The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 07, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    ,i '! i v ,.- ... ' I .i V '
ft (1 ft h L i :
.i i , - -.-... .... -ft'.- 4 f t - i ,
The Statesman receives the leased
wire report of . in. Associated .
Press, the. greatest and most re
liable press association la. the
world, l . ; ...
Unsettled, probably, rain west.
- mow east . portion; .moderate
; winds, becoming southerly.
' . .-a. . -
Harry Wills is Aggressor in
Heavyweight Battle, but
Tate Evades Blows
- ' - " ' " r I
Adjournment Sine - Die Tak
i en ; With: Question of
transferring. Railroad Line
Hppon Delegates Not to Ask
Intervention by Hughes
and Balfour '
the Associated Press) The Shan
tun conrersatlons between the
Japanese end Chinese delegates
were adjourned sine die late to
day when the Chinese declined to
accept a Japanese counter propos
al for payment for the Klao Chow
'Ealnffnf n railway' W i
loan, redeemable by China in fire
years upon six months' notice.
, Japanese delegates found un
acceptable the two Chinese alter.
natiYtf proposals "in their present
lormr prorldinr for a single im
mediate cash payment, or install.
raents coTerlng 12 years with an
option to take np remaining notes
within a shorter lime. The Chin.
esei- offer included the, appoint
meat of a Japanese chief account
ant: ,' i.'; ;
Chineite Declloe Offer
The Japanese offer was Japan's
final, suggestion" for a settle
taent 'of the question of the dis-1
mm a " . ii a. . 1
uia rauw.y, aeciareu u oeufl
crut of the entire Shantung con
trorersy. M. Hanrihara. one or
the Japanese delegates, told - the
newspaper - correspondents, after
the meeting.
, He added that the Chinese had
declined this offer, but said that
there might be- another meeting
tomorrow or Monday.
The Japanese, he said, had' no
Intention at the present time of
asking interrenUon .br Arthur J.
. Balfour i andT Secretary Hughes,
f although he - said the ' Chinese
; might consult with the 'heads of
t the British and. American dele
gat Ions, under whose "good off!
ces the conversations were be
' gun several weeks ago, In an at.
. ' to settle the dispute out-
; , side of the arms cpnference.'
I" 1 Critical. Says Koo4 J
k , D. . Wellington, Koo of the Chin
es delegation, was less commun
. lcative immediately , after. the
.' meeting.'' . '. ,": "
-The sltu.tlor Is quite crit!
cal," Dr. Koo said. "I do not want
to say anything hastily: We may,
however, decide Ho make a state
ment latfer tonight."
The Japanese proposal the Chin
ese declined was based on direct
instructions from Tokio. The pro-
posal, M. Hanihara said, nrovld
ted, for the restoration to China
of the Klao. Chow Tsinanfu line
by ' menas t of the 15-year loan
through , Japanese" capitalists.
China, he", said, would have full
(Ale to the road, but would agree
to designate a; Japanese tratric
manager and chief accountant,
and if the Joatt .were: redeemed,
theT obligation to retain Japanese
exports would ceased' - W :
Chance' Remains . "
"Unfortntaatelr we were' unable
to reach an agreement today," he
continued, "but we may meet to
morrow or' Monday. ' We feel that
ouf position is . entirely clear but
V China says that our latest propo
sition is not acceptable. The
Chinese - delegates- proposed an
Immediate cash payment for the
deferred .payments but we do not
ft desire to sea. to cnina tne ran
. road property.
. k-k ... I .t .. 1 Y.,
1 Japanese government was to make;
. tne railroad a joint enmo-japan-
ese enterorlse. You must remem-
. that this railroad is now, Jap-
preyed the wish to have a share
t In it, we expressed our accord
and said we would, let the Chin
ese in on a 50 per cent basis but
tbjs was not acceptable' to them.
- 1ia wnfat in fair a nvor a Tl . ttl A
TMllmail. Kn wa wnt ntlll fur -
ther. We were ready to gire the company camps Wednewlay
itu.n. u. n..j ...ii..iif tnl.iisra )ij had ronu in Hearii '
riin. k.. ... . nn
t all ourMnterest in the oroDerty.
Valoe (HTondary Issue :
a -.v. .!,.
transfer In tha form of a railway
loan. the terms of which should
v jl,, .!
a ur iiu uiici irom any oww
, similar railway loan, agreements
which China has entered Into with
4 tae nationals of other powers. wh ; he ls now uuder med
Under such a disposition of .-the gS. Sea. Is but 17 years
Muranuu tfpn wouia nave inq
I right to furnish the traffic mana
ger and chief accountant, with
the understanding that they wero
to be appointed by China."
Mr. Hanihara said that Japan
wag not vitally concerned over the
S Y41ue of the railroad, but pointed
rs uu vi mii v i.iiiii.r:i urns iiim
... .v.. v. . i.
la ti..a ,. i - .h
nr ! . -ii.
a-0 uvvuw -
s t.-l.1,v..,--.Jr...-j. t-ri 'jhistfvtfi ffir ynf
1 , V4i V.-i-i'i-y.v.'A. . .; . .. t'! ;
i i -v -. ..''7 ---.: .v
7 ',i V
Hi, ' ' "
A zig Hussars, now living
. ; . ' m.
ex-Kaiser of Germany is in exile, is reportea to De tne iiancee
ofo x-Kaiser.Wilhelm. The report adds that they will marry
before long. . 1
The -Dallas soldiery went
through Company P Salem
guardsmen, like a hungry rat
through a soft cheese in the bas
ketball game' at the local armory
last night. The catastrophical
score of 18 to 3 was chalked up
at the close of the game, with the
visitors holding the big end pf the
Dallas used to hare one or the
most , famous basketball teams-in
the whole west. . They weren't
college players just naturally
basketballers from the ground up.
And they seem to be holding their
own 'up until now. This makes
six straight wins this season, and
five for last year, with only one
defeat last season. , Maybe they
can be beaten but, as they say:
"they ain't yet"
This Is the; second game over
ihn uiAm enmoanr. Tbe lirst
I wa m nailaa n few weeks aco.
with k score of 33 to 17. The vis-
ttors play a heady team game, with
I the best guarding system seen on
I the local floor this year, from any
team any where. Their passing
I is, not without flaw, though ; In
l the main it Is excellent, but tneir
emardlnc Is almost beyond criti
I cism.
SiJvertOn Lad S Leg Nearly
QOw0ror jn ArrSHpnt nt
oeverea III ACCIUtJni dl
, v ; Timber ; CatTID
(Special : to Th-i statesman i
r-.ii Mnnir. whoso narenis
I silver ton residents, was seriously
1 h.trt at the Silver Falls Timber
.Art lln was standing in lrpm
of the ShajTenghm Just ooforoj.t
was ready to start wr.wiy.rwu
Th conectlon wa3 , mlssod ,
coupling the car and the boy wa-
thrown olljna i ne r
over onto him. una oi ma co
rf, lie also re
lZ'T'Y nurni injuries, lie
"rt JT.B sUvrton hoK
SEATTLE. Jan. C -While worR
Ine with a cane of men preparing
for aninment to tne urieui. v.
Wilkerson. a laborer, 18 years old.
was caught under an overturnea
drum and almost Instantly killed
- ir w-i-rTr-ir------f"r----4---
I'm-1 iriniiiin-v I j
5 i
of a late coionei m tne Lan-
in Doorn, Holland where the
t i f
I r
' Farley, Bennett, Hclgerson,
Smith and Scott went in for the
visitors, ; and Mason, Remington,
Cochranj Hendricks and Byars
for the locals. Crosaao was sub
stituted tor Cochran and Ford for
Remington for the locals, and Hu
delson went in for the last few
minutes t or Scott of the visitors.
Farley gave way to Preston and
then came back into the game for
the last; few minutes.
There was no crowd at all. They
almost had to hire men to come
inland see a really cracker Jack
good game. The teamwork of the
visitors, v.ho have played togeth
er i steadily for three years, was
the feature, without much indi
vidual star performance.
The winner of the valley mili
tary championship is to go to
Portland to meet the winner of
the Portland military series for
the state title. Up to the present
the Dallas team has a' majority of
two over the Salem team, with a
fair prospect of keeping it.. The
work of Referee Gooch at last
niehfs came was almost as in
teresting and enjoyable as that of
the players themselves, for the
industry and fairness he put into
the contest.
. , i -
Arbuckle Trial Holds
Pending Neighbors Case
continuance of the second man
slaughter trial of Roscoe C. (Fat
tv Arbuckle until after the con
elusion of Mrs. Minnie Neighbors
nerjury hearing, which-fs expected
to end next Monday or Tuesday,
was agreed upon today at a con
ference Of attorneys for both sides
with Superior Judge Harold Lou
i The Neighbors case is an out-
crowth of the first Arbucme trial.
as -he is accused of having testi
fied falsely that she saw Miss ir
clrila Ranoe at Wheeler Hot
Springs, Vetura county in Au
cust. 1921.
t Milton T. U'Ren. assistant at
torney, told Judge Loudsrback
tht he expected to be ready to
argue the Neighbors matter aon
day and; to complete it not later
than Tuesday. -
Chinese Den is Invaded
By Walla Walla Officers
i .
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Jan.
Four Chinamen, one Chinese
woman, several revolvers, a rifle
and" Bunnly of ammunition, a cou
pie of knives and everal pipes
nml a larce supply of opium and
other narcotics were captured by
the sheriffs force and a. federal
agent in a Chinese rooming house
here tonight. The only Chinaman
known was "Shoo Fly" Lee Of
Pasco, Wash.
Lee is! a native of Walla Walla
Wit of Senate's Best Orators
Sprung on Both Sides in
NntnhlP Forrf - NewbeiTV'
w . - - - I
Barbed Sentences Hurled at
Supporters by Henlin
From Alabariia
senate began today its final dis
cussion of the Newberry case, pre
cipitated by the conte.t of Henry
Ford against the seating of Sen
ator Truman II Nowberry of Mich
igan, his Republican opponent in
the 191 elections, and was told
by Senator Spencer, Republican
of Missouri, chairman of the sen-
4aie privusges ana ejections com-
m'ttftfl. that Senator .iwherrv
himself -would take the floor on
i iwonuay ana aeienu nimseii
against the; charges which involve
his campaign expenditures.
The subject will remain con
tinuously -beforo the senate until
disposed of. A vote is expected
some liin inext week.
-Mia rMar- iaciii
During the debate today Sena
tor Newberry's clam to his seat
was denounced and defended. A
large crow4 filled the galleries in
anticipation; of a bittr fight and
they could not b3 said to be dis
appointed, Tor at the outset Sen
ator Caraway, Democrat of Ar
kansas, launched an attack- on
the Newberry supporters, while
Senator Spencer and Senator Wil
liams, Democrat of Mississippi,
soon Jo'ned in the debate.
When Senator Spencer an
nounced thit he had been inform
ed Senator; Newberry rwould take
the floor Monday, it was said by
leaders that it would be the first
time in the two years since his
election that the Michigan sena
tor had addressed the senate. Sen
ator Townsend; Mr. Newberry's
Republican i colleague, also, was
said to be prepared to speak for
three hours in defense of the
unior senator from his state.
, Williams Brings Laughter
Senator Williams had not long
entered today's debate when the
presiding officer was frequently
forced to tap: for order as the
Mississippi I senator's shafts pro
duced laughter and occasionally
applause from the floor and the
galleries. ;lt was Mr. Williams
who elicited from Senator Spen
cer the statement that senator
Newberry would speak in his own
Senator Williams said he de-
pried to hear the defense to be
oiiered in : tne nope tnai air.
Newberry could give reasons why
he should retain his seat and "not
disgrace not only his own good
family, but the good family of
his wife." ;
I have ; known It is .family a
long time,'? continu-d Mr. Wil
liams. 'l am very fond of them.
They hav Jivd straight and use-
r ii i lives. Know nis wire s iam
Ily, and they were citizens of
which this ; natlon--alfto could be
Thoyroade their money
in the right way and I hope he
can explain away these charges.
for I have nothing personally
against him."
There was also hurled at the
Newberry supporters the predle-
lion bv Senator Haflin. Democrat
of AlabamisL that "the American
neoDle will lash out of the sen-
ate chamber every man who casts
r - m - - 1 i - I
a-voie lor Aewwrry.
v nere .are me se,naior
rl - . . 1
voted for Llorlmer?" queried Hef-
lih: "Why1, the, American people
took care of them,
save six." ;
All are gone
Whitman Collegd Quint
Is Beaten by Aggies
CORVAlXlS, Or., Jan. 6. Ore
gon Agricultural college opened
the conference basketball season
here tonigbt by defeating Whit
man college iof Walla Walla,
Wash.. 36 to 18.
The contest was unusually
rough, 13 ! personal fouls . being
called agAipst players of the two
teams. Oregon Aggie players
were the main offenders, ielng
charged with nine of the 13 Ir
regular acts. Dick Stidnson, the
Aggie captain, was sent out of the
game aftec. ho had -been chid ed
for four fouls.
Each team used several substi
tutes. Stinson was high point man
with 17 pointsi to his credit. Cap
tain Ri.h was high point man for
Whit mail' with 12 points. The
teams will meet again tomorrow
night. !v-;-i ..
MOSCOW. Idaho. Jan. 6. Uni
versity of Idaho 37; Walla Walla
TORTLANp, Or.. Jan. ; C.
Harry Wills of New Orleans, ne
era barrweiKht. and Bill Tate.
former chief sparring partner for
h Dempsey .fought
! draw hero tnniCnt.
a iv round
VVilla was the aggrcssoi
throughout most oi ruau.
. x'- . . . , ,
but found it a hard matter fo hit
Tate sclidly. ...
L Tate won on a foul oer vni3
the firet round of a schcliild i
round bout.
The two heavywe?j?hl3 fought
over again tonight an nil; '( th'
fans who attended th'j fjifit go
were admitted free.
More (ban 5,00 jair.od; the
es i cm
William P, Wise, Advance
man for Clean-up Squad,
Paves Way in Salem
William P. Wise, advance agent
for the government "clean-up"
squad which is touring the. state
for the purpose of aiding ex-ser
vice men in prosecuting j claims
against Uncle Sam. to in Salem
yesterday. While heno Mr.: Wise
conferred with Joe Minton, newly
elected commander of the local le
gion post;. Dr. B. F. Pound, Dr.
vv. Coulter and other legion lead
ers, regarding tne approacning
visit of the yquad to Marion and
Polk counties. He' also visuca
Mrs. Arthur Benson, representa
tive of the Red Cross fori Marion
and Polk counties.
."Judging from the inquiries
which are already coming in,"
Mr. Wise said "the squad Is going
to hav a busy time here. It ap
pears that quite a number of ex-
service men have been' withhold
ing prosecution of their claims be
cause they knew the squad was
coming: In. this connection, it is
-Wlotl to repeat here, that any ex-
service man who has a disability
as a result of his service, whether
as a result of wounds, accident or
disease, should have a physical
examination. A physician accom
panies the squad for this pur
pose." The squad handles claims for
compensation, vocational training,
reinstatement and conversion of
insurance, back- pay, travel pay,
allotments and insurance, j Even
Victory medal claims will be han
dled. The United States Veterans'
bureau is sponsor for the squad.
The dates for Marion and Polk
counties follow, ,
Silverton, Thursday January 12.
Dallas, Friday, January 13.
Woodburn, Saturday, January
14, J
Salem, Monday and Tuesday,
January 16 and 17.
Turn FamOUS HOStelHeS
Threatened With Fire
NEW YORK, Jan. 6. A furl-
ousflre in the center of the block
containing the McAlpine and Wal
dorf Astoria hotels tonight
threatened the two famous hos
telries, filling their rooms with
smoke and spouting flames which
illuminated the congested section
of the city and attracted an enor
mous crowd of spectators. : At 8
I o'clock the blaxe was reported as
still gatnTftg headway.
The fire started in an upper
lott or a six-story building, on o
removed irom tne McAlpine and
ironung on west mirty-tnira
street, in a lew minutes the three
upper poors were enveloped
flames' which drove back fireme
wno ancmpiea 10 mount on la
Qers i
Robbery Case from Court
VANCOUVER, Wash., Jan 6.
Attorneys for Bert Orcutt and
Roy Moore, charged with fobbing
the Sells-Floto circus of 'about
130.000 here September 16. today
filed a motion to dismiss the. case
for the reasons that the defend
ants were not tried within 78 days
of their first trial when the jury
,Thfy also filed a motion: alleg
ing prejudice on the part of Judge
Simpson, who tried the first case,
and a writ of certiorari in an at
tempt to compel the superior court
to show cause for its refusal to
grant a continuance of the case.
The argument on the writ of cer-
tiororl will be held in Olympia be
fore the supreme court January 9,
the day before the trial of the de
. WASHINGTON. Jan. ' 6 A
definite per ton" subsidy rand a
special postal subvention fer fast
passenger ships were recommend
ed to the shipping board today by
the American merchant marine
joint committee as methods Of giv
ing direct government aid to' Am
erican ship owners.
Committee Drafts Resolution
That Would Suppress
Submarine Warfare Upon
Merchant Ships.
Five Powers Are Asked to
Abandon AH Barbarous
Forms of War
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. ( Iy
tirs Associated Press. )- A flve
power contract to impose the ae
old penalties for piracy against
naval commanders who violate ac
cepted laws of naval warfare wis
approved today by- the armamelt
committee of the Washington con
ference. It completod j the Root
formula for suppression of U-bojtt
teffrisrii at sea and the commit-'
tee then moved forward toward
a proscription: of gas warfare on
land or sea. . t
Again Mr. Root drew the reso
lution to effecft the prohibition.!
Again an immediate five-power
contract to abandon gas or other
similar chemical weapons as be
yond the pale of human tolerante
is proposed, 'to be worked opt
laer by world agreement into
the fabric of; international laf
And again it seemed certain that
under American initiative, war In
the future would be stripped of
others of the ihorrors German in
genuity let loose upon the world.
Anti-Gas Approved
Italy gave prompt adhesion o
the anti-gas project as "a real step
in the path of progress and civil
ization." Adjournment of the
committee prevented the views of
other delegates, froro being pre
sented, but all were said to favor
the ban on gas warfare.
As the natal experts shaping
technical questions In the naval
limitation sections of the forth
eomlng treaty still were wrangl
ing over definitions to make clear
the agreements they have el
ready reached the armament com
mittee adjourned on call. The
naval men labored all day in, Mia
hope of concluding tonight, hut
without success. They will com
plete their work tomorrow, how
ever, and thei full committee will
bo in a position to resume Mon
day, witn tne way ciearea tor
quick framing of the naval limi
tation treaty and an omnibus
burden of allied pacts, under
standings and declarations. r
Slay Not Go In Treaty
It was no? definitely decided
tonight whether the anti-gas dec
laration was. to Je incorporated In
the voluminous treaty that will
be required to cover the naval un
derstandings. It may be' put forth
as a separate product of the con
ference it final approval is given
the Root prohibitory resolution.
It seemed moVe likely. 'however,
that it would 'go into the genaifal
treaty, soon to be laid before the
armament committee for final Ac
tion. S
There was a rearrangement to
day of the Root formula for cunn
ing submarine operations against
merchant cratt.f As ihe propos
als caroefrom; the armament com
mittee, it was divided into fob
separate articles. v !
fILst of Article
The first re-stated in brief lan
guage the ftceppted rules of naval
warfare applying to merchafll
ships,! and specifically applied
these rules to submarines. l B
second asked jadherence of all na
tions to this reaffirmation of in
ternational law. The third pro
posed a new j principle of inter
national law prohibiting use Of
submarines commerce destroy,
ers. coupled fwith an agreement
among the fife powers to adopt
this rule as among themselves
immediately, i The fourth wis
that approved? today, invoking the
rule of piracy; against naval com
manders violating the declared
law of war. j
As rearranged later, the piracy
rules becomes No. 3. and ;ls
coupled with Nos. 1 and 2, t$e
purpose beinti it was explained,
to seek world; agreement on that
principle as an immediate exten
sion of the existing laws, of war.
It could not le applied, it was
said, as to violations of the new
proposal, to ban submarines en
tirely as commerce raiders until
that had beep accepted by the
world. ; l
r " ' .t,
PORTLAND. Jin. 6. A style
show for meni is to be held here
In connection with the third ap
nual convention of the Pacific
Coast Hercha Tailors' associa
tion which will open here ne$t
Wednesday," .according to ah
nouncement tbdajr. , . , f.
Ex-Servic e Men ; of Silrerton
Are Provided Headquarters
for Recreation
SILVERTON. Ore., Jan. 6, -(Spocial
to The Statesman)-
The American legion officially
opened Its' club room tonight. All
ex-service men were Invited to In
spect the hall which is located
above the Wolfard store at Maine
and Water streets.
The club room which Is under
the personal supervision of R. F
Axley, formerly of the firm of
Axley & Cooley who conducted the
Club pool . hall, is .complete in
every detail. Besides a full line of
candies, cigars and tobaccos, the
club room has a fine set of fix
tures consisting or billiard, pool
and card tables. The Legion club
also has a comfortable reading
room with plenty of magazines
and writing material.
The Clean-Up aquad sent out by
the government will be at Silver
ton on the afternoon and evening
or Thursday, January 1 12. The
squad will, be under th auspices
of the American legion and will
have its headquarters in the Am
erican legion dub rooms during
Its, stay at Silverton. Every ex
service man or relatives having
claims against tho government In
regard to back; pay, bonus, com
pensatlon for disability, Insurance,
etc., are asked to .present the
claim to this board.
A membership drive scheduled
to begin January 15, is also being
planned by the American legion.
ivery ex-service .man with . an
honorable discharge is cligfgle to
membership In the legion.
The club rooms will be open to
legion member and - friends. A
card system will enable ex-service
non-members to participate in the
privileges of the hall for a limited
Hubbard High School Girls
Victorious in Last
Night's Contest. i
SILVERTON. Or.. Jan. 6.
(Special to The Statesman.) -A
double header basketball game
Was played at' Silverton tonight
between the Silverton high school
boys and the Stayton high school
. . 1. I T .. 1. 1. .,1 1.1 . -1
uua, aim iuo iiuuumu utu ttuuui
girls and the Silverton high
Bchool girls. The score for the
boys was: Stayton. 11; Silverton,
58. The Hubbard girls beat the
Silverton girls with a score of
20 to 16. l
Edwin Taylor, center for the
Silverton :boys, made the most
The Silverton high quintet has
arranged the- following schedule
for its basketball games:
January 13 Independence here
January 20 Dallas there.
January 27 Open.
February . 3 Dallas here.
February 10 Oregon City there
- February 17 Woodburn here.
February 24 Oregon City here
March 3 Woodburn there.
Miss Mildred Palmer.
Succumbs to Pneumonia
- Miss Mildred H. Palmer of 960
North Twenty-second street died
at her home Friday evening at
5:50 o'clock following a jshort at
tack "of pneumnoia.
She is fmrvlvcd by her parents,
Mr; and Mrs. W. R. Palmer, and
two sisters, Mareta and Ruth Pal
mer: also by three aunts, Mrs L.
H. Carroll of Eugene; Miss Henri
etta Walker of Tacoma and Mrs.
A. Sinclair of Chatham.! Ont.
Miss Palmer was graduated
(rom Salem high school last June
and was employed In the States
man office at the time,: she was
stricken with pneumonia.
She was an active member of
the Central Congregational church
and was' a ngular attendant.
The bodyis in care of the Ter
williger home. As yet. no fune
ral arrangements have been made.
Yearly Gains Shown by
i Silverton Postoff ice
, SILVERTON, Ore, Jan. 6.
Special to' The Statesman)
The Dostal receipts at the Silver
ton postof flee show a decided In
crease over former years, tor me
same month of each year as
shown below!
December. 1919 11166.32
December. 1920 ....... 1417.77
December. 1921 1966.74
The Christmas mall arrived In
294 sacks and was dispatched, in
162 sacks.
The largest mail arrived Decern
her 23. This consisted of 106
sacks. -f . ' .
f SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 6. In
an effort to broaden the -Pacific
northwest - products, movement
northwest manufacturing centers
will combine with Seattle ln hold
lng t Industrial show here the
last week of July.
Should Treaty Be Rejected
President Might Stay and
Try to Effect New Agree
ment With England
Leading Supporters of. Pact
Irritated on Receipt of
DUBLIN. Jan . (Br the As- !
sociated rre88)Eamonn De Va-
era today, before the Dall Elr-
eann, resigned his post as presid- ,
ent of the Irish , republic, t
Later, however, he was under
stood to say that he would post-
pom- hia decision to leave oriica .
pending a vote on . the - peace
treaty within 48 hours. He cou- s
pledi his resignation .with "the
statement that whatever happen
ed he would retire to private life.
but almost in the game breath ne
spoke of selecting a new cabinet
if h. was re-elected chief execu-
Inference Drawn ''.'
From these conflicting ' asser
tions the Inference was drawn by
those-attending the session of the
Dail Elreann that if- the treaty
was rejected Mr. De Valera would ".;
remain in office and endeavor to
negotiate a new treaty with the
British government on the basis ,
of. hii alternative proposal, J but
that if the Dail accepted ; the
treaty he-would definitely retire
from public . life, ; -
The Dail adjourned this even
ing at 7 o'clock,: to meet again
tomorrow for a farther discussion i
of the treaty, v Several of We i
members told the . Associated
Press tonight that a vote on the , ;
treaty undoubtedly would be tak
en before 7-. o'clock: Saturday ev
ening. ''.' ' !,.;;.-,, 'i."-'
IuUln la Anxious' , '
v. Supporters of the treaty con,
tinned to express confidence that
It would be ratified, by a small
majority, but the 'people of Dub
lin are showing great anxiety over
the outcome. ; With the Dail- so
'divided, tears are entertained
that that acceptance of the treaty
will not necessarily solve Ire
land's troubles, and-, fears -. were
expressed in some quarters today '
that there' is great danger of in.
terneclne strife. . ; . '
Mr. De Valera threatened to re
sign during a private session ot
the Dail Elreann this morning, at .
which an 11th hoar attempt was .
made by the peace committee to
effect an agreement between the
opposing factions on the - treaty.
When the Dail reconvened in op
en session in the. afternoon, Mr.
De Valera carried his" threat into
effect In the course of an eloquent
speech, during which he was mov
ed to such depths of emotion that
tears stood in his eyes and his
voice occasionally ! was choked
ith sobs.
Mr. De Valera msdo it plain In
his speech of resignation that his .
object was to enable the Dall to
choose between what he called the
representatives of two fundamen
tally opposed policies Irish Re
publicanism and British citizen
ship. He said he would not
carry on" without having . full
confidence in his cabinet, some of
the members of which had di
vulged to the press a document -that
he had asked should be re
garded as confidential, lf he r
should be re-elected, , he said, he
would choose his own cabinet and
must have full and sole command
of all resources and materials for
the defense of the republic.
Four Years Reviewed ' . ;
Later on be complained of the
Interference of Michael Collins .
with the army in relation to the
kidnapping of the correspondent "
of the London Times. This, he ,
said, showed that undivided con
trol of the Republican army was ,
vital. ., ... ; -
In his speech, announcing, his
resignation, Mr, ;.De Valera described-
hU four years' success In
keeping united the two . opposite
schools of, opinion represented by ,
Charles Burgess and. Arthur rif-
flth. He said this unity had
maintained until; the treaty was
signed in London, He appealed to j
his record as s soldier and ex
pressed great scorn for trickeries
in politics with which he had had :
experience . .during the last few ,
weeks. ,-., , -
'The president waxed eloquent
when he referred to having been
reared in a laborer's cottage In
County Limerick, and in his an- :
compromising declaration tor Ire
land's separate nationality. .
: Cheers Greet Speech.
He 'said that , he was not even
technically a britlsh subject and
that he would die without becom- '
lng one. Although he was not a
member of the Irish Republican
brotherhood he said he hoped
when he died he would have a '
fenian grave. These declaratiens
evoked the loudest cheers that he
(Continued on pags 6)
jLCooUnaed on paco 6)
fcere today.
and about 15 jrcarg of aett .'
LeglOU ? 3t I