The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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(Meat and Fish Prices Now and
U W. S. Fltta had. a business! for chickens, cents for geese,
1 birthday few days ago, his ZOth
?nniverary In the fish and meat
business -in Salem, and he was
." Interested In recalling Rome , or
Uhe prices of 20 years ago as com
'pared with those of today.
, :i"We bought our first Thanks-
:hhib inrejrB ui ra iiaruey,
.paying him 10 cents a pound for
Ihem, live weight," said Mr.
! .Kitts. "TheT sold at 13 rni tn
i jibe hotels in quantities, dressed.
! -and at 15 cents retail. We sell
.them today at from 28 cents up-
ward, for chickens, we paid
cents, for ducks 6 cents, and for
BtTOHi, w veins a yuuna. rney re
Twenty Years Ago Compared by
Mr. Fitts on Anniversary Day
and 20 to 24 cents for ducks.
"We -were Belling- tho bet tea
crobs for 10 cents each, usually
three for a quarter. Now. I hey
cost so much that they can't be
sold under 40 cents apiece. Hali
but used to cost from 3 1-2 to S
cents a pound af Puget Sound
point; , we sold It' for th stand
ard price of 10 cents, which av
eraged fairly well for the year,
although sometimes it co-t us
more than we received, and we
threw In the rent and the labor.
Nowadays, halibut sells for 20 to
25 cents. Salmon used to cost at
seaboard from 5 to 7 cents a
tall now at from 18 to 22 tenU pound, and retail at from 10 to
r i
' i
i ::
f :
i! Gome!
We extenil a cordial invitation to the auto users of
Salem to look over our stock of used cars. We always
keep at least thirty cars in stock, thus jriving you variety
from which to select.
"- i --
. Our cars are all either sold on commission or purchased
for cash. We do not take cars in exchange for new,
hence the low price.
Our salesmen are always pleased to meet you and dis
cuss your needs. "
Oleson-Rookstool Auto Exchange
. : "The Home of Used Cars"
341' North Commercial Phone 66C
12 cents. Eggs brought about IS
to 20 cents through most of the
"The farmer today Is gettin?
an average of three times , as
much for his stuff as he did 20
years ago. The fisherman gets
fully twice for the cheapest, an)
tour or five times as much tot
pome select product., as he did
then All this, raise goes to th
producer, from field or from
The fish market has been ser
iously demoralized by the storm!
which stopped the usual supply
from the coast waters. Silver
smelt are being received froia
the Sound; the Columbia river
smelt may be. expected any time
from December 23 to February
1. They come mostly from the
Cowlitz river, at Kelso, Wn.j
though the gill netters take some
of these "little fellers" in the
main river, down at Eagle Clirr
and o'iier points down the main
stream. The market this wee
been, practically innocent of fresn
salmon and halibut, so that fish-
lovers have had to get their prov
ender largely from cans or from
barrels, or practice hypnotism on
their appetites.
Speaking- of f'sh in cans, there
Is on the Fitts counter a Mason
quart jar filled with silverside
salmon that Mr. Fitts put up
more than four years ago, cook
ing it there in the shop and leav
ing it on the counter ever since.
The fish requires good cookmg
State Health and Pharmacy
Board Secretaries Ask
ed to Investigate
Governor to Cal Joint Meet
ing of Officials When
Data is Obtained
only a week earlier. The t)ther
are right at the first of ;th sea
son; Oregon on October; 7jj aul
O. A. C. on October J 4 prelim
inary practice games for home
body but they don't know? yet
who it will be. With some ibf the
splendid new material that fgot
taste of the big game thU fall, it
might even be the ' big- fallows
who set the upset. That, htow ev
er, is 10 months off
ponents. They will meet the alum
ni team shortly after New Tear's
as one of the try-out games.
The interclass games which
start Monday, will determine to
some extent the make-up of the
varsity team All the last year's
letter men are going well enough
to be reasonably sure of places ou
the squad, though nobody can sii
down for 10 minutes without hav
ing some daring freshman make
a desperate fight for his place,
with a chance to win it. There
was never so much interest taken
in the game, as now, though the
team has lost so many stars by
graduation and otherwise, that
the team is still up in the air as
I to its prospects.
The Bearcats will plav nine
conference games of baseball, one
I with the University of Washins
; ton. the first for several years:
two each with Oregon university t Uolw f HnwninT Am
and O. A. c. and four with Wh't-', "a,ier r UOWIlill MU.
man. The baseball season is still ! FiHG PtlZG WlHnin
a long way ou, out tne iiearrai
have garnered in some excellent
diamond material this season, and
they count on making a strong
bid for the pennant.
Their showing at basketball and
ing clash, and the Whitman jganiej very fine prise winning
flock and
some of
In letters addressed yesterday
t$ Dr. Frederick D. Strieker of
Portland sMTHarv of th state
board of health; and to Frank s. I basenail last year, their first sen-
Ward of Portland, secretary of ( "V" u,,'ne """fence circu-i. u
the state board of pharmacy, Gov
ernor Olcott set in moiion the
machinery of those two boards to
assist in eliminating the narcotic
Breeding Birds
Walter F. Downing. 19S3
eyH in Oregon.
The governor asks the two
this sample was steam-cooked for board secretaries to conduct an
three hours and then it will
keeD for a long, long time. This
sample has keptits color and ap
parent quality, as though it had
been prepared but a week ago.
0. A. C. Committees Plan
For Holiday Affairs b
investigation into every phase of
the traffic' As soon as the in
vestigation has proceeded far
enough it is the executive's inten
tion to call a joint meeting of the
tko boards where the information
obtained by the investigation shall
be placed before the board mem-
given them real prestige for this
winter, so that their games ought I
to draw good houses wherever ;
they appear.
Of the three conference gam's
of football scheduled for next
fall, all will be played away from
home at Eugene, Corvallis, and
Walla Walla. All the football
seen in Salem will be the non
conference games, with Pacific
university. College of Puget
Sound, Chemawa, and whatever
other opponents may be accepted
The Puget Sound team comes
here for the annual Thanksgiv-
Ftreet. Salem, has just jretnrned
from a visit to some of he bo"
try plants about Portland and
Delano, bringing with hlin jsonitf
White ftrtt aBi second breeding" pen
Rocks to add to hi th!s coming eeason, while anotuer
witn which to Wdift eock bird will head h
. . third breeding pen. ;
his breeding pens far , Mr rnjng now hat 0ne 0f ,
tthe finest flocks of White Ply-
mnnr hirrt rwirchased wis mouth Rocks in the valley, whicU
one cockerel from Jack Bertram. are of a good laying strain, two
Portland which was awarded! of his pullets beg.nnmg laying t
first priie at the Oregon State a little more than 5 rainths old
fair in l2u He alo purchased j this season.
three fine White Hock pnUets
from Mr. Bertram. Hand-painted gowns are th
Another fine male bird was se-j latest. Don't know bat that th
cured from a Milwaukee breeder) p4.nt wouid
which was awarded second prie j .
at the. 19 20 Portland winter show. s f ooas imb
These two birds will head his change
look better on the
on the face, - Ex.
eward fbp Youp List)
Give Correct Nmts of Cities
At th ri4kt yon ace tn of icttcm
that on be maJc mo 12 nmm of
Uni4 S. mpWt No. t w! NEW
YORK. Now try to t U mnd b tewmKixi.
Writ una on a puttcatd ot in lertei with
Tout oaatc with addrau pla n. Yea tiaad ot
MndtcMCefTearawiarr to sa(aa
orfcr. You and ew athrt 9rmm
(man. woman, boa or .ri) who arnda w tb
name will receive pme o lue act
whKh tou mht make worth $100X0 to T
anu fin great happia. within three montna!
loae no rune . Other evrrriee md
. Anna thiaNOw and are what Addreait
4. LOETOD toi tBONOT ,
; GOLDEN RAVrEN CO., 441 So. Boulewd. O B28, NEW YORK, N. Y;
COLLEGE. Corvallis. Dec. 10.
Holiday social affairs are being
planned in all cities throughout
the state by the Greater O.A.C,
committee . The members of the
committee are Joe Kasberger,; The
Dalles; Ben Schumaker, Portland,
and Mary E. Bayne, of Salem.
They are working hard with their
sub-committees and are planning
special features.
Similar dances have been given
before, proving very successful.
These affairs are to interest high
school students in attending the
college and to get acquainted
with the college people.
Federal Cord- lT cesa mile
age because 'OS
Layers of cords surrounded by
supple rubber afford remarkable
flexibility nd strength. The
Double-Cable-Base clamps the
tire rigidly to the rim so that it
( cannot slip "
double. Cable Base c7Xres
. 'AKatt)r Korncr Marion Hotel
Phone 471
20 to 30 Redaction
CORDS Firsts
10,000 Mile Oausntes
30x3 Nonakid $15.35
32 3'i Nonskid 20.85
324 NpnsWid 26.50
33x4 Nonakid 27.35
34x4 Nonakid 27.95
32x4 Konakid 34.30
33x4 Nonakid 34.95
34x4 Nonskid 35.95
35x3 Nonakid 44.80
(No- Tax)
6000 Mile Guarantee
28x3 Nonskid 9 7.50
30x3 Nonakid .. 8.40
30x3 Noil. kid 8.40
32x3 Nonakid 13.75
31x4 Nonskid 14.55
8?x4 Nonakid 16.00
83. (4 Nonakid 17.00
84x4 Nanakid 17.75
(No Tax)
. Other lizca in proportion
Why pay more when yon can get
a itandard make at above prices?
Come In and tea before yon bay.
Oood Urea honest aerviee.
Commercial & Court Sts.
Salem Oregon
Low operating cost
Prison Shows Results
Observations mada by the gov
ernor in connection with inmates
Of the state penitentiary and by
other methods has revealed a
serious situation, particularly in
! The letter sent by the governor
to Dr. Strieker follows:
"From observations I have
made in connection with prisoners
at the state penitentiary, and
from information received from
Other sources, I find there ap
parently is a most serious situ
ation, in Portland at least, anl
posslwy in other parts of the
state, in connection with the ille
gitimate sale of narcotic drugs.
Reports come to me from reliable
persons that the number of ad
dicts to'-the deplorable practice of
drug using is growing. If this
is trne it is a most alarming sit
uation. In any event, the illegal
use of narcotic drugs should not
only be curbed, but eliminated en
tirely, if possible.
Wide Inquiry Sought
"I am writing you as secretary
of the state board of health and
state health officer and also
writ'.ng to the secretary of the
state board of pharmacy asking
you to jointly conduct an Inves
tigation into all phases of this
traffic, and gather information
to as nearly as possible cover the
situation in the state. In ad
dition I would be pleased to have
you secure all available data as
to how other states deal with
th's problem, not only as to its
enforcement but in handling the
addicts themselves.
It is my plan, when your In
vestigation is far enough ad
vanced to warrant it. to call a
joint meeting of the state board
of health and the state board of
pharmacy, and ask you to lay this
information before them, and re
quest they take up the problem
from that time to further go into
the, question and make a report
and recommendations covering
the entire subject.
Elimination Necessary
I realize the necessity for
curbing and eliminatinc the use
oi narcotic drugs in as snort a
time as possible. But when the
job of cleaning it up Is done, :t
should be done thoroughly and
well, and I appreciate the advfsa
bllity of going into all of the de
tails to the end that we may be
prepared to meet the situation
'I would be pleased to hear
from you at the earliest possible
moment as to when you can go
ahead with this investigation and
when I may expect a preliminary
"Will you kindly consult with
Mr. Frank'S. Ward, secretary of
tha state board of pharmacy, fo
you may co-ordinate your ef
That Stands the
We are proud to show
our customers the
proof of our rapidly in
creasing business as
proof of the quality of
our work
Katty Corner
Marion Hotel
Phone 471
The Modern Dealer
Sells (More Than
If nothing eLci pt the delivery of the car was involved in the sale of
an automobile the public would buy all cars direct from the man
f acturer.
But both public and manufacturer depend upon the dealer to see
that the maker's ideals serve the owner's expectations. ,
Chevrolets artj made to give satisfaction. We see that they do it
locally. .
Chevrolet, G7 5
Salem Automobile go.
F. G. Delano- A. I. Eoff
Commercial and Ferry Streets, Salem, Oregon
SoDQE Brothers
Basketball and Baseball
Games Are Scheduled
With Conference Teams
- q ' - r:
f.. -:iarrVi" 1f "t
With the general tightening up
of scholastic requirements. the
Bearcat athletes are in for a
strenuous season between now
and commencement day. They
are slated for 12 conference bas
ketball games, two with? Univer
sity of Idaho, four with Whitman.
two with O A. C. and four with
the University of Oregon. In ad
dition, they expect to take on
Multnomah, Gonzaga, and a num
ber of American legion teams be
fore the season ends, if all goes
well. The Gonzaga game, if ar
ranged for, will be staged when
the quintet goes to Walla Walla
for the Whitman series.
The conference series opens
here in Salem, with the Whitman
aggregation as opponents for two
games, January 13 and 14. Before
that, however, the Bearcats ex
pect to meet a number of the
amateur teams of the valley, in
a practice series with no "repu
tations at stake on either side
McMinnTille. Independence. Dal
las, and the Silverton athletic
i dab,, are among the - tentative op-
Those who say Used Ca
are Flooding the Market are right
are as
scarce as ever
We have 12 Good, Dependable Used Cars many or znem caimy-
ing the same guarantee a$ new cars ttiat we are oiienng ynu
. - . v
so they will move. License furnished with each ot tnese cars.
Valley Mfer Go.
7- W 260 North High St. Phone 199S ' ;
I - !
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