j 1 TTTE OREQOX: STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY! MdlElNlNCCDECilitBER H foc the opportunities of the many of . us Is It the wnuttered hope that tomorrow, next week, next month, the next year may b3 as today fn Us privileges and op portunities, only far more abun dant. We are told .that the first day of the New Year is, an appropri ate time . to form good resolu tions. But the New Year Li to morrow," and there is - a better time for such a task,- and that time Is today. For "now is the accepted time." -Klshop H. C. Patter. a. ,-., . :,:. . ,-'---. : ' '. Twenty Delta Helta Deila rN were cnets at a tea siren at the - - By MARGUERITE GLEESON OW many' of as are waiting I home of Mrs Hreyman Boise.'Mlaa Marie Churchill was Joint hos tess with Mra. Boise. The guests included members of the sorority home for the Christmas holidays from the University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural colleges. Christmas decorations were used about the rooms. Assisting the hostesses were Miss Anna Belle Golden and Miss-Alice Mc Clellan. Mrs. Raymond Walsh and Mrs. M'llar McGilchrlst ponred. I Honoring the officers o the W. XI. C, who have rerveu with her lurlnjr th? last year. Mrs. Norma Trwilllis'er, retiring president, was hostess at a lonrheon rarty Monday. - fche presented racii of ri ' - - .1 " GUARANTEED to. Keep Fire Twice an long a any other range oh the market with ono-haU the wood tee officers with a reembrance and the officers-gave her a quilt wfcich they had quilted among themselves. Invited guests Included Mrs. Lizzie Smith, Mrs. Helen Soath wiek, Mrs. Mary Brings, Mrs. Louise King, Mrs. LaMoine Clark and Mrs. Bessie Martin. The officers present were Mrs. Sara Peterson. Mrs. Louis Short, Mrs. Kuth Dennisor. Mrs. Mary Llcfeel. Mrs. Hattie Cameron. Mrs. Jennie Pope. Mrs. Anna Simonds, Mrs. Mary Ackerman, Mr.. Cor delia LaVare. Mrs. Mary Cook. Mrs. Jessie Crossan, Mrs. Delia Clearwater. Mrs. Viola Tyler, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood and Mra. Alma Henderson. Mrs. Mary Watson. Mrs. Ida Carraglio, Mrs. Frances Butte. Mrs. Fay Walt. Mrs. Ora Leffen well assisted the hostess in serv ing. Silver Bell Circle. Neighbors of Woodcrart. entertained Salem camp No. 118. W. O. W.. at the new Woodman hall In the Elks' temple. December 23. There was a banquet for the members, and a Christmas tree for the little folks, all of which were thorough ly enjoyed. Mrs. George E. Allen of Baker is visiting with her son, F. W. Allen, 625 North Winter street. Prof. A, S. Gibbons of Dufur spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Cummings. pKAfAeunn niKKnno will urtAnrl Vi 1 s i uiraw i v . v isc win c jhi , it rest or tne week attending tne teachers' conference in Portland. Mrs. Grace Thompson is siiend in a few days with friends in Tillamook. Mrs. Lillfan Hartsorn is visit ing with friends in Seattle during the holidays. . Mrs. Lee Canfield has as her truest for the holidays Mrs. Chas. Pfass of Roseburg. Lieutenant and Mrs. Wayne G. Zimmerman of Vancouver were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Zosel over the Christmas holidays. v Guests at the J. A. Churchill home for Christmas and New Year include Mr. and Mrs. George C. Weller of Willamina and Mr. and Mrs. James F. Elton with The Lane "ALASKA" Kitchen Range is the most econom- teal cook stove oh the market Occupying small space, it fits in exactly with the smaller kitchen. , Constructed of Armco polished IfioriV whh nickled plated trimmings, large oven and pre-box, the ,f ALASKA" meets every kitchen requirement. Although the "ALASKA" is a wood burning stove with an extra large fire box, coal can be burned by raising the grate. Hot water coils can easily and cheaply be installed. A-1 visit to our store will prove to you thM the . ro.;v will e your next stove. Write or call today. ; People's Furniture Store ; 271 NoHh Commercial Street ; " Phone 734 ':--; -"' .C f 'V 1 ?Por fifty year there wsS no change . Til LANG did build the Hot B tat Range." TRY SULPHUR ON . I CM 1 Costs Little and Overcomes Trou ble Almost Over Night their small daughter, Jane Flor ence, of Portland. Mrs. Weller and Mrs. Elton are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. Weller expect to take an apartment and remain in Salem for the rest of the win ter. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and Mrs. Frances Cornell spent the holiday in Silverton as the guests of Miss Pauline Looney. - Mrs. Maurice Winter of Port land is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Skiff. Mrs. Carle Abrams with her little daughter, Elizabeth Eleanor Is visiting in Roseburg. Mr. Abrams returned Tuesday evening utter spending the Christmas hol idays there. Two corps of the Girl Ressres met for a Christmas party Fri day eveniag at the Y. VV. C. A. parlors. They included the Mc K'n!ey corjs under the leader ship, of Mi3s Alice Wells an-i the Howochee corps Irom the Grant school under the leadership of Miss Jenn lie Vandevort. A pot luck supper was enjoyed preced ing the party and a Christmas tree tilled the time following the popper. The Friday Itridge club will meet this week with Mrs. Elmer Dane. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wriht and daugnters, Kloi.se ana Elea nor, spent Christmas wth Mr. Wright's mothi and sister in Wood bur a. Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Clifford K. Knickerbocker, who havs ju6t returned from their wedding trip, Miss Helen Moore was & charming hostess at a dinner party last night. Pink carnations and pink favor were used by the hostess on the dainty table. The guests included, besides the guests of honor, Miss Luella Patton, Dwight Quisenbcrry and Percy Brock. Tho brg!niicr.s aud primary di- part.netilj of the First Methodist Sunday school ivlll give i- partv in the church parlors Friday ;ve uinir. Parents and frlenli are nviled to attend as special guests. The program will be given by the children. Games and refresh ments will occupy the evening. Guests at ine Arthur Moore home for Ihe holidays Included Mr. and Mrs. Georce Woodford f Portland and Mrs. A. L.. Ryan nd three children, also of Port land. Mrs. Woodford is a sister of Mrs. Moore. &E1AH01S BECAUSE MED New Teuton Ambassador Admits Nation is Making Economic Progress INDEMNITY IS DISCUSSED 500.600,000 marks a year, and in addition we hare, the reparations. We have been hurt a great deal by the cutting off of the east ern provinces. That compels us to go outside of Germany for much of the food." "New Ways Must Be Devis ed Lang" Declares, Says Sums Too 'Large Ilxri Kidney Trouble Ten Tears Don't give op hope, If you are suffering from backache, rheum atic pains, stiff, swollen joints, always tired feeling pains in groin and muscles or other sym ptoms of kidney trouble. J. T. Osborn, R. F. D No. 1, Lucas ville, O.. writes: "I had kidney trouble for 10 years. I tried all kinds of kidney remedies but they did me no good. I took one bot tle of Foley Kidney Pills and they helped me so much I am well now. Sold everywhere. Adv. SCOTTS MLLS 1 NEW YORK. Dec. 28. (By The Associated Press) Ger- turning home Monday SCOTTS MILLS, Or.. Dec. 28.- Miss Frieda Hicks of Oregon City visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hicks, over Christmas, re- Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, . itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying Mentho-Sulphur, declares a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin Irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment without delay. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small Jar of Mentho-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. Adv. HALF-YEARLY 9 . -: 4 tk. ----,-- -l?K,l! ft iJ of our Entire Stock of Women Ready-to -Wear Quite. Coot 0itft6 a rid ON SALE AT 0 Salcin Store 466 Klatc Street - "Portend Store 383 Alder Streei CLUBS AND WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES many's diplomatic and consular forces today pressed their prep arations for hanging out their flag again in Washington, New York and other cities. The steamer Nieuw Amsterdam arrived with Karl Lihg, charge of the German embassy, and consu lar agents iur western cities. The new German consulate here opens January 3. Most of Its staff already has arrived. Among those who arrived with Herr Lang, who on appointment of a German ambassador will be come German consul general at New York, was Armand Valette, vice consul at San Francisco. Herr Lang who has been 24 years in the German diplomatic service summed up the question of indem nities in these words: "Cannot Pay" "At present Germany cannot pay. We must devise new ways." Expanding on conditions at home, he continued: "Economic conditions are much sounder. The new republican gov ernment is doing Its best to estab lish good conditions. II they leave ns the means to do things, we will certainly 'come back. The people are inclined to live in an orderly manner and want better condi tions of life. Conditions Disliked. "It is very hard for fhe people to face the future under conditions imposed in the treaty of peace. According to the treaty, we have to furnish coal and dyes and pay 'clearing money' of more than Vera Rich. Beatrice Amundson, Lila Brougher, Etoid Lmb Lor aine Hogg and John Brougher. f Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Lawrence are parents of a son, born to tnem in Portland December 15. . Bora, to Mr, and. Mrs. A. a. Gersch, Friday December 1 , " a son. to be called W inson uay-mond. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. MnlvUxfU and daughter are visiting, ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. I Brougher over the holidays. Friday evening f ronr Salem whr he n been tn the leacners , examinations. . , , : Miss Lultt Dale, lrho Is teach ing school at-SUyton.is- me. -during the holidays. . ( Mrs. Margaret Van.; Evers$ ,ot Portland visited with her patents. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Maloyfover Christmas. :ri Revival ; meetings . rt held at the ChrlsUan church. Mr., Powell of Eugene is condweting -the services.: assisted, by.; Mlsv. Bert Lovitt returned home on Jtentnger. soloUU Miss Emma Larson Is visum her parents at Sllvertou during the Christmas vacation. II. E. ilagee and children of Salem visited relatives here on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. T. Maplethorp and daughter, Miss Emma Maple (home of Salem, visited their daughter and son-in-law Mrs. and Mr. W. T. Hogg and family over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. L. 9. Rice and family visited relatives at Wood burn Christmas. Miss Georgina Spicer is visit ing relatives at Aumsville during the holidays. Among the students who are attending different schools and are home for their Christmas va cation are Misses Olive Merry, La Ladies Neckw - v t Neckwear that is new, consisting olvesteos, col lars, and collar and cuff sets, in a variety of new styles now in vogue. The vestees are in the finer nets, combined with Oriental, venise, or French val laces. Vestees.... 75c to $1.98 Collars 49c to $1.19 romt uouar L,aces wdana 98c yard i r Coming Sunday Liberty Gale Go Commercial and Court Streets The Woman's Foreign Mission ary society of the Jason Lee church will meet with Mrs. Philip Aspinwau Friday afternoon at 2:30 at her home. 1025 North Cottage street. Mrs. Ernest Rob erts will give the raoort of the district convention and Mrs. B. W. Dewey will have charge of the lesson, on China. The Past Matrons' club of Chadwfek chaptor of the Eastern Star will gire their annual Christ mas party Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. George Brown. Mrs. W. Carlton Smith will be assisting hostess. A tree will be a feature of the entertainment, and a social evening will be en- Joyed. The younger girls' class In swimming t the Y. M. C. A. will give exhibition swlmmins.. with stunts, races and diving contests at the open bouse being given by the Y. M. C. A. next Monday. This class is for girls under 15 years and Is chaperoned by Mrs. David A. Wright. Candle races. apple races and lifesaving exhi bitions will be given during the ume auottt l to the girls. The contest w'll begin at 4 o'clock. More than f.0 are enrolled in this class and it has an average attendance of 34 CLtll CALENDAR - Friday W. F. M. Bociety of Jason Lee with Mrs. Philip Aspin wall, 1023 North Cottage street. Saturday D. A. R. with Mrs. U. G. Sipley. Child Almost Strangled Mrs. G. Grab, 3116 Washington Ave., New Orlenas, La,, writes: "My child had a cough so bad she would almost strangle cough ing. Foley's Honey and Tar re lieved her cough, and I recom mend It to any mother." Foley's Honey and Tar gets right at the seat of trouble, clears nose and throat of mucus., haals raw and inflamed surfaces. loosens tight ness of the chest and checks croup whooping cough, bronchial and "flu" coughs. Sold everywhere. Adv. ' " $3.00 Round Trip to Portland Every Day Oregon Electric Railway : The Oregon Electric Railway sells round trip tickets to Port land for $3, including war tax. Rood for ret a rn to and including the second day from date of sale. J. W. RITCHIE. " A seat. O. E. Ry. WThea everybody has an auto mobile there will be no Micb thin a?'-m. pedestrian being knocked tlown ; or injured or killed by a machine. And that is not e long to wait as might be imaging ed. 3 PEOPLE'S CASH STORE r THRIFT THURSDAY in the BARGAIN BASEMENT G0GD WATCH OUR WINDOWS THRIFT THURSDAY in the BARGAIN BASEMENT Children's All Wool SWEATERS Slip on style, in colors ACkn of pink, blue and whiter V Fine Quality TURKISH TOWELS Medium size, former "1 Q o5c value laV. Ladies' Fine FIBRE SILK HOSE Regular 75c quality in colors of black, brown AQf and gray Men's and Boys' HATS AND GAPS Odd lot, but big selection; you'll easily find AQi your size TfaC Seamless Aluminum TEA KETTLES $2.25 value,, of the finest alum inum quality $1.39 27-inch Fancy FLANNEL In colors desirable for making gowns and underskirts, etc., yard 14c Woodstock 42x36 PILLOW CASES Very linu and heavy weaves (limited to customer) 19c Karatol SHOPPING BAGS $1.75 value I tost on. Bag style, black only aOC Boys' and Girls' BATH ROBES A small lot left, former values to $1.00 $1.98 Turkish WASH CLOTHS are large size some color borders, C IC They ed 15c values Large Galvanized WATER PAILS Formerly, sold at 45c, 29c 36 indh. Heary 0UTING FLANNEL Extra firm quality, white only, yard .. 15c 27 inch -Unbleached - OUTING FLANNEL In three and ,fi regard Teinnattts. A real "'good v.' J value, yard ... L i I C No. 2 Galvanized Wash tubs $1.45 value, made of the Maud ard lieavy gal- Ai vanijsd iron ......,...5OC i; - Fancy Embroidered HANDKERCHIEFS Former 10, 15 Jand 25c values. 5c For men and women, each '.. .We have received a belated shipment intended for the HOLIDAY SEASON TOYS OF NEARLY EVERY DESCRIPTION Including Dolls, Doll-Heads, Wagons, Books, Games, Sets, eto. All Go At Less Tliaii y2 Pi ice 4000 Pounds of CANDY ON SALE 25c Mix Special at Pound 16c ... .... . . .., TKEra5VfP GROCERIES Specially, Uiidcrpriccd Prices are too . numer ous to advertise. No need: to, yon know. We can and "do tin-derselL 1 1 1 " " t- iimi . u - jj V r 1 it -t . i- i i. i; :