6 THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALEM.-OREftON " THURSDAY MORK1XO, DECEMBER S,.1921 "HINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CARDS REAL ESTATE ft I 1 1 1 1 1' a u a a a a :e 'r o . ti 'y: 1 i,' a! it a it al tfi '( I c i.r. ri a t. 4 n OLAlXmED ADVERTISEMENTS Rate Per Wordt Per Insertion te 6 8e Tkrse Insertions On Week (six insertions). imo ateatet ..ao 8is wnU' contract, por ma 1S is mourns contract, per nvoize Minimum for say sdmt names t, 25e NORWICH tJNlOJI. TUB " Cf SURANCB ' 80CIBTT ThlelKW BoUod BargJuardt etcartdcat Agemt 71 fctte Bt. MONEY TO LOAN Om Bel Eatate T. K. FOBD (Otw Ladd A Baih Bant) LOANS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We iasare anything We bare the money to loan Pay us back Ilka rent Our lam aad city property Hat are com plete:. d4 firit, V LATLAR ft LArL : 406-T , Oregon Bldg. Phono 1644 NEW TODAY THE HAT BOX 179 SOUTH man Style and aarvtco. . FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND 1HNNKR Plum paid inf. fruit cake, boxes of Christmas randy, heme made to olr. No orders taken after December 2. Phona 815-W. ONK THREE ROOM APARTMENT FOR rant. Leonard HoM, 25S Front. MR. HOMK BUILDER HIGH AND DRY building lota in outli Ralam, gravel streets, close Junior high school. Pri-a from $300 to $450. Kasy terms. R. A. Mobney, 209 Oregon Bldg. PROMPT AND FAIR ADJUSTMENT OF lossee and low coat, make the Mc- Minnville Co., a popular company to insure with. Uet their rata neat time " , ob insure. Ktandley A Foley, agents, Bush Bank Bide FOR SALE 1819 MAXWF.I.U IS GOOD shape. Only run few thonaand utiles. ' A bargain. A number of extraa go with car. Sea it Bt.1094 Coirrt etreel. Phone 432 It. IXARS PIANO 12 LRS80XS. GUAR anteeiL Waterman system, F. B. Clark, Tallman Piafto atore, 121 south Commercial. SPECIAL BARGAIN, 2'00 A room house, one block from State street. plastered, electric lights, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, full ' concrete basement, cement walks, large corner lot, fruit and shade trees, dou 1I garage, ' let as show yon this as exceptional for $2500. 8. K. Pearson, 210-211 V. 8.' Bank Bldg. , FORD SEDAN 1B21 MODEL, LIKE new. Ford touring witk atarter. Buick light six, and .other light ears. Huff- "; man. Motor 'Bales Co. WANTED" TO RENT 5 ACRE TRACT .with buildings, anitable lor thicken 'ranch. - --. i For ssle 79 acres, ' 40 acres in cultiva tion, remainder in good wood timber. : 2 aerea in prunes and strawberries. 2 . acres cherries and appfea. uoa Toad, - 7 mile from Sslem Good buy lor the money.- Will tsk Portland property - In .exchange. For sal 5 aerea, 52 acres planted to , eropv balsnca.ln timbers miles from - naiem on gooa roaa. rrice ao.uuu Will make good ' terma. This is a good place. ' ?' " ' ' - What have yon to mak 'first payment on goog mnt rancai L1ST0N A DARBY. . Court street f .- WORTH WHILE . T room house, modern execept basement S Iota,' on psved street, $3750. Terms. 1 acre land, t room bonse, plenty of , fruit, In good, town, to trade for farm SO acres" good land with fair building'. to trade for Salent property, : good bouses for rent. MILLS & COPLEY Realtors 331 State St. FOR SALE Good five room'' house, two lots, close to ear,' $2500; $300 cash, balance $15 -' per month. 7 room , house, close In, price $2500. Good lot eloso to car, terms. We have some good trades; if you want to trade, buy or sell see H. Li MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. Phone 907 FOR SALE 4 ACRES NEAR CITY, M in prunes and plenty of .small fruit, all fitted for poultry ranch, . . Square Deal Realty Co. i V. 8. Bsak Bldg. Phone 470 $200,000.00 -JtOAl DOXDft OF MAKIOX COUNTY, ORECW)N Sealed proposals will be re cetred by the County Court of , Marlon i County, Oregon, at the Court House In Salem in said County until December SO,' 1921, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon of said f day, foruhe purchase of $200,000.00 . Permanent Road Bonds of Marion County, Oregon, part of an issue of $850,000.00 authorized at an election held June -3, 1919. The bonds now offered I for sale shall be dated July 15, 1920, $30,000.00 there of shall mature July ' 15, 1928, $85,000.00 shall mature July IS. 1929, and $85,000.00 shall ma ture- July 15,1 1930, and shall be , In denominations of $50.00 or multiples thereof up to the sum of $1000-00, to suit the purchas er, and, shall bear interest at the ri rate or five and one-half (5) per cent per annum, payable semi- ti annually. ' All bidders are required to In close, with, thel bid a certified check payable to the order or Ma rion County Oregon,-and drawn , upuaj au incurporaieu uus oi trust i company- to the amount of two per cent of the par-Talue i of the i bonds bid for, and - the I check of the successful bidder will . be applied by the County In part . , payment of the purchase price or fl to secure the County against loss :i resulting from the failure of the i - bidder to comply with the terms k of the bid submitted. No bid will -1 be ' received for a price of less .- than par and accrued interest and i the bonds will be sold to the high' ; est bidder. The County Court rs- I : serves the right to reject any and ! all bids. The proposals should i he addressed to U. O. Boyer. ' County, Clerk, Salem, Marion ,'CountYi Oregon, and marked "Proposals for Road Bonds." The successful bidders will be furn ished with the opinion of Messrs. Storey, - Thomdike ' Palmer A Dodged of Boston, Massachusetts, that the bonds are a valid obli gatlon of- Marlon County, Oregon. , ' By order of the County Court, ! It : u G- BOYER, Clerk. AVASTKD YtU'Nir VAN WITH MOT ereyele to do two bonrs wor l'-o 4:30 anr :3u a.m. daily. Apply Box 27, ear Statesman. WANTED ENERGETIC TOUNO MAN who baa had experience selling life insurance, stocks or advertising. Must be able to devote bis entire time and ambitiona for advancement. Most have the courses to ' present business proposition to merchants and profes sional men. Answer in yoor own band writing stating age. educational qual ifications, experience as solicitor, etc. Address "I No. 31." Statesman office. WE WANT TWO ENERGETIC MEN between 23 and 4 to represent one of the largest institutions of its char acter on the Pacific coast. Compen sation very good if you fill the posi tion. Call or write 512 U. S. Bank buiVMnr SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL THE B EST AND cheapeKt line of Raincoats ever made, from manufacturer to wearer. The ideal coat for the rainy season. Noth ing like these value ever cen in the west. Get started with a line that is in big demand and offers real opportunities for making big money. Send for free (ample and particulars. Leach Raincoat Co, 'HI .Superior Ave. W.. Cleveland. O. NEW TODAY MALE AND FEMALE WANTED MEN A?fD WOMEN TO taka farm paper subscriptions. A rood proposition to the right people. Address the Pacific Homestead, Statesman blilg. Salem, Or. MEN AND WOMEN DESIRING TO create a nice business of their own, selling a wonderful article of every day use from house to house. Article guaranteed to give immediate and uni- versal aatisfaction. Wonderful seller, and pays big and quick returns. Ad dress DC.P. Co., 19'Ji So Spragiie, Taeoma, Witt. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOOLEN and silk goods sales people. Only who are desirous and capable , and know how to meet the public need apply. Good salaries to start with, references required. Apply at once, to Manager of the Peoples Cash Store. PERSONAL FACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS, VI0-. let ray; manienrint,, shampooing. Or egon Bath House. Phono S40. EPILEPTICS WOULD YOU CARE TO learn about new rational treatment for immediate relief of epilepsy, positively stopping seizures from first tlayi use. Information free. "Specialist," Draw er "C-592, Lander, Wyoming. ASTROLOGY STARS TELL LIFE'S etery. Send birthdate and dime for trial reading. Eddy, Weatport St. 33 8 A Kama City, Missouri. FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE FEMALE CANARIES, 60c for-' abort time only. Phona 1280. 10S0 Chemekets fit. TARM PAYER IT YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, aenda 15o to the Paeiiic . Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three montha' trial subscription. Mention thia ad. HOUSES "ALADDIN READY CUT - BOUSES" 80 percent saved in coat of construc tion. Chaa. f. Smith, factory reprea- : , en tat ive, , 20 Northwest Bank Bldg, POULTRY POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO- cent atampa for special three months' trial for the beet and oldeat journal in the weat. The articles and adver tisements are : of ipecial interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial St., Salem. Oregon. JCSCXXLAJrXOTJS APPLES DELIVERED PHONE 4F2. FOR SALE SECOND HAND FURNI- ture and range. Phone 37F21. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 eenta a bundle. Circulation department, Oregon Statesman. FOR SALJ: ORCHARD RUN AND OFF- grade apples. Bring, box - and raU at our plant. Trade ft High atreeta. uregon urowers Cooperative Asa n. GASOLINE AND OIL TANKS from the largest to smsllest. L. A. Weataeott, factory representative. 864 S. 12th St, phono 1602 J. THE HOUSE OF HALF A MILLION and ono bargains. We buy, sell or exchange anything and everything in the line of junk or second hand gooda. nee ua betore you kuy or aell. Stem' bock Junk Co. Remember the place 402 N. Commercial St. Phono 523. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY 'SINGING An especially good selection of the songs you have been wanting, with words aad music complete. No matter how many aongbooka yon have, yon should have - thia one, containing the .Oregon songs. ' Prices: Single copies. 25e; 16 cents each in lota of a doaen or more; $12.50 the hundred, postpaid. Second edition printed since September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Commercial St. ' Salem, Oregon linn iwn aaassaaii an i " i n WOOD OAK, OLD FIR AND SECOND GROWTH fir, for sale. Phone 1252-R or 175U DRY OLD GROWTH 16 IN FIR, $8 4 ft. second growth, $6.50. Phone 1467. FOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD maple, second growth and old fir. ft. or 16 in. Fre E. Wells, Phone 1542. -J03 s. Church. IS INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD, , $3.60 per load. , Dry planer wood, $3.50 per d. Tracy Wood Co. Phono 520. FOR BIG FIR, SECOND GROWTH OAK or ' ash wood, - pbone 77F2. DRY WOOD FOR SALE BIG SECOND growth fir, $6.50 and 16-inch large second-growth, - $7.50 and $7.75; old fir. 4 ft. $7. 16-inch 8; oak. $8 and $9r four foot - ash, $7.25. Armstrong Trsnsfer, I'hone 195. Stand, State and High. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED rooma for adults. 489 N. 14th bt. FOR RENT ONE LIGHT HOCSEKEEP in room and kitchenette. 555 Marion Phone 1524. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS light? wood and water furnished close In. - rnone 03-j. FOR s RENT SUITE OF TWO LARGE . MAma with nrirate bath, will be vac ated aoon. Also separate' room. The Alexandria, 1030 Chemeketa St. Phone 12ttO, - - - - -- -Uw Statesman Classified Ada BOOMS FOR RENT ROOM FOR OENTLEMAN in auodera home and centrally located. Please giro name sud addraes. E, rare Statesman. HOUSES V. L. WOOD 3414 STATE &TH eatate. reataia. KEAL BINGALOW AM) GAUAOE IIOYT and Cottage, for rent. See Wa Flem ing. 341 Male street WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co. Phout 19. WANTED WOOD DEALER WANTS TO buy dry oak and fir. Armstrong Transfer. Phone 195. WANTED Bril.DIXU OR STORE room, at least :'x40 feet. Answer, giving location, size and rental, ac'Jresi. "AJU6," Statesman office. WANTED EVERYTHING IN IIAKD ware and furniture. Best prices paid THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St. Phone 047 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STORAGE OARAQE TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE S44 FerTy street. AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS South High. W. C. WRIGHT, 171 AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WDRK guaranteed. 53 Sooth 12th. Phone 1126. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SMITH-WATKINS. 147 NORTH HIGH, risa. Biiverion v-oro, ooa extra piy III Vm. aUwwya ,ttl 1 g IUf KUIU, BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EX7ERT TROU ble shooting. 838 North High. Phone 203. PRESTO LITE ' BATTERY SERVICE station. Kipert battery and electrical work. Farria Bros. Pbone 1803, 418 Court. USED CARS FOR SALE 1I7 3 FASSENGER light ear, good condition, good tires, $150. Merchants Delivery, 554 Ferry street. WANTED LIGHT TRUCK IN EX chane on Hudson, Essex or Baby Overland. Fred Kirkwood, 24G State afreet. RADIATOR SHOPS SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 South 12th. Pbone 28. 3. C. BAIR, RADIATORS, FENDERS, Rodlea reDsired. 444 Ferrr. SCALES AUTOS WEIGHKT 15. 2395 FRONT OARAQE AND EBP AIR" AUTO REPAIR SHOr- L. MILLER, 245 Center. Phono 890. HOFFMAN A ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR mg. vulcanising, retreading; 1S7 South Commercial street. Phone 471. CAPITAL OARAGE BUICK. STUDS- peiter repairing. 173 Soutn Liberty. Pbone 83. CONFECTIONERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY, HOME- maoa candies, eoniecttona, cigars, mag aainea. 1272 State. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street. 5. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St., phono 283. CLEANING, a PRESSING CLEANING, PRESSING DONE TO YOUB satisfaction. Claasy line of collars, ties. The Toggery. 1857 State. DRUO STORES BREWER' DRUQ CO. 405 COURT. Phone 184. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING. By contract, by .hour. At pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1744-W. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association has money to loan at aix percent. W. D. Smith, secretary-treasurer. 803 Salem Bank of Commerce. CITY BUILDING LOANS We have available funda for city loans. rtpayauie nxe rent. A. O. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon FURNITURE STORES FRANK T. RICHTER NEW. SEOOND- band furniture. $49 N Oonunereial. Phona 452. FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Refinishing and uphoUtering a specialty. Phone 1742. Brown and Grove, 1201 South Commercial. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for sale. Smith a, 301 North Commer cial. HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEL ROOMS AND board. Lunch counter. Opposite O. E. Depot. State and High. LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE ment, clean ieat rooms aad apartments. 254 X Front St. HORSESHOEING PRACTICAL JIORSESHOEING PETE Conley, Shoer. Brick shop, 253 Chem eketa street. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. C. Balch, agent, room 5. MeCornaek Bldg. Phone 96. aRSESBsanaaaBxaEsmweaaaBSn Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets, Phone 1043 R. 891 S. 12th. m mm b FANCY WORK FANCY WORK FOR SALE 222 NORTH Commercial street. NEEDLEWORK AND EMBROIDERY shop, Jessie . McCune. Tallman's fiano Store. 121 Sontnr Commercial HEMSTITCHING MRS. BRECKEN RIDGE HEMSTITCH ing, mail orders solicited, 17S 8. 19th. Phono 174-M. 8ALEM ELdTE HEMSTITCHING, ehainstitehlng, pleating, buttona. 829 830 Oregon. Bldg. Phone. 879.. Use Statesman Classified Ads Ladies' Wearing Apparel MILLINERY WHEN XMAS SHOPPING CALL the Apron Shop.jn ourt St. AT DRESSMAKING DKESSMAKINO TAILORING MRS. Goodwin. 445 North commercial. DRESSMAKING CARRIE ROGERS Aahliy, 6o S. 21st. I'bone 377 U. MRS. C JEJ'SON MODISTE, 2567 Oak. phone t29. MRS VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER Ladies' Suite aad Gown. Over Mil ler a Store. LA CLASIQUE GOWN SHOP EXCLUS ive Oiodels. Kipert designing. 331, State. MAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKER 1710 liellevue St. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer eorcaets to order. ' McC'ornack Bld2. EDITH M. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER. 134i Broadway. 1436-J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phone 1971-W. RUTH McADAMS DRESSMAKER. 756 South 12th. Phone 1824-M. MESDAMES SCOTT A CHASE DRESS niakers. 219 State St. Phono 937. THE ADSITTS ARE. PREPARED TO do any and all kinds of ladies' tail oring for old and new customers. 802 N 12th street. Phone 2085 R. PLEATTNO MRS. HILDEBRAND. PLEATING 390 South 24th Phona I BAT SHOPS i HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S i hats renovated and blocked. 495 Court street. MATTRESS TACTORIES DON'T BK MISLED WE MAKE NEW mattresses to order. We make over old matresses and guarantee satisfac tion. We do carpet cleaning. Otto .wicker Phone 1154 LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 138 8 Liberty atreer. Phono 25 Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Pbone 165. LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE, LANDSCAPE GARDEN er, 1565 South Liberty. Phone 1031-M MEDICAL MOUNTAIN' BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MULTIGRAPHTNG ML'LTIGRAPHING, PRINTING PER feet work; dependable. M inkier Hed Berg Mail Adv. Co., 212 Oregon Bldg. FAINT CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. L. D. Brandon, contractor. 365 North High, Phone 645-J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING, PAP erhanging, kalsomining. Work guar anteed. Terms reasonable. Phone 2035-J. - 1464 Ferry. PRACTICAL NURSE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE STURSE Mrs. Meiuler. Florence Hotel. Phone 928. i in i NURSERY STOCK FRCITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD back of office, 540 State street. Phone 1140 M. WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY All kinda nursery stock for sale. Rte 7. Phone 105F5. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur sery Co., 426 Oregon Bldg phone 75. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRIP tiona for all magazines. 251 S. 17th. street. Phone 741-M. PRINTING FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, see Bertelson, printer, "Y" Building. PRIVATE HOSPITALS PRIVATE MATERNITY HOSPITAL 1647 Worth Front St. Mrs. J. V. Stine. PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EX traets, toilet articles. Mrs. Moyer., 170 South 23rd. Phone 1224. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MARGARET BURNS PUBLIC ST EN ographer. 408 Masonic Bldg. Phone 262. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 201 SA lem Bank of Commerce Bldg. Rates reasonable. PLUMBING PLUMBING 75c PER HOUR PHONE 950 M. PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397-J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO. WHOLE aale and retail plumbing supplies. 219 N. Commercial, i'hone 179. SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICK, Showcarda that talk. 424 N. Commer cial. Phone 546. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuse of all kin (fa removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phone 998. SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Exchange, 342 North Commercial. Phone 1368-W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND gooda of all kinda, pipe fittings, har neaa, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Schindler, 258 Center street. STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF ferent in photography. 147 N. Com'. STOVES 8TOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPATRED- 40 years experience: Depot National fence, sues 20 to Z8 inches high, Painta, oil and varnishes, etc- logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Worka. 250 Court etr-et. Phon- 124. SWEDISH INSTITUTE THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE MEKAXO Therapy. Swedish massage with active and pasaive movement. Steam eabi net bath, medicated packs, electricity, etc.: 801 03 Oregon Bldg. Pbone 55U. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR, six B. uiga. ana eerry. Use Statesman Classified Ada-.!. MUSICAL FRANKLIN LAI NER PIAXO. lith. Phone IwiW, 268 N. MRS. HENRY LEE PIANO. Capitol. Plione 1017 W. 1321 Ji. ! LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL creuiis gtva. 336 .. High. Phoae la? l W. "SJffiri Utuaing. iriday afternoon. Saturdiy. , LENA BELLE TAKTAi atruction. Pbouo 334. VOCAL IN DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. North Winter. Pbone 34S-J. k87 I NELLIE MULK.EY STOKE PIANO 8.3 Leslie. Pbone 751-W. ALL1E CHANDLER PIANO. 251 ! North Cottage. faoae j-V. BEATRICE SIIELTOX PIANO STUDIO I 31j Marion. Phone 1299. LILIAN HARTSHORN PIANO 391 j North Church. Phone I'.i. ' T. S, ROBERTS PIANO, ORGAN 270 ' South UUi. Phout 779. VOCAL DAN. F. LAN GEN BERG, Derby Bldg. Phono 079 LENA WATERS PIANO Phone llat-M. MOLLIE STYLES VOICE, Center. Pbone 201 ti R. 1472 Mill PIANO, 859 JULIA MILLS WEI GEL PIANO, 1500 South Church. Phona 1391-R. Ll'CILE ROSS PIANO, ORGAN North Liberty, l'houe 1 1 87-V. ' 498 MATT IE GILBERT STRING INSTRU meuts. 157 btate. Pboue 115b R. J MISS Al ABLE S. iPHERD PIANO. player; liaocea, all occasions. 257 Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY, AUTrtORIZED teacher, Uodownky Proereaaiva Srie. TiTo'w' '7i' Nurt1' ottae. Pbone WESTERN CONSERVATORY OP MUS IC of Chicago. Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. DipViuas granted Odd r'ellow s Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AH branches taught, diploinaa granted. John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court I'uone C26. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNING, REPAIR ing. I'hone 42. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning, refiuishing, rebuilding, player piano expert. Phone 1G59, l'il South Commercial. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS, STEIN ways, Duo-Art, and othera. Moore Dunn Music store. Masonie Temple. PHONOGRAPHS STRADIVARI PHONOGRAPH KNOWN for tone. Retailing at factory price. Room 7. Patton block. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WLL PIANOS, PHONO grapha, aewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phon ographs and aewing machines. 432 State, Salem. DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. R. L. White, principal. Phono 273 J. TAXI - DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 540. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO, Liberty A Ferry. Phone 77. Dry alab 16 inch wood for aale. TRANSFER HAULING MERCHANTS' TRANSFER FOR BAG gage and light hauling. 554 Ferry street. Phone 252. ARMSTRONG TRANSFER LOCAL AND long distance hanling a specialty. Stand state ana niga. rnone 195. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St., phone 933. Distributing forwarding and storage oar specialty. Get onr rates. TRANSPORTATION SALEM SILVERTON STAGE Leaves Leaves Salem Silverton O. E. Depot r News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. MONMOUTH STAGE l.eavs Salem, o. a. Depot 7:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m 1:00 p.m., 6:15 p.m. i.eave maepenaence Hotel 8:30 a.m.. 1:15 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Special trips by appointment. Seven passenger car for hire. J. W. PARKER. Pron, Res. Phone 616 Business phone 7 .WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office. 801 South Com'l St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deductions for absence or any cauae unless water ia shut off your premises. WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Pbone ai4o. risner Bros. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OPEN Sunday morning 8 o'clock. American style. 110)4 North Commercial. Phone 478. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 322 State St. I'atton Bldk. Phone 957. CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Appliances from indi vidual impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonie ' Bldg. Phone 442. CHIROPRACTORS DR. 0. L. SCOTT, P.S.C., CHIR0PRAC tor. 809-12 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; Res. 828-R. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. p. AND Pearl M. Bradford, graduates and poet graduates of the first chartered school of Chiropractors in the world. Ten years in practice. Phone 526. Rooms 318 319-320 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, U. S. Bank Bldg. 606 DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon. Kirksville graduate, 404-405 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phones Office. 919; Rea. 614. DR. 30HN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Y Surgeon, 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phonea, Office, 1394; Rea. 68 r 5 ' OPTICIANS POMEROT A KEENS: JEWELERS AND Optometrists, gas State. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR dette st the. Bow Optical Company. 825 State Street, opposite Ladd -and Bash Bank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Camp 5, Armory. First third Mondaya Use Statesman Classified Ada ACRES FRUIT AND GRAIN RANCH. Kites from alem. r!i.w.e ti railroad slatiou. &i-l.o! and More; ". rK)ui boune, l.r and tultry honie. 7 12 ai re 1 gaixv, J1 a re itra iMrie, li arr ;n loiiiig prune-., in aitres timber: with !prii!g. creek, good met! at )ioue: all KOo' land. Hre and maclrinery gte via. ptai-e Prt"e $lii."iU. Mi;ht -oti-!.uier part m ici.Md fiear -i:r- property S.iU.e cash. 1-aisTH'e tern:. J0SEPH BARBER & SON :ui Or? Bldg 40 Acres Wood Land Choice tra.'t i-!o to Parific iiishwv. n!y (i2 miles out. lake tod notice on deal. Ihis roeTty til niake you snie m(vr.ei . S-e .me today. PETERSEN 2J9 Oregon B'.dg. ( ACRES. LOGANS. '!) LARtiE V Al. nut tree. .iiie cherries, ti aires in VKivcr, 7 roni plastered bou.e. ootl Varn : on p:ive,l Ktreet. 1 l unles from Salem city limit-. Price re tiiee for quirk wile iroui $7.5lMi to ?.750. Ti-rin. So-o!iifik v, o41 Stste. jKOlt HKNT tK SALE VIVE ROOM 1 modern buntcal'. iinmeiiate iose8 i sion. F. L. Wood. 34 1 State St. :ij ACRES IN I'ENTOfN COUNTY will trade for Salem property. If ;ou want good grazing and timber land eee th:s. $'i'i iier acre It's 'heap. PETERSEN 2 29 OreKon Bldg WOOD'S BARGAINS Six lots aud two new building, a snap at $SoO. Two lots north Capitol street, price right. to acres.' new buildings, trade for home. A good residence to trade for close in -acreage, improved. 2Mi acre river bottom farm, $t5 per acre. F. L. Wood, 341 State St. LET US EAr-l.jt.IN TUB SEW SYSTEM of selling your property. Property listed not exclusive. Your property photographed. Brown, Magee and Bessie Snyder. Over Busick's Store. State and Commercial. Phone 559. A GOOD OPENING A COTTAGE HO tel. well located. No competition. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State Street. WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN A HOME in West Salem. If so. here is a good one of j rooms with full cement base ment and fully built irt features, with 3 lots and gsrage. for only $4200 and terms given. See1 L. A. Hay ford Realtor ' 305 State St. TRADE AT FLEMING "S--FOR WHEAT land ni , Saskatchewan. See Fleming. 341 State street. MR. HOME BUYER YOC CAN BUY A room bungalow less than a year old for $500 less than I Was offered for it nine months sgo. iias basement. Dutch kitchen, closets an.' sleeping porch. $1000 will handle it. See it todav. 125 Leffelle. GOOD BUYS 1 acre tract and four room house on paved highway and cloe to carline, well, garage. Price $2500, t-i cash. C 86 acre tract, 5 acres under cultivation, 5 room bungalow, gool Well, large chic ken house, gravel road, I i miles from .carline. Will consider j improved acre tract or rity property.! Price $4ooo. 160 acres of timber mostly fir,: located 10 miles south; will consider good house as part payment. ' Price $65 per acre. 10 acre tract, 5 acres logans, well, tiarn; will 11 on soldiers loan. Price $40(K). Good 5 room cottage, located in south Salem, bath, toilet, lights, basement, furnace. Price $2625. $1150 down. A fine east front lot on S. Commercial street, shade trees, pavement, walks, alley, sewer. Price $850. If you are look for country or city prop erty, see us before buying. We write fire insurance. Realtors 275 State St. W, H. GRABENHORST & CO. GOOD BUYS rooms good location on paved street, $1600, small payment down balance $20 per month,. We have a six room house you can buy at a bargain on your own terms. Come and let us tell you about it. good houses to trsde for a farm. A fine lot and some lath to exchange for amall house. THOMASON 331 14 State street FOR SALE 3 ACRES JUST OUTSIDE city limits, 75 spple trees, one acre strawberries, good five room ' bunga low, price $4250. Will take city prop erty up to $3O00 part payment, C. H. CANNON r.hli State St. - Realtor Phono 534 FOR RENT FOR KENT A GOOD LITTLE 4.1 ACRE farm. Magee, oT Busiest,, state i-nd Commercial. Newsy Notes of State Industrial Growth Wheeler industries, enlarging and preparing for larger output. Lorane people want branch of Crow-Hadleyville road improved immediately. Bend National City Bank re port shows improvement in the business situation; gradual restor ation of the industrial equilibrium which is necessary to permanent prosperity noted. Lnion county Jias nearly la per cent delinquent.axes! Number of new houses goiBg up at Dallas. Oregon lumber production in creased 29 per cent last year. Scio Twelve-acre prune or chard netted $1700. Vale has new $100,000 bank. stock fully subscribed. Forest Grove Pacific universi ty working for $500,000 endow ment. Nyssa has shipped 150 carloads of apples. Oregon City woolen mills to build auxiliary factory In Port land. Corvallis r).A.C. enters poul try at Suffolk, England, fair. Jefferson Filbert crops pro ducing as high as $600 to $1000 per acre. . Portland banks loan $1,000, 000 to grain growers to move wheat. Three additional Japanese ships loading grain at Oregon ports. Monmouth Odd Fellows to erect new lodge building here. Medford Gold Ridge MIno turns out $1500 brick. Corvallis Mountain States Co. completes $20,400 power line. Joseph Herald purchased by O. G. Crawford of Hepner. 360 000 as against $9,956,000 In Hood River assessed value $8, 1921. Jackson county budget reduces salaries all around. Eugene Contract let for grad ing 17 miles McKenzie highway. Contract let for construction .of Brandy Bar-Reedsport road. : NotI Elmira Lumber company to ouiid large sawmill here. Silverton Tribune installing larger printing press and folder. United Presbyterians to raise PA. The Movms get n Gom ftMP ICE CRttftv6 UO TO BED 3ra I?fTERNAT10NAl, CARTOON CO.fi Y fl, 000, 000 college endowment tund in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Oregon receives J 102,489.51, Washington, 177,180.59, national torest fund. West St. Helens firm to build big warehouse north of depot. Stanfieldx-ll.OOO.OOO bond is sue planned for market roads. Postal savings are being with drawn from centers where deposit ed and loaned in competition with chartered batiks. Industries Wanted in Oregon Baker Plant to utilinze waste brick, lumber products, brick kiln plant, wool scouring plant. Heaverton Cannery for dehy drating plant, wicker furniture factory, jewerly store, men's cloth ing store. Clatskaine Food products, box factory, fruit cannery, loganberry Juice factory. Enterprise Saw Mill box fac tory, woolen mill, cheese factory. Estacada Box factory. Eugene racking plant, 6hoe factory, tannery. Freewater Canning and drying plant. Grants Pass Opportunities for dairying industry on new irriga tion system of 12,250 acres. Harrih'burg Brick and tile works. Hermiston Laundry, cheese factory. Hillsboro Laundry. Joseph Wool mill. Junction City Laundry. !, La Pine Creamery, box shook factory, brick kiln. North Bend Department store, tannery, wood products factory, sash and door factory. Redmond Brick yard, shoe store. Reedsport HaiJwood mill, pulp mill, soft wood mill, cheese factory. Roseburg Saw will, box fac tory. Toledo Paper mill, chees fac tory, fish, cannery, fruit and veg etable cannery. Umatilla Hydro-electric power plant, bank, hardware store. Vefonia Sawmill, bakery. Albany Extensive Improve ments planned for Hotel Albany. Gresham New Zwiebel Manu facturing plant nearly completed. Oregon Fires Do Damage of $196,950 During Month Fires in Oregon outside of Portland during the month of November caused a total damage of $196,950. The most Important losses were: Astoria, building and contents, $15,000; Betzen, shihgle mill, 20,000; Grass Vlley, hank, hardware store, and other build ings. $4 5,00.0; La Pine, hotel and contents, $10,000; Salem, whole sale grocery, $4 5,000; Salem, flax plant and storage room at state prison, $17,000. HEADS ST. LOUIS POLICE BOARD AT THIRTY-TW Victor J. Miller, in three and one-half months as president Of the St. Louis Police Board, has done something besides presiding at board meetings. From the ac tivity which he has shown it may, be suspected that he has read the law creating his office. He be lieves in wor". Ing with his men. which may account for what ha ' has already accomplished. Mr, Miller la onlj 82, , , - Is : ! . . r - i if '; ft h 'I HRE TWO POWERS To SPEHP OH the. movies AMP ICE CREan.GonNP NUoy VOOR6EIJF: Repeal of War; Tax Means Much to State of Oregon w. I PORTLAND, Dec. 7. Repeal of the war tax on freight and pas-, senger traffic, effective ; January 1. will leave In the state of Ore-, gon approximately $3,200,000 jib nually, which has been paid, to the government during thepasfc a three years. TEXT BOOK of WALL STREET 1922 Edltioa now ready .for . free r , distribution , McCall, micy & Co. . Members Coeaolidatcd ' v .Stock fcaehaage ( Kw fork ' .. y 20 Broad St., New York CATORRIH! OF THE STOMACH OU CANT ENJOY UPE 1 vulBore,w,blolexlBtoiju aclu " Food doet aot BouniL Instead k ii a 'source of mlaery, caoamf peine, belching, dizzioeat aad bead. xW--: ' . q The tmmtm wiuV Ul etasn-cl,' ebould be . eerisfed wall bo&inf lea, &an permaneai, lasting relieaV '' q.Tha rigid temedy WiQ act upon tbs'' tng the stomach, earkk tU blood, aid ia casting out the catarrhal poiaoos , and strengthen every bocQy fuactioa. J The. large number of people who a have myxtmhiSf need Dr. Hartaaa't n lamotu Bodkme, recommended (of all catarrhal cooc&iotu, offet the strongest possible endorsement for . - Pe-ru- wamannTTUB DCS I an TAB LETS) OR LIQUID i sold Everywhere I SALEM MARKETS I Prices qnoted are wholesale and art prices received by farmers. No retal priras ere civea. Oats, milling, net 5e. .Wheat No. 1, Backed, 85e. Oats, feed. 38c. Wtch and-Oat kay, $11. . . Clover bay. 910. Mill ron mill feed 124. EOGS, BUTTER k BUTTXEFAT - F.gg-a, 40c at 4'ie. i'reamrry butter, 4Ge.' Batterfat 42c. : . POTJXTBT Hens, light, 16e. Hens, hesvy, 82e. Chickens, spring;. He. Roosters, old, 8e Q 10a, Turkeys, live, 28c. Turkeys, dressed, 3 5c. FORK, MUTTON A2TD BEEF Hogn, 7tte V Uc l.amba. Sc. ,1 Top veal, 12c. Pork, dressed, lie 9 Steers, 4e tt 5 He. 12e. Bulls, 3e. rRUTTi Emperor Orapes, 12c. Bananas, 0V4e. I.cmoim, $6. ' Navel Oranges, $6. Florida grapefruit, $0 C? $7.50, CeJifornia Rrape trait, $4,00. if Hacklenerries, tSe. ... i t . .Washington eranbrree, bos IS jn. Sweet poUtoes, 4 a. , ' ' r Potatoes, tUb. W Cabbacc 2c. - CalifornU , tomatoes, lug, $8. Cucnmbera, $1 25. Canliflower, $2. . -in xurrupa, 9i.bO. ! . , BeU peppera.. lb. He. t : Paranlpa. $2. Oregon onions. $4. Carrota, H2S. Head lettuce, crate, crate, . $3.25. California Celery, 85c. Beeta, $3 So. SATES, no, EOaTBT Datea, 15e. . Package dates, case, $8.75. rigs, 12 c. Comb honey, ease, . $. . " Coenanuta. doten. $1.75. Braiil nnts. 20e. Filberts, 22. Almonds, 29e. ' ' Xo. 1 En;lisl Walnota, SOc, No. 2 English, Walnuta, 23e. - 1 HOPS, HIDES NEW YORK, Dec 7. Hides, hops and wool unchanged. . FRUIT " NEW YORK-, Dec. 7 Erapor ated apples. Quiet.. Pruhea barei ly steady. Peaches, firm. 1 If 7 4