) THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 25, 1921 3 I J CLAStTriZD ADVERTISEMENTS RiU Pn Word: Per Insertion , , ..1 . Tr Insertion On Week (six insertions) 8e One Math - - . . , 20 Six meata' contrast, per soe15 13 months eontrset, "pr nvo12c Minimum for Mr advertism, 35a- NOBWICa UNIOJI DISURANCK SOCIETY toridgnt Agent 1BUU Bt. I MONEY TO LOAN ' "': OsRefJEsUU FORD (Orsr Ladd Bath Buk) 1L0ANS REAL ESTATE 1 INSURANCE V$ uuar. aoyttlnr W bav tit money lorn Far o back Ilk rant Our farm ui eity property liau ara com et at, a first. T LATLAR ft LATLAB eOS-l Oregon Bldg. PbwlMl NEW TODAY 1. THE HAT BOX-rl79.S. HIGH. HATS f frenorated, blocked, - - - I PETALUMA INCUBATORS. LARGE is. .2184 North Front atreet. f 631-J. Phone f ST. ANDREASBERO ROLLER THE j? canary with a musical education. If ,J' if wear feathers, we hare it. K. B. V'take, Bird A Ftowera 273 Mate. I H E WRITE 3 YEAR PAID UP NON- '- a assesaable mutual policies. Nothing to I itoe and much to pain by carrying ) your insurance with n. Htandley ' Foley, Agents, Bush Bank Bldg, rhone i: i 37- BEST BUYS ? acres sll cultivated. 7 aeree rood bear- V Ing prune, 1 M acre mixed fruit, fine t 4 a mom bunralow. water system, good ' bam. drier; located on rock road at 1 . school, close te town; $7000. cash. 1A aeree, 8 '"livated, 2 ecrea young l $?oo? Zn on MieV k,.rn' . 1 v. j..w uv. o t..A 40 acre, best dark loam, 23 cleared, IS naature. house, barn, hoe house, ' tramrf: 2 miles from Silverton; full a eouipment, horses, cows, hogs, chick' ': ens. srrain and feed, furniture, piano, ', everything goes at $7350, half cash. Yon will want this wnen you see u. a acres. 70 cultivated, family orchard. good buildings, running water; located fat school and only a mues irora town; - 98000. Terms. mu.t have more houses and tracts I to aell on -soldier loan plan. See us I at one if yon want to sell. ! S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St. 2300 FOR A TEW DAYS ONLY s this 5 room plastered on story house and lot, 90x137 Vi. ha fcatn toilet, ei ' ectrle light and builtid kitchen, fruit, berries, etc. Terms. eo L. A, Hayford Realtor 805 State street GOOD BUYS ".ocT Vad VS& '"E?.1;1 term. good road, rnce ,iw. easy 1 at 6 percent interest. 4 acre tract located mile from car- . . .!.ktl. Lta 4 Las I v an souin -". am-., ' i rrtce liuw. wn - I PriM 82000. term. n mere tract, rood road. 2 acres prunes. 1 mere lorsns. strawberries, cherries,! V mhv ' nnnlnf Water. 7 rOOnt hOUSO. I hat and cold water, bath, electric light. Fin eeet front lot on 8. Commercial atreet. $850. VI arras tract 4 miles south. 5 acre ful bearing prune. 4 aeree prune set las year. 3 aeree togana, price $6000. $20O0 m Am W om line." hurl hf-hOB8 11 I' , and lands. I See u before bnylng. 1 W. H. fiRARFNHORST A CQ. I t..i.M 275 Stkte . St. I ifP YOU WANT TO SELL ON SOLDIER lose plan. See a today. Seeolofsky, . I 311 State street.. wnorvs. RARKA1NS " ' w . Three boe.es for . rent. 8m.ll hou.e, gareaw -- ,- y- . aar IAISI IU1III rl II Tl W m Ml W I and a boat Z acres emm in. -i w. k.ir,lsv 81750. Seven room bnnralow. $4000. Choice lot near - State eaoiteL $1750. 40 acres well inm..id 15 acres bearing prunes. Am for aasaller Uc. $0 acres well '': improved trad lor eowntry store. 400 . i ecre atock ead dairy ranch. Coo . county, trade, T, L. Wood. 341 Bute street. I 43ASOLINE STATION A GOOD LOCA- I i tion for avor aed gaaeline atatwn ea pved.eorner sod mein road. Very cheep. Jf . rieming, cxaaA a un .f Vse ha a to trade I i, for farm rohe valley. WMJ FLEMING Write $41 Stat St., ,leJen, Or. 1 TO EXCHANbt 6ne of the best fkrm, near Salesn. Yen 1 UmmM fM 120 t wi acre Wlin s v-im;.. Itiete rnltlvation. only 2 miles out on UrOa roso. " 'i tv. .uA have a coed ear te trade for a I honse. will pay o ."" A good lot aad . cash to exchange for ' amiU house. 4 - Thomason 331 State St. EMPLOYMENT PEKALB i-'.wiwrn T.snrJrOOK. ABOUT FIV1 j hours daily. Oiv reference in reply . by letter. Address. Boa "Cook, care Statesman. A EN WANTED FOR DETECTIVE warlr ExneTienee nn necessary. Write! fc J.' Ganer, former government detect ir, ' St. Louis. EIRE MEN, BRAKE MEN, BEGINNERS $150. later $250 monthly. Writ rail way, care Statesman. trrr. .L rrr MIC WAA11.U 1U '" t iremen. brakemen. experience unneres- . aary. Tranaportstioa lurntsnea. write W. Boggess, ot. Muia. WANTED ENERGETIC TOUNG MAN .L. mmm hmA sellin' life ' tnanrane. stoek or dvrtising. Must b able to devote his ntire tim and b ambitions ,for advancement. Must . have the courage te present business proposition to snereaaats ana proiw . ional seen. Answer in yonr own hand writing stating ng. ascui trieations, sprine as solicitor, ate. aHvaa'I-N. $1." 8ttesmsn effie. t SALESMXH WANTED SALESMEN CALUSO UP0X MEAT trade to carry, beteher'e specialty aa ; vide Hise. No samples to carry. Bit i eommisaion to ri-ht man. Pituburth- ? Vri Sair Co. 4017 Liberty At Pittsburgh. ?a. SELL SOMETHISO EVERYBODY it h . nrateet.il article, n doi- sMaitv because of government SI2 l. v'nu' .tuuiIA waka t re is-vi'i" . y w .. . $20 to $30 t day, f yon are en, am it ion. aaleaman yon wilt rienr op ward of $50 per day. Most deirhle, connection with FUTURE dtri'resTs1 who oualify. Jerome La EMPLOYMENT MALE AND TXKALE WANTED AT ONCE SOLICITORS FOR Wat kiim products, part or full time. Phono 1734 W after 5 p.m. MAX OR WOMAN' WANTKI- SALARY $36 full time. 75c an hour spare time, tline; guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Ksperienee onnwfMary. International Hosiery Mill. It 1 9 4, NorriMown, Pa. WANTED MEN AWD 'WOMEN TO - tak farm paper subscriptions, A food propoaition to the right' people. Address the Paeifie Homestead, Statesman Bltig Salem, Or. PERSONAL CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY Booklet free. Address Home Cub, L Box 23, Grand Rapids, Mir. fACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS, VIO let ray; manicuring shampooing, Or egon Bath House. Phono 640. IP T0U WANT A HEALTHY, WEAL thy loving wife, write me. Enclosing st imped envelope. Violet Ray, ln nUoo, Ohio. tiicn touxq widow trettt and affectionate. Would marry. Suite eleven. 10601 Saint Clair, Cleveland, " Ohio. THE LEADING MATRIMONIAL CLUB. Beat, largest; established 17 years; thousand wealthy members wish mar rtage. Confidential descriptions free. Only honorable, sincere people of both sexes need write. --.Irke Old Reliable Club, Mrs. WruUl, Box 26, Oakland, Calif. .7. - ' MARRY IF LOXELY FOR RESl'LTS try me; beat and mot auccesaful "home maker"; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years . experience; de srriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, California. FOR SALE BUSISXSB CHANCES RAISE BIO CAPITAL FOR ANY LE gitimate business. Write for free copy "Quick Financing," showing how companies raise large capital by my easily operated method. Cunningham, Financial Specialist, 2339 Grant Bldg.. jfin Angelen, Calif. CANARY BIRDS CAXARY BIRDS SOME OF MY BEST tlTl''- M"- E. A. Bennett, phone 1280. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, sands 15e to the Pacific Homestead, Salatn, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRY POULTRYM EN SEN& EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of tne northwest, Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Oom tnercisl St., Salem, Oregon. HOUSES : "ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES" SO percent saved rn cost of oonjtme- twin iThaa. P. Smith, factor renr entatWe, 620 Northw Bank Bldg., 2, Portland. Oregon. HZ8CXLLANE0US APPLES DELIVERED PHONE 4F2. . , wnnn - sit v i HAY AND WOOD FOR SALE PHONE 254 ' or 622. ' " 1 1 1 1 r0R BALE OLD VEWSPAPZRS, 10 i ji. i j Clan UUBUI.. cumiivh wyiiuwi uregon statesmaa. - , . tt T-n m . ty nnv.- e boxes for $4.50, delivered. Ward K. Richardson, Phone 494. GASOLINE AND OIL TANKS from the largest to smallest. La A. Weetaoott, factory representative. S64 8. 12th St, phono 1602-J. FOR SALE CHRISTMAS PUrPIES; beat on the coast Pedigreed white Hootch collie., two month old Mrs. B . IPSO Chemeket.. Pbon. 1280 I THE HOUSE OF HALF A MXLL1UN ana one Bargains. dui, u wi exchange anything and everything in the line of junk or second hand., goods. 8 us bfor you buy or sell. Stia- kock Junk Co. Remember th place 02 N. Commercial St. Phon 628. N - .ir iiirnTrnu ninrTrn I - tl VY LO I LHll OUIXUO I Lil uinnnT. ivn rOUVrrVTTY SINGING , , I-TLT. Tit th. yae have been wanting, witn woraa ana mnele eomnleta. No matter how many rr.-v'j... , . ; ' - Price! Single copies, 25c ; 16 V cents auia wwvt a " v v - - a each in lets iof dosen oi 'more; $12 60 $! MtaaMMwu, svava-w UKtuufl ifcAtntiw AVsiiaiii 115 8. Commercial St. WOOI -WWL NICE DRY FIE AND OAK WOOD FOB aale. Phone 354 or C23. DRY OLD GROWTH 16 IN FIR, $8 1 4 ft. second growtn, ao.ou. rnone 1467. i FOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD I maple, aeeona growta ana oia nr. ft. or 16 in. Fred E. WeUs, Phone 1542. 805 S. Church. xo 1 Cil clad mjiw jsiloj tijiu. $3.50 per Wad. Dry planer wood, $3.60 per load. Phon 620. Tracy wood uo. FOR BIG FIR, SECOND GROWTH OAK or ash wood, phone 7712. FOR SALE GOOD SECOND GROWTH and old fir, 4 foot or 16 inch. Phone 1252 R or 1756. tnv m ?nnn enn an r mri grrnvn lIV , WVi - - . . . ESS $7.oS-7.s.d6 $T.?5 ,"3S fir. four feet. $7: 16 inch $8; oak 8 and ta. Armstrong Transfer. Phone 195, Stand State and High. FOR RENT ROOMS roR RENT SUTTE OF TWO Li I rooms with private bath, will be LARGE ',t- ated soon. Also separate room. i ine Aiexanaria, imv ..v.. 1ZOV. won rent room fob gentleman - ,r . fc-m- anil eantrallv located I -T"-. 7 " n.m. .)T K care Btatesman. BOSSES I FOR RENT A NEW 5 ROOM BUNGA- low with basement tad garage, on cor ner Hoyt and Cottage. $35. Willu Fleming, 841 State St. FOR REST MODERN FIVE ROOM house at 727 South 12th atreet. $25 month. Immedste possession. Ap- nlv at Statesman business office. Or Phone 23. WANTED MISCXLLANXOUS STRAWBKRRY PLANTS WANTED Gold 'Dollar, Ettersberg or Wilson Phone 78F12 Best price paid i w-- THE CAPITAL H A ROW AJtJE H. Co-me'rcla. Si. AND FURNITURK CO. Pnone 4T I .... winAAU uincniM. ivn - i nasi tu aw.j, - i rtre... v V TJ.. t plant. Loganberry trawplaats, : ilHe:Z WwdTK-Richarlson, j39i.I. - rA,Ti..liVWJw AUaoa. Bldg. raoa. WANTED HEMSTITCHING OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City bedding Co. Phone 19. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STORAGE GARAGE TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE 544 Ferry atreet. AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS W. C. WRIGHT. 171 South High. AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK guaranteed. 553 South 12th. Phone 1126. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXPERT TROU ble shooting. 338 North High, Phone 203. PRESTO - LITE BATTERY 8ERVICE station. Expert battery and electrical work. Farri Bros. Phone 1803, 418 Court. TIRES AHD ACCESSORIES SMITH-WATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH, Fisk, Silvertoa Cord, Hood extra ply tlrea. Everything for auto. RADIATOR SHOPS SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 South 12th. Pbon 28. 3. C. BAIR, RADIATORS, TENDERS, Bodies repmh 444 Fwry. CLEANING PRESSINO CLEANING, PRESSING DONE TO YOUR satisfaction. Called for and deliverer1'. The Tocrerv. 187S State. Phone 842. USED CARS FOB SALE 8 PASSENGER light ear, good condition, good tlrea, $150. Msrekanta Delivery, 554 Perry atreet. WANTED LIGHT TBvTtrK IN EX chane oh Hudson, Esaex or Baby Overland. Fred Kirk wood, 246 Stat street. OARAGE AND REPAIR AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER, 245 Canter. Phone 890. NEW AUTO REPAIR SHOP ALL work guaranteed. Prices reasonsble, Willism Gray, 310 South Winter stieet. HOFFMAN A ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR lag, vulcanising, retreading; 1S7 South Commercial atreet. Phone 471. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK, STUDE- eaker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phon 88. CONFECTIONERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY, HOME mad candies, confection, cigars, mag azines. 1272 State. P WSS,! I 111 'I II MM BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street. 936. CHILDREN'S NURSE CHILDREN TAKEN CARE OF BY THE j-TT Mam i TT ui ' ' T i ?! ' CHINESE PHYSICIAN PRXsJ. ffilgm , DRUG STORES BREWER DRCQ CO. 405 COURT. Phone 184. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING. By contract, by hour. At pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phon 1744-W. FINANCIAL WANT TO SECURE ON GOOD REAL estate security, $1500 loan for 3 or 5 yeara at 7 percent, bocolofsky, 341 estate. . ...... .. MARION-POLK COUNTY -eAKM LOAN association has money to loan at six percent. W. D. Smith, secretary-treas urer, SOS halem Bank of Commerce. CITY BUILDIJfd LOANS We have available funda for city loans. rtpayaDi ilk rent. "S"" A. O. BOHRNSTEDT I omo aempie Salem, Oregon furjuturb stores I sivr v pTmrrm vvw awnmm. hMd furnitur M jj CwaamexelaL I r DOTH 409. Tmnrrrmv. HO SPIT Al FURNITURE REPAIRED OS MADE TO order. Refinishing and upholstering a specialty. Phone 1742. Brown and Groves, 1201 South Commercial. Bsaes i ii ii saasaaaea GREEN HOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS ior sal. Smith s, AOL North Commer cial. HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEL BOOMS AND board. Lunch counter. ' -Opposite O. s. iepot. state ana .High. LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE- ment, clean neat rooms and apartments. i in i i ii I , n am INSURANCE I MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE Sr" . ".V- "''. """ " "' McCornack Bldg. Phone 96. 1 II , , . , Laaies- wearing apparei ' CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets. Phone 1043-R. 891 8. 12th. FANCY WORK FANCY WORK FOR SALE 222 NORTH Commercial street. Krvnt swnnr; ivn vvrnwmnirTJY h Jessie McCune. Tallman'a pjlino gt)r(- 121 gonth Commercial. EEKSTXTCHTNO MM SRKCRENRTDGE HKMSTITCH- i, m-ii nrrter. lir.t.d 175 8 lBth Phon 174 M. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. ehainsntchinaV pleating-, buttona. 939 830 Oreron Bldg. Phona 879. DBBSSKAECTq WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND HAND work. Call 631-R. LA CLASIQUE GOWN SHOP--EXCLUS- ive models. zpert designing. 941 Stat. CARRIE FISHES DRESSMAKING. designing. Spencer eorcteta to order. I 3 McCornack Bid-. DRESSMAKING TAILORING. MRS. Goodwin. 445 North CommsreiaL i 1 MRS. C. JEPSON -TODISTE. S5S7 Oak, phone 029. UBS VASTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER I Ladiee' Buita aad Gewns. Over MU- ler'a Store. MESDAMES SCOTT CHASE DRESS- makers. $1$ But St. Phone 987. -1 R,", 8t MAUU BIMOMS, DKE8SMAJLEK 1710 BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL FRANKLIN LACSER PIANO. ICS 2f. 17th. Phone Ifau-W. MRS. HENRY LEE PIANO. 1321 S. CapitoL Phoa 1017-W. LACRA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL credit given. 336 . High. Phone 17 1W. PEARL F. THOMAS VIOLIN, PIANO, 65 North 10th. Phone 158 J. MIXNETTA MAGER3 VOCAL. DERBY Building. Friday afternoon, Saturday. LENA BELLE TART Ah, . VOCAL IK atructiea. Phone 834. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. North Winter. Phone 845 J. B67 NELLIE MULS.EY STOSt, PIAiiO S73 Leslie. Phone 751-W. ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO. 51 North Cottage. Phone 8-W. BEATRICE SHELTOS PIANO STUDIO 345 Marion. Phone 1299. LILIAN HARTSHORN PIAA'O 394 North Church. Phone 178. T. S. ROBERTS PIAKO, ORGAN, 270 South 14th. Phont 779. DAN. F. LAXGENBERG, VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO Phone 11J4M. 1472 Mill MOLLIE STYLES VOICE, PIANO, 859 Center. Phone 2016 R. JULIA MILLS WE1GEL PIANO. 1560 South Church. Pkeee 1381 R. LUCILE ROSS -North Liberty. PIANO, ORGAN, 498 Phon 1187W. MATTIE GILBERT STRING INSTRC menu. 157U fitat. Phon 1156 ft. SAXOPHONE INSTRUCTION AGENT Buescher Saxophones. F. M. All, 71 south Church street. Phon 1143 J. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO player; dances, all occasion. 257 N. Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY, AUTHORIZED teacher, Godowsky Progressiva Series Piano, 679 North Cottag. Phon 1950-W. LEARN PIANO 12 LESSONS. GUAR anteed. Waterman system. F. B. Clark, Tallman Piano store, 121 south Commercial. WESTERN CONSERVATORY Or MUS io of Chicago. Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Dipkrmaa granted. Odd Fellow's Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OT MUSIC All branches taught, diploma granted. John R. Sit, director. 1237 Court Phone 626. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNING. REPAIB- ing. Phone 492. JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER; Moore-Dunn Co. Representative of Sherman Clay Co. Phone 506. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leav order Will Music Store. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning, rehashing, rebuilding, player piano expert. Phone 15V, 121 Bourn Commercial. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS, BTEIN ways. Duo-Art, and other. Moore Dunn Music store. Masonic Temple. PHONOGRAPHS STRADIVARI PHONOGRAPH KNOWN for tone. Retailing fct factory price. Room 7. Patton block. VIOLIN BOW REPAIRING VIOLIN BOWS REH AIRED" P. Thomas. Phone 1518-J. MUSI0 STORES GEO. O. WILL PIANOS, PHONO- zranha. sewing machines, sheet music. and piano studios. Repairing phon erranh and sawing machines. 432 State, Salem, DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. R. L. White, principal. Phone S7-J. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING MRS. B. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phono 1971-W. RUTH Me ADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. Phone 1824-M. THE ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinds of ladies tail oring for old and new customers. 852 N. 12th street. Phone 2085 R. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'8 beta renovated and blocked. tourt street. LAUNDRISh SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 8. Liberty street. Phons 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY ETEAM LAUNDRY Quah tr work prompt service. laoe Broadway. Phone 165. MILLINERY A SPLENDID LINE OP XMAS GIFTS at Mrs. C. A. Grimms, 519 Court at. PLEATING MRS. HTLDEBRAND, PLEATING 890 South 24th. Phone 798-M1. LANDSCAPE GARDENER rwyn BLAKE. LANDSCAPE GARDEN- r. 1565 South Liberty, phone iusi-m MASSAGE PARLORS CABINET STEAM BAVHS TUB SHOW era. Swedish massse. Sundays and evenings by appointment. Myrtle Bernard, masseuse. Residence phone 1250 R. At Model Beauty Parlors. Phone 9.6. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY I Phone 517-W. PAINT CONTRACTORS AllZ?rSZ?FSl0 class work for particular people. L.. 1J Brandon, contractor. 865 North High, Phone 645 J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING. PAP- hanrinr kmlaominmc won nar- ' anteed. - Terms reasonable. Phone 3035-. 1464 Ferry. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES fiAKJJ back ot omce, au state atree. 1140 M. wtt.t. a if ETTE VALLE NURSERY AU kind nursery stock lor sate, sh Phone 105F5 COMPLETE LINE TREE? SMALL fruits, ornamental. Capital City Ksr aery Co.. 426 Oregon Blag, paone ia. RTWAWRIRHY PLANTS SMALL fruits, other nursery stock, for Oct k iiiivar. Place Tmr order now. Ward K Kiekardaon. i rs Pbon 494. PERIODICALS uiao nnnnlll'F TAKES SUBSCRIP- tiona for all magazines. 251 8. 17th. atreet. Phone 741-M PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER , i MARGARET BURNS PUBLIC 8TEN- BUSINESS CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITALS PRIVATE MATERNITY HOSPITAL 1047 North Front St. Mrs. J. F. Ptine PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFCME CO. Ex tract, toilet articles. Mrt. Meyer, 170 South 23rd. Phone 1224. PLUMB ESQ PLl'MBIXG AXD REPAIR IOXE UEA enable; work guaranteed. Phone 9i7 PLl'MBIXG 75c PER HOUR PHONE 950-M. PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phon 1397-J. 8hop. 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. KORTirWESTERN PIPE CO. WHOLE sal and retail plumbing supplies. 219 N. Commercial. Pbon 179. FBXKTZNCI FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, see Bertelaea, printer, "Y" Bnilding. SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICK, Showcards that talk. 424 N. Commer- eial. Phone 548. 8H0B REP AIR ING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH lira SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, RE iuse or all kinds removed. Cesspool leaned. Phone 1B7. STUDIOS DE LUXE i UDIO SOMETHING DIT- terent in phogrsphy. 147 N. Com'l. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB SECOND a sua clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Exchange, 843 North CommereiaL Phone 1368-W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pip fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Schindler, 258 Center street. STOVES STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National fence, size 26 to 28 Inches high. Paints, oil and vsrnishes, etc., logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Work. 250 Court etret. Phone 124. SBsssBasasssxsKsss SWEDISH INSTITUTE THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE MEKANO- Therspy. Swedish massage with active and passive movements. Steam cabi net bath, medicated packs, electricity, etc.; 801-02 Oregon Bldg. Phone 558. TRANSFER HAULING TRANSFERRING DONE $1.25 PER hour. Armstrong Transfer. Phone 19o. Stan State and High. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St., phone 933. Distributing forwarding and atorage our specialty. uet our rates. TAXI DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 540. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO. Liberty A Ferry. Phone 77. Dry aiao lo-inca wood for aale. TAILORS riu.& fALM MitiutUM TAILOR, 211 & -High, and Ferry. j , , ' T A ASPORTATION SALEM SILVERTON STAGE Leaves Salem Loaves Silverton O. E. Deaot a News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a.as, 1:00 p.m. a:uu p.m. 6:15 n.m. SALEM-INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH 8TAGE Leave Salem. O. 8. Depot 7:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m 1:00 p.m.. 6:15 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel- 8:80 avm, 1:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. special trips by appointment. Seres passenger ear for hir. 'J. W. PARKER. Pron. Res. Poena 615 Buaineaa phone 1 WOOD 8AW8 CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD B A WING. Phone 2040. Fisher Bros. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Perry. Store everything except ex - P'ivee. Apply Fry's Drug Store. WHERE TO EAT WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 439 Ferry. HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON- able" prices. Johnson-Barry. 159 S. HigU. BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE. 189 S. Liberty. SAVEi -MONEY BY EATING AT RES tan rant upstairs. 185 South Commer cial. whttb cloud tea HOUSE open Sunday morning 8 o'clock. American stylo. 110 NorU ContmereiaL Phone water ' SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWEB CO. Office, 301 South Com'l St. Ta per cent discount on domestic flat rates Zbne? rri.u7Vrt,'tt absence or any cause unless water ia abut off yonr premises. PROFESSIONAL 1 CHIROPODISTS AC J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 822 State St. Patton Bldk. Phone 957 CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED iiiancea irom inai vidnoJ impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic Bid. Phone 442. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT, P.s.o, CHIBOPRAO tor, " a. can mg. xuou. 87; Kes. 8-8 It. CHIROPRACTORS - DR. R. P. AND I M n,.j,j ,.t Pearl M. Bradford, graduates and post cradnatea of the first chartered achool of Chiropractors in th world. Ten yeatt in practice. Phone 526. Booms SIB 819-320 Oreton Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 606 U. S. Bank Bldg. I DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC I phvsician and eurceon. KirksvUle rrsduate. 404-405 U. S. National Bank I Bldg. Pkonee-mc. 919; tte. ox. i dr JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Phyiiciaa and Snrgeon, 403-404 Ore gon 4414 g. Phones. UIIic. 1S94; sves. 58F5. " OPTICIANS P0UEB0T KIENE JIWXIXRS AND Op torn atria ta. 888 Stat. i GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUtt deste . at th. Row Ontictl Company, 825 State Street, opposite Ladd and Bub Bank. ; LODGE' DIRECTORY 1TMITKII BPAWTSTT WAR VETERANS. Camp 5, Armory, rirst, tniro mono.... Uge Sutefimatt Classilled Ada REAL ESTATE FOR 8AI.F GOOD 6 RM HOI fF. OX paved street Near carline and irhool. Price g.'toO. TerUi lor ral tar gains see Kru-gr. 'i.9 Orejton BM:. FOR SALE " ACKKS 41"T OJTSIDE of city, gtiOtl five room bunsak). one at-re atrawHerri, Tf aip , tret Vi!l take Salem rfia-rcr a part pavraent WINNIE PETTYJOHX 331-i State ?t. : Realtor : Tbone 534 JUST COMPI.ETET ROOM NEW modern bungalow, two blocks from atate street ready to moTe into is few !ays. Price low at $2730. Terms $50rt down. f2-" per month. S.R.PEARSON 210 211 U. 9. Nat l Bank Bid. WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWNER of good ranch for tals. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. FIVE HOUSES FOR RENT, VARYING in prices from $12.50 to 335 per month. Money to loan on good farm '"" Square Deal Co. Phone 470 U. S. Bsnk Bldg. 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW AND two nice lots located on North 5th street. btairway and atnc large en ough for two rooms. Price 33500, terms. R. A. Mohney, 209 Oregon Bldg. Phone 217 WORTH WHILE 80 acres on Salem-Mill City road to trade for small ranch near Salem Price $4500) 40 acres close to Salem with good build ings: will take $5000 in Salem prop erty as part pay. Price 10,50O. 17 acres li miles out on good road to trade for Salem property. Trice $2500. We have a buyer for a small house on monthly payment plan. MILLS L COPLEY 831 State street FOR SALE Good five room house, two lots, close to csr. $2500; $300 cash, balance $15 per month. 7 room house, close in, price $2500 Good lot close to car, terms. We hsve some good trades; If yon want to trade, buy or sell see H, L. MARSI Eno 212 Gray Bldg. Phon 907 MR. HOME BUYER YOG CAN BUY A 6 room bnnralow less than a year old for $500 less than I was offered for it nine months ago. Haa basement. Dutch kitchen, closets and sleeping porch. $1000 will handle it. See it today. 125 Lenene. SMALL AXD LARGE FARMS, CITY homes snd choice lots. Fire and auto insurance. Arthur E, Peterson 229 ' Oregon Bldg. r r-n i-o i.ui in mrm imr overs' vr of selling your property. Property listed not exclusive. xour property photographed. Brown, Mage and Bessie Snyder. Over Busiek's Store state ana commercial, run. aav GOOD CAR WANTED AS FIRST PAY ment on good 6 room honse. on paved streets, lots of fruit : two blocks from csr line, csn pay the rest like rent Price J2500. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bid. NOTICE OP SALE OP GOVERNMENT TIMBER, GENERAL LAND OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. December 6, 1921 Notice is 'hereoy given that subject I to the conditions and limitations of the I Arts of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat. 218) I .nH June 4. 1920 (41 Stat. 758). and I the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15. 1917 (48 1.. n 447) snd June 22. 1920 (47 1j. u 411), the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock a.m. January 24, 1922, at public auction at the United States Lsnd Office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the ltonraiKed valae as shown by this notice. I aale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior: Ihe purchase price, with an additional sum ot one nun of one percent thereof, being commissions Unwed, mnat be deposited at time oi ale. money to be returned if aale ia not approved, otherwise patent -via issue for the timber which must b removed within ten years. Bids will be received I from citizens of the United Ststes, as I aociationa of such ituens and corpora Hon organized under the laws Of toe I United States or any state, territory or it'ittrtrt thereof onlv. Loon SPTlll ... ion of a oualified purchaser the tim- 1 ber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately t I in any offer of a 1 before oeing tnciuoea arger unit T. 2 8.. R, 3. E., W. M, See. 21, Lot 6, fir 115M., none of the fir thereon to be sold for lea than $1.5J per l T 1 R R S. E.. W. M.. See. 83, SW4 SW, fir 360 M none of the fir thereon to be sold for less tnan $1.25 per M. wu.uax aim , Commissioner, General Land Of fie PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE I Notice is hereby elven that I v,, imnnnnrlorl th fnllowine de- compliance with Ordinance No. 1404 to-wit: one Collie, weight about forty pounds I ... , it 1 ill 13 aDOTe aescriueu uug wn. Klllea II not reaeeraea ay uun I nn nr hefnn DAremher 25th. 1921 provided in said Ordinance -W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner PRATUM NEWS NOTES PRATUM. Ore., Dec. 25. Awaiting favorable weather, im nrovements to the value ot a - 1 . ' ... , , I least SZUUU win oe uinueui M k. church here, a Dasemcui to extend the entire length of the building will be constructed. Tne - J seating capacity will be doubled and other minor changes euecteu. I . . -u-.r-K h'lllrtlnp mcmucia ui vuc v i lj i v v ... 0 committee are: Alfred aiyers. a-t - PLUMBING SUPPLIES And Plumbing Word We sell Plumbing Supplies, wholesale and retail; also do the actual plumbing work on contract. Estimates cheerfully given. For Sale One Carbide. Feed Generator. Model "IT , $30. This is a used gen erator in good condition, cost when new $240. $ 4 . . " . NORTHWESTERN PIPE COMPANY 219 North Commercial Salem, Oregon Bores, E. Branch, Tan! Silte, and rred lVrtes. Mrs. I. Morgan, wbo ha. Wn ill from pneumonia is impioving slowly. Christmas prof-rams will b held in this roramunity as tollows: Speial exercises at Fratum whool Friday afternoon: an attractive profram at the M. E. church. Sat urday eTeninf? and also t the Mennonnite church, Sunday eve ning. Tile and lumber to be ased In construction work on the Metho dist church was hauled Tuesday by Sam Yates and Melvin Lien. The following named Pratum residents are owners of. new cars: Ed Eisenback. Oscar Myers and James Lauterbaeh. SILVERTON NEWS The Silverton Woolen Mills store of -which W. Zosel and E- Cooley are now proprietors win reorganize after the holidays ana a third nartner will be admitted to the firm. The new partner will be Otto Legard who is now em ployed in the store as salesman. Mr. Legard will probably manage theSilverton store as Mrs. Zosel and Mr. Cooley have other plans. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson nave gone to Riddle, Or., to spent the holidays. They will remain until the third of January. George Hauge is confined to his home with a severe cold. LADIES Wnea Irreralar or annnreaaed Ha TH emph Pllla. Safe and dependable in all nrm cum. Not aold at draff stores. Do not experiment with others; sav dis appointment, writ lor "Keller' an articular H tree. Aoareas imw fediea. Institute. Milwaukia. Wis. a L DAVENPORT OBOWEB AND SHIPPER Apple. Potatoes. Onions. Beed Pota to, true varities. "Th best that's grown." ATI kind produce solicited. 117 Front St. Portland. Or. Text Book oi WALL STREET -IM EDmON- Historr of New York Stock Exchange History of the Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York History of the New York Cnrb How to Open an Account and Methods of Jradinr. The Art oi Speculating far Profits Augmenting One's Income How to Secure Loans on Stocks Dictionary of Wall Street Terms and Values of Foreign Exchanges Co Te soon refeeef McCall, Riley & Co. Members Coeaortda-' Stock Fvahsnge ef Na Tors 20 Broad SL. New York Read Tha Classified Ads. v Tired Feet f" LM iUt Massage gently with soothing TnenuwlaWn Cools, root sustl refrosi Goods packed, snipped or stored. Fireproof Storage. Prices to Please You Phone 930 Larmer Transfer Street 1 .! Ah ai isaa nr.i iiB MRAftaf rula, M imeBlkaKrta SQL. IX Ca.tGCTSDtmIit :S0NDS: City of Wallowa, Ore. 6 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS Dated Oct. 1, 1S1 Da Oct. . 1$U DENOMINATIONS $560 v Assessed Tslustion. 1820 $199,287.00 The Citv ef Wallow, lecorper ated in 1H8. la en ef the aue stantial romrasnities ef Wallow county, Oregon. Served by th Union Pacific railroad aad sur rounded by extensive grmltural territory suited to aU kind ef farming, it is the prepereu trad ing renter for the western part of the county. In addition to gen eral farming, lumbering and dairy ing, the production ef fruit aad Hreaterk are swbatasttUl iadva triee. The bond are issued for iid walk construction Income tax exempt Pric to yield $.10 Wm. McGHchrlst, Jr. ' - Resident B?rextatrv CXABX KJNDAH. CO. Room 200 U. 8. Bamk XUdf. BONDS: HOLIDAY Round Trip FARE Oregon Electric Ry - Additional Dates of Sale December 24, 25, 2G, 31, January 1, 2 Return Limit January 4. Portland ...$2.76 Eugene . 3.77 Corvallis .... 20 Junction City 3.12 Harrisburg 2.87 Hillsboro ,u.i.ir:.... 3.06 Forest Grove... "3.59 Reduced round trip fares to all points on Oregon Electric Railway. Tualai tin and north, and Ver dure and south thereof. $2.75 round trip fare to Portland every day; re turn limit two days after date of sale. War tax 8 additional on tickets sold during De cember; none thereafter. Oregon Electric Ry. J. V. Ritchie, Agent, Salem. Ot EXTRA SPECIAL Our Utah Coal is going t These prices are cash; Utah Lump Coal $17i0 Utah Stove CoaL- 16.00 We guarantee all our coals 187 Front Street Portland, Oregon SV If M P t 11 i So. Dearborn St Chicago. t'w . i- ,nt- - ' jw"efc-vr,'-He'taiwinsn trseMoaM.u--x.ug 262.