The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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1 1
r Z11?, ftlficate of delinquency is on part
h 7' W1" wear
tbe crown as King Bing but a
KJ?a . wng!r'Ba8 that for
u'sui i me commercial i
1U mere is expected a 100 per
cent attendance. As each Cher
rian will be assessed for the din
ner, whether present or not, it is
expected that everyone will re
port. The nomination and elec
tion , of officers for the coming I
jear win te made xollowlng the!
dinner. J
rrtjr Holding- j at
Bath book No. 287 will nleane
call at the Oregon bath house and
receive deed for 10 acres of land.
Two Marrieges Yesterday
Two marriage licenses were
issued yesterday. The first was
to Henry D. Turner of Chemawa,
a poultryman, and Pansy Milli-
Rln of Salem. The second was to
H. W. Winkler of 749 North Com
mercial street, a clerk, 'and La
Verne C. Gibson of 1415 South
Women's Exchange I
An nMii.ft 5 5?BMn
-.v,v..u. vvy, """v I
Street. room 1 nnntaln nn.n
Wednesday. Adv,
Foreclosure Ordered
In the suit of A. R. Trindle
against Gertrude Brotherton, the
court, has ordered that as three
years have elapsed since the orig
inal date of delinquency of taxes,
that the property be foreclosed
and Bold, the amount received to
pay for the amount due on de
linquent taxes and interest. The
balance, if any, to be paid to the
owner of the property. "The cer-
Wallace Reid
Gloria Swanson
, In :
'Don't Tell
Paramount Trio
in Songs
Pathe News
Hartman's Glasses
(YVSSt Easier and ' Better
&CK.-.-: Wear fh em and aea
Phone 1255' Salem. Oregon
Vprtalra at 162H V. Oamaarclal rtmt
Cairo 8ur. Noodle and American
XMsbM, lea eraam and drinks.
Opaa It aja. to 1
Special 8undy
by buying your hardware and
lurniture at The Capital Hard-
j ware & Furniture Co., 285 N.
I Commercial street. Phone 947
For Spring Planting Order. Jrom
428 Oregon" Building
Phone 17 U
We pay highest price.
We bay and sell eTerjthlnC.
HTe sell for leaaj
IIS Center SC Fhoa 898
We want them and want
them bad. Because de do
we will pay you the high
est price obtainable any
where. Bring us all you
Also old clothing, furniture
and junk of all kinds.
The House of Half a Million
V and One Bargains
402 N. Com'l. Phone 523
I- " " '
People's Cask' Store
L . . ll ...
01 DIOCK 14 of Pleasant Home ad-
dition to th ritv r si,
the amoun- die the plaintiff i3
For Sale- . .
A barn. 13x21, shingled roof, in
fine condition; within 2 blocks
of S. P. depot. Inquire Chasa R.
Archerd Implement Co. Adv.
' -
Preparing for Rush
No extra force will be But on
the postof fice until about De-
cember 15 or possibly a day or
80 sooner, if the Christmas rush
Justifies. The force in the lobby
will not be put on until within
a few days before Christmas. In
any event, beginning about De
cember 15 the force will be in
creased as the Christmas rush de
Legal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
The fine weather ift this part
' e wiuametie vauey nas naa
1 ..
" uuuui eneci. . ou me egg
placed eggs on the market at 42
cents, a drpp of 6 cents over
TUTTLE F. G. TutUe, died at
991 North Cottage street, De
cember 2 at the age of 47 years.
Fueral, December 4 at United
Brethren church, Seventeenth
and Nebraska streets, Rev.
George Chapman, minister.
Burial in Lee Mission cemetery.
NOAH Oliver T. Noah, died in
Salem, December 3, age 68
years. Body to be shipped to
Marshfield. Survived by his
brother, A H. Noah of Marsh
STOUT Lewis Stout, 91 years of
age, died Saturday at Mehama
Will be buried at Fox Valley to
day. Services at 1 o'clock from
the family home in Mehama.
HUDNALL Near Chemawa early
Saturday morning, Albert Hud-
nail, age 69 years, husband of
Ada. Francis Hudnall, father of
Clyde, Allie R. and Eugene M.
Hudnall,, Mrs. Viola Picard of
Salem, 'and Mrs.' Geralding
Truitt of Springfield, 111.
Funeral services will take place
Monday, Dec. 5, at 1:30, from
Rigdon's, concluding serviees at
City View cemetery. '
SNODGRASS At local hospital.
Price L. Snodgrass, ' age 63
years, husband of Mrs.. Clara
Snodgrass, father of "Ward K
Body at Rigdon's. lSIat!cof
funeral later. "
AYERS Wanda Ruth Ayers sis'
months old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Hale Ayers, at their home
in San Francisco, Wednesday,
November 30. Burial took
place in San Francisco Friday,
December 2. Mrs. Ayers is the
oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs
J. W. Swoboda of Chemawa,
and is a member ' of the local
chapter of Order of Eastern
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral.
Expert Embalmers
Leading Morticians
Onraa Caaeara
and dof a ran
aral oilica prae-
Offlea, Tylar'a
Vrug 8tora. 157
South Oommar
eial itreat.
Means Gift Baying
And gift buying means
Schaefer's. It is indeed
surprising how many
Christmas gifts we sell
each year and every,
year these same givers
come back to again ask
our advice in their giv
ing, Here you will find
everything in toilet ar
ticles, brushes, ivory
sets, stationery, etc. You
will be impressed by our
courteous manner of
dealing with customers.
Schaefer's Drug
Sole Agent , i
Garden Court Preparations'
' -
135 N. OoaX Phone 197
Odd Fellows at Turner
A number of Salem Odd Fel
lows drove to Turner last night
to attend the Turner lodge and
enjoy the Turner hospitality.
Roast or Fried Chicken
Dinner served all day today at
the Gray Belle Adv.
Public Health This "Week
As this week is to be known as
"public health week." at the Wed
nesday noon luncheon of the Ro
tary club the program will boW
devoted to a discussion of health
and how to keep it. The program
for the day is in charge of Dr.
W. B. Morse.
Belle French Pastry.
Traveled From Albany
R. O. Snelling drove from Al-
tany to Salem late yesterday. He
says he made it by making a de
tour around and across the San
derson bridge between Jefferson
and Lebanon. Working forces are
on hand repairing the broken
roadway on the Linn "county side
of the Jefferson bridge.
Fitted at Tyler's drug store by
an expert in the business. Adv.
Estate Appraised
The estate of Sophia Hopp has
been appraised at 1617.21. The
estate was entirely in bank de
posits. Tho appraisers were C.
F. Whitman, Keith Powell and
Eugene Courtney.
Dr. R. L. Edwards
Physician and surgeon. 406 U.
S. Bank building. Special atten
tion given diseases of children.
Wish to Adopt Child
Edward Beller andi Christine
Beller, his wife, have petitioned
the county court for permission
legally to adopt Eta Greenwalt,
who was born Feb. 16, 1917. The
little girl was placed In charge of
the Boys' and Girls Aid soci
ety of Oregon on March 14, 1921.
The society has expressed its wil
lingness that the child be adopt
ed. The court has set January
9 as the date for a hearing.
Competent lady stenographer.
Address A2-5, Statesman office.-
Englebart Gets Agency
A. A. Englebart, . resident of
Salem for many years, has taken
over the Salem agency for the
well known Watkins Products.
These products consist of home
remedies, toilet preparations,
household specialties, extracts and
spices. Mr. Englebart's wide ac
quaintance in this district will
undoubtedly bring him a good
A Box of Candy-
One, pound and three-quarters
for one dollar nd: a quarter.
Hass. Home Made Special. The
AcevM27N. High street. Adv.
Crossings Eliminated
The public service commission
yesterday granted to the county
court of Columbia county author
ity to establish a grade crossing
over the Spokane, Portland & Se
attle railroad at Warren in Colum
bia county. The order is unusual
in that by establishing this cross
ing it is possible for the court to
eliminate seven other grade cross
ings and this Is required by the
order. It is In line with the com
mission's , policy to eliminate the
grade crossing danger as far as
Wanted ".';"
Young man with salesman abil
ity to do soliciting for local pro
duct. Address A25, Statesman
office. Adv.
El araz to Visit Corvallis
, The drill team of El arax grot
to of Salem wil) . visit t Corvallis
next Wednesday, evening and put
on the drill work tor the enter
tainment of the Master Masons of
that city. Since the organization
of the Grotto la Salem the team
of 25 has been perfecting Itself
In its work.
Dts. White and Marshall
Osteopathic physicians, D 8 Bk.
Adv. -' ' :'-'
Recovering from Operation
Earl Mootry, former student of
Willamette university, is making
a most satisfactory recovery from
Depends largely on your
eyes. Those disagreeable
headaches are more often
than you would possibly Im
agine caused directly from
eyestrain, or some other eye
If you are not id the best
of health It will be gratify
ing to know that there is a
way to again regain It. Let
us examine your eyes NOW
and yeu will KNOW the
204-211 Salem Bank of
Commerce Building
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone 2J9 for appointment
an , operation for appendicitis on
the evening of November 29. at
the "Salem hospital. Orville Col
gan of Marion, who also was op
erated on for appendicitis at the
Salem hospital, is recovering from
the operation.
The Public Is Invited
To attend a free lecture on
Christian Science, by Prof. Her
mann S. Hering, C. S. B., of Con
cord. New Hampshire, a member
of the Board of Lectureship of
The Mother Church, The First
Church of Christ Scientist, in Bos
ton, Massachusetts, at the armory
on Sunday, December 4. 1921, at
seven P. M. Adv.
Is Recovering
John . Sherman, age 71, of the
Auburn district, is making a very
satisfactory recovery from a very
serious operation. Mr. Sherman
was operated on November 30.
Big Feature Service
Sunday night at the First M. E.
church, 100 young people prepar
ing for Christian service as a life
work will sing "Christ for the
World." Miss Laura Heist, soon to
sail as a missionary to India, will
lead the devotions. Rev. Kirkpat
rick's sermon will be on the sub
ject, "The Life for Christ." The
public is invited. Adv.
Planning for Meeting
W. M. Hamilton, president of
the Federated Clubs of Salem,
says that plans are under way
for the calling of a meeting to be
held next Wednesday night at the
Commercial club. It is understood
that at this coming meetings, the
applications will be considered of
several civic organizations of the
city. Just at present the Salem
Federation of clubs includes nine
of the leading civic bodies of the
A Christmas Present
From the American Ironer Co.
of $35.50. We can give you a
42-inch Simplex Ironer for
$139.50. Salem Electric Co., Ma
sonic Temple. Phdne 1200.
Charges Fraud
Northcutt Brothers have filed
suit against H. W. Cooley, alleg
ing the condition of 20 cows which
they purchased last- years were
misrepresented to them. There Is
also included In the complaint
that the merits of a farm tractor
had been misrepresented.
Give Haas' Candy 1
And please the whole family
"The Ace," Masonic Temple Adv
Surprise: Stuff In Store
Dr. H. H. dinger is chairman
of the entertainment committee of
the Cherrians for the annuart"iU,1"eo 1lcu luc lw nouses
crowning of King Bing and iniUa-
tlons of new members. The great
annual event will be held in the
new banquet room of the Marion
hotel on the evening of Tuesday,
January 3. It is understood there
will be some really original sur
prise ideas sprung on the Cher
rians, something that will be of
Interest lo those who have been to
every annual event since the be
ginning of the organization.
See "The Ace"
For all kinds of gifts for smok
ers. Adv.
Will Locate in Salem
L. L. Mennes of Orange. Cal
has arrived in the city and will
open an office at 512 United
States Nattenal bank bnildlne
Mr. Mennes will be local manager
of the Dundas-Martin corporation
It is the corporation that success
fully handled the stock selling
business of the Salem King's
Food ' Products company. The
company will deal exclusively in
Attention B. P. O. E.
Members will please mee at I.
O. O. F. hall Sunday at 2 p. m.
and attend in a body our Memor-;
ial services to be held at the
Grand Opera house at 2:30. Adv.
Another Ificycle Stolen
Charles Chittick, 11 Chemek
eta street, reported to the police
last night 4hat his bicycle had
been stolen from the parking
strip near the Y. M. C. A. build
ing at Chemeketa and Commercial
6treets. Due to the fact that
many boys patronize the Y. M C.
A. athletie class rooms and library
the unprotected wheels left near
the building are easy prey for
thieves. Many bicycles have been
taken from this locality.
High Grade Stationer)"
Christmas gifts "The
Masonic Temple. Adv.
Tegland Denies Charge
S. Tegland of Silverton. ap
peared before Judge Unruh yes
terday morning and pleaded not
guilty to a charge of maintaining
an unsanitary slaughter house and
adjacent pens. The case will be
heard by a Jury in justice court,
December 13 at 10 a. m.
A Big Program Every Evening
At the First Christian cbnrcn.
Center and High streets. The
gospel in song and story. Old
hymns on novelty instrument sJ
sermons that point the way. Le
Grand and Howe are worth hear
ing. Come tonight, 7:30. Adv.
Indian Girl Disappears
Doris Allen. 17. a student at
the Indian Training school at
Chemawa. wag missing from that
institution yesterday and bad not
been heard from since Friday
night, according to a report tiled
at the police station. The girl :
supposed to have left the school
in the company of her brother,
Walter Allen, and her return to
the school is desired as she is a
ward of the government.. ;
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer. Adv.
Mrs. Aldrich Returns
Mrs. H. X. Aldrich has return
ed to Salem from Houghton. Mish.
to visit her father. T. M. Cham-
plain, who has been in poor,
health. "Mr. Champlaln served in
the fiirst battle of Bull Run, and
then on through the whole War
lot the Rebellion, He has lived
lor years al his pleasant home at
1394 "South Commercial street, a
prominent member of Sedgwick
post. G. A. and a friend to
Spitz Iog I-oct
Charles Chase, of 769 Center
street, reported to the police Sat
urday that his tan and white
Spiu dog had strayed from the
Chase residence.
Bloodhound In Jail
A large black and brown dog.
bearing the marking, of a blood
hound, was brought into the po
lice station yesterday by Aden
Adolph, of 536 North Summer
street. The dog is an Intelligent
animal and at first protested his
incarceration in the city Jail.
where he was temporarily house:!.
Later. Mr. Bloodhound, became
reconciled to his new quarters and
made friends with the officers
who raided a meat market for
meat scraps against the dog's stay
over Sunday.
Chicken Dinner-
Today at the
Gray Belle.
Dundas-Martin Corn-
Have opened permanent offices
in Salem. This company has fi
nanced several large Pacific coast
institutions among them being the
Kings Food Products company pf
this city. They will be pleased to
have any of their clients caU on
them in their new offices, 512
United States National Bank build
ing. Adv.
Sophomores Picnic
The Sophomore class of Wil
lamette university held a mistle
toe hike yesterday. About 30
persons were in the party, which
went to Croisans gulch. Apples.
roasted weinies, buns and pickles
served as refreshments and lunch.
Only one accident marred the day
and that was when Jim Hill fell
in a creek with 24 good buns.
For Sale, 10 Acres
Three logans, 30 large walnut
trees, some cherries; 6 acres in
clover; 7-room plastered house,
good barn, on paved road, 1 1-4
mile from Salem city limits.
Price reduced for quick sale from
$7500 to $5700, terms. Socolof
sky, 341 State. Adv.
A strenuous Saturday evening
was spent by the members of the
'.wo sororities of Willamette Uni
versity from 7:30 until Eleven
thewomea.v9t the Beta Chi and
Delta Phi were very busy escoi:
n; the.visitors cvrr the premises
ana In serving refreshments lo;
the open-house rtrf.iara. Abo at
40 isitbri, studits of Wtllarn-
ctt rniversity at.d fi lends of the
Waflarry -
All ' the popular brands of Ci
gars, packed 12 and 15 in a box
"The Ace- Masonic Temple.
To "Attend Meeting
i At the community meeting held
FndaJf ev-eHing at. tna Leslie "31
ET chuTcm 'Ei A. ' Rhoten, Mrs
James Koorman and Mrs; W; E.
Tditnlinson were appointed to at-
tetfd the, meeting to be held next
Monday night at the Commercial
club," when efforts will be made
to organize- a central charitable
body for the city.
All Strong for Red Cross '
.Dr. D. M. Fields, in charge of
the- fifth annual roll call of the
Red Cross, reports the following
received yesterday: From D. A
Hoag, representing Brush college,
$1"; from John S. Eddy, Fruit-
land, $ 10.50; from Emma Houng,
Hazel Dell school, $7, and from
Minnie Jaeckel of the Bethany
schooL 515.50. Dr. Fields urges
all who reaeived receipt books
and other stationery of the Red
Cross to return them at once. He
"alsb urges all districts to make
their final report in order that
the rcll call may be closed.
One More Dance This Yeai
The "Elks are planning to give
one more dance this year, accord
ing tolivfir J. Myers, chairman
01 me aance commuiee 01 me
Salem Elks' lodge. The date had
not been decided upon as yet, Mr.
Myers said.
Collecting Logs
The Spaulding Logging com
pany has been quite successful in
collecting a number of logs that
went astray during the flood of
a week or so ago. Logs have been
collected as far down the river
as St. Paul. The steamer Gray
Eale has been used to tow rafts
and store t)f?m in the slough
just south of the mill.
Canning Company at Mt. Angel
Articles of incorporation have
been filed with the county clerk
by the Mt. Angel Producers &
Packing company. The intention
is to do a general canning and
fruit business at Mt. Angel. The
stock of the company is to be
$50,000, to be divided Into 300
shares, of which 200 are to be
known as common stock and 100
as preferred. The incorporators
are Joseph J. Keber, P. N. Smith.
Henry Saalfield, J. A. Wavre, P.
J. Way and N. A. Kimlinger.
Wants to be Divorced " "r"w
Goldie Ellen Crumm has filed
suit for divorce from Lester Rob
ert Crum. They were married
Just six months ago today at Van
couver, Wash. She alleges he
called her vicious names, that he
took lemon extract to make him
feel good and that aone time he
ordered her to leave their home.
She asks that her maiden name of
Goldie Ellen, Brown be restored,
and for fruit money to enable her
to secure the divorce.
Notice of Appeal
Attorneys for the city of Mt.
Angel have filed notice of an ap
peal to, the supreme court against
the verdicts of the juries In the
cases of Martin Horst against the
city of Mt. Angel, and Clara B.
Hougham against the city of Mt.
Angel. The verdict for Mr. Horst
against the city was for 11500 and
that of Mrs. Hougham, for 12500
and it is against these verdicts
that the city appeals.
Lodge Elect Officers
At the annual election of Sa
lem lodge No; 4, A. F. & A. M.,
held Friday evening. Ralph
Thompson wa$ elected worshipful
master.'1 succeeding William Ben-;
nett. Jerome: Jones was elected
senior warden; Henry Booshardt.
junior warden: Carl Pope, secre
tary and. Arthur Smithers. treas
urer. These officers will be in
stalled on the evening of Tuesday,
Frank Cutsforth and young
son, of Gervais. were Salem vis
itors yesterday, spending a few
moments in county Judge Bush-
ey's office while in this city.
W. A. Taylor, whose work as
superintendent of Oregon state
fair county exhibits has made him
known throughout the state, was
a visitor from Macleay yesterday.
Henry Yung, a successful nur
seryman from the Independence
district, was a Salem visitor yes
terday while overseeing shipment
of nursery stock grown in the
Willamette valley.
B. Paulson, city recorder
Hubbard, and also president of
the state bank of that city, was
Salem visitor yesterday.
William Imbler, of Mehama.
transacted business and visited
friends in this city, yesterday af
Reported by Union Abstract
George W. aud Mary J. Giles
to J. G. Leenss, lots 1 and 2, blk.
5, Englewood, $500.
XI - AT Wo tfVrto anil wtfa A
E. Johnson, 20, acres in section
33-6-2-W.. U0.
Dora Shreve to Mrs. Mattie E.
Bruce,. part oC block 1. Burson'a
addition to Stayton, $1.
Donald W.; Miles to Zona D.
Lapp, lot 5, block 8. Rlversids
addition to Salem, $10.
Prentiss Mi and Phyllis Theo
bald to John F. and Madge Peter
sen, 5.49 acres section 30-6-1-E.,
Fair and foggy.
a "a
They bought 'em yesterday.
S -w
Christmas and other shoppers
filled the Salem stores.
"Window wishing" is the de
lightful name that has been given
to the window shoppers. They
have wonderful opportunities in
the Salem show windows these
"Did any one ever hear a good
word spoken; for the telephone
company or the street ear com
pany," asks a cynical writer in
an exchange.! Yes; in Salem,
Oregon: Many good words, and
deserved. There is no better ser
vice in either line in any city of
the whole country or the whole
world. And the faithful servants
of the public; who are always up
on their toes! to render the best
possible service are deserving of
kind words. ! Salem is not made
up of cynics. I The people of this
city have anil display, the spirit
of thankfulness and appreciation
very generally. And that helps
in smoothing the way for good
service, too. One likes to be ap
preciated, even a street car em
ployee or a telephone girl.
"a "a
The Washington conference is
f .
Santa Clause is of the opinion
that electrical gifts are real sen
sible offerings. Whether it is a
reading I lamp for father or a
vacuum cleaner for mother it is
a sensible expression of affection.
And of courso you won't forget
the lighis'for the tree and that
you can have a battery and a com
plete set of lights that will illum
inate th festivities if your house
isn't wired.
1 : " "
accoiaplihiag wonderful reaaiuL)
The nations of which the least
was expected are coming up with
actions that promise a concert
tor permanent peace that will
tnralc this as the most important
meeting ever held in all the long
history of the world.
Portland and Albany Have
More Snow Than This City
It snows much more in Port
land than It does In Salem, ac
cording to the official reports of
the United States weather bureau,
i j i . i A m i
I I iKiseu uu i tiui us ui iue post iu
years or more. The average snow
fall in Salem for 20 years is 8.2
inches, while for Portland it is 15
About the snowiest place in
Marion county is the district
around Detroit- The government
records show that the average
there for 20 years Is 98 Inches
each year, or more than eight feet.
There is more snow on the av
erage in Albany than Salem as the
record for that city shows 11.3
Inches annually, '. Eugene with sev
en inches on the average annually,
has less, than Salem. Astoria has
had an average of 7.3 Inches of
of'.snow for tho past 20 years.
r ana -uny naa a mue more
snow on the average than Salem,
for that little city' averages 7.3
Just Received
A nice shipment of the
finest grade of
In Axminster or Brussells.
All kinds and sites. . We
have made some special pri-
ces on these for holiday
trade. Come and see them,
340 X. Com'l St. Phone 433
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from
Oar shelves are lined with them,
- ' : r J. .
They Make Ideal Gifts
for Christmas
Commercial Book Store
If you watch pur window now your
Christmas shopping will be made easy
in Electrical Gifts
Back to Old Prices
laches avijsearVf Ashland -averaged - -18.9
inches. Bend 41 inches and
Klamatn Falls 16.5. Jncxtesa V
Use Statesman Classified Ads-4
Until Christmas. Next sum
mer you may , b Just twenty
days short of. completing the
work that would give you ' a
good place.
Start school now and have
the advantage over those who
are .'postponing thei? entranc
until January first. ;
Utilise your twenty days In
getting a start in bookkeefl&g
spelling and nmanthlp.
Day and night classes. .
Capital Business
Salem, Oregon
Men's Flannelette
Soft warra,vcomfoTt&Uo
and easily washable, . You
will like them. ' '
Gowns -..$1.25 and $1.75
fajamas $2.00
Am i4a
247 N. Commercial
Aaron AsUU,' Prop.
i m
10 a. m, to. 3 p, m. V
ElectricFixture eSiWLY Co
Z22 tr.LrBZKTYST. PttOh h34
'. . -sr vv. u - '
-jI i siiJ .3:.