The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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    S- ...t...-;..
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HONORING Miss Gertrude
1 Hartman and Otto Hartman,
Frederick Brock Jr. was
host at a dancing party Friday
'eveenlnff. MIm Hartman and Mrs.
Hart man will leave Tuesday for
a two; months trip to eastern and
southern points.
' A buffet supper was served' at
midnight by r Mrs. Frederick
Brock assisted by Miss Dorothy
Crock. Those Invited to honor
Miss J Is rt man ad Mr. Hartman
were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Salerup.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brunilaugh,
Miss Dorothy. Miller. Miss Gene
Bella Miss Bertha Thoman. Miss
Inez Fitt, Miss Annette Colquette.
jwisa vora, Taiaingion, uui Dor.
otby Brock. Charles Getedsted, E.
P. Celiers, E. 8. Smith. R, C.
Brock. George Mulligan, Ray
Hartman. Arthur Hartman, U.
Welch and Mr. - and Un v a
Brock Sr. . ,r f(
! The Ilartmans will make stops
in Chicago, ' Philadelphia. Wash
ington, o. C; New Tork.' ind will
thn go south to Florida and Cuba
returning to New Orleans and
then to Los Angeles and back to
Salem. They gone for two
tnonths. On their way east they
will visit with a brother in Ohio.
MrsJ C. P. Bishop was hostess
Friday, afternoon at an informal
afternoon for her sister, Mrs. U.
T. Roberts of Hood River. More
-' IHCUUI UI iU in, nun-
ens called during the afternoon.
The rooms were prettily decor
ated, the dining table having red
candelabra with gold candles.
Red favors were used. Mrs. Rob
erts poured and . Miss Mna Mo
Nary rut the Ices. Little Imogens
Roberts opened the door for Ire
!. Mrs Roberts and daughter,
Jmogtne. will leave today ror
Hood River.
' ''ll.'t. t '"'!" "" , "
Mrs. J, B. Littler with Mrsj K.
T.. 'Upmeier and , Mrs. ,B. ! L.
Bteeves were hostesses, at an In
formal party Friday afternoon
honoring Mrs. E. C. Hickman. The
hostess aarviwl ' AiUt r...i,
ments following a social hour.
Th guests Included" Mrs. E. C.
Hickman, Mrs. Ronald Glover
Mrs. W. C Wlnslow. Mrs. F. A
Legge, Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney,'
Mrs. George H. Alden. Mrs..M. C.
FIndley. Mrs. E. E. Fisher. Mrs.
Paul Wentworth Morse. Mrs. B.
E. Klrkpatrick. Mrs. Emma Kirk
patnek. Mrs. A. A. Underbill.
Mrs. W. D. Littler. Mrs. W. H.
Hertxog. Mrs. J. H. McCornack.
Mrs. Steeves. Mrs. Littler and Mrs
Upmofer. . . "
5 At the home of Mr. nd Mrs? A.
C. Bohrnstedf. 1775 Falrmount
avonne. Miss Fay Pratt, at a
Spring Dresses
The first shipment of the new Taffeta Dresses
for the spring of 1922 is here.
Yoa will be interested in seeing these dimts.
They show many changes from last season
and the prices are such that you can not af
ford to have a dress made.
; v-
; See these new drtsttt
party given In honor of her sister
Irene, yesterday afternoon, an
nounced her engagement to Ice
land P. Linn.
Both Miss Pratt and Mr. Linn
were members of the graduating
class of 1921 of Willamette uni
versity, MU Pratt being a gradu
ate of the music department and
Mr. Linn from the course of Lib
eral Arts. Both were prominent
in the life of the university, Miss
Pratt being a member of the Delta
Phi sorority and the Crestoma
thean society, and Mr. Linn a
member of the Crestophilian so
ciety. Mr. Linn Is a son of L. R. Linn,
a prominent Marlon county farm
er, residing near Silverton. At the
present time Mr. Linn is princi
pal of the Myrtle Point high
school. Miss Pratt is a daughter,
of Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Pratt of
Glendale, Ore.
The party was quite informal
aand the decorations of cardinal
and gold arranged simply, gut ar
tiscally. Those present were near
ly all sorority sisters of Miss
Pratt. ' Those assisting were Miss
Marion Linn, a sister of Mr. Linn.
Miss Marie Coiner, Miss Deane
Hatton and Miss Mary Alberta
Bohrnstedt. Those present wera
Ruby .Ledbetter. Virginia Mason,
Fern Gleiser, Mary Notson, Mar.
guerite Cook, Helen Mclntutf
Sadie E. Pratt, Mildred Strevey!
Ruth Hill. Vesta Dicks. Paulino
McClintock, Eva Ledbetter, Aud
red Bunch, Grace Brainard, Irene
Brainard. Luclle TuckerEva Rob.
erts, Marjorle Minton, Kathleen
La Raut, Genevieve Finley, Mil
dred Clark, Emma Shanaftilt,
Deane Hatton Marie Corner,
Marlon Linn, Mary Alberta Bohrn
stedt, Mrs. Pauline Josee. Irene
Pratt and Mrs. A. C. Bohrnstedt.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walsh
will be hosts at a dinnar party on
Wednesday evening honoring' Mrs.
Walsh's parents, Mr. and Alja.
Dan J. Fry. The occasion isThe
birthday anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Fry. Mrs. Fry's falling on
Thursday and Mr. Fry's on Tues
day. Covers will be laid for 12.
. Memories ef Salem in the years
that are past will hold full sway
at a party to be given by Hal L.
Pattoa Thursday evening in the
Shrine Mosque. The occasion will
bo Mr. Patton's 50th birthday an
niversary. The 125 guests will be
most intimate friends and will in
clude prominent men who have
lived In tho capital city during
that time.
Stories of boyhood days will ge
the subject . for toasts from the
guests. , The host promises that no
present day problems of civic Im
provement, high cost of living,
high taxes or other modern ele
ments nhall mar the "olden time"
before buying your ma
' Popular
party. No regular program will be
followed but i only remiuisctniws
of the time when the population
of Salem was only 2500 and tlu
guests were boys. Mr. Patton was
born January 12. 1872, in Salem.
Mr. " and Mrs. H. Snook cele
brated the 38th anniversary of
their marriage with a week-end
party extending over the new year.
They were married in Abilene
Kans., and have lived in Salem for
32 years.
Their four daughters with their
husbands were present at th
party. .They are Mrs. L. N. Traver
of Corvallis. Mrs. J. T. Traver of
Newberg, Mrs. A. P. Ireland of
Forest Grove and Mrs. O. M. Lem
on of Salem. Paul Snook of Cor
vallis and Glenn and Lewis Snook
of Salem were also present. Four
grandchildren ;wen anion? those
enjoying the ireunion. They are
Ila, Walter and Harmon Traver
ana Glenn Ireland.
Mrs. Paul ; Green and Mrs.
Marcy Bates entertained the I.u
el!a Kimball club Thursday at the
noma of Mrs. Bates. The members
are the wives i of the pastors of
Kimball School of Theology. Mrs.
C. M. Keefer had charge of the
business meeting and refresh
ments ; were 1 served by the hos
tesses. ;
Following in annual custom.
Miss Joy Turper entertained re
cently at a holiday, party for her
younger -piano and viol'n pupils
at her residence studio, 335 North
Capitol strest.;
After a short program of solos.
duets and ensemble numbers, the
students were entertained by mu
sclal games and contests. Christ
mas decorations wer2 effectively
used about the rooms. During
the patter part of the afternoon
dainty refreshments were served.
Those present were Madeline
Glesy, John Rley, Sarah Samuels
Arthur, Martin. Ross Harris. -Ruth
Bart ruff. - Harold Rupert, Marie
R'.ley, Gertrude Rieasbeck. Cleo
Seeley, Mollie Samu3ls. Robert
Needham, Lillie, Bartruff, Flora
Dexter, George Stoner, Pearl Os
terman, Alice Claxtoh, Fred Krep-
ela, Maida Caldwell. Milton Frank
-Un. Nettie Tibbetts, Dorothy Ers-
kine Grace j Stevens. Marjorie
Gould, Marlin Muellhaupt.
Mrs. Robert McKinney Hofer
was hostess yedresdny afternoon
for a bridge luncheon club party.
Mrs. Earl C. Fiepel and Mrs. Da
vid Eyre were guests. . Mrs. Al
lan Bynon assisted the hostess.
Mrs. Ercel Kay will be the next
hostess for the club which will
meet in two weeks.
, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durbin
wero hosts at a birthday dinner
Wednesday evening. The occas
ion was Mrs; Durbin's birthday
anniversary and the guests in
cluded five . others whose birth
days come within the first Is
days of the new year.
The , guests were Mrs. Homer
Smith, Mrs.' Frank Meredith. Mrs.
William Everett Anderson, W. H.
Dancy and Mrs. L. F. Griffith,
Covers for 12; were laid.
' it.
Mrs. A. A. Lee was a charming
hostess at a dinner party Tuesday
evening. Music was enjoyed dur
ing the evening hours. The
guests included Mr. : and Mrs.
Paul Wentworth Morse, Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd A. Lee jand Paul Lee.
Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves
were hosts at a New Year's din
ner party Monday. Covers were
placed for 17. The guests in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Littler,
Robert Littler. Mrs. E. E. Up
meier, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Legge,
Mr. and Mrsj Kenneth Legge,
Mrs. Baker, Miss Margaret Legge,
Rev. and Mrsj Ralph Thomas, Dr.
Laban Sleeves!, of Dallas, Mr. -and
Mrs. Paul Wentworth Morse.
Mr. and Mr$. Vi (1. Shipley were
hosts tor thq Merry Go Round
club Wednesday evening. Pres
ents for all were distributed from
a Christmas tree. High score
was won by ifrs. H. Thtelsen and
George G. Brown. Mr. and Mrs.
V. W. Spencei- wjll be hosts for
the club at its next meeting;.
"CorseUess,, Freedom
Plus ample Support is attained
in the new I
made of cotrtil and elastic. It
is excellent for athletic or
sport ;wear.
A model fr every type of
I figure ; '
(corset specialist
115 Liberty jst Salem. Ore.
i '
' " - j
f: - . -'.x -i
f- -- x ' , r r ' . 1
rl ft j
i f r
Mrs. Lester I Pearmine, formerly Miss Nell
Sykes, whose marriage New Years day was
of interest to her many Salem friends, j
Salem friends are extending
their sincere sympathy to the be
reaved family of little Robert
Moores Kinney who died In As
toria Friday morning. The laddie
who was only three and a half
years old, was well known in Sa
lem where h2 had spent-much
time with his mother vKiMntr at
the home of his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs.-A. f. Moofes.
Mrs. E. L. Kanohaha was hos- ;
teas at "a dinner oartv Tuesday
evening of this week. Bridge was
play9d during the evening. Mrs.
C. E. Knowiand won high score
and Mrs. Harley .White won low
The guest list Included Mrs.
Elmer Dane, Mrs. A. E. Kurtz.
Mrs. Charles E. Knowiand, Mrs.
O. A. Olson. Mrs. Lester Davis.
Mrs. L. W. Gleason. Mrs. Loefjn.
field. Mrs P E Knllertm, M!1ents' Mr- aQd Mrs- Lynch
... . ... , . . ' ' - . t
rranx wara, airs. u. L. 1-lsher,
Mrs. O..J.,Schei.
Mrs. Cooke pat 1
ton, Mrs. Fred Delano. Mrs Hari
ley White and Mrs. J C Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beard k!v
of Kelzer were hosts at a Newi
Yearg dinner party for a numliefJ
11 I f Pionrlo r rl Atln( lAn . . I
The Hollywood Ladies' Social
club was entertained ' Wednesdly
by Mrs. F. W. ftarr:? Mrs. Clar
ence Johnson was a special guest,
Mrs. Walter Davis will enUrtsii
the club during the coming week,
The hostess was assist 2d in servr"
ing by Mrs. John Gunsley and
Miss B. Everson.
- ;
Mrs. Lawrence Simon enter
tained the Amicus club Wednes
day. Refreshments were served
by the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
William Cravatt, Mrs. E. M. 9i;
mon and Mrs. Lee Canfleld. Mr
Frank Loose will entertain, the
club In three weeks. v -
The Elite sewing club was en
tertained Thursday afternoon by
Mrs. O. G. Shellburg at her
home on West Court street. Hpl
iday decorations were used about
the rooms. The hostess was as
sisted in serving by Miss Maxine
Members present were Mrs. CJ
Givens, Mrs. F. Brlnse. Mrs. Jt
Erixson, Mrs. B. Waller, Mrs. Ai
M. Clourh. Mrs. Nellie Knox. Mrs;
Harley Pugh, Mrs. Blanche Clark,
Miss Maxine Clark, Mrs. J. DarT
nell. Mrs. E. N'j Ryder and Mrsj
Otto Schellberg.
Mrs. Klony Smith entertained
with a birthday; luncheon at her
home Saturday. ; Miss neatrice
Gibson was the guest of honor;
The rooms were prettily decorat
ed in pale yellow. The delightful
luncheon was served in three
courses between: the first, add
second courses a' clever game was
played by which the honor guest
discovered her dainty gifts. The
guests present were Frances Mc
Kenny, Grace Flynn. PeyrI Hill,
Opal Hill, Gladys Evelyn Miller
and the honor guest.
A : ; ,
The educational committee of
the Salem Women's club will have
charge of the regular January
program Saturday afternoon in
the Commercial Hub roopis.
The Modern Writers section of
the Salem Arts leapue will pre-,
sent the program at the regular
meeting of the . leaguo Tuesday
evening in the library.
The photographic section of the
Salem Arts league will meet in
the Gunnell & Robb studio Ore
gon building. Mondav ev-nlng. V
The Thursday! club will be en
tertained at the home of Mrs. J.
H, Albert this week. Mrs, C. AT
Park-win be joint hostess witlr
Mrs. Albert.
The Salem Business and Profes
sional Women's ielnb will meet en
Wednesday at the'elub rooms iff
the Unitarian chnrch. Supper will
be served at :30 and the pro
gram will follow.
The Junior Guild of St. Taul
church will be
day at 2:30 by, Mrs., peorge Whit:
n3 Missionary Society of th
First Congregational "ehurch wilt
meet Friday In the cnorcll parlors
The Women's Republican Study
clug will meet sat the home of
Mrs. 1,. I. Bishop Monday at 2:4 A
Special business will be Ukea np'.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stoltz, Miss
Nina McNary and Miss Margaret
Richards Stoltz wjll attend the
Schumann-Heink ccmcert in Port
land Monday evening.
Mrs. Lillian Hartshorn return
ed last night from The Dalles
where she has been for the last
week visiting with her sister. She
spent the previous week in Seat
tle. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Baker
ve cone to Los Angeles for
several weeks visit with friends
and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hendricks
and three children. Kern, Helen
and Harriet of Portland have
been guests of Salem friends dur
ing the week.
Mrs. Frank Ma pes and her two
daughters, Frances and Verna,
have just returned to Seattle, af-
ter a .visit with Mrs. Mapes par
ft r a w r
Mr inil fra CI V.A Vtriaa a ro
pendlng a weelc at their former
Qme, Bend, where Mrs. Ross will
vlsit witn friends wbile Mr. Ross
attends to business. Thev will
attends to business. They will
return Saturday.
Mrs. F. O. Mahon of Portland
spent a few days during the holi
days with her. parents Mr. and
Mis. William Richmond.
Mrs. William H. Purghardt. Jf.,
was piano soloist at a musical
given by the Portland McDowe-li
club Tuesday afternoon in th3 Ho
tel Multnomah. Mrs. Burg'aarflt
is well known in musical circles
in Salem and her work with the
McDowell club is of special inter
est to her many friends here, j
The program given by Mt3
Burghardt included the Legend by
Campbell - Tipton. Worcestershire
suite (a) Pershore Plums, ()
The Ledbury Parson, by Harrison;
Gazounow's Gavotte, the Nocturne
by Katgan6fr, and five of the
Davidsbundler dances including
one, three, four, twelve and fif
teen. McDowell club chorus gave
the entire second part of the pro
gram. Mrs., Burghardt was honored at
a tudio tea following the musi
cale by Mr. and Mrs. Dent Mow
ery. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Thtelsen
and Mrs. P. A. Young of Albany
accompanied Mrs. Burghardt to
Portland returning again Tues
day evening.
Irregular or anppraaed Trl
omph Fiji.. 8.f. .d XiSidibli i ,H
proper cuei. Not told at droc atorM
Do sot experiment with cthert: tit die
appointment Write for 'Relief and
nrtirulr it'e free. Addreaa Natkmai
Medici Institute. MUwaukla. Wis
We use the Pott System
for Feet
Broken arches and other
deformities corrected without
the use of arch.sunnnrr eata
pads, etc, and without the lost
of time from your regular oef
cupaiion. Not Chiropody.
, Dra. Whfta & HarghsJl
U. B. Bank Bld.
7 :
j S Dinner
ll Served
i : All
1 : Day
z Today
Salem People
Give Concert
The third organ concert ot the
uiiliM tuiln .(rlvAii ) ! a iintar ..-
- -UIR f ...... " ... . j
the Salem Music Teachers associa
tion win ieature aaiem peopie. it
will ge given this afternoon in the
Firat DirUllsn ohnrh Cnnl,
Churchill will be the organist as-
....J 1 in . . if m
sisiru ojr on uui au Jiuipr, vocal.
1st; Miss Dorothy .Pearce. piano;
Miss Mariam Emraolia, violin;
Franklin Lai'ner, pjauo. With one
exception all are members nf the
association. ' j
"The Angelas" will be one of
the numbers given iby Mr. Church
ill. In this the beil calling the
workers, three times f$. the day
to pause in their occupations and
offer a prayer, is heard at the be
ginning and at different times in
the piece.
"Noel : Ecossaise" by Guilmant
is an adaptation of an ancient
Scotch Carol and will be one of
the" organ numbers; given this aft
ernoon. Of special Interest will
be the trio ' Uebesthaum. No. Ill,
Liszt." The program will be as
Organ (a) "Grand i Of rertory in
D minor" Batiste
,(b) "Where Dusk Gathers
PP" - Stebins
0cal, "The Penitent"
Van de Water
Luclle Ross at the organ
Piano (a) -'Lento"; . . .Cytil Scott
(g) "Marche Miiltalre"
Organ (a) "Angelus". . .Massenet
(o)".oel Ecossaise," Guilmant
(c) Sextet fro "Lucia"
'","v Donzinetti
Vocal (a) "In the Moojt of
""f ITaves"a Cadman
(b) "Lullaby" Lieulance
Misses Pearce, Ross and Emmons.
Trio Llebestraum No. 3 LIsit
Miss Pearce, piano; Miss Emmons,
violin; Mr. Churjhill, organ.
Women of Lpyal Legioa
Have New Headquarters
.SILVERTON. Qre., Jan. 6.
(Soecial tn Tha at. . .
It TO g,0l ,ad,es hVG rented
the G.A.R. hall and will hold their
first meeting there next Monday
night. The object pf the meeting
Is community work and a get-together
club. There will be many
things brought up at this first
meeting that are p ertinent to
community work for the comlna
urtr K EJe,0n f- offlcer will
also ba held. t
One of the chief fartrrg of the '
you, you
ing for
Monday and Tues
day Extra Special
Selling ;of Thous
ands and Thousands
3-L organization 'will be the first
ad class. Dr. C. W. Ktne has
voluuteered hi services as medi
cal instructor for this. Mrs. T. P.
Risteign . is chairman of this
K : .
Manager Bligh is Host
j To Army of Children
Manager T. G. Bligh was ho3t
tq an army of school children at
the- Bligh theater Saturday fore
noon They certainty were the
enthusiastic movie sharks! Their
enthusiasm began when they tum
bled out of bed at home, and as
they dressed In unprecedented
haste and bolted a little break
fist and raced down the street
to be In the first line when the
f Photographic section arts
f league, Gunnell & Robb stu
! dio.
f Women's Republican Stu
i dy club, with Mrs. C. P.
f Bishop at 25 30.
" Tuesday
.- Salem Arts litn Unilani
. Wrrters in charge, 8 o'clock
i In the library.
i Junior Guild. St. Paul's
".with Mrs. George White. 345
j Bellevue street at 2: SO.
; Wednesday
j Rus. and Prof. Women's
club, club rooms; supper at
i 6:30. .
i Thnrsday
' Thursday club with Mrs.
tJ. H. Alberts, 1089. Court
!i Mllonary society of First
! Congregational church. In
.3 church parlors.
Salem Wpmen's club, Com
merclal vclub rooms.
MoJa in V.nm.n. ri.:!
in ncavy juuku, auxa
retail prices $10.50, $12.60,
The Perfect Fit Brassiere
neavy urocade, with elastic shoulder straps, sizes 38
to 50 bust measure
A. E.
Balcony, Portland
Everjr Article
Store Red
Ypu have enough con-
nce in us to know
statement we back it up
So when we tell you that the savings
to be had in this sale are by far the
have ever placed before
should lose no time in
your share of the
lOur Show Windows"
1 . :
? i
Salem Store, 466
State St.
doors should open. Hoot Oibaoa'
and all the daitllng star, ot the
occasion never played to a(mor
appreciative crowd. The gunmen
and the fair heroines 'and the
comics certainly came to Horn.
Sweet Home with that "audience
la It an audience that slt be
fore j the silent drama? But it
was an audience In Its own right,
for you could hear 'em for tlx
blocks ; V - .
Consisting of
Soup, Salad, Fried or
Roast Chicken, . Dessert
! and Coffee '
$L00 Plate
Service 12 o'clock noon
to 8 p.- n. .
rtf n nn .e' '11.' " ' '1'' tt' !
ou, ox, oo ior BWJui lormsi
salej priced ....$6.75, SJQi '
for stout forms, made In ?V
$1.75 and $2.00
Cloak and Suit Coi
9 a. m. to 6 p.m.
- ,r
- V
- t-
- j t
maicft A7 & a
i i
Portland Store 383
Alder St.
' f mammaamamwmaamammaamaaaaaa-a ' l . ! U-':: , r - '
: ' " -f "'--'-i:--' -