THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1921 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Ytates Suspended ". An order of the public service tommlssion issued . yesterday de nies authority to tha Enterprise JJIectrlc company,'' of Enterprise, .U'allnwa rnnnlv lA lnrriinu ttm rates. Trie order " makes perraa lient a suspension of an Increased schedule which waa to become ef active July 21 last. ( i ' Country Store and i Dance tonight,' Elite hall. La mes ire. aqv. : , 8, to Tuesday, February 7. The bearing will be before Judge George O. Bingham. The next dates for hearings will be April 10, then July 3, and then Sep tember 30. A Classified Ad .Will brinjr you a buyer, Ad?. Stack of "Nixie" IXtrrs A stack of inore than 750 "nixie" letters is being worked on by the general delivery force of the Salem postoffice. These let ters are all incorrectly addressed, or the address is simply "Salem. Oregon," or there may be added. rural route." All of which looks Case Continued i Thn stilt rf lnoAftli 7niia "Celia Zuber, against T. E. Lam bert and others, brought In th-i Circuit court to quiet title to real easy but as there are nine rural estate, was continued yesterday i routes out of Salem, before the or further hearing.; -; letter Is - delivered, it Is often - ' ', - . necessary to give every one of the JHvorco Granted s rural carriers a chance at it. For M A divorce was granted A. L. city delivery, letters merely ad- against Anna B. Morelock. In the j held over from the first delivery, 'original complaint, it was alleged Then the "nixie" man Is obliged .that she deserted her ' husband i to take the city directory and ftp- i ... - - J husbands are as follows: J. Level. Inmate of a California" prison; P. Berg, Salem, and Charles Wilkes of Dallas. A fourth husband died In an eastern state, tt :a reported. There has been no evidence sub mitted to show that the woman had secured a divorce from any of the trjree living men. Boy Recovering Elmer Falk, who was serious 17 injured December 19 while coasting just south of Salem, has so far .recovered that he will be in condition to be taken home to day. i!e-was unconscious for four days after being taken to the Willamette sanitorium. His parents are 'Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Falk, living a few miles south of Salem. occupation that of milliner. This Is given as her second marriage. According to the record given at the time of applying for the marriage license, he stated he was born in Indian Territory, and that she was born in Illinois. They were married at the Bliga hot.'l. the Rev. Blaine E. Kirkpatrick officiating. s Entertainment Tonijrht - At the Leslie Methodist church an entertainment will be given to night by the Sunday school, en titled '"Carrying Christ to Every Child." The program will begin romptly at 7:30 o'clock and is considered one of the best that has been presented by the ehurch. July 18, 1920. 1 01 Mac Donald's, Farmer's Al- maviif ' TfflA'a TWti tA 1 H7 South Comnw.r.vU street. Adv. ure out the correct address and the right mail man to deliver the letter. Moral: Always address your letters to street number or correct rural route if you want them delivered promptly. Busy Day at Poatoff l Yesterday was a busy day at the postoffics and all afternoon, there was a waiting line, sending out packages that had possibly been overlooked during the rush of the week before. Broccoli Growers to Meet- Members of the broccoli associ ation which was organized last spring with A. A. Russell as pres ident, will meet Thursday after noon at the Commercial club to discuss matters of interest to the association. Ir. Cupper to Hpeak Percy A. Cupper, state engineer, will deliver an address to mem bers of the Marion County Real tors' association Thursday noon at the Marion hotel. He will talk on "Drainags." Pleads Not Guilty W. H. Smith, arraigned in Jus- Admlnlstratrix Discharged i This final - report of Mary A. 'lIcMullen, administratrix of the estate of James F. Parlow, has been allowed ' by the county ,ourt, approved, and the adminis Christina. Program- Leslie M. E. church tonieht: 7:30 p. m. Adv. Had a Hoodoo. . R. K. Hoyt of the United OntL tratrix relieved from any further leal company of Salem, in ttmnt- .responsibllity. . , , Ing to return from Portland Mon day night. nfriirV n rool llnnAnn Guardian Appointed The stare In which he left Pnrtl "Lessons in Love" Come early and avoid the rush. Opening Thursday, 140 N. Liberty St. Adv. tlce court yesterday on charge of series, except Logan, who is at- non-support, pleaded not guilty, tending to the fatted goose and Judge Unruh announced that the the mince pies and the good cheer trial date will be designated at a at his home at Hermiston, Or. ater time. with this on exceDtion they're rarin to eo. and already eoin. Disturbance Subsides . .Thev hnv. thrm nraetie names Grotto to Set Date El Karaz Grotto, at the meet ing to be held tonight at the Sa tern bnnne mosque, will set a date for the first ceremonial of the Grotto. Other Important mat juage vv. M. tiusney uas ap- Mftnd At 11 nvwv t i ; r pointed Ella E. Young as guardian dlt "h ,B -1 tZZL I w,f JL "If; and KaU- I lm, " 7. a ' mwuns win uo uam of Harold Young. 20, and Kalh iyn Young, 12. ,. i v- x 1 . ' DAnce Tonight and , " 1 country store; Elite hall. dies free. Adv. . La- nill. He was then transferred back to Portland. Takinr an otner stage Tuesday morning. !t also went off Into the ditch com mg down the Icy Oswego hill. within a few feet of the place he landed in hia first attempt to get home. Then a friend picked klm ... t T , j , . against Ruby M.- Kiser. docketed X" Ya V "V .u B . 'U the Marlon county circuit 3 8L " hours. from the tlm he court, has Been dismissed without I BlB"e prejudice: to . either party. ' The case was transferred to Marion county from Ceos county. at 8 o'clock. .Suit Dismissed The divorce suit of A. E. Kiser Was Well TtemcrnbereO John Rundberg. steward of the Commercial hotel, was one of the fortunates whose friends remem bered him Christmas. In addition a taralizjttlon Date Changed ? f For the convenience of V, W .Tomlinson," naturalization : exami-1 to various presents from the men ser for this district, the date of I of the club, he received a box of CominjT, IOO Dally Ex-service men are sending in their applications to receive the benefits of the bonus law at the rate of 100 a day, according to Capt. H. C. Brumbaugh, In charge of the bonus commission office in the United States National bank building. Up to yesterday tha to tal number of applications re ceived totaled 15,382. Of this number 8739 were In favor of re ceiving ash, and 6643 preferring a loan on Oregon land. t liearlng naturalisation : petitions las been advanced from February fancy cakes from one; of the wo men's clubs that meet In the auditorium of the club. , I a. MARY PICKFORD "UttlcLord , Tomorrow Wm. S. Hart ' In f ? itivc van. Illahee Country Club Members' attention. Formal dance New Years eve. No invita tions being mailed. The Commit tee. Adv.,.: vi'vY Suit Withdrawn The divorce suit of E. A. Kiser against "Mrs. Roby M. Kiser was yesterday withdrawn, in the Ma rlon county circuit court. 1 Case Not In Court i Mrs. Elsa Berg, held by county officials on a charge of polygamy remained in the women s ward of the city Jail yesterday, the case not "being brought into court dur ing the day. According to the complaint filed in justice, court by P. Berg of Salem, Mrsr Berg's Harbnaifs Glasses Easier and Better Wear them and see HARTMAN BROS. . rhons 12SS Balem, Oregon RIGDON & SON Leading Mortician NOMICING fortalrs H 16SH V. ! ' chop SW7. Voodl f UtkM, 1m Mm Oosntat strsal aa anaka. omb 11 aja. t 1 aos. ' J ,' , . Spdal BuodiT ...' tmiomt pawn ! SAVES $$ by buying your hardware and Jurnlture at The Capital Hard. . ware & Furniture Co., 285 N. Commercial street. Phone 947 Tat Spring Planting Order From i nrn baleu nubseiit oo. f ; ': a 4SS Oregon BnlldJng AT.TTU - -i ORSOON - Fhont 1TIS Webb & Clqugh J Leading Funeral Directors Expert Embalmert CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE We pay highest pries. We huf and sell everythlag. We seQ for less til Ceater St. Ffcom 8M EGGSWANTED 42c per dozen People' Cash Store RAGS We want ' them , and want I them bad. t . Because de do we will pay ycu the high est price obtainable any where.' Bring us all you have. Also old clothing, furniture and junk of all kinds. , iimocKinm .; v. - . . v,:v :. y,'.x;':-'' "v The Hcu?a of Half a Million art.! Bargains v Better Than a Bond is . an investment in better eyesight. The sight of 70ft of all s the people ; "on the street" is below par far be low. Good vision increases personal efficiency, comfort and happiness. We design, make and fit VQuality Be yond Question" :. Shur-on glasses, which ensure good vision. Make repairs, too! MORRIS OPTICA! CO. J04-211 Salem Bank of Commerce Building Oregon's Largest Optical ;t ; Institution Phone iii for appointment BALEM." OREGON le Once IJvtl in Salem Walter Warner of Portland was in the city yesterday renewing old acquaintances. Twenty or more years ago he was leader of the brass band in Sal am. At presen be is engaged in the carriage and automobile painting business. New Studio- Giving "Lessons in Love," open ing Thursday, 140 N. Liberty St Adv. Will Attend Review Col. George A. White and Capt Thomas A. Rilea will attend the quarterly review of the 162nd regiment to be held tonight in Portland. Following the review there will be a ball given, the srand march to be led by Gover nor and Mrs. Ben W. Olcott. HO QUAD PS IS IN GIT! Willamette Basketball Bear cats Practice Through Vacation Period ly to the various foreign offices. . homeland and or to future conferences. Twolpions. or three such commissions hnve ' been decided and it was indicate! that the whole scheme of conUr.M ing consultations among represen tatives of the powers was reeard ed by President Harding as fitting in with his proposal tor future in ternational meeiingf. Harding Anxious The president, it was snKi by administration officials, wo ;i ! colcnlal posses- MACK MEN GAME TONIGHT Independence, Yellow Jack ets and Alumni Slated For Early Games Japs Interpret Treaty HOXOLULl Dec. 2 7. -The of ficial Japanese Jmerpretatlon of the four-power Tacfic treaty is thit it does not apply to the prin cipal islands of the eraptre so far as internal disturbances are con cerned. av rding to a Toklo ca- much disappo'nted if the . ! i w j- - k , . ,., .,anee lanRiupe newspaper here. ington conference adjourned . , All the Bearcats are back for the holiday pre-season basketball Patrolman O. F. Victor last scheduled this weak: With the night responded to a report that Amerlcan Leglon team at Mc- a family row was creating excite ment at a house near Twelfth and D streets. Patrolman Victor in vestigated but the alleged trou ble makers had quieted down by the time he arrived. The persons reporting the trouble did not file any formal complaints last night. Transients Get Beds The following named fundless I small men were given beds at the city charged to cover the armory ex- Minnville tonight: with the In dependence Legionaires Thursday night, and with the Y. M. C. A. Yellow Jackets in Salem Satur day night. This last game here at home promises to be a red hot contest, in which nobody gets anything but a licking except as he fights or and earns it. A admission fea is to be Jail last night: B. F. Johnson, Robert McCornTack, Anton And erson, William Ebinger and George Coleman. penses for the night game Alumni January 7 The first really game, ex cept as the team might run up against a snag in the preliminar ies. will be with the Willamette j alumnf, on the armory floor on Disorderly Ones Pay . J. E. Gunsley and Andrew Mun son. arrested by Officers Elmer j January 7. white and Miller Hayden on The alumni will send fome charges of being drunk and dis- flashy players back to humble the oraeny were eacn nnea m oy now-Bearcats. Among these will City Recorder Race, yesterday. Roys Cause 1 rouble A report that boys were caus ing trouble in the vicinity of B,uul" , '",,. "Tv AfrVT speedy instructor in one of the streets was investigated. by Officer T7 ' an, vtutriPk be Wapato, or "Wap." the re doubtable aboriginal basketball shark; Jackson, the center who always outplayed his man, who ever he might be: Sparks, the George White, yesterday. The dis turbers disappeared before the of ficer arrived. Salem schools, and McKittrick, who is declared by the conference to have "graduated"' in athletics, ought to be eligible for an alum- ! . ffl 1 n . n AatOS Crash ' Ul l"u, liiumiso iu uiono Keith Draper, driving a car Bearcats extend themselves owned by C. B. Clancey, reported ke a rubber-neck behind an opera that ho was involved in a col- batl lision with a truck at High and Coach Bohler qualified Tucs- State streets yesterday afternoon, day as an expert scrubber, when The truck was driven by L. R. he and one of the faithful foot- Nunamaker, who also reported the ball linemen bucked the mop and mishap. A rear wheel of the the . Old Dutch cleanser . game. Clancey car was smashed and a They had the floor shining like fender badly bent. silk, ready for the games of the week. Officers Are 111 Kauad Khows Un Sergeant Clyde Ellis and Pa- The hoop squad, about 20 men. ft Is Next Tuesday XlRlit It is understood that the en tertainment committee of the Cherrians is working on the quiet tor first-class talent for next Tuesday night for the big an nual initiations to be Held In the new banquet room of the Marion hotel. .. Oliver Myers, in charge of the cards of admission, for the occasion, says it will be a 100 per cent attendance. The new members to be Initiated are Grove W. Hillman, owner of the Cherry City bakery; Dr. Alf Sen nes. dentist, and I. R. Smith, of Smith's cigar store. Annual Invoicing Already a number of stores In Salem have started on their in voicing and the measuring and counting is going on at a furious rate. Legal Blanks- Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. Adv. About the Yellow Jacket A few years ago there was a Y. M. C. A. team konwn as the Tellow Jackets that put the Sa lem Y. M. C. A. on the map. Now the association has a new team that has taken the name of Yellow Jackets and this team hopes to revive the glories of the old team It will play basketball with the Willamette university team next Saturday. Slarrled at Hotel There was only one marriage license issued yestercay. and the record for this one reads as fol lows: -Edward DeMoss, of. Mus kogee, Oklahoma. Full blooded Indian, age 49. Occupation, that of theatrical performer. His first marriage; Indian name, Red Feather. The prospective bride gave her name as Mrs. Nanccy W Patch, age 51, and that her other name is Princess Andetaah, and "THE SKY PILOT" A Big Special 25c Midnight Matinee ; Saturday ft 1 Saturday j, LHJ ltyz m. - ly trolman Elmer White, of the lo- wft8 out for the afternoon in the cal force, are on the sick list as a f int practjce Bince the Christmas resuu or attacss or grip. . me two vacation was declared Thursday members of the force have been of lagt week The squad shows absent since Sunday. Officer W. fif thfl of nolidav W. Blrtchett. recently shot while f some of thrQWg loQk responding to a riot call. flso Christmas goose or VTAV:tnT Tne -je oraensp roast JuB- extra men on duty are George ""V"' VA3! naiiaicu uiuci, luau iiivo 111c uaa- ketballs shot unerringly by prize athletes. But a day or two is expected to bring back the shoot ing eye, and then the Bearcats will dash tinto the game with tooth and claw and a frenzied yowl that signals "Gangway or bust!" without a definite agreement for similar future negotiations. Should no agreement on auxiliary craft be posib!t ere. It was declared Mr. Harding would ftel that an understanding for another con ference ;on that sublect wouid be an integral part of the un finished Washington negotiations. He was described as desiring that many of the nations not represent ed here be invited to Join a fu ture auxiliary warship discussion, mak'ng the meating virtually a world conference. Whether any agreement Is to e reached on naval auxiliaries is regarded as depending on a fav orable solution of the submarine question because if France and Japan insist on building more under-water craft than are pro posed for them nnder the Ameri can plan, other powers will be disposed to adj to their navies a disproportionate tonnage1 of vari ous classes of anti-submarin? vessels. It is not regarded as likely, however, that a failure to agree on auxiliaries will affect the agreement on capital nhips. French Claims iKmbtcd In Japanese quarters It was era- phas'zed tonight that the Japan ese delegation was not in a po sition of supporting the claims of France to a 90,000 submarine ton nage. Japan, it was said, was ob jecting to the American plan solely from the viewpoint of her own national interest which she felt required maintenance of 54, 000 tons of submarines instead of 31.000. The Japanese, however, are in communication with Tokio and it was declared that they did not consider thea last word had been spoken. They were described as hopeful for an ultimate agree ment that would include all class es of naval craft. Direct Answer Evaded When asked tonight whether Japan was willing to reduce her allotment of submarines "if it is necessary in the Interest of com promise," Vice Foreign Minister Hanihara replied: That remains to be seen. I cannot commit myself now." He said that, although his del egation had heard from the Japan ese foreign office concerning Shantung, further cable corre spondence would be necessary by fore another meeting with the ChineFe delegation could be heV'. He explained that the Japar. press was oi me opinion mat the oan agreement proposed by Ja pan in connection with the restor ation of the railroad to China should represent the limit of Jap- nese concessions. ranesa govern the dispatch sajhs, "will handle all internal disturbances In the pr'ncipal islands without appeal to the other signatory powers." STINGING REBUKE IS DaiVERED (Continued from page 1.) Other Caaa Recalled -I recall other instances of bravery on the. part of the other deputies who have not hesitated to offer their own Uvea as a sacri fice to protect the Uvea of others. These men are entitled to llr ing wage, and I am glad to be able to be partially responsible, at least, for seeing that they get it." Read Tha Oasslfied Ads.. White and Troy Branson. Fined for Overloading Jaick Arthur, of Salem, was lined $25 In Justice court yester day on a charge of overloading a I truck. Will Plead Latei W. James, arraigned in justice court yesterday for burglary took pa$t Wrestling BOUt Additional time in which to en- I 3 is Slated for Elks ter his plea and was returned to the county Jail by order of Judge Unruh. PERSONALS Members of the Salem lodge of Elks are in for a most entertain ing evening Thursday night of this week, according to A. L Wallace of the entertainment com mittee. Following a very short session of the lodge there will wrestling match. Ben O. Schucklng, wno nas been with a paving firm at Seaside Te- he nut on a cently, Is spending the holidays at whkh it is said, will be one of borne. 1 the moat Axritiner athletic events Harry t:. AiDert or t'oruana re- of tha spa,OT1 turned yesterday after spending p f Richard Kanthe. middle a l -ft m 11- I ' ' sunaay anu juunuay w.u - weight champion of Michigan, is lives. I f Tia e n U on ovt TI a fa Tin fit fn u u. Aicsnane. eauor oi me lkl n. KA cnQi r, W..H..J Ti. I l H,. '"" UOIIVC, IMC -"J jraiciuaj I'" . . . . for Willamina to attend to some George Lambert, aspirant for 1- M a A 1 . Ka nr snm.ld- me nonors ot Deing tne ngni ava 0 . . . . , . jnnma i.nmhr rnmnanv. weight champion wresUer of tht D. J. GOOd, Of AumSVille. WiS acceyieu me tuaiieuK In the cltv Tuesdav. Mr. Good is canine, tne wrestling maicn recovering from a severe Illness oe 10 a unisn ana not an ex- which has confined him to his hibition affair in any sense of home. I ine word, uotn young men are S. Lambert, of Stayton. tran-1 regarded as comers in the wrestl sacted business in this city yes-ling world and the entertainment terday. , I committee of the Elks' lodge feels Arthur Branch of Sublimity, J assured it will present an athletic was a court house visitor Tuesday I event of more than usual inter- afternoon, jest. J. T. Beckwith, of Sydney, vis- Arrangements are under wav bv Ited friends while in Salem yes-which it Is hoped that Ted Thye teraay. of the Portland Multnomah Ath George Smith of Stayton real- hetic cjnb referee the Con tor. visited mends ana transactea 1 test business in saiem Tuesday, . HOTEL ARRIVALS I SUBMARINE OBSTACLE ? THAT HALTS POWERS " (Continued from page t.) MARION Mr. and Mrs. J. K. j Falbe. Marril Ritter, Mrs. J. H. Clarke. Roseburg; L. M. Good man. R. J. Ererson, Harrisburg; S P. Callison. Aberdeen. Wash.; Ray Powers, Corvallis; Miss Mar- era, including Germany express ly would be considered indispen sable. Sub-Meetings Held Several conference sub-commit tees have held meetings to discuss ion Smith. Miss R. Pettit, Misa f collateral Issues. The sub-com G. Pettit. C. W. Kentworfh, Port- j mlttee revising Chinese tarif f ar land; E. C. Smith, Baker; K. E. Irangements sesmed near an agree- llodgeman, Medford. Iment which would increase Chin BLIGH C. H. Ward, Medford; ese revenues and the sub-commit W. H. Hob3on, Stayton; E. G. J tee on aircraft drew up a tenta White. Falls city; Mrs. u. tmn- tive declaration of principles to ger, Eugene; W'. B. GOson.Tole- goTern air warfare. Naval ex do; Frank Pine, Nehalem. Wash.; perU ai9o consulted over a plan A. rauwon, r. a. reruui, r""' for uniform measurement of war land. Ihln tnnniM this way i Ut be sd to the ' French Get Instructions WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 7. In- struct'ons of the French govern ment on the submarine question, i reached at a meeting of the cabi net today, were received tonight by the French arms delegation, and while their nature was not an nounced, it was said in responsi ble circles after M. Saurraut, head of the delegation, and Admiral De Bon had conferred with Secretary I Hughes, that France would not accept the American suggestion for her to maintain the status quo in submerslbles. French spokesmen declined to say whether the instructions auth orized the delegates to make any comprimse dn the original French request for submarines of -at least 90.000 tons. The French 111 Am f position in mis regard, it was added, would be outlined at to morrow's meeting of the naval committee. French Fx pert Quote It Is understood, however, that the French position is based in a general way on the non- accept ance of the existing strength as it applies to what is regarded by them as strictly as defensive craft The French naval experts are de scribed a3 holding that each coun try is entitled to say for itself how many "defensive craft" are need ed, taking Into consideration the extent of coast line of both the Of I WET FEET are the most' common cause of colds and la grippe. But after a cold is contracted Schaefer's Cold Tablets are recognized the best cure, ftiese little tablets are made by our own prescription druggist and have as their backing the recommenda tion of hundreds of users. Sold in 25c size. Schaefer's Drug Store ' .'""--' Sole Arent " , Gardes Court iPwpwratlqtift ? 1 r LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 18C8 .. General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. auto X p m Plhli7d(3 S(BS and a buyer will call to value your household goods., We Want To Buy any and all kinds of household goods, furniture, hard ware, etc. We will always pay the highest price. Re member anything you wish to sell in this liner phone ' HUB FURNITURE CO. 373-77 Court Street Phone 464 Exceptional Values SUITS $35 $40 $45 m '1 IJPS 1 V WMV jl r . -v 1 r ubi iff jrrey, Hun- Serges in blue, green and brown. dreds of fancy , patterns, ; worsted in checks, pencil stripes and fancy, mix-, tures. Casimeres and , Tuxedo in all desired col orings. A selection of ma terials that will please the most fastidious. Pow ers that defy competition quality considered. A few minutes spent in our display room will be most . convincing. - SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS 426 State Street Ttid 'lLast Thing at Might and the First Thing in the Wiornirig You know solid comfort when you slip into a cozy and warm bathrobe. And you'll be delighted with the attractively bright colors and patterns in this winter's . BLANKET BATHROBES! They are all nicely bound -with ribbon and tie in at the waist with a tasseled cord. These bathrobes make the very nicest sort of gifts to give within your family circle. Our assortment is very- complete and ranges in price from $338 to $635 EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES ON COATS SUITS DRESSES " Ml mm Quality Merchandise Popular Prices ma r-1 1 1 4