The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 27, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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county, on the south slope of Mt.
Hood, one has atmospheric con
ditions 3,752 feet higher than Sa
lem. Pendleton has an altitude of
-20 feet, 932 feet higher than
Sulem. Baker is located at ail al
titude of 3,471 feet, thU being
3,333 feet higher than Salem.
Cities with the highest altitude
is ten state are as- follows: Sil
ver Lake in Lake county, 4.496
fet; Lakeview in Lake county,
4,950 feet; Crescent in Klamath
ctunty, 4,452 feet above the sea
level; Andrews in Harney county,
4,100 feet and Austin 4n Grant
county, 4,250 feet above sea
Astoria with its 24 feet aboTe
ctta level, has the lowest atlitude
ir. the state of all cities. Florence,
heated on the sea coast west of
Eugene, has an altitude of 75
Ut. Portland is 57 feet above
aid Marshfield, 40 feet above sea
hvel. Toledo is 75 feet above the
ena, an dthe Wallace orchards,
173 feet above, or 35 feet higher
than Salem.
Moslem Situation is
Reviewed by H. A. Khan
AHMEDABAD. British India,
Dec. 26. In his presidential ad
dress at the all-India caliphate
conference here, II. A. Khan rc-
! . , ' ',. I yK"-7 V'? If s-li y-'f
Colgate V r5- a Vv 7
r ( ' y i v
nvsv f? ) - ; 7
; I . fe.'-.-.- iv'-t-'r
i i s- y v Av .. l
-Klf , vv f vh -rA!.: y vA7xs wife (M
viewed the Moslem ' sitnatioK
throughout the world. He-said
That Asia Minor on one side and
India on the other, were tha two
extreme links in the chaia of a
future Islamic federation. He
complimented the Turks that
their victory OTer tne creeks
had smasted BrUIsn. diploBsaey."
Britain alone, he said, stood a
the wayof a Teal solution of the
r.ear-eastem Question. India
wanted peace out oniy if it safe
guarded the riRhts of cltieeasuip
end national honor. He charged
st h flrovernment had com
mitted inhaman atrocities at la-'
labar under martial lavr. t
There. Is talk of organizlas a
"Father -and -Son" ret-together
laovement.- Anythtng " tike the
Fet-together movement that had
the woodshed for Its habitat f i
Ladies' Plaid
Continuous Show Daily
MYERS.iOo StateX
L arkin, ( Lehigh.)
More records were broken and more were made durincr the 1921 football season than any other year in the history of the sport.
-Never before was there as food playing: witnessed as was seen during the past year. Colleges, prep schools and universities throughout th
country report that the past season was their biggest ever. By many football was thought to have reached its pinnacle of popularity during
the 1920 season. The past year, however, has shattered all suppositions and has surpassed all previcu records.. The most notable and
curious achievements made oii the gridiron were made by individual players. It is said that the backflelds on an average were the strongest
.ever assembled.- There is milch, truth in this. For example, irt S 00 intercollegiate game there was only four instances where a player
crossed the goal line for. a touchdown after catching the kickoff. The players seen above, representing the North, East, South and West,
mad$ the most spectacular plays of the year." ' it ,
Highway Traffic Halted , "
"In -Southern California
way traffic- throughout southera
California was seriously liiipeueJ
tonight through stornvdamage, 11
bridges In various sections 1eing
washed out or closed as a result
of- the starm of the past week- In
Los, Angeles the total rainfall for
the storm waa.G.76 inches.. . 60 of
an inch falling . in Che past ' 24
hours, bringing the seasonal total
to 8.02, compared with 2.9 -for
the same period last year.
Heavier rainfall was recorded
in southern California below Los
Angeles. ' The swollen streams
washed out temporary repairs io
several bridges which wAnt out in
the early part of the uteTra.y.
Train and stage service to San
rlip-rt vi atisnended tddaVwhen
highway and Santa Fe railway j
bridges, werer washed oot.-
.. . "THE SKY PiLOT"
Ralph Connor's famous story
See the greatest cattle stampede ever on a
- screen .
" Look
At the
r Price
;lMidaight Matinee Saturday, New Year's Eve v
luruugu oiccpuig vars
v. !
i CSV i
vtVhy "pot eo to CUforniA' SunnySoothland Ihi
winter 1 Tbr you will enjoy the wanuth t an
.rfuoclonded mib. the bathing beaehea, outdoor iOHa
Oberratioa ad HJnin Car
: The Scenic Bl.ktU Boate
rrOTido U the comfort of" modern trarel. The rail
journey afford n opportunity t eemj roan iit
tereclios p!rc tlong the way,
. Round Trip. Excursion Tickets .
' f ' r-VV-Vare on ! to - .
L JSaU Xutit-r Zmu Aagle.Ssa . Siego .. . ,
- -f For fare, .train ache Iule, deacriptiT fol
, dora, or )enini cr reserratiens, aak
. . JiHcet AjenH, r write r r"' "
! Southern Pacific Lines
.Hi"- , JOHN M. BCOTT, H
. , . I . Iii General Pasteujer Agent
' ' ' '. ' - 'i?'
Program of Music and Ath-
letics Scheduled by
Y.M.C.A, Men
'Althoush there was no. special
program of Y. M. C. A. activities
yesterday, the association head
quarter will take on an entirely
different aspect next Monday, for
on that day there will be a spe
cial New Year's program pre
sented. Already all lodges and churches
have received invitations to at
tend the open house next Mon
day when there will be contlnu
oua entertainment'from 2 o'clock
in the afternoon until 8:40 in the
evening; '
For those who have an interest
in athletics, there will be a series
of games in basketball, volley
ball and blffball. There is also
scheduled a volley and biffball
game between the Klwanis and
Rotarian teams, and one between
the state house employes and the
.bankers.' And then there will be
music for those who tre artisti
cally Inclined.
During the afternoon light re
freshments will be served by the
Y Mothers' club from 4 o'clock In
the afternoon until 9:30 in the
: Carle Abrams Is chairman of
the - social committee that will
have charge of the afternoon's
Salem Compared With Oth
ers -of State in Reports
of Weather Bureau
to the United States bureau as six
degrees below. This was on the
night of December 23, 1919. f
On the day before Christmas of
1919, during the same cold wave,
Astoria recorded official weather
as one degree below, while Klam
ath Falls reported 16 below.
Going to Portland from Salem.
one travels down hill 81 feet, as
Portland has an altitude of C7 feet
above the sea level. Going to Mc-
Minnvllle from Salem, one travels
up hill 16 feet. From the capital
city to Eugene, is a gradual up
hill pull as that university city has
an. altitude of 449 feet, 311 feet
higher than Salem.
It is also up hill driving to Cor
vallis from Salem, as the college
town has an altitude of 2G6 feet
placing it 128 feet higher than
Mt. Angel has an altitude ol
347 feet higher than Salem. At.
Government camp in Clackamas
i The Picture i
of Health
The greatest picture in the Art
Gallery of Life is Nature's "Pic
ture of Health." Every woman
wants to be the embodiment of
physical condition which brings
happiness and beauty and wins
general admiration and popularity.
It one travels In anl direction
from Salem,' excepting north, the
traveling is ' up hill. This is in
accordance with the altitudo. rec
ords of the United States weather
bureau. K ''
...Altitude above the sea level has
much to do with the general tem
perature of a city, and for this
reason, the . temperature of Sa
lem, 138 feet above, Astoria 24
feet above sea level, and Klamath
Falls, 4100 ieet altitude, w ill nat
urally differ; greatly In tempera
ture, due to altitude as well as
other causes. " ' i
For instance. Albany is 7 4 foot
higher than Salem, and during the
record breaking of weather In
December of 1919, Albany's low
est, temperature' was' 15 below
and tUg lowfisj for Salem reported
TIm Great Gcn?l Tonic
is a wonderful aid
in keeping the im
portant bodily func
tion s stomach,
bowels, kidneys in
normal, active condi-
tim and thiameana vigor.
vivacity, bantr.
ThouaanHn ar dar ben
efiting by this aplengid
laxative tonic, eajcyinc
radiant health, antma
tna and mental aad
physical trength.
Just received in Velours, Prunellas, etc, an assort
ment of wonderful color combinations, plaids and
stripes in pleated effects that display tne attractive
The same models and patterns that have been selling
all this season from $7.50 to $12.50.
Extra Special This Week
$4.98 and $6.75
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Gale & Company
Commercial and Court Streets
Chambers & Gfoamfbers
Monster Unloa
Now on the last week of Rapid Fire Selling. Everything ihafs new!
Everything That's Good! Everything for the Home at Prices Less than
Others Ask for Second-Hand Furniture
5 Days of Sensational 1 Bargains
And the Greatest Furniture Sale in Salem History Will End
Every man and woman knows the wonderful styleand material which characterizes every piece of furniture
sold by this store. For years we have catered to the best trade nothing but the products ol the finest factories
has entered this store NOW EVERYTHING IS SACRIFICED! All the beautiful new furniture, rugs, lamps,
dishes, etc., we so carefully selected, never figuring on such a drastic move as this, have been priced far below
their actual value, because we are determined to unload and turn a portion of our stock into cash regardless of
anv loss incurred. REMEMBER ! This is your last and only chance as Sale closes Saturday night December 31st.
Lyko ia prepare! by
expma in sanitary lai
oratoriea from dnirs of
recotrniaed therapeutic
valac tt ie pore
Ask Your Druggist
Ljrko cornea in the original packacee
only. Yoa ean ret it at an reliable !ru2
Ciet'3. AskforabotUe today.
New York Cassia City
" For sale by a!! amglsts. al
ways in stock, at Terry's Drus
Store. '
The best, the largest, the
finest assortment of Rugs
in the northwest, outside of
Fort land, and none newer to
be found any place, in the
finest Wilton's, Axminster
Tapestry, etc., and every one
of these beautiful - rugs on
sale this week only at prices
to defy any sale or compe
tition in America.
Dining Room
Our entire stock of the fa
mous Gregory Dining room
Furniture, in mahogany, and
walnut period, Queen Anne
and William and Mary, in
brant Iful round, square and
oblong tables, buffets and
chairs to match. All on sale
at greatly reduced prices.
The most beautiful assortment of bedroom fur
niture ever displayed in Salem; suites of the high
est grade ivory, walnut, mahogany and birdseye
maple on sale at greatly reduced prices. -
Five piece Ivory Bedroom Suite, consisting of bed,
dresser, chiffonier, and two chairs; extra well
made, beautifully finished. Worth
over $84.00. On sale at .
, CAU(t H I'll
$58. 00
Our regular $00 five-piece Ivory
Bedroom Suites
Fine five-piece Ivory Bedroom Suites, consisting
of bed, dresser, chiffonier, dressing , table and
rocking chair. Best to be had. d1! AQ C A
Cheap at $132.00. On sale at.-.. lVeJ.DU
Our finest six-pieec Ivory Bedroom Suite, consisting
of bed, dresser, chiffonier, dressing table and two
chairs. Highly polished, with cane inserts. Our
low price of $194.00 $1 Cl flfl
reduced to . tMDXeUU
An excellent assortment of
beautiful new mahogany,
oak and quarter-sawed oak
library Tables, also solid
mahogany library and. Dav
enport Tables, all on Rale' at
the lowest prices known in
Any table up to $18 on sale
"s i at " .
Any table up to $40.00 to
go at ; '
Any table tip to $45.00 on
sale at v
to $37 solid Mahogany -.
tables for.
Closing Out Sale of All
Stoves and Ranges
Last Call! Last Chance! Last Week Of This Great Sale
Unloading 467 Court Street, Salem