;-. v l , . . . .. v THE WEATHKIt , i. " -" ' " Probably rain or snow; fresh., easterly winds. The Statesman receive the leased : ' "wire report ? ot the . Associated Press, the greatest and Xnot' re liable press association la the world, SEVENTY-FIRST YEAE SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Steffi! OBSTftGLITHAT Controversy Springing Out Of Washington Confer ence May Lead to Anoth er Parley of Nations. DELEGATES MAY HEAR ' CONCRETE : PROPOSAL ; i Four-Power -Treaty Thrust 'RnrV Anain Into t)e- liberations WASHINGTON. 'Oec. 27. (By The Associated Press) The sub-, marine controversy ha, revealed bo wide a difference of opinion among tbe owers that the arms fcortnflalr dlsCUSSlag a plan to leave the question ot - auxiliary warship tonnage! to a j later International l ... consideration of tho pro ject baa been Informal with con 1 ' laaAcr 'outwardly ex-i pm.lnra 1 negotiation may yev ".--; anbmarine problem to ln' ,ln many quarters, noweyer there ere growing eigns of discourage- ment over the eccompanylng tendency to xaM , ine carefilly : possibilities of the . vostponement plan. , Harding Sanctions Idea ; In highest American official cir cles. It was said today that a con cUm Proposal :;E ; lerence might be laid, before the arms' delegates ';;wUWn JJ days. President Harding to feel such a conference -would be a. logical development of his poi fcyor InternaUoiieK consultation and lt Vas indicated that he had tomtnnnlcated his desires to the American delegation. ; . Tonight the : submarine tangle apparently was ap far . as ever ' from aaettlement, aepe - ences ' between American dele gates and these-of -Japan and France, -the two powers who ate holding oat against the American compromise 'proposal. f . , , The naval : committee, which baa not met since Saturday, will resume tomorrow. ' but neither the French nor Japanese expect to be in a position to modify their objections to the American plan. ' . 'nope3ofCone ... - Negotiations over. Shantung al ' 60 took 6h a more serious aspect itoday when the Japanese, after receipt of fresh Instructions from .Tokio, let If be known that, they srere,'riot prepared to tnake any " 'further concessions in.VthcJr exchange-with the Chinese over 'return of the Tsing-Tao-Tslnanf u 'railroad. The Chinese already 'have declared they can go' no far- 'ther-toward - compromise but; In '!ome conference circles there is ' atll hope that the two groups may Ya hroncht together. - Meantime the new 4 four-power Facmc treaty, ureauy wruwi j '!the United States, Greatt Brttaln,. : (France and Japan, gotbaek Into ' 'conference dlscuse'ona through a suggestion from Japanesa head- ! inn.rtn tbt ' thO fOUr ' POWM9 f agree not to apply the ternu of Jftbe pact; to the principal island ''of the Japanese empire. In view n of difference of view developing .4 h TTnited States and Japan as to the meaning of the treaty, the '. 'Japanese were said to De consia ering the suggestion of auch an ' interpretative agreement. Tntrimtfl Situation Possibly , An Interpretation not applying the treaty to the major Japanese Islands would - be a reversal of Mthe understanding said to have ' existed amour delegations wnen tithe treaty was signed. It would be adverse also to the interpret '!tlon announced by the American J 'delegation, but In harmony with that TOiced by President Harding Should Tokio decide formally. to 1 ! suggest an '-agreement, -the- more 1 'might precipitate' an lnt-icate sit nation In the conference. ' ; rAnothr -suggsstlon involving; ' : interesting political considera-j I ttans came from French crclesi It " was alilnt'a dranced Informal- ilr -w-hilA the delegation waited fer news of the decisions of the ' 'cabinet 'tn -Parts, that ; "Franca Imiaht be wilUng to agree to a I status quo limitation of snbma-t TJne strength' irthe Other powers would Join with! her in a treaty deslrned ta preserve P'fac a In sEdropean"waters- fiimllar Treatr PwvmihI I A tentatively outlined, such a ! treaty "would be similar "In ""p ur- icose to that lust concluded to i cover the Pacific." and world 'have 'as ' its slgnat6ries " France, ' Great Britain, Italy and Germany. ' Should . ther . desire to do - so. it ''was said, the United States and '.Jr. pan might also participate in ; ' the agreement, aitnougb the ' m 'elusion of the four European pow- NEWEST OIL TOWN NAMED FOR PRETTY INDIAN GIRL . .... , :-rt 1' ;,t.. pi wmmmm li titbit :::fi --i -:S.v?-si i-iiSi: S 1 iKi?? f P 2 ft nm 'jmmmmmm fir t .- - , v.-. o: 1? : -''-':i.---v.:;:4;: ft Uw IK'' jr.wn a .ff.ii ;rfet.iM i :'to lC4'fiiiiiV-;i)ii.-iir'ifcfe: -' WHIZ ANG ! . It was a fitting name for a biff-bang-boom m ... oil town in Oklahoma, whith mushroomed its way in to existence over night a little less than ten weeks ago. Pros pectors, when they make rich strikes, are apt to call the spot the first thing that happens to pop into their heads. But now it's different. Whiz Bang is seeking dignity. The rough edges have worn off, and its 2,000 inhabitants want the world to know it. . They have petitioned Uncle Sam to change its name to that ! of De Nayo! Margaret De Nayo, after whom the town is being renamed, is a beautiful Indian maid, with great starlike' eyes, black as night itself. It is she who owns the. land uoon which the town stands. She is seen in the pho tograph above. SILVERTDN GUARD COMPANY IS HOLDER OF FIRST PUCE SUrerton's national guard com pany holds firat place for drill at tendance daring the past month according to a comparative statement-Issued by George A. White adjutant general. The Albany artillery company takes second place and the Cor rallis machine gun company third place. All three organizations naa practically all : of their men at each ot the six drills held during the month or November. The ar tillery companies at Ashland and Newport are at the foot of the list Oregon continues in first place ' "Will Marion county's remodeled court house be equipped with an elevator? This Is the question that is de manding much attention from County Judge W. M. Bushey and Commissioners J. T. Hunt and V. H. Goulet. There is a brand-new set of plans in the county court office and among the many needed changes 'sketched by Architect Doyle is a modern elevator. For years visitors and court house em ployes have been compelled to toil np the long flight of stairs to the various offices. Now, that the third floor is to be utilized, an elevaotr Is practi CDiT PRoSlN G PUZZLI N E ISSUE Bushel of Wheat Will Buy Plug ot Tobacco; Nine Bushels Good for Pair oi Shoes for the Wife If the bushel of wheat was the medium of currency instead otthe American dollar, the farmer, in trading, would find It pretty in convenient to bring enough bush, els of wheat, sacked, to pay for his purchaBes.' , For instance, should he ' want to buy a plug of chewing tobacco, he would lay almost a bushel of wheat on the I counter as his wheat would be worth 90 cents a bushel and a big plug of chewing, almost as much. Or it ha bought a pound and a 1 j :.x-.;.o for strength and general effi ciency in ten entire ninth corps area comprising western and Pa cific coast states, according to the comparative statement Issued each by the federal government and received at the adjutant gen eral's office. Oregon has held first place in the west for 14 consecutive months. The Oregon national guard laso continues in second place in the entire United States. Washington, the only other western state that finished near the top. holds fifth place. Mon tana is at the foot of the list among the 48 states. cally necessary, according to those familiar with the building. Mem bers of the court are Impressed with the needs of the modern equipment, but' are hesitating be cause the innovation would en tail an expenditure of about $8000 in additi'on to tie $12,000 to.be spent in adding new jury rooms and enlarging the present dimin utive court chambers. Enactment of the woman jury law made it necessary for the court to undertake alteration of the building. Many offices have been sadly overcrowded for years and the extended floor space 'will (Continued on page 2) half of tea. the payment would be in one bushel, of . wheat. . Or for his bushel ot wheat, the grocery man would sell him seven pounds of canned tomatoes or 13 pounds of anear-of twcr and one-half nounds of coffee, of the average kind... .. .", - U If he should go to a store tnd ask tor some fancy chocolates, his bushel of wheat' would buy one pound. Or he could buy a gallon and a halt of syrup, or 10 pounds of surar or two and one-half (Continued on page 2) DEBS GRATEFUL FOR RECEPTION NIB Party Enroute to Terre Haute; Future "Plans of Late Prisoner 'Not 'Defin itely Formulated. s REPORTERS THANKED FOR COURTESY SHOWN Plain Clothes Man Rebukes Socialist Leader for His , Talk at Station i WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. -Freed by President Harding from Atlanta federal penitentiary, Eu gene V. Debs, Socialist leader, was reprimanded tonight by Un ion station police here for making a speech without a permit before leaving for Terre Haute, Ind. Before boardine his tran Debs addressed a crowd of several nunarea persons In the station, expressing his gratitude for- his reception here and closing with a reiteration of his opposition to war and belief in the force of love in the redemption of the world. Debs Apoligizcs No effort was made by u'.nformt ed police to interfere with the ad dress, but immediately upon it conclusion a plain clothes man rushed up to Debs and demanded if he had a permit to speak in the station, and on being inform ed in the negative declared: iou have taken a great lib erty. " Debs, who had grasped the plain clothes man by the hand un der the impression that he was a well-wisher, apoligized and said he had not known he was doing wrong. 'After rather excited bickering with reporters, the plain clothes man declared he was the chief of police of the Union station. He said he had had no special orders but that the regulations of the station forbid speech-making without a permit. Press Men Thanked 'i wish," Debs said in his speech, "to do myself the justice to return my grateful thanks for the kindness shown me here. I also wish to express my gratitude to the representatives of the press whose courtesy, fairness and kindness has been beyond ex pression. "Many disagree with me in an economic and social way but we are all human and one touch of nature makes the whole world kin." Debs said that he left Washing ton, "without a trace of bitterness or hatred." adding that "many hate me," hut that they were en titled to their feelings and the ex pression of them. War Vigorously Opposed "I believe in free speech," he said. "In the expression of these differing opinions we find our way to higher civilization. "With every drop of blood in my veins I am opposed to war. Human life is too sacred a thing to be Bpent in bloodshed. Love is the greatest force in this world. Love will redeem us, love will save us and write our names in the depths of civilization. Debs and his party are sched uled to reach Indianapolis at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow and proceed from there to Terre Haute, planning to arrive about 7 o'clock tomorrow night in time for a demonstration of welcome. Callers Received Debs spent the day here seeing callers, being interviewed and resting. Among his visitors were Peter J. MacSwiney. brother of the late lord mayor of Cork, and Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation of labor. Definite plans for the future. Debs declared, must await his re turn home and his readjustment to changed conditions since his imprisonment which he said, might necessitate a change of method, although he was "un varying" in his principles and ideals." He would work, he ad ded, for the freedom of other prisoners and the abolition of war. Soviet Sends Bid Friends declared that an invi tation from the soviet government to visit Russia awaited Debs and that he probably would accept and he - indicated an intention to go abroad by announcing his inten tion to seek a vow from every man, woman and child in this country, or a country which he might visit, to refuse to take up arms in warfare. Lips Not Sealed NEW TORK, Dee. 27. In a message to Socialists made pub lic tonight, Eugene V. Debs, de- ' (Continued on page 2) MILLIONS ARE NTT TO SEE FILMS American Movie Fans Con tribute Upward of Billion Dollars Annually to Ex hibitors. TESTIMONY IS GIVEN TO SENATE'COMMITTEE High Duty Held Only Means of Preventing Ruination of Industry WASHINGTON', Dec. 27. The American people spend from $750,000,000 to $1.1100.000.040 a year to see motion picture shows, the senate finance com mittee was told today in argu ments for and against a high tar iff on foreign made pictures. The investment in the industry total3 about $250,000,060 and. employ ment is given to about 250,000 persons. Paul M. Turner of New York, speaking for the Actors' Equity association, testified the idea that everybody connected with the in dustry made "big money" was erroneous; that 96 per cent of those engaged in making films received Only "a living wage." Higher Duty Urged He and John Emerson, an In dependent producer of New York, speaking for himself and for D. W. Griffith, urged a duty on im ported films of from 50 to 60 per cent ad valorem In place of the 30 per cent in the Fordney bill. Declaring that 'only a high tar iff stood between the industry and extermination, Mr. Turner de clared that at this time 54 Ger man made pictures were being ex hibited in this country and that four or five had yielded the ex hibitors J2.500.000. American producers cannot compete with the Germans, he said, adding that pictures that cost from $200,000 to $300,000 to produce in this country could be made in Germany for from $10,000 to $12,000. Present Rate Supported S. F. Rogers, New York, speak ing for the National Association of Motion Picture Industry, op posed the duty in the Fordney bill, urging that the present rate of 3 cents a foot be retained. An attack on the Eastman Ko dak company featured the hear ings. Mr. Rohers, William A. De Ford of New York, counsel for the International Film Service company. Inc., Frederick R. Cou dert of New York, counsel for Pathe exchange, Inc., and other witnesses charged that this com pany, through a monopoly ot the "raw" film product would be able to control the motion picture in dustry if imports were slrut out. They consequently opposed the 20 per cent ad valorem duty on "raw" films proposed in the Fordney bill. Investigation demanded Mr. De Ford asked the commit tee to investigate an agreement which he said he believed the Eastman comnanv had made with representatives of the film labo ratories. He charged that after the laboratories had opposed the proposed duty on the imported films. the Eastman company bought several laboratories as a "club" to keep the others hi line. Threatened with an inva sion of their field, the witness said representatives of the labo ratories entered into a written agreement among themselves on September 9 to use only American-made films. , Second Attack Made H Daniel R. Forbes,' representing the Seneca Camera company, also attacked the Eastman company, charging that it controlled 90 per cent of the production of rolled films. He asked that such films be retained on the free list, but asked protection for cameras. Riotous Crowds at-Suez Make Authorities Worry CAIRO, Dec. 27.-(by the As sociated Press) Authorities are taking severe measures to prevent congregating of riotous crowds at Suez, and a notice has been posted there that if the military air planes observed an assembly they will drop smoke bombs and if the assembly does not disperse ' they will drop shells and fire machine guns. The minister of education has closed all government schools, and the postal service is restrict ed to Cairo. The 1 law courts are beginning to strike and ' many Egyptian merchants have can celled orders with British firms. EZRA MEEKER IS FETED ON BIRTHDATE Ninety-first Natal Anniver sary of Famous Pioneer Cel ebrated at Seattle SEATTLE, Wash.. I?c. 27 Ezra Meeker, who came Into the Paget Sound country 68 years ago by way of tha Orepon trail, was feted today by his friends and relatives on the occasion ut his 9Ut birthday. Two gatherings wer? held -'A honor of the northwest, pioneer. The Borrowed Time club, an organiration of men and women over 70 years of age and of whic.j Meeker is a member, met to felic itate him at a downtown cafeteria and later a public reception was held. BEEBE CASE IS Trial of Lebanon Youth, Doubly Accused of Mur der, is Completed ALBANY, Ore., Dec. 27. The fate of Carson D. Beebe. of Leb anon, Ore., charged with murder in the first degree, was with a circuit court Jury tonight. All day today was devoted to the argument of the case, the in troduction of evidence having been completed last Saturday af ter exactly a week had been de voted to the trial. In this case Beebe was eharged with killing John Painter on the latter's farm seven miles northeast of Lebanon on October 20. Another indict ment charging murder in the first degree is pending against Beebe, in which he is accused of kill ing William Pa:nter, 19 years old, son of John Painter. The bodies of the two men were found in a grave on the Painter farm November 1 Sharkey," Jaxicab Opera tor, Held by Police, Booze Is Taken from Him R. "Sharkey" Rowland,, local taxi driver, is being held under $100 bond and "Hharkey's" big car was halted in front of the po lice station last night as the re sult of a raid in which Chief of Police Moffit and Deputy Sheriff Barber participated. A quantity of booze, represent ing several quarts of whiskey or moonshine and several gallons of blackberry wine, are exhibits seized at Rowland's residence at the time of his arrest. A charge of possession of In toxicating liquors has been filed against the taxicab man. This is the . fourth arrest for liquor violations made by the local police during the past month. Man Who Jumped from Bridge is Identified PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 27. The identity of the man who com mitted suicide yesterday morning by jumping from a bridge was established today as Nicholas Meyer, formerly a cattle grower of Raleigh Station, where his father and" brother now live. He was at one time an inmate o. ..ue state hospital for the insane at Salem and is thought by his rela tives to have been demented when he leaped Into the river. Meyer was committed to the state hospital for the insane June 14, 1902 and discharged August 6 1910. He was single and was 41 years old when discharged. A brother, S. Meyer, lives at Myrtle Or., according to the records at the hospital. DIES AT DESK WYNNE, Ark., Dec. 27. W. S Osborne, editor of the Wynne Progress, died at his desk in the newspaper office this afternoon. He had boasted that he "would die running his paper." KELSO DIES SPRINGFIELD, Mo.. Dec. 27 Charles O. Kelso, 50, general chairman of the SL Louis and San -Francisco system, division of the Order ot Railroad Telegraph erst, died today. He was said to be the oldest general chairman. in point of service in the United Ill 'S MI HUB Ml IS HELD ON BE STINGING REBUM IS DELIVERED BY OLCOTT Declaring that Senator Upton's senate bill No. 1 of the special session last week "an Unwarranted reflection on our ex-serviee men,' Governor Olcott yesterday vetoed . ' that measure. ' . The bill v6uld provide that cash bonuses or lands ac acquired under the bonus and loan act adopted by the people following the regular session of a year ago should not be ap plied to debts contracted by the beneficiaries prior' to June 21, 1921, the effective date of the bonus and loan act, The governor approved house bills 2, 4, 5 and 21; .The first forestalls a cut in the salaries of deputy, sheriffs in Multnomah county, v ! t y ; 4 , ; . The three latter are the highway protective measures submitted to the legislature by the governor's special com mittee named prior to the session. . a-:.:: i'V.T;-':-:" One of these 'places closer restriction on the speed and weight of trucks, another places authority Over the stato highways with the state highway commission, but does not subtract authority from the secretary of state, and the third places motor bus and. freight lines under the jurisdiction of the public service com nission. All of the measures signed yesterday carry the emergency clause and are immediately effective. . . ... FORMER PREACHER IS UNDER ARREST Herbert Wilson, Who Held Brownsville Pastorate, Ac-1 cused of Robbery LOS ANGELES, CaU Dec. 27. -Herbert Cox of Loi Angeles and Herbert Wilson, sakt to have held a pastorate in Brownsville, Or., were arraigned here today before a federal commissioner on charg es iof holding up and robbing a mail truck here March 3, 1921. Officers .of the eherif t'a said that the arrests were made in connection with an investigation which they said indicated exten sive operations along the. Pacific coast and in the east involving robberies of d-uartment stores In San Francisco and Los ' Angeles and. mail robberies by a gang. Five or six men made up the gang, it was said by county and federal officers that Wilson and Cox were trailed from Chicago, through Detroit, New York, Washington and Cincinnati. where they separated, returning to San Francisco by separate routes. ' Cox was arrested here Thurs day as he stepped from a steam er from San Francisco. Wilson was arrested Friday at hlB home. The commissioner today fixed bail for Cox at $50,000 and tor Wilson at $100,000. Woman Says Husband Tried to Smirch Her Character SEATTLE. WASH, Dec. 27. Maud Moore Stubbs, acquitted re cently of the murder LeRoy Harth, an automobile dealer, and who brought about the arrest of her husband, William Stubs, Ta coma hotel proprietor yesterday on a white slavery charge, is In Seattle under the protection of Sheriff Matt Starwich, the King county official declared tonight. Mrs. Stubbs claimed that her hus band attempted to force her to lead a life of shame and beat her when she refused to comply with his wishes. Heavy Sentence Imposed on Woman by Seattle Judge SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 27. What is said to be the heaviest sentence yet pronounced on a wo man in federal court for violation of the Harrison drug act today sent Mia. Kate Vietheer to the King county jail - for one year. Sentence was imposed by Judge jeremian ieterer, wno denied a motion for a new trial. NOTICE TO In future the Oregon Statesman carriers will collect all the subscription accounts- Your newspaper boy is just starting in business for himself. This is his first effort to, learn. business and' 'Jbis success or failure depends to a considerable extent on your good will and co-operation. A pleasatt smile and a cheery word will encourage 'your boy and help him., make a success of this,' his first venture In business life. He will appreciate it and show his good will in any way he can. ' STATES3IAK PUBLISHING CO. IN LET TEE In his veto, message on the Up ton bill the" governor, says; . BUI Ixraeely Drawn I herewith return senate oil! Xo. 1 with 7 ray disapproval. As near as can be determined frora the- reading of thia tery loosely drawn bill It has for ttsfporpose the exemption of ex-service , men from payment of debts eontracted prior .to receipt by them .of their loan or cash payment under the veterana aid act. .. "I consider this piece ;ot legis lation an unwarranted reflection on our ex-service men. ,1 nave only the highest faith in the in tegrity: and : hcrfio'r of those men who entered their country's ser vice. I am certain they have n wish or desire to be placed' in f class where they would, be ex. empt from the payment of any portion of their honest debts. I am reluctant to believe that a sol itary ex-service-man would wel come, or even desire, the passage of 'such legislation." u -Multnomah Case Explained ' RelaUve to the Kubll house bill No. 2, r the governor issued the following 'statement: "This bill is for the purpose of correcting: a condition In the law which affects 'one office alone In Multnomah county. If the bill were not enacted it would result In crippling the sheriff's office of that county, the bill being for the purpose merely, of keeping salar ies or deputies in that county at weir present standard. "In this connection this office Is in receipt of letter from T. T7. Mulkey, chairman of the tax con servation commission of Multno-' mah county, stating that 'in my Judgment the statute provides too small &. compensation and the legislature should make a read justment orthe matter - ; Crime Wate Rampant "I sign this bill with pleasure. At " this time, above all others when a crime wave Is rampant and respectable citizens are depending upon the officers of the law to protect their lives and property, it would b peculiarly unfortunate to permit the official functions of an important lawenfdrcemest office like that of the sheriff of Multnomah county to have its ef ficiency Impaired because of a comparatively small amount-'of money. . . ' - .... "But another feature appeals to me even more deeply. Looking back over the record of the depu ties In that office I remember that the Phillips brothers, 'Bob and Buck were shot to death, as well as Deputy Sheriff Twembly, who met hlg death while on duty. Not long ago DepBty Sheriff Roy Ken dall was wounded by a? hold-ftp thug and for days lay at "the point of - death. Deputy Sheriff Harvey Taylor was wounded in a gun fight with - an Insane man while ; protecting the people of Multnomah county. Con tinned en page S i OUR READERS (Contlnued oa page ff) States or Canada.