THE WEATHER Tha Statesman receive the leased wft report ot the f Associate Press, the greatest and most re liable press association la the world. Rain; fresh to strong westerly winds. SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR , SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 26, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS OR LM rn Mill) 1 t 1 9 . ' t," HE W OFFER Continuing Series of Inter national Conferences Held Possibility to Bring Peace to' World. APPROVAL IS GIVEN BYSOME DELEGATES Court of Justice Believed to Be' Logical Part of Un y'' ique Plan ; WASHINGTON; Nov; 25. (By The Associated Press)- A a . x a coniinuninjf senes oi mier national conferences whose ; fruition .may be an ''associa tion of nations" has been sug gested informally by Presi dent "Harding to some of the arms delegates and has .met with, their general approval. I The suggestion has by no nieanar reached the point of a definite proposal for such Mm association, but it wasj re vealed tonight that the presi dent's personal conversations with foreign spokesmen on the subject had, greatly in- creased his hope for: a new day in intentional j relationship as a result bf the .Washington conference, v. ., . '.It: was Indicated further that as a first,' step towards world wide recognition' f or the conference plan the results of the ; negotiations here might be submitted for approval not only to the participating na tions but to, those not repre: sented here;? including Ger- many and Russia, v: ; -.: So far as the suggestions of Mr." Harding have Deen made known they contemplate a meeting of nations about the council table once a ' year to thresrrout troublesome ques tions and devise means for the preservation of peacei It; is said to be the hope of the pres ident that in the end all ' the smaller governments will join with the great, powers in whatever discussions .- may concern them or the world sit uation ''generally. There Is an Indication that any covenant or any constitution would be proposed as the basis of the plan, or that any , elaborate International machinery would be suggested to convey It into ef fect. The meetings might be con vened to consider special subjects or. merely to survey international (Continued on page 2) EXTRA ChM SLATED WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. (By The Associated Press) - Gradual abolition of extra territorial rights in China was agreed to "in principle" today by the arms conference and an exhaustive examination of the Chinese judicial system was decided on to determine how rapidly the change can be accomplished. Sitting as a committee of the whole, the delegates virtually de elded in 'executive session to put the Investigation into the hands of an International: commission of Jurists-who will visit China next year and report direct to the gov ernments concerned as to the abil ity of the Chinese authorities to take over the full administration of justice' now exercised In large part by foreign tribunals under the extra territorial privilege. ',, Committee Reports Today. The step to consummated to morrow by the adoption of a for mal declaration of policy and an authorization for the investigating committee was regarded as virtu 11 completing the work of the Doctor's Testimony DR. LORENZ IS AMAZED IN GOTHAM Austrian Surgeon Astonished at Number of Cripples Clamoring for Aid NEW YORK, Nov. 25. Misery so poignant and so widespread greeted Dr. Adolph Lorenz. fam ous Austrian orthopedic surgeon on the steps and in the halls of the hospital for joint diseases to day, that he said he had almost decided to devote the remainder of his days to alleviating the suf ferings of America's cripples. 1 Dr. Lorenz said at the end of his first "gratitude" clinic, that never in all his career, had he been affected as he was by the sight of hundreds of maimed, dis torted humans, clamoring for his aid. And never, he added, had he seen a land so sorely in need of relief from spinal and other trou bles superinduced by infantile paralysis. 1 Hisi observations so far, he de clared, led 'him to believe that there were 10 or 15 times as many" such sufferers in the Unit ed States as in any other country in the world. He was appalled, he said, at what he had found since coming here to try to repay some part of America's bounty to starv ing Austrian children. .Whether he will accept a' 20- room hospital in Brooklyn which M. O. Collins, an oil man, has .of fered to equip and to, endow with the proceeds of a $100,000 fund or will accept an inviatlon to become consulting surgeon at the .hospital tor joint diseases is yet to De de cided. , : j . j . , The question of when , he will make a proposed .tour ot other cities .also is undetermined. FIGHTS BLAZE Heart of Business District is Th reatehed, Other Cities Send Assistance AUGUSTA. Ga.. Nov. 25. Fire apparatus from three cities, At lanta, Macon and Columbus,. is be ing rushed here to" fight a blaze which broke out in the business district at 1:S this morningand was still burning fiercely there hours later. Several , , buildings have been destroyed and it waa re garded as probable that the entire block in which the Albion hotel la located would be consumed. - The Macon fire' department" Is being, rushed to Augusta by spe cial train. Portland Fire Los$ October is $51,000 PORTLAND, Or.. Nov. 25. Thirty-two fires out of 87 alarms an swered during October resulted in losses amounting to $51,855.50, according to a, report filed today by Fire Marshal Edward Grenfel with Commissioner Bigelow. The fire in the top story of the Benson hotel loss, causing damage esti mated at $45,459.92. conference relating to extra ter rltoriallty. The framing of the resolution was left to a sub-committee headed by Senator . Lodge of the American delegation with instructions to report at tomor row's meeting. During today's session the com mittee also gave some considera tion tothe question of postal au tonomy lor China, but no decision had been reached at adjournment. The argument of .China on the subject was presented by Dr. Sze, the Chinese minister here, who declared the existence of foreign postal systems .In China was wholly without sanction in Inter national law and whose address was marked by several expres- AUGUSTA TERRITORIAL FOR WITNESSES IN HELP G0IDI1 Pasadena Trained Nurse Declares She Treated Virginia Rappe Five Times for Bladder Trouble. FAMOUS ALIENIST OF THAW CASr- IS CALLED Crowd Again Throngs Court Room Defendant Un moved by Testimony SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 25 Testimony that Virginia Rappe, whose death hj the basis of a man slaughter charge against Roscoe C. (Fatty) Arbuckle "was intoxi cated and did not remember what happened to her," according to her own statement, was given in Arbuckle's trial today. The wit ness who gave this evidence was Dr. M E. Rumwell, who first treated Miss Rappe after the par ty in Arbuckle's rooms at the Ho tel St. Francis at which the pro secution charges Arbuckle injur ed her. .Over the protest of the prose cution. Dr. Rumwell was permit ted to read a history of the blad der, injury which, resulted in Miss Rappe's death,, as obtained from her. and from his own observa tlon, but a second statement go ing more exhaustively into the cause of the Injury was ruled out He was not cross-examined. Autopsy Unofficial : The defense announced that it had placed great emphasis on Dr. RumwelTs statement The doc tor is awaiting trial on a charge of performing an unofficial au topsy on Miss Rappe. Miss Irene Morgan, a Pasadena trained nurse, testified that on at least five occasions she treated Miss Rappe Tor bladder trouble and that on each of these Miss Rappe tore her clothing and cried out as she is said to have done after the Arbuckle party. Thaw Alienist CaJleil The defense finished putting iji expert medical testimony today. Dr. Franklin Shiels, who teatmed as an. alisntst in the first trial or Harry K. Thaw for the murder of Stanford; White, illustrated on a blackboard how bladder injuries might be caused by hysteria or al coholism. Doctors Lloyd Bryan and Fred H. Zumwalt testified that blaMer ruptures may, under certain conditions, be purely spontaneous in character. The crowds at the trial were so great today that the defendant and counsel had considerable dif ficulty , In reaching their prScss. Both Gavin McNab, chief defense counsel and District Attorney Matthew Brady had to elbow their way through the throng with the aid of the police, to reach their seats in time. Arbuckle used his (Continued on page 2) ACTOR S TRIAL IRIGHTS IN ABOLITION sions of general approval from the other delegations. Feeling Friendly. Despite the cross currents of opinion that have been manifest outside the committee room, the meeting was declared to have been characterised by the great est show of friendly feeling an? general satisfaction was expressed by the delegates at the atmos phere of the negotiations. For the American delegation it was de clared that nothing but the friendliest feeling had shown it self at the committee table and that wBatever clashes of opinion may have occurred were confined to individual conversations among groups of delegates. After the meeting trome mem bers of the hinese delegation gave, different versions of what their attitude would be if Great Britain were. to. inslst..on,what has been reported to be her , view of the four principles laid down In the (Continued on page 2) 0 Slflay Free JUDGE MAKES NEW RULING ON DIVORCES Tucker Refuses to Consider Those From Other Counties Holds It Unlawful PORTLAND, Nov. 25. Per sons living outside ot Multnomah county who are seeking divorcer cannot bring their cases into the circuit courts in this judicial dis trict, according to an opinion to day by Circuit Judge Tucker. Judge Tucker gave this opinion in dismissing the case of F. B. Cox against Frankie Cox, both resi dents of Umatilla county. 'The circuit courts in Portland have been made a clearing house for persons from other parts of the state who wish to avoid divorce action in their own communities," the judge said. "I do not believe that it is law ful for them to waive venue to bring their cases into another ju dicial district. "Divorce costs should be borne by the home county of the per sons seeking divorces. Further more, when a divorce suit is be gun In a court in the participants' own town, the district attorney has some chance to detect collu sion." Official Wounded by Bomb, Polish Soldiers Are Accused of Outrages KOVNO. Lithuania, Nov. 25. (By the Associated Press.) Min ister of Finance Galvanauskas was seriously wounded early this mor ning by the explosion of a bomb which was thrown through a win dow of his residence. The explosion occurred at 3 o'clock, and the minister's house and other buildings adjoining it were seriously damaged. The concussion -shook the American consulate. The attempted assassination of the minister is believed to have been the outgrowth of the high feeling existing in Lithuania over the government's proposed accept ance of the latest plan of the elague of nations for settling the dispute over Vilna. Army circles and a large mass of the population are against ac ceptance of the plan to create an autonomous Vilna canton, which they consider would be a sur render to Poland. The feeling of the people was heightened a week ago by a new Polish invasion of nine villages in Suwalka province which is in the league of nations neutral zone. Lithuanian inhabitants of the places invaded have reported out rages by Polish soldiers and have asKea me protection of the league of nations. Corvallis Man's Body is Found in Willamette CORVALLIS, Or., Nov.. 25. The body of M. D, Smith was found this afternoon in -the Wil lamette river at the end of Harri son street. Mr. Smith was 61 years of age and had been missing since Wed nesday evening when he left the home of his daughter to go down town shortly after dark. As he had no troubles that any one knew of, it is supposed that he either got lost in the storm and walked off the small boat landing or that he went down to see how the water had risen and accidentally feil in, his relatives said. Lyford Resigns Position With Scouts in Salem Having completed the reorgan ization of the local staff suffici ently to permit thte program to move on in a satisfactory man ner. Scout Executive F. A. Lyford and the. Salem council felt that he was free to take up further similar tasks of reorganization at other points where his services are needed, and his resignation has been accepted,. . The Salem Scout council is now considering the matter of a suc cessor to 'Mr. Lyford. TIIOH BREWS IN LII1IA ''Fatty'' LAST SHE I BE ENDED Lloyd George Informs Sir James Craig Sinn Fein Refuses to Swear Alleg iance to King. NEGOTIATIONS ARE AT BREAKDOWN STAGE British Premier Will Insist Upon ; Declaration of Loyalty to Crown LONDON, Nov. 2 5. (By The Associated Press) What is feared to be the last sceue in the effort to brinK peace to Ireland was enacted today when Prime Minister Lloyd Ceorge- and Sir James Craig met in the former's official residence in Downing street, where the imperial premier told the head of, the northern gov eriimeui. mm uin rem iieiauu had not consented to the oath ot allegiance to the king, a prere quisite to Ulster's agreement to enter an all-Ireland parliament. ' Cabinet Consulted Sinn Fein delegates are con sulting with members of the cab- inetF in Dublin on the crisis thus brought about, while Sir (James packed his bag and returned to Belfast, where he will report to his parliament next Tuesday and possibly disclose the cause of the virtual breakdown of the Irish negotiations. The official corre spondence that has passed between the various delegations also may be published at the same time in London. Week-end efforts, meanwhile, will be made by peacemakers in an attempt to persuade the Sinn Fein to modify its attitdue on the question of allegiance to the king. The Dail Eireann members have taken the oath of allegiance to the Irish republican and thus far for it recognition within Ireland, of King George. The furthest con- cesison from the Sinn Fein has been their willingness to recog nize the king as the formal presi dent of the community of ree na tions which Ireland might choose voluntarily to join, but even this wa snot definitely promised. President Sought Lord Chancellor Birkenhead and Attorney General Hewart, law officers of the crown, hae ransacked the constitutions of all the British dominions to find any precedent for this kind of rela tionship with the British crown that Sinn Fein will consider, but nothing can be found, and the Evening News, the first London newspaper to indicate the real cause of the crisis, suggests that the relations of Bavaria with Prus las In the German empire might furnish such a precedent. But Mr. Lloyd George, it is un derstood, would not admit of any arrangements which wculd leave Ireland's allegiance to the crown in any doubt and the government would support Ulster in refusing any association which would weak en its British citizenship. IVco Up To Sinn Fein The only prospect for peace now is said to rest oh Sinn Fein's conceding allegiance to the crown and the influence of the advocates of moredation has been invoked in a final effort to change its posi tion. The question is being ut as to whether the point involved is worth renewed warfare, for a breakdown of the negotiations on that issue, it is believed, would be followed either before or after the general election, by the handing over of Ireland to military ruie and the displacement of the civil-' ian officials in Dublin castle, to whose influence is attributed the previous failure of military meas ures. Jklilftary Kct Back All along the Sinn Fein dele gates have held the belief that no matter what the result of the ne gotiations might be, the British public would oppose the employ ment of the military; and in thii, they have the support of former Premier Asquith. who at a meet ing of. the Liberal Federation to day said the Libe'ral party had not receded from any pledge given against the forcible coercion of the Ulster minority. At the same time, he asked ail liberals to as sent to the proposition that it was (Continued on page 2) I UmS u STATESMAN WANTS OLDEST BICTURES Will you lend Th3 States man your very oldest, most treasured, most interesting photo, and tell the facts for historical story of the person or the event? Do you know the oldest man, the oldest woman, the first baby born in the state or in any particular com munity? They have some wonderful stories to tell. Perhaps the events have never been properly written and printed for posterity to treasure up in its memory book. The Statesman wants to get a lot Mh. splendid, cap tivating lot of these - old time people and their stories, for publication. Photos, ad ventures, love stories, poli tics anything that really lives' Let's give thes"? splendid old pioneers the lad hand while they're still here. OTTO IRK Portland Man Chosen for Sixth Term as Head of State Labor Unions PORTLAND, Nov. 25. Count of ballots of the Oregon btate Federation of Labor, announced today, showed that Otto R. Hart wlg is re-elected president. William E. Kimsey, now secre tary treasurer of the organization has been elected vice president. E. J. Stack was elected secre-1 tary treasurer, btack hem tne office for several years until he resigned late in 1919 to take up work for the government in the war savings campaign. J. W. Starr, member of the lo cal street car men's union, was chosen as the Portland member cf the executive board. HartwiK, who will btgin his sixth term as president, was also elected delegate to the Amerncan Federation of Labor 1922 con vention. L T Accused Slayer Provoked to Mirth as Women Jurors Are Quizzed LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 25- The weeding out of prospective jurors for the trial of Arthur C. Burch on the charge of having murdered J. Belton Kennedy, con tinued all of today in Judge Sid ney N. Reeve's court and adjourn ment was taken until Monday with the final panel still unselected. Three days have been consumed in examination of talesmen. At the time of adjournment the box was filled with temporarily passed jurors eleven of the 12 be ing women. Burch continued to show a live ly interest in the proceedings and laughed heartily at many of the answers given by the talesmen to questions relating to insanity as a defense. Stormy Weather Drives Loggers from Camps SILVERTON. Orog.. Nov. 25. (Special to The Statt'snian) The stormy, weather during the past two weeks haa caused a num ber of loggers from the camps to leave. It is reported that 200 left during the week. Although camps are still in operation it is thought that they will soon have to close if the stormy weather con tinues, IJEATTV LEAVES NEW YORK, Nov. 23. Admir al Lord P,eatty left tonight for Montreal, after a day in New York devoted chiefly to sight-seeing. The admiral planned to spend a few days In Ottawa and Quebec before returning to England 1 1 STOCKHOLDERS 0F BIG PAPER FIRMS MADE DEFENDANTS SAN FRANCISCO, Nov- 25. United States Attorney John T. Williams, acting for the collector of internal revenue, today filed 15 suits for the recovery of an aggregate of more than $200,000, alleged to be due come taxes, returns upon which it is charged were never made. The defendants, all residents holders in the CrcAvn-Columbia lamette Pulp & Paper company. were received by the defendants on stock of the corporations for which they failed to account. The discovery of the fact that the money was alleged to be due the government it was said was not made until November 15. , , V J The stockholders of the Crown-Columbia company named and the amounts charged are : The Floristan Crown company, $20,820: F. W. Leadbetter $18,000; A. J. Lewthwaite, $4,140; S. R. Smith $1,080. The defendant stockholders of . the Willamette company named are: W. R. Lang $2,195; Josephine Pierce $592; Sophia G. Pierce $10,538; E. S. Pillsbury $430; Henry L. Pittock $31,680; Bertrand Lu Taylor $29,419; John B. Taylor, $32, 932; Nellie C. Taylor $16,070; Henrietta Watkinson $21,585; J. H. T. Watkinson. $2,788; F. G. Wight $2,195. surai TO VOTE DEC. 12 People of City to Pass Upon Proposed, New Charter to Replace Old SILVERTON, Ore., Nov. 25. (Special to The Statesman) A special election has been called by the city council of Silverton for December 12. The purpose of the election is to vote upos the new charter to re place the one now being used. , The new charter has been work out by a committee from the Community club and by the city council. FORGED TRANSPORTATION OF ' . T- "- PUPILS IS F There is one law that Mrs. M. I-. Kulkerson, county superinten dent of schools, would like to see passed within a few years, and that is forced transportation of pupils and the consolidation of districts' whore the' distance is not more than two miles. Many districts in Marion coun ty have but a few pupils and these are maintaining schools and paying out money that could be better used In securing transpor tation to . some near-by district with better teachers and better school facilities. While the Silverton schools are at present crowded, it Is pointed out that a number of districts within walking distance of Sil verton are maintaining separate schools. hen bilverton is pre pared to care for more pupils It would be to the advantage of ad L OF Fourteen additional names of Oregon men were added to the honor roll of Oregon's dead in the World war esterday as the re sult of inquiry made by George A. White, adjutant general of the state into cases of ommissions from official records and credit ing of men erroneously to other states. The war department ad vised Colonel White that the 14 names have been officially record ed now at Washington as Oregon men. This addition brings the total of Oregon's honor roll up to 948. The roll shows that the majority of the men lost their lives over seas. Two hundred and forty-seven were killed In action, 82 more died of wounds received In battle, another 211 died of disease in Europe whilo 328 died in the training camps in the United States. It was stated that the list ia not yet complete and will prob ably reach 1000 or more as the re- salt of further search into records. 1 WOUNDED OAS I the government for 1914 in of this vicinity, are stock Paper company and the Wil It is charged that dividends , C. S. McGee and Frank M. Stow Injured When Train Hits Their Truck, ; UEAVERTON, Or., Nov. , 25. G S. McGee o! McMlnnville, own er of a light truck, and Frank M. Stow, also of McMlnnville, drlvet of the truck were injured In a col lision between the truck and Southern Pacific Electric train near here today. McGee may not recover, said physicians. Following the accident the in jured men were placed on the train and brought here. The truck was demolished, v . joining districts to have their pu pils given the benent of the highly organized schools . of the city district. In line with securing better ad vantages for its pupils, the Par ish Gap district , Is transporting Its pupils .to Jefferson, a distance of tbout three miles. The dlrcc tors in this district have foand that the pupils have better ad vantagee at Jefferson and that it costs less than keeping in ses sion a school in their ' own dls tret. Another big step in advance for a rural school district has been taken by directors of dis trict No. 1C. This Is one of t!i3 first districts in the county and the school butld'nj; Is of course pretty old. Directors in this Oak Grove (Continued on page 2) DEAD Twenty-seven additional name of Oregon men wounded in battle were added, to the state's records at the same time bringing the to tal number ot wounded men up to 883. This list is yet far from com pletion. Colonel White tttatcd, a it omits all navy records and all names of officers who were j wounded. The names added to the honor; roll of dead is as follows: j Willis Ilines, Gaston; John Jan-1 zen- 2R Church street Kalom- r".?.' ward A. Matuska, Bockley, Harney county; Percy L. Roundtree, Lake side, Coos county; Dale D. Mel rose, Friendly Hall, U. ot O., Eu gene; Harold S. Griffin, Medford; Fred B. Hoopef. Durkes: iDoilte Quoidbach, route A, box 24, Port land; Harley G. McCall, route 4, McMinnville; Henry R. Rye, Mt. Angel; George E. Smith, Tygh vauey; poison Tavenner, New. port; Chauncey W. Meacham, Continued, on page 2) MIME MI AND. HE NAMES