The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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14 Pages
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1 :
em mmmw m :n lawman
With Submarine and fume
Menaces Eliminated, Del-
, ' egates Turn Their Atten
tions to Aircraft. t
Complete Eradication of
' Airships Not Intention
of Conference '
(By the Associated Press)
JTie five major naval powers
through the naval committee
today voted to outlaw gas as a
Weapon of war and in adopt
ing the Root resolution to that
end invited eWorld adherence"
of all nations to the prohibi
tion ,as a rule of international
V The coinmittee then turned
to the third new. agency ot
Var with .which It has been
called on to dealaircraft but
)iad nojt completed discussion
' when adjournment was taken.
" Indications were that there
Wuld be no effort to restrict
airplane development through
out limitation or number, size
or inflitary characteristics A
. Bub-committeB in a import rec
ommended against ' such a
" course as both Impractical and
imwio r.ven action to curb
lighter-than-air developments
or fleets seemed improbable
as the delegates apparently do
- not regard Zeppelins as a se?
rious menace. The discussion
brought out the " possibility
that a declaration against the
bombing of open towns or cit
ies laid before
the conference for approval,
coupled? with a five power con
tract to refrain from such acts
as among, themselves. ;, v
The U-ga resolution "went
through as drawn by Ellhtr Root.
' if reads: ' ': ' , t
t 'Th use In war of asphyxiat
ing, poisonoo or other gases and
all other materials or detlces hay
ing been Justly condemned by the
general opinion of the eiTilixed
world and a prohibition ot such
use bating been declared In trea
ties which a majdrity of the'elTll
l lxed powers are parties:
t Other Nations Inrlted
"Sow to the end that this pro-
hlbitlon shall be uniTenialljr. ac
cepted as a part ot International
law binding alike the conscience
' and the practice ot nations, the
signatory powers declare their as-
1 sent to such prohibition, agree to
be bound thereby between them
selves and lnflte all other civil
ised nations to adhere thereto."
! . In giving adherence ot France
' to this doctrine, Albert Sarrant,
head of the French delegation,
said that while ."the exercise of
authority" In the banning of gas
warfare did not seem practicable,
he Root proposal, was none the
less useful because It would be "a
bond ot union" among the five
powers agalpat ' an abhorrent
method of warfare and also be
cause the example they set for
' themselves possessed a not in
. considerable persuasive power on
world action at large.
'I Balfour Backs Root !
Arthur J. Balfour,' for the Brit
ish, In concurring In the Root
r principle, argued that, the history
tot International discussion on the
aubject made the Root proposal
dq new element of International
law but a reaffirmation of that
law. Such a course was valuable,
. be said, although It was a fact
that the declaration would not re
1 )ieve nations ot the necessity of
-.' preparing themselves : to guard
against use or gaa by an,. unscrup
ulous enemy. , , :
- '.: iWhtl Tint flnallv rnmmlttinK
the British delegation on the lan
guage of. the. Root proposal, Mr.
Balfour expressed British accep
tance of its policy. - t -
' Baron Kato's acceptance : k for
Japan was brief and the formal
. adoption followed.
' Aircraft Proposal Of f ered S
Mir.' Hughes then presented the
report oz the aircraft . limitation
'tnlwAOmnilttM hllh was hatarl
by Rear Admiral Moffatt. dlrect-
v or ot the naval air service. The
ly Continued on pare 5)
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SO pleased were the King: and Queen of England with the
piano recital given at Buckingham Palace by Miss Marie
Novello (above), who jpst arrived in! America, that they pre
sented, the. young woman .with a magnificent 'diamond and
platinum breastpin,' with the initials "Mnand G."' in small
diamonds in the center, a gift front both.
HONOLULU, Jan. reports that Marquis Okuma is
still alive and that the news of his death given out yesterday
from Tokio was. erroneous, was contained in a Tokio cable
gram received here late today by the Japanese language
newspaper Nippu Jiji. , Attending physicians were quoted in
the cablegram. . .. ';! , t ,V
. The. Marquis, officially declared dead yesterday, regained
innspiftiisries tn rtav and was still Uirethincr slicrhtlv when
the cablegram was filed, it
nounced that a state or, coma into wmcn tne iviarquis naa
fallen had been mistaken for death.;
Posthumous honors had .been bestowed on the Marquis
by the regent,-Price Hirohito, in the name of the emperdr.
It was recalled that a somewhat similar case arose in
connection with Field MarshaLTeruchi, who, like the mar
quis was officially pronounced dead but regained concsious
ness a few days later. He died soon afterwards.
The news of Okuma's death was; not officially announced
in Tokio until several hours after he had sunk into the state
of coma. ' i '!;
, - ; :
; Mrs. Alma Louise Wurtsbargeij, yesterday was sentenced to serve
It years in a federal penitentiary ifter pleading guilty to the charge
of slaying her husband, Andrew 3. Wurtzbarger at Chemawa, Sep
tember 4. 1921. Sentence was
Portland.' She has requested to be placed in the Oregon peniten
tiary. The place will be decided later.! v ,
' Mrs. Wurtxbarger's plea was based on the charge of voluntary
manslaughter and was entered after she had pleaded not guilty ta
an accusation of first degree murder.;
" Mrs. Wurtsbarger killed her
mer as he, lay; asleep, according
came as a surprise as it had beeaj
enter a pleabf self-defense based;
ties endured from the man whom
"From a. legal viewpoint it was
plainly a case of second degree,
murder," said Judge Bean, "but
I feel that the court Is Justified in
accepting a change of -plea.
declared. His physicians an-
imposed by Federal Judge Bean at?
husband with a small sledge ham
Sto evidence. Her change of, plea
expected that her attorneys would
upon the wife s evidence of cruel
she later killed.
"Passine sentence Is always tn
unpleasant duty, especially when
HTSSSt' ".r,!
BB wulu"""
(Continued on page 2) ,r
Transferi of Railroad Lines
May Yet Be Negotiated
at Washington, is Latest
Informal Conferences Held
With American and
English Statesmen
The Associated Press) Prospect
tot un ultimate settlement ot Uea
Shantung controversy appearef
brighter in some quarters tolaj?i
after the Chinese, delegation ha
been assured by Arthur J. Ualfeur
and Secretary Hughes that their
offer ot "good offices" still held
good. !
No date, however, has been set
for a resumption ot the conversa
tions broken off Friday with the
Chinese atid Japanese delegations
(standing firm in their respective
positions iregardlng payment tor
the Tsing-Tao-Tsinanfu railway.
Talks Are Rramuring
The Chinese delegates after
spending 40 minutes with Secre
tary Hughes and a similar tiibe
with Mr. Balfour later said thjhr
informal talks were "satisfactory"
and reassuring. I
They added that.both Mr, Bal
four and Mr. Hughe had upheld
their contention tUat the "good
offices" Offer under which the
Chinese and Japanese first wdre
brought together etUl held. To
this the Chinese seemingly bid
attached great ' , 'imfportance ' .a
when " th4 meeting between the
delegations was about to break
up yesterday the Japanese balk-!
ed at a suggestion that Messrs.
Hughes and Balfour be called In
to mediate, giving the reason that
it might be embarrassing to those
two unless tlte Chinese were will
ing to make further concessions.
Differences Held Slight
Because of the delicacy of the
situation,; Dr. Wellington Koo,a
Chinese delegate, said he could
not gi,ve iany details of what oc
curred In today 8 meeting. .
Before; meeting the Chinese,
Mr. Hughes let it be known his
talk would be "informal" and was
not to be considered as a regular
"good ; offices." It was eaid he
thought that the differences be
tween the Chinese and Japanese
were slight and that it would be
possible to reconcile the conflict
ing views. ; It was asserted that
Hughes would do nothing toward
a settlement of the Shantung dis
pute tha was not welcomed by
both Bides.
In the! Japanese camp, probably
more optimism prevailed regard
ing an Ultimate settlement than
elsewhere. This was based, it
was saidy oh the Japanese belief
that th? Chinese eventually would
recede from their position con
cerning payment for the disputed
railway by means of a loan and
accept the proposal under, which
Japanese; bankers would lend the
Chinese ;the money for 15 years
with a five-year option.
Trfssure Xot Exerted
The Japanese continued to as
sert that-their offer was final and
that only a small difference exist
ed between the views of the two
The Chinese contention contin-
(Continued on pace 6)
lill SITE
Structure Costing $3,000,
000; to Contain Names
of; All Service Men
CHICAGO, Jan, 7. Nine hun
dred thousand members of the
neneyolent and Protective Order
of Elks today were notified by the
national memorial commUsion of
the order that the site for the
S3.000.QOO memorial to tneir war
dead, was selects and paid for
today. The site ia on Lake Shore
drive near; Lincoln park.
The j memorial will house a
chapel With the names o 70.00m
fclks In, tho , World war aitd the
1000 dpad entraved la K-onxe
round the walla. The buildine
will housa the executive offices of
the ordered will also be p erma-
t.ent editorial offices for the Elks
I Magazine, j - - : v
OF 64
Great Significance Is Seed in
Vote of Irish Parliament When J
Treaty With Englandlls Adopted
! The final action of thoj Irish
parliament, as aunounced by th
.day'? dispatches, after the most
serious and momentous discussion
that has taken place in that coun
try since 1800, givifs me tnuch
pleasure. '
The victory for the peace pact
is stronger and means more than
is indicated by the bare figure.!,
which ,show a tnafority olf only
'seven. Wnen we stop to t limit
that-Katnonn I) Valera, the alert
ed president of an Irish republic.
the man who had made such a
splendid organization and who
enjoyed the universal coniidpnc
of the Irish people; the man
whose brain work had succeeded
in bringing about a condition that
forced the British government to
the most liberal termsi; ever
dreamt ot by the most j liberal
English mind; the man whose
whole soul waB wrapped up in tne
ambition and hope and expecta
tion of complete j independence;
Dr. Frederick Strieker, secretary of he state board of
health, and Frank S. Ward, secretary of the state boanf of
pharmacywho were delegated by Governor Olcott some time
ago to make a general survey and report bn the sale and -use
of narcotic drugs in Oregon have advised the governor they
are ready to make their report. The report will be submit
ted to a joint meeting of the boards of health and pharmacy
to be held in Salem, Tuesday,
which were set tinder, way yesterday by ; Governor Olcott.
Governor Olcott also issued a call yesterday for a gen
eral conference of public officials with the boards of health
and pharmacy to be held in
of Commerce irt Portland on
o'clock in the afternoon.
To this meeting; an invitation is
issued generally to public officials
throughout the state, ihcluding
mayors of cities and towns, sher
iffs, chiefs of police, district at
torneys, county and cltjy health
officers and circuit judges, and
all other duly constituted officers
who may be interested, j ;
In addition to those officials the
governor is asking the following
officials to be present: I Federal
Judges for Oregon; circuit Judges
ifor Multnomah i county; the
United State3 attorney for, Ore
gon and such deputies as he may
delegate; Clyde O. Huntley, col
lector of internal revenue); peorge
CJ. Piper, collector of custbnS". Dr.
Joseph LJnville, federal prohibi
tion director: George L. iBaker.
mayor of Portland; meinbers of
the Portland city commission ar.d
District Attorney JOarson
Makes Effective hea
Against leniency
W. O. Brinsoni who robbed the
Jefferson State bank. J was sen
tenced yesterday by Judge Kelly
to seven years in the penitentiary..
An application for his parole was
denied. - ' f f
Prinson is the farmer; living
near Albany who had placed two
mortgages on his livestock, and
was facing the consequences. To
raise some money in order to pay
off one of the mortgagei.ihe con
ceived the idea of robbing the Jef
ferson bank. . M
With a partially masked face,
he entered the bank one morning
a few months ago, compelling the
teller to. band over ready money
la night, amounting to about
92.90. w 1 .- if
A week or so afterwards, while
.rs ..(Continued ou page 2).
when you th(nk that that man
with all the fforce and .eloquence
and intensity of his being threw
himself against the acceptance;?)!
the treaty atfd appealed to ev0rj
sympathy of the-Irish heart in his
fig hi lor its defeat; then stop and
think that every member of tha'
parliament was elected, as $lf
De Valera wajs, as a straight-ita'
republican;, and taking all this-?
things together.: we may ' reali3
what a powerful rank and H
sentiment for peace thero ntfist
be throughou't that country io!ln
sure even a small majority in the
parliament fpr the treaty. jr-
That overwhelming desire ?"!
peace wbichl finds place aroand
the firesides of Ireland, whlcr
will bo further inspired from the
churches and the schools nd
which will be approved and en
couraged ljy kindred souls on thi?
side of the Atlantic, forms mj
great hope that the . peace thn?
promised will be real, will be uni
versal throughout the island and
(Continued on page 2)
January 10, arrangements;!for
the green room of the Chamber
Wednesday, January 11, at 2
city attorney; L. V. Jenkins.
chief of police- of Portland: and
members of his narcotic sqtiad
Stanley Myrs, district attorney
for Multnomah county, M.
Hurlhurt, teheriff of Multnomah
county; district 'Judges 't MuH
nomah couafy: City- Ifcalth jDffl
cer l"arris, o Portland; George
Hossman. manlcfuil juize; S El
Gloss constable for Multnomah
county;' Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, of
the womens protective division of
the Portlatid poHcn depart ijji't::
L. II. Compton, warden ot ;: the
state poi'.r 11:2. y; ir. K K: !.
Steiner, Itiperintendent of;, the
Oregon state hospital; Dr. h. . lr.
Griffith, chief assistant physician,
Oregon state hospital. . Dr. V. 1).
McXary, superintendent eastern
Oregon state hospital at Pendle
ton and Percy M. Varney, ;$tate
parole officer.
mm ey chief
Moffitt Issues Warning to
AH- Persons Operating
6a.rrjes of Chance I
Punchboards operated In Salem
in pool rooms, card rooms and
other places will bring grief to the
owners and salesmen working
these games of chance,tfccofdlbg
to a final jwarnlng lasted yester
day by Chief of Police Verden M.
Moffitt; , -'f'
- Complaints against the practice
have brought to lipht the; exis
tence of several punchboards, ac
cording to; evidence collected by
Moffitt's force. While no arrests
have been made, action will be
taken in tie future, local officials
holding that bonded and licensed
places wil be confronted with li
cense revocations if the gambling
devices, are not done away, with
at once, according to thj an
nouncement. , , jr j
;: Many, ot the punchboards; offer
various prizes to luctty patrons.
De Valera Announces Resignation as President of Iri:h
DUBLIN, Jan. 7. (By The Associated Press") The trca-ir-?'t-nsr.lhe
lrish free ste was ratified tonight by the
Uail bireann, by a majority of seven, 64 to 7, it gave its cp
proyal to the document signed by. ts. delegates at London,
Ooincidenlally Eamonn De Valera announced his resigna
tion from the presidency of the Irish republics. i f s
Thefcnews was received with the greatest enthusiasm and
the patient crowds which had waited for hour nntslriA in
anticipation of a decision burst into cheering, even before the
nnai ngu res were announced. - - -
Ratification came after a day of intense excitement and
heated controversy Although the result was as had; been
expected the majority ,was greater than had been counted
upon almost up to thd last minute. ; ;
A tense, strained silence prevailed while the vote was be? 7
mg Uken and a gasp of relief went up from the supporters
of the treaty when the result was announced. A dramatic
scene ensued, when De Valera stood un and in a broken
which vibrated with emotion, 'declared that vthe republic"
must, ue cameu - on. -.. v: w -.v . ,.; (- . ;
Eventually he broke down so completely that he was un
able to proceed. The Pail, Vjth one accord, applauded and
cheered him... - ,;r '--- ;';
Telegram to Mrs. Benson
Says All Arranged, Dates :
- Are Cancelled
The, following telegram was re
ceived, yesterday by Mrs. Arthur
S. Benson, secretary of the local
Red Cross:
"Clean-up sauads called Into
district office this date. . Orders
trom district' : headquarters at
Washington, D. C. Cancel all pub
llcity and notify branches of this
change." ; v.- r
The telegram from Seattle Red
Cross headquarters referred to
the proposed visit of the Oregon
clean-up;quad, which was to have
taken cate of all unsettled claims
of ex-service men against the
W. P. Wise, advance agent of
the squad, was in the city Thurs
day, arranging for dates at. Sa
lem, Silverton and Woodburn, be
ginning with January 12. ; f
At the matter now stands, all
dates of the clean-up squad have
been cancelled. It Is understood
a letter will follow the telegram to
Mrs. Benson, going more Into de
ta!l as to the reason the work
which had been planned for the
ex-service men had been called
off or temporarily postponed.
v BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Jan. 7
The Seventh Day Adventist tab
ernacle, built in 1884 and the
mother church of Mrs. Ellen U
(Mother) Whltjss, - founder of the
religion, burned tonight. The
property loss is estimated at
rain west, southeast
fresh southeasterly
About 0 years ago the youns
men about town had ideas of fun
making somewhat more vigorous
than the present generation.
For instance, do you remember
when George K. Shields had an
office In a frame buildlug on the
present location of the Oregon
Electric depot, and how one Hal
lowe'en evening the young men
ot the town placed a sprinkling
wagon on top of th building, over
which was placed the sign," "How
Is this for High?" ;
Do you remember when the col
lege baseball team played the
team of the Baptist church at
Monmouth, along in 1871 .and
how Salem Was beaten, as the dia
mond was on sloping, ground?
. Of that; team, which played
more than 60 years ago there are
VOTE - -.
Republic Following Spirited Passages Vith lli&zzl
Collins All Dublin RejoicesTaking Over of Ccn
trol From British Government Promises Period cf
Arduous Labor
Tae situation at. tho adjourn
ment appeared to remain chaotic.
The ; Dail .will meet Monday ana
tnere is no disposition revealed
by De Valera and hit follower to
abandon the factional struggle.
: Army Status la Donbt
Future control of the. Irish Re
publican army is ton (got the sub
lect ol aAxlouA . speculation. aa
Charles Burgess,; who strongly
opposed the treaty. Is minister o?
the defense, . - '. - , .-.
So far as the public Is concern
ed, Dublin seems delighted over
ratification. . Arthur Crlffith and
his colleagues on leaving parlla-
mens were wiiaiy ' cneered and
the city tonight is In Jubilant
spirits. ' o -y 'v-
On - the announcement o? the
figures.' Mr De Valera declared
the Irish ' people had established
a republic and until the Irish peo
ple in a regular manner dl-etai-
blished the republld It constitu
tionally went on. Thli woald t
a sovereign body in the nation, to
which ' the nation looked for su
preme government ' It was the
executive , body until the peer!
dls-establlshed it, .t vc , I
Organization Mnst Poltow ! ,
Nobody was disposed to chal
lenge this proposition,- for the
general . opinion haa been that
during: the transition pcrloi Ire
land must keep her reproseuta
tive assembly nntil the treaty war
converted lto tn act of parlii
tnent and the Irish people would
have an opportunity to erect
legislature to replace the Dull.
Michael Collins followed D
Valera. lie said he did not re
gard the result in any spirit at
triumph. lie claimed that th
men representing the Dali wr.o
would be responsible for takiLj
over from , the Bri tlph govern
ment Control of the, Irish admin
istration should get a fair
chance. In every country -jrlne
mattered most was public order
and he appealed to the other side
to appoint a joint committe9 tto
carry on the government. Mr.
Collins declared President De -(era
held the same place In his
heart a ever.
Mary MacSwiney Bitter :
Then followed a bitter speech
by Mary MacSwinef, denouncina
the result as worse than the be
trayal of Ireland In the days ot
Castlerea (Viscount Castleeragn)
marquis of Londonderry, who wa
(Continued on page 2)
living A,N. Moores, John Garrison
George W. Belt, J. R. Coleman,
Ed Hatch, Payson Hatch and Rob.
ert Miller. . -' ' ; 7:
Do you . remember the grocery
store, of A. N. Gilbert and Frank
McCulIy on North Commercial
street, in the days when all store 3
remained open of . evenings list;.'
about 11 o'clock?
Do you remember when. t
postoffica was back of a grocery
store on North. Commercial street,
and how entrance was from tl n
north side ot Court street, when
T. B.? Rickey waa postmaster?
Do you remember the big hall
storm when the hail was as larr-?
as marbles and all on the stre"
covered their heads and ' ?a r.
home!, ' ?A'..;.i ''::
, (Continued on pagu 2)