jTTE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20. 1921 CXJLSSTJTZD ASTSlTUnCEXTS Rata Per Word:. , Per Issertioa T Three - Insertions ' be Urn VMk (tlx Insertions) 8c Ob Meatk - ?t 8il month contract, pr S316 It month' contract. tr mai2 If ialmua for any advertlaeaaeat, 25 NORWICH UNION flRS tNSCRANCK BOCXETT TMelaoav, Roland 4 Barghardt tOTldeat Aseat S71 State SC. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Baal Batata T. K FORD (Over Ladd 4 Btnh Bank) LOANS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We bnn aaythlag Wa hsve the measy to loaa Pay a back lika rant Our farm, and city pro party liata ara eoa plata. ' alee aa firat. LA2XAB LATLAtt 408T Oregon Bide. Phona 1644 NEW TODAY YOUR SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU wait. Wardrobe, 178 South High. FOR HALE YOUNO CHICKENS FOR Christmas. 4277 North Winter. tr.OO WANTED FOR 3 YEARS ON city property. Address "A 32" cure Statesman. 127 BUT8 OVERLAND '75 MECHAN IraUy perfect: good appearance and tires. 94) Center. LOST SUNDAY EVENINO. BLACK marten far on North Liberty or Cen ter. Suitable .reward. Mrs. Charlee Wollec. Phone 522-J. FOR SALF BUFF ORPINGTON COCK erals, 7 months old. O.A.C. stock. Phone 9Ftt. APARTMENT FOR RENT TWO ROOM apartment and kitchenette. Strain heated: ho and eotd water.' ; Persons with children need not apply. Dr. C. II. Sc-benk. Derby Bldg. Phone 112. TAILOR WANTED AT STATE TRAIN ing school. Salary $83 per aionth . and living. Shop well equpped. FOR SALE-GOOD SECOND GROWTH and old fir, 4 foot or IS inch. Phone 1252 R or 1756. BUY A HOME FOR CHRISTMAS WE have them for sale. See ua K4 you bay. Krueger, 209 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE RANGE. HEATER. BED, ' lamps, teakettle and coffee pot. 1560 Beljevue atreet. FOR RENT KIVE-ROOM HOUSE paved street, garage; permanent tent er wanted. .Vacant January lt or before. Phone 1141 J. FOR 8ALE CHRISTMAS PUfPIES beat on tha coaat - Pedigreed white Scotch rollie, two month old. Mra Dennett, 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 12M0 WHY BE WITHOUT PROTECTION when insurance ia so cheap! Call 847 ; for tha MeMinnrille Co.'s ratea. Sound and low coat. Standley and Foley, gents., Phona 347, Bush Bank Bldg. CABINET STEAM BATHS TUB SHOW era, Swedish massage. fcundays and evenings by appointment. Myrtle Bernard, massense. Keaidenee phone . f 1250 R. . At Model Beanty Tartars Phona 956. FOR RENT MODERN FIVE 81X)M house at 727 South 12th street, 8 ' a month. Immedate possession. Ap - ply - at Statesman business office. Or Phono 23. FOR RENT TWO LARGE WARM FUR- niahe?- rooms. Phone 1123-W.' GOOD USED PIANOS $177. $195 AND $225. Tallroen Plana Store, 121 South Commercial atreet. FURX18HED ROOMS FOR RENT AT 1132 Center atreet.! XKW PIANOS STANDARD MAKES $208. Tallraaa Piano tore, 121 S .. Commercial street. Special A food farm of 44 arret, most all in cultivation, 85 acrea in crop on good road, fair buildings, all Mock and tools ' and feed for $5000. Will take some city propertv. ' 80 acres with fair buildings on good road to exchange for small trade, good lot on paved street to trade for small house. Will pay rairh difference. Will pay csvh dif THOMASON 331 State street r WOOD WOOD . Biff aecond growth fir. $6.50 delivered. Phone 1019 or 1520-W. BEST BUYS 5 room bungalow, modern except furnace; some fruit, barn, garage, gravel street. '4 block from school; only $2275. $10OO eaah. 6 ! room bungalow close to state house. . plastered, modern, good condition, full basement, lawn, gravel street, 1 block ' from State atreet. close to Waahington junior high school; price $3750. Terms. 8 room, story and a half bungalow, east front, paved street, furnace, every thing' strictly modern end in .irst crass condition, located close in; a real boy at $5000, $3000 rash. We have $4000 to loaa on rood real state security. ' Wa want to Isit large atoe'e and dairv SOCOLOFSKY' 841 State atreet EMPLOYMENT WANTED ENERGETIC TOUNO MAN who hss had experience aelliag life iaauraaea, stocks or advertising. Must be able to devote his entire time and ': bo ambitious for advaaeeaenk Muat : have tha courage to preseat business proposition so merenaats ana protes , ; sionsl asen. Answer la yonr own hand writing atating age. educational oonl - tricatioas, experience as aolicitor, eta. Address "I-No 81." Ststesmsa office. MAZE AND FEMALE WANTED MEN AWD WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A rood ' pro pes it io a to tha right people. Address the Paetfto Homestead, Statesman. Bid . Salem. Ore. PERSONAL fACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS. VIO .; let ray : manicuring, shampooing, uf egwa Bath House, Phoae 50. FOR SALE CANARY BODS CANARY SINGERS IN FULL SONG. . Jast tha thing for "Xmss presents. phona Mra. Bennett, 1280, 1030 Chem- ' ekets. EXCHANGES, ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE FOR Ford runabout or rhasaia, Guy Green. n5 Osk street. Hslcm. FARM FATES IF YOTJ WANT TO GET THE BEST A farm paper, ae-ndr 15e t tha Pacific " V Homestead. 8a!em, Oregoa, for a thraa e moiths' trial aubacrlytioa. Mention ' tBia ad. FOR SALE BOUSES ALA1DIN READY CUT HOUSES" 90 perraat saved in cost of eenatrue- tsa. Cbaa. r. Smith, factory repres entative, 20 Northwest Baak Bldg, roroioo, uregen. POULTBr POULTRYMEN SE.VL. fCJCHT TWO rant (tamp for aperial thrca month' trial for tha beat aad otJaat Journal in tha weat. Tha article aad adver tiaemeata ara of special interaat to tha poultry breeder of the northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com- mereaJH .. Balaro, Oregon. UUCSXXJkMZQV APPLES DELIVERED PHONE 4F2. FOR HALE Phone 520. ROUND o.(k TABLE FOR SAI.F. A FEW HI XIiREH GOOSE berry plant. Phone 47K3. CHRISTMAS TREES Lie TO 50c. 1605 Chemeketa, C7 and 1390 South 12th street. rOR 8ALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a baadla. Circulation department. Orocoa Statesman - POTATOES FOR SALE $1.50 PER axle field run. Small potato.- 7."e. Phone 2091 J. 0A8OLINE AND OIL TANKS from tha largest to sn.allesl. L. A. Westaeott, factory representative. 864 S. 12th Bt, phona 1602 J. THE HOUSE OP HAL allLLION aad ona bargain!. Wa buy, evil or exchange anything and everything in tha line of junk or second hand roods, aloe ua before you boy or aell. Stein ' aek Junk Co. Remember tha place. 02 n. commercial St. Phona 523. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa especially food selection of tha tongs yon have been wanting, with words and muiie comolete. No matter how many aongaooke yoo have, you should have this one, containing tha Oregon songs. Prices: Single copies, 25e; 164 cent each ia lota of a doien or more; $12.50 the hundred, postpaid. Second edition printed since September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 115 8. Commercial St. Salem. Oregon WOOD NICE DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOR ala. Phone 254 or 622- DRY OLD GROWTH 16 IN FIR. 88 it. second growin, is.au. room 1467. WOOD OLD FIR, 87 4 ft. Oak, 2 2 cords $14.00. Phone 42F14. cords $15.50. ASH, 16 in. old fir, $15.50. FOR SALE ttfcST GRADE MILL- WOOD maple, second growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 16 in. Fre! L Wells, Phone 1542. 805 S. Church. 16 INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD, $3.50 per load. Dry planer wooo, $3.50 per load. Tracy Wood Co. Phone 620. FOR BIQ FIR, SECOND GROWTH OAK or ash wood, phone 77F2. DRY WOOD FOR SALE BIG SECOND growth fir, $6.50 and 16-inch; large second growth, $7.50 and $7.75; old fir, four feet, $7; 16-inch $8; oak $8 and $9. Armstrong Transfer. Phone 195, Stsnd State end High. FOR RENT APARTMXNT3 FOR RENT FURXI8HED APASTMEXT No children 292 N. Summer. A TWO ROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT Telephone, light, wood and water fcrnishec-. Phone 634 J. FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL TWO ROOM unfurnished modern apar'.incnt. Also furnished sleeping rooms, reasonable. Call 555 Ferry street. BOOMS FOR REXT OFFICE ROOMS, HEATED. Inquire room 22, Breyman block. FOR RENT rooms an Union. THREE UNFURNISHED bath. Adults only: 494 FOR RENT SUITE OF TWO LARGE rooms with private bath, will be vac ated soon. Also separate room. The Alexandria, .1030 Chemeketa St. Phone 1280. , FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN in modern home and central It located Please give name and address. E, care Statesman HOUSES . L. WOOD 841 ft STATS ST, REAL estate, rentals. FOR RENT A NEW 5 ROOM BUNG A low with basement and garage, on cor ner Hoyt and Cottage. $35. William Fleming, 341 State St. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST RED WIRE WHEEL FROM Overland car with 31x4 Fiak red tire Between Korti Apt, and Brooks about 7 or 8 the morning of December 16 Phone 702-W. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED POLAND CHINA PIGS Phone 114F3. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co. Phona 19 WANTED WOOD DEALER WAXTS TO buy dry oak and fir. Armstrong Transfer. Phone 195. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furniture. Best pricea paii THE CAPITAL HAKUW AKK AND FURNITURE CO. 3ftS N Commercial St Phona 847 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STORAGE GARAGB TRACT'S STORAGE OARAGE Ferry atreet. 844 TIRES AND ACCESSORIES 8MITH-W ATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH. Fiak, SilvertoB Cord, Hood extra ply tiree. Evervthtnr foe anto AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS W, C. WRIGHT. 171 South High. AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK a-usranteed. 653 South 12th. Phoae 1126. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EX7ERT TROU ble ahootiof. 238 North Hick. Phone 80S. PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE : ttttiea. Expert battery and electrical work. Farria Bros. Phone 1803, 4lf lnnr RADIATOR SHOPS SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 Sowth 12th. Phone 28. J. C. BA1R, KADIATORS, FENDERS. inAlea renal d 444 Keeev SCALES AUTOrt WFTOWm IS. tflU FROST Read The Classified Ads, BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory USED CARS FOR 3 A LB 11. 9 PASSENGER light ear, good condition, rood tires, 8150. Merchants ieiive., 554 Terry atreet. WANTED LIGHT TRc'CK IN EX cbana Ok Hudson, Ksset or Bshy Overland. Fred Ktrkwood, 248 Stsu street. GARAGE AND REPAIR AUTO REPAIR SHOP U. MILLER, 245 Center. Phone eirO. XKW AUTO REPAIR SHOP A 1.1. work guaranteed Pri-e reasonable, William Gray, 10 South Winter meet HOFFMAN A ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR log, vulcaniaing, retreading; 1ST South Couuiercial atreet. Phone 471. CAPITAL GARA8E BUICK. STUDE baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phone . CLEANING PRESSING CLEANING, PRESS:.a DONE TO YOUR aatisfaction. Called for and deliverec.. The Toffery, 1875 State. Phone 842. CONFECTIONERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY, HOME made candies, eonfectioaa, cigars, asag aaines. 1272 State. TTHTM BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street. 956. CHILDREN'S NURSE CHILDREN TAKEN CARE OF BY THE hour, middle aged lady. Phone 1518 J. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High St., phona 283. DRUQ STORES BREWER DRUQ CO. 405 COURT. Phone 184. EDUCATIONAL BE AN ARTIST WE TEACH YOU the beautiful chemicsl oil painting on glass and guarantee that you can do the work well after the first lesson. Learn this art and have a paying pro fession. Price very low at" present. A. C. Maxson, room (I. 479 State St. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING. By contract, by hour. At pre-war pricea. H. W. Hatch, phone 1744-W. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK COCNTY FARM LOAN association has money to loaa at ill percent. W. D. Smith, secretsry treas arer, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. CITY BUILDTNO TflAVa We have available funda for eity loans. npsysuia lite rent. A. 0. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon FURNITURE STORES rRANK F. RICHTER NEW. BXOOND- hand furniture. 849 Jf flaanmernlsl Phona 452. FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Kefimshing- and upholstering a specialty. Phone 1742. Brown and Groves, 1201 South Commercial. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for aala. Smith', 801 North Commer cial. HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEL ROOMS AND noara. Lunch counter. Opposite O E. Depot. State and High. LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE- ment, clean neat rooms aad apartmonta 254 N. Front St. INSURANCE MUTUAL' BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. O. Balch, agent, room 5. MeCornsck Bldg. Phona 86. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS uoraets. Phone 1048-K. 891 S. 12th FANCY WORE! FANCY WORK FOR SALE- -222 XORTH Commereial street. NEEDLEWORK AND EMBROIDERY shop, Jessie McCune. Tallman's Pisno Store. 121 Booth Commercial HEMSTITCHING MRS. BRECKENRIDGE HEMSTITCH ing, mail orders solicited. 17S 8. 19th Phone 174 M. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING chamstitching, pleating, button. 829 830 Oregon Bldg Phone 879. DaWSSMAXTjrQ WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND HAND work. CsII 631-R. DRESSMAKING TAILORING. MRS wooaww, 445 north commercial. DRESSMAKING CARRIE ROGERS Ashby. 606 8. 21st. Phone 377 R, MRS. 0. J EPSON Oak, phona 929. MODISTE, S567 MRS VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER L.aOies Suits and Gowns. Over Mil ler a Store. MESDAME3 SCOTT A CHASE DRESS makers, 219 State 8s. Phono 987 LA CLASIQUE GOWN SI10P--EXCLU8 iv model. Expert deaiguing. 831 Btete. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER 1710 Believse St. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING designing. 8peaeer eorcseta to order 2 MeCoraeek Bldg. . EDITH M. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER 1345 Broadway. 1436-J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phona 1971-W. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. 756 South 12th. Phone 1824 M. THE ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinda of ladies tail ring for old and new customers. 851 N. 12th street. Phone 2085-R. MILLINERY A SPLENDID LINE OF XMAS GIFT at Mrs. C. A. Orimtna, MS Conrt St PLEATING MRS. HILDKBRAND. PLEATING 890 South 24th. Phone 798 Ml. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S ' bats renovated and blocked. 495 Uoan street LAUVDRXBk 8AI.EM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 Libert street. Phono 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1689. CAPITAL CITY f TEAM LAUNDRY j . Quality work prompt service, ixos Ft war Phono 1V Read The Classified Ads, BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL FRANKLIN LAUNER PIANO. 17th. Phona loo W. tea n. MRS. HENRY LEE PIANO. Capitol. Phone 1017 W. 1831 N LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL credits given. 33 M. High. Phone 17 1 W. PEARL F. THOMAS VIOLIN'. PIA.VO, tifc.i North ltith. Phone lolSj. MINN ETTA MAGERS VOCAL. DERBY Building. Friday afternoon, Saturtlty. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IS strucln. Phona 334. DOROTHY PEAKCE PIANO. North Winter. Phone 345 J. 7 NELLIE S73 U ML'LKEY STONE PIANO He. Phona 751 W. ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO. 251 North uae. Phoae it W. BEATRICE SHFLTON PIANO STUDIO 345 Marion. Phone 12. LILIAN HARTSHORN PIANO 394 North Church. Phone 178. T. 8. ROBERTS PIANO, ORGAN. 270 South 14th. Pbout 778. DAN. F. Derby LAXGENBKRO, VOCAL Bldg. Piiuae 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO Phone 1184 M. 1472 Mill MOLLIE STYLES VOICE, PIANO, 859 Center. Phone 2016 R. JULIA MILLS WEIGEL PIANO, 1560 South Church. Phase 131 R. LUC1LE ROSS PIANO, ORGAN, 48 North Liberty. Phone 1187-W. MATTIE GILBERT STRING 1NSTRU menu. 157a State. Phoae UStt R. SAXOPHONE INSTRUCTION AOENT Buesther Saxophones. i M. Alley, T71 south Church street. Phone 114 I J. MISS MABLE BZZSPUERD PIANO player; dances, all occaaiooa. 257 '. Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY, AUTHORIZED teacher, Godowaky Progressive Series Piano, 67 North Cottage. Phone 1950-W. LEARX PIANO 12 LESSONS. GUAR anteed. Waterman aystem. F. B. Clark, Tallman Piano store, 121 south Commercial. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OP MCS ic of Chicago. Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. DipV-mss granted. Odd Fellow's Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diplomas granted John R. Sitae, director. 1287 Court Phone 626. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNING, REPA1R ing. Phone 492. JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER; Moore-tlunn to. Representative of Sherman Clay Sl Co. Phone 50j. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave order Will's Music Store. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning refinishing, rebuilding, player piano expert. Phone 1659, 121 South Commercial. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS, STEIN ways, Duo-Art, and other. Moore Dunn Music store. Masonic Temple. PHONOGRAPHS STRADIVARI PHONOGRAPH KNOWN for tone. Retailing at factory price. Koom 7, Patton block. VIOLIN BOW REPAIRING VIOLIN LOWS REHAIRED P. F. Thomas. Phone 1518-J. MUSIC STORES GEO. O. WILL PIANOS, PHONO- grspbs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phon ographs and sewing machines. 432 State, Salem. DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. R. L. White, principal. Pkone 878 J LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE, LANDSCAPE GARDEN er, 1565 South Liberty. Phone 1031-M MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY- Pbone 517-W. MULTIGRAFHXNO MULTIGRAPHING, PRINTING PER feet work; dependable. M inkier-tied Berg Mail Adv. Co., 212 Oregon Bldg PAINT CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH elaas work for particular people. L. D Brandon, contractor. 865 North High. Phone 645-J. 1UBREY H. CLARK PAINTING, PAP arhangmg. kalaomtning. Work guar anteed. Terms - reasonable, Phont 2035 J. 1464 Ferry. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD back of office. 540 State street. Phone 1140-M. WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY All kinds nursery stock for sale. Rte 7. Phone 105F5. COMPLETE LINE TREE? SMALL fruits, ornamental. Canltal City Nur eery Co., 426 Oregon Blig. pkone 75 PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUB SCRIP tions for sll magaxines. 251 S. 17tb street. Phone 741-M. PRINTING FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, see Bertelson, printer. Y Building. PRIVATE HOSPITALS PRIVATE MATERNITY HOSPITAL 1647 North Front St. Mr. J. F Stine PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EX tracts, toilet articles. Mrs. Mayer 170 South 23rd. Phona 1224. ' PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 201 SALEM BANK OF COMKERCE Bldg. Rates reasonable. MARGARET BURNS PUBLIC STEN oarsuhsr. 408 Masonic Bldg. Phoa 262. PLUMBING PLUMBING 75c PER HOUR PHONE 950-M. PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397 J. Shop, 1Z7 Union street. A, L. Godfrey. VORTHWE8TERS PIPE CO. WHOLE aala and retail olumbinc euDDlies. 219 N. Commerrtsl. Phona 179. BIONS UNION SIGN CO. STGNS WITH KICK, Show car.: a that talk. 424 N. Comnier eial. Phone 546. SCAVENGERS (tAt.EM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuse of all kin. removed. Coaa pools Waae4 Phoae tt . SHOE BXFATXISO WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 194 SOUTH High.- BUSINESS CARDS SECOXD HAND UOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND kasd clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Ci)itl Eichasga, 342 Xertk Commercial. Ph&ne 1368 ". WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kisda. p'lso ftttinga, har Bx-aa, collars, collar pada, Uwia, and etaas. Fred SchiBdlcr. Center ttreet STUDIOS XE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING IIF ferent ia phe'ograpby. 147 N. Com'l. STOVES STOVE BXPATSJOtO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yesrs experience. Depot Nations! fence, sues 26 te 38 inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc., log a berry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 1Q4. SWEDISH THSTITUTE THE SWEDISH IXSTITUTE MEKAXO Therapy. Swedish massage with active and pataive movements. Steam cabi net be'B. medic a led pucka, electricity, etc.; 301 02 Oreron Bldg. Pause 558. TRAN STEB HAULING TRANSFERRING DONE 1 25 PER hour. Armstrong Transfer. Phone iy. Stan,'. State and High. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Stat St, phone 933. Distributing forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. TAZX DIRECTORY LAXHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 540. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO, Liberty A Ferry. Phono 77. Dry lah in-inch wood for sale TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT 211 & High, and Ferry. TAILOR, 1 TRANSPORTATION SALEM SILVERTON STAGE Lesves Leaves Salem Silvertoa O. E. Depot e News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem, O. S.' Depot 7:00 a m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m, 1:00 p.m., 6:15 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:80 a.m, 1:15 p.m, 6:30 p.m. Special trips y appointment. Seven passenger car for hire. J. W. PARKER, Prop. Re Phntie IS Hnainess chose WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD HAWING. Phone 2046 Fisher Bros WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. Stores everything except ex- plosives. Apply try i Drug Store WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OPEN Sunday morning 8 o clock. American style. 110 Va North Commercial. Phone 472 WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office, 801 South Com'l St. Test per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid m advance. No deduction for absence or any eauae unless water ia shot off your premises. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 822 State St. Patton Bldk. Phone 957 CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Appliancee from indi vldosl impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic Bldg. Phone 442. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. K SCOTT. P.8.C, CHIROPRAC tor. 809 12 U. 8, Baak. Bldg. rbon 87: Kes 828 R. S CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. P. AND Pesrl M. Bradford, graduates snd post graduates of the first chartered school of Chiropractor in the world. Ten yeats in practice. Phone 526, Rooms 318-819-320 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ORS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. SOK U. S. Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physicisn and aurgeoa. Kirksville graduate, 404 405 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phones Office. 919; Re. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHTr Physician and Surgeon, 403 404 Ore gon Bldg. Phones, Office, 1394; Res. 5Kr s OPTICIANS POMEROY A KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 888 Btate. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR dette at the Bow Optical Company. 825 State Street, opposite Ladd and Bnsh Bsnk. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Camp 5, Armory. First, third Mondays. REAL ESTATE EXTRA GOOD VALUE lorner lot on Lefelle snd south Commer cial street. Paved and a 162 deep at 81000. Another a block from State on 23rd at 8450 on terms or less sll cssh. 100 other at reasonable prices all over town: and some very choice in rair mount park, the Bon Ton reailence diatrict. WM. FLEMING 341 State St. FOR QUICK SALE 8 ROOM HOUSE, two lots. bsrn. one block to car line. Price only (1600; 8500 cash, bslsnce JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Grsy Bldg. 4000 TO LOAN ON GOOD FARM SE curity or will losn in lesser smounts. for sale, nice 5 room, cottage at only $1400; good terms Square Deal Realty Co, U. S. Bsnk Bldg. GOOD BUYS 5.86 sere trsct. 5 acres binder cultivation, balance pasture, 5 room bungalow, drilled well, large chicken house. Will exchange for hooae and lot. Price $3-50. 130 sere farm. 110 acres in fall crop, halance pa. tare and timber, tcood mod era bungalow bnnse, fine barn, Karaite, hog house, woven wire fences. Price $130 per acre. 120 acre of fine land located 5 mile, from Salem. .CO acres cultivated, bal ance pasture and fine timber. Price $12,000. 2ii0 acre farm, 100 acre cultivated and mostly in crop. Price $85 per acre. V block of land containing nearly one acre, all cultivate!-, close to car line and- paved road. Price $600 $50 down, balance $10 per month. 6 per cent interest. We have some fine tracts of land from 4 to 20 acres, oa your own fenns. interest 6 per rent- If you sre looking for acreage on' oay terms.- see us. We slao have a large list of houses and building lots. W. H. GRABENHQRST & CO. Realtors 2T5 State St. REAL ESTATE V $1250 LAND BARGA1XS; FIVE MILLS from Kaiti lii at-rex. 9 seeded t TH3I lull , .N , vn iimm. $17'X. 12 26 - rc4. tu,p lnd, seeded j to wheal and grass $20ttO. 18 acre mot all .eeded Tk 14 splendid fruit and berrj land audi i a batrain: 1 3 rath, rvinaiuder in! 10 eual annual pavmenis. I Will take a team. auto, t.oes. rattle or! ood in part payneet. 1 John H. .xcotl. 228 Oregon BM JIST COMPLETF.I 5 ROOM SEW taodera bungalow, two Mocks from Mate street, ready to move into in few ays. Price low at ;".'o. Terms $j')0 down. $'25 per n.onth S. R. PEARSON 210 211 U. S. Nafl Bnk Bldg. BARGAIN Clce in on Oak street. 7 room hoane ami lot, 39x125. living room, dining noni, kitchen; 3 bedroom. sewing mom, rtotet. bath. toilet, electric light and gaa : rement walks, paved street and oa street car line. Price t-'lti'iU. cii.h $1500. balance $25 per monih. including interest 6 percent. ee L. A. Hayford Realtor 305 State street FOR SALE Good five room house, two lots, close to csr. $2500; $300 cash, balance $13 per month. 7 room house, close in, price $2500. Good lot close to car, terms. We have aonie good trades; if you want to trade, boy or sell see H. L. MARSTERS 21J Gray Bldg. Phona 807 50 ACRE CATTLE RANCH, LOCATED in Linn county, 3 miles from Brown ville. $27 per acre: good terms Con sider some trade on is. R. A. Mofc ney, 209 Oregon BWg. LET US EA.PLA1N THE, SEW SYSTEM of selling your property. Property listed not exclusive. Your property photographed. Brown, Ma gee aad Bessie Sayder. Over Buaick's 8tor. State and (commercial, phone 559. GOOD CAR WAXTED AS FIRST PAT- ment on good 6 room house, on paved streets, lots of fruit: two blocks from car line, can pay the rest like rent. Price 82500. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray BWg. U9 HOME BUYER YOU CAN BUY A 6 room bungalow less than a year old for $500 Usa thaa I was offered for it nine months ago. Has basemeat, Dutch kitchen, eloaets and sleeping perch. $1000 win handle it. See it today. 125 Leffolle. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER, GENERAL LAND OFFICE, WASHINGTON, S. C. December 8. 1921 Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions snd limitations of the Acts of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat. 318) and June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 758). and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917 (46 I.. D. 447) snd June 22. 1920 (47 L. D. 411), the timber on the following lands will be sold st 10 o'clock s.m. January 24, 1922, at public auction st the United States Lsnd Office st Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder st not less thsn the spprsised value ss shown by this notice, ssle to be subject to the spprovsl of the secretary of the interior. the purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fiftb of one percent thereof, being commissions allowed, most be deposited st time of sale, money te be returned if ssle is not spproved. otherwise pstent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citiaena of the Imted ntatea, at sociationa of such itlens snd corpora tions organ i red under tha laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon appli cation of a Qualified jiui chaser, the tim ber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in anv . offer of a larger unit T. 2 S, R. 3. E, W. M, Sec. 2 Lot 6, fir 115M., none . of a the fir thereon to be sold for los than $1.51 per M. T. 1 S, R. 5..F... W. M., Seo, 33. SWH SWU, fir 3C0 M none of the fir thereon to be sold for less than 81.2i per M. WILLIAM SPRY. Commissioner. Genersl Land Office WORTH WHILE 40 seres fine land eJo.se to Salem to trade for city property. 13000 property in Port Iliad to trad foj Salem property. - 2 Jots on faii-mount hill to trsde for house and lot: will par difference. Small 3 room house, S&50. 8100 cash hslance 115 per month. MILLS & COPLEY Realtors S314 Stst St FOR SALE C ACRE TRACT 114 MILES from Salem, psved road, good house and outbuilding. ' srre strawberries, 3 4 si-re prunes, good store hulUlin? on corner of place. Price Will take Salem bouse and lots as part payment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 33m State St. : Realtor : Phone 534 Wood's Bargains New bungalow with plumbing, good lot. 81000. New bungalow and about two seres, $1750, hslf cssh. Five room bungalow, 81750. Tea acres close ir on main road, black soil. 92500. 20 seres close in, good buildings, orchard and berries, main rosd; tske smaller place or home in Salem part pay. Fine 200 acres farm, $65 per acre, terms 40 acres with fine buildings and prune orchard. tra.e for close in acreage. F. L. WOOD 341 State street WE HAVE FOR TRADE S ROOM house, 3 lots, chicken house, other bniKings. Vslue $4300. Wsnt a small farm. This ia the one. For aale 10 acres. S room house, other buildings: on paved road: 2 acres Logans and other fruit. S200 will bsndle. For safe, 80 seres irrigated alfalfa land, 88O00. We have Willamette valley, Canada eastern Oregon, southern Oregon, west ern Oregon trsde. We sre at your service; come in. To Mr Investor We hsve properties for sale where you get all yotr money's worth. See us before investigating Liston & Darby 484 Court street FOR SALE OOOD FIVE ROOM BUN galow, $1750. Seven 'room bungalow with cement . baaemeat, two lots snd garage. . eat iealem, need money, make an offer. Owner, Room 5, D'Arcy Building. BUY NOW BEAUTIFUL 6 BOOM, strictly modern-, new huagalow, near south Commercial rarline. A bargain for someone. See Krueger, 209 Or egon Bldg. m HEART 10 m mm m iiiomam Mi mmm Advlw yarrtxis)' Nrw rtiawe of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 243 WHAT CHANCE lUiOltiHT 'It MADGE IN A LITTLK VIL LAGE. The liveliest tpprehenion ari be dulled by some fresher excite ment, this was borne in upon m cne afternoon a week, after our bottle fishing cseusion, when l found myself alone in the car which had been ay father's g'-ft, on the road ;o the nearest vll-lse- My father, who had developed a bad case of tlchmg mania, hid. departed early in the morning for bis favorite sport. He had-promised to come ick later for Mar ion, but the child awoke feverish and fretful, and Lillian, after taki ng her temperature, found her setf out of the remedy furnished by her ramily physician, whtvh D he always gives Marion when the child has one of her frequent di gestive attacks. Of course, I volunteered at once to go for it, and neither L4i Uan who is always on edge when Marion is ill nor I thought once ol the tacit pact we had made that I should go nowaere alone. ! did not recall it until I was a good mile from our little camp well cn my way to the village of Sag Harbort with its quaint, mus ty traditions of whaling day, struggling hard not to be smoth ered by the influx of lactones with foreign laborers. By the time I recalled It I was too absorbed in the mechanism ot my car to worry as to whether 1 might encounter tome unpleasant reminder ot the tragic problem ot crime from which we had es caped for a bit. This little ira proptu trip was the first I had tnsron all hv lUV&eif. althOUKh 1 had driven thje car for miles al most every day with either my father or Lillian, sometimes bom of them and Marion with me But the very fac ol having some one to send tor help in case ol an emergency had made me fet far more secure in driving tnan did this trip, when anything go ing wrong meant my sitting ty the roadside perhaps for a long time before 1 could get word to garage man. In my hurry to depart I had not gone through that inexorable ritual of. the motorist gas oil water. Suppose 1 had not enough of any one of the three for my short journey! I listened critical ly to the hum of the engine, won dering whether I should hear the fateful knocking which would sig nify a lack ot oii, and watched tearfully for the smoking whicii would mean no water, or the Blackening which would spell the lack of gas. The Village Autocrat. I resolved to ro first of all. to the supply shop, where presideo the lean, saturnine but Marling citleen who was reputed to be able to take any tar to pieces and put it together again witn both, eyes shut and One hand tied behind him. I couid draw up in front of his sho? without, either parking as the villace orrtlnsnee compelled motor;cts to do on the main street, or turning around la neither of wh.ch I w.u profic ient. Indeed, I was at that etag8 ot the motor knowledge where 1 would drive around alx blocks in order to avoid turning around or backing in the middle of one oi them. Humiliating as It as, i re solved to ask Mr. Jones, the gar age genius, if he would not turn the machine around and nsid It in the direction o? home while he was supplying; its various defic iencies and I was taking auvan Uke of the tim to get the re quired mediclnj from the" pharm acy, only a few doors away. Mr. Jones regarded me with the blank non-committal air wi'.a which he favora every one com ing to him for aid. He has the reputation of being the fairest, most silent and most independent man in all Sag Harbor. H. never nonira first asks "What's the trouble?" or utters any of the other platitudes common t-i the first alders of very variety. He stands motionless as a statue while you state your wants, then diganoears into his shop to coma forth armed with whatever be needs for repairs. It is a mat ter of public glee in the village that a multi-miliionaire memoer of a neighboring- summer colony it man who had given him a great riMi nt work one day came to his door in a towering hurry, de mandlng some immediate repair "When these are through,' Jones responded quietly but firm ly, indicating two modest flivvers and a farm truck, the combined repairs on whi;h amounted to leas than two dollars. In silence he listened to my re ouest for supplies, and I thought I saw the semblance of a grin twitch the corners of his mouth when I requested him to turn my car around for me. Elated I was mentally rehearsing a boast to Lillian of having obtained a smile from Mr. Jon?s when his face took, on once more its grim ex pression, and his slight bow dis missed me cur;ly from his hor.- zon. Seeing But Unseen. I walked auickly up the street to the nharmacy handing Lillian's; prescription to the quiet, efficlent- lookins proprietor, who acrut:n ierd it through his modish pince nex. then disappeared with it be- behind the counter. To berulle the tedium of wait ing I walked to the window and looked out idly Into - the village atreet quite respectably filled with cars Througn mem presem-iy threaded a smart runabout of the tyr U!e-d "by yh7Mn. 11 otopped bfor the pharmacy door, and the till, '.end?r man uo wts drivlnt was out of the car U moat before his brakes caught, and hurried through the door wide me. j I caujcht my Ircath sharply ss be passed me. ttiist-eing. and averts ed my faee in order to collect my wits be-fore I laced him. For. changed, o'.der, his hair thtekty tinged with gray, it unmistakably was Dr. Pet tit. (To be continued) Cut This Out It la Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail It to Foley cV Co. 2825 Sheffield Ate., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive .In re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Fo ley Kidney Fills for pains in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments: and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, bilious ness, headaches, and sJoggiib. bowels. Sold everywhere. -Ad y. The liberal purchase of the lit tle holiday stickers will enable the Oregon Tuberculosis associa tion to conduct more public health nursing demonstration, more san itary and case-finding . Surveys, more tuberculosis clinics, mors campaigns for county tuberculo sis ftanitoria, more special school nursing demonstrates, ' more popular educational campaigns against tuberculosis, and the nas alisation of plans for a traveling clinic and modem health crusade progress. . 1 -j FOR HEALTH TIM VTGOJ1 AMD VITALITY uoATwWf re aamF TAHUBlSw MAI X OB FEMALfc Pamphlet. Frew oa Reqaeat. Ask for WELCH' 8 the ORIGI NAL. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS aad SUBSTITUTES. WELCH DKUQ CO- 184 EDDY Sl, Dept. H 8aa Fraaoiee. Al other druggists. TEXT BOOK of WALL STREET 1921 EeUtleB now ready (or free distribution McCall, Riley & Co. Mbera CuiilidaWd Stack fcane a New Kerb . - 20BFoadSU. New York PtZz ...... af,f a. i .r ; ,.iii- It Circlet Is Setf-Ad jvatiac. It ptf slip trrer thw Mad, cJatps at waist aaaf amaotha exit srgly liaaa. If your dealer can't get it send actual bust measure, name, ad dress a 41.50. We'll send the Circlet prepaid. Sizes 34 to 48, N Hyfio4oFabJai Inetirut 120 E. 16 St Mew Yerk, Depl M. I SALEM MARKETS Prices" auoted ara arheieeaie aat art prices received fey farmer. He ratal, prices are flvea Osts. mining, aes 43. Wheat Ko. 1, sacked, 88a Oats, feed, 88c. Vetch and Oat key. 111. Clover hay, $10. - Mill rua mill feed, 824. ZOOS, SUITES V BUTTXRT AT Eggs. 38c. ,;- 1 ! Oeasaery bulteey 4&e. Butterfat, , Haas, light, 18c. Hens, heavy, 22e. . ' Chickens, spring. He. Roosters, old. Be tj 10a, Turkeys, live. 80e. Tnrkere. drensed 8 8ft. FORK, BCUTTOH AMD BEEP Hogs. 8 . Lambs. H Top vest,- 12 '. Perk, dressed, lie. Steers, Se tf Bulla, le. rsTrxt Emperor 'Grape,- 12e. Bananas, , Lemons, $$ Nsvel oranges. $J50. Florida grapefruit. $8" O 119. California grape fruit, 84.O0. Waahlngtoa cranbevries, boa $8 u. VEOZTABLKS Eastern cranberries, bbl. $22. .., Sweet potswa. So., ft c. , Potatoes, $1.50. - Cabhag. 8c- - - - - - J California - tomato, lug, $8. Cncumber. $l.t4,'; ,r--l Cauliflower. 82. . Turnips, - IS. ' j ; . Bell pepnera, IP U. r Parsnip, f 3. Oregoa onions. $4. - j Carrots. 11.25. Head lettuce, erata, crate. 13.25. ; j . TUeta. .12-SO. .... ' .. ;..; Celery. 8V. - PATES, rtOi, HOBTT Dates, 15s, .. Package dle. case. 18.75. Pigs. lie. - . - Comb fees?, eats, f. focoaaota. doaea, JM " MAItKKT Qt'OTATIOXS NEW YORK, Dec. 19. Evapor ated apples, . nominal; prunes, easy; California. 6 at 16c; O re ft on s, 6 at ;14t. Peachea. firm, choice life i at 14c; extra choice, 15 at 15 c; fancy, 17 at JJEW tORK, Dec. 19, Hop, quiet, irtate 1921, 34 at 85c; 1920,20 at 3cr Pacif'c coast. ,1921. 26 at' 22c; .f920, 23 at 25c