The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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; - ,. ., , . V ... J 1 '. '
The Statesman receives the leased
wire report of the Associated
Press, the "greatest and most re
liable press association! in the
. . ' - f. : , - i
'TUInweet; fair east' portion;
moderate southerly winds..
English . Officials arid Rep
resentatives, of Datl Eir-
- eannio Submit Terms to
good news announced
After night session
Sinn Fern Leader Refuses to
Comment on Terms
Press Will Announce
LONDON. Dec. 6. (By the
Associated Press.) It is officially
announced that the. government
officials and the representatives
of the pail Eireann have reached
an agreement, the terms of which
will be submitted for the accept'
ance of parliament - and of the
Dail Eireann. , .
. A copy of the agreement has
been : sent to Sir James Craig,
Ulster premier.
. .The conference of British mlnT
fsters and . Irish - delegates was
still in session at 2 o'clock this
morning. , ,
The Exchange Telegraph says
that an Irish agreement has been
reached.- .- . ;
- After a long conference at the
Irish delegation's headquarters,
during ; which several 1 telephonic
communications were exchanged
with Downing Street, the Irish
delegates went into conference
with the British ministers and
were in session at 11:15 p. m. -
The conference between the
government ' ministers- and Sinn
Fein delegates reached an agree
ment at an early hour this morn
ing on the new proposals which
underwent certain" modifications,
for an Irish settlement. ;
After a, session , which,- lasted
more than' three hours, from
1 1 ; 1 5 last night : until ' 2 : 20 .this
morning, the meeting of thesgor
ernment ministers and Irish rep
resentatives separated and a mem
ber of the cabinet, replying to a
question as to how things stood,
aald: t . . - .
i'The news Isn't bad; an agree
ment in. fat. has been- reached by
the terms of which will be com
municated. to the press.'; . ,
The delegates looked tired and
grave as they left ; the', premier's
- residence, v Asked whether he had
anything to say, Michael Collins,
the Sina1 Fein finance minister,
answered sharply: "Not a Word."
Answering the question: "Are
you coming back ?! Mr. Collins
answered hnrriedlyr.- "I 'don't
now," and shutting the door of
- his. automobile, he drove off with
Mr; Griffith and Mr. Barton.
A few minutes later Lord Birk
enhead and Mr. Churchill left.
Their appearance suggested that
the strain 6t the conference had
been severe.
Washington and Oregon ! .
In Path of Big Storm
' BAN FRANCISCO. Cal. Dac. 6.
Washington and Oregon are ex
pected to Be visited tomorrow by
a storm now centered off Vancou-.
ver. Island, according to San Fran,
ciseo weather bureau - officials.
Southeast .storm -warnings .. .tor
Oregon and: 'Washington, hoisted
this morning, were still up tonight
Relics Could Talk Harrowing
TaleCpjMibe:Td' ih Archives
of Oregon Supreme Court Rooms
Relics and things that some day
will be relics are in the archives
of the Oregon supreme court.
1 These are exhibits that hare
been accumulated as a result of
litigation reaching the state's
highest court.
1 Tfckll&h Times .Recalled. : -(
One exhibit that - has history
round it is a whisky flask -that,
feeryes as the . mausoleum for all
that is mortar of some 800 Or
1000 bedbugs. Also there are on
file: the bed-sheets in which the
bugs, while they were yet in the
flesh In the ties his right were
wont to stage their midnight rev
elries. Those were ticklish times.
' There 1s afnightjgown, remind
er of a famous . divorce case, and
the model of a boat used in a big
damage suit. "t s . " .
If Gums Could Speak,
i Another exhibit la some pencil
Sketches of stage scenery. There
are guns., now harmless as. toys,
but' any one of 'which can tell of
murder done. The eternal trian
gle is represented by a ban bon
box? In the shape of -a big. red
heart, with a lore note within J A
woman's slipper has come down
from a damage suit against a rail
road company- One shell, makes
the supreme court trophy room
look, like-a. hardware store-.with
its wrenches, aics and similar ar-
District North of Salem Soon
to Have Electijc Lfjrht and
Power Service
People living on the river road
leading to the Keizer school
house will soon be living with
many of the comforts of those
who live in the city. - ' -
The Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company is arranging to
extend its line to within a short
distance of the schoolhouse, which
is 'about 2i miles north of Sa
lem. The line extension now ex
tends to the Pearmlne home on
who will be benefitted with the
extended line are as follows: E.
A. Kurtz. F. A. Kurts. F. G.
Kurtz, W. I. Needham and the
Rhefus, .. Bloomhard, Evans and
Eiler farms.
With electric power any home
may have water works by instal
ling an automatic pumper, and
thus with, water and electric
lights, have all the comforts of
a city home.
Effective, . December 24 to
Meet Panama Canal
CHICAGO, Dec. 5. Lumber
rates from ail terminals to all
points east of Chicago will be re
duced December 24, H. E , Pier-J
pont; general traffic manager of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway announced today.
The rate of the territory east
of Buffalo and Pittsburgh will be
cut from $1.06 to 90 cents per
10D pounds. To the Buffalo and
Pittsburgh territory the reduction
will be to 88 cents and to Cin
cinnati and Detroit common
points the new rate will be 85
cents.-- ." ' - ..x-5 - - -
The tariff on shingles nnd ce
dar posts will be 13 cents high
er than the rates named for lum
ber, it was announced. The re
duction is named to meet Panama
Canal competition and competi
tion from southern lumber deal
ers, it was stated.
Medford Auto Dealer to
Face. Manslaughter Charge
coroner's Jury today placed the
blame on Lloyd EI wood, Medford
automobile salesman, for an auto
mobile accident In which Fred R.
Hartzell ... of. Eugene, - traveling
salesman, 'was killed on the Pa
cific . highway near Medford Sun
day El wood was arraigned this
afternoon in justice of the peace
Taylor's court on the charge of
manslaughter. - His bail was
fixed at $5000.
Germany Granted Time
On Indemnity Payments
, PARIS, Dec 5. Germany will
probably be granted a three year'a
delay in her cash Indemnity pay
ments, the Associated Press is in
formed from the most reliable
sources, y Negotiations aro going
on- between- reparations officials
of France and Great Britain and
responsible officials of both coun
tries virtually agree that Germany
must, be iven a breathing spell.
All that remains to be done is to
work out a scheme acceptable to
both countries.
fticles, and covered with the dust
of years is a saddle, still good for
many a ride across the "lone prai
rie." : .
'. Some corset stays, a riddle and
a bundle of bloody clothes are the
court's inheritance from a famous
southern Oregon murder ease. -.
Liquor is lied
-Before the whole state went
dry the city of Albany once tried
local option A bottle of red liquor
said to be a combination of moon
shine and soda pop, harks back to
those days. , ;
Tragedy again speaks from a
box of X-ray plates, made to lo
cate bullets and broken bones.
-Very- uninteresting of exterior,
but of 'much historical interest in
content is a large shelf of records
used many decares ago ia litiga
tion growing out of, the Oregon &
California railroad litigation when
Ben Holladay occupied the stage
center.- .Then the observer is
brought wlth'a" Jerk up to modern
days by exhibits of samples of
street and highway payement,
X Would Make Nice Toy
; A neat little exhibit that would
present for the small boy ' Is ' the
make a nexceptable Christmas;
moaei ot.a power une ana system.1
It was used in a suit in which the
plaintiff,, cololcctcd - $30,000, In
damages. ,.a.
Opinion of Court Approved
With Single Dissenting
vote, Clark Not Stating
Ground for Opposition.
Governor Allen Asked to De
clare Martial Law at Kan
sas City, Kansas
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. Pick
eting in connection with a labor
strike Is unjustifiable if carried to
the point of "importunity and
dodging," the supreme court
ruled today. Decision as to
whether specific instances of pick
eting come within the court's in
hibition must be left for deter
mination of the tacts in each
such case, it was; declared, but
the court suggested that pickets
should have the right of "obser
vation communication and per
suasion" and might further be
limited to "one representative for
each point of ingress and egress."
The opinion of the court, which
was read by Chief Justice Taft,
was approved by all the justices
except Mr. Clark, i who did not
state the grounds for his dissent.
The case arose out of a strike
at the American Steel foundries
plant at Granite City, 111., where
1600 men were normally employ
ed. After shutting down, it re
sumed operations as an open shop
with-about' 350 men. about one
half of whom belonged to la
bor unions. The Tri-City trades
council, upon the refusal of the
manager of the pliant to negotiate,
declared a strike' and established
pickets. There was considerable
violence until the courts inter-;
vened and restricted the picketers'
activities. The council thereupon
contested the authority of the
courts to interfere.:
"In going to and from work,
men have a right I to as free a
passage without obstruction as
the streets afford," the supremo
court held, "consistent with the
rights of others to enjoy the same
privileges." j
While attempts to Influence
another's action cannot be re
garded as aggressions or a viola
tion of the other's rights, the
court continued, "importunity and
dogging become unjustifiable an
noyance and obstruction which is
likely soon to avor of intimida
tion." - In this case "all arguments ad
vanced and all persuasion used
were intimidation," it was declar
ed, adding that pickets should not
"be abusive, libelous or threaten
ing," nor "approach individuals
together." . i
This rule, the court explained,
might "be varied inj other case3."
The courts must, however, "pre
vent the inevitable intimidation
of the presence of groups of pick
ets, but to allow missionaries.'.'
-The action of the -counctt In
calling the strike under consider
ation was declared not "malic
ious." ; j
"The strike became a lawful
instrument in a lawful economic
struggle or competition between
employer and employes," the chief
justice stated, "as to the share or
division between them of the
Joint product of labor -and capi
tal, .. The principle . of
the unlawfulness of maliciously
enticing of laborers still remains,
and action may be ' maintained
therefor in proper cases, but to
make it applicable to local labor
unions, in such a case- as this,
seems to us to be unreasonable."
At Chicago the close of the first
day of the strike i of packing
house workers, union officials an
nounced 41,000 workmen In pack
ing houses were on strike, while
spokesmen for the packers assert
ed Chicago plants were operating
with full forces, while plants in
other centers alt continued work.
Twenty-nine thousand workers
outside of Chicago iresponded to
the strike call.' according to a
statement by Dennis Lane, secre
tary of the Amalgamated Meat
Cutters and Butcher Workmen of
North America, which called -the
strike of a ware cut averaging 10
per. cent had been decided on by
plant assemblies, composed ot
representatives of employers and
workers. "
- More than 12.000 workers em
ployed? by the big- five packers
here walked out, Mr. Lane said.
Spokesmen for the "big five" nave
figures to show that only about
1.000 men - were out in ttwrse
plants while the number on strike
at independent plants was given
by packing officials i as about the
same number. ' , j -
V'-The-Kansas court of: industrial
relations today told Mayor II. D.
Burton of Kansas City, Kansas,
and Ht TV Zlmmer, ciiief of -police.
that unless; crowds: surrounding
(Continued on page 2)
, According to a report just received by E. A. Rhoten of
this city from the New York office of the American Jersey
Cattle club, McArthur & Stauff, of Rickreall, Ore., have set a
new world's record for butterfat production by a herd of
15 or more cows for a period of six months. The yields for
the months of May to October inclusive have been checked
up by the club officials and they show the remarkable aver
age of 60.01 pounds butterfat per month or approximately
two pounds per day. No other Jersey herd in the world has
ever equaled or even approached this record.
The McArthur & Stauff herd
broke the world's Jersey record
for monthly butterfat production
last May when 15 cows averaged
60.68 pounds butterfat and in
July the same herd boosted its
own record to 67.37 pounds. The
average for June was 59. "2
pounds, for August 58.80 pounds,
September 58.49 pounds and Oc
tober 61.19 pounds. The number
of cows on test duing the past
three months was 17, all of which
were bred by their owners. The
remarkable record which this herd
is making does not represent a
few selections from among the
highest producers, but everything
The Salem Associated Charities
was organiged at a meeting held
last night at the Commerical club
of those interested in centralized
charity for the city.
Officers elected were: Harry M.
Levy, president; Dr. H. E. Morris,
first rice-president; Mrs. E. A.
Thompson, second vice-president;
Mrs. G. Ed Ross, secretary and
treasurer. Directors elected were
George W. Hug, E. A. Rhoten and
Mrs..E. E. Fisher. .
The object of the Salem Asso
ciated Charities Is to bring tone
organized body the hundreds or
calls for help that will be made
this coming winter. Also to pre
vent duplication in the charitable
work of many and to equalize as
far as possible the work of those
who are willing to help people of
special meeting
called for work
On purchase plan
How will Salem have its campground. With or without
trimmings ?
This is the proposition to be finally decided upon by the
city council at a special council meeting to be held Friday
night, December 9.
Dealing death to the original ordinance bills calling for a
special election to be held January 12, at which time the
purchase of camp grounds and badly needed fire equipment
would be voted upon by the taxpayers, the council reversed
itself last night.
The orirnal camp ground purchase proposition called for
tHe expenditure o'f $7000 to cover items of $3900 for the
three blocks of property as campground site and $3100 for
present equipment.
Ilaunigartnor Ixads Fight
Alderman Joseph Baumgartnerj
led a sensational fight against the;
proposal of paying for camp
ground equipment, which he as
serted had been paid for by popu
lar subscription and which wai
virtually the legal accoutrements
of the property.. Mr. Raumgart
ner declared that he heartily ap
proved purchase of the camp site,
but said that he and many otht-r
business men would vote against
the- measure if the money were
paid back into the Commercial
Baumgartner's cause met with
hearty support from Alderman
Giesy, McClelland. Suter, Vande
vort and Marcus. Other council
men were soon won over although
Alderman Utter and aPtton in
sisted that the measure should
go before the voters in its orig
inal form.
Extra Equipment freed
The fire equipment measure,
calling for the expenditure of
$12,000 for a triple combination
pumper, met with the hearty ap
proval of all aldermen and will
probably be the most popular is
sue on the ballot as one serious
fire call now takes all of the pres
ent equipment, leaving the city
unprotected should a second fire
break out.
A warm fight threatened when
the city ordinance providing man
datory enfranchisement of at! pas
senger carrying, for-hiro busses
was Introduced for its third read
ing. This measure gives the city
council power to refuse or grant
franchises to all for hire, motor
vehicles In addition to providing a
definite parking or control plan.
. "I am opposing this measure be
on test for the full period of each
month. There has been no crowd
ing or forced feeding, but every
animal has received the best of
can; and intelligent supervision.
The owners of the herd are hope
ful of continuing its high average
production until May 1, 1922.
thereby establishing a yearly rec
ord for all dairy breeds.
The owners of this record
breaking herd are Representative
C. N. McArthur, of Portland, and
Oscar B. Stauff. The latter is a
graduate of Oregon Agricultural
college. The herd was established
in 1914 and numbers about 50
animals, including young stock.
Salem who really need help.
It developed that there is need
of immediate help for at least 20
families in the city and in order
that something may be done, it
was suggested that those willing
to help financially, should send
their offerings to the Commercial
For the present, Mr. Levy, pres
ident, will have charge until the
directors elect one person to
whom should be referred all mat
ters of charity.
Recently Miss Grace Taylor,
health nurse for the city Fchools,
appeared before the Kiwani3 clun
of the city and told of the neces
sity of some central organized
charity by which the charitable
work of the city will be fafrly di
vided. cause it was written in the offices
of the Southern Pacific company,"
declared Utter. "If the Southern
Paeific is going to control this
city, I am for abolishing the coun
cil and letting- the railroad have
full control. I received a copy of
this bill on Southern Pacific sta
tionery three months ago and will
say that Mr. Billingsly, local su
perintendent has been active In in
troducing It."
The bill was adopted, Alderman
Utter alone opposing.
Ward Extended
The councilmen approved an
ordinance placing the fairgrounds
within the boundaries of Ward 5
This will permit participation in
the proposed general election by
voters of this district. The state
fairground and adjoining area
were a year ago placed in city
boundaries as -the result of a
general election.
R. A: Harris appeared before
ihe aldermen and explained ne
cessity of passage of a special or
dinance segregating certain prop
erty from a general assessment in
the district near D and Capitol
streets. This measure wa defer
red for action at the special meet
ing, December 9.
Would Improve Oowinjr.
Alderman L.. If. Suter, recom
mended that the Southern Pacific
company be requested to pave the
railroad crossing at Twelfth and
P streets. Alderman Patton call
ed attention to the fact that the
Southern Pacific company hal al
po neglected to remore excava
tions made for the North Sum
mer street car lines.
City Attorney Ray Smith was
(Continued on page 6)
Woodburn Youth Held on
Charge of Writing Anony
mous Letter That Has
Bearing on Affair.
Lad Waives Preliminaries
and is Placed in Oreg
on City Jail
OREGON CITY, Or., Dec. 5.
(Special to The Statesman.-
James Ahrahain, 17, of Wood
burn, was ; arrested by Clackamas
county oflicers at 3 o'clock p.
m. today on a warrant charKin?
him with writinc an anonymous
letter threatening the life of Roy
Ynder, cousin of Simon Yoder,
who was killed last March on the
Pacific hlchway near Gervais
while bringinK a mysterious pas
senRer from Woodburn to Salem
near the midnight hour.
letter (iivrn Police
Th-3 lrtte which young Ab
raham in accr.sed of writing was
mailed at O.egon City on Armis
tice day last. It was received by
Roy Yoder in OreKJn City and
read as follows:
"Roy Yoder, down bv the Rart
lett: "Your time is corn'ng to. The
nights of the road have condem
you to die. We ro: the reward
vnil arn lrrlrtncr frt
"nights of tha road."
The letter was turned over to
J. L. Hadicy, chief of police iof
Orepon City, whoso investigations
have led to Abraham's arrest.
Constable Ed Fortune served the
warrant signed by local police of
ficers as complaining witnesses at
2 o'clock this afternoon. Abra
ham waa brought to Oregon City
where lie waived preliminary
bearing in justice court and was
confined in the county Jail in de
fault of bail or $2000.
Innocence Claimed
Abraham stoutly maintains his
innocence and says he knows
nothing about the letter. The let
ter, together with manuscript?
known to have been written by
Abraham, have been submitted to
handwriting experts for compari
The. Yoder murder has been un
der Investigation s'nee the date
of the crime and the authorities
are holding Ahrahain and will
bring him to trial in an effort to
determine whether the anony
mous ictter for which he is be
lieved to be responsible has any
bearing on the case.
Goes to Los Angeles Home
After Waiving Hearing
On Prohibition Charge
Two courts were concerned today
with the aftermath of the man
slaughter trial of Roscoe C (Fat
ty) Arbuckle. which ended in a
disagreement yesterday.
In the commissioner's division
of the United States district court,
an appearance was made for Ar
buckle In answer to a prohibition
violation charged against him
ard simultaneously in the police
court Mrs. Minnie Neighbors, wit
ness for the defense in the man
slaughter trial, appeared on a per
jury charge in connection with
her testimony.
A preliminary hearing wa3
waived by the defense on the pro
hibition charge and the Neighbors
case was continued until Wednes
day. Previous to the calling of these
cases District Attorney Rrady an
nounced that he was investigating
information that an attempt was
made to intimidate Mrs. Helen M.
Hubbard, one of the jurors in the
manslaughter trial. She voted
for conviction consistently.
Brady said he may present the
matter to the grand jury for an
exhaustive Inouiry. The grand
jury is scheduled to meet tonig'ut.
Police Lieutenant William Lam
bert, mentioned In connection
with the intimidation charges, has
beea asked f by Chief of Police
J O'Brien to make a full statement.
The prohibition violation charge
arose out of the serving and con
sumption of liiuor at the party In
Arbnckle's rooms In the Hotel St.
Francis on! September 5. durlr.g
which he is! alleged to have fatal
ly Injured Miss Virginia Rappe,
mo ton picture actress. The man
slaughter trial resulted from Miss
Bappe's death,
Hal Hibbard Camp, Spanish
War Veterans, Elects Offi
cers at Home-Coming
Hal Hibbard Camp No. 5, Unit
ed Spanish War Veterans, elect
ed officers last night, to be in
stalled at the first meeting ih
January. The newly chosen of
ficers are:
H. W. Ross, commander; Al
bert Frohmader, senior vice; Ar
thur Girod, Junior vice; T. E.
Hanson, officer of the guard;
John Seymour, officer of the day;
Robert Kumrow, trustee for the
full three-year term, and E. J
Raymond, trustee to fill the unex
pired term of O. J. Hull, recently
removed to California.
The event, besides being elec
tion night, was a"home-comlng'
and open house for outside guests
Visitors were present from Hills
horo, Portland, Woodburn and Al
bany. One of the honored guests
was Stata Commander Hyde of
Hillsboro. who has been visiting
a number ot camps in the state.
He made a stirring address on the
zood of the order, and the need
of affiliation with all patriotic
orders for the national stabiliza
tion. Comrade Faulkner, of the lo
cal Grand Army post, also a guest
of the evening, spoke on the same
Following the business meet
ing a social session was held, when
the auxiliary women served cof
fee, sandwiches, cake and Ice
cream. A few toasts were given.
The attendance of the camp It
self numbered about 40, the larg
est for a long time.
Among the guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. W.
S. Atchinson. Mrs. Flood and Mrs.
W. J. Blackburn, of Albany camp;
J. A. Murray of Camas, Vn., and
Dr. R. F. Pound, commander of
Capital Post, American Legion of
Salem. Dr. Pound gave a brief
address on the subject of closer
cooperation between the Legion
and older military orders. Com
mander Charles Jlagcmann, of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars, spoke
along the same lin$. '
Modern Methods of Treat?
ing Dread Disease Causes
Increase in Patients
MANILA, Dec. 6. The lepei
colony on the island If Cullon
is being rapidly increased by the
voluntary surrender of number
of lepers throughout the Philip
pine islands, according to a re
port by the director - ot health.
The report says during the firbt
six months of 1921 more leper?
were admitted to the Culion set
tlement than during the entire
year of 1920, the admissions dur
ing the six months numbering
439. At present the colony num
bers approximately 5000.
A statement by the director of
health says:
"It is gratifying to record that
the benefits to be derived from
the modern treatment of the dis
ease. Many are presenting them
selves voluntarily to the muni
cipal authorities, to the health
officials and even to clinics at
the early manifestations of the
cutaneous lesions."
- The Phi Kappa Tl fraternity an
nounces the pledging of W. M
Byers as a member of the senior
class or Willamette university,
majoring in the liberal arts de
For tho fifth annual roll call
of Willamette chaapter, American
Red Cross, the city of Salem con
tributed the sum of $1,609.25, ac
cording to the report of Brazier C
Small, chairman, for the recent
roll call in the city.
"Considering the most unfavor
able weather during the entire
time of the roll call, and many
other matters entering into the
campaign which madethe roll
call difficult, i regard this sum as
a most creditable showing for the
city." Mr. Small said. "And I wiih
to thank all our . captains and
their, helpers for the enthusiastic
manner in which they entered into
the work." '
District Contributions Shown
In the district on South Com
mercial street , west to the river
and south of Mission street,
$32.25 was collected. James
Young was in charge of this dis
trict. - r
In district No. 2, in charge of
Will Carver, there was collected
168.95. This district Included the
east side of South Commercial
i street, south of 2UisIonr and ex
Or. Tyau's Action Is Protes
Against .Negative i Result
Achieved Concerning Dc
mands of China.
Baron Kato Deprecates Rq
ports of Newspapers on
Japan's Attitude
The Associated Press) Philip
C. Tyau, secretary general of tl
Chinese arms delegation and mii
lster to Cuba, today cabled to P4
king his resignation as a memm
of, the delegation in prote
against, the "negative results
thus far achieved concernin
Chtna'a demands.
Dr Tyau told the 'Associate
Press tonight that in resigning 1
acted without consulting the thrt
Chinese delegates and his actio
represented his personal view
The delegation was notified aftq
toe cablegram had been sent
the Chinese government.
"I personally do not feel a r.
actual results have been achieve
by the WaSitngton conference rd
garding China," Dr. Tyau said
"They have been negative in a
tuality, except In principle. KJ
erything has been agreed to
principle and then turned over U
The ' recommendation to
made to China concerning use d
tno Japanese language was agree
to as an alternative to the propo
al by the Japanese delegates th
the Japanese language be inclu
ed as an official language of tl;
customs service. This propos
was rejected by the Chinese, wh
however, in view of-the inabillt
of many small Japanese traders t
rpcak Chinese, agreed Japane
could be used in their communi:
tions with the Chinese Inspects
The conversations will be con
tinned tomorrow when the que
tion of public properties will
taken up.
uaron Kato said he was tori
vlnced that the conference shoul
be able to agree on an adjustmer
"fair to all parties," and. addc
that ho and his colleagues woul
spare no effort toward the earlie
possible conclusion conslste
with wisdom and foresight.
Newspaper reports that J?a
was playing a bargaining gam
he said, were . "Contrary to . tl
facts," an , dmuch . to; be regrc
ted. .. .
The Question of a three or fo
power agreement to replace tW
Anglo-Japanese alliance is d
manding increasing attentio
among arms delegates while thci
wait for Japan to define her pi
sition on the naval ratio.
The latest suggestion confer
plating an entente to Include tl
United States. Great Britain. J
pan and France, has developed
the point where a tentative trca
draft is under consideration
some quarters although ft has n
been formally presented, to t)J
conference, , -,...:..-" "
There are indications that (U
Japanese delegates and per h an
the British, are consulting the
home government on such a prd
position while they are asking fci
further Instructions on naval
tio. '
On the. part of the America
government, there apparently
(Continued on paga 2)
tended east to Berry street, ar
south to the city limits. '
In the district that Include
South Twelfth street and the d
pot addition to Salem, $9 was co
lected. The captain of this d
trict, Mort PHkington, worked u
der many difficulties and M
Small regards the Teturns for thl
district as satisfactory. ' -
Walter Kirk, ia charge of tl
district north of Mission, extern!
ing to State and between CottaH
street anad the , river, return
$123. :: '
Glen Campbell, ' whose distri
covered that part of the city b
t ween Mission and State, and Co
tage and the Southern Faclflc ra
road, returned $94.50.
East Salem Results
Joe Chambers and his worker!
working In the district east of tb
Southern Pacific tracks and sou
of State .street, sent ia to cit
headquarters, $50.
Joe Minton and hi$ workers eu
ceeded in collecting for the R
Cross $95.:. His district was nort
. . (Continued on page 2)