest means of Trans
portation on earth, iised by more people, 'and
recognized by all to be as-such.
Immediate Delivery onjAll Models
r - - v -
i Except Coupes
260 North High St. Phone 1995
perimepUl work and l?w??e3