THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15. 1D21 cLunnzD AOTEitTiiaam Per Insertion - te 5e 8e Tare lasertioas Oae Waak aiz lnaartLnmO 20o Bll iMDtk' BOntraet. Be ma 1 1 months' contract, per mo.l2e Alia In turn lor am advertisement, 2 So NORWICH UNION Fina xn&tjaancb bocxetx tbtelwm; Roland Bargnardt r Meat Atvmt 71 Btaf BC MONEY TO LOAN Om Real Estate T. X. FORD (Over Lead Boah Bank) L0ANS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE W buore enjthlnf Ws save the neoey loan Pay ue back lika rant Our farm and city property liata are com plete, ns lint. ' IJLFLAE LATLMl 406-f Orfm Bldr. Phone 1844 NEW TODAY X8T CAMEO PIN WITH PLAIN gold setting; pale pink, with white . bead. Reward. Pbone 1251 J. THE HAT BOX 179 SOUTH HIGH. ' f Style- avnd service. - CHRISTMAS TREKS 15c TO 60c. 180". - ) Chemeketa, 697 and 1390 South 12lh - atreet. S-PASSENGER OVERLAND OVF.R- , hauled last week. Sacrifice. 245 Center. - WANTED NURSE GIRL. APPLY ; f morn in (s. 70S State street. HOTEL 30 ROOMS, GOOD LOCATION, '- 8 year lease, rent 875 per month. Price $2500.- . ' 4 room furalsbed house on 2 1st, 1650. '7 rooms near Highland school, $2000 cash $550. . 1H acre' .45 bearing tout trees, 16 ' -bearing walnnta, all kinds of cherries, lame bonee. Price S45UO. Terms. 11 acres, Joins city limits, 8 room bouse, i ' barn, price 7ooO ; good terms. 65 V4 acres, 14 miles from Halem, ' sail from email town and school, good ' "? room bona. - Price t5M. Good terms. 160 seres of timber, 7 ..miles from Salem on paved road.' Price 985 per acre. ' Will divide. - LAFLAR & LAFLAR, Agts. - ' ' i''40e-7 Oregon Bldg. WHEN TOO INSURE WITH THE Me ' Minnville Co. you' get prompt service I at low . cost. Call 847, Standley & Foley, agents, for-cost of your next policy. TOR BENT MODERN THREE KOOM heated apartment; well furnished, fire H place. Close In. 'Adults 610 North Commercial atreet. APPLES BALDWIN, NORTHERN SPY, ! Hpittenberg, Rome Beauty and others. Delivered. Ward K. Richardson. Pbone 494. . --- - WILL TRADE WHAT HAVE YOU FOR 118 acre. Beat fruit land. Good ' build iocs. Liberal terms. Write own - or. ,Bex 31, car Statesman. TOR BALE HOP POLES 14 FEET ' long, seasoned. 85 cents f o b.' cars Oakridge, '8 E. Walker, Oakridge, Oregon" . k " - DESIRE TO BUY USED BICYCLITTHIS i week. Call at Ira Jorgeneen. black smith shop. 180 Sooth High. Ask for Patton. JACK MULLIGAN SHERMAN CLAY A Co. piano toner with Moore-Dunn Muaio store. Masonie Bldg. Phone 606. ' 'NEW . AUTO- REPAIR SHOP ALL ' work guaranteed. Prieea reasonable, William Gray, 10 South Winter atreet. FOR SALE ONE COAL AIR-TIGHT heater and one perfection oil beater and a sanitary conch. 653 ortn i tet. Phono 1532 W. ' FOB RENT MODEKJf HOUSE IN country, electric lights, bath, fireplace. Dnteh kitchen, garage, for 913 a anonth. Plenty of work to bo had. 1 ' WINNIE PETTYJOHN 231 H SUte fit, : Realtor : Phono 534 350 CASH AND 92300 IN MONTHLY paymenta of 925 per month bays a good 6 room hooao and foil lot, 1 block JO ,lch nd tre' car Cloi in. Also 50 cords good wood banked by paved - htehvt ev. Priced right. PETERSON & ROBINSON 5 , 229 Oregon Bldg. FOR RENT A "NEW "5 ROOM BUNG A' low with basement and garage, on eof ner Hoyt and Cottage. 935. William Fleming, 841 State fit. EXTRA "GOOD VALUE Coroer lot on Lefelle and sonth Comraer rial street.' Paved and a 163 deep at 91000. Another a block from State oat 23rd at 9450 on terms or leas all eatb. 1 - - 100 others at reasonable prices all over town: and soma very choice in Fair- mount park,- tho ,Bon .Ton resllence district WM. FLEMING 841 State St. .WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN hominy and horse raMsh maker; no other need apply. Tho Baker, 645 f erry atreet. Call after 4 p.m. GOOD CAR WANTED AS FIRST PAY. anent oa good 6 room bouse, on paved streets, lots of fruit; two blocks from car line, ran pay tho rest like rent. ' Price 92500. ' JOSEPH, BARBER & SON X 1m200 Gray Bldg. FOR QUICK BALE 8 KOOM HOUSE, tw lota, barn, one block to ear line. Price only 91600; 3500 cash, balance like rent. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bldg. voncn or sale or government TIMBER, GENERAL LAND OFHCE, naaouiuiuii, v. u..- f. . Deeenber 6, 1921 Notice Is hereby given that subject to tho conditions and limitation of the Acta of Jane 11 (39 Stat. 218) and Jane 4. 1920 (41 Stat. 758). and tho Instructions of the Secretary of the interior of September 15. 1917 (46 I, D. 447) and June 22. 1920 (47 L. T ' 411),' the timber on the following lands - will be sold at 10 o'clock a.m. January 24, 1922, at public anctlon at tho United ; Btates' Land Office at Portland,- Oregon, to the bigheat bidder at not leae than the appraised value as shewn br this notice. sale to be subject to tho approval of the ; Secretary of tho Interior, The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth ' of one percent 'thereof, beinr commissions allowed, nut bo deposited at time of sale, money to bo returned if sale h not approved, otherwise patent Till iaane for tho timber which must be removed . within ten year.; Bids will be received I rem eltiiens ot toe United Ststes, as sociat oas of such itiiena and cornora tiona organised under the ' laws of the United States or any state, territory or aistrtca thereof only. Upon appli cation of a onaltfiad nnveliaaee. ha tim ber om any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included a In nay offer of a larrer unit T. 1 8. It n a i w if - iiw oi r . fi 115M, none of the fir" thereon m . I014 per M. X.1- W. Sec. 13 ! BW .' 860 Mrf none of the ' 1, . 10 eoid for lesa tnan aa.a per js. - ' . mUAAM 8PRT. ,.... .' . - Comraisstoner. ' U. ..... Oeaeral Land Office NEW TODAY WANT TO RFNT A 4 OR 5 KOOM bouse. Call 2073 K. Good Buys and Exchanges Modern house on paved itwt at Til lamook, renting; for $22.5 per month. Will trade for f.irm near falnu arid pay ftome cah lif fcrf-m-e. We have a good farm to trade for Salem property. 3 room urniniiej for rent, $16 per month. THOMASON State street EMPLOYMENT 1UU WANTED ENERGETIC TOUKO MAN who ha had experience selling life insurance, stocks or advertising. Must be able to devote hia entire time and - be ambitions for advancement. Moat have the courage to present business proposition to merchants and profes sional men. Answer in your own hand writing statlnr. age, educational qnal lneations, experience as solicitor, etc. Address "I-No. 81." Statesman office. MALE AJTD TXMALE WANTED MEN AWD WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A food proposition to the right people. Address the Pacific Homestead, Statesman Bid. Salem, Ore. PERSONAL FACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS, VIO- let ray; manicuring, anampooing. vc egon Bath House. Phone 54CK FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS CANARY SINGERS IX FULL SONG. Just the thing for Amas presents. Pbone Mrs. Bennett, 1280, 1030 Chem eketa. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, aends loe to the iacifie Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a three montha' trial aubacription. Mention this ad. HOUSES "ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES" 30 percent saved in coat of oonatrne tioai. Chsa. V. Smith, factory reprea entative, 620 Northwest Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon. POULTRY POULTRYMEN SENTk EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the beat and oldest journal in the west. The articles and adver tisements are of special Interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial St.. Balem, Oregon. mSCELLAJTEOUa APPLES DELIVERED PHONE 4F2. A ' SPLENDID LINE OP XMAS GIFTS at-Mrs. C. A. Grimms, 519 Court at. FOR SALE POTATOES SUITABLE for nse or seed. Phone'1789 Wl. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a bundle. Circulation department, Oregon Statesmaa. HOLLY TOR SALE FROM HOLLY SUM- mit fruit ranch. Corner Church and Center streets. Call pbone 212. WE HAVE ON HAND A FEW BARGAINS in pipelesa furnaces. Theo M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street. GASOLINE AND OIL TANKS from the largest to smallest. L. A. Westaeott, factory representative. 864 8. 12th St, phono 1602-J. THE HOUSE OF HALff A MILLION and ne bargaina. Wo buy, eell or exchange anything and everything tn the line of Junk or second nana gooae Bee us before you buy or sell. Stein- bock Junk Oo. Remember the place. 402 N. Commercial Bt. Pbone oZB. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING An eaoeeially good selection of tho songs you have been wanting, witn woraa ana music complete. No matter bow many aongbooka you have, you should have this one, containing tho Oregon songs. Prices: Single copies, 25c; 16 Va eents each In lots of a dosen or more; 912.50 the hundred, postpaid. Second edition printed since Septemher. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon WOOD NICE DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOR sale. Phone 254 or 6'2. DRY OLD GROWTH 16 IN FIR, 98 4 ft. second growth, 96.50. Phone 1467. FOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD maple, second growth and old xir, 4 ft. or 16 in. Fre6 E. Wells, Phone 1542. 305 8. Church. 16 INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD. 98.50 per load. Dry planer woo 6, 93.50 per load. Tracy wooa vo Phone 620. FOR BIG FIR, SECOND GROWTH OAK or ask wood, phone 77F2. DRY WOOD FOR SALE BIG SECOND growth fir, 96.50 and 16-inch large second-growth. 97.50 and 97.75; old fir, 4 ft. 97. 16 inch 98; oak, 98 and 99; four foot ash, 97.25. Armstrong Transfer, Phone 195. Stand, mate and High. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED APART menta. 899 N. Commercial street. BMW r'TtfFI'H.VTRITFn APARTMENTS aee Mr. Purdy at the Oregon Bath nouse. ROOMS FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS, HEATED Inquire room 22, Breyman block. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED rooms and bath. Aculta only. 494 Union. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS at reasonable ratea. 343 V4 North Commercial, Cottell Apartments. FOR RENT SUITE OF TWO LARGE rooms with private bath, will be vac .1. .aam 41km .an.r.t. nwim The Alexandria, 103O Chemeketa St. Phone 128U. FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN in modern home and centrally located Please give name and address. , care Stateaman. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD, 928. 674 North ( hnrrh. HOUSES F. L. WOOD 341 ft STATE ST, REAL estste, rentals. BUNGALOW AND GARAGE HOYT and Cottage, for rent. See Win Flem ing, B41 state street. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co. Phone 19 WANTED WOOD DEALER WANTS TO buy ' dry oak and fir. Armstrong i rangier. Phone 195. WANTED gVKkTTHTVfl TV TT A Tin ware and furniture. Best prieea paid , TUB CAPITAL HARDWARE ' AND FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St, Pbone fit BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STORAGE GARAGE TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE 544 terry atreet. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SMITH-WATKIN3. n: NORTH HIGH. Fiak. Silverton Cord. Hood extra ply tires. Everjthitig for aato. AUTO TOPS ALTO TOPS W. C. WRIGHT. 171 South High. AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK guaranteed. 553 South 12th. Pbone 1126. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN ; EX7ERT TR0U ble ahooting. 233 North High. Phone 203. PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE station. Expert battery and electrical work. Farria Bros. Phone 1803. 418 Court. RADIATOR SHOPS SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 South 12th. Phone 28. J. C. BAIR, RADIATORS, FENDERS, Bodies repaired. 444 Ferry. USED CARS FOR SALE 11 S PASSENGER light car, good condition, good tires, 9150. Merchants Delivery, 554 Ferry - atreet. WANTED LIGHT TRtfCK IN EX chane on Hudson, Essex or Baby Overland. Fred Kirk wood, 246 State street. SCALES AUTOS WEIGHED 15. 2395 FRONT GARAGE AND REPAIR AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER, 245 Center. Phona 890. HOFFMAN k ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR ing, vulcanising, retreading; 137 South Commercial street. Pbone 471. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK, 8TUDE- baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phone 88. , E. STANTON WISHES TO AN nounee that lie has opened a garage at 410 South Commercial street. All work guaranteed. CLEANING PRESSING CLEANING, PRESSING DONE TO YOUR satisfaction. Culled for and delivered. The Toggery. 1M75 State. Phone 842. CONFECTIONERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME- made candies, confections, cigars, mag aaines. 1272 State. I ill ii i ill nr-i BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street. 956. CHILDREN'S NURSE CHILDREN TAKEN CARE OF BY THE hour, middle aged lady. Phone 15 18-J. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. nUM CURES ANY KNOWN diaeaae. 153 S. High St, phono 283. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUQ CO. 405 COURT. Pbone 184. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING. By contract, by hour. At pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, pbone 1744-W. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association has money to loan at six percent. W. D. 8mith, secretary-treasurer, 803 Salem Bank of Commerce. CITY BUILDING LOANS We have available funds for city loans, repayable, like rent. A. 0. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonie Temple Salem, Oregon FlTRNTTTJRB STORES FRANK F. RICHTER NEW. SECOND nana lurniture, 9 a OommercUL Pbone 452 FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Ref inishing and upholstering a specialty. Phone 1742. Brown and Groves, 1201 South Commercial. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for sale. Smith's, 801 North Commer cial. HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEL ROOMS AND board. Lunch counter. Opposite O. r. uepoi. state ana High. LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE ment, clean neat rooms and apartments. zd it. Tont at. HORSESHOEING PRACTICAL HORSESHOEING PETE vxiniey, Bhoer. Brick shop, 253 Chem eketa street. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. J. Belch, agent, room 6, McCornack Bldg. Phona 96. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. ESOI AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets, Phone 1043-R. 891 S. 12th. FANCY WORK FANCY WORK FOR SALE 222 NORTn Commercial street. NEEDLEWORK AND EMBROIDERY shop, Jessie McCnne. Tallman's Piano Store. 121 South Commercial HEMSTITCH!" O MRS. BRECK EN RIDGE HEMSTITCH ing, mail orders solicited. 175 S. 19th. Phone 174 M. 8ALEM ELdTE HEMSTITCHING chainstitchiog, pleating, buttons. 829 830 Oregon Bldg. Phone 879 DBEBSMJJCTjra WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND HAND work. Call 631 R. DRESSMAKING TAILORING. MRS Goodwin, 445 North Commercial. DRESSMAKING CARRIE ROGERS Ashby. 606 S. 21st. Pbone 377-R. MRS. C. JEPSOS MODISTE. 1567 Oak, phone 929. MRS VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER Ladies Suits and Gowns. Over Mil ler'a Store. MESDAMES SCOTT a CHASE DRES3- makera, 319 Bute St. Pbono 9ST. LA CLA8IQUE GOWN SHOP EXCLUS- ivo models. Expert designing. 831ft Btate. MAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKER 1710 Bellevue St. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING. aesigntng. epeneer eorcseu to order, x icjoraacic mag. WANTED SEWING BY EXPERIENCED seamstress. - Address "A" 29, care etHeamao. BUSINESS CARDS Ladies' Wearing Appare! DRESSMAKING EDITH M. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER. 1343 Broadway. 1436 J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. I'none 197 1-W. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. Phone 1824-M. do any and a!! kinds of ladies' tail oring for old and new customers. 352 N. 12th street. Phone 2os-R. PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAND, PLEATING 880 South 24th. Phone 798 Ml. EAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and blocked. 495 Court ' street. i LAUNDRIEb SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 S Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest beet. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY F.TEAM LAUNDRY Quality work prompt aervice. 1264 Broadway. Phone 165. LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE, LANDSCAPE GARDEN er, 1565 South Liberty. Phone 1031-M MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUXTIGRAPHING MULTU3RAPHINO, PRINTING PER feet work; dependable. Minkler-Hed-Berg Mail Adv. Co., 212 Oregon Bldg. PAINT CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. L. D. Brandon, contractor. 365 North High, Phone 645-J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING, PAP erbanging, kalsomining. Work guar anteed.! Terms reasonable. Phone 2035-Jj 1464 Ferry. PRACTICAL NURSE PRACTICAL EXPER1ENCI URSE Mrs. Moitxler. Florence HoteL Phone 928. V NURSERY STOCK FRU1TLAND NURSKRY SALES YARD back of office, 540 btute street. Phone 1140 M. WILLAMETTE VALLEx NURSERY All kinds nursery stock for sale. Rte 7. Phone 105K5. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur aery Co., 426 Oregon Bldg. phone 75. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRIP- tiona for all magazinea. 251 S. 17th. street. Phone 741-M. PRINTING FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, see Bertelaon, printer, "Y" Building. PRIVATE HOSPITALS PRIVATE MATERNITY HOSPITAL 1647 North Front St. Mrs. J. F. fitine. PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. Ex tracts, toilet articles. Mrs. Moyer., 170 South 23rd. Phone 1224. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 201 SALEM BANK OK COMMERCE Bldg. Rates reasonable. MARGARET BURNS PUBLIC ST EN ogrspher. 408 Masonic Bldg. Phone Zb2. PLUMBING PLUMBING 75c PER HOUR PHONE 950-M. PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397-J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. u. Godfrey. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO. WH0LE- sale and retail plumbing supplies. 219 N. Commercial. Phone 179. EIGNS UNION SIGN CO. STGNS WITH KICK, Showearde that talk. 424 N. Commer cial. Phone 546. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuse of all kince removed. Cesspools cleaned. Pbone 998. SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital txenange, 342 North Commercial. Phone 1368-W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Schindler, 25.8 Center street STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF ferent in photography. 147 N. Com 1 STOVES STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED--40 years experience. Depot National fence, aizes 26 to 28 inches high Paints, oil and varnishes, etc.. log an berry and hop books. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court str-et Pbone 124. SWEDISH INSTITUTE THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE MEKANO Therapy. Swedish manage with active and passive movements. Steam cabi net bath, medicated packs, electricitv. etc.; 301-02 Oregon Bldg. Phone 558. TRANSFER HAULING ARMSTRONG TRANSFER 1.0CAL AND long distance hauling a specialty. Stand State and High. Phone 195. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St, pbone 933. Distributing forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our ratea. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR, 211 S. High, and Ferry. TAXI DIRECTORY LANHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 540. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO, Liberty & FerTy. Phone 77. Dry slsb 16-inch wood for sale. TRANSPORTATION SALEM-SILVERTON STAGE Lesves Leaves Salem Silverton O. E. Depot r News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. SALEM-INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem, O. S. Depot 7:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 am, 1:00 p.m.. 6:15 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:30 s.m, 1:15 p.ra, 6:30 p.m. Special trips by appointment. EeTen paiseufer ear for hire. 3. W. PARKER. Prop. Rea. Phone 615 Business pbona 2 BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL FR.NKUN LALNER PIANO. 269 N. lth. Phono 1008 W. MRS. HENRT LEE PIANO. 121 N. Capitol. Phone 1017 W. LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOl l'r K'. K THOMAS VIOLIN, PIANO. Norih lt.ih I'l.OUe l.UsJ. MINNETTA MAGERS VOCAL, DERBY Build;ng. Friday afternoon. Saturav-1 i LENA BELLE TARTAh. VOCAL IN- i siructica. Phone 334. DOROTHY PEABCE PIANO. 867 North Winter. Phone 845 J. NELLIE MCLEEY STONE PIANO. 3.3 Leslie. Pbona 751 W. ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO, 251 North Cottage. Phone 829-W. BEATRICE SHFLTON PIANO STUDIO 315 Marion. Pbone 1299. LILIAN HARTSHORN PIANO 394 North Church. Phone 178. T. S. ROBERTS PIANO, ORGAN, 270 South 14th. Phont 779. DAN. F. LANGENBEKO. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO 1472 Mill Phone 1184-M. MOLLIE STYLES VOICE, PIANO, 859 Center. Phone 2016-R. JULIA MILLS WEIGEL PIANO, 1560 &ouih Church. Phone 1391 R. LL'CILE ROSS PIANO, ORGAN, 498 North Liberty. Phone 117-W. MATT IE GILBERT STRING INSTRU meets. 1573 State. Phone 1156-R. SAXOPHONE IN STRUCT ION AGENT , Buescher Saxophones. F. M. Alle, illl south Church street. Phone 114 Jj. MISS. MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO- player; cancea, all occasions. 257 N. Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY, AUTHORIZED teacber, bodowsky Progressive Series Piano. 679 North Cottage. Pbone 1950-W. LEARN PIANO 12 LESSONS. GUAR auteed. Waterman system. F. B. Clark, Tallmau Piuuu store, 121 south Commercial. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUS- ic ol Chicago. Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Diplcmaa granted, Odd Fellow's Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diplomas granted. John R. biles, director. 1237 Court Phone 626. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNING, REPAIR- ing. i-none 42. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning, refinisbing, rebuilding, player piano expert. Phone 1659, 121 South Commercial. PIANOS .SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS, STEIN wuya, iruo-Art, ana others. Moore Dunn Music store. Masonic Temple. PHONOGRAPHS STRADIVARI PHONOGRAPH KNOWN for tone. Retailing at factory price. Room 7. Patton block. VIOLIN BOW REPAIRING VIOLIN" BOWS REHAIRED P. F. Thomas. Phone 1518-J. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PH0NO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phon ographs and sewing machines. 432 State, Salem. DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. R. L. White, principal. Phono 278-J. WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Phone 2046. Fisher Bros. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. Stores everything except ex- plosives. Apply Fry s Drug Store. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT & POWER CO Office, 301 South Com'l Et. Ten per cent discount on , domestic flat ratea paid in advance. No deductions for absence or any cause unless water is shut off your premises. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OPEN Sunday morning 8 o'clock. American style. 110ft North Commercial, Phone 14. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 322 State St. Patton Bldk. Phone 957. CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Appliances from indi vidual impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic Bldg. Phone 442. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, P.S.C, CHIROPRAC tor, 809-12 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone B7; Keg. B2S-K. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. P. AND Pearl M. Bradford, graduates and post graduates of the first chartered school of Chiropractors in the world. Ten years in practice. Phone 526. Rooms 318 319 320 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 506 U. S. Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon. Kirksville graduate. 404-405 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phones Ofice, 919; Res. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Phvaician and Surgeon, 403-404 Ore gon Bidg. Phones, Office, 1394; Res. 68F5. OPTICIANS POMEROY KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 888 State. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR dette at the Bow Optical Company, 325 State Street, opposite Ladd and Bush Bank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED 8PANISH WAR VETERANS. Camp 5, Armory. First, third Mondays. REAL ESTATE WOOD'S BARGAINS Six lots and two new buildings, 8900, terms. Six room plastered house, good plumbing. $2100, easy terms. Free room house, well located. 91050. Half cash. New bungalow and about an acre of land. 31750. Half cash. 160 acres near Silverton. improved. $lr00. Dairy and stock ranch. 400 acres, $10,000. Take part trade. 1120 acres wheat ranch, trade for valley farm. 232 acre farm near Corvallis, $65 per acre. Good residence in Salem for close in improved acrwtffe. F. L. Wot,,!. 341 State St. Choice lots on south High street. Price right. I Read The Classified Ads. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cood five room house, two lots, ckwe to car. fi"VOo; 3.'0 cash, balance fl per month. 7 room houc. close in. price $200. iood lot close to car. term. We have mv pood trades: if you want ;o trade, buy or see H. L, MARSTERS 012 Gray Bldj. Phone 907 " WORTHVVHILE ' 7 room hoise. mdt'rn except basement; 2 lots, on paved street, $;J7.0. Terms. 1 acr- land, 5 room house, plenty it fruit, in good town, to trade for farm land. SO acres good land fair buildings, '.o trade for Salem property. 2 good houses for rent MILLS & COPLEY Realtors 331 M State St. HERE IT IS NVw j room modern bungalow with dsndy sleeping porch: full basement: Iuti-h kitchen. Tbe living room and dining room with built in buffet will suit yon. 2 large convenient bed rooms, first class plumbing; located neur South Commercial street. Pos session soon. Bargain 9300O, terma $1000 down. S, R. PEARSON :io 2ii r Bank Bldg. IU Y NOW STRICTLY MODERN SEV en room uungalow. East front. North Sa'em. Price $4j0'l. Krufger, 209 Oreicon Bidg. o'tfi ACRE CATTLE RANCH. LOCATED in Linn county, :l miles from Browns ville. 27 p-r a-re: good terms Con sider some .trade on this. Ii. A. Moh liey. 2I9 Oreeon Hltlff. 94000 TO LOAN ON GOOD FARM SE curity or will loan hi lesser amounts. For sale, nice 5 room cottage at only ?1400; good terms . Square Deal Realty Co, U. S. Bank Bid?. BEST BUYS Gasoline aervice station on Pacific high way. , 3 acres all cultivate', 2 acres 8 year old prunes, 1 'i acres bearing logans. acre pears, good buildings, 5 room plastered bnngalow, rock road, 1 1 mile from Salem. J4750. Terms. 10 acres all cultivated. S acres logans, 7 room house, good barn, (5 acres new clover; l' miles from Sajera, pared road; only $5750, 2f00 cash. 20 acres sandy loam, 17 cleared, build ings, 14 mile Ribool, 1 mile town, rock road; $2X00; $10(iO cash. 59 acres all cultivated, -4 acres young prunes. 35 in fall grain, 4 miles from town, rock road. All stock, equipment and tractor goes. 910,'DOO. Trade lor Salem houses. acres red fruit soil. 225 enltiv.ited, balance fir and oak pasture, buildings, good fences, spring water, rock road. 10 miles from Salem, , mile to school, price 383 per acre, 1-3 oah. l'refer to sell only half interest. We want $3000 loan on fine strictly modern home on Fairmonnt bill, first class security. See ns at once. S0C0L0FSKY 3431 State St. Phono I70 FOR SALE ON TERMS. 10 ACRE tracts with improvements, located from three to five miles from Salem, near paved road, for $100 up per acre, depending on kind of the improvements. Might take auto or some city property in exchange. John II. Siott, 228 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE HALF ACRE AND ACRE lots in cherries, loganberries or straw berries on street car line. Terms. Phone Cotton, 1794 Wl. LET US EapLAIN TUB JCTTW SYSTEM of selling your property. Property listed not exclusive. Your property photographed. Brown, Msgeo end Bessie Snyder. Over Busick's Store. State and Commercial. Phone 559. WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN A HOME in west Salem, if so. here is a good one of 6 rooms with full cement base ment and fully built in features, with 3 lots and garage for only 94200 and terms given. See L. A. Hayford Realtor 305 State St. MR. HOME BUYER YOU CAN BUY A 6 room bungalow less than a year old for $500 leas than I was offered for it nine months ago. Has basement, Dutch kitchen, closets and sleeping porch. 91000 will handle it. See it todav. 125 Leffelle. PUBLIC NOTICES $200,000.00 ROAD llOXDS OF MAIIIOX COUNTY, OKKCiO.V Sealed proposals will be re ceived by the County Court of Marion County. Oregon, at the Court House in Salem in said County, until December 30, 1921, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon of said day, for the purchase of $200,000.00 Permanent Road Bonds of Marion County, Oregon, part of an issue of $850,000.00 authorized at an election held June 3, 1919. The bonds now offered for sale shall be dated July 13, 1920, $30,000.00 there of shall mature July lo, 1928, $85,000.00 shall mature July 15. 1929, and $85,000.00 shall ma ture July 15, 1930, and shall be in denominations of $50.00 or multiples thereof up to the sum of $1000.00, to suit the purchas er, and shall bear interest at the rate of five and one-half (5'2'; ) per cent per annum, payable semi annually. All bidders are required to in close with their bid a certified c heck payable to 'the order of Ma rion County, Oregon, and drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company to the amount ot two per cent of the par value of the bonds bid for, and the check of the successful bidder will be applied by the County in part payment of the purchase price oi to secure the County against loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of the bid submitted. No bid will be received for a price or lesa than par and accrued interest and the bonds will be sold to the high est bidder. The County Court re serves the right to reject any and all bids. The proposals should be addressed to U. G. Boyer, County Clerk, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, and marked "Proposals for Road Bonds." The successful bidders will be furn ished with the opinion of Messrs. Storey, Thorndike Palmer & Dodge, of Boston. Massachusetts, that the bonds are a valid obli gation of Marion County, Oregon. By order ofthe County Court. TJVG. BOYER. Clerk. Isn't it silly the way women, when they get together, always chatter about dress or household affairs when they might talk of golf or exchange recipes for home brew. Read .The Classified Ads'. TEACHES G1RL5 POSTAL SERVICE TO SHOOT. r N m " pi: '" j'-! - . .'kv;7 . 'ai J r HIM . ! m wSV si tf m - ' , iJJjU- vVLOfciiv - ' mm il ( Sergeant John Corrie. who defeated in 1SS9 C en. John J. Terahlng, then a lietennt. In a rifle contest, is now showing tho feminine) mem bera of the posUl service how to plug a bandit with a ballot. , ;; , WHEAT Iff GOES DOWNWARD Prices Work Irregularly-During Day and Close is Unsettled CHICAGO. Dec. 14. With the wheat market becoming more and more of a holiday affair, prices today worked irregularly downgrade. The close was unset tled, 1-8 to 1 1-4 net lower, with May 1.10 7-8 to 1.11 and July 1.01 to 1.015-8. Corn lost 1-4 to 5-8, and oats a shade to 1-8 1-4. Provisions varied from un changed figures to 15 off. Selling by elevator Interests quickly overcame a slight degree of firmness which wheat at the beginning showed in response to higher quotations at Liverpool. Presence of ample immediate sup plies counted in favor of the bears. Dry weather complaints from the west and southwest led at times to considerable covering by shorts, but the ensuing rallies were mainly ot transient character. Some export gusiness was an nounced but the bulk of purchas ing for Europe continued to be re stricted, to wheat grown in Cana da. Corn and oats were weakened by the slowness of domestic call for corn. Exporters were after corn here, however, and rural of ferings of corn to arrive were light. Provisions, although dull, held fairly steady owing to strength in the hog market. THROUGHOUT DAY Elevation at Outset Yester day Does Not Continue Uninterrupted NEW YORK, Dec. 14. Stocks were mainly higher at the outset of today's diversified session, be coming hesitant on profit taking at midday and steadying on short covering' at the close. Standard or representative is sues continued to be overshad owed by the prominence of vari ous specialties and miscellaneous issues, some of which registered highest prices of the year. Oils, Coppers, motors and numerous re lated specialties supplied a pre ponderant proportion of the day's operations. Motors were headed by the declaration of the regular dividend on Chandler and signs of active revival of the tire indus try. Traidng in rails was negligible and several favorite steels and equiments reacted moderately in anticipation of poor returns for the final quarter of the year. Leading currencies were mixed, sterling making a slight recovery from yesterday's general reaction and the Paris rate also improved. Italian and several northern Euro pean remittances were lower. United States war flotations were active features of the bond market. Liberty 4 1-4's at 98.30 and victory 4 3-4's at 100.04 mak ing new high records for the year. Elsewhere trading in bonds was less active and slightly reaction ary. Total sales, par value, $17, 250,000. FRUIT NEW YORK, Dec. 14. Evapo rated apples firm; prunes inactive. Peaches firm. High Cost of Liiing. It is generally conceded that a shoe shop Is a great place for scenery, but one doesn't expect or desire -much comedy. The other day, though, in a certain Los An STOCKS mm 6 Tt - ,e- -e 3 1 ,.( '... uZr . w geles shop, a woman pulled a good one. , f . All she wanted was a pair of shoe laces. "I can ! recommend them htghly," said the polite clerk. "They will wear, like Iron for they are made of ' porpoise skin!" - ; ' ; "Pauper's skin," shrieked the lady. "Good heavens. I've heard V ot the cruelties Inflicted on pau- . pera. but I never dreamed that they skinned them. Ain't the high cost of living terrible!' , ; Some beauty may be only skin deep, but some of It that the girls " dab on is thicker than that. TEXT BOOK of WALL STREET now ready for free distribution ' McCall, Riley & Co. Members CoMoKdatee' " f i Stock Kxahanse ot Mew York 20 Broad SL New York CATARRH QF THE STOMACH )U CANT ENJOY LIFE with a sore, sour, bloated stota. adu Pood does not fwmruk. Instead it is a source of misery, cauainf pains, bekbiog, dimness aad head ache. 9 Tho person with a bad stomach should be satisfied wkh'nothug less than permanent, luting reGeL 3 The right remedy will ad opoa the linings of the stomach, enrich the blood, aid in casting out the catarrhal poisons aad strengthen every bo!r function. 3 The large Dumber oi people who have successfully used Dr. HartaWt ' famous medicine, recommended far aS catarrhal conditions, offer the strongest possible endorsement (of Pe-ru-nA IH SERVICE friTTY TEAKS TABLETS OR LIQUID, SOLD EVCRYWHCKC ' FrTC I SALEM MARKETS I V -ft e Prices quoted are wDoresaf antf Sri prices received by farmers. K ratal prices are given. - ." ' 0ta. milling, net 45e. ' : Wheat Nfl. 1. sacked, 88e Oati. feed, 3He. Vetch and Oat Bay, fit. Clover hay, $10. - , HiU run mill feed, 124. EOOS, BTJTTEB 4 BUTTZETAT Y.rgn, 8. ' s t-.-. , t a 0mery t niter, 46e. 7 ' i Buttcrfat, 42. - , - ,. t P0TJX.TKY ; e ITens, light, 18e. -Hena, heavy, 22e. i Chickens, spring;, 18e. Rooatera, old, 8e Q XOe, Turkeys, lire, 80e. -Turky, dretaed. tin J SSe P0EK, MTJTTOH AVD BEET IIos, 4Je . Lambs, 6 & 0e e Top Teal I2e. Pork, dressed, lie. Steers, 5e fa) 6c. Bulla, 3e. F&TJXTS i Emperor Grapes, 12e. - : Bananas, 8V4c Lemons. . Kavel Oranjci . $8. ' Florida (rapefruit, $8 t70. California crape fniit, 14.00. " Hnckleberries, 15e. Waahioaton cranherries. 1ox tg SO. VEGETABLES -. Bweet potatoes, 4 Vie, 1 a Potatoes, 11.80. Cabbage, 2e. California tomatoes, lux. If ' - Cncumbers. $1.25. ' . CanUf lower. 2. ' . Tarnipa, $2 JO. Ben peppers, lb, lie. Parsnips, . . Oresron onions. $4. " - Carrou, 11.25. llfsd lettnre. erate, crate, 3.25. California Celery, 85e. ' " a Beets, $2 SO. BATES, TiaS, 80HET Bates, 15e. i , Paekagt i datea, " eaIe. H.75. Tin, Ha. . .Comb honey, ease, . vocoanuta, dosen, fl.TJ, - - ' ' '