8 A.-V -jfc..-- n HIE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, -OREGON TUESDAY ilORNIKG.' DECEMBER. &: 192:1 ; 1 1 T ROAD STATUTES Action of Governor Olcott in Calling Special Session Is Approved LETTERS ARE RECEIVED One Official Favors Increas ; ing Gasoline Tax to 5 v Cents a Gallon - - "In response to a recent . letter Bent by , Governor Olcott to the county jades of Oregon .asking their cooperation and suggestions relative to highway legislation proposed for enactment at the special wesBlon of the legislature this month, the governor has re ceived letters from seven of them. All approved legislation of this character and commend - the gov ernor for adding his recommenda tion for laws in this regard to his recommendation that the ques tion of a tax for the proposed World's fair be referred to the people. The county Judges agree that legislation is necessary to pre serve the highways. t Judge Wilaon Approves "I can assure you that yenr action in calling the legislature together if for no other purpose than to deal with the destructive trucks on our roads would in my opinion be wholly JusHfied," writes County Judge J. C. Wilson of Benton county. N. O. Wallace, county judge of Crook county, Bays: '1 have no concrete suggestions to make as to manner and meth od of regulation, but' It has oc curred that there should be some way of -putting teeth into the law so that both the we ight of trucks and the roeed of trucks can be regulated." Sheriff Has Trouble George K. Quine, Douglas county judge, says: T think there is an urgent ne cessity for some legislation that 7 Back hurt you? Can't straight en up without . feeling sudden pains, sharp aches and twinges? Now listen! That's lumbago, sci atica or maybe from a strain, and you'll get blessed relief the mo ment, you rub your back with soothing,, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil.". Nothing else takes, out soreness, 1 lameness -, and . stiffness so quickly. ' - You simply rnblit on and out comes the pain. It Is perfectly harmless and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle from any drug store, and after using it just once, you'll forget that you ever had backache, lumbago or sciatica, be cause your back will never hurt cr cause any more misery. It never disappoints and has been recommended for 60 years. -Adv. TODAY TOMORROW SHAW'S M USl&A L COMEDY , With the Singing Dancing JAZZ-BABY GIRLS - j 1 Also f . , NEAL HART in "DANGER VALLEY" Qg, MERELY. O O C PICTURE PRICES v -1 Sy THEATRE .?S. can be enforced by the rdad pa trolmen of each road district. As It is, any regulation whUiii the county court may make njust bo enforced by the sherif. aiisJ the harm is done before is? atten:pt can be made to stop it. t Our greatest difficulty is cansed by these heavily loaded trucks groins over the roads immediately after a heavy rain. It seems . to me there should be some regulations to prohibit the nse of graveled or macadamized roads by tru.-ki for a period of 45 hours after every storm." I "The railroads of Umatilla sre paying one-fifth of our taxes," writes I. M. Schlep, judge or that county, "and the motor busses-are serious hurting their pas senger business and I might also say their freight business, without paying any considerable tax. Of ten times the owners of : these busses are worth nothing at all. some having purchased the cars they are running on installment payments and in the event they negligently injure anyone there Is no recourse in damages to be had." Hi Kid Laws Needed Eel us Pollock, Josephine coun ty judge, has this to say: "The combination of speed and overloads is destroying o:ir mar ket roads and laterals "of light construction very fast, and while I have nothing definite to offer it would seem that if we preserve the roads for which bo much mon ev is being naid It will be neces sary to both make and enforce rigid laws covering both - speed and loading of trucks. At the present license fee I do ndt think the trucks that are pounding the roads to pieces are paying their proportionate cost and mainten ance of highways." , "I wrote to Judge Cross yester day suggesting that the county courts endorse a 5 cent per gal lon tax on gasoline, instead of .2 cents; three cents going to the state and 2 cents to the counties. In proportion- to the amount sold. Of course this would be used only for maintenance." This is from C. P. Barnard, Lake county judge. . Lrjrlnlature Not Trusted I am In favor of limiting loa Js and speed of trucks on all roads." writes Martin White, Columbia county judge. " While J have very little faith in the pres ent legislature, they might pas$ good 'traffic law, but ontthe other hand if they muss it up like thi present budget law we -would be better off with the law we have." PIT,',1 S.VfS H. CUPF'ER Irrigation Development on Deschutes Leaves Suf ficient Horsepower horsepower, while the Deschutes is capable of developing over 600, 000 horsepower after allowing for the prpposed storage and diver sion for irrigation purposes. Fur thermore, the Deschutes river tional horsepower may be devel- eped In the immediate '-riclIty of Portland. I - , ' . "It would seem therelorei that there will be a very large Mock of power available for develop ment rm the mescnuies xi. board finds some 200,000 addi-1 with which irrigation will not in terfere and, which.. In turn.1 will not interfere with; irrigation.- This large TIock of power, . coupled with, the available development In the vicinity of Portland and other .parts of. the state woul seem to insure this section tor , the . state against shortage of ; power at any lime, particularly It we take Into consideration the enormous rw" er which may be developed alocf the Columbia river. ; , It Is of ten the case that a can have his hat blocked by keep- t ins , it on i nis.; head: . And we 'at I mentioning no names. Exchange t Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with lie and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. , You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Fo ley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole- some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, bilious ness, headaches, and sluggish bowels.. Sold everywhere. Adv. Pronounce It "EH-hew" Root. ! But, of course; there Is no law compelling you la do so, . ... Adequate "power development from the waters of Deschutes riv er is not prevented by a recent order of the state water board al lotting storage in the proposed reservoirs at Benham Falls and Crane Prairie, in the opinion of Percy A. Cupper, state engineer, and he so replies to F. E. Beach and G. L. Cleaver of Portland, president and secretary respect ively of the Columbia Hydro-Elec tric league, who ask for a further j order by the board giving greater j consideration to power possibili- i ties. This league claims to have been largely instrumental in in itiating the Portland world's fair movement, the activities of which are dedicated to the electrical and hydro-electrical arts. The league's letter declares that Des chutes is the best power stream in the northwest. "We petition your board," says the letter, "to issue a further or der in respect to such allotments as have just been issued by you. suspending air action thereunder, until the water board shall have made formal apportionment of all storage on the upper Deschutes, between irrigation and power, and we further petition that such an apportionment be made. We also request that prior to such appor tionment the water board afford opportunity for representatives of the various business organizations and municipalities arfected by, or interested in Deschutes power and Irrigation, to confer with the wa ter board, and with the federal authorities having jurisdiction, and to cooperate in working out a satisfactory plan of engineering development in the interest of all In this connection, we have reason to believe the irrigation interests affected have already appeared before the water board and pre--sented their claims. The greater interest of the public at large in the power have not, however, been formally been presented to the water board through accredit ed representatives." In the letter of reply the state engineer shows ithat the ordr of the board was based on the re port of the federal Deschutes river board, composed of D. C. Henry, Colonel Cavanaugh and Fred Henshaw. j "It has seemed to the board.'' says the reply, "that It would be difficult to secure a more com plete, impartial and reliable in vestigation than that whieb'was made by this commission." ' "You will note." the reply says further, "that the Deschutes rtver board finds that the amount of power now utilized in Portland and vicinity la about 110:000 1 SB Practical ! UHistmas wits i 4 Ladies Silk Stocking We have a quality that is especially recommended to give service. Pigeon Brand Silk Hose, special $1.75 pair Mers Neckwear Ladies' Hand Bags New and beautiful styles in purses, vanity boxes tnat are sure to please. , - 98c to $6.50 k Galore in our men's section. One will immediately notice the good taste in the selections, the excellent qualities Every woman loves to have and the endeavor to please every plenty of these beaubr- taste. Prices 49c, 65c and 89c things. , You know just what would be becoming to her and there is so much daintiness and effective ness to a , neckwear i gift priced from... 65c to $1.25 es . Gloves Fine Kid Leathers , in ; black, white, etc, per ...:...$2.98 i) pair.; ; -,4 -. . . . .. ..-j ...... . . . .j.r, i . v Ladies' Neckweai": BATH TOWELS in neat and fancy patterns. Prices 49c to $1.25 mm GALE CO (..- i - f:K :) Commercial arid, o ' Court Streets; t s : AL SALE OF 1 O TT: TT oowaay AT THE ill Goo OS . Depart ' .-''"S.-V-'-v-.- ." ent Store 1 ! i iJZmm' 9 ""'' ' '- "" " h " " ' ' j FkaLsi With Ss22 : Mp Thrifty " i e 0 C ''' . , See Our TWO BIG SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAYS DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE it- : i OFF iuesday See Our TWO BIG SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAYS at 9 a. in. Special purchases enables us to offer the following items now on display in our windows- Infants' Knitted Caps Children's Knitted Caps Boys' Knitted Caps Children's Knitted Skirts Misses' Knitted Skirts Ladies' Knitted Skirts Ladies' Hug Me Tight ' Children's 3-Piece Knitted Sets Children's 4 Piece Knitted Sets Boys' Woolen Sweaters Infants' Woolen Sweaters Misses' Woolen Sweaters Children', Woolen Sweaters Youths' Woolen Sweaters Infants' Sacques ; Infants' Knitted Leggings Ladies' Wool Scarfs , Lailies' Wool Scarfs with Cap to match Ladies' Wool Throws r s : Ladies' Silk and Wool Throws Ladies' Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs Entire Stock of Bieidr Entire Stock of Girdles ; Entire Stock of Ladies' Neckwear Entire Stock of Vanity Bags Entire Stock of Purses Entire Stock of Mesh Bags Entire Stock of Leather Shop- ! ping Bags Face Veils Auto Veils : Camisoles Boudoir Caps Children's Purses . Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs Vestee Sets 5 s g 'Phone 132 WORTH f GRAY DEPARTUNT STORE A.f;-. i S"; SC-iir ; :' Free Delivery - : - , ... , , 177 N. Uberty Street VIM $1.90 MJ.B. lib. 39c; 31b.$1.14; 51b.$i;85 In addition to our regular Cut Prices we are offering hundreds of Specials this week these Specials for Tuesday and Wednesday. Cream Oil Soap, 3 to customer Arm & Hammer Soda Yeast Foam Kelloggs Corn Flakes Post Toasties Armour's Milk, 3 for Dairy Maid Milk Libby Milk 5 lbs Crystal White Karo 5 lbs Amber Karo - Cocoa, per pound - Fancy Bulk Coffee, lb - Black Tea, lb Green Tea, lb - M.J.B. Tree Tea, Jkg ' Campbell's Tomato Soup, 3 for These pnees are lower than pre-war. - $ - 5c .5c 5c 10c 10c 25c 10c 10c 30c 29c 10c 17c 37c 37c 25c 25c 15c Sugar Bush Com, 2 for. .... Fresh Crisp Soda Crackers !. ..... Fresh Crisp. Graham Crackers Best Creamery Butter . . 1 lb. Ghirardelli's Chocolate 3 lbs. Ghirardelli's Chocolate . Cooking Apples, box Fancy Seedless Raisins 25c 13c 18c 45c 28c 83c 79 c 206 21c .99c Sun Maid pkg Raisins . Small White Beans, '20 lbs. 2 cans Oysters.. . :.. JjH. .35c 2 cans Clams.. . . . ::.m35c . Tuna Fish, 25c Size - ll ! -'Ill 6 C v No. 2 Libby s Pineapple U. B Brand Coffee, regular 40c, Special ... ..-........ ........ ...... B- i . B Brand Coffee, 3 lbs...... . 23c S35c $1.00 This is your opportunity to buy the best at prices not equaled 1 in Oregon " . -