fBE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 22. 1921 'pr Ozt&n rvrtr.7.:jn OLABiinZD ADVERTISEMENTS - Rate Ptt Word: rwr laaartioa Se 6c 8c Threo ineertiona One Week, tix insertions) One Month 20c fit month' contract, per mo 15e 13 naatba' contract, Pt aso.12c at inimum for any advertisement, 2Sc NORWICH UNION riM DfSURANCB SOCIETT ThieUoa. Botud e Burthardt fcoatdemt A sent HcaOe St. 4 MONEY TO LOAN Ob RmJ EiUU - T. K. FORD fOrtr Lvdd Buah Baak) - LOANS REAL ESTATE , t -j INSURANCE Wa taiara anything Wi have the money to Wan Par aa bark lika rent Our 4fara and city property liete at eoo plete. iee ns firit. LAX LA R LAFLAR ,4IMt-T Orr- Bl(l, rhono 1644 NEW TODAY THK HAT BOX--179 4 it trie and service. SOUTH HIGH. THAT LOT YOl' AND YOUR BUDDY O want- a real Hot in nice district, with trees, view, gas, pavement. etc We have two 50 by 1.10 hide by ea !i for $1500 for both, some terms if n'v aary. These are the cheapest fine lots wo know of today. A real Christmas present for you or anyone. Come in. Uecke Hendricks. 203 t K. Kim. building. .COOK I NO APPLES l PER BOX. 1 boxes for 11.50, delivered. Ward K Kirhart'-snn, Phone 494. 'FOR RENT THREE BUNGALOWS : t $17.50. 1 $25, 1 ;!.". Alivo nor -building. $20. F. L. Wood, 311 Slate street. .This' 3 room bu,iiiciU)W is it. J 'arjee room entirely built-in, g"ol por'-ii, Urxe forna, fireplaee, l.iiindry tubs. full cement basement, land -tamice, cement walks. nare:nen. On trim high lot with, fruit and shade, eloae to s hool and ear south, rn !." ttlik IKisneMiion. Becke k Hendrirks, 205 C. H. Bank Bids. 'OR RENT VYKI.L FCRN'ISHF.D homekeepiug rooms, also 4 roofd f-- . with, garage. 700 8. v High. 'TWO SMALL APARTMENT HOUSES for sale, ono with six apartment, for , $7000 and a 12 room for $0O0. Small old house now rented t two families ery close In. for $2400. We have several investment and business chances r today that have to pay good returns, r Corner in. Beckt Hendrkka, 203 I. H. Bank Bldg. XKW- APPLE Il'OXKS AT SUBSTANTIAL discount while they lust. 2395 Front atel. ARE YOU FULLY INSURED? IF NOT, i rail up 317 and get our rates. SounJ '- rnleetion at low cost., Standley Foley, Agents. Bush Bank Bldg. 6 ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE NOW vacant, for $1600. Large lot close to schools. Well built, clean and warm. "New plumbing, fVr.it; some terms or would take ton or light truck as psrt. We like to sell homes ond write lire insurance. Becke and Hendricks, 205 V. S. Bank Bldg. a WAXTED AT ONCE SOLICITORS FOR lltaiKins pro ucis, nun vr mn . Phone 1734-W after 5 p.m. 8 ROOM HOME AND LARGE LOT ON - North Summer street, bath, lights, bt water. Will sacrifice at $2000 for ; rash now. Becke 4c Hendricks. 25 - V. 8. Bank Bldg. WORTH WHILE 80 acres on Salem-Mt'.l City road to trude for small rauc.h near Salem Priro $t:?0 40 acres close to Sslem with good build ings; will take $50O0 in Salem prop erty as Dart pay. Price $10,.00. 17 acres 4'g mileij ut on good road to trade for Salem property. Price $2300. AVe have a buyer for a small house on monthly payment p'an. a MILLS, &. COPLEY . S31 3 State street WOOD'S BARGAINS Duiisalow and two acres close in $1750. Small bousej and six lots. $900. Five room bungalow, $1750. Five room bun galow $2600, Six room cottage. $2toO. easy terms. CO acres close in, well Improved: trade for home. 70 acre ., elosn in to trade for home. Dairy ranch. Coos eoiMtly. take part trade. F. I- Wood, 311 State street. TO EXCHANGE SMALL HOUSE AND HALF ACRE AND - good Ford car for larger bouse and . 1 small tract. Thomason ntll'i State-St. EMPLOYMENT TAILOR WANTED AT NT ATE TRA1X ing school. Salary $03 per month . and living. Shop well eqnpped. WANTED ZNERGETIC YOUNG MAX who bat had experience selling life insurance, stocks or advertising. Must be able to devote his entire time end .: la ambit iona for advancement. Must have the courage to present business proposition to merchants and profea- atonal mea. Answer in your " ui . writing stating age, educational qual incationa, experience as solicitor, etc Address "l-No. SI," Statesman office SALESMEN WANTED ill MILES PER GALLON MADE WITH new patented gasoline vaporiser. Write f"r particulars. Stranky Vaporizer Co.. Pukwans. S I MALE AND FEMALE WANTED MEN XKO WOMEN TO 1 lake farm paper subscriptions. A good prope-sitmn to the right people. Address the Pacific iioinestesu, statesman liitg '., Salem, Ore. PERSONAL tACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS, VIO lot rar; manicuring, shampooing. Or - - egon Bath House. Phona &4Q. FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS CANARY SINGERS IN FULL SONG -. Just the thing for Xmas presents. Phone Mra. Bennett, 120. 1030 Chetn- ; ek4s EXCHANGES ASTKXOMH'AI. TELESCOPE FOR nx." tak street. Saleni. FASU PAPER IK -.YOU WANT .TO OET THE HEST farm pen-r. sends Lie. to the Pacific : Horn stead,, Salem. Oregon, for a three months' trial eubserlptioa. Mention 'Maad M , , m T , Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results FOR SALE POULTRY FOR . SALE BUFF ORPINGTON COCK erels, 7 months- old. O.A.C. slock. Phone 9F6. POULTRYMEN 8KXU EIGHT TWO cant stamp tor specis! three months' trial for the best and oldest jenrnal in the west. The articles and sdver-tisenit-nt. ir' o( tperiul interest to j the poultry breeder of the northwest Norhwet Poultry Jotirn.l, 211 Com mercial St.. Palom, feregon nouses 'ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES'" 30 percent savad in coat of construc tion. Cbas. F. Smith, factory repres entative, 620 Northwest Bank bldg, Portland. Oregon. KXACEXtUAJrEOVS APPLES DELIVERED PHONE 4F2. MAY AN D WOOD" FOR SAI.K PHON K 2."4 or O'i'J rOR BALE OL.D NEW SP4.PERS, 10 rests a hnadbs. Circulatioa department, OrefOB Statesmaa. i-yiAiuw rOK aAl.h 1. PKU sack field run. Small potatoes 75:-. 1'hene 20U1J. FOR SAI.K RANGE, HEATER, RED. lamps, teakettle and coffee pot. 1560 Bellcvne street UASOl.INE AND OIL TANKS from the. largest to a alien. L. A. Westacott, factoty representative. 864 8. 12th St.. phone 1602 J. FOR .SAI.K CHRISTMAS PUPPIES, best on the count Pedigreed vi. ite Scotch rnllie, two month old Mr; Bennett. IO.Hi Chemcketa. Phone 1'JrtO THE HOUSE OF HA?.f A allLUON aad ooa bargains. VV bay, avll or aefaange anything and everything in the line of junk or second hand gooda. Jee os before you buy or sell. Stoin-r-ock Junk Go. Remember tbo place. J2 N, Commercial 8i. Phono 523. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING An especially good aalection of the tonga you Have been wanting, with worda and muste complete. No matter bow many aongbeoka yon have, you abould have tbia wno, containing the Oregon aongt. Prices; Single copies, 25c; 16 rents each ia lots of a doxen or more; $12.50 the hundrsd, postpaid. Second edition printed a.nce September. 0REG0S TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S Commercial Bt Salem. Oregon WOOD NICE DRY KIR AND OAK WOOD FOR sale. Phone 254 or 622- DRY OLD GROWTH 16 IX FIR $8 4 ft. secoud growth, $8.50. Phone 1467.' WOOD OLD MR, 91 i ft. Oak, 2 cords $15.50. Alii I, 2 cords $1400 10 iu. old fir, $15. it. Phone 42F1I. FOR SALE MEST GRADE MILu WOOD maple, second growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 16 in. Fred . Welis, Phone 1542. 303 S. Church. 18 INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD, $3.50 per load. Dry planer woo 6. $3.50 per load. Tracy Wood Co. Phone 520. FOR BIG FIR, SECOND GROWTH AK or ash wood, phone 7ir2. FOR SALE GOOD SECOND GROWTH and old fir. 4 foot or 16 inch. Phone 1252 R or 1756. WOOD WOOD Bijr second growth fir. 6.30 delivered. Phone 1013 or 1520 W'. DRY WOOD FOR SALE BIG SECOND growth fir, $6.50 $6.75 16-inch; large second growth, $7.50 and $7.75; old fir. four feet, $7; 16-inch $S; oak S3 and $9. Armstrong Transfer. Phone 195. Stand State and High. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT TWO LARGE WARM I UR nishe' rooms. Phone 1123-W. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS, HEATED, Inquire room 22, Breyman block. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR REST 1 1U2 Center street. AT FOR RENT SUITE OF TWO LARGE rooms with privste bath, will be vsc stcd soon. Also separate room. The Alexandria, 10 JO Chemeketa St, Phone 12d0. FOR RENT ROOM FOR CJF.NTLEM AN in modern home and centrally located Please give name and address. E, care Statesman HOwSES FOR RENT A NEW 5 ROOM BUNGA- low with basement and garage, on cor ner llovt and Cottage. $35. William Fleming. 3 11 State St. FOR RENT MODERN FIVE ROO.d hous at 727 South 12tll stree. J25 a month. lininedste possession. Ap ply t Stntcsinaii business office. Or I'bon- 211. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST SIMiVV KVKMX6. BLACK i marten fur on North Liberty or Cen ter. Suilslil" reward. Mrs. Charles i Weller. Phone 522 ,1. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Cspitol City Bedding Co. Phone 19. STRAWBERRY PLANTS WANTED Gold Dollar. Ettersberg or Wilson. Phone 7MF12. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furniture. Best price pai? THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AMD FURNITURE CO. 25 N. Commercial St. Phone 47 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STORAGE GARAGE TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE 544 Ferrv street. AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS -South High. W. C. WRIGHT. 171 AUTO TOP CPHOLSTERY WORK guaranteed. 553 South 12th. Phone 1126. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXTERT TR017 bl shooting. 238 North High. Phone 203. PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE sttka. Expert bstter.v and electrics! work. Ferris Bros. Thone 1803. 418 Conrt TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SMITH -WATKINB. 147 NORTH HIGH. Fisk, Si'vertnn Cord. Hnnd extra ply tires. Kvervthinr for anto RADIATOR SHOPS S A .KM At "TO nHIATOTl SHOP IBS South 12th, Phone 38. J C R A 1 R UK DI A.TOR. FENDERS, Bodies repaired. 444 Forry. CLEANING PRESSING CI KAXINO. PRESSING IvONE TO satisfaction, failed for aad delivered. The Toiswy. I87 state, riioue iis. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory BCA.LE AUTOS WEIGH FT 13 2395 FRONT USED CA&S FOR 3ALE lr. s PASSENGER light car, good eoiditioa, good tire. $150. Merchants Utm. 554 Terry strret. WANThO LIGHT TRVK IN EX ehsne oi Hud son. Essex or Baby Overland. 1 red Kirk wood, 24S State street. GARAGE AXD KEPAIS AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. KILLER, 245 Center. l'hoae 890. NEW AUTO REPAIR SHOP ALL work guaranteed. Prices reasonable William Ora;, J10 South Winter stieet. HOFFMAN ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR log, vulcanising, retreading; 1-7 South Commercial street.- Phone 471. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK. STU1E baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phone CONFXCTIOICEBT REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME made candies, confectiona, cigars, mag azinea. 1272 State. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street. S. CHILDREN'S KTJRSE CHILDREN TAKEN CARE Of DY THE hour. n:idd aged lady. phone 151 J CHINESE PRYS1CIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN diseaaa. 153 S. High St.. phone 283. DRyO STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT. Phone 134 EDUCATIONAL BE AN ARTIST WE TEACH YOl the beautiful i hesnii al oil paint in; on glass and guarantee that Jou csn do the work well after the first lesson J. earn tins art and have a paying pro fession. Price very low at present. A. ('. Maxson, room fi, 179 Stute St. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES OX WIRING. By contract, by hour. . At pre -wsr prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1744 W. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK COUNTY VAaM LOAN asaociation has money to loan at six percent. W. D. Smith, secretary treas urer, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. CITY BUILDING LOANS We have available funds for city losns, rtpayable like rent. A. 0. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon FURNITURE STORES FRANK T. RICHTER NEW, SECOND band furniture. 849 N Oou. mereial. Phona 452. FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Refinishing and upholstering a specialty. Phone 1742. Brown. and Groves, 1201 South Commercial. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for tale. Smith's, 301 North Commer cial. HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEI ROOMS AND hoard. Lunch counter. Opposite O. K. Depot. State and High. LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE ment, clean neat routes and apartments 254 N. Front St. ' r INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSCKANCt company. J. C. Balch, agent, room 6 McCoraack Bldg. Pbone 88 Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets, Phone 1043 R. 891 S. 12th FANCY WORK FANCY WORK FOR SALE 222 NORTH Commercial street. NEEDLEWORK AND EMBROIDERY shop, Jessie McCune. Tsllman's Pisno Store. 121 South Commercial HEMSTTTCHTJfO MRS. B R E CK EX R I DG E H EM STITCH ing. mail orders solicited. 175 S. 19th Phone 174 M. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING chsinstitcbing, pleating, buttons. 829 310 Oregon BbLr Phone 379 DREs8stgQ WANTED PLAIN SEWIXO AND HAND work. Call 031-R. DRESSMAKING TAILORING. MRS Goodwin. 445 North Commercial. MRS. C. JEPSOX HODISTE, 2587 Oak, phone 929. MRS VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKEF Ladies' Suits and Gowns. Over Mi ler'a Store. MESDAMES SCOTT CHASE DRESS makers. 219 Ststa St. Phone 087 LA CLAS1QUE GOWN SHOP- -EXCLUS ive models. Expert designing. 331 Vi State. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER 17U Bellevte St. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING designing. Spencer corcaela to order 2 McCornack Bldg EDITH M. ASHLEY PCCSSMAKER 13t5 Broadway. 1436 J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phone 1971-W. RUTH Mc ADAMS DRESSMAKER, 75f South 12th. Phone 1324 M. THE ADSITTS ARE PRFfARED TC do any and all kinds of ladies' tail oring for old and new caatomers. 35'.' N. !2th strest. Phone 20S5 R. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEX'F hats renovated and blocked. 495 Court street LAUNDRTB SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 13fl S Libert street. Phone 25. Oldest largest beat. Eetablisbed 18H9. CAPITAL CTTY FTEAM LAUNDRY Ouality work protunt service. 1264 Broadwsv Phone 1 6-t MILLINERY A SPLENDID I.TXR OF XMAS GIFTS at Mrs C A. "Grimms. St rm,r S, PLEATING MRS. II I LI 1KB RAND. Tt.KATINO Sonth 24th. Phone 798 Ml. -a leu LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE. LANDSCAPE GARDKN- ,-6- a-uttt Akmr sv . i "Phoae 1031-M T, , . , . . - Uso Statesman Classillcd Ads BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL FRANKLIN LAUXF.R PIAXC. 17th. Pboao lOtis-W. 68 K. MRS. HENRY LEE PIANO, tapitoi. Phone 1017 W. 1S31 N LAURA GRANT flXXO 6CWOO!. credits given. 336 N. High. Phone IKAU!. y THOMAS VImLIN. PIANO. bli'i Noith ltith l'bue HI J. M I X N ETTA MAGERS, VOCAL, DEhVBY Bund. eg. Friday aftrrnvoa, Saturlty. LENA BtLLE TAETAk VOCA-L IX structiou. Phono 344. DOROTHY PEARCE P1AK0. North Win;er. Pttone US J. I7 & ELL IE MULEEY 8TON PIAKO 373 Leslie Phone 751 -W. AI.LIE CHANDLER PIAXO, North tttage. Phoae 029 W. 251 BEATRICE SHELTOX PIANO STUDIO J45 Marion. Phone 1299. LILIAN HARTSHORN PIAXO 34 North Church. Phone 17o. T. S. ROBERTS PtANO, ORGAN. 270 South 14. h. Fbont 779. DAN. F. LANUENHERO. VOCAL Derby Bldg. I'h..na 2079. ! LtNA WATERS riAXo 1472 Mill l'Uoue 1184 ii. . M0LLIE STYLES VOICE, PIANO, 859 Ciuler. Phone 2016 K JULIA MILLS WEIGEL PIANO, 1560 South Cnurch. Pbnae 1J91 R. Lt CI1.E KOS3 PIANO. ORGAN. 49o North Liberty. I'hone H87-W. MA IT IK UILBKKT STRING 1SSTRU u.ents. 157a State. Phone 1156 K. SAXOPHONE INSTRUCTION A'jENT Buesiher Sasophones. F. V. Alle', i'7l south Churcii s(ree P.ioue lli-l.i. MISS 11 ABLE SUSPHERD PIANO piayer; Cances, all occasions. 257 N. Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY, AUTnORIZED teacher, Godowsky Progressive Series Piano, b'79 North Cottage. Phona 1950- W. LEARN PIANO 12 LESSON'S. GUAR sr.: red Waterman system. I . B. I liars, laltn.au Piauo store, 121 soutn Coicmercial. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OP MUS ic of Chicago. Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Dipfinai granted. Odd Fellow's Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diplomaa granted John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court Phone 626 TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNING, REPAIR ing. Phoue 492. JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER; iiooreJlunii o. Representative of Sherman Clay ii Co. Phone 506. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave ardors Will's Music Store. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning refinishing, rebuilding, player piauo export. Phone 1659, 121 South Commercial. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS, STEIN ways, Duo Art, and others. Moore Dunn Music siore. Masonic Temple. PHONOGRAPHS STRADIVARI PHONOGRAPH KNOWN for tone. Retailing st factory price. Room 7, Patton block. VIOLIN BOW REPAIRING VIOLIN bOW'S REHATRED P. F. Thomas. Phone J51. t. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIAN03. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano atudies. Repairing phon ographs snd sewing machines. 432 State. Salem. DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. R L. White, principal. Phone S73-J. MASSAGE PARIiOKS CABINET STEAM BATHS TUB fc-HOW- ecs. Sw c iltsii massage. Suiida; s and evenings by appointment. .Myrtle Bernard, masseuse. Residence phone ii.'io It. At Model Beauty Parlors. Pbmie 950. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. PAINT CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH ciass work for particular people. L. D Brandon, contractor. 365 North High. Phoue Gl.' J. VUBRKY H. CLARK PAINTING. PAP erhanging. kaieoniinmg. Work guar auteed. Terms reasonsble. Phone 202.VJ. 1464 Ferry. NURSERY STOCK "RUITLAXD XURSURY SALE3 YARD back of office, 5 40 State atreet. Phone 1140 M. WILLAMETTE VALLK NURSERY All kinds nursery stock for sala. Rte 7. Phone 105F5. COMPLETE LINE TREE? SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Cspitsl City Nnr sery Co.. 426 Oregon Bldg, phone 75 PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRIP tions for all magsr-ines. 251 S. 17th street. Phone 741-M. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 21 SALEM BANK OF Hid;; Kates reasonable. COMMERCE MAROARET BURNS PUBLIC STEN ogranher. 408 Masonic Bldg. Phoni 262. PRIVATE HOSPITALS PRIVATE MATERNITY 16 17 North Front S Sline HOSPITAL Mrs. J. F PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EX tracts, toilet articles. Mrs. Moyer 170 South VSrd. Phone 1224. PLUMBING PLUMBING 75c PER HOUR PHONE 950 M. PLUMBING AND REPAIR DONE REAS onablr: work uaranteeil Phone !C7 PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work Phone l;;07-J. 8hop, 127 Union s'reet. A. L. Godfrey. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO. WHOLE sale and retail plumbing aiipplies. 219 V Com,.reiai Phone 179 PRINTING FOR WEDDING INVITATION'S AND announcements, see Bertelson, printer, "Y" Building. SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. STGSS WITH KICK. Khowesnls that talk,- 424 N. Commer cial. Phone 516 ''. . ssiinrrr HOK REPAIRtKO WILIJAM'S SHOE SHOP 193 80UTH High RCAVEHGEES 1 SALEM S A ENG r.I4e O A IluA'r.. fJr. j ft'sc of all kinds remoied. Ccsik'u. I denned, ruuo iu7. BUSINESS CARDS SECOXD HAST) GOODS niOHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing aad shoes. Also do elrsning, pressing asd repairing. Csli and d-livir. Cipital Exchange, 342 North Couunervial. Phone X. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fating, hsr- ness, collars, ceiiar pads, too s, and ! chame. Fred Sch.nJier, 25a Center ! tr1 STTJTJIOS Jr. LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIE fereot ia pho-ostaphv. 1 47 X. Com'l. STOVES STOVE RXPAIKIXQ STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED--40 years experience. Depot National fence, sixes '&b to 2 inches bign. I'a.nis. oil and vsrnisl.es, el' ., tngsa berry and hop hooks. Sslem leai-e and Sioe Works. 250 Court street Phoae 12 SWEDISH TSSTIffTt I THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE MEKANO- Iherapy. Swedish tnasssge with active and jmKUTe movements. Steam cabi nrt baih, medicated parks, eiectri-il y. eic; am-oj O.rcon Bid;. Ph-.ne 554.! TEAJiBPEB HAULLXQ TRANSFERRING 1'ONE tl 25 PER ho? r. Armtresj: Trsn.ftr. Phone 195. Sum'. State and H zli. . ! CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Kt.i. e. s mi n;....Kn.,.. forwardm'i and aterage our apociatty. j Get our rates ! TAXI DIRECTORY PHONE LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY 540. i THE OREGON TAXI TRANSFER CO.' Liberty & Ferry. Phone 77. Dry stub lt-inei wood for sale I TAILORS ; FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. ! 211 S High, and Kerry TRANSPORTATION SALEM SILVERTOX STAGE Leaves Leaves Salem Silverton O. E. Depot e News Stand 7:00 am. 8:15 a.m U:00 a.m 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. SALEM IXDEPEXDEXCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Sslem. O S. Depot 7:00 am. 11 :U0 a.m. 5 :00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 am., 1:00 p.m.. 6:15 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:30 am., 1:15 p m, 6:30 p.m. Special trips i-y appointment. Seven passenger car for hire. J. W. PARKER, Prop. f? Phone 1 A Business phona 1 WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Phone 2046. Fisher Bros WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. Stores everything except ex plosives. Apply Fry's Drug Store WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OPEN Sunday morning 8 o'clock. American style. 1104 North Commercial. Phone 472 WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO Office, 301 South Com'l St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat ratea paid in advance. No deductions tor absence or any cause unless water is shut off your premises. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 322 State St. Patton Bldk. Phone 957. CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Appliances from indi vidual impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic RVIg. Thone 412. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. P.S.C.. CHIROPRAC tor, 809 12 U. S. Bank Bldg. 1'uone 87; Res. 823 It CHIROPRACTORS DR. K. P. AND Pearl M. Bradford, graduates snd posl grsduates of the fiist chartered school of Chiropractors in the world. Ten yesis in practice. Phone 526. Rooms 318 319 320 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 506 U. S. Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician snd surgeon. Kirksville graduate. 404-405 U S. National Bsnk Bldg. Phones Office. 919; Res. 614 DR. JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Phvsician snd Surgeon, 403 404 Ore gon Bldg. Phones, Office, 1394; Res SFS OPTICIANS POMEROY KEEN'E JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 388 Stste. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR- dette at the Bow Optical Company. 325 Slate Street, opposite Ladd and Bnsh Bsnk. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPASISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5, Armory. First, third Mondays REAL ESTATE 125i LAND BARGAINS. FIVE MILES from Salem; 10 seres. ! seeded ti w-he:it and cras. on timber. H70i'. 12 26 acres, j-tumn land, seeded to wh"M and grs. 2,MM 1m acres most all seeded Thi- is su'eiidid Iruit arid berry land an,' is a bargain. Mi ash, remainder ili lo eoual annual Viavments. Will take a team. auto. bogs, cattle or v nod in part pan"iit. John -It. Scott. -'-' Oregon Bldg. BARGAIN i'Icp in Cm Oak s:re-t 7 room house and lot. :J9I25, living room, dinin: rfm. kit- li-li: bedrooms. ,fs in; room, closets. bath. toilet. clcctr.' light and gas; "inml walks, paved street and on street car line. Prie-; ?:'.", Mi. cash ' 1.".iio. balance $25 per niontli. including interest b percent See L. A. Hayford Real tor EXTRA ;CKJI VALUE' 'orner lot on l.cfel'tf and south Commer rial street Parerl and a 162 ileep at $1000. Another a block from State on 2l!rd st $450 on terms or l'ss sli cssh. too others at reasonable prices, all over - tnw'n; and some veri' e(n,.ce in Fair iiionnt park, the lion Tou resileuce district. V NT . FLEMING 3 It State St. I Olt SALE 5 ROOM NEW" BUNGALOW, bati.. li.-hts ail lut'H kitchen fl'-i-i" y-c.ni, dyu :i. l.-alan e 25 a i:-.oii,h ."!' interest V. 1WIE JE'1TYJH .' ! '. I ' ; State isl " I ROOM MOOERV I'.l'.VliAI.OW AND two nice lots located on North 5th street Stairwa and attic larse en ougli for two rooms. Price $:50o. terms. It. A Moliiiey, 2o'J Oreson P.ldi. Ptw.wc 217 FOR SALE GOOD FIX E ROOM BI N Klow. I750. Seven room bungalow w.th i-eiflent basrinenl. two lots and garage, east Salein. neel money, make an offer. Owner, Room 5, D'Arcy Building isa Stalusman Classified t u&e &uiti,niaQ tviaviiita Ads - REAL ESTATE JUST COMPI.ETF.D 5 ROOM modern lmii;!o. Ive bi'ocWs NEW from state street, ready lo s'orr into in lew days. Prire low at .'T50 Terms f 5vO down p'r ;nh S. R. PEARSON 210 U11 u. s. It I RUm. u:j; . . . . j -in nnv nv t;txl KviiM se I rurity ur i!e lusn in irer aiciounts- . St4(MJ; uol terws Square Deal Realty Co, U. a. Bank BM GOOD BUYS I.kO acre tract. 5 a re under cult ival ion. pssiure. 5 rvom .ung' . . .Irillc? w .!! iarfe i-hickci hot-.se. W extliaitKe for house and lot. Price i .'.(50 l:'." acre f-rm. 110 acres in fail crop, balance' pasture and timlrt r. ttKd mod i-rn Im:pj1o fc.uise. tine baru. farae. hog hoMxe. woct-u wire fence. Price l.iu per aire 120 seres of line land located j rai'es t;-om Sslem. t0 mre cultivated. tl ani e pasture and ' fine timber. Price , ti'j.ww ;'(,u sere fjirtn. tro acres cultivated snd 1 wll in , r;. Price e'5 per sere. I A bki -k of land containing nearly one ' acre, ail cu'tiValeV. ciose to car line ! a'vil p.n e.l ts'L Price 0ot 5 1 down. Valance 10 per mouth 6 per cent interest. l We have miiie fine trarts of land from '3 " seres on jour own terms. ""-et H per cent Tf vot. .re l.wikina for aerensc on rtvy termv see us ; . . it iimi nmr a J.M rjj c lisi HI nouses anu I'Ui.rt.n; lots -.---IW.H.GRABENHORST&CO. ' ,., .!, 275 state Si BEST BUYS 5 room bungslow. miIern except furnace . itir fruit, barn, gsrse. gravel street. 4 lIoci from school: only $2275 10O0 cash. ti room bungalow close to state Vonse. plastered. modern, frooii condition, full basement, lawn, grave street. 1 block from Stale street, close to Washington junior high school; price ?375o. Terms. H room, story slid a half bungalow cast front, psved street, furnstc. every thing striilly n.odern and in .irst cbiss condition, located dose in; a re.:! buy at 5iM0. j00O cash. We have 4i'( to loan on ;'uw r-sl state secntity. We want to K.t Urge sio i an-i d.iir; furiii. S0C0L0FSKY iftl State street Special j A good farm of t I acres, most all in cultivation. 2 , acres iu crop on good road; fair buildings, all stock and tools and feed fur 5o00. Will take some city property. 8i acres with fair bti ilduigs-on good road to csfhin;i' for small llaiV, good lot on paved street to trade for small house. Will pav cash difference. THOMASON r.lll'j State street FOR SALE Good fire room house, two lots, close to car. $2500; $300 'cash, bslauce $15 per month. 7 room house, close in. price $2500. Good lot close to car, terms. We have some good trades; if you wsut to trade, buy or sell see H, L. MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. Phone 907 LET US ExrLAIN THE WEW SYSTEM 4f felling your property. Property listed not exclusive. Your property photographed. Brown, Magee and Bessie Snyder. Over Bnaiek'a Store. State and Commercial. Phone 559, GOOD CAR WANTED AS FIRST PAY ment on good 6 room house, on psved streets, lots of fruit: two blocks from car line, can pay the rest like rent Price $2500. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray BVg. MR HOME BUYER YOl) CAN BUT A 6 room bungalow less than a year old for $100 lss than I 'was offered for it nine months sgo. Hss basement, Dutch kitchen, closets ami- sleeping porch. $1000 will handle it. See it todsj 125 I.effelle. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. December 6, 1921 Notice is hereby given that srbject to the conditions and limitations of the Acts of June !. 1916 (7.9 Stst. 218) and June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 7581, and the instructions of the Serretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917 (46 L. !-, 4 17) and June 22. 1920 (47 L. I til), the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock a.m January 24, 1M22, at public auction at the United States Land Off j, e at Portland. Orego'i, to the higheat bide'er at not less than the appraised value as shown by this pntiee, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior The imrclie nrice. with in additional sum of one fifth of one percent there,?, being commissions ullnwed, must be deposited st time ot sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent -nil issue for the t'ltiber which must be rer: overt within ten ye:,rs. Bids wil! be received from citizens of the United States, el ocutions of such uti.enx and curisor- tions orTanized under the laws of the I nited States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon appli cation of a qmltfied iiut.-uHer the tim ber on any legal mix' iris ton will be offered separately before being included in snv offer of a larger unit T. 2 S . R. n. E . W. M . Sec. 21. Lot 6, fir 1I5M.. none of the fir !li-rcon ro be sold for less thai $1 .") per M T. 1 S. R. S. E. W. M. Sec rn SWa SWV. fir 360 M.. none of the fir thereon to be sold for less than 11.25 per M. WILLIAM SPRY. Commissioner. General Land Office PUBLIC NOTICES .NOTICE Notice is hereby given 'that 1 have impounded the following de scribed don in compliance with Ordinance No. 1 404 to-wit: One Collie, wpicht about forty pounds The above described do;j will be killed if not redeemed by owner on or before December 2.",th, IS 21. as provided in said Ordinance. W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner. $fM.OtH.lM KOl IUMS OF MAIMON UOINTV, OltEUOX Scaled pruposaln wiil be re- ce'te'l bv the County Court of Marion County, Oreson. at the Ctrurt House iu Salem in said County, until Ieretnber 3. 121. ;it the hour of 12 o'clock noon of said day. lor the purrhas': of S2of. O'io (io I'prmaiient HoaiJ Hoiid.s of Marion f'ounty. Oresun. part of an issue of $h.J0,000.0o authorized at an election htld June ::, irtl!. The bonds no offered for ;.le lial! be dated July i.,. lien. $:'.ii,oi,i.tiM there of Vhall mature July l.".. 12S. $S." fi'Mi on shall mature July 15. 1329. and $ S .",.0)0 00 sliall iji.i ture July 15. 1930. and shall be in denominations of $.". o i,r multiidns thore'tf up to the sum of $1000.00. to suit the purchas er, and sha'i bear interest at th rate of five and one-half (5 Vs',', ) per cent per annum, payabla semi annnally. All bidders arc re'juhed. to ia THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Copyright. ARt too ; r-R. -Sktrjuca. That w c?vitV WtFC J COnevMlT- j-. Asut ot4 tne FifTtoa CO rXH.UKS A WECK ALIFAOMT I V fcttUKXi? - f WOT "tt Op JOSI AS SK , paake it rwCNTty ggfa J-Q close with their bid a certified check payable lo the order of Ma rion County, Oregon, and drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company to the amount ot two per cent of the par value of the bonds bid for, and the check of the successful bidder will be applied by tho County In part payment of the purchase price 01 to secure the County againn loss resulting from the failur; of the bidder to comply with the terms of the b'd submitted. No bid will be received for a- price of less than par and accrued interest and the bonda will be sold to the high:, est bidder. The County Court re serves the right to reject any and all bids. The proposals should be addressed to U. C. Boyer. County Clerk, Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, and marked "Proposals for Road Bonda." Tae successful bidders will be turn- ished with the opinion of Messrs. Storpy, Thorndike Palmer A Dodge, ot Boston, Massachusetts, that the bonds are a valid obli gation of Marion County, Oregon. By order of the County Court, U. O. BOYER. Clerk. Building Permits in Salem Show Increase ( Nothing daunts Salem property owners who are determined to utilize winter months in making repairs to standing bufklings and erection of new homes. Despite the mild seasonal storms experi enced recently City Recorder Earl Race reports that the Imtlding ap plications continue to come in. The following permits were is- tsued during the past two weeks: Ia. A. Gier, '475 North Fifth. one story bungalow, to cost $3500. James Roque, 385 Bellevue, re pairs to two story dwelling at a cost of about $3-0. James Heit zel. 1425 North Sixteenth street, a one story frame dwelling to be built bv Cox & Sharp at a total cost of about $1900. Associated Oil company, Oak and Nineteenth streets, repair and alterations to oil station; com $2000. Joseph Baumgarlner, for erection of three one Ktoty frame garages at 328 Front street at a tost of $250. Foster & Kleisec one bill board to be erected at Co lumbia near Fifth street, at a cost of $200. Mrs. A. WickJander of 120r SOLVE THIS PUZZLE WIN A BIG GrVSH PRIZE 1 23 First Prlzt $200.00 Iwenty-sevas othei W5 6 ktg prtxet total! La t soo.ot -r- 78 Oaak Rear.-aage the figures ia the sbo qnare ia snch a tusnaer that they wil wunt 15 every way and send as yea ir, together with your name aai addresa. aad 11 it ia correct, we will -a once mail you a magnificent three eolo cite road map and 1920 census of tat tate of Oieson. and full particnlara e one simple condition that yon must fat fill Voge'eer with mm rrintrated pits list. This ronditiea is very easy aa need not cost yon one eent of yonr ew noney it ie merely a matter of secerini two aannrl ahsfrintiimt ($1 00 earn to the PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the old est and beat wewklr farm magwaiaa pub lished ia the Pseifie Northwest. How to Send Your Solution Use only oae side ef the pap tbs nentajna the eolotion and pot your asm and address ea the epper right aaa o rr I'hree ladependeat indgee, having as connection with this firm will award Iks prixoa. and the answer gsinieg 250 po ia will take the first prise. Yen will f lor, points for silving the puss), 40 aril be awarded for general appearance, sty I, spelling, pnnrtuatasn. etc. 10 nins fe hand writing, and IOO points for falfil ing the conditions af the contest. The snnonneement Of the prise wis eera snd the eorrert eolation will printed at the rleee ef the rosiest, aa4 a ropy sssiled to each peraoa a dial ia a solnlion This splendid effey trill only aa gee for a I, mi tea) time. Saj Sew 4 la yoer a Isittoa right away tst la Pauls Oosteat Editor THE PACIFIC H0MESTEAI a 1 9 Smtb CVunitirrrial ,VALKMf OREGOri .eava Rural avenue, on story frame dwelling at a cost of $2000. Rob. ert Sanger, 1859 Fir street, one story fram dwelling; cost (2400. Frank C. FerguKm, 760 South Commercial street, at a cost of 15000. V. ' L. Odom. S4& North Fifteenth, one story frame dwell ing to cost $3:.00. Buell, rhlllips & Hulglu. contractors. Had Kidney Trouble Tea Vera ; Don't give up hope if you are , suffering from backache, rheum- atic pains, stiff,- swollen joints, always tired feeling pains m groin and muscles or other symw ptoms of kidney-trouble., J. T., Osborn, R. K, D. No, l,Lucas ville. O.. writes: f'l had kidney trouble for, 10 years.1. 'I tried Ml' kinds ot kidney remedies but tbey did me no good. ! took ons bot-, tie of Foley Kidney Pills and they helDed tna so much 1 am well now Sold every whor.AdT. TEXT BOOK of WALL STREET " 'l imtstltloai r "V ttow ready for free distribution . McCall, Riley & Co. aWsejvkelsVTJ) CeMMMti . Sacs tsaanaace t , Terlt 20 Broad St., New Yorlr OF THE STOMACH HXXJ CANT ENJOY LIFE I I wkk sore, sour, Uoeter stoau acJu Food doe$ aot aooruh. lastead it is a source ol Buserjr, catiaiag pains, belching duziaese aad beatU achea, 3 The pessoa svkK a bed atosnadt thouU be satisbed wiris BotltiDg less tKaa pe lanent, Isjting relict, ' 1 The light remedy wiH act ttpe ike liningi of the stomach, enrich the blood, aid ia carting out the catarrhal poisons aad strengthen every bodily (uactioa. , 3 The largo numbet of people hs I 3 have ftxess(utly used Dr. HaAssaa's p famous eaedicme, roMmsneaded lor aB catarrhal Condi rioot, offer the atwgual possible endorse 3ierd tor Pe-ru-nA IN SE8Y1CE FIFTY TEAKS Q TABtrrs or uquib Q SOLO CVCRYWrURC SALEM MARKETS : I PHes enotetj ere syeoveeaie aa ei prices received by farmers. Ne retaJ prices are given . . Oats, milling, net 4Se. Wheat No 1. sacked, 7e. Osts, feed, "e. y . Vetch and Oaf hay, $11. Clover hay, $to. Mill rna mill fed, ft i EOQS. BUTTE B BUTTtSTAT Eggs, tOc. C reamery butter, 46e. BoMerfat, Hens. ligbU I7e Ml Hens, hesrjr. 22. T . rtiiekens, avring, IJe. boosters, old, 9 I1" Tnrkeys, liv. 30e K 32e Tttrtev,. dressed a frr 41e ' FORK, MUTTON AND BIEP . lings. He t.ambs. 4e ; ' Ton vesl. 1 3'jc. Pork, dressed, lit - , Rteers, ' V Se. , 1 BMt- FETJTTS Fweperor Grape. 12o. I i , Rtitansi, tte. I emoni. 6. 4. . Nsvel orsaX'-s. $j.j. -nr,da grapefrw it. $S fT.aO. C.I, forms grape frnit. $4.0O. -Waahiugton ersebe i, bos $6.75. VSQKTABLF.S Eastern rrenlierrie, bbl. t-2. J Sweet KMlees. 5e if Ot, ' Potat'K-s. t.i. CaHbaee.. 2c. California l"oee. . 14 , f rneeiwWers. I 25. . Caoliflower. - 2. v Turnips, n.- . ;t Ball peppers, Jb-, Parsnips.:-2. . ' . ' .... Oiwgon enShita, ft. r . j, Carrots. $l.t5; ' i f. " ' Head l tine. rrale.' crste, $5. . Rts. '. . . - tilery. " , " 1 ' ; ; pates, riot. nOKCY - - Fialee, 16e. , Package date, case. ffl.TS. F.ga. I2e. f'Mik knsaf eaaa $A CoteaauU, dviea, l.?a. ...