The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 28, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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ml M
T HE Portland - Willamette
club will give a party, for
alumni and students' in
Portland Friday at the bom of
Fred Tebben on East GUsan i
street. . Invitations have been Is
sued to more than .140 ex-students
ol the university,' who are
now resident or Portland.. Paul
Flegel is president of; the club and
Is In general charge of the affair.
The party Is being arranged In
honor of Willamette students who
are in, Portland during .the holi
days,, but . all former students of
the school are. ' being invited.
Charlotte Tebben is chairman of
the social committee lit charge of
the-party and Mr. Ray Albee la
secretary treasurer of the club."
' ' A 'Willamette luncheon will be
given Thursday, at the Y. W. C.
A in Portland. It is being given
at this time for the special con
venience of Willamette graduates
who are attending the state
teachers -conference. Salem peo
ple who will attend the luncheon
include Dean George. II. Alden,
Prof. F. yon Escben, Prof. C. L.
Sherman. Dr. Carl Gregg Doney
may attend the affair also.
Dallas, Dec. 2 7.! Miss Dorothy
viers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
L.. E. Vlers will be married Wed
nesday to James Allen Inglis of
Seattle, Wash. The ceremony will
be performed at the home of the
bride's uncle and aunt. Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Woods. Mr. Inglis is
a son of William Inglis of Rock-
port, Wash. : .
'.'. '-Doth younjr people were stud
ents , at the University of Wash
ington.. 'Miss Vlers Is a -member
' of Alpha Chi Omega and Mr. Ing
lis of Sigma 'Alpha Epsilon frater
nity. After the wedding the cou
ple will visit in BriUsh Columbia
and upon, their return will re
- side in Seattle Wash.
, ' - '''.
Mrs. 'Ben Olcott and Miss Cor
nelia, Marvin were among those
acting as patronesses for the col
lege prom in Portland last night.
Other prominent women of Ore
Eon included in the list of pa
. tronesses were Dean- Elizabeth
Fox .of the University of Oregon,
, Dean, Mary Rolfe of the Oregon
Agricultural college, Dean Bertha
K. Young of Reed College, Mrs.
P. I. Campbell and Miss Gertrude
Talbot of Eugene. .-,-;.
The . affair . was sponsored by
the Women's league of the uni
versity and, Miss Gladys Bowen
was in general charge.' Students
from the different colleges of the
northwest attended the dance
which was a benefit for the schol
arhip loan fund of the unlver
. - "4'-'i""'" -
Corvallls, Dec. 27. Mr. and
Mrs. George Myer, formerly of
Dallas, celebrated ' their golden
- wedding anniversary here recent
ly. Dinner was served at noon
' at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. II. C. Seymour. Many out
of-town guests including many
from Dallas and Salem were pres
ent. . , ,';" ; '!
These Included Mrs. Kate L.
Adair and Miss Ilattle Gowdy of
McMinnville; Mr. and Mrs. J.
Newblll, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs.
James Campbell, Salem; Mrs. A.
J. Hastings, Dallas, and Mrs. Zlua
V. Simpson, of Gaston. Mr. and
Mrs. Myer,. who have lived , In
Corvallls only the past year are
formerly of . Dallas, near which
place both. were born. Their three
daughters are Mrs. zuia v. simp-
son of Gaston and Mrs. C- W.
Reynolds and Mrs. H. C. Seymour
of Corvallls. , .,
Mrs. C. B. Thompson, of. St.
Johns with her two children spent
the holiday week-end with her
sister, Mrs. Ralph. Glover.
. Mrs. H, G. Chase of Portland
spent the week-end with her sis'
ter. Mrs. Josephine Taylor. Mrs
Chase is on her way to Long
Beach, Cal.
Miss Miriam Anderson, general
secretary of the Y. W.' C. A. spent
Christmas with Miss Lillian Auld
in Eugene.
Miss Grace Taylor, public
tchool nurse In Salem, is attend
ing the state conference of school
nurses in Portland this week.
Malheur County Youth Will
Hang Unless Law De
clared Invalid
Judge Bingham Is Affirmed
In Case of Allen, Trustee,
Against Dodge
troversy arising over lease on
land. Opinion by Justice Bean.
Decree of Judge Giloert .
Phelps modified and decree en
tered in favor of plaintiff lor res
titution of possession of premises.
State of Oregon, ex rel Charles
H. Rudd. appelalnt. vs . -E.
Ringgold, fire chief of Pendleton;
appeal from Umatilla county;
mandamus instituted because or
erection of wooden building con
trary to ordinances of city of Pen
dleton. Opinion by Justice Bean.
Judge Gilbert W. Phelps affirmed.
Clara Yarbrough vs Victor J.
Carlson, appellant; appeal from
Multnomah county: suit for dam
ages; opinion by Justice McCourt,
Judge W. N. Catena atnrmea.
William II. Sibbald of Salem
was admitted to the practice of
law in Oregon on a certificate
from North Dakota.
Big :
Laugh Show
New Rate Reductions
Announced by Roads
Reduction of freight rates on fur
nitura for homes, schools thea
ters and churches and on other
articles ranging as high tts 40 per
cent and averaging about 5 per
cent was announced by the Sou
thern Pacific company end the
Santa Fe railways today.
The new rates will go Into ef
fect as soon as.tariffs can b pub
lished, concurrence of lines east
of Chicago being necessary for
publication of the rates that ap
ply east of Chicago. Thj new
rates will apply to and from con
tinental points and affect all Pa
cific coast territory. Rates on
iron and steel articles from Chi
cago and west for export through
Pacific ports and on granulated
slag from Colorado points for ex
port through Pacific coast ports
are among tho?e reduced.
NEW YORK. Dec. 27. Hops
quiet; state 1921. 2240; 1920.
2023; Pacific coast 1921. 25
32; 1920, 22 24.
investigations . ...
Oragon Statesman,
bid notices
Oregon Statesman,
claim docket
The Pac. Tel. & Tel Co
Co.. tel. "services ....
Shine. Eddie, acct. liquor
investigations 103 60
Wrightman, F. T.. audit- .
ing county records.... 120.00
Court House
Capital City Steam laun
dry, laundry of towels
Chapman. James, hauling
Cooper. Whit., wood ....
Hauser Bros., keys
Kress, T. J., varnish.
stain, etc. 21.40
Oregon Taxi & Transfer,
Co., conveying frt
The PacTet. &Tel Co..
acct. tel. services
Portland Ry. Light & P.
Co., lights
Salem Hardware Co., mop
handle . '
Salem Water. Liehtt &
Power Co.. water ser
ices .... . . .
Circuit Court
Drager. D. G., acct. cash
adv in re filing fee. .
Oregon Statesman, print
ing respond?nt's brief..
The Pac. Tel. & Tel Co.,
telephone services
Pat ton Bros., sheets ....
Sims. Paul M., repairing
typewriter ....
11C. 90
7. S3
Justice Court -lisc ?
Commercial Printing Co
: tiling envelopes ,..... 1 0.0 0
Unruh, G E Justice..... 3.20
Unruh, G. E. do . 3.20
Unruh. G. E. do ....... 3.20
Cnruh, G. EL An 3.20
Unruh, G. E. d VS.20
Unruh. G. E. do .V . ; . . 3.20
Unruh, Q. E. do. ..... . '' 5.05
Unruh, CL E., do ........ 4.80
Unruh. G. E., .do 4. SO
Unruh, G. E.. do 4. ' 4.S0
lUamh, O. B, do . , . .... , 5.10
Unruh. G. E., do ...... 3.S0
DeLong, Constable 5 .... . 1.20
Unruh. G. E.. Justice... 3.20
Unruh O. E.,. do. " 3.20
Unruh G.'E., do...:.. . 3.20
(Continued on page7
Miss Ava Miller of Corvallls Is
spending the holiday vacation
with her sister, Mrs. Walter K.
Spauldlng. Miss Miller is a
freshman at the Oregon Agricul
tural college. She was graduated
from the Salem high school
June. ;
Miss Aznace Seaman who was
formerly employed : In Salem will
return to, her work ; here .next
week. She has been employed in
a bank in Astoria elnce leaving
here. She will resume her work
in the office of E. T. Busselle,
consulting engineer.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark .McCallister
and children spent the holidays
with Mrs. , McCallister's family
near Corvallls..
Miss . Gladys Sargent spent
Christmas with her. parents in Eu
gene, returning yesterday.
Miss Eva L. 'Scott leaves this
morning for Springfield where she
wil lbe the guest of her sister,
Mrs. W. H. Adrain.
Miss Doris Jenkins of Los An.
geles, is spending n-few-days vls-
iting in Salem. Miss Jenkins is
teaching home economics and
coaching the debate team at the
Wilbur high school, Wilbur,
Washington. Miss Jenkins, who
was graduated last year from the
Oregon Agricultural college was
three times a member of the wo
men's varsity .debate. team and
took a prominent part in dramat
ics at the college.
The Sihalo corp of the girls re
serves from Washington, junior
high school frolicked at a post
Christmas party in the Y.W.C.A.
parlors last night. This corp, un
der the leadership of Miss Eva
L. Scott, gave Dickens Christmas
carol at the state tuberculosis hos
pital, on Christmas eve. Chaper-
ones at the party last night in
eluded Miss Miriam E. Anderson
and Miss Eva L. Scott.
. - Unless the capital punishment
taw of Oregon, now in litigation
in .the supreme court, is declared
unconstitutional, George Howard
of Malheur county must hang .tor
the .murder of George, H. Seeny
usually. known as Sweeny
The supreme court yesterday
In an opinion written , by Justice
McBrlde, upheld the conviction of
first degree murder of the lower
court where the case was tried
before Judge Dalton Riggs. How
ard was sentenced to hang. The
date of his execution was set for
February 25 last, but tho appea
of the case to the supreme court
ttrved automatically as a slay of
Trial TIcM Fair
After reviewing at length the
sordid details .i. tho c.q n fhfl
opinion of Justice McBride re- hills Continued, etc, ftt
mams m&i we teei iuuy jissurea i ,
that in the present instance the COrdlDZ 10 the rCCOrGS ID
trial was fair, tne ueiense aDiyi.. tr t ...-t
conducted and the final result WC OUICC Ol UlC luuuij
justified by the evidence adduced.
This being the case, the Judgment
of the circuit court must be af
firmed." The alleged murder vas com
mitted September 14, 1920, when
Howard is said to have killed
Seeny by striking him with a
wrench. The body was later put
into a trunk and sunk in the wa
ters of ;the Owyhee river, and
later alleged to have been taken
from the river by Howard and
buried in a garden. It was found
Food for thought
Why should a person never
starve to death in the desert?
Because of the sandwiches (sand
which is) there.
Following is the official
publication of the record of
claims before the Marion
county commissioners court
for the Dec term, 1921
with the amount allowed,
(Continued from Tuesday)
Co., telephone service . .
Portland Railway, Light &
Power Co. .light
Richardson, W., extra
work as tax clerk
Rocks. Ruth A., do
Rowland Printing Co.,
blanks for day book.
Half -Yearly
Sale Ho fcjow
Schneider, Victor, tax clerk 22.50
Women's Apparel
Scalp Bounty
Reinhart, John A., bounty
on skins z uu
Gopher and Mole Bounty Cont'd j
Stauffer, Daniel, bounty on
gophers, etc.
Meier. Wm. J., do
Howard, R. L., do
there on information furnished by 1 Stolk. Henry, do 1.45
Other Cases Decided
Trouble had arisen it appears
between the two men over a deal
for an automobile own 3d oy
Sc-eny. Howard claimed he killed
the latter in self defense.
Ekin. Harry, do
Cutsforth, Hugh, do ....
Murhammer, Henry, do..
Eastburn, D. F., do ....
Griepentrog, Frank, do..
Bahnsen, Mrs. George, do
Brenner. Geo., do
Other cases were handed down I Condit, Mrs. H. B., do.
us follows:
Willamette Box and Lumber
company, appellant, vs C. H.
Wheeler;, appeal from Multnomah
county; suit for damages. Opin
ion by Chief Justice Burnett.
Judge J. P. Kavanaugh reversed
and case remanded.
A. C. Allen, trustee in bank
ruptcy, substituted for. Wilson T.
Hume, deceased, appellant, vs
Edgar Dodge, et al, appeal from
Marion county; suit to set abide
conveyance of real property. Opin
ion by Chief Justice Burnett.
Judge George G. Bingham af
Alfred Poole vs Carl Vlnlng
and R. M. Keys, appellants; ap-
NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Evap
orated apples nominal; prunes
firm, California 616; Oregons,
6 3-4014. Peaches quiet, choice
13 3-4 14 hi; extra choice, 14
15; fancy 17020.
A number of people
have called and
takes advantage of
our Sale Prices on
Leather ,
The sale only lasts throughout the week. Take
advantage of it at once while the selection is good.
Bags up to $18.50 are sold at $9.00. Bags up to
$10.50 are sold at $5. Boston bags up to $5.50.
values, go for $2.98
Ollher bags and suitcases at greatly reduce J prices
Minton. William, do. .
Indigent Soldier Account
Raymond, E. J., relief for
W. F. Fultz 25.00
Raymond E. J., relief for
John Humphreys ...... 25.00
Circuit Court Accoount
Mosher, D. H., puror ... 33.60
Gopher and Mole account
Dunagan, Shirley, bounty
on gophers, etc. 5.30
Beckner, Merle G., do 4.60
Herren. Mrs. T. E. do 1.20
Elton, John, do 2.40
Registration and Election Booths
Kaser, F. D., storage for .
election disallowed
ExpensesSheriffs Office
Barber, W. T., use of car.
nAol tmm nontnn iAtintv mntinn
vw.j , tnw r n ....inn..
of respondent to modify former X' t" I T
nlnlnn nverrulerl in nninion hv Pu"er. w
Justice McBride.
George Johnson vs Ethel V.
report blanks
Moores -& Co., Ross E.,
tJA- tax deeds
I irt,. T T1 P. Tal Cn
Good Furniture 340 Court St
The Commercial Book
Store, receipt books and
Johnson, appellant; appeal from 'J.' 1,' ' 'A' '
Multnomah county; apptal from ??!L?i,ltllIg C-
order of circuit court regarding
custody of minor children. Opin
ion by Justice McBride.
McCourt affirmed! .
Charles Kirk, appellant, vs
Fariaers Union Grain agency, et
al; appeal from Umatilla county;
action for damages based upon
charges of fraud and deceit and
violation of .blue sky law. Opin
ion by Justice Brown. Judge
Gilbert W. Phelps affirmed.
Roy Cannon, appellant, vs Far
mers Union Grain agency, et al;
appeal from Umatilla county; ac
tlon to recover money. Opinion
by Justice Brown. Judge Gilbert
W. Phelps affirmed.
Edward Crossen, plaintiff and
appellant, vs. Brooks Campbell
defendant and cross appellant;
appeal from Union countty; con
Simeral. Elsie, do
Sims. Paul M., .cleaning
numbering machine, etc 8.7;
The Western Union Tele
graph Co., telegrams.... 2.87
Clerk's Office
Bertelson Printing Co, ptg
court journal 6.50
Moores & Co., Ross E.,
legal blanks, etc 1.98
The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
telephone services .-. . . S.60
Patton Bros , cico and
Rowland Printing Co., ma-
nilla envelopes 4.50
Sims, Paul M., typewrit
er ribbons 2.00
Smith & Bros. Typewriter
Co., typewriter 63.80
Recorder's Office
Brooks. Mildred "R.,
stamps and cash adv.
for frt. on typewriter. . 4.79
The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
telephone services .... G.2"
Patton Bros., pens, eras
ers, clco, etc 3.3(
Treasurer's Office
The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
telephone services .... C.45
Patton Bros., paper fast
ener, etc
Surveyor's Office
Patton Bros., bands .... 2.00
Assessor's Office
The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
telephone services .... 6.53
Sims, Paul M.. rubber
stamp and ribbon .... 1.50
Wales Adding Machine
Co., ribbon
District Attorney
Carson, John H., traveling
expenses 21.00
County Court and Commissioners
Capital Journal, publish
ing claim docket .... 108.40
Casey, Jack, acct. liquor
investigations .... ... 105.60
The Daily Capital Journal
pub. bids 2.10
Downing, A. L.. auditing
county records 112.50
Moores &. Co.. Ross E.. le
2 00 Kdl blanks, etc 3.12
(Mount. R. B.. acct. liquor
Blouses, Furs,
the entire, stock
is on sale at
and 33
Prices Are Extraordinary. 1
High-Grade Garinehts.
Salem Store
466 State Street
Portland Store
383 Alder Street,
i -
business that is dlffffffc
has a Big Idea behind it
idea that is clean, clear cut!
We Eat Too Much Meat Which
Clogs Kidneys, Then the
Hack Hurts
Most folks forget that the kid
neys, like the bowels, get slug
gish and clogged and need a
flushing occasionally, else we
have backache and dull misery
in the kidney region, severe head
aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid
liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness
and all sorts of bladder disorders.
You Bimply must keep your kid
neys active and clean and the
moment you feel an acbe or pain
in . the kidney region, get about
four ounces of Jad Salts from any
good drug store, take a table-
spoonful in a glass of water be
fore breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon Juice
combined with lithia. and is harm
less to flush clogged kidneys and
stimulate them to normal activ
ity. It also neutralizes the acids
in the urine so it no longer ir
ritates, thus ending bladder dis
orders. Jad Salts is harmless; Inex
pensive; makes a delightful ef
fervescent lithia-watcr- drink
which everybody should take now
and then to keep their kidneys
clean, thus avoiding serious com
plications. .
- A well-known local "druggist
says he sells lots of Jad Salts
to folks who believe in overrom-
Naturally the J. C. Penney Company is in business to make money, for that is essential if the
business is to carry on. but if that alone was the only reason it would possess a lame excuse for Us
The Big Idea behind this Nation-wide institution is the potent fact that it is governed by the
Golden Rule: "Whatsoever ye would that Men should do to you, do ye even unto them."
In all its 312 stores, the Golden Rule is prac ticed. It is unalterable, irrevocable! - , " I
It rules our every transaction with YOU! ' I 1
Quality of our merchandise is never misrepresented; For example: AH wool in our stores docs
not mean part cotton or shoddy. We stand sponsor for everything bought from Us!
You and your neighbors pay the one and same price; no more, no less! And that price rep
resents a superior value the year 'round; we never hold sales!
This is the difference the Big Idea!
312 Stores in 26 States
i 24 Stores in Oregon ,
Marshfield The Dalles
Roseburg Tillamook
Eugene Bend
Corvallls Hood River
Albany Pendleton
Salem Athena
Lebanon ' MiHon
Dallas La Grande
Forest Grove Enterprise
Oregon City Baker,
Portland McMinnvllIo
Astoria Lakevlew