THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1021 . Hi r L h. & : J I. I t e f k 1 : e f It si e, 1 r :i n- fl a 1- 9": J . e ' I 1 J i t w it I i r 4 ;: I , : ; . CZJlltiriXD ASVEBTXSEXZVTS "' Rate Per Word: ret insertion le 6a 8e ewi. 1 py iii.miiiniui One Wk (lis Insertions) of Month 20e 8l nonta' contract, per no.15e IS Bon the contract, per aeo.tae Mialmasa for any advertieeanent, 3Se NORWICH UNION 1 FIRS DV8UBANGB SOCIETY , Thlelaom. Roland at Barchardt CMldflat Agemt S71 Bute 8c MONEY TO LOAN Om Ral Bslata T K. FORD (Ortr Ladd Bub Buk) ; LOANS REAL ESTATE j INSURANCE Wa intvr anything We nave the sooney t loan Pay aa back lika rant Our farm and tity property liaU at eom 4lete. ii first. , LATLAR LAPLAR M0-T Oragwa Bldg. Phono 1644 NEW TODAY KW HOME FOB SALE FIVE LARGE rooms (Urwnataira and large unfinished a cat airs. Listen, loll cement "bae- : nient, double laundry tabs, fruit room, double walla, floors and construction throughout. Ivory and white finish throogbeat; furnace and fireplace, i Ready , te store into. Price $5,00U . today and some terms, Beeke Hen- dricks, 205 f. 8. Bank Bldg. VoR RENT OR 'RALE FIVE ROOM modern bungalow, immediate posses s slen. F. L. Wood, 341 Bute St. jour surra pressed while you wait, nirarew, in kw. J74 ACRES. 8V4 MILES FROM KALF.M 4iO arraa ander caltlvation. 7 acres I ln.n. 10 u-rM aooles. XO acres rieer- bottom soil. Two seta) of buildings, . 11 v. . t.i : I spring water ptpoa vo in uuimmas. Price 1145 per acre. R. A. Mohuey, 3 OH Oregon Bldg. NEW EDISOX DIAMOND DISC FOR !, cheap. Fine selection of records l.l.ftll Wilcr B. Allen Co, 519 t ' Coort. 1 .nHT All A LI. PIH SET WITH BRIL a lianU. Between Grey-Belle and Buah atreet on Hta tumti. Commercial. , Leave sl WW-00LD.BAK .PIS ON JATURDAT yfil4 ke,P"k, ' 1 MUt 1524. THIS BABY GRAND PIANO MUST BE sold within the next few days. If yen are ever going to buy a trtnd iiiiM. come and see tMa one. Trade i Jn yor old pUno end pay 1 ' ,4' pOULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO k each month. The Wiler t0' rent stamps for special three months' WANTED BUILDING OR STORE , room, et least 20x40 feet. Answer, giving location, sise and rental, address "A6," Statesman ffice. Ji ACRES WFTH FAIH BUILDINGS One mile from Salem on pavement, ' fruit, grapea and garden. Terms or state loan. Thia la new and ahould ..11 t fi-t looker. See it. Beeke Hendricks. 205 U. . nana di. '' .,.,,. ROOM AND BOARD 0B ITS EQLIV- . alent wanted oy young maa, a".a 1 uaivaraltv . ill exchange lor services. Phone 577. VaCRIFICE SALE 12800, IF TAKEN at oare will buy neat new sia-room a. bunaalow. Near earline and acnooi. Terms. 125 Leffelle. VOR BALE 19 IS FORD TOURINO Call at service atatioa eomer N. snd Pairrrno t"0"1 Mon day Boon. fl95. ' , .OR REST - FOUR ROOM PART ment downataira, furnUbed with all modem eonvenleneea for 25, tnrlud- jng garage. Coll lo- J- JO ACRES ONE MILE EAST; REAL location. landed bargain. P rlre 3200. Beeke A Hendricks, 205 L.S. Bank building. WILL PAY CASH FOR GOOD PIAX0. e Phone . 492. ' V RENT TfrO FURNISHED ROOMS lightT wood and water furnished close In ' Phone ii'err NOW LUSTED BEAUTIFUL JLST u Yt' ow uh tnrnace Mew 7 room oongaiow ru"Tl.l South Salem. Pries $6i50. Term's. Kroeger. 209 Oregon Bldg. ' Phone 217. ; VOU CAN MAKE A GOOD LIVING OS thia fine country home and live ta. . town with aU modem eonvenleneea. ;r... - .hnol and navement. Bean- M l.nkaal i,uI tifATn double ..rage, barn, " nlMl"ra: IilLSf2!5si alrht-rootn bungalow, full base ."at ot wlfh aorr.etra.-.ightl ssi ---- I year old. VL. WU1 -"T, J.. prT .V "enr."W. Phone 533-W or n im.n.TO YOUSO MAN EXPERIENCED DAIRT- man and larmer, " drive-ear or truck. Scott Wheat ey. Uen. Del. or Roosa 211. Oregon Bldg, oare John Rndd. VOR RENT GARAGE, NEWLY RE- p.irid.Ain P- rfW- Ctoa. ... $3 month. OZ il- " IUIVI mas o. SALE ORCHARD RUN AND OFF d, epplw. Brinf bo and. call our plant. Trade High atreet.. igon Growers Cooperative Aaa n. MAXWELL WHEEL AND TIRE, rve t . Electric FUtore Supply Co. MEN WANTED EXCLUSIVE PRI vlU-gea distributing Duple Super tabsVlS eoli' In state I Bes Sarff. 21$ State St. Phone 1417 J. CALL THE -.MeMlNNVlLLE CO. FOR voor nevt fir wauram-o. . odiuati-enta. Standley Folsy. $ Bush Hans mag. WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH MOT orcyele to do two hours work UtweenF0B RENT UNFURNISHED APART- t 4; $0 and 6:30 a.m. daily 27, care Statesman. Apply Bos, APPLES DELIVERED PHONE 4F2. '' MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM SECLKITY C. M. Inman, Breyman block. 40 Acres Wood Land rtialeo tract eloso to Paeifie highway. . 4!y 8 out. Will t.k. good ' house sn' deal. This property will make some money. See me today. 'J-. PETERSEN . ,".-. 320 Oregon Bldg. 1" . ,,Drii tv WF.NTON COUNTY -.- -ill trade for Ralem property. . If yon went fo truing snd timber land see i thia 120 per acre. It's cheap. 1 . PETERSEN 52 Oregon Bldg. EMPLOYMENT. Pi L WANTEDERGimO T0UNO MAN T"? ZZZ. or advertising. Ma Hiiursi'wt - . - . '"l" tetaM . si r .i..t. ..A nrafea ' CT-e" A..i:To-r Vwr. ha-d- l writ.. .uttaaa. -"I; t bo able to devote me entire wwi -- a The Classified Ads. EMPLOYMENT WE WANT TWO ENERORTIC MEM between 25 and 40 to rrpresent oiia of the lartrat iuatitntiona of it char acter on the Pacific roam. t'ouipen- utton very good if you fill the pout tion. Call or write 512 I.'. H. Bank biilMng. . MALE AKD rTMALE WANTED MEN A!tn WOMEN TO take farts paper subscriptions. A rood proposition to the right people. Address the Pacific Homestead, .Statesman Bldg. Kaletn, Oro. MEN AND WOMEN DESIRING TO create a nice business of their own, selling a wonderful article of every day one from house to house. Artirle guaranteed to give immediate and uni v trna I satisfaction. Wonderful teller, tod paye big and o,nick return. Ad ' dress D.C.P. iU,., So Kprague, Tacama, Wash. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOOLEN and ailk good asles people. Only who ara deairous and capable and know bow to meet the public need apply. Good aalariea to atart with. refer neee required. Apply at -once. to laaaager of the People Caah Store PERSONAL fACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS. VIO 1st ray; manieariot, shampooing. Or egon Bath Hoots. Pbene 640. a8TBOL)Qy STARS TELL LIFE"S story. Send birthdate and dime for trial reading. Eddy. Westport St. 83 8A Kanaae City, Missouri. FOR SALE CANARY BIRD8 FOR SALE FEMALE CANARIES. 60e for short time only. Phone 1280. 103ft rhemekMa St. FAXM PAPEE fP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, sends 15e to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, (or three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. HOUSES , RAl) 80 percent saved isr cost of eonsti construe tion. Chaa. F. Smith, factory repree en tat Ive, 620 Northwest Bank Bldg., Portlsnd. Oregnn. POULTRY trial for the best and oldest journal In the west. .The articles and adver tiaements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest. N or h west Poultry Journal, 211 Com were! si Ht , Hslem. Orcon MISCXJ-US-OUS FOR SALE SECOND HAND FURNI- v tare end range. Phone S7F21. m SALE 6 MONTH OLD MALE I Airedale puppy. Cottel Apartments, 343 N mTty -oa BALK OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 I cent a bundle. Circulation department. Orefoa Btatesmsa. 0A8OUNE AND OIL TANKS i tntm u irge,t to emallest. L. A. Westaeott. factory, representative. 864 B. 13th Bt phone leoa j. FOR BALE RADIO OUTFIT, $45 VAL- ne, all eomplcte. Will receive 700 miles. WIU sell for $25. Sent C.O.D. on approval. Write today. Bos 71, Gates, Oregon. THE HOUSE OP HALT A MILLION and one bargains. We bay, sell er exchange anything and everything in the line of juak or second band goods. See aa before yon buy or aell. Stein bock Junk Co. Bemember tba place. 03 N. Commereisl St. Phone SK3. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SIS I An especially good selection of the SINGING pi "w w ii, .. .-. music complete. No matter bow many eongoewka yon have, you i ahoald have thia one, containing the Oregon aenge. i.i.. ain.i. MniM. s. tau cant. each in lota of a doren or more; $12.60 the hundred, postpaid. Second edition printed since September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon WO OS FOR SALE-OLD FIR, 4 FT. 7 A e-rd; a .cords 1 -inch, $15.50. Oak, 4 It. eorda, $15.60. Phone 42F14. FOR SALE 8EAS0NED SECOND growth fir wood. $4.50. per eord on the ground. Chaa. J. Olson, Route 5, Mornings ide. DRY OLD GROWTH 18 IN FIR, $8 4 ft. aecond growth, $6.50. Phone 1467. 16 INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD. $3.60 per wad. Dry planer wooa $3.50 per load. Tracy Wood Co. Phone 620. FOR BIG FIR, SECOND GROWTH OAK or ash wood, phone 77F2. FOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD aecond growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 1 in. P-ed E. Wells, Phone It 805 8. Churci. DRY WOOD FOR SALE BIG SECOND growth fir, $6.50 and 16-inch large second growth, $7.50 and $7.75; old fir, 4 ft. $7. 16-inch $8; oak, $8 and $0; four foot ash, $7.25. Armstrong Trsnsfer. "Phone 195. Stand, State and lliah. FOR RENT APARTMENTS ment; khz Mare street, rnone ua-jrt. ROOMS FOR RENT SUITE OF TWO LARGE rooms with private bath, wfil be vac ated soon. Also separate room. The Alexandria, 1030 Chemeketa St. Phone 1280;. FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN lis modern bome and centrally located flssae give name snd address. E, rare Ststeaman. HOUSES F. L. WOOD 341 STATE ST, REAL esUte, rentals. FOR RENT PARTLY FURNISHED modern 7 room house and garage. 396 .South 21st. BUNGALOW AND GARAGE HOYT and Cottage, for rent. See Win Flem ing. S41 State atreet. LOST AND FOUND L08T I . w . v KiiArr rp r VITD TOT. 1 wi. i ij iv Bm-uur,., ' i iav avanin Kiivapa. i nunc a&. LOST-KXGLISH BIjOODtlOWD. AX- - l awera to name oi nanono. vmra ai- taehe& to collar. Reward. Phone 943-J. Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD MATTRESSES MALE OVER X'apitel City Bedding Co. Phone 19. WANTED TWIN BBY BI'GGY J good condition Mrs. K. A. Jttnrtt, lo30 t hemrkcta St., plione 12s. WANTED WOOD DEALER WANTS TO bay dry osk sod fir. Armstrong Transfer. Pbona 195. WANTED EVERYTHING IS HARD ware and foroiture. Best pricea paid THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STORAGE GAJLAGE TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE S44 Ferry street. AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS -South High. W. C. WRIGHT, 171 AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK gvsranteed. 653 booth 12th. phone 1120. TIRES AKD ACCESSORIES 8MITH-W ATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH, Fisk, SiWerton Cord, Hood extra ply tires. Everything for suto. USED CARS FOR SALE 11-. S PASSENGER light ear. good condition, good tires. ISO. Merchants Delivery, 554 Ferry street. WANTED chane en LIGHT TRUCK IN EX Hudson, Essex or Baby Fred Kirk wood, 240 State Overland, street RADIATOR 8HOPS SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 South 12th. Phone 28. C. BAIR, RADIATORS. FENDERS. Rodley repaired 444 Fwrr. BATTEBT AXD ELECT BICIAH AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EX7ERT TROU- Me snooktng. 238 North liigh. Phone 203. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY 8ERV1CE station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros. Phone 1803. 418 Court. SCALES AUTOS WKIOHF.ri 15 2395 FRONT QABA0E AKD EEPAIB ADTO REPAIR SHO L. MILLER, 245 center. rnone B90. HOFFMAN k ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR ing, vuleaniainr, retreading; 1S7 South Commercial str-ek Phone 471. CAPITAL OARAGE BU1CK, STUpE bsker repairing. 179 South Liberty. Phooe 88. CONTECTIONZRT REMINGTON CONFECTIONERT. HOME made candies, confections, eifara, mag axines. 1272T State. ' BEAUTT PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTT Parlor, 110 North Commercial BtreeL 9S6. CHINESE PHTS1CIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 153 8. High 8t, phone 283. OXJCAKIHG PBX8SZKO CLEANING, PRESSING DONE TO YOUR satisfaction. Classy line of collars, ties. The Togeryt 1857 State. DETJ0 8T0SES BREWER DRU9 CO. 405 COURT. Pbone 184. ELECTRICTAKS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING. By contract, by hour. At pre-war pricea. H. W. Hatch, phoue 1744-W. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK OOfJNTY FARM LOAN association baa money to loan st sis percent. W. D. Smith, secretary-treasurer. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. CITY BUILDING LOANS We have available fnnds for city loans, repayable like rent. A. 0. BOHRNSTEDT 40? Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon FURNITURE STORES FRANK F. RICHTER NEW, SECOND baad 'furniture. $49 N Ootumsrcial Pbone 452. FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Refinishing and upholstering a specialty. Phone 1742. Brown and Groves, 1201 South Commercial.' GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for sale. Smith's, 801 North Commer eisl HOTELS CHERRY CFTY HOTEL ROOMS AND board. Lnnch counter. Opposite O. E. Depot. State and High. LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE meat, clean neat rooms and apartments. 254. N. Front St. HORSESHOEING PRACTICAL HORSESHOEING PETE Conley, 8hoer. Brick -shop, 253 Chem eketa atreet. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. 0. Belch, agent, rooas 6. McCorneck Bldg. Phone e. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets, Pbone 1043 R. 891 S. 12th. FANCY WORK FANCY WORK FOR SALE 222 NORTH Commercial atreet. NEEDLEWORK AND EMBROIDERY shop, Jessie McCune. Tsllmsn's Piano Store. 121 South Commercial HEMST1T0HXS a MRS. BRECKENRIDGE HEMSTITCH ing, mail orders solicited. 175 S. 19th. Phone 174 M. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, rhsinstttching, plesting, buttons. 829 330 Oregon Bldg. Phooe 879. MILLINERY WHEN XMAS SHOPPING CALL the Anron Shop. 519 Court St. AT SBE88MASZNO FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING 449 K. High. Mra. Reid. DRESSMAKING TAILORING. MRS. Goodwin, 445 North Commereisl. DRESSMAKING CARRIE ROOER8 Ashby, 608 8. 21st. 1'none STl-it. MRS. C. JEPSON Osk, phone 929. MODISTE. 2567 MRS VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER w.HtneV BUSINESS CARDS Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING LA Cl.Aigi E GOWN S.IOP EXCLUS ive tuodeis. Elbert design. eg. 331 's Stale. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER 171U lieilerue St. CARRIE FlaHER DRESSM AK1 NO, di-signing. Hpenrer rorcaeis to order. 2 Mciornark Bide. EDITH M. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER 1343 Broadwsy. 1436 J MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phone 1971 W. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. 7bo j South 12th. Phone 1824-M. HAITI E WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING ' 248 North Cotlaee. Phone I5js W MESDAMES SCOTT CHASS: DRESS makera, 219 SUM St. Pbone 0S7. THE ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinds of ladies' tail oring for old and new eutonirrt. 352 N. 12th atreet. Phone 2085 R. PLEATINQ MRS. HILDEB&4ND. PLEATING 8S0 Sooth 24th. Phone 798 -Ml. HAT SHOPS HAT 8HOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hata renovated and blocked. 495 Court atreet. MATTRESS r ACTORISH DON'T BE MISLED WE MAKE NEW mattresses to order. We make over old Distresses snd guarantee satisfsc tion. We do carpet cleaning. Otto Zwirk-r Phone 114 LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 136 S Liberty street. Pbone 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quslity work, prompt service, 1264 Rrosdwsv Phone 165. LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE, LANDSCAPE GARDEN or. 1565 South Liberty. Pbone 1031 M hCEDXOAX. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MULTIORAPHINQ M ULT1GRA PHI XG, PRINTING PER feet work; dependsble. M inkier Hed Berg Msil Adv. Co., 212. Oregon Bldg. PAINT CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. L. D Brandon, contractor. 365 North High, Phone 645 J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING. PAP erbanging, kaiaomining. Work guar anteed. Terms reasonable. Phone 2035-J. 1464 Ferry. PRACTICAL NURSE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE SURSE Mra. Meitaler. Florence HoUl. Pbone B2M KTJRSEBT STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD back of office, 540 State street. Pbone 1140 M. WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY All kinda nursery slock for ssle. Rte 7. Phone 105F5. t COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City, Nur sery Co.. 426 Oregon Blig. phone 75. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRIP tions for all magazines. 251 S. 17th street. Phone 741-M PREITINQ FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, see Bertelaon, printer, "Y" Building. PRIVATE HOSPITALS PRIVATE MATERNITY HOSPITAL 1647 North Front St. Mrs. J. Stine. PERFUME ANT TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. Ex tracts, toilet articles. Mrs. Moyer., 170 South 23rd. Pbona 1224. PUBLIC .STENOGRAPHER MARGARET BURN8 PUBLIC 8TEN oarepher. 408 Masonic Bldg. Phone 262. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 201 8A lem Bank of Commerce Bldg. Rates reasonable. PLUMBING PLUM BIN 050-M, 75c PER HOUR PHONE PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397-J. Shop, 1S7 Union atreet. A. L. Godfrey. NORTHWE8TERN PIPE CO. WHOLE aale and retail plumbing suppliea. 219 N. Commercial. Phone 179. SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICK, Showcards that talk. 424 N. Commer eisl Phone !Ufl SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuae of all kince removed. Cesspools cleaned Phone 098 SECOND HANS GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing snd shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Exchange, 342 North Commercial. Phone i:ii.8 W. WE- BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinda. Diie fittings, hsr ness, collars, collar psds. tools, ami chsins. Fred Schindler, 258 Center street. SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High STUDIOS BE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIP- ferent in phonography. 147 N. Com 1. STOVES STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED--40 years experience. Depot National fence, aisea 26 to 28 inches high. Painta, oil and varniahea, etc., logaa berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Worka. 250 Court atreet Phon 124. SWEDISH INSTITUTL THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE MEKAXO- Therapy. Swedish massage with active and passive movements. Steam cabi net bath, medicated packs, electricity, etc.; 30102 Oregon Bldg. Phone 558. TAXI DIRECTORY LANIIAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 540. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO., Liberty k Ferry. Phone 77. Dry slab 16-inch wood for sale. TRANSFER HATJLINQ ARMSTRONG TRANSFER LOCAL AND long distance hauling a specialty. Stand State and High. Phone 1B5. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO S28 SUte 8t phone 933. Diatributing forwarding snd storage our specialty f net emr rate 1-TJse Statesman Classified Ada BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL FRANKLIN LAUNEH-PLAJiO. 268 N. lilt. fboae iw GERTRUDE SMITH PIANO, BILVIR ton, Oregon. Greea dJl. MRS. HENRY LEE PIANO. 1321 N. Capitol. i'bons 1017VN. LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL cremta tr-'.u. SUA N. liigh. Pboae IsTlW. MINN ETTA MAGERS VOCAL, DERBY Building ndsy aftrrnooa, aaiurav-! LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IN struct w)u Pbona 334. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. North Winter. Phone 34V J. 107 NELLIE MULK.EY STONE PIANO i'.i Leslie. Phone 751 W. ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO. 2il ona tiias. Phone OiV V$. BEATRICE SHELT0N PIANO STUDIO 34- ilarioo. Phone 1299. LILIAN HARTSHORN PIANO 394 North Churtli. Pbo-e 17b. T. S. RijBERTS PIANO, ORGAN, 27u South 14th. Phont 779. DAN. E. LAN GEN BERG, VOCAL Derby Bids. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO Phone 11B4-M. 1472 Mill MOLI.IK STYLES VOICE, PIANO, 859 Center. Phone 2016 K. JULIA MILLS WE1GEL PIANO. South Ctiurcb. Phone 1391-R. 1560 LUCILE ROSS PIANO, ORGAN. 498 Nortk Liberty. Phone 118T-W. MATT1E GILBERT STRING INSTRU wenu. 13,. tttaie. Phone 1166 R. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO piayer; duuees, all occasions. 257 N. Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY. AUTHORIZED teacher, Godowsky Progressive Series Piane. 679 Ntftth Lotus. Phone 1950 W. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUS ic of Chicago. Prank E. Churchill, rep resentative. DipVtuaa (ranted. Odd Fellow s Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OK MUSIC All lirsnches taught, diplomas (ranted John K. Kites, director. 1237 Court Phone 626. k TUNEES WENDELL HELM TUNING. REPAIR iug. Phoue 492. EDW AKD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave e -iere Will i Music Store. TA I.I.MAN' PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning ref inishing, rebuilding, player piano expert. Phoue liihS, 121 South t'omuirrci.-il. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY a CO PIANOS, STEIN ways, Duo-Art, snd others. Moore Dunn Musie store. Masonic Temple. PHONOGRAPHS STRADIVARI PHONOGRAPH KNOWN for tone. Retailing at fsctory price. Room 7, Pstton block. MUSIC STOKES GEO. C. WiLL PIANOS, PHONO grsphs, sewing machines, sheet music, nd pisno studies. Repsiring phon ographs and aewing machines. 432 State, Salem. DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. K. L. White, principal. Phone 273 J. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR, 211 8. High, and Ferry. TRANSPORTATION SALEM-SILVERTOX STAGE Leaves Leaves Salem Silverton O. E. Depot Newa- Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a m 11 :00 a.m. 1:U0 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 0:15 p.m. bALKMI5UK!'E.HUEKL'B MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem, O. S. Depot 7:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8: la a.m.. 1:00 p.m., 6:1j p.m. Leave Independence Uotwl H:du a.m.. 1:15 p. in., 6:30 p.m. Special tnpa ly appointment. Seven passenger car for hire. J. W. PARKER. Prop. Rea. Phone fits Business phone 7 WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO Office. 301 South Com'l et. 'len per cent discount on domestic fist rates paid in advance. No deductions for abaence or any cause unless water is shut off your premises-. WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRT WOOD SAWING Phone 2'4. Fisher Bros WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA H0U8E OPEN Sunday morning 8 o'clock. American style. 110 Va North Commercial. Phone 472. PROFESSIONAL CHTROP0DI8TB A. J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 322 State St. Pstton Bldk. Phone 957. CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Appliances from indi vidusl impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic Bldg. Phone 442. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, P S O, CHIROPRAC tor, 809 12 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87: Res. 828 R. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. P. AND Pearl M. Brsdford, graduates and po graduatea of the first chartered school of Chiropractora in the world. Ten rears in prsctice. Phone 528. Rooms 518 319 320 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 608 U. 8. Bank Bldg DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Phyaician and surgeon. Kirksville graduate, 404-405 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Pbonea Office. 1; Rea. 614 DR. JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, 403-4(14 ure gon Bldg. Phonea, Office. 1394; Res 5KF.V OPTICIANS POMEROY ft KEENE JEWTLIR8 AND Optometrists. 888 State. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BC3- dette at the Bow Optical Company, 325 State Street, opposite Ladd and Rush Bank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Camp 5. Armory. First, third Mondsys. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE and 2Vs acres ground, lots of fruit, barn. etc. Nort Salem; snap at $25 a We have some good buys in honsea from ljj) np: very utile oown, use Also some snaps In acreage for soldier loan. Oonsult ns frr trsdes. S. R. Pearson 210-211 V. S. Bank Btdg. Jse Statesman Classified Ada REAL ESTATE TRADE AT FLEMING land ill jlrt.wu. li-t 1 Stale ilret. FuR WHEAT MR. HOME BUYER Ytit CAN BIY A 0 rvoni liuDfiiUK ttan s eiir oij for t-o s thsa 1 wa c(fr4 fr it nine months sire. H ba-ixitm. IHi-h kit'-ht'n, r!,-? ant 6iii; porch. flu(rt i!l handle it., -r n today. 1 J.i Iffe!. KOR SALE NICE SIX HoOjI HOI St larjre lot, with fruit and twrrirs. rtuse to car. Pri-e flMMJ, terms. BraD(J ne. bl,nf4!oWi 5' roon on ,treets. J3u rash, balance bke rent W have good garsge building that i eow bringing good jnoney ; eioae in. If interftrd in any of these call at 212 Gray Bldg. H. L. MARSTERS WOOD'S BARGAINS Six lots and two new building, a snap st t900 Two lots north Capitol street. prie right. 40 seres, new brildingtt. Iride for hoiEC. A good residence to trade for close in acresge, improved 26u ai-re riv-r bottom fsrm. 165 per acre. F. L. Wood. 34 1 State St. LET US EAfLAIN Tn 5EW SYSTEM of selling your property. Property listt-d not exclusive. Your property photographed. Brown, Magee and Bessie Snyder. Over Bnsick s Store, btate end Commercial. Phone 559. TO EXCHANGE We have 80 acres with fsir buildings on gravel road: would make a good ttock farm. Will trade for city property. Ford car and some cusli. trade for home. Good 6 room modern house, garage, two large lots. pscd street; good buy for 3;,oo. Will take . vacant lot .nd some csh ss f irat payment; balance like rent THOMASON 331 i State St, KOR RENT TWO HOUSES FOR RENT. one $10 and one S12.o(. FOR SALE Fine farm, nearly all under ealtivntion. With crop sll in, st a bsr.iin. Square Deal Realty Co. Phone 470 I. S. li.tnk B'-iig. $SO0 DOWN BUYS 16 ACRE TRACT, with buildings, 3 acres tog-an. 5 srr- strawberri- ; a bargain st s-t('0-MuHt sell at onrr. jtucolut'sky, 341 State. FIN K l.ITTLF. i ACHZ TR ACT. A Li. cultivated. 3 acres prunes sod logar.s, well improved; 5-room good bungalow; l'i ir.iies from Salem; $4750, mostly cash. Socolofsky, a41 State. ? FN'AP $37.50 PER ACRE FOR 120 acres fruit land, miles from Salem. This will go when we show it. Socolof sky, 341 State. A GOOD OPENING A COTTAGE Ho tel, welll located. No competition. See Win. Fleming, 341 Stste Street. WOULD YOU I.IKE TO OWN A HOME in West Salem. If no, here is a good one of 6 rooms with full cement liaite uient and fully built in features, with 3 lots snd garsge for only $4'J00 snd terms given. See L. A, Hayford Realtor 305 State St. WORTH WHILE room bungalow, city water, electric lights, price $1650, good terms. 6 room house, clone to car line; hsth, electric lights, 2 lots, bearing fruit, price 2j00. Terms. 5 acres good land, gooi? buildings, 5 blocks to rsr line. Price $3500. 80 seres good land, buildings in good condition. ill trsde for city prop erty. Price $4500. Mills & Copley Realtors 331 H State St. GOOD BUYS acre tract snd four room 'house on paved h ich way snd c'ose to earline well, garage. Price $2500,'-. 'i cash. 6.X6 acre tract. 5 acres under cultivation 5 room buncalow. gool well, large chic ken house, gravel road, t miles from earline. Will consider improved acre tract or city property. Price $4M0 IfiO acre of timber niOHtly fir. located 10 miles north: will consider good houae as part payment. Price $0." per acre. 10 acre tract, 5 acres logans. we!l, barn; will sell on sold-.ers loan. Price $40K. Goot". 5 room cottage, located in scuta - Salem, bath, toilet, lights, bsneroent, furnace. Price $2625. $1150 down. A fine east front lot on S. Cpmmercia1! street, shade trees, pavement, walks, alley, sewer. .Price $830. If you are look for country or city prop erty, see us before buying. We write lire uifturaucc Realtors 275 State St. W, H. GRABENHORST & CO. 101 ACRES ALL IN CULTIVATION, but 25 acres rolling, good road to place, no buildings. $9000. 94 acres, good soil, some timber; will take good home in Salem. 11 acres, close, good road. $25) per acre. 5 acres, with fruit, good road, close in. I.iston k Darby, 484 Cosrt atreet KOR SALE 13 ACRES KOIR MILES south of Salem. No buildings. Price fSOO an acre. Would take goon lot in Sa'.em as psrt payment. Krueger, 209 Oregon Bldg. 55 ACRES FRI'IT AND ORAIS RANCH. 8 miles from Salem, close to railroad station, school and store; 5 room house, barn snd poultry bouse, 7 V acres lo gans. 24 seres strawberries, 10 acres in young prunes, 10 seres timber; with spring, creek, good well at houe: all good land. Horses snd machinery goes with place. Price $10,500. Might con sider part in good clear city property, fiorre ensh. balance terms. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bldg KOR SAI.E- ROOM MODERN' BCN gslow, basement, fireplace, all built in feature, best constrrction and in fine condition. Price 4.ron, easy terms. WINNIE PETTYJOHN ir.llj State St Realtor Phone 534 KOR SALE CM1SE IN. It ROOM flat, modern ; two furnaces, fireplace, two bath rooms. I-arge basement. At a bargain for a short time. Phone 1048 M. 10 ACRES. LOGANS. 30 LARGE V'AL nut trees, some cherries, 6 acres in clover. 7 room plastered houe, tood barn: on pave.t street, 1 U miles from Salem city limit. Priee reined for quick sale from $7,500 to $,750. Tern.. Socolofsk 34 1 State. Market Quiet on Hops Dried Fruits Are Firm NEW YORK. Dec. 5. Hons oiiiet: state 1921. 37ffi 42: 1920. 20025; Pacific coast 1921. 27 S2;1920, 23fi25. Evaporated ap ples firm; prime state 1415; Californias 14 015; prunes, easy; Californias 6 t? 16 : Oregon 6 3-4 14 Va; peaches firm, choice 13 3-4 014; extra choice ' 14 3-4 15; fancy 17 a 20c. Charles, last of the Hapsburgh emperors, has gone into exile at Funchal. Mariera Island, Just 100 years after the death of the great Napoleon, a monarch of smaller stature but older breed. Hoth Madiera, where St. Charles is lo oatecl. and St. Helena, where Na poleon died, are off the west coast of Africa. Read The , Classified Ads. I HEART ID MY BIO Ad?le ratrrlaoB's) w of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 2:7 THE NEWS THAT AWAITEOtrpona mp neu jo rorunnu iw. MADGE AT HOME. To my own surprise, and to the intense gratification of r.y tathr, whose inordinate parental pride in mo had. I think. txen touched by my failure in my tirst driving experience, I learned . to drive quite rapidly and surely under the tutelage of the quiet, eifi clent, middle-aged garage man, Doran. who, 1 Biifpected. had more than ordinary incentive for teaching success in his pocket. Doran who I am sure had been schooled by my father, added to his unusual gift for impart ng in struction, and his faorougn j knowledge of his subject, an al- iost uncanny understanding ot j my best and worst points, viz.. my j retentive and accurate memory. as well as my lack of perception of mechanics. Unobtrusive, careful. patient . . ' hefore he had put me at my eaw before I had been under it's instruction five minutes. At the end of the rst lesson I had acquired not only the ability to steer the car f.iiriv well, but some knowledge of starting and stopping it i.n w .cosuas ia iui and above all a confidence that' P".0 rmes fololwlnf the clouts in time I would be able to nhi in i m-'er It. Mv father did not accompany me during the lespon Ioran 3-1-atlvised against it but he waited at the garage unt'l it was OYor, and then beaming; at the garage man's few words of quiet 'com mendation, he walked home with me. talking animated". y of the pleasure I would be able to take with my new acquisition. Hope Unexpressed. , "I thought it would be especial ly fine for your stay out at the east end of the Island with Mrs. Underwood and Maron," he said. "The driving- will not be nearly so difficult out there, for thers are so few cross roads on the long thoroughfare?, and comparatively few cars. And wfth your own car you will be so independent. You can jumn in It at any time you wish and start in any direction your vagrant fancy directs there are so many delightful ex cursions out there. It Is a won derful section. I spent some weeks there years ago. and T hsv never forgotten the beauty of the places I visited." His voic waacetaoinshrdlushrd His voice was wistful. My new ly awakened conscience had a sudden vision of how much !t would mean to him if he could ac company me upon the soujourn. I Impulsively opened my lips to ask him to come with me. then closed them again as abruptly. For I had remembered my mother-in-law! I knew that If my father should be invited to ac company us she would be highly insulted If the invitation were not extended to her. And that would mean the transferring of our whole menage, something which could not he done, because we had planned for no such wholesale outing. The original plan had been that Lillian. Marion and I should go to a delightful shack upon the shores of one of the idyllic bays which are a part of the Great Pe- conic, that wonderful sheet of wa ter at the east, end the inland We were to live a primitive sort of existence, getting our own meals if we wished, taking them at an old-fashioned farmhouse inn five minutes' walk through the woofla, if we were disinclined to cook. Dr. Gibson had strongly advised ag-ainstt aking Junior with us. Doctor's Orders. "You can never let well enough clone, you women," he had said; crogsly, when 1 had broached the subject. "Here the baby is at the end of what Is practically his sec ond summer, and yon and I to gether hr e) brought him through without any trouble with hia teeth, or any complication from excessive heat. He is in splsndid physical condition, and your mother-in-law and Katie are both experienced in taking care of Lim. and devoted to him. "But you. young woman." he shook an admonishing forefinger at me, "need to get away from your family. I wouldn't say that if anybody could hear "me" he had looked around apprehensive ly as if my mother-in-law were at the keyhole. "But the fact re mains that they are getting- or your nerves, and you are not yet recovered from the shock of that accident. Get out into the opn without a single care, live out-J doors in your oiaest ciotnes. ana you'll come back a new woman " Mother Graham had been de lighted with the verdict. Like l! grandmothers she welcome! the prospect of absolute sway over the destinies of her grandchild, and she also enjoyed the prospect ot managing her son's household for him. , My father, T realized w'th a 'it tie shock, had simply been over looked In the plan. No one had considered whether or not he would like to go with us. It Bim ply had been taken for ,rranted that he would stay on in the house. I had to acknowledge that my father was a sort of fifth wheel in mv home and resolveO fiercely that the condition was one which would exist no longer. Bnt how to manage th's trip for him I had no idea, and I pon dered ways and means all the way heme. Ttut I did not at otice rec ognize the way out which opened no to me when T came Into 'the house. Indeed, for a few rro-. ment s 1 was dismayed with the Idea that mv whole outing mnst be abandoned. For Mother Graham, excited, flushed, came running to meet, holding a letter In her hand. "Margaret!", ahe said decisive- ly. -We baTen't a miaute to o. Harriet aud --cumin t home! Think of their "Tirst YiU! We mast gt the hou Mxily at once." (To be continued) $3.00 Round Trip to Portland Every Day Oregon Electric Railway ' On snd after October list IW ! Oregon Elertric Railway will aell . . . a a . . n v 1 . m . . isa SS. including war tax. tood for return to and Including the aec vud day trout date ot sale. J. W. RITCHIE. Adv. Agent. O. E. Ky. Babe Ruth and Associates Get Heavy Fines and Suspension CHICAGO, Dec. 5"IUd news for "nabe' Ruth world' cbanv V - On bome TUO hitter With thO . v.nv. m.v New York Yankees, broke today. Ruth -wis fined his world aeries prize of 13,362 and suspended un til May 20. of the 1922 season b Judge LandU, commissioner ot or me wona a series. ' Outfielder Bob Meusel and Pitcher Willtan Piercy. also mem bers or the Yankees, who particl- pa ted in the barnstorming trip, drew substant'ally the same pu alty. Piercy's fine- was $100 lesa than the other two, his ahare of the world's series being that much, less. Suspension of Ruth for at leart the first month of the American league penant race practically means, baseball observers pointed " out, that he will have. 1 ttle chance next season of breaking lijs rec ord of 49 home runs, lie will not be eligible to apply for reinstate, ment until May 20 the aeaon starts about April 14. The decision, which, in the base ball world, rests as the most im portant Judge Landla has made, came after two months delibera tion. ' TEXT BOOll of WALL STREET 1913 E41lioa now ready for. free ' distribution ' ' 1 McColl, Riley & Co. Mmlan CetMnlidat S'ee ajurfcaae wt Mw York 20 Broad St - New York Irllill) wmi TbClrclat U Self-Adjusting. It pl ) error th tioaxl, clasp a at waist aukd eratootha eat gly sums. your dealer can 't get U send actual bust measure, name, ad dress a 91.50. We'll send the Circlet prepaid. Sizes 34 to 48. Nan Hyrianic-Faaltiea Institute 120 E. 1 St Naw York, Dap'l M. I SALEM MARKETS I Pricea quoted are wholesale and are pricea received by farmers. Ne ret prices are given Osts, milling, net 45e. Wheat No. 1, Sacked, 85c. - Oats, feed, 3c. Vetch and Oat hay, lit. Clover bay. 110. Mill run mill fd. 124. EOG8. BUTTER k BUTTERFAT Keen. 42c Ct 43c. i f'reamery butter. 46e. Itiitterfat, 42c. POULTRY r Hens, light. 16e. Hens, heavy, 22c. Chickens, spring. 1, Roosters, old, 8 J 10. Tnrkeys, live. 2"e. Turkevs. dressed. SSe. PORK, MTJTTOaT AJTD BEEP Hogs, me t 8c. I.smba, Sc. Top veal, 12c. Pork, dressed, lie O lie. "' Steers. 4c ? Se. Balls, 3c. TROTTS ' Emperor Orspe. 12c. Bananas, 9 Vie. l,fmon, $6. Nsvcl Oranges. ?. Florida grapefroit, t 17.50. California grape trait, Huckleberries, 15e. Washington ersnberriea, to fO.SO. VEGETABLES Sweet potatoes, 4 Vic. Potatoes. 1 1 80. Cabbage, IVie. I California tomatoes, lag, S, Coenmbers, 81.25. r Cauliflower. 2. Turnip. 12.50. Bell peppers, lb, lie. Parsnips. 82. Oregon onions, 94. Carrots, 81.25. Hat I.ettoee, erote." 83. SO. California Celery. 85?. . Beets, 82" o. DATES, ntJS. H0KET Dates, 15e. . . ' " Package dates, ease,-ac.75. figs. 12e. . Coaib honey, ease, f". PoeAsttnta. dctfen. fl.75. no's. !20. Firberta. 22'. Almonds. 29e. No. 1 Kaglish Wafnefs, 90. No. 2 English Walnnts, 22r. ' Read The Classified Ads. SEM PEIMf I FOB MISTOMi