V THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1021 r-r t t pM 4 CZJLSSTJTXD ADVTBTISEMEXrS .' Rate Per Word: Per Insertion ie Three Insertions 5c Oa Week (six insertions) 8c One Month 20e Bit Booth' oontrert, par mo.15e 13 months' contract, per mo.12o Minimum for any advertisement, S5c NOKWICB UNION 4 rilUB INSURANCE SOCIETY Thletmm, Roland A Burgtusrdt fcMkkmt Agemt 971 State St. ! MONEY TO LOAN ! Ob Real Eat&t T. K. FORD ; fOrer Ladd A Buh Bank) LOANS REAL ESTATE M.- INSURANCE ' We insure anything We hava the money 4 to Wn Pay us back lika rant Our farm and city property HaU ara coin 5 let, d"" ue first, j LAI LAB. LATX.AB o-T Oregon Jtldg. Phone 1844 NEW TODAY TOUB BUTTS PRESSED WHILE YOU wait. Wardrobe, 179 South High. -FOR RENT THBKK I SFIRXISHEI) ' roomy and bath. A!ulta only. 494 I n ion. IiGuarifnteed Used Car, $275 , Jr;-pMHfPr Overland ,7S: overhauled last "ffk ; a bargain. Come and see It today, at 2 15 Center. A FINE MODERN HOUSE OS SOUTH 12th street for rent. Possession given ; ": Immediately. A hiith grade piano for asle. Mn. II. X Aldrieh, 13 South Commercial street Phoue 596-W. A KPLEXD1D LINE OK . s at Mrs. C. A. Orimuia, XMAH GIFTS 519 Court St a UOOM AND ' j , Church, BOARD, f28. 674 Ji'orih FOR BALE TWO TEAR OLD HALF i Hoiktein and Jersey heifer. Fresh in t April. Oood atock. Phone 1078 I ; Btnalley, .1940 North Front. Mr FOR RENT FURNISHED HOU8EKEEJ ing rooms at 1132 Center atreet. FOR REST HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ; at reasonable rates. 3 13 'A North l'nmm,rriil Cottell Apartments. WANTED PLAIN SEWISti AND HAND work. Call, 3 III. it i ,,,.. THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASS N r . . . i . I .. i la serving many mou,anaa ui poupio it low cost. It a lor you too use h. Wtandler k Foley. Acta.. DufcU Dank ; Hldg., atem, vregon. -, wm-i.n hk PLEASED TO HAVE YOU l m.ka n. a pssh offer on lots, one and i two in block, 17. north 17, 'North 1 Salem, Krueger, 209 Oregon IJIdg. U E. STANTON WISHES lo a. " ! Bounce that he baa opened a garage at 410 South Commercial street. All v, I work guaranteed. TO EXCHANGE GOOD FIVE ROOM ' 1 , burufalow with sun room; two lots. I' House in a-1 shape. W tU trade for ' small tract close in that has fair ! Wildings. R. A. Mohney, 209 Oregon building. '- 'llOK HALE GOOD CONFECTIONERY I tiusiuosa neur Salem, doing pay in ? bus- f tneas, gca.d fixtures nd soda fountain, s I P.arber ahop in connection. , a v 1 .... i r. i i. . . v, . ... ' 1 . , n. . C . . T 1. n . PhftllB 531 ul Va aiate oi. ; BT11ICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. Irairmounl lltli; een rwiu .iil' fine laimlitton: pavea street. t.00 payment will handle, e tis at ' oucc. bocoiofsky, 31 State. FOB SALE HALF ACRE AND AC US. lots in cherries, loganberries xir stran berries on street ear line. . Terms. Phone Cotton. 1794-W1. Best Buys!and Exchanges n ... with . fair buildings -' on good .....I nuarter mile to Auujsville, for -.nn will taka house in Salem. ' 3 room bonse: garage, wood ' k .nVr rhhken house: a fine buy lor 190O. Just one mile from Fair- grounds on paved read. 8 room, house and half acre snap for $800, with $150 down, ' balance like rent. ,.'..- ' ' - . Borne good city property .and some cash for a good farm. " Good lot and some cash for honse. Three furnished rooms for rent, $16. THOMASON ' 831 State atreet HEREJT IS 'ew a ,. tlandy i lutch , 'dining room modern bnngalow with sleeping jioreh : full baaemeni kitchen. The living room and room with built-in btitfet wui ; , suit you 2 large convenient bed rooms, Iirsl ciasa piumums. t..r South Commercial street." Pos- seaainn soon. Bargain $3000, $1000 down. - S. R, PEARSON f 10-211 1. S. Bank Bldg terns EMPLOYMENT MALI. f WAXTED YOUNG MAN WITH MOT oreyrle to do two hours wor fty'" 4:30. an6 :30 a.m. daily. Apply YBox V27, care statesman. WANTED ENERGETIC TOUNG MAN who haa had experience sailing life , Inaurance, atocka or advertiamg. Must be able to devote h la entire time and be ambitious for advancement. Must neve the eonrage to preaeat businea . proposition to merchnta and profea i... in venr own band -,i.in, .tatine- age. educational quel ' ..rtiana axnerienee aa aolieitor, etc Addreas ,T-No. $1." Btatesmae. of fie SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL Till! BEST AND cheapc-at line of Raincoats ever made "'from manufacturer to wearer. Th -Ideal coat for the rainy season. Noth r ing like these valuea ever seen in the west. Get started with a line that 'is in big demand and offera rea opportunities for making big money Snd fr fre samples and particulars Leach RaJnroat Co., 337 Superior Ave V.. Cleveland. O MALE AND FEMALE WANTED MEN ASO WOMEN TO -take farm paper auhcriptions. A good - proposition to the right people. Addreas the Pacific Homestead, Statesman Bit! Halem. Or PERSONAL CATIIOLICS-r WISHING TO MARRY. two t . I rea..- ' Art:rs Home Club. '-.'Ij Bo$ 29, Grand Rapids, Mirh.' TacTalXsCALP TREATMENTS. VIO let ray; manicuring, shampooing. Or . gon Bath Honsa. Phoaa R40. FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS CANARY BNERS IN FULL SONG slnst the thing for Xmas preaents. . Phone Mra." Bennett, 128U. 103O Cbem eketa. . FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO OET THE BEST farm paper. ends 15e to the Paeifie ; Homestead. Salem. Oregon, (or a three w.etha' ..trial - subscription. - Mention fhia lad.. .-, ..-T -s ! t --s-. ..- FOR SALE HOUSES 'ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES" 30 percent saved in cost of construc tion. Cha. F. Smith, factory rep res -eotativa, 620 Northwest Dank Bldg., Portland. Oregon. POULTRY FOR SALE BUFF ORPINGTON COCK- erels. Phone 3.1F22. FOR SALE FANCY PURE RUED White Pekin ducks. Phone 90F22 or write Box 87. route .", Salem. On'jj. POL'LTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp for special three months' trial for tne best and oldest journal in the wen. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders f the northwest. N'or'hwtst Toultry Journal, 211 Com- twerrisi jit., yalem. 'r-gon. UVE STOCK FOR SALE A FINE SPAN OF BAY 15'Ht BUI- ir.arit, mso a Eeldinjr. w'i.ht ea-h. John H. frcott, -jaM Orgon MXSCEIXJsjrXODB APPLES DELIVERED PHONE 4F2. WILL SELL NEW F URN ITU HE CHKAP Phone 533. FOR SALE POTATOES KU1TRI.F for use or seed. Phone 17&9-W1. FOR SALE BRI.VDLE BULL PUPPIES fc. B. Flake, 590 S. 17th. Phone 1040 J. FOB SALE OLD HEWSPAPERS. 10 eeatg a bundle. Circulation department, Oregon Statesmsa. FOR SALE CHRISTMAS PUPPIF.S: coaitt. IVdigreei white best on the Scotch collie, two mouths old. Mrs. Bennett, 1030 Cbemeketa UASOLINE AND OIL TANKS from the largest to amalleat. L. A. Weetaeott, factory represent tiva. 864 8. 12tb St., phone 1602 J. THE HOUSE OF Hal.f A MILLION and one bargains. We buy, r ll or exchange anything and everything in the line of junk or aeooad band goods See ua before you boy or sail. Stain bock Junk Co. Remember the place. 402 N. Commercial fit. Phone 523. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa especially good selection of the songs you have been wanting, with worda and music complete. No matter how many songbooka you have, you should have this one, containing the Oregon songs. Prices: Single copies. 25c; 16 cents each is lota of a doien or more; $12.50 the hundred, poatpaid. Second edition printed since September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon WOOD NICE DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOR sale. Phone 254 or (122. OAK. fir. OLD FIR AND SECOND GROWTH for sale. Phone 1252-11 or 1756 DRY OLD GROWTH 10 IN FIR. 8 4 ft. second growth, $6.50. Phone 1467. FOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD maple, second growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 15 in. Fred E. Welis, Phone 1512. S05 S. Chtirrh. 16 INCH ELAB AND MILL WOOD. $3.50 per load. Dry planer woods $3.50 per load. Tracy Wood Co. Phone 620. FOR BIG or ash FIR. SECOND GROWTH OAK wood, phone 77F2. DRY WOOD FOR SALE BIG SECOND growth fir. $0.o0 and 16 inch large second growth, $7.50 and $7.75; old fir, 4 ft. $7. 16-inch $8; oak. $8 and $9; four foot ash, $7.25. Armstrong Transfer. I'hone 195. Stand, State and High. , . , , FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT -ments. 899 - FURNISHED N. Commercial APART street. fOrt UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS see Mr. Purdy at the Oregon Bath noose. KOOMS HOUSEKEEPING AND SLEEPING rooms, reasonable. The Cottage, ICO Court atreet. , FOR RENT 4fooms with ated soon. Alexandria, 1280. SUITE or TWO LARGE private bath. Will be vae Also separate room. The 1030 Cbemeketa St. Phone FOR RENT OFFICE DESK ROOM IV good location. Fully equipped, Wne 8. O. R.. care Statesman. FOR RENT LARGE, NICELY FURX- ished room with bath and furnace l ist, la private family. 823 N. Commercial atreet. FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN in modern home and centrally located Please give name and addrasa. E. rare Statesman ' HOwSES F. L. WOOD 341V, STATE ST, estate, rentals. REAL BUNGALOW AND GARAGE HOYT and Cottage, for rent. See Wm Flem ing, 841 State street. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST PARTY BAG CONTAINING white ballet siipers. Leave at States man office. WANTED M1SCELLAIE0CS OLD MATTRESSES MADE Capitol City Bedd.'ng Co. OVER Phone 19. WANTED WOOD DEALER WANTS TO buy dry oak and fir. Armstrong Trsnsfer. Phone 195. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furniture. Best prices paic THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AID FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St. Phona 947 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STORAGE GARAGE TRACY'8 STORAGE Ferry street. GARAGE 544 TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SMITH WATKISS, 147 NORTH Fisk, Sifvertnn Cord, Ilod ei HIGH. extra pi) tires. everything for auto. AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS South 11 Mfh. . W. C. WRIOHT, 171 AUTO TOP guaranteed. 112. UPHOLSTERY 53 South 1 WORK !th. Phone BATTER AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO K!.KC11tinuv. KXFKRT TUOU hie ahoo.iar. 238 North High. Phone 203. PRP1STO . t.lTR .R ATPKRT SERVICE stslion. Kaixtrt batlerv aaa werwi--. -work. Farria Bros, phone 1803, 41S Court RADIATOR SHOPS SALEV Boath AHTO 12th. RADIATOB Phone 88. SHOP 198 'VeLfe BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory USED CARS FOR BALE 191-. a PASSENGEB light ear, good condition, good tires, 9160. Mercuacu Delivery, 554 Ferry street. WANTED LIGHT Tit.VK IN EX ehans oa Hudson. Knsscx or Baby Overland. Fred Rirkwood, 21S Stale Kirrt . SCALES AUTOS WEIGHED 15. 2395 FROST OARAGE AND E.EPAIE AUTO REPAIR SHOf L. Center. Phone 090. MILLER, 245 HOFFMAN k ZOSEL TIRE RUPAIR ing. vulranisin;. retreading; 107 South Commercial street. Phone 471. CAPITAL GARAGE baker repairing. Phone t4. BUICK, STUDE 73 South Liberty. CLEANING PEESSING CLEAN ING. PRESS Nt IHJN E TO YOUR satisfaction. ';ill--d for und delivi-rV The Toireery, 1H7 State. I'lwine 8t2. CONFECTIONERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME made candiel, confections, cigars, mag siines. 1272 Stale. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTT Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street 956 CHILDREN'S NURSE CHILDREN TAKEN CARE OF BY THE hour, middle agwj ldy. Phone 1'iH CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. disesse. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN 153 8. High St., phona 283. DRUG STORES BREWER DRCO CO. 405 COURT. Phone 194 ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING. By contract, by hour. At pre-war prices. H W. Hitch, phone 1744 W FINANCIAL WANTED $3000 ON MODERN C.i'il 97'). HOME on Fairmount Hiil.. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association has money to loan at six . percent. W. D. Smith, aecretary-treaa-urer, 803 Salem Bank of Commerce. CITY BUILDING LOANS We have available funds for city loans, repayable like rent. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore'gon FURNITURE SCORES FRANK F. RICHTER NEW. SECOND band furniture. $49 N Commercial Phone 452. FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. liefintshtn; and upholstering a spceiulty. Phone 1712. Bron and Groye, 12'il South Commercial. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for sale. Smith's, 801 North Commer cial HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEL ROOMS AND board. Lunch counter. Opposite O. E. Depot. State and High. LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE mens, clean neat rooms and apartments 254 N. Front St. HORSESHOEING PRACTICAL HORSESHOEING PETE Conley, Shoer. Brick shop, 2o3 Chera eketa street. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE eompsny. J. C. Batch, agent, room 6 McCornack Bldg. Phona 96. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets, Phone 1043-R. 891 S. 12th FANCY WORK FANCY WORK FOR SaLE Cotnuiercial street. -222 NORTH NEEDLEWORK AND 1 EMBROIDERY shop; Jessie McCune. Tallmsn Piano Store. 121 South Commercial HEMSTITCHING M RS. B RECKENRI DG E II EM STITCH ing, mail orders solicited. 175 S. 19tb Phone 174 51. SAI.EM ELITE HEMSTITCHING ehsinstitchinc. pleating, buttons. 32n 830 firegon1 Bldg Phnne S79 DRESSMAKTJga DRESSMAKING Goodwin. 445 TAILORING. MRS North Commercial. DRESSMAKING Ashby. 600 S. CARRIE ROGERS 21st Phone 877 R. MRS. C. J EPSON Oak. phone 929. MODISTE, 256 MRS VARTY, DESIONER AND MAKER Lad its' Suits and Gowns. Over Mil ler'a Store. MF.SDAMES SCOTT CHASE DRESS makers. 219 Stste St. Phona 937 LA CLASIQUE GOWN SHOP EXCLU3 ie models. Expert designing. 331 State. MAUD SIMONS. DLESSMAKER 171' Bellcvte St. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING designing. Spencer cor cuts lo order 2 McCornack Bide EDITH M. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER 1315 Broadway. 143-J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCE! dressmaker. Phone 1971-W. RUTH Mi ADAMS DRESSMAKER, South 12lh. Phone 1824 M. 756 rilK ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinds of ladies' tail oring for old and new roatomera. 35'. N. 12th street. Phone 2085 -11. PLEATING MRS. Hll.OKBRAND. South 24th. Thone PLEATING 39 798 Ml. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and blocked. 495 Conn street. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 136 S Liberty atreet. Phone 25. Oldest largest bet. EstabUshed 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work proinnt aervira. 12fi4 rtrnsdwar Phona 15. LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BhAeTE. LANDSCAPE GARDEN r ISK (epth l.ihariv. Phone. IMt M MEDICAL MOUNTAIN "BALM COUGH BEMKDY t't,n Ml w Classified rds.; BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL F BAN KLIN LAUXFB PIASC. 17th. Phoua 10O)-W. SC8 N. MRS. HEN BY LEE PIANO. Capitol. Phona 1017 W. 1321 S. LAURA credits 1SI71 W. GRAN? PIA.V0 SCHOOL ': (iiu. 336 N". High. Phone; PEA!::. 1 THllMA: VJoi.IN, PIANO. 0." North ICtU. Phcne t'tl J. MINN ETTA BuilJ.ng. M AGKR3 VOCAL, DERBY Fndaj afternoon, Salurdiy. LENA BELLE TARTAR. VOCAL IN struytion. 1'bona 334 DOROTHY PEARCE North Winter. Pnooe PIANO. 845 J. 7 i j NELLIE MCLK.EY S73 Leslie. Phona STONE riANO 751-W. ALLIE North CHANDLER PIANO. Cottage. Phone 69. 1 BEATRICE SUE1.TON 345 Marion. Phoua PIANO STUDIO ; 1299. LILIAN North HARTSHORN PIANO S94 Church. Phone 178. T. S. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN, zTO South Uvh. Plionr 7f DAN. F. Derby LAN GEN 14 KitG, VOCAL Bldg. I'hone i"79. LENA WATERS Phone lid 151. PIANO 1472 Mill JtOLLIE STYLES VOICE, Fl.VNO. 8i9 Center. Phoue 2ulC R. JULIA MILLS WEIGEL PIANO, 1560 South Ccurch. Pkuaa li. LUCILE North ROSS -Liberty. PIANO. ORGAN, I'hone Hh7-W. 4'J3 MATT1E GILBERT STRING n-ents. l."7a btate. Phone ISSTRC ll.'.o R. SAXOPHONE INSTRI litie.ftlier Saxophon'-s south t hiin h ttreet. 1TI;N AvKNT r'. M. Alle . Ill i'hone i I i- . MISS MAB1.E S1LSPHERD PIANO i player; Cauces, aliawccusiuas. 257 N. Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY. AUTHORIZED teacher, Uodowsky Progressive Series Piano. 679 North Cottage. Phoue 1950 W. LEARN PIANO 12 LESSON'S. GUAR anteed. Waterman sjstem. F. B. I lark, lallmau Piano store, l'Jl soutu Com uiercial. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUS ic of Chicago. Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Dipfmas granted. Odd Fellow a Bldg. SALEM CO.VSEKVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diploma granted John R.- Sites, director. 1237 Court Phone 02 b. TUNERS WENDEL1 HELM- -TUNING. REPAIR ing. Phone 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave oilers Will's Music Store'. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning refiniahing. rebuilding, player piano expert. Phoue 1059, 121 South Commercial. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS. STEIN others. Moore Masonic Temple. ways. l)i o An, and Dunn Music store. PHONOGRAPHS STRADIVARI PHONOGRAPH KNOWN for tone. Retailing at factory price. Room 7, l'.ii;oii block. SOME REAL BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY used talking machines. Rrunswjck, Vic tors, Edisona and Columbia. ., $115, ( ami ?Ho. Some just like new, 5toore-Dunn Miiiic Store tl State street and Masonic building. - VI0HN BOW REPAIRING VIOLIN LOWS RF.H AIRED P. Thoin.is. Phone 1-518-1. F. MTJSI0 STORES GEO. C. WiLL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repsiring phon ogrsphs and aewing machines. 432 State, Salem. DANCING WHITK R. L. DANCING ACADEMY MRS. White, principal. Phone 273 J. MDXTIGRAPHING MULTIGRAPHING. PRINTING PER feet work; dependable. Minkler-lled Berg Mail Adv. Co.. 212 OreB'n Bldg. PAINT CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. E. D Brandon, contractor. 305 North High, Phone 645 J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTINO. PAP erhauging, kaUomming. Work guar anteed. Terms reasonable. Ptaonr 2035-J. 14C Ferry. PRACTICAL NURSE PRACTICAL EXPER'ENCl ifTJRSE Mrs. Meitsler Florence Hotel. Phone 928 NURSERY STOCK r-RUITLAND NUKSKEY SALES YARD back of office, 510 State street. Pbont 1140 M. WILLAMETTE VALLEi NURSERY All kinds nursery slock for sale. Rte 7. Phone 105F5. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nor sery Co.. 426 Oregon BUg. phone 75 PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRIP tiuns for sll uiajaiinet. 251 S. IT id . street. Phone 741 XI. PRINTING FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND snnoum eiiienis, see Bertelson, printer. "Y'' Building. PRIVATE HOSPITALS PRIVATE MATERNITY HOSPITAL 147 NortU Front St. Mrs. J. St ina PERFUME AND TOILS! ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME tracts, toilet articles. 17H South 23rd. Phone CO EX Mrs Hoycr. 122 I PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MARGARET oio apuer. 2S2. BURNS PUBLIC 408 Masonic Bidg. STEN Phom PUBLIC S'TENOORAPHEi! It m Bank of C uiiiuien o reasonable. 2D 1 SA Bidg. Kales PLUMBING Pl.l 9.' MP.INO-0-M. -70c PER HOUR -PHONE PLUMBING -- REPAIRING work. Phone i:;y7..l Ehop, street A. L. ifiodfrty. AND CO 1 1. 127 Unioa NORTH WESTEUN- PIPE Ct). WHOLE sale an I I'laii plumbing supplies. 219 N. Commercial. Phone 179. SIGN'S UN KIN SI ON CO. SIGNS WITH KICK. Showranls that talk. 421 N. Commer rial. Phone ,S1 BCAVEKGEE9 SALEM SCAVENJERS--OARBArs BK fuse of all fcini's renied. C esapoela eleane.1 1'hi.n. 01B SHOE REPAIRIN'O wrt MAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 -iWUTH ItiflU . . . - BUSINESS CARDS SECOND HAND tOODS HIGHEST rr.ICES PAID for SECOND hand cloiuiog nd shoes. Also do cleaning. pr-m( and r-pairinf Cl. an4 del.Trr. Ccpnal F.schange, 34j Nonh CoiLUieriial. Pboua 136S A'. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND gooU of ail kmJi, pie fitiiucs. har nas. collars, collar :tda, toois. snd clia-ns. Fred Schiadlt-r, 25s Center street STUDIOS -1 PE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF ferent in pho'-ography. 147 N. Com 1 STOVES STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED-! -40 years epenen-e. Depot National' fence, sizes 26 to inrhes high. ; Paints, oii and vsrniahes, etc., logan j berry and hop hooks Salem Feaca and Stoe Wurka. 250 Court street ! Phone 12 4 i SWEDISH niSTITUTL 1 THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE MEKANO Therapj. Swedish manage aith active and pa. sire movements. Steam cabi nt'i Lath, medicated packs, eiLctri-ity, et:.3-.il02 Oregon bldg. Phnne 55. TRANSFER HAULING MERCHANTS,1 TRANSFER FO sai:e and hsht hauling. iol sUeet Phone 2 V.'. P. AG y eiry 1 AK.MS1 KO.NG TRANSFER LOCAL AND long d:tance hauling a specialty. Staud State aud Hiph. I'hone 195. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 ! State St, phone 33. Distributing! forwarding and storage our specialty, j Get- our rates ' TAILORS I FRANK PALM M ERCHANT High, and Ferry TAILOR. 217 S. TAXI DIRECTORY LANHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 5 40. THE; OREGON TAXI TRANSFER CO.. liberty & Ferry. I'hone 77. Dry slab 16-inch wood for sale. TRANSPORTATION SALEM -SI LVERTON STAGE Lesrus Leaves Salem O. E. 7 :0o 11 :00 &:00 Silverton j Depot a.m. a.m. p.m. News Stand 8:15 a. ni 1 :00 p.m. p.m. 6:15 SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH ST AUK Leavt Salem, O. S. Depot 7:00 a m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m., 1;00 pm.. 6:15 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:30 am., 1:15 p m, 6:J0 p.m. Special trips by appointment. Seven passenger car for hire. J. W. PARKER, Prop. R's. Phone fil Business phone 7 WOOD SAWS CITY AXD COUNTRY 'WOOD SAWING. Phone 248 Fisher Bros WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. Stores everything except ex pl.. sites Apply Fry's Drug Store. WATER &.M.EM WATER, LIGHT k POWER CO - Office, 301 South Cotn'I St. Ten per rent discount on domestic flat rntes paid in sdvance. No deductions for absence or any cause unless water it shut off your premises WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OPEN Sunday morning 8 o'clock. American style. " 110V4 North Commercial. Phone 472. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 322 State St. I'atton Hldk. Phone 957. CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without vn'.n. Appliances from indi vidusl impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic Ride Phone 412 CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, P. SC. CHIROPRAC tor, 809-12 U S. Bank Bldg. Tbone 87: Res. 828 R. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. P. AND Pearl M. Bradford, graduates snd posi graduates of the fiist chartered school of Chiropractors in the world Ten years in practice. Phone 526. Rooms 318-::i9 320 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS rltS. u. WHITE AND S. Bank Bldz. MARSHALL, 50fi DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATIIK Physician snd surEeon. Kirksville praduste. 401 40.". V. S. National Bank Bldg. Phones Office, 919; Res. 614 OR. JOHN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Phvsirian snd Surgeon. 403 404 Ore gon Bidg. Phones, Office. 1394; Res OPTICIANS POMEROY KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 888 State. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR det;e at the Bow Optical Company; 325 State Street, opposite Ladd and Bush Hank LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5, Armory. First, third Mondays REAL ESTATE LET US EaPLAIN ini! KZyf SYSTEM of relling your property. Property listed not exclusive. ' Your property photogrsphed. Brown, Mseee snd Bsie Snjdr. Over Busiek's Store Stste and Commercial. Phone 559. fiOOO OPENTVG A COTTAGE HO tel. we'l locate! No compel It ion. Sec Win. Fl-raing. 3 11 State Street. WOULD MM' LIKE TO OWN A HOME in West f-:iii'Hi. If so. here is a cood one of li roorrs with full cement base meiit and fully built in features, with 3 !o!n and S'irage for o:i y t!20n and terms pnen See L. A. Hayford KeaMor it: Sts Ft MR. HOME P.I ' Y F It VOL CAN P.I'Y A i', room liiirialow Ics-s than a e.ir olil for S.'.O'i . ss than I w m offered for it rum months aso. l!s liasemerii !lt h kit' hen, ,rlu.et an.' s eepinz pr ii. I uon jtill handle it Jce n today. l'i Leftelle. WORTH WHILE room - tot hirse, MTvlern execept , on p:ivel street, ::"" land. " r'Him hocse, i.i good t"wu, to irsdi l..isemi-nt ; i Terms pI'-M ' for f.irm i a'-re fmit, latlit hii Hires ioo.l Unil witii fair to ira-i' f'r Sali-m propcrl. In ,Ii.. - fcoOl lioitses for ten MILLS & COPLEY I;, a It oi .1! '4 -S'ate St. FOR.SALE tit'Od five rnnHI to ear. f j jdii: house, two lot. t.!'MI cash. bsSaU' close e ili 12 jt I per nifiiith. 7 room lioit.ix clo tioo.l hit .-tone fo Wi hare Kome ocit -.e in. pre car. terms, trailes; if ' a suit 10 tio'' liny nr a-H sc.- H. L, MARSTERS 212 tiray Bids. Phone 9o7 TRADE AT FLEMING'S FOR WHEAT - land - in SasAalebewau. iiee Fleming, S41 State street. IiEAL ESTATE 35 ACKES FRUIT AND GRAIN RANCH., niiics from Sj'ein, clitse t railroaJ station, school aud !ore: ; root) boie. ' barn and poultry house. 7 aire lo ?an. "j 1s aerex r-w t-rri's.. to a.-re ; :n young prunes. 1m aTes t;mer. a i sprica. i retk. roo4 e5 at hotce: ail ;po' land. Slre and curlii:er pe i with plaee. Ph. li.r..u M tt,' , n ! killer part .11 sood iear e;ty- i:ujvrt r;,sh. i-.in, e !ern;s ' , JOSEPH BARBER & SON ; -i'" Gray li'.dg ! WOOD'S BARGAINS s !' anil two isrw bui'd.ng. a snap at $'.'KV Tn lots north Capitol stre-t. (rre rfs:!;i 4f) arres. new bi-i'din;n. trade icr f.oiv.r , eooit ie:den-e to , trade for r!o.e in sTea?'. iirprove.l 'L J0 1 rt r.ffr bottom frm. S3 per) a r t 1.. Wood. o41 Mate St. WOOD'S BARGAINS and tl 1: r.. $:lf'i'i. terms 1 hot;e. K-1 term KtTe tt'.V. lia'I I'lirmli-na. ailrM room houf. el! e.?.v locsteU cash New biingxluw and xl ji t an aire of lnil 1 1 " 1 n.f .-..h li.n ai-r.-s ner Silverton. imprt.re'd.' tl mm i ! irv ami siwn ranch. 4i' a. res ?1 !'.".'. 'l",ike part trade. 1 1 wheat ranch, tindp for ca'l,. acre farm n ar ( orvilhs. ;-r". t.ood re.iite!ice in !'. .e in improved aetvaae. Wood, r. 11 State St. Chop-e 'I ci, fjrm '." per eiii ior F. L lots oa south Ilieli street Price r sg. t i mm i 1 IW'HP.AN HOME ABOUT a'-res a!' redv for huiidinss. "r small ci'tnated and all enuipp-d work "J" acre? seeded, good j Will trade for city property1 , j cn-!i pa nient will l.ntllt- See in e street. toila v . li S. Belle, fl'iiiM TO I.tiW o (,(:il) FARM SK enrity or wijl loan in !cser nnminu For sa e, nice . loom cottage at only $1 4mi : good teres Square Deal Realty Co, U. S Bank Bids GOOD BUYS ,HI) acrq tract with iniurovem.-n. will ci iw, ill it Mnull acreage near I'ort'i.id or Portland property as part pivm,;it. Price $fc(Miu. i'J'i acre f.irm. acres si-rnmer t.il'ow wiieat. h:ilaiie timlM-r an I p:.si;'r. lnli!Uin, spring Water: tx .il coh.i ler par: trade Pr ... ti", p.- acr. I-' ni-:-,- tract. liuil'l .:2.s. lorat-l -lose into Salem. Will consider house and lot in Portland part payment. Price i f.SIKli'. We have some fine traits from half acre to 2U acres on easy installment plan: if -ou are looking for inall lnent acreage let is tell you wlist we hare. room Imuse lit 'j"." Superior strict. Price .'.,ii"n: 1 1 ". down. room house at 1:127 Shipping street. Price $17t". Sfi'i'i down e have a fine quarter block on Fair W mount II ill. corner of Liii"i1n aud Fairmount avenue. Price $45oO, F:ne cat front lot on south Com. nereis!. Price $."'. W. H, GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors 275 State St BEST BUYS service station on Pacific tlasolillc wa . 5 acres prune high- II tnltivate 2 acres x year old 1 1i a'-rea l-arins loKns. ,-ii acre pears, fcood buildings, o riKtn lilsstered bungalow, rock road, 1 Vj. utiles from Salem. f47'i'. Terms. IK aires all cultivated. S acres lofans, 7 rcoin hoi e. eood darn, f acres new clover: I rj miles from Salem, paved road: only f.7."f, $25o cash. 20 arres 'sandy loam. 17 cleareil. Iiuild iuas, 5 mile school. 1 t tni'e town, rock road; 2S!"; ?Iiioo cash. 51) arres all cultivated. -4 acrex yonii prunes. 35 in fall grain. 4 miles from town, ro'ck road. All stock, equipment and tractor coes. $10,000. Trade lor Salem bouses. 38i) acres re.l fruit oil. 225 cult iv.i ted, l.aiaTice fir and oak pasture, buili'ings, good fences, spring water rock road. 10 miles from Salem, 'i mile 1 school, price $H' per acre. 13 cash. prefer to sell only half iiileres'. We want ;iuou loan on fine stiletly modern home claaa iecuritv on Kair'no'int bill, first See 'is ;it oni S0C0L0FSKY ll.11 State St. Phono 970 FOR SALE traits with OX TERMS 10 ACRE located from improvements three to five miles from Salem, near for ?!oo up per acre. paved rond. (lepeni'ini: on kind of the improvements. Might t ike auto or some city property in exchanse. Jo'iu II. Scott, .22 Orejron Bidu. . niADK 20 ACRES IN II VRitlMJUP.G, Oregon with a seven room hoiisa for Salem property of ci al vil;i Pr ce $400. See Krne-cr. 200 Ores in Bids. FOR SALE BY OWNER THE hKNRY Schora;iker home at 1 20M SWo'tli Com merctal street, corner of Wils.in. tome and look it over if o'.i w.mt it lor a reasonable cash price Financial Market Swayed By Foreign Nation Money CHICAGO. Dec. 12. Foreign exchanges dominated the financial market today, under the lead of tho pound sterling, which rose to its highest level in more than two years. British demand bills advanced to $4.2.1 T.-8. a gaiii of almost 10 tents from last week's quotation. The low of 192') was 5.1?. The Paris demand rate at 8. I1, was up half a cent. Del- Kiu in 7.06 Vi 4.77 '.i francs rose 1 points to and the Iteiian lire ;t i showed a gain of 3" i points. j Dutch guilders rose 4."i points '. to 25.40; Spanish b'lls were quoted at 11.75. an advance of points, and Sweden. Denmark and Norway were ?.. 1", and 7 points hither respectively. German marks at 100 fur fin rents showed a tain of almost lOO per tent of their low- of i e tent weeks, although tables Iron Germany told of further failure: at leading centers of finance snd industry. i itriT Ni;V YORK. Dec. 1 ated apples ('iiet: f';il IT. ; state 1 1 rn J 5'-. V ; a sr. Oregon 6 u 2 - K vapor -forn a 1 t r" run os wait 1 ft H peaches lino, etr;i choice. 1 7 rt 20 c. choice i; l:; :: ut l 1 4. ; fat!'-; Portland Citizens Give i Send-off to Oregon Team; PORTLAND. Or . De- I 2. -Send off for Uio I'm vrtsi',- o . Oregon football tnam. wliich leaves tonight for San Francisco j to RH.il Tue.dav for Ha jil. w;ts i given here today by the adop-j tion by the Portlind ("hanibei of Commerce of n r0sohi(i.t: remni- ' mending 'Mo the trade of the Ha-' waiian islands tlirojsh Oi Chan-J berp of Commerce rsf Hawaii and I Ililo. the Oregon brand trT bcof-i ball as 100 per cent right, the "kick", the resolution It hat?; said, The University of Oreeou lean will play three games in Hawaii. Ue Statesman Classified Adi m HOT M W HUSBAND Ad ley )rrisnV New Iiia of REVEUTIONS OF A WIFE CHATTKIv :U WHAT HARRIET H II A IT II W.MTE AjKEIi Of MADGE. 1 nCOd not have feared for otj Harriet Braith walte's control herself. Even as I noticed the tears in her eyes she iwallowed hard, passed her kerthief lightiy over her eyes, und was once more the polsea woman of the Wor'.d ! liad known Indeed, She j I was apparentiw e.iimer ' for I was all fte-oc with ,Tian .' a to the nature of the "sonic ; thint odd" wliich she wished mo to do for her. ; t "Ho von ever see your l;ttle ; friend. Mrs Hkkett?" she asked next, and there was not the. sliphtest trace In her voice of anything save the most casual in- j iu'rv about an acquaintance. I have only seen her onr? , s'nee she returned." I replien i , quietly, but my puUes had in i crea -e I their heat "Doe,; she live near here?" sho asked next "No. over n Jersey. My cou sin has never fully recovered from his iniuries. and as his in come is suff'e'ent for them to live comfortably Irt th country, they have a delightful litt!e place about sixtv mites from the city, and are playing at farming in a desultory sort of way." She pondered my Information intently with downcast eye and tightly interlocked fingers. When she looked un her face held an embarrassed flush upon it. "Would it be possible for you to invite them out for a week end after you come back and while we are still here? I would manage mother eo that we could j make room for them. I would share her room and give the one I am !n to them. You see. If H could be managed, I should not like them to know we ae hro, nor do 1 wish Edwin to know thev are coming until they get here." Madge is Doubtful. I think mv face was more flushed than hers by the time she had finished, for I had een the reason for her request In an in stant and realized the, humilia tion she must be Buffering at thus betraying to me the fear that was consuming her. With all her poise, her world ly wisdom, the etrength of h.r character. Harriet Uraithwatte was obsessed by the Idei that her husband's infatuation for Kather ine Snnot. born of lonliness and illness, not realized even by hm- ?elf, mipht not be 1 completely cured. With a strategem wor thy of a melodramatic schoolgirl she had planned this unexpected meeting between tho two that she might see for herself what effect the sight of Katherine Sonnott would have upon her husband Hut I had no time to indulge the very real distaste I felt for the task which she had so unex pectedly imposed upon me. That this scheme she had conceived was a most vital thing to her. one upon which she felt the de cision of her future happiness de pended. I could see plainly. I tried to make my answer casual and made a pretense of arrang ing something on the table so that T might avoid loking at her "Why, it would be entirely possible for me to Invite them'." I said cordially. "Hut whether they would come or not is anoth er question. Like many men who were wounded over there, my cousin has come back a little difficult cocially and tem peramentally 1 do not know that I can quite express it I don't want you to think that he is un pleasant, for that Is not true, but " A Finn Resolution. "1 know all about it," Harriet Hraithwaite replied briskly, evi dently glad to be upon the firm impersonal ground of generaliza tion "No man went through that hell over there without com ing back changed in some way Pome of them are so resMess thst they want constant changand excitement : others are moody anj ! shrink trom any sort of social eem to want to 17'1'fe. They crawl into their home? and jus bask i the luxury of rest and quiet." "Vol have described .tack Hickett a? if you had seen him." I said quickly. "I did see him," she returned quietlv. "and was afra'd that he would lose something bv his ex perience over there which wmiM be long in coming back to him. I liked him immensely, but h" seems to me to tie a shade loi sombre, too t it id for that b-sel little wife of hi-1. Hhe has one of the truest, sweetest, sunniest n;i lure i hive ever s'en." Her voice had the inri'Mtior. of ?n absolute truth. I saw wo derinjsly that Harriet llraithwaite was the millionth woman capable of absolute justice toward th-j woman for whom sh fearct her husband cared ton muf h. Know ing Katherine so well, I had lK'rn absolu'ely assured that she had been blameless in the trying st' uatiori in v bi h she had been In volved bv Mrs. limit hwaile's i 1 1 nens. Katherine hud borne tri bute io the elder woman's fair ness jind bigness in the matter, and I realized that the wmnn be fore me was not onlv just to mv I'tlle friend, but bad pei-onmlish-ed the more diffietili fent of a1 tually admiring and liking her fmnulive!y f resolved that I would further til's ma'' sehenx- of hers. Jack and Katherine week-end were with i should come for a 'while the Hraithwaite us if i had to go over to Jersey i and ' drag them-out .by force. (To bo continued) , . , Big Forest Developrtrnt ; In Alaska is Possible WASHINGTON. lec. 12. Th I'n.ted States for the frst'time txaa in AlasW an opportunity tiuide the devfiopment of aa Im mense forest recion from th standpoint of permanent nation! ' iuteresis.' W. H. Urectey, chift of the forest set x ice. declare iu -his annual report tonight. "This means expansion of Ala-' kan forest iudustries as rapidly as thjr is a market for their pro ducts but within the liuiita and under the control tcwessary to keep the land productive n4 market the supply- of raw mater nal for manuracture into lumnor and paper perpetual." he said. y exprea.se the opinion that wise handling: of the Alaskan for est will result In development there of a paper industry "capa ble of supplying a third of tho r.rosent naner consumption of tha jVnitotl States. I he say, are transportation, prae ! tically marine, "and a derentral- :zed adtnlnistratlon of pubttc ro -s.iurtes an1 affairs In the terri tory itself." Discuss'ng the general forest policy, he recommends fadcral legislation providing for: "Extension of federal co-oporv atiou ifi th protection of all classes of forest land from fir. uch co operation to he availablo on all forest land within states prepared io join In co-opcratlvo efforts. 'F..tens'on of public forest ownership by incorporating with in national forests public lands not under federal ownership or control which are adapted prim arily to growing timber or the protection of Watersheds; by ac quiring cut-over forest lands with- . in or adjo'ning national torecS through exchanges: and by pur chasing forest lands with a view to both the protection of navi gable watersheds and to the res toration of forests on areas, now denuded and idle. $3.00 Round Trip to i Portland Every Day Oregon Electric Railway The Oregon Klectrlc Hallway sells round trip tickets to Port land for $3, including war tax, good for return to and Including the second day from date-of sale. -J. W. .RITCHIE. Ad. Agent. O. E. Jlr. TEXT BOOK of WALL STREET 1922 Edltioa now ready for free distribution , ' McCall, Riley & Co. Members Cenl:Ate4 S'ack Esthanas af Kew rrk 29 Uroad SU New York 7 n"vr;r r-ijicn . " TU Cuxlet b Self -Adjustinf. It aim ply .lip orr th bead,.dps evt weist etod eta o the out nglf lines. your dealer can 't get it send actual bust measure, name, ad' dress Cf 31. SO. We'll send the Circlet prepaid. Sizes 34 to 48. Netne) Hygienic-Fashion Instttut 120 E. 16 St. New York, Dep't M. SALEM MARKETS 1 Prices quoted- are wlifftesaie ana erj prices received tiy farmers. Ne retal prices are given Oms. milling, net 4.e. Wheat No. 1. Sacked, 80e. Osls. feed. 88r. t Vetch and Oat key, flS. C'rfiver hay. Sl. Mill ren mill f'-ed. i EGGS. BUTTER BUTTEtTAT Feci. ')c i lie. Cresmrry lmlter, 4fie. ' Duttcrfat, 42r POULTRY Hens, liuht, lr. Hens, heavy. 22e; ; Chickens, sprmsc. I 'e. , ,a tfcwisters, eld, fr fp Ti rkevx. live, :tr-. Turk.vs. dr.-,-ed :14c (. ;t "e POBE. MUTTOrJ AKU BEEP Hogs, 7ie i Us limits. Toft Ten I 1'V. Pork, dre.iw.ed. lie. .sieevs, 4c it iVe. Bulls, 3c. rBUITS I-'.nipror firapes, 12c Rnonas, Lemon. f5. Navel Oraares, f. Flnnda jrrapefmit. fC Iff I7M, f 4.00. 5 slifnrnia srspe fruit. 1 luck letierrien. I e Wsshinclun ernetrrles 1ms. $S jO. VEGETABLES Hw'eet potatoe-a, dVie. l'matoes. l.hO. Cul.tmge, 'ir.. California tomsloae. Inf. I nrnmbeit, fl .25. Caulitmwer, Turnips. 2. So. '.'..,-, Hell pepper. ll., He.. ; i Parsnips. t2. : Oregon onW.o. f4. s. !r. Carrots, 1 23. Hem! leltnre. rrate crate, 13.25. CabfornU Celery, Hie. -,J-Beets, f2.sn. DATES, -riOS. HONEY ) V TSes. tfte, Parkacie dates, tase, fS.73. i ; Futs. 12a. V' Cnenfc baaey, ease. $t. CVteAannla. dnn. (1.7. , Itrasil nut. St)e. Jillierts. 3e.- .., " Almonds. 29c. . 1 t F.fic1ih . Wslnata. : SOe. . 2 LbjIiso. Walnnte, Z2s. i I r i i 4 ....