The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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SILVERTON. Or.. Jan. 7.
f Special to The Statesman.) -rSil-.'
verton friends have received ,the
.- announcement of the marriage of
Miss Madge Ellis, drughter of Mr.
and Mm. A. W. Klifs. to Melvin
Schrock of vGlendale, Cal. The
- Kllis family was at one time res-
idcnU of Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenzen of
PllTerton bare received word of
the marriage of their , son Ches
ter, to .MJrs Llbbie Hoffman at
Lexington. Neb. The weddin
took place December 22 Mr. and
Mr. Lorenzon will make their
borne in Nebraska where Mr. Lor
eawn tan been daring the last
fonr year.:: ,
The elghth-A grade of the Dub
. lie school ia planning to glre a
three act corned y in the near fu
ture entitled "The Doctor." Those
taking part In it are 7liel Ellis,
.Edward Ryring. Gerald Mero,
' tturton. Mtfrpby, Kathleen Booth
i waada Dowen and Vivian Wilson.
P M. C. Woodard left the mlddl?
of this week for a trip to Wiscon
sin. Mra. Woodard accompanied
him! to Portland.
Mr and Mra Rhesa Starr hare
moved into the Relstad house on
. Newlywed avenue. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wray have taken the apart,
men I s left vacant by Mr, and Mrs.
Etarr In the C M. Wray home.
' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds
have leased the It. B. Monnt home
tn Coolldge street and will move
from the il J. Adams home to the
new location In the near future.
A. M'ss Marvel Nelson daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson of
Portland spent a few days at S1I -verton
as guest of Miss Viola Ban
dcrs.j ': -. r-i , , .
rented the F. E. Wray ranch.-east ' -
h-H and Mrs. Alfred Adams of.
havot uavj retuiMu t- Mei
ton and . for a time will make
their home at the home of Mr.
Adams' father, L. J. Adams of
Silverton. i '
llMrs. Kate McKaskill has gon?
to . Portland whero . she has em
ployment. . : r : ' ' '
- Mlsa Dora Jones of ltoquiam.
Wash., is spending a few dava at
Silverton as guest of her sister,
Mrs. Nve Bristol.
, The Silverton" Lumber company
las closed; down for Its annual
cleadao and repair. , .
J. G, Kntnzi is buiidjiig a rood-
ciii henhouse 10 by 20 on his
; farm. Kuenzi is' specializing
In brown Leghorns.
, Mrs. Kreta Dahl. has purchased
the house on Second street be
longing to Miss 4Grace WoIfardLi;
'-"Mr. 'and Mrs. 'George Divia of
. Eugene -were called to. Silverton
. few days ago by the illness of
' Mr. Davis' father. Grant Davis,
wbo Jives on "Liberty Hill. i
- Albert Sather is suffering from
Mood poisoning In his foot, caused
by stepping on a rusty hall.
W. H. Williams is ,ga.n; out
after his recent Illness., . K
Laura Cheney, a member of
tbe fifth grade at the Silverton
public school, u HI, .
.Mr. and' Mrs. E. L. Smith have
returned from a few weeka.viait
spent In Californla. ; . ; r
Irs. George Steclhammer ' and
Harrjr Carson have returned to
SUverton from Dufar. Or where
te J:
8 Roomed House and Furniture
Wednesday Next, 360 N. 12th St, 1:30 p. m.
As Follows:
Two-story plastered house with front and back porches,
electric lights, gas, bath and toilet, full sized basement.
on paved street, cement sidewalks, 4 blocks from state
house ; good lot' and well located. Terms, $500 cash,
balance monthly payments ; this gives everyone a
chance to own their own home; also at the same time
and place 1 will "sell .all' the furniture and furnishings,
including cocjc, stove ranges, heaters, rugs, curtains,
linoleums, dressers, dining chairs, tables, dishes, kitch
en utensils, recti baby buggy, home canned fruit, glass
door beaver board, beds, comforts, and many
other articles, j
Terms of furniture cash. Remember the day Wed
nesday next, 1 :30 p. m. TCacc 360 N. 12th street near
Center Street. I
Owner, 360 N. 12th St. The Auctioneer,
"V: ''.Phone 511; Res. 1610 N. Summer St.
"If you have anything to sell phone Woodry 511.
Arid Plumbing Work
We sell Plumbing Supplies, wholesale and retail;
work on contraet. Estimates cheerfully given.
219 North Commercial
Salem. Oregon J
they were called by the death of
their father.
Misses Rnby, Myrtle and Rosie
Anderson of Sedan. Minn., are
new arrivals at 1lverton. For
tin present they will make their
home at th John Kkland home.
Max Scbiltcr. a sales promoter
of the McCnne Sales company of
Portland, Is at Silverton.
Mrs. Henry Moser of Red Deed.
Alberta, Cpu-, is a Silverlon vis
itor. William Woodard. who has
been visitinz at the M. C. Wowl-
crd home, lias returned to Wait
port. Mr. and Mrs. H. Good h&e re
turned from : Washington where
they spent, a few days vi3itli?
with friends.
Mrs. A. O. Legard, who spent
a few days the firt of tin week
with Portland relatives, has re
turned to Silverton.
Dwlght Stafford of Bend. Or.,
has come to Fiiverton to make il
hia home.
Mr and Mrs M. Tbomnson and
fnmlly have moved to Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Wolf, wha re
cently purchased the Thompson
home In the Brush Creek din
trlct, have moved to thslr new
Mrs. K. Smith was called to
Goldcndale. Wash., because of
the seriousness illness cf her
bi other.
Mrs. MUei Lewis of Portland
has come to Silverton to make her
borne. She has taken- roons at
the J. Hosracr apartment house.
f Continued from page 1.)
IV-J - . .1 . I A
reviewinE the ,rfr.
"But looking at the-case from
all phase the court cannot but
consider her guilty of second de
gree murder."
Under the federal law the pen
alty for voluntary manslaughter
la three to ten years In prison-rOf
second degree murder ten year?
to life.
Penalty Maximum
Consequently Mrs. Wurtzharger.!
received the maximum sentence
for the crime to which she plean
ed guilty, which is the .same as
the mln'mum penalty fcfr second
degree murder.
i-Mrs. Wurtzharger sald'nothing
In her own defense. "She appear
ed to be. however, on the verge
Of a breakdown. Her air In
court was one almost of refine
ment. According to the sketch of the
tragedy presented by Humphreys.
Wurtzharger had mistreated and
choked hlg wife on the night of
the killing.
In addition he told her that he
intended to kill her as soon as
Eliza Miles, a nephew who was
visiting them should leave.
Jnsr prior to the slaying. Mrs.
Wurtzharger. according to ' fhe
federal attorney, was burning
some medicine for relief of asth
ma. ;
'Tt-ope you choke to death!"
her husband said to her.
k Leaving the room, Mrs. Wurtz
Pbarger went to the ice box and
got a small sledge hammer.
Then she returned to The bed-
room a:
Wakening her nephew, she ioiu
him what she had done The two
went tolSaleni. where Mrs. Wurtz
barger was taken into custody by
Sheriff Bower.
Becapse the crime had been
committed on' a government rescr
Tat'on. jthe case was later turned
over toj the federal court.
The penalty on a convict'on rf
fir?t-degree murder would have
carried a possible sentence to the
From the; time of their
marriage In May. 121. WurU
barger had been extremely cruel
and i jealous of a former suitor.
' I . 1 J
according to Bert Haney and lohnincw kitchen, the Gray-Belle res-
A. Collier, attorneys for the ac-
cusd Woman
Life for her, the attorneys aid.
has been a snccens'on of cruelties
Constant abuse, they declared,
was her lot.
"If you Have me' I'll follow
you and kill; you and your two
children. tob.J I don't care what
become of me then." Wurtzhar
ger declared ;to his wife on sev
eral different occasions. Collier
told the court.
' She iwas not permitted bv her
husband, they said, to see her two
children by a former marriage.
She had been; married to two oth
er men. The first died. To the
second she was married, divorced
remarr'ed and again divorced.
The children.; a mirried daughter
and a son 1? years old. were by '
the second husband
"Thq fact that she was Ftnick
and beaten by her husband war
rants' a change of plea." said
Humphreys. s he outlined the
case to Judjre Bean.
tinder federal regulations the
attorney general will designate
the prison tri which Mrs. Wnrt
ftrz"T will Mr sent. She will bo
required to serve at leat ne
Ihird of her term before she will
be eligible for parole.
SCOTTS MILI?. Ore.. Jan. 7 .
Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Dixon and
small daughter spent the Now
Years' vacation with relatives at
Battle Ground. Wash.
Mrs. Calvjn Philips who has
been in Eastern Oregon for some
! Mi
me returned home last week.
rs. M. Walbel return d home
I Monday from Oregon CMty where
she had been visiting her mother.
Mrs. I.o!o Bellinger and daugh
ter Jane Klizazcth, returned to
Salem Monday after spendin?
New Years with Mrs. Lena Bellin
ger, i
Misses La Verne Rich. Beatrice
Amundson and Enid Lamb re
turned to Eugene Monday where
they are attending school.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Khiltz of
Lyons, Ore. visited relatives hen?
New Years."
Miss Loraiae Hogg returned to
Salem Monday where she is at
tending school, after spending her
vacation with her parents.
Ray TJelfer of Mt. Angel visited
his eister Mrs. John Waibel at
Crooked Finger over New Years.
John Brougher returned to
Willamette university Tuesday
after spending the holidays with
his parents. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott and
family of Woodburn spent N'3w
Years with hMr. and Mrs. J. S.
Mrs. Newman of North Dakota
is visiting her sister Mrs. -Albert
Rich and family.
Mrs. Herman Landwing and
children are visiting her parents
r .ana Mrs. A
Moser. on thefnjre lt wa8 compieted?
Miss Francis Semojke of Port
land has been visiting her sister
Mrs. Blersack at Crooked Finger
who bas been- quite sick.
Robert Gardner of Aglqua
Heights left for Portland Mon
'' - 1 Continued on 0re
will be enduring. Of course, thf
agitator is always dangerous ana
Is ot greatest Imenace when he i'
pretending an; advocacy of free
dom. Ireland is not free from
such and he may cause some dte.
turbances before the country set
tles down to fiill tranquility. Dur
ing this transition period, let me
beg the charitable, sympathetic
view of the stranger who is look
ing on and who may have a dis
torted view, of Irish character
like those who take much satis
faction in the asserted belief that
"the Irish cannot get alon?: with
out fighting among themselves."
Let me beg; also, that Ameri
cans of Irish" birth will write
back there to their friends and
relatives words of commendation
and encouragement, endorsing
their decision -for peace and urg
ing that the turbulent souls sub
side for a generation or so tnd
permit th hives of industry to do
their work, so' that the wings of
prosperity may be spread with
universal influence over that
beautiful and fertile isle.
The comnion people are about
to come Into their own. Thd price
of golf balls has ben ted need to
the prewar figure.
also do (he actual plumbing
187 Front Street
Tortjand, Oregon
Additional Space Prepared,
Sanitary and Modern in
Every ;lRespect
Recently completing the con
struction and equipment of its
Uaurant . and confectionery now has
one of the most modern, sanitary
and best equipped plant to be
found on the coast.
The new addition, which was
erected at the rear or the build
ing, occupied as a dining room,
measures 27x4 2 feet and i of
fireproof construction throughout.
The fk-oring is a flexible, fire
proof exposition known as
"Magnotile." It is strictly sani
tary and impervious to moisture,
yet strong enodgh to withstand
any impact to which a floor cov
ering may be subjected. It is
much used in hospitals and other
places where strict sanitation is
A complete refrigerating plant
n Deen insiauea. wmw piuwss
reirigerauon iur u usco i iue
restaurant. The fruit and vege-
table, cold storage room is kept at
an even temperature slightly
above freezing, while the meats,
fish, etc. are kept in a refrigerat
ed room where the temperature
ia constantly below freezing. No
ice is used for refrigerating pur
There is a separate room for
the niHking of French pastries,
where a warm temperature is
maintained. Th's is to facilitate
the formation of the artistic dec
orations which are characteristic
of the finest French pastry.
In the basement is located the
steam plant which supplies the
steam tables and soup and coffee
boilers. Meats, fowls, etc.. are
cooked in a steam cnest. This
process insures tender meats with
the natural juices retained.
In keeping with the manage
ment's desire for strict sanitary
conditions, an electrically operat
ed dish washer has been .installed
which thoroughly cleanses and
sterilizes the dishes by the use of
steam. By this method the dish
es are not touched by hands.
An employe of the restaurant.
who has had experience in the
largest hotels and restaurants of
Portland and other cities, says
that the new Gray-Belle kitchen
is equal to, and in many respects
surpasses, similar establishments
where he has- been employed. Al
together 512,000 was expended
on the construction and equip
ment of the plant.
While the proprietor, Claude
Belle, is proud of his latest
achievement, he feels that the im
provement is merely in keeping
with the progressive spirit of the
city. Mr. Belle says that the kit
chen is open at aU times to public
(Continued from page 1.)
Do you remember when all the
fireworks on the Fourth of July
were exploded in Willson park
and how some of the boys had a
display of their own on t:ic steeple
of tltn Viraf Mnthnriiut rhnrrh lx-
Or when the police would haul
intoxicated mien to the calaboose
in a truck or laundry wagon and
how the crowds would follow? Or
when Lewis Byrne had his famous
wedding cake on display and how
the tiles ate off the frosting and
it was discovered that, the cake
was made of wood?
Do you remember thj old Reed
opera house fire and how every
Chinaman found in town was put
to work on pumping for the baud
fire engine? Or the old covered
bridge on South Commercial
street with all its unclcauliness
and pigeon nests?
Do you remember such noted
characters as Jared Turk, Jordon
boys. Alec Shepherd and what a
time the police had with them? Or
the minstrel shows given by the
H. A. C. minstrels and how all en
joyed "Billy Dugan" as 'end man
when he sang "Climbing up the
State House Stairs?"
Do you remember when all the
Chinese barred thjlr windows in
fear of an attack from the Knights
of labor? Or when S. Friedman,
the auctioneer, held his auction
sales and drew crowds from the
surrounding counties to hear his
funny stories?
Do you rei)ienih.?r the famous
painters' picnic that was held
every year in Marion square and
how Pap Waite always secured the
prize for the biggest feet?
Do you rcmembvr the great
windstorm and bow . it played
havoc in Salem and how It tore
off and rolled up the tin roof of
the state capitol building. Do you
remember the ateamer Nellie in
command of Captain Smith, and
how it was sunk at the mouth oi
the slough?
Do you remember Judge Strat
ton and his little law office at
State and High, where the Oregon
building now stands?
Or do you remember when the
dome of Willamette university
burned off and how merchants of
the city closed their stores and
went to witness' the fire?
(Continued from page l)
7eJ 8ecreUry for Ireland in
1798, and was instrumental la
carrying the union in 1800.
Mr. DeValeaa rose again, sup
posed ly to reply to Mr. Collin
overture. However, he took no
notice of It, and merely appealed
to all bs supporters to .meet hln
at the Mansion house tomorrow.
This evidently hurt Mr. Collin
ver v ranch, but he quietly said:
"If the visible presence ot my
self and my colleagues is so dis
tasteful, there might at anyrale
be som accommodation between
the parties for the purpose oj
public order."
Bargeva Flings Retort
Minister Burgess immediately
retorted: j.
The assembly then separatee!
to meet Monday. No agenda
indicated and the only notice of
a motion is one by the speaker",
Professor MacNeil. affirming w
general terms Ireland's independ;
ence and sovereign status fo
which all sections of the Dail
might unanimously, vote.
American Irish, Heard
NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Contin
Continued support of the Reput-i
Hcan party in Ireland regardless
of the Dail's ratification was
pledged by the Friends of Irish
Freedom in an official statement
issued tonight on behalf of
friends by Diarmuid Lynch, na-
tional secretary. !
The position of the organUaj
tion was outlined as follows:
"Expressly disavowing the in-!
tention to interfere with or dic
tate decisions of the people of
Ireland as to the form of govern
ment under which they may live,
we retain as American citizen?
our unalterable f;th in the re
publican instituting of liberty as
established in the United States.
Our belief remains unchanged and;
unchangeable in the blessings to
accrue from the establishment In
all lands of forms of government
modeled on the government ot
the United States and we pledge
to such republican party in Ire
land as may carry forward the
traditional struggle for liberty, a
continuance in full measure ot
that hearty support which we have
given in the past. Our position
as expressed was unanimously en
dorsed by 2.J30 delegates assem
bled in convention less than a
month ago.
Subserviency Not AccepteL
"Even if the Irish republic
he now abandoned by a majority
of the present spokesmen for the
Irish reople, we of Irish blood re
fuse to accept for our race a 'po
sition of subserviency to any oth
er race on earth."
PtT Association Holds
Gathering atSilverton
SILVERTON. Or.. Jan. 7
(Special to The Statesman. I
The Parent-Teacher association
held a meeting at the Silverton
high choof yesterday afternoon
During the meeting Miss Marion
Chase and Miss Violet Crowfoot,
two of the high school teachers,
conducted a nursery for the con
venience of visiting mothers who
had to bring their small child
ren. Miss Chase and Miss Crow
foot were assisted by several of
the high school girls.
Tile program given was: Piano
solo, by Kathleen Booth: presen
tation of notional flag to high
school, by Mrs. El A. Booth; ac
ceptance, by Seward Hoblitt; in
formal talk, by Superintendent B
X. Youer; violin solo, by Mr. Van
New Officers Elected :
By Silverton Church
SILVERTON,. Or.. Jan. 7
(Special to The Statesman.)
The Christian church, known a?
Friendly church, held a banquet
Wednesday evening, followed by
a business meeting. The reports'
showed tha over 100 new mem
bers had been taken in.
The new officers elected for the
ensuing year are: Elders. E. G
Oder and fra Loren; deacons, Ver
non Rudisil, Otto Dickman. Earn
est Dunn, C. M. Wray and L. M
Kaufman; trustees, D. E, Gleser
and J. F. Conrad; church clerk.
Mrs. Alice Egan; treasurer. Henry
Bchroeder; financial secretary. D.
J. Murphy; superintendent Bible
school. Gordon McCall; deacon
esses. Mrs. Nettce Goo. Mrs. Mary
Smith and Miss Nellie Moser.
Willamette Freshmen Are
Beaten by Scio High Team
As a preliminary to the Varslty
Aluinni basketball game in the
armory last night, the Scio high
school team played the Willamette
frosh in a rough and tumble
match in which i:ie high school
boys came out the victors by a
lu-6 score. On the whole the
Scio team showed the better team
work though by spurts the fresh
men pepped up and looked as if
they had a chance or winning.
White made the most points for
the visitors witlr fhree field goa's
to hi:? credit. McKinney ami Km
niel pjayed stellar ball for the
frosh. .
The line-up:
W. IT. Frosh 6
McKinney 2
Morehead 2
Schrieber 2
Scio High 10
K. Sims 2
White 6
T. Sims
Holland 2
Frosh :
Vinson for
Schrieber, Remington
for More-
head, Schrieber for Emmcl; rer
eree, Zellar.
iFriends Church Team
Wins from Deaf School
The Friends church bafcketera
were defeated by the Senators aft
er a swift and hard fought garni
at the Oregon State deaf schcci
gymnasium Friday night bv a
score of 20 to 17. The lineup wai
as follows:
C. Scott 6. .R.F. . V. Nelson
D. Cromwell 10 L.F.. . L. White 4
A. Briggs 0. ; ...C. .E. Nicklaon 0
K. Scott 2 "R.G .1 Lee 4
L. Fisher 2. . . .L.G.. . B. Tucker 5
A game will be played Tuesday
ninhl with thi state, training
. Andrew Mace, former theologi
cal student whosabad check tran
sactions are reported to have
caused much loss to local mer
chants, was last night arret, ted by
Fatrolman Elmer white, i after
Mace had assaulted. S. latter-
&ona..vouth 18 var f li ia
Official Announcement' of
American Attitude is Ex
pected Immediately
WASHINGTON. Jan. 7. (13)
The Associated Press) Official
announcement of the attitude oi
the American government toward
the international economic con
ference to ba held at Genoa ir
March, may be expected next weeV
it was indicated tonight in bigr
administration circles.
The text of (he resolution
adopted by the allied supreme
council at Cannes yesterday call
ing the international meetinf
along with the invitation issued to
the United States, '.to participate
was received at the state depart
ment today.
Officials generally were non
committal with respect to the in
vitation but the view was ad
vanced in one authoritative quar
ter that the position of tha United
States would be made without de
lay. The impression likewise was
given that the American govern
ment was looking !upon the invi
tation with favor (n view of the
resolutions adopted by the tsu
pre mo council. 4
These resolutions, in 'the opin
ion of an economic; expert, appeal
to permit American participation
in the proposed delibsratlon
without any restrictions as to the
ultimate outcome of neKotlation
toward eventual liquidation of the
European war tlm debt to this
country, or other i factors which
might have complicated tho Am
erican share in an international
effort at world rehabilitation.
It was generally conceded to
night in official circles that should
the invitation pe j accepted, the
United States would send accred
ited representatives to Genoa,
picked for their knowledge of in
ternational, financial and eco
nomic conditions, i but so far it
was believed no actual considera
tion has bean given to the person
nel of the American delegation.
Selection of the American dele
gates, it was thought, would be
considered after b.a government
had accepted the supreme coun
cits invitation.
Cases Outlawed Dismissed
from Court byj Judge Kelly
Following the rule providing
that all cases filed Sfn the Marion
county circuit court which have
not been prosecuted within 12
months after filing, shall be dis
missed from the docket. Judge
Percy Kelly yesterday dismissed
the following:
LaWessa M, Bu trough vs. C.
H. Trulliger and Edna C. Hoven-
don. promissory note; Charles
Fetsch vs. E. J. Bulgin. money for
services rendered; William II.
Trindle, trustee of H. S. Gile Gro
cery company vs. Wf. C. Fox. pro
missory note; H. q. Howard vs.
Charles W. Niemeyer, E. L.
Hawks and Louisa- Rodgers, re
cover payment on estate contract;
Julias Aim vs. Petfr Pflaum, ac
count; Sarah Amundson vs. J. J.
Hcrshberger, recovery damages;
Oregon Holding company vs. La
bish District Improvement com
pany, promissory note; E. Ander
son, vs. A. L. Seamater. rtote: Rov
Fukuda vs. Marion; county, dam-
ages; C. C. Bryant; vs. F. E. Os-I
borne, collection of money; Bus-
Let i Statesman "Want Ad"
The Greatest Medium of "Want"
Advertising in Willamette Valley
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Wherever you are yju can buy, sell or trade almost anything through
Do you need farm lielp, a clerk far your store, a stenographer, a
teacher for your school jdfetrict? Ail these and many other wants can be
filled quickly and at small cost through STATESMAN WANT ADS.
For your convenience it blank order form is printed below. Write one
word in jsach space. Trie cost to you will be 2c a word for one inser
tion; 5c a word for thrjee insertions and 8c a word for one week. "
To the Oregon Statesman
Classified Advertising Depirtment, '
) Salem, Oregon. 1
' Please insert 'this advertisement- .....times.
- T J ' " "
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Enclosed please If ind
remittance of S.
iness Men's Adjustment company
vi. t. B. Myers, recovery of debt:
Credit Service company vs. W. H.
Vestbrook. collection of money;
Pacific Building & Loan 'associa
tJon vs. Lester H. Barber and W.
K; Smith, note; J. W. Jones vs.
Ross Clark, collection of money;
Bi C. Wygant vs. O. W. Burdick.
and Salem Auto Exchange, recov
ery price of tractor: James M.
Sin it h and W. Watkins vs. J.
Fi, Dopplemaier. collection of rent;
A L. Rlggs vs. Roy Neal. recover
possession of automobile; F. B.
Studnicka vs. J. H. Novak, note;
Theo M. Bafr vs. J. L. Van Doren.
money due for work; .Pascal L.
Traglio vs. George J. Wenderoth.
collection of wages: E. R. Weller.
vs. C. W. R. JCtte. for wages, work
and material; L. M. Travis vs. W.
Hi Ward, note: B. H. Hughes vs.
George P. Bryan, collection for
monev for board and room; Mary;
Ei Pickereil vs. Joe Pickere.ll. con-;
version: Q. D. Jennsen vs. I. Dew
ey, damages for repair ana toss
of automobile; Elmer Smacker vs
Chris Smucker. to collect money;
John Minneckel vs. C. A. Howe,
promissory note. L. M. Travis vs.
F. Wallace Sears, action on pro
missory note: -J. W. Jones vs.
Ross Clark, action to recover mo
ney. - '
(jContlnued from page 1. 1
paying a hardware bill in Albany,
h produced a package.ot silver
dollars from which the paper used
by banks in wrapping money, had
not been removed.
The hardware clerk bee i me
suspicious and notified the proper
authorities, resulting In Brinson'
arrest. Although lie pleaded
gtiiPy. efforts were . made by
neighbors to secure, a parole,
which was denied ry Judge Ko!ly.
i!The robbery attracted much at
tention in Salem. George P. Grif
fith, president of the bank. Is a
resident of Salem and aecrjtary
and treasurer of the Marion Au
tomobile company.
! District Attorney John II. Car
son made a firm stand ngaiuft
leniency, recommending to th
court tbatBrinson be sentenced
to serve at least 10 years, for the
offense and that he be . not pa
roled. The maximum sentence for
the offense is 15 years.
i"In making this "recommenda
tion there is no tendency to make
a (vindictive weapon of the law,"
Mr. Carson said. "'Mr. Brinson
pleads for leniency, but he df.1 not
surrender voluntarily and showed'
rTrso5- q4
Goods packed, shipped dr stored. ' .
Fireproof Storage. Prices to Please Yon
Phone 930
Larmer Transfer
FiH Your Need
fWrit one trortl In em-li npiwe
I Name..
Prices Bid up Sharply at
Close and Small Gains
' Registered by Wheat . ":
CHICAGO. aJn. 7.-A lively
final hour following a light early
market marked today's short sea-.
felon.. . .". .
Prices were bid up sharply to
ward the close and the final fig
ures showed net gains of 1 1-4 U
1 5-8 in wheat.j 3-8 to 1-2 in corn
and 3-4 to 7-8 in oats. Provlslonr:
were firmer and generally un
changed, to 7 1-2 higher. Wheat
was Inclined to slide at the start
but -strong commission houses ab
sorbed orders at lill or under foi
May and easily took tbe slack out
of the market. Reports or freh
flour exports and offshore milKnt
demand rstarted shorts to cov
later and they found the pit al
most devoid of offerings. Substan
tial gains were registered before
th?y obtained all their wheat. -
Exporters were after corn and'
took 200.000 bushels here. The
local cash market was affected by
high bids to tbe country from out.
side markets and this- was soov
reflected In the pit. Oats develop
ed a strength ot its own, mainly
on southern and southeastern d
and. Provisions ranged higher with
live hogs, but speculative Gfeniaud
was rather light. , ;
no tendency to com4 to the aid of .
an innocent man. Cashier HowolK
who was under suspicion until
Brinson vwac taken Into-custody
Every factor leading up to Brin-j
son's act indicates thU he should
be given a sentence commeniur
ate with the offense." ;t
. -.-. ;!
- . t :
BOSTON. Jan. 7. lTie St.
Nicholas - hockey -. team , of New
York won,. the opening game of
the eastern wheel of the Uaited
States amateur hockey aasociatlou
series tonight by defeating tho
Westminster club of this city ,2
to . v v .
Our Utah Coal h going at
These prices are cash:
Utah Lamp Coal$17.00
Utah Stove Coal .. 16.00
t we guarantee an our
' . coils-
rm '