The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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    1 t
jr9iiivuoxjuu oo&rai jusbiob
! Pentecostal Uospcl Mission 183 Sooth
Commercial street. ' Come - and near the
Id time gospel nmuj! These : signs
shall follow them that believe. Mark
1:1T , Tuesday, Thursday. 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, 3 ear. 7:3 p.m. Special prayer
r the tick Toeaday, 3 p.m.
j.' ;, .. fr METflODIST
I- First Methodist ' Episcopal State and
-Church street. Blaine E. Kirkpa trick,
nia nter. Claaa nveeting, 9:15 aji ia
the northwest earner room downatairs.
Hua("aT school at :45 a.m, J. B. Littler,
a-uperlctendent. W hart accepted a chal
lenge for an - attendance contest with a
Monday school at Corvallia. between sow
nd baater, Hwndagr. We should have an
i average of 800 every Sunday. Start in
today not only to help win the content,
i but to five yourself a real advantage in
religions training. Morning worship, II
o'clock. The choir will bo back in fall
force, : nd win present it usual great
bhikic. Th paator will preach on the
ubject. 'The Supreme feed of tha
lioor.y Ep worth Leacmes will meet at
:0 o'clock. Senior -Ieane in the
3,eagua room, . and tha - Intermediate
"Iesrim in Epworth Hall. Evening sere-
Ice, 7:30 o'clock. " A program of
nana, interest ia in store. Miss Lulu
Rosamond Walton will give the sacred
reading, , "Adnah," a tale of the time of
Christ. 'Those who have bearc"' it have
been greatly, interested and deeply im
pressed. A silver offering will be taken.
The public ia cordially invited. Do not
miss thia aplendid program. Sunday
school board supper and business meeting,
Monday evening, 6 o'clock. . Church night
begins again thia week. Everybody plan
to be present the first night, and enroll
for the semester.
cordially invited to attend all of these
meetings. Hood fellowship and a home
like, Breeding. Junior League meets at
8. - Prayer ! meeting and Bible atady
Thursday evening at 7:30. An unusual
meeting with! a chance to disecss some of
the great teachings of the Book.
Lealie Methodist Episcopal South
Commercial and Myera streets, H. F.
Pemherton, pastor. Sunday school meets
at 9:43 a.m., E. A. Rboten, superintend
ent,, with an earnest and able corps of
teachers. New classes ancV other sign
of growth and progress are in evidence.
Yon will find this a good place to studv
the Bible, j Come with us. Kpworth
League meets at n:30 p.m. Prof. J. T.
Matthews, of Willamette University, wijl
address th e meeting. Young- people are
welcome here. Morning precahing serv
ice at 11. Sermon subject.' "Borderland
Christians." Evening meeting at 7:80.
subject, "A Fight for a fiift " Ton, are
. ' .i .M.i itiiii'"""!.'!'''! it
- - "v
....... - - - -L. , ' - . . . ,f
Haose Brother
'.- t .
Bohesteele Motor
; v Commercial and Ferry ; Strecti
VL f : oaiem, vregon
.' " '..i ; sy':"'"3.; : ,:
Jason Lee .Memorial North Winter and
Jefferson streets, Thomas Acheson, pastor.
Karl-Officer iin charge of Junior Church.
Regnlar aerticet will be held at this
church. January 8th with all departments
functioning, ) As a special feature of the
day-we are pleased to announce that tha
cboJr will repeat several selections of the
Christmas masic at both the morning and
evening services. At 11 a.m.. Kev. Of
ficer will meet thw Junior Church in the
primary room, subject, "Things That Ie-
eetv r At the tame hour the pastor will
meet! tlia adql't church iti the auditorium,
atjcct, "Ijuman and Diviue Partner
shipi Sunday school ' will convene at
:45 With C'J M. Koberti in charge of tha
upaUirs departments and Mrs. Chas.
Ilagemann in charge of the primary de
partment. The inler-?las contest has
started.' Ie everybody get in on too
movement for a larger and more efficient
srnooi. we-ofrer an opportunity for re
ligious instruction and good fellowship
second to none, to strangers and visitors.
f.pworth League meeting 6:30 p.m. In
formal get srquaintec half hour begins at
0 o'clock, (.ome and bring your friends.
Public worship at 7:80. Evangelistic
meeting. Oood time expected. Wednesday
night ia our occasion for getting together
in good fellowship. Be present at :JU.
Good attendance and clauses full of help
and interest rfor all. Public invited.
The Salem Community School of Re
ligious Education for Church Workers and
Parents Will resume its work at the
Public Library Monday evening. January
9. 7:30 classes: Administration of tha
Church 8chjwl, Dr.. MiHiken; H"v t
Tegch Religion, Dr. Kantner; Li fa of
Christ. Pro. Matthew. clauses:
The ' Program of Christ. Dr. Kantner.
Story; Telling, Miss Chapter. Even though
not being able to matriculate at tha be
ginning of the term's work, all interested
are welcome; and cordially invited to sit
in at any of the classes. Many of the
churches of jthe city are conducting, work
in their own organisation along these
lines,, but in this community school, the
special departmental coin-sea will be bet
ter, carried n. PaKtorii, superintendents,
teachers, parents studying together, to
improve the) religious atmosphere of the
town. ; j
Scandinavian Methodis t Episcopal
Fifteenth and Mill' streets, David C. Jfaa
ael, pastor. fThere wHl be no service Sun
day, January 8, on account the church
being: rnder Repair. Th Lldies' Aid- will
hold , .their meeting at iilrs. Oakerbergs,
corner of Liberty and Miller streets,
Wednesday afternoon, January 11. Elec
tion1 I of officers. The monthly Sunday
school meeting on Friday, January 13, at
the: home off Mr. and Mrs. liassel. 960
North Twentieth street. The church will
be ready for service Suaday, January 15.
Welcome to these meetings.
' i
Court Street Chrsitian Xofth Seven
teenth and Court streets; We are launch
ing into the program for, tlue new year. It
is a prpgratit that challenges the best in
us -all. yet not too hard of attainment.
Come htar atllabaot it .fodty in the
morning measagai Bible school. 9:15. A
well organised school for all ages. E. B
Klake has been Te-elerted snperintendent.
so If 's all be there to hear his program
far the coming ; year. Jnnior feUowiax;
communion aerviire each Iord's Day, two
:ivt;.ions, one fof boys and one for girls,
under competent: leaders. Volunteer Band
meeta at church 2 p.m., to make vp teams
for vltsitatinn iof sick. Intermediate
Chrtatian Endeavor. 5:80 p.m. Senior
Christian Endeavor, 8:30 -p. n Both are
live societies with interesting meetings.
Young peopb are invited to come. Evan
gelistic singing !and sermon, 7 :30. You
will want to; hear this sermon oa the
"Kive Baptism of the Bible." Mid
week achnol. Thtirsday. 7 9 p.m. The
Bible atudy is growing in interes.t each
week. Will organise- class in "Training
for Personal Evsng-lism." this week. A
certificate is given to one who graduates.
Strangers are welcome. Come once and
you will always want to come. Come let
ua worship the Lord (or'ay. R. L. Putnam
aine with next Sunday rooming.
Kereahet-ian will preach series of ser
mons on essentials of the Christian j re
ligion such a faith, hope.- aelf-sacrif ice.
conversion, lhe confessional, etc, from
the modem psyewologieal point f view.
Mrs. M. Feresbotian. contralto soli is t. Will
offer aa a solo. "How I-ovely Are Thy
Dwellings." by Lidd e. Mrs. W. A. Denton
at the organ.'
St. Tanl's Church Rev. 'II. P. Cham
bers, rector. Services as follows;: Holy
communion 7!30 a.m. Morning pryer
with sermon at 1 1 a.m. The rector Will
go to Woodburn in the evening and ron
dnct a rvices in St. Mary's Church; i
I. B. 8. A.
International Bible Stcdents' Assoc ia
tjon Meet every Sunday in Derby ! build
ing for Bible atady. Hours from 10 to
12 a.m. Corner Court and High streets,
upstairs. Public always welcome atj these
services. ; .
First Christian 4'enter and High
streets. J. J. Evans, pastor. A aplendid
Bible school, wide awake and enthusi
astic, classes for all ages, begins its ses
sions at 9:45. The assembly period is a
most interesting . part of hte progrsm. A
large cherns under the leadership of Mrs.
Alic Wenger, with organ and violins.
furnish the music at the cnurcn worship.
Special numbers.; both morning and even
ing, are attractive featiTeg. The pastor
will preach at both service. The young
people meet at 6:30, Senior and Interme
diate societies - At 3:30 o'clock Mr.
Frank Churchill1 will give an organ re
cital, agisted by Miss Miller. Miss Em
mons. Mr. Launer and Miss Pierce. This
is one of the series of recital given by the
Salem Music Teacher's Association for tha
benefit of the community. No udmistion
charge. i
Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor. Masses st
7:30. 9 and high mass With sertnnn hr
pastor at 10:30, Epiphany being thf featt
of converts, and by request the subject
for the sermon will be "Why I i am
Catholic." Everyone. Catholic and non
Catholic welcome. Benediction , in the
evening af 7 :30. . j j
A -New Top
:-fj- ! and
Ne w Paint
i Now b tiie time
Let us make the old Car
j . more up-to-date
L Get ooi prices
Hultis Top Shop
f T. p. Wood; Mgr.
Hone 809
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the Pchae
' ;
- ; M 1
When you buy a car. you like to feel that all your expectations
will be realized without disappointments or aggravation.
. . ; : , , j - j
You expect to take your problems to the dealer who sells you
the car. Isn't it worth while to examine his ability to meet this
responsibility?. I j
' ''"j i' T'fr rrrr-. r - '-.-
The first rule of bur organization is,toee that every car we
sell gives pleasure and service to its owner. j 1 !
- ) i . ' ' - ! - :t i'
F. G. Delano A. I. Eoff
; Salem Dallas
First Congregational Litierty and-Center
streets, W. C. Jv'antner, minister. 10
a.m.. Sunday school with classes for all
ages, under competent teachers. - Room
for all not attending elsewhere. Come and
join with as in Christian work, W. I.
Staley, superintendent. 11 a.m., "The
l'resent (.otikI, Holy Communion. 6:39
p.m.. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p.m. This
is "Masonic Night" at this ehurch. AU
Masons and their wives are cordially in
vited to this service. Address by the
pastor, (iood mus'c at all services.
Central Congregational XineUenth and
Ferry streets. .Clayton Judy, minister
Combined school and church service. Mrs
B. E. Edwards, superintendent, 10 a.m
We emphasize the place of religious edu
ration and place it on a par with worship
by combining them. If you are looking
for a school to' enter, we invite yon te
come a nr1 see us. Visitors and new pupils
always welcome.: Our special features will
interest you. Intermediate Christian En
deavor, Robert;' Ash by, president, will
meet at o:d.p.m. Senior I'nnstian En
deavor. Arthur Martin, president, will
meet at 0:30 p.m. Evening service of
song and Worship at 7:30. This will be a
special young neeule a evening. An in
Ktallation sof the: newly elected officers of
both the Intermediate and Senior societiep
II take place. The sermon will be ad
dressed to yoiuig folks, based on the
thought. The Hope of the Future." Yon
are always welcjnme at our services.
mgmanu rrienas Highland avenue
and North Church streets, I. O. and Ida J., ministers. Bible school at 10 am
Clifton Ross, superintencent. Our school
is growing, but we still have room for
more. Classes . for all ages under, th
rare oi competent learners. Our new
church is nearly completed, and we have
a number of excellent class rooms. Morn
ing worship and preaching at- 11 a.m
Christian Endeavor at 6:3(1 and preach
ing at 7:30 p.n. Bible class taught by
Mrs. Lee meeti) at the parsonage, 815
HighlantUavenue, on Monday at 7:30 p.m
Prayer meeting pn Thursday at 7:30 p.m
vie are 'expecting to have the seats for
the new church in time to dedicate on
the first Sunday in: February, following
wun a revival meeting with Hev. la. c
Hinshaw, yearly! meeting superintendent
oi evangelistic ana nastoral work, as
evangelist. urther - notice will appear
later, me puDiic is cordially invited to
an our services.;
South Salem ''Friends South Commer
eial and Washington streets. Bible
school at 10 a.m. Beginning January
13. the hour will be changed to 0:15
Junior Church meets at 10:40. Morning
service for worshiD. 11 "a.m. Christian
endeavor at 6:30 and preaching service
at 7:30 p.m. Prayer service and Bible
lesson on prayer Thursday evening at
T.6W. Notice pf our revival meetings
wnicn were tos begin Eebrnliry 6 is
changed, to Jenoary 22. Do not forget
the dtael Remember that atrong and
experienced Christian workers will be
in charge of these services. Walter S
Wright, superintendent of Bible school
rlaiel Keeler, president of Christian En
deavor. Xathan Swabh, pastor, 794 South
iwenty-lirst street. Phone 1190-J.
Vnity Churchy-Cottage and Chemeketa
streeta. Rev. Martin Eereshetian, A.M.,
a. if., mmister. Church school at 10 a.m
Graded instruction class for adult led
by the minister.' Lecture and discussion
uevotionai services at 11 a.m, sermmon
Devotional services at 11 a.m, sermon
First Chorch 440 Chemeketa' street
At 11 a.m, Bible lesson, subject. T'Saera
ment." 9:43 a.m, Sunday ! school.
Wednesday evening testimonial meet in r
at 8 o clock. Reading room, zuy ;uaon
ic Temple, open every day except holidays
and Sundays from 11:45 to 5 p.m. All
are cordially invited to. our services and
to our reading room.
Califentia. will W " of meeting
to last for i at 'least two weeks. Vts
Lehigh Is an evangelist of international;
note, and his comime will mean mnch toi
evangelical Chriatiaity in the erty.
Christian and Missionary Alliance Mr
and Mrs. II. E. Caswell, ledaers. tsuat,
Sundav afternoon srvicea this afternoon
at 632 Sonth Coimerclal street at a
o'clock. Also at thse same place on re-xt;
Thnrsday afternwti. Janaary 12. t S:S
o'clock. All aro , mist cordially nelcom
to these meetings, i
Winter and Market, tae nevi
1 ni w in-
3. Harrington. aor
resnlar Saiy lor nr uartrly' meet
The iter. . i- voiice, w vi-
m mr at 11 m. and
7-3t p.aa. -Sunday acnool will bo at
a m, the regular hour. Luther D.
superintendent, leaver , meeting. 7:30
Thnrsday evening. Yon art nrged to at
Evangelical Chnrcn Chemeketa St.
F. W. Laniier, pastor. W. A. Springe,
superintendent. AH members of the
school to l-c present at 10 o c lock. T.I.
1 at 6:30, the leader Will be Miss
luis Miles. Kev. W, '. Kelley. evan
gelist, will preaeh morning and evening,
jtr. U'Kelley i an HI preacher and
tctv efficient evangelist All are In-
vtied to attend tb revival lerrket tie
3348 Xortk Cnurcli atreK J.'T.'C !
tkipi. pastor, . Sunday achaol lo
Preaching 11 a.m.- Young peopled rr.
ice :30 p.m. Preaching 7:SO p.m. o.
revival will tegin Jsmiary 9, 7: n. "
every evening. Will eontinna indef htiteh
WiiW. Crtst, of Idaho, will be th
Everybody welcome. - ,' '
. Why not
Week"? it
hTe - a, "Suspender .
-would 4-a -galkj
Capitol and Marion streets. Suiiday
school, 10 a.m. Preaching service Eng
lish). 11 a.m. No evening servic. j M.
Ilcnny, pastor. i ;
Lutheran taat
Eighteenth streets, Geo, Koeliler,
Sunday school at 9 :45 ajn.
ce German), at 10:30 a.m.
nesa meeting at 2 p.m. Evening service
(hnglish) at 7:30 p.m, subject.
Sure Prophetic Word." Ladies
meets Wednesday at 2 p.m.
Divine derv-
Annuaf bust
First I'nited Brethren Yew
Bible school at 10 a.m. Come
well-prepared'- lesson and spend
ith a
able hour with us; the paator will review
the lesson. Junoira will meet at 3:! Inter
mediates at 5:30, and Senior Christian
Endeavor at 6:30- p.m. W. J. Ilerwig.
superintendent of the Anti-Saloon lieagne.
til speak at 7:30 p.m. Come and hear
him. He is an orator of wide tenuis
tion and will tell you things you khoulij
Know, v- " tJoruy, pastor.
First Presbyterian On Church street
between Chemeketa and Center. Sabbath
school meets at 9:43 a.m., C. A. KpIIk.
superintendent. Session will meet at 10:30
to receive any who may wins tot unite
with the church. At 1 1 a.m, the-1 secra
ment of the Lord'a Supper will be ob
served, and there will also be the
receptoin of members.
minister. Ward Willis
At 7:30 p.rtv; the
Iong, will
on the topic, "Whence, What, Whither f
In the morning, the choir will
Nearer My God to Thee." by
and "He Was Despised," by Ifosmnr
And ni the evening '-"The Day of Piace.
by Thomas, and "Draw Me to The,' by
Nevin. The Junior, Intermediate an
Senior Christian Kndeavbr societies will
meet at their regular hour. Prayermeetintf
on Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
T(HE tonssioii in tKe New
Series of the good Maxell is
enoueh to serve in a
-Vii t .
First Baptist William T. Milliken,
D.D, pastor. A men's prayer meeting is
held at 9:30 in the Agoga room. and. at
9:45 the Bible school opens, superintend
ent, Edward Schunke. Morning worship
at 11 and evening worship at 7:30. Morn
ing theme, "The Abounding Life." Even
ing sermon. "Watch lTa Growl or Boost
ing With Nothing to Back If." B.Y.P.TT.
at 6:30. Senior and Second Division
topic, "Utilizing Opportunities. Inter
mediates meet downstairs, leader. Ales
Kersheimer. topic, "Jeausr the Children's
Friend." Pastor's Bible class for adults
at 6:30. Lesson. Acts 12-13. Cottage
prayer meetings will be held on Tuesday
evening, and meetings preparatory to
special evangelistic meetings on Wednes
day, : Thnrsday and Friday of this week.
On Sunday next. Rev. Geo. H. Lehigh.
D.D, of Olympia, Washington, for year
state evangelist in Indiana and Southern
J Z4- 3r 1 Z s-Vl d- - AAIVM
ICl Al JU JJ.UAJLI, CAAAll ujuiuawu uuui
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Touring Car S&S5
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371 Court Street Phone 635
Facts About the Catholic
-- - .
We wish to. 'publish in the next few
articles something concerning the great
bug a boo of anties Temporal Power of
l'ooea. It is largely taken Vfrom the
writings of th lata Cardinal Gibbons,
who has been called "The Great Ameri
can." However we' shall expect numer
ous bogus anf ouasi-historians to be
quoted in refutation of what we shall aay,
since this is aa anti's trick. Misapplica
tion, juxtaposition or typographical er
rors these antis use constantly as "proof"
of the position they take. For instance,
an uiiti would never hesitate to take a
fact concerning :one war or one country
an apply it as thongh atated abont some
other war or isonntry. If we were to
y' "The PROPORTION' of Catholics in
the fnion army was double the PRO-I-ORTIOX
that he Catholics bore to the
whole population." an anti wonld never
hesitate saying "Catholics contend that
over half of tht army of the Revolution
waa Catholic"; .Some years ago the
antis' "Slime-Sheets" cstne out with the
assertion that 'Priest Phalen" had aaid
that if the Caiholie Church should de
clare war on te. United States, he would
say "To hell with the United States,"
when the fact of the assertion was. ) if
the anti Catholic's should gain control in
the I'nited States and THE UNITED
STATES should declare war on the
Church." he would say, "To hell with the
U. S." Quite a difference in the mean
ing as anyone niight see, and as was re
marked by Mr.r Windle, a non-Catholic,
""So would everyone who had the least
snsrk cf patriotism," for the C. S. under
sine government" would never think of de-
rhtring war on the Catholic Church that
has done so much for" real" civilization and
I 1 patriotism. -'-'.A fair and impartial dis
cussion of the foundation and doctrine of
the various churches and seefs ii always a
benefit to individuals as well as society
in general. B4 vituperation, slurs anil
innuendo are th weapons of cowards.
For the clearer understanding of the
origin and the; gradual, growth of the
Temporal Power of the Popes, we may
divide the history of the Church into
three great epoch. The first embraces
the period which, elapsed from the estab
lishment of the; Church to the dava of
Constantine tha Great, in the fourth
century; the second, from Cohstantine to
Charlemange, who was crowned emperor
ia the year 80(ii; the third from Charle
mange to the present time. ' When St.
Peter, the first Pope in the long un
broken line of Sovereign Pontiffs, entered
jiaiy nere is a pmce wnero the antis
will" say St. Peter was never in Rome
he not possess a foot of ground which
e could rail at own, lie could aav
with his Divine Master: "The foxes have
hole and the birds of the air nests, but
the aoa of Man.! hath not whereon to lay
his heed.V Thr Apostle died as he bad
lived, a poor man. saving nothing at his
death save the - affect ions of a grateful
people. Bot although the Prince of the
Apostle owned nothing he corfld call his
personal property. n received from the
latmiui targe oonations to be distributed
among Jhe needy, . For wp are told in the
vc oi i ne Apostles saat "neither was
anyone among them (the faithful) needy -
ror as many as .were owner of Unds or
i fw ."a oronght the prices
of the thinrs which the J ..
them before the feet of the Apostles, and
fwtritN wn. eerywne aceord-
h"d 1-V S" a. the con-
f rseW tn meir personal in
l"' r, and ja- fhir disereth.Tfn d,
pensing th. charHr wf the faKhftfl.-L A
i ' (Conttaued not Saniiay)-
1 ' ! .
' i ):
OyiSRLANDlCars are selling fast because they
are just what the average car buyer is looking
for in qualitysize and price. K' ;
The OVERLAND is matde up of the best maters
ial that money will buy put up in a workman
like manner.i '
u ' I- . ; ,
. it , v . . . .
The OVERLAND being a light car makes it an
economical (kr -to -opetate and it is priced so
that the average man can afford to buy it.
i .1
Come in and see qur display of Cars
Qualify Cars
High Streht at Trade