The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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' .? (Continued from page 1.)
f State, east of Fourteenth, ex-1
tending to Asylum arenue. Tnla '
district Included the penitentiary ;
and the state hospital:
Clifford Knickerbocker had
charge oC the district that Includ
ed the state house. The territory
Includes that part of the city be-
wofln Stat and Cottage and Un
ion and Fourteenth streets. Ilia
reports showed returns of $236.
Theodore Condo and his work
erg covered that part of the city
known as the business district,
and their turnover was (394. It
extended from Cottage street to
the river and between State and
Marion streets.
Lloyd Rlgdon had charge of
Gliristmas Slippers
Gifts That Are Pleasant Reminders of the Giver
Every Day in the Year
Pleasing Styles
for Men, Women
and Children
" ' Your Christinas. gift list should include Comfy Slippers. Nothing makes more ac
ceptable or useful gifts always a reminder, when worn, of the giver ! Many Pleasing styles
are shown here. Large quantity buying for 312 stores makes it possible for us to offer you
these exceptional values.
For Men
Soft Comfy Sole Slippers, grey, black and
98c $1.98
Leather Slippers with elastic sides, tan and
Leather House Slippers Romeo, Everett
and Opera styles in brown and black. The
slippers to give father or grandfather
$1.98 $2.25 $2.49
For Women
Hljh front Juliettes, many colors and
r.tyles, fur and ribbon trimmed
$1.49 $1.69 $1.98
Soft kid Houdoir Slippers, black or red
Satin quilted Boudoir Slippers, many pret
ty colors
Low cut comfy styles, plain or trimmed
$1.69 $1.98 $2.25
For The Misses and Children
Attractive styles in Felt Slippers and Juliettes, comfy or leather soles, many pretty
colors. iViced to save your money at
- I $L29 $1.49 $1.69
For the kiddies we have dainty little booties apd moccasins that are pleasing and
keep the little feet warm. All at exceptionally low prices.
i . m u n i
ii i if ii v ii ! i . .srfakrrs mi
ri ii ri ii ii i in i ii as - - - i n
l! Ii I IS! Wiai
II nmm N ncorpomtea
Red Cross interests between Mar
ion street. Mill creek and toe
river. Witti bii workers, he col
lected 146 for the Red Cross.
T orth Salem Return
Paul Wallace had charge of Red
, Cross workers in the district ia
I fl - A 1 A. ll.'ll 1 A
miK iracus, norm .uiu creeii men
to the rver and as far north as
South street, which adjoins High
land avenue addition. From this
district Red Cross returns were
Tinkham Gilbert had charge or
the residence part of the city be
tween Asylum avenue Southern
Pacific tracks, Garden road and
extending east to the c'ty limits.
In this district the Red Cross w&s
endorsed to the extent of $37.50.
Harry V. Scott with his work
ers was assigned to that part or
the city in what is known as High
land, extending from the river to
the Southern Pacific tracks. Work
ers brought in $06.
3UsoelL&neou.s Report!) Come
Albert Anderson worked iu
what is known as the Rosedala
addition to Salem, in the north
eastern part north of tiu Garden
road, extending to the city limits.
This part of the city supported the
Red Cross to the extent of $4.
Harold Smith in West Salem,
met with most generous responses
and with hU workers succeeded in
collecting $61.50 for the Red
From vairous parts of the citv,
memberships in the Red Cross
Came to the central orfice in
charge of Brazier C. Small, these
memberships amounting to
Circumstance Differ
In several districts where there
was a rather small amount turned
in, Mr. Small says there were
many extenuating circumstances.
In general, those who helped the
captains did fine work. The cap
tains for the various d stricts
all members of the American le.
gion local post, and tne entire
roll call for the city was In
charge of American legion
(Continued from page l:)
no disposition to entertain an en
tente proposal at least at present.
Later such a suggestion may re
ceive 'consideration, provided it
includes no requirements counter
to American public opinion.
Upon high authority it was said
today that the naval problem as
it was referred to Tokio involves
no proposal for a political agree
ment, but is concerned solely
with the naval and military as
pects of the situation. The Amer
ican delegation adheres to its ex
pectation that the naval issue
would be settled without condi
tioning the decision on a political
rearrangement- '
Admiral - Baron Kato of the
Japanese delegation said tonight,
however, that the naval question
involved issues of far reaching ef
fect upon the national and inter
national life of Japan and upon
the policies of great powers for
decades to come and perhaps per
manently. These issues, he said,
should! be brought to the full
knowledge and consideration of i
bis government. j
Delay in presenting Japan's de
finite position on ratio, he de-!
clared, is due wholly to the diffi
culties of cable communication
and the desire of his government
to act circumspectly in so impor
tant a decision.
Nfeantime the conference out
wardly is concerning itself with
questions of collateral significant1.
The committee on 'draft, headel
by Elihu Root, today debated for
eign telegraph and radio facilities
In China, virtually deciding tc
bring in a resolution providing
that as many of these facilities as
exist without treaty sanction shall
have onlv a curtailed use here
after. The Shantung conversa
tions, proceeding between Japan
and China, were advanced another
step, bnt developed no important
The committee of the whole on
the far east to meet Wednesday,
and an open session of the con
ference may be held late in the
Th3' American belief that the
naval question can be settled in
dependent of political issues, ap
parently is not readily accepted
in all quarters. A Hrit'sh spokes
man recently declared that in the
British view the naval and Far
Eastern problems were bound up
in the same sbeaf. and there has
Leen indications of a like opin
ion among soma Jaanese.
It is considered poss'ble that
in the period of waiting the two
threads of negotiations may be
come so tangled in the foreign
capitols as to give American dele
gates consideraole trouble in sep
arates them when the discus
sions here are resumed.
The proposal for a four power
entente as now advanced, is con
sidered an outgrowth of the sug
gestion of Davil Lloyd George,
made several weeks ago in parlia
ment, that the Washington con
ference might well consider merg
ing the Anglo-Japanese alliance
into on arrangement to which the
United States would be a party.
The Japanese have shown an in
clination to take up that proposal
and it has been mentioned more
than oace to the American dels-gates.
These hints have never brought
the subject to the point of a for
mal exchange of views, how
In every consideration of a pos
sible treaty or international un
derstanding to replace the alli
ance, the American delegates
have kept in mind the possible
temper of the senate should it
be asked to ratify such an agree-
6 1
Famous Soprano Sings and
Charms Salem; Chor
us Appears
Here Are Some Real "Live Buys"
We prefer that the prices quoted below describe the important value in trading with Salem's Greatest
" Department Store
v The People's Cash Store
$7.50 All Wool Jer
sey Jackets $3.98
The above value can
only be equalled by this
store's regular policy of
value giving. The coats
come In assorted colors
and sizes. Sites 12 tu
$25 Ladies' Velour
Coats $14.50
In the fall's most de
sirable colors of. brown,
fancifully embroidered
backs. All Bilk linings,
half aniV full belted models.
$6.50 All Wool
Jersey Skirts $3.98
As a combination sale
with the Sport Jackets
we offer these fine Jer
sey Skirts in all fcizes
The high quality is the
same as that of the Jac
kets, ulso colors to
$18.50 Serge and
Tncotine Dresses
$10.50 V
, A manufacture's li!p-
raent of high class Wool
Dresses combinln ' al!
the new features of style,
nicely trimmed aud em
broidered In artistic color
White Spray Fancy Patent Flour $1.85
Wheat Flakes, large package 30
Graham Flour, fine or course .45
Oysters, 5 oz. can .17
Clams, flat tan. 14
B. Brand Coffee, 3 lbs. .95
Special Blend Coffee in bulk .16
Broken Orange Pekoe, fancy Black Tea, lb. .34
This is one of the finest black teas on the market
Cocoa in bulk 10
Chocolate in bulk .20
Toasted Cornflakes .10
Standard Corn, 2 for 25
Standard Peas, 2 for .25
Imported Dates, in bulk, per pound 15
Roasted Peanuts, per pound .12
Mixed Candies 20
Get our prices on large lots of Candy, Nuts or
Men's Roughneck Slip
over Sweaters
The latest combination
of colors. All sizes for
men and iQ
boys vltlJ
Army All Wool Overciats.
at ......
Army all Wool Jackets.
Special fiC
Army all Wool Riding
Breeches. AO
Special at . . 017O
Men's Full and Three-
quarter length Slick-
ers, quality
Men's all Wool Army
Shirts, ".'early all si
zes. d0 QQ
Special at . itmifO
One big lot of. all Wool
Men's Overcoats, in as
sortment of sizes.
While stock lasts they
r.'r. $7.50
(Bargain Bafeement
ment store)
Boys' Two pair pants
wool suits. 4q rn
Special at . . WDJ
Boys' two pair Pants
mixed goods school
Suits. , 0 QQ
, Special at -. v O V O
Charming her large audience
with ber sweetness and her dain
tiness, then thrilling them with
her marvelously sweet and flute
like voice. Mabel Harrison Vn-i
raptured all who heard her last
In her concerts she has earned
the reputation of presenting a
Dresden doll-picture, but it is a
doll with the liveliest kind of
musical intelligence and a voice
of the most beautiful flute-like
clearness. The young Haltimore
soprano is extremely pretty, and
she has a smile that says to the
audience: "Now we are all the
best of friends and we are going
to have a wonderful, happy time
Miss Garrison sang first, aria
"Polonaise je suis Titania,"' from
Mignon, which won insistent ap
plause from her hearers and to
which she graciously responded
with "The Norwegian Echo Song."
This was sung by request. Other
numbers by Miss Garrison were:
(a) Madrigal Fourdrain
(b) Tambourin, arr. by Tiersot
(c) Air du Rossignol Saint-Saens
(d) Vous dansez. Marquise...
(a) The Angels Are Stooping.
(b) Baby S'emonn
(c) Sally Roses . . . .Rostlemann
(d) Nature's Holiday .. .Hageman
Miss Garrison was especially
generous with her encores and
one particularly appreciated was
her "Alabama Coon." She sang
with the Salem Women's club
chorus "The Water Fay," as the
fnial number. Her accompanist
was her husband, George Sie
monn. The chorus appeared for the
first time at this concert. They
have been practicing for some
time and were most . graciously
received last night. Numbers
given by-them included "To the
Spirit of Music." '"Breezes of
Springtime." "At Parting." "Go
I (own Moses, "Swet and Low,"
' Swing Low Sweet Chariot.' and
lastly the "Water Fay, with
Miss Garrison.
Paul Petri of Portland direct
ed the chorus and Miss Dorothy
Pearce was accompanist. Thirty
two vaices are included In the
Continual page 1)
ment. An "understanding" would
not require senate confirmation,
but it is conjectural how binding
an agreement of that character
President Harding and his pleni
potentiaries would care to effect.
the packing plants were dispersed
by tomorrow, the industrial court
would ask Governor Allen to de
clare martial law in Kansas City,
Kas., and order the state militia
to take charge.
Information late today was that
all packing noues nere operated
with greatly reduced forces, al
though official statements made
at Dacking house "headquarters
earlier had estimated the number
of strikers at about 25 per cent-
The strike was felt most severely i
at the Cudahy plant, according to
a Cudahv ofiicial.
According to Mr. Lane, approx
imately 28 per cent of the Chicago
workers reported for work today.
I am satisfied that tomorrow will
see, the packing establishments
closed tight because this clement
will join the majority," he said.
Four independent packing con
cerns here and two outside the city
settled with the strikers today, he
According to tha packers two
men were waiting for every job
vacant and men were being hired
to fill the strikers' places. The
strike Jias caused meat prices to
rise here, Rupert Poole, secretary
of the city council high cost of
living committee reported.
There was no violence here but
at St. Paul several persons were
slightly Injured when commission
men clashed with pickets, while
early In the day a train carrying
300 strikebreakers was stopped
and the occupants forced to leave.
At Oklahoma City superinten
dents of the packing plants said
about 700 men failed to report for
work Union men said .1000
workers were out. Un:on offi
cials at Omaha declared the walk
out "'was practically 100 per
cent" while packers estimated
that from 40 to 74 per cent were
work'ng. At St. Joseph. Mo., the
packers asserted only 25 per cent
of the men were out. Union offi
cers said the number was SO per
cent. : ' - :-:---
Practically all employes of the
Denver packing plants were strik
ing, company officials admitted
and tonight an order was Issued
in district court demanding that
the workmen return to their Jobs
pending investigation of the dis
pute by the Colorado Industrial
Union officials at East i St.
Louis said 2000 of 2000 emplojts
wete out on strike while packing
company spokesmen said the num
ber was from 65 to 75 per nt.
At Fort Wor,th comopany offi
cials said 200t men were oa strike
and the unions gave no estimate.
r-ew men were reported on
strike at Dubuque, la.: Cedar Rap
ids, la.; Austin, Minn.; Mllwan.
kee. or at plants near there. At
Albert Lea. Minn., about one
third of the workers reported for
wnrlc oponntintf' t r nlant rffotli
Reports from Kansas c.ty, Kans.,
indicated 2000 men were out
while union officials said the
strike w-as 100 per cent effective
at Wichita and Sioux City.
Hearing on Application
For Lower Freight Rates
Testimony bearing upon the appli
cation of the trans-connental rail
ways to the Interstate commerce
commission for permission to es
tablish reduced rates on numerous
commodities from eastern points
of origin to Pacific coast termi
nals, on a basis which will enable
the carriers to compete with Inter-coastal
steamships via the Pan
ama canal, was begun here today.
The hearing is before William
A. Disque. exeminer of the Inter
state commerce commission and
will continue tomorrow, after
which the examiner will conduct
similar hearings at San Francisco.
Reno. Nevada, Phoenix, Aria., and
ings. have been conducted by the
examiner at Chicago, Denver, Salt
Lake, Boise, Helena ; and San
Francisco. ' i
I 4
RH)ot. Aik for WELCH'S th ORIQI
EIDY St, Dept. H 8m rr.aolae. At
other dratfiirta.
housekeeping room and kitch
enette. 555 'Marion. Phone
Pre -War Prices Are Here
The Woolen Mill Store Has Something to Say
At no time in the history of the mercantile business, in spite of the fact that all lines of men's
clothing and wearing apparel cannot be produced cheaper and with wool and cotton advanc
ing there is no prospect for any permanent decline, there has never been such an irresistible
pressure for low priced goods. Producers of all kinds are raising their products and selling
them for cost and in many instances for less than cost Many men are out of work and many
are working at reduced wages. Inasmuch as such conditions exist, the Salem Woolen Mills
Store believes that it should take its losses along wih its many patrons and with this in view
the management has selected the essential articles in men's wear such as Men's Suits, Boys'
Suits, Wool Shirts, Khaki Pants, Overalls, Sweaters and Shoes and has reduced the prices to
meet the demand for pre-war prices. These goods are not selected from job stuff for a special
mark off but are from our regular stock.
These Men's Suits that we are offering are made
of Oregon wool by our local mills and the Eugene
mills and are what are commercially called all
wool. They cost from $15.50 to $16.50. We
have priced them at $ 1 7.50. These Oregon made
fabrics are sure to please.
These Boys' Suits are made out of the same suit
ings and of the same quality as the men's. Prices
are $7.50, $7.75, $8.00, $8.25 and $8.50. These
are sold at exactly 25c above the manufacturer's
Our own make, axbsolute Virgin iWool Shirts.
Every one knows of our 0. D. Flannel Shirts. No
shirt is made that gives better satisfaction. Sold
last year at $6.00, war tax additional. This year
we have two lots at $4.00 and $5.00, war tax
Two lines, one bought to sell at $2.50 and $3.00.
If bought at the present market they would have
to be sold at $3.00 and $3.50. Our price is
$1.75 and $2.25.
Former price $5.00. New price $3.75
with double, knee and seat
Former price $5 to $5.50. New price
Bishop Special a standard overall
made for us. About 5000 pairs have
been sold from this store in the last eight
year with only three complaints. $1.00
a pair for regular sizes.
If there one thing more than another
that the price of has been complained
about it is shoes. After weeks of care
ful investigations we Jiave accomplished
something in the way of a quality shoe at
a price that will regulate the price of
shoes for some time. This shoe is made
under our own specifications and is
known as Bishop Special. The price
is $5.00.
I !
1 Salem Woolen Mills Store I
j . . , i
combinations.: 5, h. v